Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 14, 1904, Image 7

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i He detigoloBly)-"Wbat a terrl
W thing it aould be if me issca!
bould marry you for your oioocy."
) Sbe "(dieouraglngj)-"It would
be for lilm if I four d it cut."
i Young Lad "I most have somt
ooey to jio ill oo a Journey."
Fatber"Eh? litre?'
"1 drn't k ow yet, but I must
t soaaewhere at once."
"Good land! What's bappenrdV
! "The dressmaker ruisuod-. rstex d,
and instead of a walking costume,
he undo a olnn-jway gown."
lvatrK bi.uut lift Cured
fcy Iocs! ip!tfi!ii. h tliey raonot reh tli
Bi-a--M.l i-ortiou i'h ir. 'J Itere Is oi:iy rn
ay lo rnf lH-ifiiif. ainl that la Py tnn.tmi
tUHia.1 renwtic, Iw-n U canM4 h) mi in-
riuie,d ilriiifl of Him r,timii Imiri., of tint
f4jU-tilsu lul. VV I, 11 tiiU fnlrf i:tt Uiflanifij
tnu t-ntv a ruiiihl.iiK .... ml or linpwfM-t he.tr
itr. ! li-n il I i ;iriv r!rtNl i-?nc-k it
th le-ufi. j.i'I -;tt's u, iii!ia:fi(i:'.tion im lw
taketi oui an.t ti t Ir.t rlort to lu uorin.it
rnniltnoii. Lmrii.jf ;,l 1m i!i-Iio.-.J hirt-ier;
tin. ra-f- n,,t in ten a' ' iiw-t Pv a;ar rii.
Iik ii l umh.iii: l.i. l 411 nir.;.:i.fl C4jiiliiiu of
the muioiu mrlm
I We will true on H'mln! Dollar for any
rase of I wain in'hiw tyraurriii mat cannot
ie etireil liy iUil' t jiunii tine. 'houU for ctr
hilar, frwi.
Y J . II I MI Y & CO., Toledo. O.
PoUl I'jr Imr.'i-. 7--.
llali'a fa ml 1 l'l;.i are Ihe brat.
Perhaps the 1110M interest loir small
b"y In the worH K the liitla . I'rii re
HicehJ, stands in (if 1 .10 Jaiiirns;
niiknioand desined to oe a mikado
n rue day. lie is four yeais nld.
The coin and note in circulation
in Japan tin Jaiiii try 1 were: (jolrt,'
2H,O'.3,:iS0 yen silver, .''., WiT. MO yen;
copper, 1 T, I '.. 0)2 yen, and converti
ble notes, il..Vil.rU yen, nnkli.g
a total of oOT,3il.7Ti'. jen. This was
ao lncie.s; ol (Mill, 124 yen since
December. 1302.
Free to Twenty- Five Ladies.
The Dortaiicc S a cii Co. will give
2j I idles a round trip-ticket lo the
JSr. l.iujls Kxp sli ; n, lo tive ladies
In each of Hie f Mowing slalcs:
llllnii'K, Iowa, NMiraska, Kansas and
I8S lirl ho will Sfiid lu the largest
number of ir.nie ina'ks cut from
a ten lent, li ooiii-c pickaxe 5f De
Bance c Id water laundiv starch.
This moans fiom jour owr home,
sny where In the alme r aniM btates.
These trade n.aiks must be mailed
t-i aid iccelwl by thi! Defiance
March Co., Omafa, Nefr., heforo
Jieptenihcr 1st, 'M. October and
November will be the best months
to visit the Kxp'Sitlon. Kememher
that petimiee Is the ot:ly starch put
up 10 oi.. (a I ill p lund; to the pack
nK e. Vou net mm -third moie starch
fcr the same no t.ey than of ui y
Other kind, and I), tiamc never sticks
lo the iron. Jin. tbkets to th'
Exposlllou will b" sent, by registered
niall Septemhrr .'.Mi. Starch fur sale
by all OciIcm.
vkkv ttm:ti vk
liinks "They say that I her: ar
ters of thousands f f.ilt.U tourists
In this country."
Winks "Yi s, oud there'll he tens
of thoimr.ds more If the doctors
don't come down on their pries"
For Infants and Children.
Tie Kind You Have Always BougM
fcipiHure or
forty yeoii 6?o and after marvy ytun
of us on the eastern coait. Tower i
VJriamoaf Oilffd Cot' i were introdjeed
fan the West and were called JlideM by
lth MorvMr and cowSovs. Thia eratthic
Irane hu com Into juch ocueral use thtt
V la frequently uwi,- yicuw opp?c
to irwty mftsinutej. you wtM uw otmure
. - w .i e. at . B' L ..j
X Look lor ir.e jn oi nt i unarm
the Whz lower on me puuotu.
' HAM is a act tf nuow urn
1 i TMaiaa rn anrnal Mitt II a
TOWU amWtN CO.Urwl toiohtq uh
In after yeats the uirl will) auburn
1 1 esses becomes a rcrtbalred wile.
CURES caUrrh of the stomach.
I i 1 ml A AA ma
3.&'3 SHOES . J
W. L. DourUs
hoe have by their
excellent style,
MajrJflttlnK, and
a pert or wrarluic
qaatlltlea, aclilrvnl
the largest sale of
mny shoes In the
Tboy are Inat a (nod
as those that eon you
S4 to fA the only
ifferance is the price.
Look for name sod
price on bottom.
Danwlaa bm Parana
Oaltahlii, whlrh laeTerywaere rnr4A lo
Mine nmwt rateat i.ainer y Brwinnm
tw 0 t Iff ii NlMakyaiall.fSr.itra.
Write far Catalas. W.L.ItmitUt. HrakMa. Ha
N. O 5 vise. f
iTJstis wftsThr-nncnn'c Eva Wafoi
What the Women of Japun Arc Hoinu.
'1 In- woiin-ii of J.ii'Hi) du not pi o.it
nd tij,'!it to-day a lin y liav- d.uc i n
rare o'easio'i in the pat. We had
nn Kiiiprc-s .line who led tin urmy Into
Korea and fought at flip head of tier
Miidier-i. And even in the 1st t "'ii
ti:ry. when the Mn.uii made hi" last
stand ajiatnt tin- Mik.-d , nei rly a
thousand womh'ii iind girls I e'o'iaiiu
to faniiiieK allaelied to the Sh ou'un
foiiKht l.eliind and upon the in-tie
walls, and in;t tiy were kil'ed.
It is dilTerent now. tiny the men
po out. lint tlieie Is mil. Ii left fur
the wiiiupii to do, nnd ih r.- is not a
wiinnin In .!a.iii who will shirk lier
duty. Not only iniist she lake care of
the family while the men re amy,
1-tit rlie in Iml w i,i k f"I lite iM.'d'. l .
Our KmpresK lier-lf is the patron of
the J.'ipane-p lied t'lo-s oeiily,
wliosi" president is always u prim e of
the piynl hiiiiso. Willi l.er own tin ml
the Knipress pr-par s lamlages nnd
ilolliiiii; fur the men In the field;
nml so great was her personal
interest In the lipid: and so ureal
was her personal Interest in
the men who foushl in the war with
China that at the elose of the war she
hhvp an artificial limb In every man
Who had lost on" on the hatt'eli.ld.
The w omen t ho act hs nurse must
lay aside their kimonos and wear the
regular dress of a hospital nurse.
Hoth before nnd since the war Willi
China the women of Japan hae at
tended the hospllnl t ruining schools,
where Instruction Is given by Ameri
can and Kuropenn nurses, ami there
nre now no better nurses In the world
than those of Japan. Mrs. Sftdagtiehi
1'rhida, In Harper's Weekly.
A Cane of (,'onvenlrnrra.
There are incenlou-t contrivance
without end for the smart woman s
convenience. A noel affair lias the
appearance of a plain card case sus
ponded from a chain. I in its side is
a monogram, either lu ribbon litters
or In brilliants, itut to carry cards Is
only half its mission. When It opens,
there Is found on one side n fair-sized
mirror. Half of the other side lifls up.
tlisclosing a tiny pulT for powder or
rouge. The lower half contains a
memorandum book. When the entire
Hide Is' lifted up there Is a place for
cards. The center contains a kittle
gold pencil with a jeweled top. What
could he more complete than this hltle
case? For shopping or calling it Is in
valuable. flower in Wante l'laccn.
Vou can grow flowers anywhere, if
you only know the proper kind for
each location, says Corintry Life In
America. There is no portion of (he
earth's surface that cannot lie covered
by Homo kind of plant growth, nor a
situation so desperate Hint It could
not he redeemed with Hie life and
cheer and color thai flowers give. Vou
have only to aeleet the right variety
of seed and you will llml that there
Is no clay too tough, no sand too hot
and dry. no rocks too devoid of soil,
no winter too severe. If you have a
swamp and nre afraid of it, you run
transform II Into a waler-lily jwind or
a Isig garden. If you own a hit of
woods you can till It with wild flow
ers, lu the heart of Hie biggeat city
a ten-Inch hole can he made in the
pavement, as they do In Itoston. to
covpr the wall of the house with vines.
The slums have their window boxes,
and house leeks grow upon the shin
gleR of a roof. Kven the dump heap
that you pass dally need not be an
eyesore. Put a package of sunflower,
poppy or morning glory seed In your
pocket, and scatter the seed over the
r 1 1 . . t ...I ..II . I. ., .. I
UlirilllMlK f-M,. tnu mi ; -,tt:
who enjoy the transformation, you
will enjoy It mosl.
'In in Hhirt Wninls.
The shirt waist at the left shows
one of the new spring styles. The
waist Is of white dotted pinc, with
fine stitclilne. The sleevo with the
box plait extending lis length Is he
coming to a stout person. Tho waist
fastens under a box plait at one .side.
The waist at the right Is of red linen
stitched with white. Under the neck
band of red linen and stitchery is set
a collar of white embroidered linen.
Hint for Bleepleaa Folk.
It Is not uncommon to hear people
aajr, "I was too tired to sleep" but It
Is not generally known how great a
help It Is at such times not to try to
alp, bnt to go to work deliberately
to get rested In preparation for It. In
nine eases out of ten il is the unwill
ingness to lie awake llud l-.p p us
awake. We wonder why we il in, I
sleep. We toss and tuin him! w Mi w e
cnil.l sleep. W fr-t Kiel 111!;'-' en I
worry because vs.- !o iM,t i p. W
think of .ill td;it luiv, . !,, i;c
foltotting day. ami nre i. prosed wbii
the thought that we cannot i!n it if w
do Hot sleep, first, we t y one ex
riuiPiit to ce if il will rot iiin;;e ns
siep and when it fails wo try an
other, and perhaps another. In uo-1,
experiment we are wan-i i ig to --co ;t
it will work. Tin re are many things
to do. tmy one of hi - h miglit In !p
lis to sleep. , ui the watching to see if
they will work keeps us aw a I.e. i.e-,
lie's Monthly.
Jiinain c j,, ,
.li;s now, w hen our nth niioii i- dins-ted
lo the w ar. it is in or s n' f
know nnd hejir about the ii-tums of
the countries engag d in the s'nugle.
This is jus! a liitle nl ut to wive
aixl mothers of Japan.
"The position of the J.ipaiie-p wife
is not that of equably with her bus
band, lie is the liege lord, 'o b
obeyed by her in the mo.t "ervil
manner. He exacts from. her the Ut
ile attentions that an American woman
expects, and usually gels, from her
husband. Without so iiiii'-h as a mur
mur of complaint from his spoils', who
must always lecelve him with bows
and smiles and ever have her mind an I
eyes on his comfort, he goes and .oniet
when he plea sen. When he fares
forth socially, he does not take her
with him; when lie receives gentlemen
in his own house a rare thing by the
way madam seldom presents herself,
miles In some menial capacity. Vnd
while such a thing as conjugal love
must exist In Japan, It usually escapes
Hie notice of the foreign sojourner,
the people considering It vulgar to ex
hibit emotion of any kind In public.
The nife as a social unit being com
pletely submerged. It follows that
others of her sex must lake her place
socially, ami lu this ollii-e the geisha
girls play an iniporla nt role." -Minneapolis
Any W ife and Any HiiHlmnd
Men lire pretty pliable creatures. A
good many of Iheiii owe their down
fall lo illconsldered ma rrin ges ; but
as many more owe I heir success In
large part to their wives. Whe'i a
woman marries, she has just one duty
before her- to be a helpmate lo her
husband. She may neither be satis
fied to sit at home ami he taken tare
of, nor to go her own way and he in
terested in her societies, her clubs er
her own exclusive malt r-". She an I
her husband are one. His Interests I re
hers. If they expect to get anything
out of life, they must get It together.
Work, pleasure, pain, must be met
with a common front: then there will
be common progress. It Is right and
proper that a woman should be ambi
tious for her husband. Something Is
wrong if slie is not. So when we find
one who Is. she presents an example
worth pointing to.
It Is n wise man who chooses n w ife
meet for him; It Is a wise woman who
sets out to help her husband, and a
very foolish one who allows herself to
he a drawback, or merely a piece of
luggage to he carried along Woman'"
Home Companion.
in Dutch Ciilana the women carry
upon their persons all their family
savings in the shape of heavy brace
lets, anklets, necklaces and eren
crowns of gold and silver.
At a recent fashionable wedding in
Imdon the hats of the bridesmaids
were trimmed with natural flowers
nnd it Is predicted that the style will
be popuiar next summer.
The Japanese woman does not
blacken her teeth under any mista'ten
Idea that it makes her attractive. She
docs It to make herself unattractive.
Her husband Is supposed to know her
Recently an old woman at Cllnehy,
France, was told that she had won
$Lfi,0(iii In a Spanish lottery. La lor
she found she had been hoaxed nnd
the shock of the disappointment killed
her instantly.
The oldest lore letter In the world is
in the Itritish museum. It is a pro
posal of marriage for tho hand of an
F-gyptlaii princess and It was made
3,ri0f years ago. It is in the form of
an inscribed brick.
A Home-Indented Clothea-Cloaet.
As my sleeping room bad no clothes
closet, I obtained a board 12 Inches
wide and four feet long. This was
fastened securely to the wall by means
of brackets, Just high enough for me
to reach conveniently. Into the board
I screwed sbout two dozen hooks the
kind made to fasten Into the under
gldo of shelves. This made ample
room for the clothes that were needed
most, and has an advantage over
books put np against the wall In that
the clothes do not crush nearly so
badly. Rome pretty curtains reaching
from the shelf to the floor were used
to drape the closet Woman's Home
Many Women During the Spring Months Suffer From Extreme
Lassitude, Loss of Appetite and Nervousness
What They Need s
Peruna, the Great Tonic
Mi P.erths M. Ttiisli. M35 Kineariie
reet, I'ittshurg. l'a.. Superintendent
Jenior Society of Methodist l'rotestsnt
Church and leading Soprano of I be
choir, writes: "Wcrds cannot describe
my thankfulness to you for IVruna. 1
wua a aulTerer from systemic ejitrrh for
jmrs and whs in a very much run-down
condition. 1 was extremely nervous nii
had the most foolish fears over uolhimj.
1 w:ih thin iiihI emaciated.
"My physician Advised me to leave this
climate, hut us it was not convenient to
do bo at this time. 1 look the advice of a
friend to use s bottle of I'eriuia. I took
it faithfully ami when the first botlie
was gone I felt so much hetter that I
hoiijjl.t six more ami took them faithful
ly, after which I looked like a new
"1 gaini-i) in flesh, my appetite returu-
and nil niy old symptoms had disap
peared. I xni more than thankful to
l'eriinn." Miss l'.ertha M. HukIi.
Everybody Is Tired Spring
Weatiier Does It Every One
Should Be CaLtious.
Ilepreseion of the nervous system at
the approach of spring is the cause.
General lassitude dull, heavy sensa
tions, continual tired feeling, with irreg
ular appetite, and sometimes loss of
sleep, l'erena meets every indication and
proves itself to he perfectly adapted to
all their varied peculiarities, l'eruua in
vigors lea the sjstem. rejuvenates the
fcelinifs, restores the norniul appetite and
produces regular sleep.
That tired feeling which is the natural
result of the depressing effect of warm
weuther Immediately after the Invigorat
ing cold of winter, quietly disappears
when l'eruua is taken. Thousands nre
daily testifying to its priceless benefit.
Airs. II. Kassntt. l.'JOll W 13th street,
lies Moiues, la., wriles: "1 am happy to
give my endorsement for your valuable
medicine. Tennis, as 1 consider it a val
uable medicine to take w hen the svstem
is run down from overwork. About
two years ago I felt that I must take a
long rest as I had been unable to work
for over a month and could not regain
my strength. I could not sleep at night
anil was in a very nervous, high strung,
condition. I decided to try what l'e
riinn would do to build np my strength,
and am pleased to say thai I began to
iinprote very shortly, and in less than
two months T was able to take up u.y
work, and felt better tluiu 1 lone for
enis. I take it now twice a year and
find that il keeps me iu perfect health."
Mrs. Kassatt was for over ten years the
manager of a plant furnishing ladies'
wenr and employing hundreds of
Tired, Nervous Women.
There are thousands of them every
where. A few bottles of Teruna would
do them untold benefit. As a tonic and
nerve invigorator it has no equal. It
builds up the nerves, it gives strength
to the circulation and at once restores
the appetite and digestion. No fetble
woman should be without l'eruua.
Two sets of eyes are the natural
allotment of the lantern fly of Suri
nam, South America. These enable
It to catch the light from all direct
ions. The lurolooslty which glows
from Its head Is so brilliant it is
easy to read by It.
The most popular stockings lu
Paris Just now are those made like
a glove, with a separate compart
ment for each toe. It is said they
prevent tons and ease them If they
already exist.
The Intramural railway, with Its
I t nilbs of track, was ausplcous'y
opened during trie last week of Janu
ary, There are six cars now In com
mission. During the exoosition the
cats will be run In trains ot three
cars each.
vus;.ang Liniment
le a poatittvi cure for Piles.
10,000 Plnnfe for 13c.
This is a remarkable offer the John A.
Snlzor Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes.
They will send you their big plant and
seed catalogue, together with enough seed
to grow
1,000 fine, solid Cabbages,
2.IHKI delicious Carrots,
2,000 blanching, nutty Celery,
2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1.000 splendid Onions.
1,000 rare, luscious Hndishes,
1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great offer is made in order to In
duce you to try their warranted seeds
for when you once plant them you will
grow no others, and
providing you will return this notice, and
If you will send them 20c in postage, they
will add to the above s package of the
famous Berliner Cauliflower. (C. N. U.)
.Spendthrift "I see nothing befote
me hut poverty and disgrace."
Kriend "How much bave you
"Just lirty dollars."
' That's plenty."
"A superfluity. Buy a paste-pot
tnd shears. Then go o?er to Lon
o i and start a comic paper."
Never Judge a man's reputation
f r ttutl fulness by wbai be says
whto to love.
'x Ere,.
B " M
i (hsV J' OW
m$C' ' - -;'? , M! X
Miss Rush Suffered Wl h Systemic Catarrh Was Nervous. Had
No appttite. Crew Ihin an1 Emaciated. She Now Looks Like a New
.;. Womn Aitcr a Course of Pe-ru-na
Ifj-ou do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from
the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. ffartman, giving a full
statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sani
tarium, Columbus, Ohio.
The best guide books made In
Get runny do not accept advertise
ments, whereas some of the guides
minted In Fiance have twice and
three times as many pages of adver
tisements as of reading matter for
I he tourists.
Mr. .Sanger, the famous zoologist,
was once asked by a bore: "What
steps would you incline to take sir,
In the event of yonder tiger effecting
his liberty?" "Very long ones,"
replied the laconic zoologsit.
An Crgent Cise A happy couple
were made one the other day, and It
was learned subsqeuently that it had
been a very "near thing" for the
bride. Two months previous to the
ceremony she told the object of her
affections that she would not marry
him until he had laid by 12,500.
The young man set to work, became
discouraged and gradually ceased his
visits. The lady became alarmed,
but meeting him shortly after the
following conversation ensued:
"Well, Ned" slghlng-"hw are
you gelling on"
"Oh, first rate," cheerfully.
"Do you thi Dk you'll ever get
It, Ned?"
'' h yes, in ten or twenty ycir9."
"II -h bi w much have you saved,
dea est?"
' About two hundred dollars." j
"Well, Ned, d don't you think,
th that wil oe enough?'
Ana so now they are happy.
Tribune. Mrs. Window's SOOTHING SYRUP for call-
dren teetlilue.ioftena the uumn, red lines Inila. ,
Diatlou.sllayapHln cures colic, i'llce &v bottle
The mpantner nf an Anlntiim to r.r,n i
..... ' ' ' ' U . 1. ,c , ull-
cealtd by the brilliant effect it pro-1
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
, 1
In Japanese prisons the punish
ment known as water torture la
often resurted to. The prisoner la
coo Hoed In a closet too small for
him to stir. While he stands, water,
one drop at time, Is allowed to fall
from a faucet on his head. Few
persons can endure this punishment
longer than four days
Each day you and I are leaving a
r cord of what we are in every lift
that toiches our own. Philip M.
Too much of the milk of hum a
kindness savors of the pump.
KT a
rra'iRnm. 8nipl ailM FREE Atfdraaa,
f.fkCuV. ATS. OLMSTED, La RoyTN Y.
Looking for a Homo 1
Thea whr no keep la le w the.
net thKt the nwmiaai laada r
r mifflriont to inrport a population of
60.000.WW or orr t The lnunlirrMon foi
the pant six years has been phenomenal,
FREE Hoirteitiad Lands
eaxllr awwitible, while other lands may
be purvhiutecl from hallway ami In4
Comt1t)irH, Th ffraln end grazing
tarn Id of W eetern CttnariA are tha
H"t on the continent, producing the
bent grain, and rattle U4 OD gTM
ajone) ready tor market.
Market, ftchoeria allwar
jid all other readlttona mkl
wairB tavBda aa cavlaal
pot for tk avitlcr.
WriU to the grmriiiMhMi Imr
aRATlUM.tJttawa. Caniula. foradevorlli
tlveAtlaa and other InforniHf torn orU
the aathorised (Jattadiau OoT'atent A
V. Dennett, bUl New York Ufa Dlda Omaha, Nat.
, MJiaiaii mm J Vm
fcaf Vf MTTT aa