Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 07, 1904, Image 1

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    Harrison Press - J ournal.
APiIL 7. 1904. 3 O. 41
Read L'mtt's new ad in this issue.
Try that tulk coffee at Lowryh.
Tlie Crawford deutistis Dr.T.H.Kpinalo
Sam Seaman wan in from Ins ranch
last Saturday.
Albert Hill was transacting business in
Harrison I ant Friday.
Hod. C. F. Coffee came in on tlie
bound passenger yesterday.
John Mack of Bod arc wag transacting
buisnes in this city Monday,
eggs. Price, 1') for 1.
Plymouth Rock
K. L.KEKU iu2
The couety commissioners were in sn-
ton lost Friday and Saturday.
I)r. T il. gpindlo the Crawford dentist.
J. H. Muutuoujery was in towu jester-1
d.y, j The undersigned will sell
1 1 lit iollowinK lesfriieu ro-
perty at his ranch 8 miles
northwest of Harrison on
The farmer coililaiut these d-iys of 1
dry weather.
Job work? Well ves! Kinvlmn's, rt tnr-i
on. 2."ill fi.r 1 ,5!S or .Vi;l f.,r fill. ...- 1 j
n ami rt our prices on olher work. W
will give your work prompt attention.
Ernest Phinney and wife
Harrison this week.
visited in
After four years of dryness, Harrison
look damp for the ensuing year.
John Hueuekens orders the PwwsJoTK
nal sent to him at Yankton, 8. i).
t J. Marslelier is I arming these duyii
and breaking horses for a change, John
i a a hustler.
Henry Olbricht, f Glen, was transact
ing business In Harrison Tuesday.
11. A. Priddy is making tone improve
nienls about his residence this week.
Claus Chrislensen, from near Ardmore
S. I)., was in llarrison last Saturday.
4 Ed Lyon is building an addition to his
residence on the east side of Harrison.
"Bachelor Cigar. I lie best Sc cigar
that ever struck the town at LoWKYrS.
J. I. Mason and James l'ullen were in
Harrison from near Fort Robinson last
t hristophe r 11. Grewell was in from
his ranch la the south part of the county
Miss Clara Chrislensen, of Andrews
was visiting in friends in Harrison last
TO ft RE Ai;oi.l IS ONE HAY.
Tk Laxative llro.i u Uuliitua tablets. All
drnKifists retiind the tiiony It If falls to
cur. K. W. Orov' alKumure 1 oil curb
box. t5e.
H. M. Walker, a grain buyer from
Whitney, was in tins city on business
last Thursday,
We learn that Oscar Ward
the Hassett place which
cast of Harrison.
is half u mil
4 atuart nules was down iron Wyoming
oa business Tuesday. He was a pleasant
Caller at this ollice.
Waller Woxsiruff was iu town Tuesday.
Waller is staying on the Nolan ranch in
Warbonnet precinct.
William Pontius, of Orin Junction,
Wyo., visited with relatives ill tins city
fore part of the week.
County Treasurer Carl Lux spent a
few days at his Cottonwood ranch the
latter part of last week.
Marcus Valdez came down from his
ranch last Saturday and visited for a few
days with his family iu Harrison.
If you want a suit of clothes, or a good
hat or shoes or boots don't waste your
mooey buying anywhere else but go to
GERLACH'S store and get the best
goods for the least money.
Ezra Tucker was up from Olen yester-
oay. tie reports me lamer, who na
been ill for some time past, as little
George Pullen, of Crawford, was
this city yesterday on business with the
county treasurer.
i M. Walker, of Whitney, was inthis
locality this week after a oar of polktoe
wnich he succeeded in buying.
All iarties indebeted to Chas. Newman
by note, or otherwise will find all bills
and notes ul the Commercial Hank for
collection. Please call nod settle all
open ac;outits ly note bankable or casl
in hand and tave costs.
Chas. Newman
Mr. L. Dout wan in town yesterday af.
ler the doctor lor his wife, who we ar
sorry to say is not improving as fast us
she should.
4 John Harris of Agate, was in Harrison
Monday. We learn that Mr. Harris in
tends to leave for Fort tkdlins; Colo., in
a fhor,, time and will probably local
Mrs. James Connelly and daughter
Bonnie came up from their home in the
south part of the county last Thursday
morning and returned home the follow
ing day.
WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Salesman
Clerks ami everybody who Wants to en
joy a pood hearty laugh to send 50c for
Tips to Auents." Worth f lO to any
-erson who sells goods for a living. If
not satisfactory your money back. Cir
cular for stamp The Dr. Wluui Eieo
trie Comb Co., llecatur, III,
vieorge uarreison was in uus citv Iroiu
Norlhview, Wyo., last Saturday on bus
mess, tieorge wanted the news from
ttns vicinity, so Ins name was acdiKI to
our su Inscription list.
At the village election held Tuesday,
II. Wilhermsdorfer, James Uourret
mil George Gerlach were elected trustees
these gentlemen receiving nearly all the
votes that wero cast.
Howard Burke our former sporting
Editor having caught the California
fever severed his connections with the
'KBM Jouknal and L. C. Wright has
barge of the Editorial.
The Mitchell Index reports a ff'-MODO 00
fire in the town of Mitchell on last
Wednesday night, March UOlli. The Black
burn Isipartmenl Store went up in flames
This was the largest store in Mitchell.
Merchant J. H. Kartell is making some
extensive improvements about his resi
dence in this citv. He began the work
Monday morning.
We lern that John Sutton, of Pleasant
Ridge, met with an accident last week in
which he got an arm broken. His team
ruoning away was the cause.
Mr. Walter Yoakum and Miss Annie
Ash ton, both of Ardmore 8. I)., were
united in marriage in this city by Judge
Wilhermsdorfer Monday morning,
v .
- Mr. aad Mrs, Earnest Lyons came tip
from the lower 83 Monday and visited
with friends and relatives in Harrison
until Tuesday when they returned home.
O. E. Alcott. of Kioux county, pur
chased Ihii- week of Frank Beers a dozen
" full blood Haiubouiiiet rams, paying
180.00 for the bunch. Mitchell Index.
liny Lime A Snlpher Dip Ready X ade
Hafer and better. Endorsed by Govern
sunt. Used by largest ranchmen of this
country. Doesn't burn the eyes. Saves
boiling vats. Boiling of lime eats them
out quickly. 48 Oal. bbl. $12 00. Also
have t horse steam boiler SS 00 8 horse
horse 40.00 for heating water. Write to
Rax Stick Food Company, Dept. A.,
0.iiaha, Neb, a-91
Excursion Tickets to Northwest Stock
Growers' Assrciatlon Annual
Meeting evt Belle Fourche, S. D.
Via the Northwestern Line, will he sold
on April lit Ui In. inclusive, limited to
return until April 17, inclusive. Apply
to Agents Chicago & North Western Ry
April 14 at 10 o'clock a. m.
10 inich COWH.
"2 2-year-old heifers.
2 2-year-old steers.
5 yearling steers.
4 yearling heifers.
1 steer calf. 1 heifer calf.
4 brood sows 3 mares.
1 Polan China boar, lgelden
2 wagons. 1 hay rack
2 sets of work harness.
1 breaking plow 1 Harrow,
1 stirring plow. 1 mower,
1 new seeder. 1 hay rake.
1 2-seated carriage.
Hay in stack, sed oats,
seed jiotatoes, Beed corn,
spring rye. Some furniture,
household goods and other
articles too nnmerous to mention.
rERMS-Snmz under 10
cash. Sums over $ 10; (5 months
time will be given on bank
able notes bearing 10 per cent
interest. PATRICK LACY.
E.A. IJioemjw, Auctioneer.
J. E. Marstelleb, Clerk.
Ed O'Connor is now located in his new
shop where everything looks better than
ever. Ed is not only a first class burlier
but he is good sociable fellow to meet
and is always ready and willing to ic.
commodate his patrons.
"The Willow OVullaghan's Boys"
should lie placed in every public K'hool
library and t!:e pupils urgral to read it,
We have rend it carefully and Cun
cheerfully recommend it. This interest
ing book is for- sale by A. C. MCIurg a J
-o.21.y221, WalHish Avenue. Chicago.
Excursion Ticket to western Live
Slock Association Mcclin at
i:iil C'ty, is. I),
Via tin- N. nil. Western Line, will he sold
Aoi-il 10 I-, l:), inclusive, limited to
return until April 17, inclusive. Apply
to Agents ( 'oicago & North-Western Ry.
Miss Bessie Pnmeroy closed one of t
mom su.iessiui u-nns 01 school ever
taught in 'ist. No. 8, Sioux county. The
lnt half day was taken up bv nierrv
making and all enj ived a good time
Here is the program of the Pine Toi
school and Literary combined which a:
lareely attended.
U'ciation: HKUOMK,
K'lna swartz Mitroup
" l.ittiel.irrs J'rouljle,"
KJoreiic-e Sowers,
" "When Nuttie.Sprt'tslier IU-su
Murtha Snease,
' "I.linpy I'lui"
Nora 1'ark
Song-, "Atnerli-an 1'rlln of the World
Nettie Sprase, I.ulu Sm-k4; mid Ilesnie Cullers.
Iteclatlun; "Old Picket's Well."
lilalne Bootli
The Klval (IraUirs.
lilalne lloiith hikI Henry Uuuiii
'Tryiiiu to I.lck the Teacher.
lvs Cullers
" "lieiueiiilwr Hoys MHke Men.
Josejih Parks.
" "A Most OlillBiii(f I.lttle si.ter.
Klorcnce Sowi-rii,
" "A I.lttle Boy's Irturu,"
Noriiiitu Turk
IMsloKne; "'Tom's rriicil-tnlJokii."
Il-sle Uiillern, Nettie Spi n e, Kuto-iia Howard
Iteclilioii "t lilted t l ust,"
Kiimm Loy
song "The HrokKii Wedding Itmif "
Mr. vi orthiiurloii and Mr. Csrlsnn
l)lalu?ue Mr. Klii's Uive Lett.-r,"
Mr. and Mrs. Heath
Reading, Mr. Worthlngton
Ki'i lallou "ItockhiK ( liair Travels."
Nina Iturson
Song "sweet Annie Laurie,"
Hy seven ifirU
DIHIOglle Kejeeted."
Mr. and Mr. Heslli, Maud .Shaw
Rsinlliup of I lie Liter, iry 1'npi-r.
lilnloi:iie "The Train to Miniro,"
liessU- I'oiiu-rny, Kdwl lUimi, Josojili Park
( IosIiik Address by licsie Cullers.
To all that are interested in Sunday
School work I will say after writing
the different Sabbath Schools, I Unci tint
all would rather have the state workers
Willi us, therefore, I have left the date
with them for holding our next meeting
which will b anuonuced later.
J. B. Bl.-HKK, President
We learn that a deal was completed
this week lietweeu Patrick Lacy and John
Dir.kman and Mr. Licy becomes owner of
Mr. Dick man's half interest in the Harri
son Li very and Feed Stable. Mr. Lacy
taking possession yesterday. We under
stand that Mr. Dickman will trv ranch
ing. The Journal, wishes both gentle
men success.
The Easter services, which were held
at Ihe church last Sunday evening, were
very well rendered, and a large crowd
was present to witness them. Notwith-
lauding the sickness and etc. some of
the faithful ones prepared a very inter
esting program, and the children seoi.
ally did well. The choir sang some very
titeresting ami appropriate songs.
Very Low Excursion Kates to
Frnclsco n..d Los Angles.
V la the .Virili-WeH.eru Line will lie
elteot liom all stations April 2.'1 to May
1, inclusive, on account of National Re
tail Oncers' Convention and the M. E
tieneral Conference. Two solid fast
trains through to Californiadaily. "The
Overland Limited'' (ehctric lighted
throughout) less than threedays enroute
Another fast train is "The California
Express" with drawing rooms and
mg cars. Apply to
North-Western R'y.
Agents Chicago &
Hunter Happenings.
How many eggs did vou eat Easter?
A few sprinkles of ram Easter Sunday.
Mrs. Tom Jones was a Harrison visitor
Pearla Jones went to
back last Saturday,
Harrison horse
During a Phfkh-JoIirnaL reporter's re
cent visit to Bodarc he visited a bachelor
and witneseed something which we be
lieve has no mate a wheelborrow with
a hay rack on it. Quite an invention
J. II. B'eser was up from his Running
water ranch last Saturday. Mr. Bieser
has had a serious attack of the rheuma
tism for the past few weeks and his many
friends are pleased to see that he is able
to be out again.
Rev. Ibniels returned home from
Pleasant Ridge last Saturday. He had
been conducting protracted meeting there
for the ast week. We are pleased to
late that much interest was manifested
and much good done.
All taxes up to 1903 must lie settled at
once, in a short tune distress warrants
will be issued for these taxes.
I.'ahl M. Lux, County Treasurer.
The Epwrth League Social last Fri
day night was very wll attended for
this time of the year. All who were pre
sent had all they wanted to eat and a
general good time too. The Ledgers
afraid that their supply of food would
run short, hut after all were filled there
was ample left, After supper they all
enjoyed themselves pluving games,
marching and etc. As this will probably
he the last social for some time we look
forward with pleasure to the next one
which will probably be next fall.
Russlv-Jap&.n Attae, Ten Cents
The North-western Line,
A Russo-Japanese Atlas has been issued
by the Chicago & North-Western R v.
Three fine colored maps, each lii'iO,
bound in convenient form for refereinre.
The Eastern situation shewn in detail,
with tables showing relative military
and naval strength and financial resour
ces of Russia and Jaian.
Copy mailed to any address on receipt
of ten (10) cents In postage by J. A.
Kuhn, Ass't Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt , U.
& N. W. R'y, Omaha, Neb.
John G. Maher was relieved as court
reporter last Saturday by Judge Har
rington and O. B, Scott, of Kearney, was
appointed in his place. The cause as
signed for the change was that Mr.
Maher was not thought to he in accord
with the majority of the democrats or
with the Bryan democracy. However,
that may be, or might have been, we are
not prepared to discuss but he was with
Judge Harrington in last fall's campaign
and rendered his assistance for the Judge's
election. If he has been at fault since
that time and deserved calling down by
the Judge it seems that some credit
should be allowed for John's valient
service as a democrat and his efficiency
as a reporter, and a milder form applied
than that of taking his pssition. Valen
tin Democrat
Mr. Procter and Frank Lewis wi
Harrison visitors Saturday.
Mr. ltice visited his sister at Chadron
over Sunday. He hud a very pleasant
Birdie and Panzy Jones were very sick
Ct ... I .. . I . , w I , , ,,
ouuuay tiigut. uuu iMvnua uut, uiey ure
better now.
Loran Lewis came un from Crawford
Sunday. He will look after the ranch
while Frank is assessing,
Tom Jones came over from Saw Dust
Saturday returing Sunday. Miss Pearla
accompanied him, she will enjoy the
beauties of the canyons a few days.
j Eva Procter is sick with the same
cough as ail the rest have. Some say it
is the whooping cough and some say not.
Thomas Jones was the only pupil in
school Monday.
Dick Hoyey is assisting Mr. Christen-
sen on the railroad. We expect to soon
hear of Dick being a section foreman as
Mr, Christ onsen soon learns them the art
of running a section.
I Poet Hill is having a few improve
ments which when llnished will add
great ly to its uppearance. The greatest
improvement is twelve pretty cedar trees
which Mr. Jones brought home Saturday
and set out.
Miss Anna Hanson went to her homo
in Crawford Friday evening returning
Monday morning. The train was late
and hardly stopved at Andrews, She
tried to get oir while it was going and
she made a misstep or something and
went down between the platform and
moving train. She just barely missed
having her foot run over. It seems the
train ought to stop long enough for
Huilding material of all kinds; Flour, Feed, Grain,
Wind-mill., Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Farm
Implements, Hani ware, Harness, Saddles & etc.
--HW1rlr-Hr-Hr t-
i You Are Reading
That's what it's here for;
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a firs-t clans Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Business, J
passengers to get off even if they are a
little behind time. We are ail glad that
the accident, was no worse than several
persons being frightened. Miss Hanson
certainlv had a luckv tscupe. U No
War Bonnet Topics.
y Will Orim is at. home again to stay.
Sunday School in progress every Sun
day at 2 p. ni. Come one and all.
We guess we . pril fooled vou all last
week. Unintentionally though.
( ieorge Rooks and wife are going to
run Mr. Johnson's place this venr.
Physician Surgeon.
Andrews Blocs..
L. C. DAVIS, M. D.-
Arthur Dunn is busily engaged fixing
fence around the Gerlach place at present
Mrs John Anderson and Babe visited
at S E and at Nels Anderson's last week
(ieorge G-irretson was down from Old
Woman creek last week and made us a -
L' Frank Scot t and familv and Mrs. Belle
Dunn and children spent Easter at Mr.
J. C. Fullers.
I must congratulate "U No'' on the
strength of that new Move. Sorry it
made her sick though. Well, 1 find it
hard to get smv thing to cook on the
small stove I have.
m VT.. Il. C 1 l I ,1 T.'.l
miss iieine rci,i i, anu uer iiniuier ijo j
nt to Wvoming last week, Nellie to
work for Mrs. I'ete Summers, who she
worked fur last yenr and Ed secured a
Jot of ( hurley 1 innniis.
Paul Zer'isl's brother in-law, who ri.
:ently came from the eastern part of the
te and liomest ended a place just noitii
of the fieihle place, undertook to burn
orne brush on said place Saturday,
when unfortunately the lire became un-
niatiaguble, and but, for the timely as-
sisance of others much damaire miirht
have been done. As it, was it destroyed
pn.e a scope of range.
I '"isiiH-iiiaiJMAadl ,jr itSHXiTft
Board lly Day or Week.
Carey Items,
Mrs. Lillie Gorman is visiting friends
on Cottonwood Ibis week.
Dry ! I)r ! Dry ! If it cant rain a good
snow storm would be welcome.
VSome are nearlv done sowing small
grain, jWhile others havn't commenced.
Miss Iva Spease went down to Chad
ron last week to commence a 3 months
term of school near that place.
Ed Feller supports a new bupgv and is
uilding an addition to his house. L ,ok
out for another announcmeut laterr
The friends of Perry M. Spease will be
leased to learn that he now holds a pos.
sit ion as teacher in the Chadron Academy
Mrs.Mar.tha Russel (nee Dillard) en-
oute from Iowa lo her new home in the
ig Horn Basin, stopped off for a few
iys visit last week with friends and re
latives on Cottonwood. I
1 rytr
Hallroad between Missouri RJver and
Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis
Direct Line to Black Hill.
Appiy to nearest .ont tor rata, ma
m.nd tlme!cA.rde-
West Bound. Easl Bound.
No 13, Due 0:11
No, 83, lo. frt. 9:35
No. 14, Due 7:2
No. 84 loc. frt. ft:4
Both trains carry passengers.
Manhood Restored
This great vejretnble vltallier, the pre
scription of u ininons French physician, will
quickly cure vou of all or nervous dlsensrs.
of the ireiinriitlve organs such R lost Man-
... . , . , hood. Insomnia, pains In the Ruck, Seniinnl
, A stock company, has been organized Kmj,fionSi N,.rv()UB l)(billtv, MniptM, f,
and will build an up-to-date dipping plant iuos,to marry. KsliHUstlnE Drains, Varico-
for dipping cattle. It w ill be located on , oele siid.constipstlon. It stopi sll losses by-
School creek below the school section and
thev expect to be ready for business in a
couple of weeks.
Peculiar Text.
Little Elmer had accompanied Sta
father to church one morning, and the
minister discoursed from Uie tert:
"Why halt y between two splnlom?"
Upon returning home hU mother
Mked if he remembered the text. "1
oan't remember the. eiact words," re
; piled Elmer, "but It im eomothinr
about a hawk between two pigeons."
day or night, l'reinstarlty, which If not
checked ,",lriu to spermatorrhoea and all the.
hnriorn ol 'Impotence. CI'I'IDKSK clesnses,
the llversnd kidiiKTs. ('Ul'II)KNK strength-,
ens audjreslorus. . The reason suflTerers are,
not cureil by doctors is because ninety per.
cent ars troubled with Prostiitlts. ttirpl-.
DKNR Is the only) known remedy to cine
without an operation.1;.!,") llstlmonlsts.
A written giisruntee given and money re-.,
turned If six boxes do not effect a perms- .
nent cure. l.O0 ft box ; six for (tvo by ntsll t
send for freeclrcnlar and estlmonlnls. Ad-, .
dress DA VOL MKDICISK CO., BsnFrencltea,.,
rslifornls. Korssleby KiCHAin ft Jonwt.