Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 31, 1904, Image 8
If il : PreS!!i21i!Ii-!tiine of Russian warship in ! American portf such aswtt-T-! a nee would have been tender- ! ed the confederacy a would Thi' Marvh . 1"--C". C. Burke-, Pr- rTEKKn uTiiri'M or(KKrHU i . enabled them topncceed tliir eiuieaur tu vin- 111 OFFICIAL OF SIOUX COUNTY One DoHar Per Year. PAPER throw the government. Thei 'are thing to think about. Lusk Herald. ADVERTISING KATKS- lPer imh,siusrleedkmir. per month Wk. "Per column, -r riwmth W 90 Tnleiui.l mrds per year, one incu S 0 Ix-als per lint? ich iu w 50 per cwnt itf on yearly cmtrac. M Don't Forget That V7e Do JOB WOREt STOCK BRANDS. Tw Jorasal. will alilih yor fcri. I'ke the following, for K per rear. r- lit Bl lrat4 7S rent. l" ,r rwnranien In Sioux aud ad Joining enwntfcw I tboold advertlMt their brand in Twr Jot ' sLa It cirrit nil over the tt-. It war ' weaH of wiving utonev for you J. ll ST. IIK. tlura brwi 1 le, I WILL IT BE THE YELLOW PERI Lb More than S3 years ago an "English ar.tvologift prophesi ed that- .'a tout a tre- mentous struggle for suprem acy would take place be tweeu the Mongolian and Caucasian races and that the United States, as the t-trong-hold of the latter race, would be compelled to bear the blunt of that, mighty con Act -and lose,. a in the war now on be lt ween Pussia and Japan the latter shall triumph the 1 world will be threatened with a repetition of the "yel low peril." No student of ' history can for a moment doubt that .Tapmee success 1 will mean a coalition, once fully armed and equipped, v.will fie a menace to the peace. of the world and threaten civilization itself. The Chinese portion of the yellow race does not know its t strength. Like the elephant i it known nothing of the pos t sibiliits of its immense bulk. A little learning has brought t the Japanese portion of it to a realization of its combined . powers and a "little learning is a dangerous thing." Japan is struggling for a foothold on continental' Asia. The present war is lieing waged for no other puipe. The declaration of her sym- Hornt of the Moon. The horn of the moon always point . .w ..n hercfnrp thpv art? away irom . always directed upward in the even ing. English Walnut From California. riif..-nia produces more English I walnuts than all the othtr mates, and I they are of better quality. Cost of Electric Light. The cost of city flwlrlc lights t linces from J to 3 cents o bour la mu- OO For we are here yet And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. ooo REGULATIONS PROVIDING FOR THE EXTEMINA'ION OF SCABIES JN CATTLE I.lx-oLv.MiKKAKK. March 17, lw. Vor a nnml rof yur a con tjijft'.u para ,;tic -kin di-e known a Itch, nunge or m.-hIiicii lia bi-fii iii-nnc- to the Iiv5 tUx-k iMliitry In our Mat: iirarly all hrd iH r.iltlcoil upon tlB- range Iwln lnf-ll. Tin? latu-r part of t-c. S. ami . 1?. Chapt. 4 Art it t'otrplWfl Stntuti-ot Jl-trakn, pro v'ii1- that : Th firputy ftat Veterinary uruwMi h;illalo fro-o time to time rive ami enf,'ir- 'u-h directions and prencrile mi h rnl- anil regit latlona aa to Miiaratiiiir, inodfS of hanrtilng. treatlna. fe-dlng ami care for aoch dtneaae and iod antniala Ite .hall ilet-io necessary to prerant two elKei of animala from coming in contact with each other ami perfectly luolat from otlier iloineatle animal a hlch hava not been exixwed thereto, and which are uweptil le of tfomiiif infected with the (tinea!, anil the xal'l Vet rinarla'i or hla uKent, are here by authorised and em)werel toenV'r upon any icrouiiU or premise to carrv oat all the pro Ulon of thl fct. ' See. 13. The Kepnty Statu Veterlnnrlun Khali lmveiMiwerto cull ppon any xherlff, deputy chertir. or ronatublo, to execnt-5 hi order, and neh iilDwn hall ola-y the or der of the Deputy htate Veterinarian, mid the officer performing aiich duties a ii) vldisd f' by the act t-lmli receive com- pcmwtloti th n-for, pre.Tibl by law for like lurvk-ra, to be paid a ther eipe"'e are paid, and and officer may itrre-t without a wnrraiit and take before any mugitrte ol the county, and bold until a warrant can bHlMauml; nuy pornou found vloltlng the provision" of thl act nd aueh olltr-er nhall ImimnllHU'ly nolif the county attorney of such nrreat. and lie hall proe-ute the p.T on offending according to lew. Milch va'.oable work h.mbeeu done through tlm liHinerou dipping plnut eUblihed, UoweviT the lieiietlU tht mh-ht h.ve I en ol tallied bud the bet remertle be-n applicl have been minimized through Hie ne of well inuterlKlii a the emu tnr or carlKillc preparation bich are unreliuhle and lir efficient and often injurious to the imliiiul. lreatel. 1 therefore deem it mj duty under the pro vlalona of the above qiioled t,itute to in Minus the following regulation; No. I. On auit alter April tat, no material shall lie used for the tteHtment of cattle Jl fcea-d with iUdi, muuKe. -vab, or llceeieepf l .. . . .1 k..l.,l.ti tiin m u f .ir.itll Ie4 llfri.ill Mill ira jutjjun. ... " . ... . Call in and get our price on Business Card, Note Headc, Letter Heads, Envelope etc., any way. The Press-Journal. $500 REWARD. for the arrest and conviction of any i-.rtv yr partlM HteaJlug or dif ignriug any brand- a itiKk belongiugtotne unlTigiie.i pnr r. K. JAHIT. Hrwnd on left hir 60. 117, -B B S " wn j" Sn on eft hip of Tattle. I'ut WtlM, Hewitt, lou Countv. Sebra-ka. branded 0 left lhr ml Cattle, pj oo left aMo foktoajlev Addre, ' Patrick. I arauil Co Wyo. MCKIM-KKk LIVE STOCK CO (tramled an left hip of t'ettU and on left eliorlr o Hortea Kangeon lleep Croak. Atfdiea. Keepfreek I lv Stock tO J. II. IIalbskt, roreinaii, iln, MebTUOa.. 1 l J P.KKW ! fck Jl to. Ol.DIK.K htV ASMlS Cattle branded Urea brandcl Cattle brand ed itie a that M rut, either .eft hip or on left ahouldrr. in left lde on left'lhou THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs,. Druggist's Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. RICHARDS & JONES, Successors, J. E. Phinney. .,1 , Ali apprOVWl aim yivitfcrc. UatillZerS in lUlS COuniry U1U.I ' j .r,.by recommend the fulluwln for nulla: 14 11 s g xl nnabicked Lime Mlbstlower of Kulpbur. 1(10 gallon ol water TlioronghlTHlnck tho Lime, add tins Snl phur uii.i boll the mixture In from 23 to Jl ...rl..u.nf (.utut fritin nun In tsn R tirw. e.llll' the tluually atirrlng until the sulphur iedbtolv ni, tlu'ii add auttli-ieiit waU r to makt! the leoulred tnonortein. Thla diliwl'llje iiof lead 1 nclently atronir to kill itch and lice, lice be i Ing Imrder to detroy than the iu-lt inlt. Tlie dip should be kept at a tetnperaimc ol her motives are entirely hu manitarian and that nhe neeks only to pieiervi the intgri y of Korea ai d China is va.uu, die alone as ii.dicating 'curious line of thought a man's prejudices will him into. Suppose Ruwia is the lowrl",d-tom;,er,,r; anl FK I mill should l rttal.ieAl In the dip two in the present war ana tne world allows that Japanese (Chinee Korean coalition to 'be 'formed. Give that 7(K), '(XX),000 yellow skinned fana tics b. (jH3xt?r of a cntviry to, !frain and equip and teach .ahciarTn themselves and who ':ill hve-eapou to doubt the 'Jlqriy people are at a lots to unde s and, and justly bo, B0URRET& DAVIS. GEaXERAI, merchants, (Successors to MAP.STELLER BROS.) o Invite your inspection of our Goods for quality and Price for fairness. Our stork is as comple te as any and we expect to keep it so. Here in the line of DUY GOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, BOOTS SHOHS, etc., you will find everything in the latest up-to-date styles and patterns. GROCER IKS, fresh and of the best quality. FLOUR, GUAIN, CURED MEATS. HARDWARE, TIN WA RE Give ns a trial. We will try to treat you right at all times. HOUR RET & DAVIS- n Inn tea. So. 2. No dip nhall contain le than 8 lbs of Hiilphnrto US) gnl Ion of water No. $. During the coming month of April, May and June all herd of cattle tn which the dlaenw! of itch, iiunge, scab or lice exM. almll be dipped in a Lime Jan d sulphur dip a above bireetexl. All cattle ao lt-nd to he keot a stock cuttle ahall be dipped theaecond time within 6 to 14 day after the flrt dipping. Wo. 4. Owing lo the lack of fund to em ploy ncaistnnt Veterinarian- puriuswit to See. lslwrein o,iuSed, I hereby tnstroet tho sheriira iu Sfc oosattos la whSl said dl- so sWsIs to foreo too forapaasf reg ft tkaM nod rsqisat that tb ssssort the pr.- and iufet!y so. , , .kt. v.,n .i, who tne peoiie o me u iiimju -"r V " , r . too dry matartaU for too eoofelna; of the tHtattte are SO inclined tO Sym- amine ana Mum addfrelgh on water. If any ' k . " otUI, To ..on in ' har deal re to purelwum a niaiirctnrr-d pthrje with Japan m neT tIm04l(ta.r1mr di ,ttM.n Inaiit ctl)cu)Bt, PfeWfht trOUblO with KuSSia that one barrel of e Jcentrated or aaturat- ' i i.1 7 it ' ift.l tvd oln,on will taln an average of ."than with the latter. Wnile 1100 lb, of Hrfhur and wouui wier apan has always been on (.rSXS " d,P " "'"I ,lfiore Or leSB .friendly terms With the rwdrosalto already ohtlne.l by : 'iu a TT A t;4o4 a tint the Hme an Salphor dip a ned by many of WHU tne Unilt a OiaieS, XVUt- ourgtockmen I am confident tlmtlt we can eia did us a turn during the iaweti.e work done thoroughly this spn.i i ; . . , j - I and the eattlo kept out on the range CJVll War that it IB hafd IOr, through the summer at 4r the second dip 'nmp neonle to forget and ' n OT a"y rrMn " ,nfecld J",rd' Wme people IU lOrajei, ailU corril, fence, nntlldlwmtected, we will .many old soldiers are prone ' nav etormiated the die in the tp think that if we, have any I - pbnhed by the Bureau of Ani mai Indaetry upon the subject of rtcaMe lu fettle, giving full details for making and aainK Unie alKf Sulphur dip will be supplied J. H. WILHEUDORFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. ler. range on (Idler Creek. Any u-k branded a above lielng e.tray 11 from my range, discovered by any tly giving inn liiluruialtwu III be rewarded. Addle, H. Kiiim. Nebraska I RANK Kl'TTO. Cattle branded Ide and same on r 'if borne. AIo some of the llore 1 are branded on lite Htiimlder Home a dccrlb alxive lianud. on tli left left MllOllI- s Horse brd-d with any of above brands. Addrea. J. A. AsbEHSOB, Harrison, ebraka. IKH Ullt-T SONS. and Cut. ami till ed lor the Addre. Ilarrlnon, Nebraska. V SAMl tL KNOK1. Cattle branded nny where on left side of the animal Itiiiige 011 1'rnl I le Ixig nd Moil ft 3 toe i'rcrkM. ('Httltt brmMl on cut on eitii er 'I of ant-11ml An1 JoIlowiiiK o left hide of cntlV. El 13 nd thl And till on left side of she stock. on left ldosnd kip. Kiingcon It'inulng Water Pi.Htdltico Addrea. ll.;rr, eliHk. Addle, Harrison. Nebrnka IIKWAHI). will -nv 'i.OO reward fur e.i'd le of Iave')lville'liorHe.l)raiileil 00 either jaw r llnuli inrnen yie.T 'n .ohn Ihener on Kiinnint WAler. alo KHi 'K) for proof i onvirt nny H-r-on unlawfully ImmHuit; tn v of said bore. W. J. A. Racm. J !!. IICMKU. -ltl hr.i..dr.l '7?W-V'? a I mi Vi H&W'M LAl tut. on HkI.I it- f'.rH.'T' - ' !. i UOHKIlT K. NKKCK. Caitie llrniided Kange oa on left !! 011 lc It hip Alan cuttle branded ho ilder or lde. IIiuiKe on Hunning Water. I'. . Adilre Agute, Nebraska. J. I.KVKK. Oattlo brandert shonbler. f -Oii-.; U I (f. AIo n pn left hide. Klght . clipit SIO0 REWARD will be paid forcvldenee ronvleilng any one Ir.r running on or In uny any tampering with Mock having nuy nf the ulxive brund or brand. Il.au a ul Auitiea, Ntbr, Addrea. ll.irrlaon ebr. iN I.KFT8IHK l'o- tIM'- e A Hdre. Chadron Nebrankii. 1IKNRT W AltNKKK. I'attle brand ed on left side. Kaugc on linnul-ig Water ('rvnek. "P.O. Addrea Harrison, Ni hranka. 1 The Commercial Bank. Approved: JOHJI II. MICK KT, Uovemor. f. A.TIIOMAf. Htate Veterinarian. Bympathy to spare it should jbe sriven to Russia. 1 1 T" , , , , , j T dtrerUT from the office of the State Veterlu- No dpubt the stand Rnssia . e, b. w.ik! iron, the nure.o r Innk had milf:h to do With AnlmaJ Industry. Washington. D.C., jiie putting down cf the re; teilibn, for had it hot been jfor tne attitude of that coun iry the" confederacy would iave been given the support of England and France. .It; Vb finnly believed by many ''that bad it not beeu ior the uppearanc at an opportuEAl '" HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Cofkck, President F. W. Clarke, Cashier Chas. C. Jambsoh. H. 8. Clark k, A. McGiklkt Stockmen haring use for a bank at this point may rely 01 us to handle their entire Banking busines. rfjiWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all times. l atlle Kranded A. II. KENSKDV. on itigin inn Shoulder J.H. 1 EVSUJW. Cattl, branded on ,-ignl lde aajis as cut. A'.d alo I; on Ight hip. Horse bran-ted lfaj on right honider rjw. Range on w.ilto Itlver, on the old tT Colville rr.neb. . r.(. Add re; Olon, Jtebr. rTsl AtillUKW KnKlSTIAS P.O. Address, Crawford, Nebrakii. OCfAVK HAKKLS, Cuttle branded aw as shown I 1 left side with I "i I over bit en left V " -1 cl eUr- ( S f KRIlfB on Mnn- w ,,,nK Water, P. O. Addrea. Marsland, Nebr. PUP And Cattle branded aide, aad Horses on left XI, 1 1, JUltHAM. ores and Cat tle branded on either side, same as on cut. iftQal on left . jaw. Address, Bodare, Nebraska. To Cnro a Cc!3 in Ozo Bay fake L&ZteVQ LTCZZO Qz!Z3 Td!3. flL Ort. hi TwoDayi, ca every JOHN A. HANSON Cuttle hrmt el 011 lf t xlde same s cut and hore branded on i..r t.iiiiiiile 1 . ... r r-m. aa - - same as cut sre tlm pi.tH-ny of Andrew Chrltiuii anC range tributary lo Vsn TiiaMd Spring. Address, Klrtley, Wyo. i n T 111 WANTED. SPECIAL Rkphumbxtativ in thiacounlf and adjoining lorritoriea, l) represent and ndverline an old established Wealthy buaiuea houae cf solid financial sbandinf Hulary $21 weekly, wiMi S per da for exa-naea, paid eiu;h Monday by check direct from headquarters. Exeiies ad vanil, and liore and buggy furnished when neci-KKsirv; pii'.ioti permanent Addrea Ulew Bros., B40Moaon Building ' Imago, III. 0-0 1 Own the follow mglirsnd on ell h- r: W-l Iso HO on est. I in and horw--ai.lleon left .idi leirn on It'fi shoulder. gt, ,-a ,., - - rafeV4'Mldia kn on Sliver aurlngs and east of state I IiUukIJ' mi; Mielfl ) 1 A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It is interesting U nobs that fortune lire frequently made by the invention of urliclea of minor importance. Many of the most populiir d vices are those de si(ied to twneflt the people mod meet popular conditions, and one of th moat interesting of the that ha vt !" invented i the Ur. Whit Electric Co'i patented Jwi. 1, M. The wonderful Condi iosttivly cur dan! ruff, hsirl fulling out, i k ami nervous IhuAi.Ii and when used with Dr. Whit KlectriH Hair Briinh are positively g irnnld t until siriiixiil liuir curly m25diij Imi, Tli'iiisnurls if ths ele't.iio comi. hav been sold in vsriouaoilies of th Union, and tl demtind is cnnui(e in' 'Mi' Our agent are nipidlv birirhji ni'1 ;Pia,r Mm-s cotni'i. They p-. tiviv sel ,,. ..-hi nd f ir wtnrnd". Mtt' KM hid ie' ' flwlf (trijv while' ear Tha Dr. WnlU RW trrv Umih Uo., IMtnttur, Uk tV" Ms. PaeUrfRow-UsrvMss Nek.