Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XVI HARRISON, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, APitIL 21. 1904. N O. -43, LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN Jake Maefcin was in t!w city Saturday. Frank O't nnor in working for Fred Beichem. John Biegle was la from Inn ranch on business Monday, Lcv Bros. had their implement build i.ig aided this week. 'Vterson wis u from I111 ranch ' i . i Monday, i j i ' ". ' '" "am- j tlislltess. lephew of Mr. J. I. this city fore part of Muck, of itudnrv. visited with 1 friends; 111 Hamsun a lew tif the week. day lore part A light "now vis, ted tins section of the country last rriiuy which mois,eneu up;0)1 .uroun, l( Ml.kne-s h could not come things a little. i-l ra Thomas nnd wife were in the city Ttiesdiv transacting business with Harri son iiierchnnts. Editor Mives, of the Lusl; Herald, was a passenger on the west Isiuud train 1 M01 (1. 1 y morning. Mike Jordan, w ho has tieee at B'M'iie. low a, sini-e lnt fall, returned to llarri aou last Saturday. Henry Win nek w ns in the city Mon day. Mr. Wnini'ke ititeiids to j;o to Colorado In a few clus. SVr'fT Tiwtv Ins been cnn(ir.i'd to his rouir the most of this week, the compli Calicn lieing ervsielas. A J. B -gart is making some improve, tiieiiis iiiioiit the pni(rty he recently invhsed of Frank Wright. -li rn'on-ement of ih fenc qtittiori IS working hanUhip on our l;m. hllien in the Mm tli prt of the county. 'Vn learn that A. J. B igiirt has ji'ir i'hiisl the Marsteller rjuiirier sHioii of land which located uu mile north of II in 1 son. r M s with an outlil of teams went up to A. U. K -nnedv's Sioux county raii'-h .Htt-inUv to put 111 crop. Craw, fori) it .1 1 It int. Corwin Lwis riturnil from Iowa Monday morning. He reports hi sister, v hose ill heallh called h. 111 there, us be ing much lietler. The iiuxt Stat- Sunday School Assoc. inlionwill he held ut (Jiam) Island on June 11, 1J ami 1ft. Lvt every county in tli slut be represented. Caieuters bav. Us-n busy this week repairing the south room on the lower fl lor of th. Andrew s block which Rich ards & Jones expect to occupy w ith their stock of drugs. Mrv ' 'Im's. have ii' 011 v 1 H bU.lii and bahy, who l.ng Willi Irieuds and rein- lives ' m 1 lA evks, r.-l l.e,.el t Tiles,!:., Iltoriolit' lor the past t wo . Mini: in this city The si.letvt l'.M'i 1 day w as .4! ,.IU-i. ' l,,',t Th urs. well it nnghl Iiave !- eri for i.lu' .is one of the finest daise have had this spring. Every thing sold hrougiilu goml price. Pete Watson, the genial stockmen and rylf hunter tf Sioox cooiily wai In the metropolis yesli-iday. Mr. Watson ex pects to return to Alliance soon, bring ing a thoroughbred horse which will in terest bleeders. Alliance lleiald. On Friday of last week I) W, llaiiw knri.nd Harrv Hiighson killed twenty gray wolves seven milii soiuheast of Glen. Thert,' were two dens, one contain, ing eight pups and one containing eleven and a grown wolf. There is a local boun ty of 1 10 each on pups ami $30 on grown wolves. Craw ford Bulletin. One of the most serious accidents that has happened to the American navy since the Mowing up of the Maine, oceured Inst Thursday on the hut tie-ship Missouri during target prat ice a short distance from (he naval station Pensncoln, when turret twelve inch g in exploded, kill, iug llvn oltlcers aud twenty -nine seamen. v5 jiinies Wilson has sold his ranch to M. J. O'Connetl. Consideration U00. It W,,rM , n,t of the Knott ranch near Gilcrist. Mr. Wilson is one of the ,srlv settlers of this i rinnlv a..d w. dis. l.ke'to ,ee bin. di-,K,r.of hi, land for thai I n wearehkelvtolose go.si cl - t-n, but we hoe he may eoncliuU to stay The C for J den' ist is Dr.T. H. Kpindlo Harry Itmiglartj was io tli city je- j tenia)'. ' tiwirge Gurretson was in Hie city on : business a few hour Monday. John I , Hi ke has a t-pted a position a ' the Beigle ranch on Indian creek. Mr. ai d Mrs J. A Thayer were among those wl j visited Harrimn Monday. Russell Smith was up from the Hewitt ran ha few davs latter tint of last week Mr, H iskel, a representative of Lincoln suar, wan 111 tin? cilv in the terests of that p:i.er last Friday. the. t'. I! (ire well came up from the ranch 11 -ar Hewitt lust Thursday but owing to the storm that day he did not return. The young people of Harrison enjoyed j a social dance in the sout h room in the Andrews block last Saturday evening. Presiding Elder Clarke, of Chndron, was to have liecu here last Sunday hut ' Oeortre Davis wan in town lust Sattir-d-ij. We learn that Mr 1 'avis has pur- chased the Bart lett ranch south of town Mrs. finne Wohllieter and children vis ited with friendsand relatives in Harri viii a few day latter part of Inst week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred fleuel, of Pleasant Ridge, was in Harrison Monday. Mrs. lli-uel was a pleas nit caller lit thisoflice (ieorge Turner v as in from his ranch Wednesday, and firimdmii llnvin went out, to hu ranch for a visit with Mrs. Turner. I'ol. (. F. ( 'oll'ee returned from the Hat ( 'reek ranch S it unlay night.. Also Duncan McMillan, who I. ml been up there surveying. ' 'hadron Journal. Two or thre companies of soldiers, of Fort Koliinson, pissed throiiL'h here i.!wut noon Sunday. They were out. for a march to Onii Junction anil return. Ned Ussher, who for tin) past two years ha been in Arizona, arrive.! here Inst Thursday unci intends .to put in thn summer ou the Siuitli ranch at Hewitt. N. P. Nelson and family, of Glen, left Wrtlne-.ilav for fil.i'k loo' , Idaho, near which place they coii'empl ite making their future home. Crawford Bu lletin. Mrs, Cocver und h-r in-ice, Nidlv Ballon, who havti been in Iowiifo.r the past four inortiis, relumed lufllarrison ye, tcrday niorcmg. J. H. Bieser and wife rpttirneil from Cbailron eslerdny where Mr Bieser has Isen taking osteopathy treatment for' rheumatism and wj are glad to say that he is very much better. Dr. Hi'luirds, of Crawford, nnd Dr. Davis of Harrison, p.-rlor i.ed a success lul surgical operalioii 011 Mis. Cal l Iyir sen esli rilny rciuovinga tumor which bus troubled her lor 5 eirs. T. L. Thoniison and his daughter. Berlha. came down from Wyoming Tuesday. Mr. Thompson relurmil home the following day but Miss Bertha will spend a w etk .y isitmg friends in this vici M' 1 . j H ad the Uoundiips from Glen by our j((4W C.1M ,VSI)oiiilent Catharine. We wel come her to our corps of co e pond-niK it well n.s thanking her lor the interest tak en in the I'ltKsM JiifliSAL and the comuiuuity of Glen. J. ii. Hensiow wn up from his ranch near Glen yesterday. Mr. Deuslow looks' hale and hearty with the except ion of a limp he has Irom an accident, that hap-! peueil to him not long ngo. He was a j Rt v i,t mor lumber is r.peded to push pleasant caller at this ollice and left un tnn work forward. W are very fortnn order for some stationery. I nip to return such nn efficient merchant j and postmaster as Chris Madsen. Kinkaid gets his bill through the house 1 pioviding HllotmentMii;MO acres. This We are B lad to welcome to our neigh tnkes thirty eight counties except such j borhood the family of J Jensen, who laud as may he reasonable praclicanle to! occupy their old home, formerly the irrigate, hut owing to the short space of 1 pnstoflice The Improvements which tune between now mid adjournment it is I thev hn ve mads sdd much to the Bp- not likely the mear.ure will receive Dun I ! action until next winter, Sioux county has H6J2")- acres simdy and rough limlier We learn that Herman Konrath of Mon'.rose was buried yesler.lny in the Montrose cemetry. From what is inn learn Mr. Konratli has not been in good health for some nine, and went east to consult a physican, hut it, seems that he I . . . l:l ..i.l . . A f..l ... i'"" onww.H died in his own door yard h,for. "'""' Kt out of h,s buggy. Mr. Konrath was an honored cttiaen of the "' f f l.ves n,,n.v friend, to mourn his los,. I ne rni-smiia h.sau 'enssj lopnoucs I to his hei-uaved family and relative. , I)r R luirdl, BIJ(j f Crawford. was in this city jester-fay. )lra 'hi4 L'Wt and i-tiildren have Ikwb visitiijfj in Harrison tins wek. Miss Ella Larseri came down from lloiigl.is fore iiart of the week to visit her parent. I'r. L C. iMvisgnea lecl ure. on the anatomy of the eye, to the Higa School ! wholars last Friday afternoon He will I K'v another next Friday afternoon and ; ' proKinly five several 11 uie scieuars are interested and wish to learn of ther even. The eye is a very mpor'ant organ of the UJy and Dr. U.V;S will help the scholars wonderfully if they will only le interest etl nnJ folliiwliinfxplunatioi.it. He hat a liiiuiun skull andean show then; just how the eye is located therein. The many friends of Mrs. Emma I.. Rice w ill he pleased to know that the Ludies Missionary Board of this slate have railed her to take up the work of that organization throughout tbist.tate. We hojie she will nccefit the oiler for we know of no one that is more interested and capable than she is. We have known her for a numls-r of years and can vouch for her faithfulness in the christian work and will look forward with pleasure to her coming hack to the opl that she has once served, to lake up the Master's work again. 'i 11.... 1 .....1 VI 1 I). ...1,.. if, T,,.l .. f 1 in ..Ml tiii'i -fioii' ,,m in . a 1 , . . evening for "iihlorni.i, where, if pleased with the country they expect to leniaiii. For over two years Howard has been general manager on the PtlKsw Jut'ltNAI. and duniigth.it time be lias miiile a host of friends. His reason lor resigning this position was on account, of his eyes, which, for the ,ast. few mouths have been failing. A large crowd of their friends gathered at the depot to bid them good h'eHiid wish them success III thp future. The boys will Iw greatly missed here, as they were pleasant and sociable to nil and it is nil friends and no enemies that tinn leave 111 Sioux county. OUR CORRESPONDENTS 7r7)undupsT Snow s'orm Friday. Bert Rodgers is werking for Ezra Tucker. T.ventv wnHx ha v .been killed in 1 vicinii v rpcenllv. Pan7.v. rhur .nd stnrled 10 wchiol nt dist Mit'Iw .tpntpn Tin 2 Mondriv. Mrs. Tjirkin nnd dniu'btr, T,ni-n'i, vis ited nt Mr Kreenian's Sunday ilternoon, itr, James .Tens-on, who tins h"pn vrrv sick, wis nM" to visit his father at Pouela f, W n, Mr M J Welier ha b"en nllending tlip Prf-shvteriiin Conference lit AllmncB ll.e past wek. The Fnnrfh Rnfriment passed through nor country last Saturday, pnroute to Orin Junction. WMr. nnd Mrs Millnn Green nnd Orvill spirit n petoi-lible Sunday nflernoon nt th bom of Mr and M-s. Denlow. Tr. Frtsl Websier has ninvpil his fam ily from Crawford nnd will wnr': fri'- Mr Wvkrrf on wtton HI this 'i'miier, On Tuesday of 1ns week while goinir after I'lmbe- for our new store, J. H. npnslow had Hie misfortune to receive a severlv sprained anklo. Mr, nnd Mrs Tucker are not well nt this writing. Mr Tuckr has Keen ill the grenlrr part, of the winter nnd re cently Mrs Tucker hud a rib broken hv a fall. Our new toro is looming tin in fine penrnnce of the place. A verv sociable affair or the wer-k was the oyster supper and dance which occurtd Friday evening at the pleasant, home of Mr. and Mrs Hennesv. Al though the weather prevented a large crowd, those w ho attended report a very pleasant time. Mr. P. N. Nelson nnd family departed for their new home nt Bhickfoot, Idaho, on Wednesday of Inst week, Mr. W, Corder having purchased the ranch. We are sorry to lose such old nnd respected resident hut wish them abundant suc cess in their new home. Carey items. John Aroer attended Presbytery at Alliance lust S.4turtiay. Professor Walpole says this moon will be a wet mm. Hurrah for the Frof! Clms. Stewart and Joe Booth both have new buggies. Welt-el awful soi ry for the bruiichs. Mr. Zimmerman came over last Mon day to assess Cottonwood precinct. V are all awful poor. Kev. Ewr has leeii holding a series of meetings at the Wnloudale s. h.s.1 house The K-wrrend is a gissl speaker and his meetings tiave creatwl (juite Mil interest. Mrs. Ij, on, w ho bus been siamg wild I the l.nni'y ot Alls-il Rinds during the I w inter, came home Monday and will pre pare to go to Colorado 80011 to 11 ve with I Mrs. Hue. 1. 1st Saturday morning the communi ty was saddened by the news that Jesse j Arners baby was dead. Mrs. Arner had i cared for and fed the littie one at ten o'cl'ick, wnen it was in apparent good health. On waking in the morning it was found t lie dead. The shock to the parents must have been terrible. That they hive the sympathy of the entire comuiuuity was shown by lire large con course of people gathered at thechuroh Sunday afternoon when the hist tid rites were performed and the little one laid to rest. Kev. Ewr preached the funeral sermon. Thimothy s HAT CREEK Jim Iliown is pulling a picket fence around Vl.iggie Jordan's house 011 the di vide. Mr. John B.ownshot and killed a black eagle ias.1 week. Distance re 200 yards. (ieorge Fitzgerald and Walter Hines are hauling lumber (or their house on the divide. Jolmy Surres and Annio Holfman took in the dance last Thursday night and n port a line time. K M. J, O' ,'oimell got, stock in the mud w hile crossing VV u k--i si 1:1 ins ranch with an empty wngon. Who siiys this is 11 dry country. Martin Doylo and Tom Hines are going to W oiniiig 011 a violf liiiitt in a few davs. We think that will finish the wolves in Wyoming for some time. John Walters delivered a temperance hclure last Sunday in sch'.o! ilist net No. 5 is-fore a large audience. Every one present, si emed Well pleased with the speaking. f-W Mike Rotling and Johrf Wilson ran a horse race last week. Mike his pinto horse ngui nst, Wilson's razor buck blue. When last seen they were going over the Five Points with Mike in the lead. War Bonnet Topics. John Bnrko visite! at the S E Sun day. Unlit. Keel hauled a load of potatoes to town Thursday. Ben Scot t visited with Will and Geo. Grimm Sunday. Sunday School as Come one and nil. mil at 2 p. ni. Frank slr-ntt is hur clormins ditches nt thpP Eflt prespn'. M. "!! Pn hns fl B added to her music class. nrtw scholars Mnrv Scott. Glar1v nnd Winnie Finlev visited nt. Noerwh's Sunday. M s Etiiti'i Vnerisch sucop,d in rid ine the goat and is now a Itoval Neigh bor, Geo, G'imm hns fine colt nt tlio S-E that is quite a novelty as it, has five hoofs. Andrew nnd Sum knori moved their cattle to RunninpwriWr last week for the summer. Everyone rejoicine over the snow. Tt looked prettv rough hut I guess it. did lots of good. Gen, Grimm nt'inded the Iicv n)e nnd honeht Tour nice yearling heifers to add to his hunch. .lack Finlev nnd Mrs. Belle Dunn nnd children visited wiih their sister, Mrs. Scott nnd family Sunday. Ben Finlev took his departure Snndnv for nodaro where lie will work a Couple of months for his cousin. Al Hill. Mrs. Scott visited t Roht, Keel's and must sny Mrs Keel has as line a hunoh of young chickens as I ever saw. 80 in number all just alike. Anyone wishing fine Plvnolhrock chicken. should pnr ehf eggs tfre. LACY BROS. DKALKRS IN liuildinj? material of all kinds; Flour, Feed, Grain, Wind-mills, Pumps, Tank, Wagons, Buggies, Farm Implements, Hani ware, Harnesi. Saddle & etc. I it e-.'4-4-4.4.44-4.4M.l.J.i.XJ.lXJ.4.J.XJ.XXli.l.XJ.iuLi.xJ.J.J.J.j j 1 ...... Vou Are j. 14. mnq Tliat'is what it's here for: To let you know that we handle a fine line' of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a firet class Grocery Store. Give us a trial. Yours for Business,' -i-HHH-..sV.'Ws The new residence just, north of our place is progressing rupidlv and from al appearance we will soon have some new nt iglibors. U No inquired how many eggs von eat Etster. Better say how many have you eat since. I guess Warbonnet can boast of Hie champion egg eaters. One eat 34 and kej.t them down half an hour and one !t'J and kept t hem down 1") minutes Can any beat that? If so let us know. PltUUY B USINESS COLUMN Read every line. Dr. T. H. Spinillo the Crawford dentist. FOR SALE-B.ird Piyinnuth Rock eggs. Price, Vi for $1. It L. KEltU iu2 FOR S L3 or will tnde my Shire Stal lion for other stock at a bii-gain. J. II. BaHTEI.L EXTR V good cattle or sheep ranch i" s.niihen. pail of this county for sal-i. A suiipil taken ut once. Inquire at tin ollice. a-28 Brown, the photographer, will lie at the Court House in Harrison, Saturday, April 'i'-i One day only. If you want i suit of clothes, or a good h.it or shoes or boots dou'l waste y'"rj money buung anyw here else but go to 1 GF.hLACII'S store and gel tint Ust I goods for the lea-sl iiioney. WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Salesman Clerks ami everybody who wants to en, joy u noo.l hearty Uug to send 50c for "Tips to Agents." Worth fiO to any person who soils goods lor a living, if not . satisfactory your money back. Cir cular lor sump. The Dr. While Elec iric OomU Co., Decatur, ill. NOTICE- I All parties indebeted to Chits. Newman ! hv note, or otherwise will lind all bills, I 1 mid notes at lue Commercial HauK tori collection. Please call and settle all open accounts by note bankable or cash in hand and save costs. CUA8 NlWMAN Russia.-Japesn Atlas, Ten , Cento- . ' T he North-western Line- A Russo-Japanese Atlas has been issued by the Chicago & North-Western R'v. Three line colored maps, each Hz20, bound in toiivtmeut form for reference. The Eastern situation shown in detail, with tables showing relative military and naval strength and financial resour ces of Russia and Japan. Copy mailed to any address on receipt. of ten (10) cents 111 postage by J. A, Kuhn, Ass't Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt., C. & N. W. R'y, Omaha, Neb. Vara Low Excursion Kates to San Frnclsco esivd Los Angles. Via the North-West eru Line will be in effect I10111 all station April 23 to May 1, inclusive, on account of National Re tail Grocers' Convention and the M . E General Conference. Two solid fast trains through to Californiadaily . "The Overland Limtied" (ebctrio lighted throughout) less than three days enroute. Another fast train is "The California Express" with drawing moms and aleep- ine cars. Apply to A(rn tlncego f Norsli-Western B. I Reading t r lllv.I 7 THAT'S RBiMT: s x A. LOWRY. i J. E. PHINHEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: Andrkws Block. L. C. DAVIS, M. I PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. HARRISON', - NKBRASKA. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITE DEPOT. : , A.NI A I .L TltE lTED WITH OOURTRRT. Board lly Day or Week. W. B- WRIGHT, P- iims e . ONLY Railroad betweort Missouri Htver and. Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis Direct Line to Black Kiiis. Apply to nearest -8nt for rates, mapa ind time c.rds TIME TABLE. West Bound. Morning. No. 13, Due 9:11 East. Bound. Evening. No. 14, L)ue7:. No. 88, lo. frt. 9:35 No. H loc. frt. : Both trains carry passengers. Manhood Restored 'TtTIDENK.' IX'l'IDKNE." Thlsjreat vegetnble vitaltser, the pre-r crtptton of h iniiiou French phynlelsn, will , quickly cure von of all or nervous dlse.see of the generative orraus such us Inst Mn-, hooit, Insomnia, psln In the Muck, seminal , Kinlsslons, Nervous Heliillty, Pimples, Vn atnes to marry, Ktliaustluic Itrshis, Varlco . rela snit.('onst'pstlon. It atopi nil losses by, rtsy or nlaiit. rreinatdrity, which If not chocked, lead to speruiatorrhnensnd all the , horrors of Inipotnnc?. CUIMDKNK cleanse, the llverand k rtnsTs. CfPIOKNK strengtk ens suet restores The reason sufferers er . uot enrod by doctors is because ninety per. pent are troubled with Proststlte, ft! PI DJCSI Is the onlyl known remedy, to . ctirg , without nn operation. " s.nM tlstlmonlals. A written guarsntiss given anrt money re-., turned If six boxes do not effeet a perm- , nent cure. QgloOBboX; six for Ave by mail , fend for free circular and estlmonUU. Ad dress DA VOL. MKDICHiK CO., SsnrraaelaM , California. For sal by ticAD AtJosM. , h with un.