Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 14, 1904, Image 1

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    7T -
JIPjTTj X4r. 1904. L! O. 42.
John Chnstai.i u down
hide Tuesday,
from Raw-
M.itt H.ili and wife were ui from Bo
dure- lat Saturday.
A. R. K nnedv was up from Yaw ford i
Mooday and wt-nt out to Ins ranch.
II M. Walker of Whitney, tdnpied a
car load f potatoes from Harrison ttn
H.H. Ivirnest, of Wyoming. m Hi
Harrison a few days fore rt of the
Vfieorce Uiupheiiour is carrvim: the
flf.rlh m'iil iliiimir Him Hlfblles of (fllV '
Mrs. Vena Wills visited
with friends and rela'tve
tins week.
a few days
in Harrison
List Saturday wnsa bins' day for Har
rison merchants there I etui", a large crowd
of people in tow ii.
Millard Thus er and Irviu Z.mnierman
liave Is-eii haul ilie; potatoes lo town the
past we. k lor shipment.
At the Man-nil election held in Shcri
J .. ... . .. T. I ...... .1 !
oancnumv i;isl iiiisuav is as om:i
that a court house should lie built,
II. M. Katun, deputy commissioner of
public lands ami buildings, w is in this
city last Saturday on school land biisin
s. ya'airwm jm left for Iowa Monday
evening ha i ire; received w ord tint Ins
ister. who lives m that stale, was ser
lou -ly ill,
Miss Urace Wickersham, after ft few
days visit wild friend anil retain en in
tins vicinity, returned to Casper last
Sal unlay.
Assessor K. t '. I-wis, w hose disl net
takes in t his ir-'eincl, was in !ls city
la-t S itnrday limim", iinL how much the
people were worth.
Air. and Mrs. ( :. 11 L'uilt. Mr. and Mis.
J. il. Willhrrmsufin ier mat Miss Topper
(.pint last Sunday at the L.mwoiliiy
ranch aouth of Harrison
vl'ntrick Lacy moved into town last
week unit is occiii in t h house recent 1
vacated ov John 1 Me kmaiin Mr. iiiei k
li a n having moved out to the Lacy
While II. Wickursliam was workinn on
n bouse last Friday a 2x4 fell from the
. t i .......a, i i.. ii... r..... Kb;,..r .. i
iuoi lino si..,. in... i.. .. .....i. ..
wouud winch lie hail to have dress, d by
the doctor.
Andrew christian, ,,f I'leasant Ridu'e,
was in town over mbt last Friday
rncj't. His wife, who bus Is-en v I 1 1 1 ( i n
in this viciniy for the past sveek, went
home with him.
( 'ale Parsons and I 'has, Ooven started
Monday murium; for Moniana wberthy
will work this dimmer. The Imys have
man V friends here that wish them suc
cuss. They will make the trip on horse
Attorneys Mitchell, (Jilliant, Nolenmn,
of Alliance and Wriijlil of (leii'iK, were
in thin city last Saturday attending the
innolle prehmomry Nolemiin mid
Wright for the delenso and Gilliam and
Mitchell for the Mate.
Qutte ft crowd assembled nt the court
fmuM l.iHt Saturdiy Hfteriioon to
Connolly preiirntnary. Theie was not
much to hear an preliminary wan waived
and Connolly wan hound over to the
district court without Isiud.
Ooitilebllulier returned TueMliy morn-
intf from 111 old I em Switzerland
where he has been this .,t. i. llete
jHirti a fine trip and n K"1 time. A
friend of hi also caio osirwiih bun
and expect to remain here.
The fimtduej in tlim city, cnued bv
the fair nex, took place Isdimd th druK . j ills pi-nieiit mi i. s, hi d . i n ' ( r , i..
tore early Monday moinim; by two llery j thn United Si a I en diiniia, the. s , ar iii!i-i
City youths. The principle weapmisl The wardens ul t he slate prisons and
Uted were cun wonls, ftsW and leet . The j t,e Khri!s of the comities ire beiin; re
jurticipant were not Mi iously injured j quested to act as special udft.it h to report
Mid w trust that they will not indulc j cerlain lads concci mn; every person de-
...is .wr.u noni. I,..i-,1 into their custody. Some conn
III nuLi. v,."ws ;
Three Rinux Indiar,. from the Pine
R.difo aency nmir Hosbville, sv, re killed
in a rear end oollissioii on the North.
Western near ' hicano last Thursday.
Tuev were on their way to Buffalo Hill's
th in England The dhd were;
Kill Hani, Pu lip Irnntail ami. Tnoma
C ami List. Hjvral mure Indians were
mn in 11, thjra totm aeTral mi
T.rrfordi.i.r.T.usQy CORRESPONDENTS'
" Jicuvs W1ln.11 was u fro
rose esterdav.
Hear Mont-1
0. M. t'nsweij Imm im.tr Luk, was io j
tin vicinity yesteid.iy. !
Home IkmI w mil) uavs and aluo some
t.ue days the pt k.
VVi-ahkStr.trial. of St ry, win in Il.uri-
I ....i. .in f..i...Mhs wslerdav.
Howard Burke exacts to Mart the
lirst ol next wee k for 'uhloruia.
Mrs. ('tin llihbcln and lialiy are vi-.it-111;;
li iends and relatives III Uies coun
ty this week.
!Verii Hanson ik visiting in ''raw ford and
Kloyd Junes came up yesterday to look
after the drus; More.
lien .Swranson, (rom the soutlierii part
of the county, wat in town a few days
latter jiart of last week.
The I. id.es Aid Siwiety will meet and
sew for Mrs. J. K, M.irsleller. WeilnesdaV
aftei noori, . ri I 20. Secy.
We are informed that F. II. Wright
has sold Ins residence it tne north part of
Harrison to A. J. Unit art who is now liv
ing there.
J. 1 1. Wilb-cus o,d
who have
i lieen stas mir in O.nal
l since S
:,i plember, i
' r"' limed ii
I larrison las! Fr-da'
Vl'l.d Wei
Ollt til rieilSitllt Kid
III" Ilex
A Special Iilus' r a'-d EliM in of t!,.
Al'iance Herald I'. ai lie t i-r yesterd.i ,
moraine,. It is nnn of the b'-st pttbhra
tioiis of I hi" koid we have yet seen. Th
lllustrat n-ns, readme; and i;eia r-il Inake
(i ; ol the t ill 1 i. in Is hard to heat.
Mr t '.iri Wilt invl Mis
Ii it h nf this c. mi' . '
marriage in t Ins city si
bv the i.'onntv Jndjn
i Maiy Kraft,
i.-r.. iiuiteil in
nla v a i lernooi.
Tliese ynuili.'
people are well and favorably known and
' have the con'nit iihi'iotis of many friends
I'mted Slates S. nator liurlon of Kan
sas was sentenced a; St. I, nli last k
t(J six nimtll nnprlsonineiit. m t ho Iron
conn's i.nl hikI lined JW.StiO f,r lir'vnc
! ,1 ,. I..- iii It il.. ni1., I..
fore the post . (li'-e ile.iirlmi'ot in behalf
ol til" Ui.ilt.i tii.iiu and Securities emu
panv of St I.ouis. and hiv iu; received
piymnt from that cwinpi;ii for Inn
Tln-re mi a surpnes partv lit. Mi'
Hurki-'s place in honor of deoriie Mnrke'.s
1 lth bin Inlay, which was Tuesday. A
larM number of his ymim; fl'ien.ls and
associates wa re pi' sent in the evenii.e;
and spent a merry evenim.' play nu
paints, pullini; tally, etc Mans' token
of rememberani'e were piesel te I him and
ieori;e is binning for another Inrlliday
,,, Hppnr.
On Tuesday evening a sneak thicf or
thieves entered S M Kuapp & Co's store
and carried nlT all the small change, re
bale checks, etc., ss hi. h the monev draws
contained, hesid".s shoes, paiaols. skirts
and other dry 'ooils. The total amount
taken can no" le determined asset, but
the amount will not lie laru". mi l jul'
ini: from the dirts' work the scoundrel or
scoundrels perlorineil. the job was p r
pret rated morn to torment or nirirrevate
the proprietors of the establishment than
for j'.iiu. i 'raw ford Bulletin.
At the meeting of County t'oinmis
Moiiers on Janu.irv lath 1504. on motion
the follow 111' estimate of expenses were
made for the year 1U04;
I dst net Court
Ollicers Salaries
Incidental F.xp"iie
IJIK) 01)
KiOO 001
.aOd 00 '
300 0 i
(VI0 00 j
j Soldiers Iieilef Fund
I'rmLintl fin1' rnbhshimr
It 'ads and Undoes
Olfiiifrs Fetit
700 00
F. I'oNTH's,
v ount v ' 'h i k
Is Crhno Inoreftiiina
Fesv liocia' quest 1--UK asked iinn'.
dent ly fiati. v. b .1 i" ' li- i ci.
cr -? I lie nail. al I 0 ' sn .1',,:
neekine; an answer to Inis i q . ;
undertakh'iir to secure ii rc i ! ,
persona w he nre s, !.' in' I 1. '
fr. fj -
, f
lies have riot b",
perhaps there a.',
I iii aril i ri 'in. in s- ioc
ii. I j ils. hi uHier, ' r-
i hupsthe loci jiih ,.r no I.-1'V' t' lls.C, n
! 81 ill others the sm-i H' iatve p sb!y re.
! Heated the matter. Hut tin
i the census Ilnrciiu
and the result mif sta
tistic will not. be complete Until all are ! f,.,,,,, Th, V ma local ',' n-ar liiilni, .-,
heard from, and it ia hojes:! that the pivs- Mont. , Thev urn pleased with the conn
... ..t nrher hinsni-ss vs ill hot .cause llm' irl. We exnect to onn 11 letter from
heriir of miiv county to block this im
oortant inquiry.
War Bon.iet Topics.
Sum is scarce now days.
Miss Saiht (Iron was visit u g at the Ttf
a lew , -.
Sun Ko ii hauled a load ol i-and from
tins place last week.
Ben Scott was up visiting bis aunt,
liidle )iiiiii Sunday.
Sun lav school next Sunday at two p. j
in. 'nine one all I all.
Andrew Kuon is busy invalintf. Ha
lias ins meadow H'Mideil.
Jim Mcriarii U doinj sum fencing
on Ins claim on the divide.
Tom riunkett make a business trip up
t Pleasant Kidfje last week.
Our Sunday ta hnol was well attended
last Sunday there ling IS present.
Mrs. F. Scott mid Mrs. Jack Finley
visited with Mrs. (J, (inmiii one day
last week.
Mi is (Jladys Finley visited a few davs
last week with her aunt, Mrs. lielle
Dunn on the divide.
Biil Harvey has been holding forth in
tins comni'inity to f"r the past week and
e,ave us a tall as ii-aial.
Art bur Dunn Ins been er. -t itiyr a sum
mer k.tchen on t!m (ierlacli place. An
o' c ii'.iehtcr la 1 1. is l a-aiit V.
Mr. II. 7. i i in ii ol II .ilarc, wns
nr. no d t last w , . k .H.d s'n.M-ii all
n.'ni at Koht K il. and made us a c ill.
it was reported last ek lli'at a Hi-
of Siouxs were caaiped on Jim . reek Just
north of the S -V. lint upon in vest ,r al imi
it svas lalst.
.lessH Crawford, of Hat ( reek, svus
oser al I. r ;-.. Rooks and Ins Wi'e Wll.l
are K"1'1 ' svork lor him tins summer.
He made us a pleasant call as usual.
Henry 7j iliiii"i man
maind t lie s'v ai boiin:4 I
list. W
W m. Milb-r una Jonn '
bo -in. ss trip t I i.i rrisoo S .
Lit I le Nellie I! ,1 IS V.s 1 II
I' I-1
my iii
I lai i isi. ii and aU. nihi.u
I diii Bmu n, w bo svn-
. qn
al In
ie se
lo tie
last waik, is iiu.v belter ami
around a '.am.
Irv.n immermn.i and J bn
i s i-r
wei e lues bah Hi J pol a'
I'S to tow II
day nntl Tic -slay .
MisstJracB U'ii'l(erhim. "ho has!,, en
visilmrr al home for a luw days, retained
t a a-pel' .Sal in , las .
Alhi rt 1! in. we :i"e. pleased to learn,
issi'issly mipr vin' and is aide to tie
out and walk around the place. r
Altera rest nf 'hree montiis Sunday
school ssasanam coinmencid Ai 1 llnl
svi h an atieialaiic of 4 a 1 'he qm slion
in regard to cijiiveniioi. ssas discussed at
the close of Sunday School. It, was de
cideil that thu eaily part of September
svould be mi I islaclory to all coni en.ed
here. Tlie exact da., however, to be
left to the discussion ol the President,
J, II. Bnike.
j Mr. and Mr. Vickerham have lieen
rather unlortunale since cnmmir hi-re.
Two weeks ai;o wli:le driving to Craw
ford I heir team became I nubl eu d near
Fort Uobnisim and ran away throwing
Mrs. tckersbam out which resnlled in
a hadlv sprained svrist. Last sseek while
putting up a hnildinj,', a piece of 2x4 in
the roof fell slnkinc; Vlr. Wickersham in
the face, ctittine; his noso so hadly it was
necessary for thn doctor to dress the
wound. I 'oiisequeuily Mr Wickersham
was not able to speak fit the church Sun
da v us svas exi)'
M. A. '
Potato I'laiilme; H in progress in the
Mrs Meyers, mother i f Antoiie Meck
em. svas visitine- a' the killers home, a
1 v w
s last week
Andre n ude n business
, . il l? iliv Heaman nc-
i ,-,!., r r, 1 urn.
.1 ucsi'-d.
CI ;,di.
...; p.... nil by Waller
Meyer made a trip lollariisiH the Dili.
We presume the sveildii.K bells will soon
be nnpii";.
We understand that Antone KratK has
received 111 -lf.'el. " (or il I '"I'
ci I- mi. i ' ,ii' in
i .
1 ,,t. h i v i ii si.
. m if mo ' --.' c,
- J WVII, the bacluhors have h'-'i bcant
- ,ieni in ilie Phbw J..)t:tm,sL lelliut; us all
1 the wi of Montana.
Ki'iiest t 'arisnn has leen on the creek
lielpinjf Anti'iie Kratz with his field work
We think the farmers would do well
keeon." their grain in the sack as
wind is so strong ihey wiii iind more iu
the canyon than in the la id.
Hunter Happenings.
lyteOl.-son was a Harrison visitor
last Saturday.
limil estate has lieen on the rise iu these
parts for several das s.
The N.'ss briilj'e outfit was in Andrews
last week lixinir budges.
lielliert Kice isan enterprisinjf tanner
and well dije;er these days.
Mrs. Bert Arvhard kept bouse for Mrs,
Jones win la she and Uie children were
sick. . j '
tirai.dina Schsvarlz v, sited sviih frielidi. j
in llarriso.i frotu Saturday until Tuesi'ay 1 1
eseniny. I
DanDiv's. of Harrison, visited with
Thninas Jones over Sunday. They nad a
line t line.
Mr. t'hns'ensen and Miss ( 'larn started
fur Omaha Monday evening. '1 hey will
hh Hone for several day.
l'earl i Janes ret urn. d iroiu Saw ihi-t
'i'liuisil .y, Von viM'cd wild Mrs. W. II.
1 ia vis of II ii risen till Irani t hue.
A nie e ol Mis. U ce's Visit td the Kick
li-.mils last week. VV,- did ii it barn her
name Site reuirned to i liadroii.
i j k I lovey had t he iiiislorl urn- to ha vh
his fool i Hi: I it IU sou. a way between llie
li.. and a rail i iiimiu lino mil' h pain mil
lllikv bis loot Was Hid. I'rilsJled.
Bert, Archard m id a. trip .ivr norih
S la Slab hovii m, I in the VaM.-v Lack past
Saw -lusl Iiiii.i icy t.'i.-k ic.s'.',-. po -.s
.' Ia (iliihI the pony
on t tie M l( list.
IKt I, pol Is .lil . J o. s
.'ay '
'lers i.f lb.
l-i, s a !ers
' - M .X' I'
1 I
,v audi
I" ' 1
,n.l Id i
.a fl'i.al.s
thai 1 1..-'.
.1 li
,id i
Mr ,' -I ,'Mlili:r ,' I' from I'V I1, is'
.'..iliinhv H' iiH-i.' t.wini I" the. Ham
si lain he e;ot no word from the nut;
IiiIIiiii home so he cane nvi-t to se-f
llo'V theV Were. He folllld most of fhelll
helhr. hut t Ira nib. ia - und IVarla, who
SS'tTe quits hick S et.
U Xo
The robins' ami men, low lark have re
turned which is'a ren.indr to the farmers'
that the time to work iu tli'ia lields has
arrived and f ness th" oats are mostly
in ilie crouud now, " t't ischiums rtn
nicely ami the past uirts' will soon be
drei u. We have bud iriihHjiierji.Uj.ii'. w ind
and d
stand no run till .fhe -6ih. It
nihil il a eonit
.hosveraivl t vJt day it
rai'ied and sun -veil and nlenyjiu'd enough
to make, lis think of a Smux county
bli.zud. Il did hot clear up till the fllh.
Snndnv was a lovely day. We have tried
the plum buds and the blossoms are all
right lhat have ot"'ed in the house. We
hope for m hie; fruit crop. The state W.
C, T. U evangelist, Mrs Pal.aer, spoke
in the Friends church Sunday afternoon
and iu the M. E. church hi tbo bv.miiiii;.
She thinks the W. ('. T. V. women are
vorv patient, and limn sn H'ei-inu -in I heir
svork he wils ,ine of the llrst cru-'-ade is
lhasrown old anil leeblH Hi huh
crcat cause and sid! tov.ru is
much to
f)nr city election lust Tuesday voted
out the saloons. We have hail sarnie
very striking object lessons in the past
sear. One million keeper ihi.ppi' l dead,
one man paiiad a law suit that had been
in resli"'. for lllepillv seliim: h'pi.n'M and
i.e.d.. mel l-V SS ilh Ills llssoclllleSMflll lll'.lllk
himself to death before morninc,, '
"I ia - -
i iu II,.
jwreli a m ill nmiiin""'
.onlil li d (all much lower and ha could
not e. t, nisay from toe m-cursed di-ir.k.,
i (ih! why new) there bo mi iii-m'Ii svoe unit
i misery when there is so much power in
i fho ballot. V by don't all men vote for
protection of the home, the most sa-rwl
spot on earth? We nre sorry to learn
that Harrison is eligible for the open
M,bmn l.should think Harrison people
,, . ,. ( la. IV 1 VI Ollld
to v I -a a 1 i V " - ''!
.. s ,).- i'i
l i e , arp -nler llnlsbed
r ;..ld"ion the II ii-
w e io'e lend', i-r 1 1"
d lie m w il I move m
up I i'
pll a
w ork oil
If our friend Howard Hnrk
of th
. l'nusa Jot:HNAb K'
lilortiia and
i ta.i lonjf enotn,h, we may meet lum ax
5nill!n? material of all kin: Flour, F'-ed, Grain,
Wiml-inill, Pu'.npi. Tanks, Wagons, Pn.ale, Farm J
liii)k-iiic!its, llar.lwaiv, llaruts, S.-nlillcs etc.
! You Are Reading
:it it's
T let you know tliat we liau l!e a lint1 line of Con
l't;ilio;iary, Toharro, Cannt'd flu-and Evcry-
thiiiK lo l;t; found iu a lir.st
(Jive us a trial.
we expect to I urn our faces wesiw
U-fole ai
prefer tie
but have
i loi rn I
v.'ti.T,, r I ria zas lis m. ss
; of S1 ci x county to tins
in. led sve bud better take
ys advic.j and Go West."
L if C! j liiiu.
lir. T.ll. Spludlo lb.) t'l.i sl'or.i deuiist.
W.K - 1!
L ' , ill I
I'.y ui
It I..
Ho, 'It ;
. ju-i!
or: s'.i,
.ii: ti
.1 t:
. a l.
If von waul
!lat i l' l.oes in
money buy li.e;
II hi ,
a, kiio o i t 1 1
boo! s don
any w he i e
slid'.! ami
il la's, or a e
si asle s "i'
Ise hut i;o to
eel llm b"t
),f,0d(s lor the least money.
..Ti... SS,'..I..... IS'i ' . I 1. eh-i 11 S
I III) ! I'm" . ' f ..' .
should bo placed in every public school j
binary and t'..e ,upils uiKed to rend It.;.
We have read It caiv'ully and dhi
cheei fully ri'L-ouiineiiil It. t his mleiest-
hi" haul, is lor sal,; bv A m liii'K sV ;
rf ... , , , . , I
s.o. ila l, siaoasii .svt iniu. v iih-iiqu. j
WAN ILvJ A;eii..s, liustler.-, Salesman '
Cier.ts .in.i every nady H.) sv.iuti. lo en.
joy a ;ui) i hearty laii'.h to send .')Ua
" I'ips to A eeiits." Win-in if'i to
i.eison woo s.lis irooijs lor a livm"
not saU.si'actoiy your iii.may bacii. Cir
...,l ., I..!-si aiim Tne iM: sVinto E.uc
la ic vO.IIO iO.
..leeallll', ill.
All parties in, lean-led to I'has. Newman
l,v ni. or ol ilel-W Isel .Slil Mod all lulls,
..nil ii, lies al li.e t.;olliiii.l-.'ial liaiik lor
cdiei .lion. I'lrase call and hut lie ail j
Opeil llCi-OlllllS OS IIO,e, ua, iK.va.u . ........
in hand and avu I'.'s.
i HAS Nt.WM.iN
Russia.-Jipo," Atlas, Ton, Contu.
1 le oln-wotern Lino.
A Uus.s.1 Japanese Alias has been issiiei:
l.v the Chicago & North- Western it's'.
! Thine line colored maps, each 1120.
bound in cjiivnueiit lorni for rulereiice.
i Tho Eastern siluatiou blmwn in detail,
s. Itli tables showing relative military
. and naval strength and bnaucial resoUr
' .
cis ol Uussia ami Jit pan.
,. ,it.a I., ...,e ... , i-ess on recemi
of ln (10) cents in pi-tae by J. .
Knhn, A,s.s't Hen. r 1 1. & I'a .:
ii. N'. 'A'. U'y, U.iiaha. Neh.
As I
Very Low nxcnt"luri is.-!..'! E-e '.
Vrisoisco i.sii Lo. Aiiiilon.
Via tho North-Wes eru Line will be in
elfect, liom all still ions April 23 to May
1, inclusive, on account of National It"
I, ul ! .,. '-' I us.-, ntion and the M. E
I ; ii. :
. iii ( oi ' n. '
; a s did
i rains ;lii'ot'i,h lo I 'ail
in. la iini.y. i ia'
, 'Ova. I i,. I.i
r ! t- roiii,!' ui) I,
i r, il on- i cl t.
,.,t ' ( I i inc. liho 0
I pan t in ", !a vs enrou I e.
, a is 'Ti"; I'.'ibionn.i
Explea." with tl.-.vsvilift' r lam.-i all,, sh-,'h
iuR cars. Apply to Aguit I Uut;o &
Mm th-Western R'y.
11 i.
i ms.t
' JL
THAT'S EltlflT;
T -
lie re
la-,- (irtu cry
-Yours for HisinfS:s,
J. E. PH1HO,
Physician Surgeon...
Oi'Fb .K: . A.ndkewx BiiOCK.
I, C. DAVIS, M. J).
cummi;rcial hotel.
T '.' - "' ' f ,'M'--!sep-, ttn-JtHI 'fUWlll
" ,'-"---:
Vr. """ l-;lv-sl IJj :S,
An ,'.i:, tuestkp vvfTn aiuRTEsy.
I!.inl I'.y Day or Week.
R ;:r-,ad batuan 5illsourl R-iver rs.i I
j Chicsric..
I ii'ract l'n to St. Paul M'nnaapell
I Direct Line t ) Dlack Hills.
I Appiy to rsoarest g ant for r&tea, map
I cxnd tiin s.oa.rdij. " ,
West t.M,tid. F-am Bound.
No V!, Ln 9:11
No. ba, !u. !rt H-W
No. 11, Hue '
No. ai loc. frt. S.4JI
Butli trams carrv passnH'i'.
I 1 - if . l H. V,n-, St". 'I 'll"WM.MMja
Manhood Restored:,
- l t v, ;H s itiillr.or, the pre-.
' r I , .leljn. will
script .on m a nnnnus i-.... -
, . , , ,.f nil nr nervous (tlae n
iiillpliiv c.o-'"'"
of Hie g.nor itivtt orritn m. n" '-... ,
l,oc.l.i!isoaoil.M"h' hi the I'.a.'U. .sfinn..!
i;ints;o io, yei'soe Ie.M;tt, fjiiipleit. fn
iio-.rrv, i:lia.'.-;ii ; I'lil'm, nw
. ,- ; tti,-,, U eloj-, "I' b?
... : , - ia, ,!v. '.al.-h if not
,.,.. u . ,1 to i';.'i ij,ei '.i: ihoe and ull the
l;or?ot ha;,. t-'C... Cht'lUI'.Na rli-nnso.
tliellyerand k ilm" Cfl'd'l r imufih
onsi.nr) ri-Hloms .Ma-r-ssoii t'ra aia.
not cured by doelom is bceinu ninety P"
cent ai troiitilnit with PiostatlU. HO VI
1H,:NJC u this only! known reined to iv.
r-ilh.mtnn onc-ntlon. 'MOO titiu.oti1i.
A ss-i t,i ten niiM ut'tee (fivnn
sad niony r-.
I Ifi e'I !f dlx '"'uen (lo
not eiTm t tv.-ronc ,
.....i cure.', i I'll) il box , i
U for five, trs- mail
s,..) r frf.,.ei .. Htm hint 'esiiiuouUU. Ad .
,i,.,ii r t.ro:. imu k t o . rM.nKiaei K
m.iioini 'or li by KiCHian A.loM.
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