Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 28, 1904, Image 1

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    Harrison Press - J ournal.
APiIL 28. 1904. IN O.
)f Mr, and Mr. I. Hourret were up from
Running nater Tueuav.
The Crawford dentist is I r T.H.Sj.in.il
Jain i :.k, of Ajri.tf, w:w iu liii-ti- , The uii'lrrsiirnod will wll
,"Hf-w 'Hii syes.erd.ij . ioDoi,, (l,--, ril-rl JU-O-
A. Erdman and wile were in Harrison !TtV ilt ILf HUll It 4 111 i
Nice weather tlie past week but no j a couple ol days this week. li'Jll i of tilt' o;o nilich or
am. ' - ! .'
m thi1 'Hi''- Kxilh ol Moiitro.-e, on
John Coffee was ui from the valley
II. M. Walker, of Whitney,
i it y after a car of potatoes.
Jesie Newlin lias Wn on lh sick list
On week.
f J. A. Rice, of Andrews, a in the city
Mrs. W. H. Davis was sick a few duj s
this week.
Miss Dollie Priddy is working at the
Harrison Huuae.
Will Lacy put wp a tmru on his town
)roM.-rty thin week.
The Alliance Crip eel
birthday hint week.
ibrated its 11 li
itourret Sl 1 a m hail a new floor .lit
in the htore Tuesday.
Sheriff Low ry, who ifi wi'!: l ist week
is able to Ik; on duty.
B inker Clarke was on tin; mi-.k list lat
week, hut Is ljelti-r now,
Tie- s. hold children had their .i ture
tutieu in a group al tie; school house
It" v. 1 Hum Is ;ui I si, i) vm nt to ( i.i.v.
fold Tuesday cv.ti:ti -mA ix-turard the
next morning.
Lacy Bros, sold a couple of line roller
beariui, buci. ! his week to the Ham
mm Liveiy lirm.
Joseph Slastny, of Uphill, Wyo., v.a
In this cip, a lew (lavs on business lal ler
part tit this week.
Charley Thomas, of Warren, Wyo..
',n in tins city last .S.ituitla-.
f Lucy tiros. exie t to build on more
slir-d room for lio.si, lumber.
Jesse i rawfoni sjeot. a few uavs in
Chadron on busmee this. ku-L
Sam Seaman huh wile a- in Harrison
Moieiat and Tuesday of this eik.
C. M. Criswcll. oi Lusk, has lieen m
t'liscily on business most of the week.
Man us Vaideg and vmi, I'lato, of
Norlhviuw. Hyo., visited in this cily
fore part of the uei-k.
J Henry Warneke led List Friday morn
in lor Colorado, wleielei will u.sit a
lei weeks Willi his laiuiiy.
15 i:n
Mother and i 'inlddoi
To Mr. and Mis. '. II. Smith of
on April IJ'j. r.)fll, a girl.
The soldier,, who pi-sed th
aucikago Sunday, re'mneil 'l'uesd.iv
Koiii through hi-re a!iout noon.
Mis Hertha Th.iu:s ifter a we-k-
viit ul, fnrtul.s in II, or: on, relurneii
to her home in Wyomni; e-.terdav .
Jlel,:e ( 'rites, of ( I oo'ruil, U.K? ll pa'
sender on t he west hom.d train Moad iv
iiieniiiii; returniiij.; tie- same, evening.
" l'.i'iltN To Mr
April V.t')i, :
ceriie.i .loiiis
iiod Jlrs. If. II. J.-icy on
hoy. All p u te , i on-
f Mrs. t.;.trl Lirseu, who hud un opera
tion -ifoni.ied l.iM ek for ttuiior,
rnpioly ri , ; . .r
, ,.'
nun , n c. jin
Xi i " .! 1 1 1 ,; . i
Biro.--, ,,s . t - 1 1
llar::vi., la-' !.-( t
(. r.;e 1 ..Hlaio
west i'f i hi '--is
1 mini liio . , i.
were I'oiidoi ted in
I. i -. ..lid a -;ooOlv
- a'ii! her -i i er
as, v t-,t ! . i f .-e,
.I.l' I' Met-el ll-oOl ri';ir M.'irsl M III I .
eame to Ihirrisi n on l.u in- .tt Frulay
lit.i! 1 et uri.ed I - one- the I'o I low in u (l-i y.
l!;it('nrk,on TJiurs!ay, Use
! I'.itb day of May 1U04, at 10
o'clock, a. in.
i(il head of H-year-old heifers
ilia cows, some witli calx by
2S 2-year-old steers,
2-year-oll lieifern,
2.'5 1-yt ar-old lieift-rs,
2" 1 -year-old steein,
1 Hull J Hereford,
.; mares, .5 years old,
1 marcH heavy with foal,
17 2-year-old colts,
4 1-year-old colts,
1 Indian iony with foal,
1 saddle iony.
2 sows heavy with iig,
1 corn planter,
1 cultivator.
1 wind mill, 30 foot lower
L,i, i,,,.jand pumi) and other articles
loo numerous to mention.
TH11MS- 2 percent discount
for CASH or 0 months time
will he jriveji on fund hank
iilile notes hearing lo jjer cent
August Sz Adam J'aumprard.
P.G, COOPER, Auctioneer
Ihr. T.H. Spindlo tls Craw ford dentist
J. li. toirke arrived home on this
mornings train.
Attorney Meeuui, of Douglas, is in tl
f ity on hiisiuess lo dav.
Ju k ZtjrliKi, was a passenger for Craw
ford, yesterday evemi'jr. ,
fgiis. I'm e, 1") lor $1.
Plymouth Rock
li L. Klj-x. iu
LIjO Wilson's mother and her daughter
arrived here from Iowa, this morning
vVe understand that Mm has come tobtav
Mrs. Jaioes Connolly and daughter,
Honuie, came up from Mud Springs yes
terdity evening foi a few days visit in
this city.
lh -h irds & J 'i-n lnvi- moved tliii
s'oi I, of foci's in room south oj ii-eir
forile-l- Ice. i,; loll u tiere every thine looks
l orilfol '.vlile ;iu,i e- it.
t in to I;n v
Fool! rv iK t ; ii
Ihos. for Screen
S 1 111 J.iC.lheV lelt Wednea
for f -.. lo t;, v. o i ,.;
pi-yetl n 'lee.. ( ', .i;'..u'
tani.li ' h.e'.r on .louriml.
-; inoriuog
nil: he cm
I In l -. n
1 Ih,
1 i,-, ioiiimn- w 'is norlh-li.-ln
en,':ie;ed on the
at prfi-nt Crawford
Thn church oci;thle Kiveu in the (ins
wold home on Ft-:day e riling was well
Btterdeil und is reported a decided sue, ess
Gordon Journal.
Jha L';wis was up from Kinniuy;
water yesterday and culled at. Ihis olli -e
and left the wherewith that da'ed his
guWription uhiad.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Andrew Christian, of
Kutley, Wyo , were in linnisou Tins
day. Wo acknowledge u pleasant fill
from Mr. Christian.
nrv iiloravi k nil i ue!n- tin.' lit lor
' edar Rapids, low a, where he I vpi'l.-ts til
remain tor the summer. nis many
fi'iereis ( ere ivt-.ii him successi.
4 i,;nitv I ;i'i-.; o.iiie (iioi nye to Ins
many trie -k m o ,rus-.ii .yionouy i -yenn
and depurieil lor Sic ntl.in, W o., where
h will remain for the summer.
iYA llolliiijjsw-ortli was m Harrison
Monday , His wifu am children, who
li-ivu tx-eii spending the winter ill t alifoi
ii'a, extmi t lo nil urn liome this week.
F. H, H. kiha, a brother of Mrs. A.
I.i'dm.-iii, w le . i :ime here from Wiseonwu
a In ut j ears a):i, 1 f t Tuesday evening
for his homil in that, slate where, ho will
loiike an exli-nded visit.
(i, W. Hester arrived froin 1'noni i,
I oio., Tlleiay ev eniue; -mii w o reiicllll
In re on bnsiii"ss for a few days, Mr
Hester has a host of friends here that ate
:il ways ph-.-ised to .e him.
Tilt, , i . .
j. ii. i .lessr. u piny assessor ot it.irri
on. together with his wife reiurued to
(heir hou.e from this city Weihe-wh'y
iiionnii, Mr. Hi -M-r had heen un.Mr tlie
ire of !'r J, K S-i- der ten d r.-s for
n.ei,ro'i.',i-m., r -i uniiiiL' none' frrenilv tni
pioyed. 'liadron Journal,
A'v.iiint of Ceneral tVitifrenc Meth
rnlit. ' 'htirrh nnd N";itional U-t.nl f r -ers
.siKMiiin of the Unitwl Ntat, tickets
to Sac, Francisco and Portl.ind will lie
told up to and inoluiline; May 1st at
t IS X for the round trip. Hetnni limit
June :iOth l'.iO-l, J. L. HALL,
FXTIi V Kod cattle or sheep ranch
Houthern part of this i-oiinty for saU.
snap if taken at once. Inquire at till
ollice. a yy
All parties ipdeheled to Chas. Newman
by note, or otherwise will find all hills
and notes at toe Commercial Hank for
collection. Please call and Kettle all
open accounts by note bankable or cash
in hand and save costs.
CHAg Newmak
Cornstalks, hundreds of themare beintf
iis-'d today for making paper, and the
growth of the new industry is proyin,
boom to the w estern farmer as well as to
the man who conceived the project. Botl
shell and pith of the stalk have heen used
in several mills with considerable sue
cess, tne mactunery necessary lor lepa-
ratlni; them having been introduced
about a year ago. Some Illinois farmers
have their fields harvested for the n by
company, which hauls its machine to a
farm, shucks the corn, deposits the jrrain
In Imxes, bundles the stocks into great
rolls ready for shipment, and leaves the
husks and fodder prepared for use as cat-
tin feed id the farm all in a fraction of
the tune it lormeiiy required the land
owner to gather his crop The farmer
pays the machine man tl an acre, and
the latter can clean up six acres a day
1'he -stalks become the property of the
compiiny at'd are shippeil to its paper
mill. It is estimated that a mill with
ilaily cap-o ily of 100 tons of the linished
will require (J0.00U tons of stalks iinnual-
ly, anil that the hosking machine some
day will he pi-rlaet. so that it will cover
lil teen ucres a day.
Jens Jensen, of Douglas, Wyo.,.was in
this vicinity a few days within the past
week looking after the interests of his
homestead nnd attending to some other
business. He was visiting friends in
Harrison Monday and was a pleasant.
caller at thisnlliceand renewed his sub
script ion for the ansuing year.
jj, E, Zimmerman was fully ori nned We understand ihai tie- Boii.ii-
as a mmisiter at the last meeting of the
Omaha Presbytery, He will go ti. Utah
to accept a pastorate.
James I teuel nnd his sister, Mrs
Clunif. and children, arrived here from
Arkansas last Saturday. We have not
learned whether they intend to remain or
C. B. Brown, the photographer from
Fort Uobinsoti, was in this tit from
Saturday morning until Monday evening
and did a good business in the photograph
no; h
are going to meet at the rvipp pluou Sun
day afternoon to organize, their hall t"tn
... v... ... t. " - .1
to get themselves in shape.
August and Adam tlanmgard have
their stock advertised in t his i.s.siie lo be
sold May 10. The bovs will go to Filge
moid, S. H., nnd engage iu the livery
The front window of Otto lindeirran'p
bakery was broken and the sale room
nttred by theives on Sunday niglii.
Nothing of inuh value taken. Craw
ford Bulletin.
Allen !. Fisher, of Ch.idron, who lias
been gloriously defeated for various
offices in the district at different times,
lias finally' succeeded in Ixuiig elected
Mayor of Ctiadron.
Last Friday' dailes rewirt that the
Kinkaid homestead lull has bur sailing
having prr-sed the seiiaM and house, goes
to the prcsiient and executive uppioval
refill dud uliliokl cci taiu.
F.d (iuthrio has returned from Kearney
where he has I wen attending- the Military
Academy. He camo by the wnv of
Cheyenne n he took exnmination nl that
place. lie will remain here until June.
John L. Kay in determined to k i p his
herd of Jlfreford cattle well to the Iron!
nf far ns good breeding is concerned,
judging from th fine 1000 II) M mnnth
old bull he received here from tqe east
Saturday. Jrawford Bulletin.
Mr. Klema, a brother of Mrs. Antone
Mornvek, who with his d . lighter came
here from Cedar Kapids, Iowa, about
live weeks ago, returned to hi i home
Tuesday night. His daughter will re
main here for few, weeks mow visit.
lyT. I. Hilton, was in Harrison Monday.
Ho was a plcnsicnt caller at, this olllce
and left the lirm a couple of dollars
her. Mr. Hilton has lieen u resident
of hawe.s county for the past few years,
hil'j recently purchased tile I.S. Mcintosh
ranch a few miles this side of Fort. Holi
inson.and is living there so he is again a
Koi.iuiii.vii e.iiliA Cotitoj,
The news of tic. death of E Slitit.to,
h')M ..f ll. !... f lea ,tu,rt,t.
Mr.-. BoyleR, of Pleasant Kidge. Wednes
day nfternooti, reached hure just too late
for the pa.er last press day. Mr. Rhatto
was about 81 years of nge and had been
in ill heal Lh for several weeks past. The
funeral service were conducted by Rev.
Haniels at the Pleasant Uidgn church
Friday afternoon and the remains were
laid to rest in that cemetery. The le
reaved children and relatives have the
sympathy of all.
Meaty Bros, with their King of the
World Kineloscope will here on the even
ing of May 2nd. They have the Iroquois
Theatre lire. What Impiiened in-' the
runnel. Urunkeii triimpon Holler Skates,
and many other interesting and comic
moving pictures, ulso Illustrated songs
such at The Tie That Hinds, Last night
as the Moon was Shining, and etc.
AIMiogether 1hey have .10000 of the latost
movu.g ph-iup., and illiiKtrn t il megs
The ritKSH JocknaI. in reporting the
death of Mr. Konrath last issue, stated
that he died before he could be taken in
to tin? house. Thin, we have since learn
ed, whs a mistake, as hedied in the house
on the bed. Mr, Konrath bad been in ill
health all winter, and accompanied by
his son John, he went to South Dakota
for treatment. When he first arrived
there he seemed to improve but a change
soon caniM for the worse. He then went
to Sioux (iity where the best physicians
of that city were procured for him, hut
they said that nothing could We done for
for him as he had heart disease, and that
if he wanted to see his family again that
'le should not loose any time in starting
for home. He and his son started at
once and arrived home noon enough for
Mr. Konrath to see his family hut he
was unable to talk with them as he died
Mr, Chris Morgan is on the sick list.
Mr. Kara Tucker was i Crawford visit
or Tuesday.
Marie Madsen has been staying with
Mrs. Corder the past week.
Mr. John Bourret nnd brother passed
through Glen on a husiness trip in this
vicinty Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Hunt ley and Mr. and Mrs.
Iieiislow called on Mr. and Mrs, Tucker
Sunday aliernion. j
Mr. Chris Morgan r.nd Joe Jensen took
nn overland trip to Crawford Friday, n
turning Saturday.
Mr. Julius Jensen departed for Lead,
South Dak. Friday evening. He left
the bovs to edit the ranch.
Mrs Johnson, Mrs. R. Gilmore nnd Mrs,
Jim Johnson, and children spent a very
enjoyawe day witu ivirs Jienslow on
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. Will Corder took the train for
Alliance Monday night, We hear that
he intends to dep.-trt with his family for
Idaho in the near future.
We all appreciate the rain which fel
last week, It was of untold benefit to
the range. We ar thankful for small
favors but would like to see the good1
work continue.
-Mr. J. Jensen of Douglas Wyo. , was
in our neighborhood Sunday and Monday
His son James intends to come down to
look after his cat tle as soon as Mr. Jen
sen returns home.
Jiuilding material of all kinds; FTour, Feed, Grain,
Wind-mills, Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Farm J
4. implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc.
I You Are Reading-
That's what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give ua a trial. Yours for Business,
Quite a needed improvement is being
made on the river crossing above the
school house. The river has been turn
ed into its old course. Mr. John Bloom-
burg is doing the work. This has been a
dangerous place the past winter and all
who travd the road will appreciate the
hange. The crossing below needs atten
tion badly.
Thirty-nine were present at Sunday
School last Sunday. VVe think that this
looks encouraging. After the study of
the lesson the business meeting of the
Sundaj School occurred and the follow-
ngoll'ictrs were elected for the ensuing
year. Siterintenunnt, Mr. Mortmson.
Assistant Superintendent., Mr. Johnson.
Secretary. Lorena Lakin. Treasurer.
lara Mortmson,
' Bodarc Gleanings.
Mrs. Allssrl Hi I, we learn is having
seige with rheumatism.
r George Wickercham is tearing up the
sod. He has about (10 acres to break lor
his father.
C. F. Coffee is trying something new
this year. He has in IS or 20 acres of
a grain called sltz.
U -0. F. Colfee was visiting with his son
John for a lew ddys last week. He led
Friday to visit his ranch at Itawhide.
I'TVu learn that James Wilson, one of
the poinecr of Sioux county, has sold out
and is about to leave, like all the rest of
the early settlers to seek a new home.
After Sunday School last Sunday all
the young folks repaired to the home of
Mrs. Thayer where they enjoyed a good
dinner and spent a pleasant afternoon.
Rain is very much needed and nearly
every one fears a dry season, yet every
irmer around is hurry ing to get iu some
kind of small grain just as if they ex
pected a down pour.
M. A. C.
Physician Surgeon.
OFFICE: Andrews Bux.tc.
I, C. DAVIS, M. I).
They have u reputation of hi u.g first j soon nf'er hf-uig ttken into the house,
class. He was boru iu 1JI5 in Gruianv.
Y" Little Rachel Denslow accompanied
Nellie, Clarence, and Daisy Hughson
home from school on Wednesday of lst
week. On account of the rainy weather
her visit was unexpectedly but pleisant-
ly extended.
"Mr. Julius Jensen his purchased the
home of Mr. John Kalstrom. This makes
a valuable addition to his ranch. We
understand that Mr, Kalstrom intends to
move to Wall oo Nebr,, where his son r
sidus, Wo regret, losing another of our
old and rscted families but our best
ftiihesattoud thstu to their hew home,
War Bonnet Topics.
Sunday School as usual. Come one
and all.
Mr. Johnson is quite sick at present
r Fred Zerbst is engaged in digging
cave for Mr. Noerisch
I -i T
i mi i J '
EVE1; hutw Vui.dS,
Ilourtl Ity Day or W eek.
Railroad between Missouri R.iver and
Chtc&go. '
Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis.
Direct Line to Black Hills.
Apply to nearest esgent for rates, hum
Report sitys we will have a wedding in I tlmeeord.
t hese parts in the near I uture. i - ., . ,.
Mrs. Scott aud Mrs. Fuiley were visit
ing at (Juslave Noerisch's Monday.
"Mary Scott and Gladys and Winnie
Finley visited with Sadie (Inmm one day
last week.
Dick Zerbst is very low with mountian
fever ut the home of his sister, Mrs. V.
F. Shepherd.
Mr. and Mrs. tNoerisch and daughters
GuH-ie and Emma, visited at Mr. Hick
man's on the divide Sunday.
-iur. ann Mrs. t.nas. l nomas were down
from Old Woman creek and stayed at R.
West Bound,
No. 13, Due 9:11
No. 88, lo. fit. 9:85
East Round.
No. 14, Due 7:2S,
No. 84 loo. frt. 5:45,
Both trains carry passengers.
Manhood ' Restored
"CUIMDKNK." cu I'lDfcNK.'
ThUgrflHt vogftMbie vltnllzwv, th pr-
HfThttidll nf U Illinois tVauak nh.l tn
LXT M i at - ' - ......wD , Fiiyniuimi will
.Keelsover night on their way to quickly cure you ot all or nervou., nise..s.;
Hailison. i of the (fnnenitlvn organs nueli ua lost Mm-'
... hood, insomnia, pains hi tin) rliie.k, Se.niiiml'
We had a horse race ill our locality Kit,ins, Nervous lel,llltv. PUimle. i:.
last Sunday, but I am like the Harrison fitness to marry, Exhausting Drains, Varlco-
edilor was in speaking of the duel in that ,cela "d, Constipation. It stops all tosses )jy
c ty, too modest to mention any names of
hose concerned.
Not Rash Vow.
The no-drlnks-between-meals move
ment Is rapidly spreading over Great
Britain. However, it cannot he called
a temperance wave, Inasmuch as a
signer of the pledge simply promises
not to drink liquor of any kind "ex
cept at my midday and evening
mealB." It Isn't a very rasa vow for a
moderate drinker to make.
nay or night. Prematurity, which If not
elieckeit, lead to spermatorrhoea unit all t he
horrors of lmpotency. t't'l'IDKN K resnM
thel veranil kidneys, run lKN K strength,
ens unit restores. The reason iin"ei-eis ,.i
not cured by dor tors is boenura ninety jusr
cent sr tronbliid with i'lmstntlU. CL'I'I
DCNE Is the only) known ruinrdy to mire
witlioutnn operation. r.,0O0 thtlmnniats.
A written gum-mi ten given nnd money lo
turned tf ilx boxes do not effect a perina"
nont cure. ajLon a box; six for five by mall
Send for freeclrrulnr and 'rMhnonlnlit. Ad
dress DA VOL MKDII INK ( 0 Ssnri nndc
CiillforniH, Fiirsitleby Ric nahii AJonh