Commissioners Proceedings. Humana. Neb., April 1st, -! ' Board o4 County Cximmneviimers met in pvt'taf MiMiiM cm call of Cliairmaii. Prit ; Hirelow, Jordan, Cullera and F&ttru,' Clerk. 1 Tr rumX petition of U. 8. Parks and other aa taken up and on motion laid over until t!e next met-tin,;. The roaJ pelitioo of Win. Glaze ami otliers and ttw remonstrance of Wm. ' Git4 fttud uthcta OA I.Htkai Was liid aVef 'until the Dxt meeting. Claim of J. C. Shipley for taxes paid linger proteat -o tutitioa wan rejected. Official bood of H. S. Parka, roaJ over er for R.uJ dit. No. 9 us luotioo wa oroved. !- On tnotino W. J. A. Riurn was ap pointed Soldier R-lief Comrntasioner to fill vacancy occasioned by rsiguatioo of i count v for caring for pauper originally 1 Wru. A. Olaae aud Clerk instructed to j acted upon J in. 12ud, 14 and amount Harrison, !rel,., April 2nd, lfcM. Board of ConimieioDr met a -r adjournment. Present; Bielow, Jordan, Cullers and Pontiuw, Clerk. On motioo tlie County Treasurer i instructed to transfer f 190.90, being all of the money in Bridge fund for 192 and tVXI of) of the lir.dge fund for 1&0J to tlie GrGerl fuud of 1908. On motion flails Chriatenen ai ap pointed a Justice of the Pea in Moat ne precinct until hot aucceasor is elect ed ami qualified. On motion tlie official bond of CUus. ChrmlenseD a Justice of the Peace was approved. ' Claim of J. H Bietr against Sioux Bend hint official bond for execution. ' Petition of Patrick Lacy and otltera for tlie location of couutr road wax taken up ' aud on motion the Clerk wan instructed to appoint a conimiKMOiier to view the : propofed rout of road. On motion Board adjourned to April 2. E. F. PONTtm. Clerk. of 190.00 allowed and warrant drawn for tune which a refused an.l appealed to he district court by wild Bieser, vat reconsidered .t this meeting and by mu tual agreement between Kaid Fiieser an.l the B ard of Com .liyjiotiers was wtileil for $14 60, aaid Bieer agreeing to jis miss suit and pay all costs. And Don't Forget That We Do JOB 170IIK ooeoe For we are here yet And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. O000 , The following claims were taken up and on inotiou '-vere rejected or allowed folio; Jessie Amer, llarrv Ait'iton Joseph L. A sli ton Joliu P. Ashtoii, J B Bradlej, Solomon Borky L K Mender E A Bijelow Bourrett A Davis C C Burhe John Borky E A Biffelow J H Bieser .'eorxe A Cullert j 3d win Case IClaua ijhrilmn , A C Cullers Thos Devle 71' J F Diester II Davis -iDieckmau & L-icy James Eversou Thos Hine . John Henry iMn Jordan i K P Lindsay j F B La unworthy juror fees ai;d mileage, witness damages allowed by jury juror fees and mileage " " " " held for tajtes supplies for county printing and supplies county superintendent aervicettas commiaxioner balance allowed to settle former claim juror fees aad mileage witness ' " services as coiminsioner building bridge juror fees and mileage coal and livery hire j u ror fees and m i lea'e l 4 I, witness " ' " ervioe as commissioner j iror fees auS mileage A Lowrv ..Patrick Lacy sheriffs fees in Ashlon cas jailors fees court lees and subpoening jurors coronori fees and mileutfe -Carl M Lux, Treasure- postage John Meckem juror fees and mileage j E MarsUsller .James McCann " ' " " ,Jens C Meag Frank Nut to witness ' ' " vjuror " publishing of road notice printing and supplies . services as county at torney juror fee and mileage ,JH.Newlin .1 , M J OConnell -Winter Pitt JCPanmns " " " Henry Piekenbrock witness fees and milea;; , E F Pontius . E F clerks fees in Asliton fuse office expenses, nalury 1st quarter and assessors books coronor jury, Miller case jurors fees and mileage J E Phianey jW J. A Raum 1 W Keed " " " .Peter L Katun witness " " " jEobt Clurke A Co, supplies Richards & Jones ' .J (! Shipley juror fees and niileng. JE If Slattery fees in mandamus ji M Lacy arresting and care of prisoner tU J Weise juroi fees ail mileage .L L Wilson ' ' ' ' jli J Weber " " " sJacon W.isserburger witness fens and mileage LtlVVfiitht guarding prisoner ,W L. Tokein witness fees and mileage claimed 7 (t0 8 U) 8 W 70 00 5 20 8 50 7 00 4 70 .tt 5 5 103 10 37 M) 10 65 34 00 7 W 4 60 8 00 10 25 3 00 4 40 4 10 24 00 7 00 5 80 6 00 5 50 7 75 4 50 4 60 1TJW 16 (H) 41 50 9 05 3 29 6 50 4 10 5 20 7 00 4 50 7 50 17 25 75 00 5 40 4 40 6 20 IS 03 183 50 25 23 7 00 4 20 8 00 5 00 1 25 .7 00 7 30 19 50 5 40 5 0 6 00 6 00 in 00 8 00 allowed 7 00 8 00 8 00 70 00 5 20 8 50 7 00 4 7n 85 55 103 10 37 80 10 65 84 80 7 (Ml 4 60 8 00 10 25 8 00 4 40 4 10 24 00 7 00 5 8(1 6 00 5 00 7 75 4 50 4 60 13 00 ' 18 IK) 41 50 9 or, 3 29 6 50 4 10 5 20 7 00 4 50 7 50 17 25 75 00 5 40 4 4'i 6 20 13 03 183 50 25 25 7 00 4 20 "8 00 5 00 1 25 7 00 7 30 19 50 5 40 5 80 6 00 6 00 18 00 8 00 Call in and pet oar prices on Business Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc., any way. The Press-Journal. iOeO0OeCeOeCC0 000r000040Q THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Druggist's Sundries, 1-alnts, Oils. Varnishes, v Books and Stationary. X RICHARDS & JONES, Successor,, J. E. Phinney. J STOCK BRANDS. Thi JuraatL will publish your brand. Ilk tbe following, for KM, per Tear. Kwh d diUc il tiraixl 75 ceoi. KvrT inrmrr or ranrnmen In Sioux and adjoining i-ountlM kbouM lr1Uie their druiiels m TucJot'B ilm tt rlreuUtee all over the Uite. It m sf be the means of moitev tor yun S500 REWARD. For the arrest and eoimctlon of any party or pitr'.tes stealing or dl-titfiirlm any Itrawle n itock bc!oi;yiB5 lo tfto undcrsisfri par lee: Il.irie bn-si ZiS2 on left MUMil I left lioul1er n4Cttle pjoaleitWe Pt Offlisi AiMresa, I'atrtt k, I aramtero. r. E. JAXHT. RraTKta 60. 117. m ou left hlr J !) If It fft hip of Cuttle. J'ut Oflla-, Hewitt, Siom Counly, Nebraska. on llt ulion ler, rHtiift on Ml'h r t rvk. Any ulix-k bruHili'fl a above Wing rat my d from my rBiet itiovfr ty any body on giving me lnfwt iual(:i will be rewurUK AcldipHM, 11. HobinwMi, Nf'brankii FRAN K M'TTO. (attl lirnnde1 iti ami mhiiih on df r ')( I) o !- a. on the If ft it?( t MhoUl A intt himim of tli HorH tl nr bruuded on Mtdt HhotildiT wome rn dt-rrib-nlort- baimd. IvEn llkWi nd ('nt. biMl and tit? ed tor the Addrenif, ilftrrion, Nt-brjiskfl, B0URRET& DAVIS. General Merchants. (Successors to MAKSTELLKK BROS.) SAMUEL KNOItl. Cuttle Lramli-I Kiiy wtii'r; on left hMv of the llllllllttl r I rtn tin. Allri's4, Ilitrrion, SelirnU:t o Invite your inspection of our Goods for quality and Prices for fairness. Our stock is as complete as any and we expect to keep it so. Here in the line of DRY GOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, BOOTS SIIOKS, etc., you will find everything in the latest up-to-date styles and patterns. GROCERIES, fresh and of the best quality. FLOUR, GRAIN, CURED MEATS. HARDWARE, TINWARE Give us a trial, all times. We will try to treat you right at BOURRETT & DAVIS- Tim-- lieiiiir no further Imtinnftg to trannur-t Rimrd nriinnrneit n-ith.i Aa., attest. E. F. Pontics. Clerk. E. A. Bioklow, Chairman. Press-Journal 1HLMUAV. April 7 IWA. Z (f. C. Burke, Prop. ICKTLicilU IS Tim IWl'Or KICK AT HAK BlSO,i.BU. ASECNO CLASS MATT Kit 4)KKICIAL PAPER OF SfOUX COUNTY V. - One Dollar Per Year. -- '" ADVERTISING RATES- Per iifc lh, niofrU column, par month Mh- Pr column, per month ftf 00 iru(eniunul turd per year, oh inch 5.00 Laical pvr Iim each imiue .03 oOpw cnt off on yearly contracta. Horn f tha Mean. The boras of tha moon always point away from the sun. tberafora the r always airactM nvward ta tha even- 1 Ingllah Walnuts rrem California. California prodneas more English walnuts than all tha othar states, and they are of better quality, Ceet af Kleetrle Llahta. TM ooet of ty electric rVa I to e C. H. UNITT successor to O. H. NEWMAN -DEALER IN- Lumber, Doors, -Sank, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies and Machinery of all Kinds. I also carry a lint of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re- j pairs, etc. etc. etc. A large stock of feed, both ground and ungrouud al ways on hand. orders given, prcmpt atteatien, Give us a Call. J. H. WILHERMSDORFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. KKW Al!l). will -ny t-VlK) rt-wiirt for e.i. h 1imiiI of Ia ve i :l villo'uhorM-o limud-i un either jaw ur tlnuli tuniw sver 'J Ti'lin Hit -r on U'lmiin: drilur uIla sktlUl ltd r.. i. convict any i-rMn unlawfully hunuiiiiK any of said horses. w. J. a. Rack. Cattle HmiKtn'1 liahe ou KDBKHT V. NKKCK. on li-tt Htin on left hip Al) cuttle t.rKiiJe4 sliiiuliti-r or utile. Kaiige ou Kimnlns Water. H. o. Aililreu Acute, Nelirniliii. J. l.KVrlt. Cnttle liriindfii H3 IS I.KTMI)K r K f CI! K V IJ V E STflCa l rriirt.-t en left hip f t attle nnrt on Iff t rhee ot Horeea t ItHrifteott I'erp Creek. AClie, li-p Creek (tork J. II. ft ALBEIT, roreman, iileu, Kbrukk. I'uttle lirnd ! Minr thai eut, eitlir .eft hip or on left nbonldrr. TO i;ni.wilLK a Co. i3Q Hor-. lranled ultti any of above brand Arldlfi, J. AMIKINMJX, lUrriwin, Ncbrmikn. HUt'BKKT A JNb. fattle brand ed aaini. aa ttiut on cut on eit ti er aide of animal And tollnalnx on left aide of rnttlr. nd thl ITllafi on "P: - left onto of D.'ia atuek. A mt tills on I' ll ttdituiid alp. Kaniffmi Knnnlpg W t r. I'oot titln e Addn-Mi, ll.irriou, Kebraeka. rut tie brand J. It. .lirSTEK T1 VWf JT7 i ttowii in cot. on nBht V;vJSSf5 -mm hi.nlil,T. ri-.O-n-!.- AIm -a- on left aide. Hltflit nu. nipped $100 REWAR.D old be paid forerid.-m-a coiivii-tlng any imp tir luniilrK t,tt or In uny ulji tiimixTh k wltlt loi-k bavlug any f tlie above brmid ur liranda. Kuurk at Audicwa. Nebr, A-idrnw, llarrtaon'.Nebr, J.H. i EnSDjWT l'ot'l'- a A 4dre, Cliadron .NVd-riifkii. 11KNUT AltNKKt. Cattle branrt it on left lde. ItrniKf on Knniilrit; Water Creeek. "P. ). Addreaa llnrrtaim, Npbrnka. A. K. KE.N.NEDV. Cattle liranded on'ltiirht llln Shoulder Catrw branded on .lfnt aid a cut A'.d aim () oa in hi hip. llorm-K '''CJ on rlnt loa Hlnv or Jaw. Itimire on w ,nt River, on the old 'Hive Colvilla rrju-h. r. o. Add reus; Ulen, Nehr. r dip j -The Commercial Bank. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Coffkk, President. F. W.Clakkk, Cashier Chas. C. Jammoic. 'H. S. Clarkk, A. McGixlex Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely 01 us to handle their entire Hanking busines. We are prepared to take care of our trade at all times- To Cnro a Cold in Ono Bav r . f At r bv e e P.O. Addrean. Crawford, Sebraaka. OCTAVE 1IAHKIS. Cattle brandnil i aliown on left Hide with over-bit en left ear. RiiiiB on Run ning Water, P. O. Addreaa, Maraland, Nebr. PUP w; KEIL JURIJAM. Iloraea and rat tle branded on either aide, aunie as on cut. And Ottle branded aide, aad llnraea on left on loft jaw. A HI) Kb W eOHIHVi AlT Cattle hrHnd ed on loft ilde hiii; a eut and horaea branded on left should eauie a cut are th ptapcrty or Andrew ( hrlattan anc rHiiftn trlbuury to Van Tamel prlnf. Add reti, Klrtler, Wyo. WANTED. special REPttESBNTATivg in this county and adjoining territxiriea, to "reprcaent nnd advertiw an old e.htabiiahcd wealthy htiHineHK honso of aolid llnancial ataoding. Siilarv f-'l weekly, with 8 per dav for exiiena.', paid ea:h Monday by chack direct from lieailquarter. Expense ad vanci-d, and horse and biifjgy furniahaa when ciei-eBsury; position permanent. Addrew blew Broa., 840 Motion Euildinf , Chicago, III. B-40 Addreaa, Horlarc, Nebraaka. JOUN A. II AN SON I" IVe Daya, everv a .n thi fnllnw i irbrand nnflih A l HQ on nt He and hnrie-a cattle on Infttlde horaea on la ft hnulder. 'pas ssssm eaaOOTer-! Kanfean Hllvar Hprlnsa aad eaut ofatate II".' FaaaSln-Harrt a Nab. A WONI'ERFUL INVENTION. It i iniereatinR to note that fortunes ara frequently made lij the invention ef Hrtiulea of minor importance. Many of the mort popular devtcea are thoae de aiRned to bent flt the people and meet popular eonditionn, and one of (lie most interekting of theae that haa ever tieea invented la the Dr. While Electric Comb, patented Jan. 1, 19. Theae wonderful (Jamb jomtively cure uan-lruff, hair fulling out, Kirk and nervoea heiirlat he, and wln ued with Dr. White's Elect no lluir Bruah are pcwitively giitfaotaed to make atraight hair curly in 28 days' time. Th'Hiaaiida of theae electric eombs have been aold in virion cities of tha Unioa, nnd tiio di'iimnd ia eonatuntly increaainK. Our agents are- rapidly bacomief hob selling theH tomb. They positively sell on MK'lit- Send fur Mtmpl. Ilea's else 8.V. Indiea' ft- - lwlf price while wears introdumotf them ) Tie Ur. Wfttte ! trie (3oinb Co., Ucatur, 111.