Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 07, 1904, Image 2

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    Ttt Harmon PreiS-hnnial
The truth ih.it
its U tbe truth we
The nigh 1 i
height f lift.
t-f no tiO res'.1
Radium, yod uiay have olerved, la
mow guaranteed to do all tnoae things
hat liquid air was going to do a few
years ago.
Mme. Nordica doewu't get any ali
ioiiT, but her cae in't so bad. She
won't have to unpport the gentleman
any more.
It appear that when a society wom
in wriien a magazine article une fur-
uMi a (afiiiii-ah or two aud
alitor doe the rt.
I'ov.il.ly the reaK.ui so mauy men
take fortunes nil a thousand or two
a year is Ix-caue they do not let the
left hand know what the right hand is
Tin- Hon. Bourke Cochran, w ho say
the 1'iiited States U the "hoodlum of
the world." ha no objections to belu
one of the hoodlum' hired bands at
, Ml a year.
The outi ome of this war In going to
be disagreeable either way. Every
body hoiet liussia will le whipiied.
but If Japan wins how will It be po
trible hereafler to hold the Jappies?
When it becomen established that
radium will cure cancer it will then
appear that almut the only dt.-eaxe In
the treatment of which medical
ocienee has made no progress ninee tiie
lharaoh is baldness.
A Chicago man wants a divon-e te
nue his wife insist on moving more
than nix timet a year. Evidently thut
gentleman thinks there may be such a
tiling as running the breaking home
ties business Into the ground.
Sympathy for Whitaker Wright is
Bow being it mimed in Kngland.
Wright's great mistake was In not
committing his sins over here, where
lie might, i'lstcad of taking poison,
tiave taken advantage of a technical
ity of some kind.
"The king can do no wrong' even
hi an automobile. The act of parlia
ment requiring the j-egUtratlon and
anmberiug of motor care and the reg
ulation of their srpeed does not apply
4o King Kdward, nor does his majesty
need a driving license.
Of the Immigrants landing In the
United States during the fiscal year.
11,30V. had less than $30, and 1S5.W7
could neither read nor write. It is no
fdn to be poor, but It seems wicked
that there are so many adults in the
world who have never been to school.
Something wrong somewhere.
According to the doctrine of chances,
. iww who hAx no middle name is more
than twice as likely to become Freal
tent of the United States as one who
has a middle name; and the boy who
has more than three names has no
chance at all. Of the twenty -five men
who have filled the office of President,
seventeen had two names each for
"Van Buren is one name, and not two.
Since lfW no triple-named President
has been elected except Mr. Cleveland,
pbo gained a chance by dropping his
am name.
TJeuteuant General Young, the retir
tea chief of staff of the army, sent a
Lackage to General Chaffee, his sue-
unr with this note: "Private xoung,
lOomnanff K. Twelfth Pennsylvania
.Volunteer Infantry, presents his com
VMmente to Private Chaffee, Troop K
Sixth United States Cavalry, and Mk
kirn to accept this pair of lieutenant
general's shoulder straps." There never
waa a more significant illustration of
the opportunities enjoy y young
en in this country than is given by
thia note to the new chief of staff
from his predecessor.
It is a remarkable fact when proper
ly viewed, that a parent cannot tte
queath bis own experience to his child.
2L parent can give his child the ex
ample of right living, advice and
ioney, but be cannot give his personal
experience. Suppose I could bequeath
iy experieuce to my boy? And my
boy to his boy? And so on. In a few
fenerations we should have a perfected
humanity.. Why this plan of redeem
ing the race did not recommend Itself
to divine wisdom we cannot say. As
jt matter of fact, every person must
tocome a pupil in the school of experi
ence. The old adage says, "Kxperlenc
it dear teacher, but fools will learn
ta no other." That i not true. Kxpe
Vtcnce ta a dear school In which all
aen, wise and foolish, must learn.
'Mat One must distinguish between
experience and wisdom. Wisdom is
knowledge In action. Wisdom Is ap-
rlied experience. Many persons learn
leaaon by experience and then fail to
Ct by it Many peraona Buffer and
fail to get strength oat of the
aafferlng. This Is true: The highest
food will never eome to you nntll yon
fere prepared to receive It The beat
ftfta of life will never be yours nntll
way baa been cleared for them by
s tilled leaaona of experience.
Tmt f tfea tomato, which aroee
fin ttt fact that K was a conaia to
i i a aat OM caaflv
tzir? rfaarl2.
j Ten ycari a:o a liundrvtl and fiu mil- j
j !mu can were put up in this country, j
j I.at year the output of the cam: rs iu j
I 'lie I'tiitetl States UJ Canada was two
miidred and forty two million cans, of
wuh Maryland i-r -ii-j-I more than.
! 'he t..t;il output of l.Mt:'. Indiana. Wc-t
i Virginia, "x-lavvare, Cahforu.a and
! New Jere, in that order, follow Ma
ryland as the chief tomato States. To
matoes are not the oniy fruit that
grows in cans which Bpp-uii J tlii"
cultivated American taste. Cre-u corn
is about half as Kipu!ar as tomatoes.
Illinois is the chief corn-canning Mute,
with a re-ord of about twenty-live mil
lion cans. Iowa comes next, and New
York third. It looks from these fig
ures as if the vegetable-raisers amend
the alleged practice of the fruit grow
ers in the West ran all they can and
eat all tbey can. Rut it is not vegeta
bles and fruit alone that an- promwei!
in tin. No one need eat fre-li f h.iI mi
e he prefers it. for the luar'.i-l i"ti
tains canned roast lieef. canned lotigu'.
canned chicken, euniied veal !...(. cii'i
n-d soups, canned pork and bean
cannei) beans, laim-il beet, riniri:
peas and canned almost evervtliin.
exiept ciiuned digestion, i.ii'l th:.t ,
put np in glass Isitile! at tii ilnt'jM
readv to I taken along with tin- tliiiu
in tin.
A club lady in Cliiciign, !n a lu'-' t
ing of matrons to discuss the ur-;it is
sues of life, when asked how to man
age a husband so as to sis u.e d i;n
irainpiility. promptly aiiswen-d "l'is!
the brute plenty of gKl, well ctmUi-d
food." ami the club ladies ail iiia!' a
note of it. and It is V-lieved the .
periment is now on extensive trial in
the windy city, 'lhis recipe for l i
mestic happiness suggests a menagerie
view of nwrried life, and may furnish
a reason for the tendency to Imard
rather than keep house, that is so
strong upon many married people, in
this view it is complimentary to the
sense of Justice of the brute. For
what dyspepsia he gets at a boarding
house table he does not blame his wife,
but the landlady. She cares nothing
for the growling of the animals at
feeding time, provided they don't ill"
iu the house and will be buried from
the undertaker's melancholy parlors.
This new plan for peace foreshadows
also the permanent disarming of the
domestic forces, since young ladies
alxuif to assume the task of marrying
one of the brutes will be Impelled to
acquire a knowledge of the myslcries
of cooking in order to live happy ever
after. When this art is generally at
tained the boarding house landladies
will ls overtaken by lack of trade and
will be punished for their many trans
gressions. So a beautiful vista opens
in front of the American home ami
the dove is likely to build her nest In
the stomach of that brute, the Ameri
can husband.
Abbreveyated ourisliip.
I'an Cupid shotte atte my sweteherte",
Butte shee d'slgeil. and jre airowe .Mr
Soe I tooke ayuie atte lir ste redil
And. in spyte of liyr doilge) ini, Kr.
Y dire lytel soule was quyte dysmard;
Bulte, explayning I w ye IJr.,
I qnyck applyde more two-lyppe sslve,
And in my armes craydel Itr.
Shee whynpered that shee'd a jtr bee,
And "woldent I bee juste a Hro?"
"Notte muclie, pette!" I sayd, "trie thy
Heir I jfntlie hyr Ann.
"My trewe luv, canst thou notte be roj
I qnestyoned and pressed for ye Ans
A softe royce behynde myne ere replydi
"You're Hoe pressing, perhappes I
Now, "faynte lierte never wonne Uydit
Noe, nor ever chsyuged Misa to Mrs.
An ye luve a msyde, bee notte afrayde.
Butte, when arrowes ilie wyde. trie
Harper's Magazins,
Hoosekeepina I" France.
i . talk hv Miss Maria Parlo
on French bousekeeping, she said thai
economy and patience were two strong
traits of the French housekeeper. Many
inconveniences and conditions un
known to American housewives have
to h overcome, but. notwithstanding
this, the French borne Is a model of
neatness and comfort outside of, per
Imps, the one point of temperature,
for in France the question of fuel is
an Important one. According io Miss
Piirloa, French cookery is not compli
cated, as is generally supposed; for ex
ample, the usual French breakfast con
sists of a cup of coffee or chocolate
without cream and a slice of bread or
roll, and high seasonings of food are
unknown, herbs and vegetables being
used in preference to spices. This
statement of the situation is contrary
to the general belief, and certainly if
we accept it as literally true, the highly-seasoned
dishea we obtain in Ameri
can large cities must be originated by
others than Frenchmen.
They Favor the Other Sort.
"I suppose yon and your daughters
agree pretty wellt"
"Agree perfectly, except on Jnat one
"What's that?"
"I'd prefer self supporting sons In
Ihw" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Not for Sale.
"Lota for aale," read the thoofnt
ful man aa he paased along the street
"Yea, I anppoee thafa true, but, thank
goodneea, there are a faw of ua yet
that money won't buy." Boetoo
Tito Oaara aoaaaar.
Tha BoaaUa atata acaotar la of aolid
goM. three foot loaftv aa4
aaoac tta maaaiinU, C3 4
IO rcttaa mat ISowratCa;
I"i-.nl Imiilcut tk-rarrins the
UorlilOur Shj inc thai t r I'liccr
ful to !d or oeiiii Finiiis ftlec
tionk Ihul Vim Will I iijev.
Hoarder Why in creation did you
ring tiie breakfast bell at t o'clock lhi
fix.k The mlM.il l.eaid it thiiud'T
ing and told me to hurry up and serve
breakfast Iwfore the milk s.nir-d
New York Weekly.
A Ilivappointnient.
, I
" Hir isiiiiistre- was awfly mixei
tins nioriiin'."
How waslhat. I ,ii iiis"
'Why. a feller came in and got n
(siftal card that had j ii-l come by ibe
ill-t HJMti rti'M-l it nlirtV Ix'futi
the postmislress had a chalice lo read
it." i 'Iceland Plain l nler.
Oh,?h KfrnAtiunu! J.mriinl sill !
' hi ni
IAT I- il
much C. '
:il r'f :-'ir
t -111 .
: V
Ti i i:MV.
J. Ut-t-J.L twU. 'f -f-
a n e r.
"i am taking sp.-.lal iiisiruetioii for
the season of Wagner."
"Yes; and with only sis lessons I
can already sit still and look rapt for
more than two hours itliiiioiisly."
Of Counc she Would.
"It ridiculous for a girl to say sin
wouldn't marry il man if he .-re the
last one on earth."
"Why V"
'Because she'd do it then jus! to
spite all the other girls."-Philadelphia
Public Ledger.
N'o Incentive.
"And now I notice that a London
doctor says we should eat heartily if
we wish to live long."
"That doctor would change his mind
If he lived at our boarding house."
Cleveland Plain Iiealer.
Gallant Nobletnnn.
Tess I was passing that small Cor
ist's with I-ord Britton yesterday, and
I hinted that I'd like to have some of
the lovely roses that were displayed
in the widow.
Jess And did lie send some to you?
Tess Yes, tbey came this morning,
C. 0. !. Philadelphia Press
"1 met a friend of mine, w ho is iu
the Stock Exchange, and he offered to
let me in on a good thing If "
"Sorry, old man, but I haven't a cent
to lend." Philadelphia IOdger.
Namored the Cause.
Miss L'gllface I could really never
be contented and happy In the room
you've given uie..
Hotel Clerk Oh: I'll fix that all
right. (To bell-hoy) (io up and re
move the mirror from the lady's room.
Willie Was Minus.
Willie Sappley To day I thought of
two things at once. I wonder If we
have two brains?
Vera Smarte Well. between you and
me. Mr. Sappley, 1 think we hare
only one,
"What's the matter with your
hand?' asked deaf mute No. 1. "Been
in a powder mill explosion f
"No," answered deaf mate No. 2. "A
friend has been teaching me to speah
It Woald "a Sa,
"Money talks, yon know," remarked
ihe optimistic moraiiaer.
"Yes," rejoined the peaalmiatic de
nioniliiter, "but It never speaks above
i whisper when It eonvemet with a
,ioor relation."
Very Herieaa.
Krni Jack said when be gave I
l'c diamond ring it meant lOtDOthlag
Ida I ahoald say it was eerioua. 1!
.asn't paid for It yet.
J 'I !
t nffi f 1 1
U .n 1.1 llr A fprojirijl.
Mrs. mu,i tre.-Mlii.gi Kstelle Mmth
w..re a cluniipegtif gown: 1 1 be
J'.rowi. woi a Imh u 1 otoretl wn.st
Mr Mill. I. - lie d ".' Von ii, it t lit
reading a menu i .1
1 rum'.
The ! rilgeliljjj !l rt !
was -mmii
H i,: t
"1 o you think 1 11 ever
do :tli
.1. l.....jir..l
!d master.
' I'erluips." replied the
"Tell Ine how."
'Iteeoiue a sailor or awuiug tiller
, Tri' of lot-l.
! "Why diil you -!! thai lat nn-n
j 'The Kim-trie I'.-in";" asked the 1mim.ii
j friend.
I "ISis-ailsc I lie editor said be walitei)
something breeiy." rei.siideil tbt
struggling luird.
"Ah. then he tik it':"
".Vii: it going amund 'l."
1 wmrra.
Ill eV. ill of '-at ill iiir f .. I H.,,-1."
said the liewspiijier publisher, "i sha'l
inslnll s one extra tyie--eHiiig ma
chines." "Woiildii'l i ho oiilinarv kind ilo'r
asked the friend.
"No. The i. umes of the Kuian geii
enls would soon twist them up."
loterior it
I-arry- I same to bav a chili ivcij
toime il git iu lied.
Idstor 1 id you try the hot watei
Larry Sure. ii dhrank iverj dhroj
in ut. but It didn't same io do Inj
Would Not llnrl t hem.
Stranger tJraeious! What rude con
Native This is the elevaled toad
ymi know.
Stranger Well, il wouldn't hurl (In
conductors to be a little more efo
Quit k i'tmnge.
bla Isn't it a pity some nice ouii
men could not get a glimpse of how
we bachelor girls enjoy ourselves?
May Yes. but the only trouble Is I)
any nice young men came along wi
wouldn't remain bachelor girls.
An Lxception.
Belle -Is it true thai suburban tiro
men are always slow? I
Kmi No, I had one to propose to ml j
iu two davs after first mooting.
Inly a I n m p.
"And after the elopement." be whis
pered. tenderly, "we will go to ligli
"Lighthouse keeping." she echoed in
nocently. "Then nil we'll need will In
a big lamp."-- Kennebec Journal.
And Lived to Tell the Tale.
Fido For heaven's Rnke, Carlo
where mi earth (lid you pick up thost
con idi dog spots?
Carlo Went bunting with mantel
veslerds v.
Marjr's Choice.
"Farmer Sawyer, what Is yom
laughter Mary going to be when ah'
finishes at college?"
"Wall. I kinder reckon she'll teacl
school. She thinks she'll like the vaca
tions." Harper's Bazar.
ettlng Him Right.
"So you want to lie my son-in-law
do you?" asked the stern parent wltl
as much fierceness as be could gener
"Can't say that I do," replied tb
truUifu! young man. "But I want U
marry your (laughter and I suppost
there's no way to dodge the Issue,"
Shnttlna Him tip.
it strikes me, Mary," mildly ob
u...',,,l VI r sUnwon -'tlint thilA eulrrt
would lie decidedly' better If tbey ha
- - .. .1
a nine inoie iii.-i in vo.-iu.
-M.i u-onl.l von .lrthn." enlmlv rA
joined the
feiiiiiiine end of the com
Same Tii i nit.
1 go to a dentist regularly every all
months." .
"Humph'. I go only when I find B
So do I. You didn't think I wen!
when It wasn't, did you?" ClnclnnnC
t'p Go the "tenia.
Johnny Pa, the taxpayers are onlj
the ieople who own properties, arcn1
Pa No, my son; the real taxpayer!
are the people who rent the propertlea
Philadelphia Public ledger.
If allncination.
"She ought to take the mind cure."
'What forT'
"Why, she actually thinks she rai
sing." Philadelphia Bulletin.
- V hlta waahed.
Stubb I Ktifpose when the terrifli
rainstorm beat in the tent every on.
turned white.
Penn All except the aacred wblti
elephant. When the rain struck bin
all the whitone came off.
Uolaa Torna.
"Lady," said the ragged hobo, "1'vi
met with many reveraes In my career.'
"Indeed!" exclaimed the kind-heart
ed female. "Tell me afooirt them."
"Well," continued the r. h., "erboo
v'ry time I ask fer a nickel I gt
tareed down."
, - --.-.oieia ..f Ku-o-h hist
, .1; !. ! M ('1 ef aliciellt tease
, v i 1 i miu.'f relit lo ! p
j ijs or roses, or in
.nil, ,u- way. The Windsor Ma;
!--crii' wiiue custoiii con
.i. with land tenure which are
mole . urioiis.
. ,,1
WlicncMT a ertain estate at C'hh.g
ford. iu llssex. p.i-es Into iiew ban Is.
I,;.- ou ner. w iin 1.1s wife, man servant
ml maid wrvant. goes on horwba' k
lo the parsiiuige and pays homage by
blowing three bla-ts upon a horn. He
.ariii-s a hawk iim his list, and li
Mi-vaiit leads a gray hound. Imth nije
I -, i, (h- for ilie use of the rector
or iliit day.
The nem-oniei teceivesa chicken fr
Ho- hawk, a p.i-k of o.iis f .r his linr
cm! a ioaf of bs '.nl for hi greyhound
l ,.r ,l..,,io- I In. a iiit blows thrie
inon blasts, ami ilie-i v, iili his party
i 't I. draws 1 1 i in li e rec!or.
Ilie Vator U il i lellllie' is evell
more iviu.irt.able. Hi I'a'ni Sunday
every year servant f;o:ii ihe Krougli
Ion -iaic aneiids wrvi e at
a lieu
lek.llg It 11,!
.1-1 lies . ll'l
cart hip. an 1
, times In Ihe
; lo Hie manor
Lie flwg .ll.i.l bci.lr Ihe se.--
In in lie-pur-e
s.iv.iii' .i:i:s his seat. A
il-iining ti.irry ii.s i s of s;l
ver is fixed at tne
lash. and. kiii-cl'.'ig
holds tile plir-e s'.
he.nl of the clergv
of (lie sermon. Tin
el.il of Ilie whip
i. ii a cushion, he
i i -nili-.l over the
iu u until the end
ii purse and whip
Hre left at the ma nor house.
riie "Whisper Court" at Hochford,
HM'. i a strange icliaelmas d
crvanep held under Ilie superintend
eiiee of the stevviird of the manor. The
business of the i-ourt is carried out at
midnight in Ihe open air.
The absence of a tenant is punsh
side by a fine of double rent for each
hour he fails to be in attendance; no
miiii. ial light except a tin-brand Is
permitted; the proceedings are record
iil by means of one of the embers ol
t!,e brand. The roll of fourteen ten
si it v is called over and answered to
in a whlpe", and thin l hey kneel and
1. n e l a lle ; . m c.
1ii. cvpltni'innn of (his odd cere
in 'mv thai, very many years ago.
Cue lord of Ihe manor, after an all-
n-tn e from his i-ta:e. was returning
home by rrght. Passing over King's
II ill. lie .-i hi. nt.illy
heard some of
his itonted teiian ry plotting his
tissa.simitioii, and, thus warned, he
reached home by an unexpected route
He enacied that from that time forth
the tenants on his estate should as
temlile every year exactly at
tin- s;ime time to do Iiiin homage round
Il pn-f w'.l'-li he erected on the pre
lo- spot n hi ri' the plotters met.
Some nf the Marveloiu Uevicea of the
Present Uajr.
The seven world splendors of u
liipuity rtcre:
The pyramids. Babylon's gardens,
Maiisilus' tomb, the lemple of Hianu,
Ihe Colossus of Kliodes, Jupiter's
ktiiiiie by Phidias and the Pharos of
Kgypl. or, as some substitute, the pal
ace of Cyrus.
The seven wonders of the middle
ae were:
The coliseum of Bonn-, the rata
'l combs of Alexandria, the great waj of
China. Stoiiolit nge, the Leaning low
er of Pisa, the porcelain tower of Nan
kin and the inos'iue of St. Sophia at
Ib,w will these compare with the
seven wonders of tlie modem world
( lls. , ,. York Press?. Perhaps
t ,, ,,, mav ), iiiffereiice of opinion
js rcgants the latter day wonders, but
permit me l.ame these:
The steam railroad, the telegraph.
it... o.l.o.to.n.. tin. wtielesH teleirranil.
the ocean Meamstiin. tne sutimarine
man nf-wiir mid the airship.
We of the new world have a tew
wonders, seven of which ure;
The BriMiklyn brhlge, the under
' r"w"1 r;
Jersey Cl
lilroad. Including tunnels to
rsey ( ity and isrooKiyn, me vvasii
iugtoii monument, the capilol at Wash
ll;OIl. Willi OS oooo- ntvuitiji,
' , , , ,
iki poutuis, tne mouerii s.is-i hsj
the moilerii si eel
iti-raper, the i; bo uiountuiii scarchllgiit
."iT j rt , J ciindle power ami the
i nited Slate Steel corporation.
We are siicaklng of things made by
man, of those wonders given to us by
Cod the seven are:
Niagara falls, ihe Mammoth cave,
old Faithful, the tireless geyser in
Yellowstone park; the big trees (He
ipiola) of California, the Crand can
yon of the Colorado, the great Irusli
water lakes and the great salt lane.
1 in tire I, lie of Anlmula.
hir William Itlunden, a doctor and
baionet, has fuvoreil fl meeting of the
Sielety for the Prevention of Cruelty
io Animals with Home views on the
future atnte of animals. He "certulnly
believed," he paid, in the future exlst
iice of animals, and, though be could
not bring forward evidence In support
of Ida proportion, he could not at the
same time bring forward evidence to
the contrary. If they took the case of
the tinker's ass, which was born and
reared In hardship, he found It hard to
think that a merciful Creator formed
Unit animal merely to suffer it the
bunds of man without receiving some
compensation in the neit life, if not
n the present
Feminine Point 1 View.
He Don't yon think til as Plnkleigh
is rather pretty?
gn Well, she Ian' a bad-looking
girl when she haa bei complexion on.
VI w toe it.
Wouulo t any
woman be bp-
After year
of backache
Days oi!
ery. nigtta
The distrean
of a r 1 a a r f.
She 8ida ro
ller and ctiret
No reaaea
why any reade
Should suarr in the face of evidence
like this:
Mrs. Almlra A. Jackson, of Eaet
Fnmt etr.-et. Traverse City, Mich,
says: "For twenty years I never knew
what it was to have good health. Ev
ery physician consulted said I bad
liver trouble, but their medicines diat
me no amid. Jut In-fore 1 l'giin uing
Hoaiis Kidney P.lls I was a'inmt par
alj.ed. 1 could hardly stand on iny
f.set liei ause of the ntltnhnet and tsrk
of cireii slioii Had a knife been tn;
Into ny toiitey the psln eould ot
tave In-eii more in'ense. My l!fp WiS
disturlsl by visions of distorted fig
ures. The kidney secretions were an
nnylnglv irrecular and I was tortured
with thirst and alw ays bloc.led. I
ven iMUtes of I loan's Kidney Pills.
The bloating subsided until 1 welgbea
one bundritl pounds less, could sleep
like a child and was relieved of the
pain and Ihe iriegularlty of lo kidney
action. My circulation Is good and I
feel lietter In every way."
A Fit KK l lll.VL of this great kid
ney mwilcini' wl.n h ciinil Mrs. Jack-
in will ! mailed on applbatlon te
any part of the i.'ntied States. Ad
dress Foster Milliurn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y. For sale by all druggists, prlra W
cents per Iku.
Wife "Pretty condition fou aie
In! Wbat wete you doing at the
club tbls tlma cf nlgbtV Juet tcli
mo that."
Husband-"M'dear, we weie (hlo)
shlng shlnging 'Home .Sweetoma.'
Young Lady-"Wli.it Is tba prloa
of that blrycie costume?"
Dealer-''That Is oct a bicycle
cost ume, miss: it a lull or iitu-
tarr untleritear."
Sutherland." the home cf tUe lata
0eiier.il H. Cordon, Is reproduced al
the world's fajr as (Jeorgta's state
bulliing. The co t of the reproduc
tion Is ill. OKI.
A model p!a ground will be an at
traction on the Mooel street at th
world's fiir. An open air playroom
fir a klndergraten and a pergt.la
piillilon hung with 60 barniuocka
will be povHed. One building will
contain a complete gyainsalum, ten
nis court, handball, court, etc.
I intra of Olnlm nil for Catarrh taa
tmtain .viarcury,
an mireury ill! . ueiv .tiirof tha tmn ct
nmsll sin! ronii-let.n .."runiis Hi vrhoto tyum
wlicn enterun il Urn.ch lua Hiufwu iur(-,
hucti rlli l i.l:(ui.t ni-ir t ti.-i em-mpt na
pff-'l l,U..IH (mill OM.IlKhl l,v.. k. Ill
iimm.- tlcrj will On L leiilll to th cissl y
cuo ms4ISI rii-riva from 11. em. Hail' t irrli
Cijid. iniioii!. tiifBd by K. .1. 1 hnnwy it Co., loia
tin. O., i ontsiui Hi iiiercnry. ad i Imrn luur
nsitv, sciinti ttlrsctly iiKin tli lilooj ami n
ci Mirfaua of tiie yUitn. la tiiylua Uall'a
l'sisrrb ( urs l ir you jet Ui (icDtiUia. It a)
taken Intnru.-.tiy. aiel unvla lo lu'.fijo, Oala, r
V. J. t'heiif y K io. I iw-llmoulals frea.
hold by ImimrMs. pr U- 7.'. par bottle.
Ball's Finil y Pllla art tk teat.
Free to Twenty-Five Ladles.
Ibe Dedanoe Starch Co. will gin
25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
St. Louis Exposition, to five ladle
to each of the following ilateai
IIIIdIos, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Miss itirl who will send lu tne largit
Dumber of trade matks cut frota
a ten cent, 16 ounce pack ige jf D
Dance cold water laundry atarah.
This means from your own homo,
anywhere lo the above named statea,
Tbeae trade marks must be mailed
to and received by tbe DetUnes
Htarcb Co., Omaha, Nebr., before
September 1st, 1904. October and
November will be tbe best mouth!
to visit tho Exposition. Kemembe)
that Defliince Is the only starch put
op la 01. (a lull pound) to tbe pack
age. You vet one-tblrd mote stares
for tbe same money than of aof
other kind, and Defiance never stlckt
to the Iron. The tickets to th
Exposition will be sent by registered
mall September 5tb. Starch f r sa a
by all dealers.
iilnri Tt.tci an tba haa)
dyij pia mlw-iii ffr mada.
A loimiol iiniltoetnt tbi-m tiv
Imd told is ll butm It
a Huf ytmr. Oiattiiilua,
aartlurn, ticlc ba(iartif', U.zk
aaaa. bail braik. aora taroai aaS
vi-r utbar IHtM.a atimiin from a 01 rrii-rea
atonach ara pilKml rrruil br Rin Tabulaa.
On wiU gvnaraliv five mill) suhlu fill
BlnutPi. 1'ba flvxQ' pai-lcmm la aaoafa
Cor orillnary oocaau.. ah ri-ferpait a-il n,aaL
THEHE ARE MANY ly"ia unlaw
claiming W I juat a ffoui! a Uia
Sal lhy am ant, a trial will faavlnta yoa. Wa
f aa.aniaa arara hm utkara aava fallad. Tbay
ara fir 1K tamarh anlf .
w rtl today lor a bai. I bom tnr II W.
Sold only by Artkar Dyvotptli TsMel Ca.
Uineonl, Micb. Largo aaaila 10a.
William JsDnlngs Bryan of LI a
coin. Neb., spoke before tbe atadrata
of tbe University of Michigan. 8atar
day, March 12, opoo "Tba Valoe at
BlGGS' blood purified
CURBS ccUrrta of Use atonutch.