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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1904)
Miss Ibpzood (ells bow she escaped so awful operation by Ksiog Lydia E. Piakham's Vege fcble Compound. 1 " Dsam Mas. PisntHiM i I eoff-red. far lour years with what the doctors galled Salpingitis (Inflammation of the fallopian tabes and oraritis), which la Boat distreshiog and painful ailment, ajfeetinff all tha surrounding parts, tadermininir the constitution, ami aap Bsaur the life forces. If you bad seen M a year apo, before I betran taking Eydla II Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and bod noticed tha Hinkrn eyes, aallow complexion, and feaeral emaciated condition, and corn bared that person with me aa I am to ssy, robust, hearty and well, you SToujd not wonder that I feel thankful o you and your wonderful medicine, SThlch restored me to new life and fecal th in Ave months, and - ved me from an aw ful operation." Miss Ibesc VaroooD, 1032 bandwich St Windsor, OnU $6000 ferfrtt If trtelrml of mtxv It tar aMsfSf fWWMWM CaUMM produced. Oraritis or Inflammation of the varies or fallopian tubes which adjoin tha ovaries may result from sudden Mopping of the monthly flow, from inflammation of the womb, and many User causes. The slightest Indication at trouble with the OTarlss, indicated Wf doll throbbing pain in the side, ae oaipanied by heat and shooting pains, tMud claim your Instant attention, will not cure Itself, and a hospital f srstlon. with all Its terrors, may result from neglect. Moravian Barter and Apelta. a a-rest cereals makes crowinc and letting hogs end cattle possible in Us- a Mnnfana Idaho (.nfornila. V. T' where, sud add tn shore Nnlr.rr'i Bill riAllar l.raaa Teoainte which nro- ia HO tone of rren fodder Der acre. ilser's Esrlieet Cane. Suiter's K) Day its and s humlred of other rare farm that he oftVrs. ST CUT THIN OUT AND RE IT. KN IT 10c In alamos to the John A. Snl- RhH Co.. I.a Crosse. Wia.. ami Bel t big catalogue and lots of fariu seed iplea. (0. N. V.) Pari bas a baker's oven which Is it ted by electricity. The tempera fcro ran he readily regulated, and tbe oveo Is a great success. Flab dealers In European cities, ben their salmon becomes stale aod lull Id color, Impart a healthful tint to tbe fish by using cochineal. Within the space of two hours a an Id Murphysboro, III., was mar- Sid, arrested and thrown Into Jail, la bride was so angered that she Mot od ber bridal lour alone. AWfielabk Preparalionror As similating thcFoodandKcgula Ung the Sloiaacte arslDawcis of Promoles Digcslion-Chperfur-ness and Rest Contains neiller Sjium.Morptune norMuiexal OT NARCOTIC. JV$ifOUtSiMUBJWSKB jMx tmum Apofecl Remedy forConstlpa Tton, Sour Slonyich.Uiarrttoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcven stv rttas and LOBH o r SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YOT1K. EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER 1 a iwi ni ii ' jjs I Ouie i en miiiiuu uuaco c vs THI ItMlltT'S BEST FOR CANDY CMARTTtC AtoBMieWr Uullssss., s pru. cosx eeesl to to ob of iba ere lest orcaa 1 ttU of (be present ally. H will gift series ol 34 reclUla it the 8I Law ll eiLOsltlOO eiU-ndlna near A weeks, beginning August 15. The , assignment of dates to the otber orninliti baa not yet been completed and a great deal of shift- n li still lo progress Must of ihe orgaolg.i oamd will give two reel tals each. Two. Clarence Eddy of New Yoik, and E. H. Leoisre of Pltuburg, will give three recitals eich. Clarence Eddy bit given recitals at -Is great ep'IUoos tegloDlng Ith that at Vienna In 1873 He Is at present glTlng concerts In War saw, Russia. Io 188 at the Hershey School of Musical Art In Chicago, of which be was General Director, be gate a aeries of loO recitals with out sny repetitions For Growing filrla. West Pembroke, Me., March 21sL Mrs. A. L. Smith, of this place, sayt that Dodd's Kidney 'ills are the best remedy for growing girls. Mrs. Smith emphasizes her rei-omuiendation by the following experience: "My daughter was thirteen years old last November and It Is now two years since she wss first taken with Crazy Spells that would Inst a week and would then pass off. In a month sli would have the spells ngnln. At these times she would eat vi'ry little and was very yellow, even the whites of ber eyes would be yellow. "The doctors gave us no encourage ment; they all said they could not help her. After taking one box of Dodd't Kidney Pills, she has not had one bad spell. Of course, we continued tbS treatment until she bad used In all about a dozen boxes, and we still five them to her occsslonally, when she Is not feeling well. Dodd's Kidney Kills are certainly the best medicine fas' growing girls." Mothers should heed the ad rice of Mrs. Smith, for by so doing they may save their daughters much pain and sickness and ensure a healthy, happy 'uture for them. Af par ass nuv Mrs ! Ittntm la pan Hum at home wrmiif lot na: eiperteara) nanxort arjr; tend iump tor particulars. AsMrieea Art Uoi 801, Brooklyn, N. V. Sekond rate poetry Iz sumpthlni like sekond rate botiesty no krcdll to the author. Mrs. WlneloWe SOOTHINQ SYRUP tor call drrn UtiiiiiK,aoftna the nurni, rtxliinvs Inns mtlou,llajrtplu curat coltc. Pi tot 2be bottta I hav often thought that the con scited phools were tbe happiest per ions living. A SOFT ANSWER Customer "That umbrella yo sold me Is made of such rulserablj poor Stuff that it wou't last I month." Dealer "Yah Ve alvays sells da kind to intellects 1 rata like you, You gets to thinking on great sub Jccts, and pecomes so abseut-ruludei you lose It In dree veiks; and del you baf de satisfaction off krowlDj dut de man who vluds It vlll ge et" For Infants and Children. aajSBBBSBBBBBBSBVBaBBBSBBsMB The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sifrnqfnro tiflf - - V of In AW 1 1 mJ k mi Use II laK For Over Thirty Years B IsV 111 raVOBITI sHMlM THE BOWELS WOMEN WORKERS IN FIELDS. Ora.4IO.BIO Acrlcallaral Labarcrs ia Uatt4 Htatca Mfll.lOS Art Waaarau In an Agricultural Dpartnifnt bull tin, the total ihiuiimt i,t artcultoral laborers In the I'nlted rJfales is plar-l at 4,410,910. of wbom ..'i.l: ar "uiemlrs of the familj that Ik, -.iu-and (i;ii)Kliter lut help to work old homcstt-ad"' or " bt-lp l"n-l i with the VraiiK."" sml .M4,71 hired laliorcrn. A surprisintrlv larat iiuuiIm r ol Women are hix-u-(l a liirtil farn Jielp. The total nuiuU-r Is 22i,ms Naturally, the jrfa t-r iiinnlier of tin- re iu the Soutlj, where the luign iHoitteu are un iuiHirlant f.n tor in tin gathering of cotton, i-orn and other Tops. There were -Hl.tCiTi women classed as farm lalKirern. "mewlier of the family." anil the vnt inajoritt of t bene were also fniiml in the South where negro woim-n taking an ui-tht part In the work In the fl'l'l I r ilinary siKht. South I'arolinH leti'U hi the iiuiiiIh-i of women hired lalmrern, with .'i.'i,,riM, and Alnliauia in next, with .'!t,ts.'i Then come !eort;ia. with .'IO.Mm; Miss iHtsippi. with :tt), i:4 ; ljuisiana, will 2.'l.-.iO; ami North farolina, with , 4t;7. Viririnia Imx r'W2 of the women ami Maryland haH 4. So. M isKisHi iii leads all the States ii female laUirers "liieinlwrM of the fain lly." with u total of TT.r.'.lli. Then fol low Alahama. with 74,"l.'i: Souil Curolina, with t;.1.Ht;!); (Jeorgia. wilt fJ4,W(i, anI North Curolina. with :(7. 41)0. Vlruinia ha 4.S-11, ami Marjiam HS7. Farm waxen have almost uniform); shown un upward tenilency oinee IS'.H.t and. In many Slatew, they are now higher than th-y have lieeii slnee thi Civil War. The average farm wbk for the entire eountry for 1!X)2, un fai ax could he learned, were $22. 14 pel month, without loard, as ojiKsed t( $'J).2.'l In 1W). Where lward wai furnished by the employer the rati of Increase was still hither, s In 1002 the average monthly wagei of a farm hand who lived with hi; employer were $ lt. 40, and in ISitO wen $14.07. The highest monthly wages, wit! hoard, were paid In Nevada, $.14.14 Montana, $.!2; Wyoming. 31.21; Idaho $''!).7i); I'tah. $2;i.4."; Califoniia, $'.M.l. 3H. The pKrent monthly wages, will hoard, were paid In South Carolina $H,24; CeorglH. $!).3(); North Carolina (59.01. Maryland's average, with hoard Vas $12.07 per month, and Virginia'! $11.20. The highest wages per day in hur vest Heason, the employer furnishing Ihe hoard, were paid in North Iiakota $2 IS. The only other Stales that aver aged more than $2 per day were: Koull Kakota, $2.HS; Minnesota. $2.04, an( Washington. $2,01. Virginia's averag? pay at harvest time was $1 per day, and Maryland's $1.14. Kansas, whlrh kli-ked lip a lot ol excitement ahout Uh Inability to ge' harvest hands nt any price, paid I daily average wage of only $1.57 it 1!M)2, an Increase of only 18 cent It the three years from lHliO. St. I-ouli Republic. CHILD F On GOT HER MANNERS Why the Little Girl Was Relinked b) Her Nesrro "Mammr," If you had happened to le walking down Executive avenue a little tlmi after durk on the day after ChriHtmat vou mlL'ht have seen among the crowt luf nurses and children issuing frou the white house a very stout ehlerlj negress and a hnnrhy child In a whitf coat and big white hat, nays the Wash Ington I'oHt. The child was eagerly telilng of the wonders of the party, and mammy was listening with Intensi pride. Suddenly mummy stopped short. "I done forget to ask you till thii minute," she wild. "lid you pay youa respects to the president s lady The child looked bewildered. "I don't know," she wild. "Did you tell her good -by and 'upresj youah enjoyment of the party r "1 forgot it," the child confessed much uhashed. Mammy alghed. "My lan'!" slie said in utter discour agement. "If that ain't the mortify jngest thing! Here I done brought yoc to the white house, and tol' you to l sure to shake hands with the piesl. Rent's Indy nnd tell her you certainlt has had an enjoyable time and is mnefc obliged to her for the honor of inviting you, und you goes anil forgets. I cer tainly Is mortilled to death. The pres ident'8 lady Is a-telling her childrer 'bout It this very minute. She's a-say-lng: 'That little girl what hud on tin great big Bash certainly did look fine but she ain't got no more manneri than n fdiunty child.' You's Just goni and disgraced your famiy. You cer tainly Is trying. You'k been to tin white house, and you's certainly ach e shameful. My lan' I" And us the crcsl fallen child who hu forgotten her manners was led awiij up the street mammy delivered horse.' of her flnnl shot of humiliation; "I certainly blushes for you, I does,' she Raid. Curling Poptil ir tn Canl. One of the moHt popular of Canadlni winter sports Is curling, which Is salt in l,n in oricrlnuted in Scotland. Ti the uninitiated tbe sight is that of foil j men sweeping the lee; but there li ' method in the game, and the curling stones and tees are arranged carefully ' for a scientific player Is keen to taki advantage of every ruling. The teei are plnced thirty-eight yards apart the players stand behind a tee, and tin score Is mnrked on the lee seven yard; In front of each tee. Of course tin rnnie Is to keen the stone wlthli rta:n limits, a feat not easily ao compllsbed. 8t Nicholas. JHE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Peruna in the House for Catarrhal Diseases. MR. AND MRS. J. O. ATKINSON, INDEPENDENCE, MO. UNDKIt data of January 10, 181)7, Dr. Han man rei-eirad the olluw ing letter: "My wife bad btn suffering from a complication of diseasea for tbe paat '2i years. "Her raae had baffled the skill of some of the most noted phyairinna. Oue of her worst troubles waa chronic renati patlon of several years' ataading. "She also was pinning tkroagh that moat rritiral period ia the life of a w ernes change of life. Is Jooe, lUKt, I wrote te yea a bent ktr case. Tea 4 iH s course ef Peruse sad Masalio, which we at sacs eomaeaced, aud have to say It romnletely eured her. She firmly selieree that aka would hare been dead only for these wonderful remedies. "About tbe same time 1 wrote yon about my own rsae ef catarrh, which had been of 25 years' standing. At times I waa almost past going. I comairnced to nae I'eruns sccording to your instruc tion" and continued ltd iikc for about a year, and it hae completely eured me. ." Your remedht do all that you claim lor them, and even more. Catarrh cannot exist where Peruna la taken according to directions. Success to you and your remedies. " John O. Atkinson. A Late Ilnslness Call "Curious what men will do when the' re driuk !ng," said Keprcsentatl ve "Tim" Sullivan. "In New Yotk I heard a Itory about a man I know who li-nl been out oearly all night, atid was considerably the worse for wear. "lie came along a street and saw in undeitakers' sign, wltb a night bell, just over a speaking tube. He rung tbe bell tlercely. "What Is It? yelled he under takers' dowe tut too 'What do you antr "Nothing In particular," the chap replied; 'only I want to say to you that you're tbe last man I'll do bus! Dess with." Philadelphia Tele graph. "I don't eiacty Know," replied tha young housewife, "but cook them until they are real tender" Chicago Post. Tbe General's Part "Say, Jlmmle, bow many men d'yre s'pose be's killed?" "A, g'waot Don't yei see be's I general. Generals don't do ou klllen' bey Jest bosses de Job" st Louis Star. New Zealand has decided to bare in exhibit at the world's fair. INTELLECTUAL ASPHYXIA TION A flood of dead print has smothered tbe spoken ward aod people think that they awaken their faculties by leading when really they subject themselves to a process of Intellectual ispbyxlailun. LuuduD Dally News. The Ramsey family of Kansns will hold s family reunion In the Kansas building at the world's fair, August tfl 1904. The postal service Mas 125 employes bearing Ihe name of Ham- ley Memrers of the famiiv are lumerotis lo every grate of the anion, though they disagree about the proper spelling of the name, Ramsey and Jtasmay being the fav etlte styles. Stats or Ohio, Citt or Toi.ano, 1 Lucas Oouicrv, (" Frank J. On it -v mdliftn osth that lie Is tlie enlor partner of tlie.innof K. .I.OhksktACo.. doing biiMne In tlie City of Tol.-ilo. Ootinty ami huue afore aid. and that ialil linn sill pay tlie mm of I NK llUMlltKl) DOLLARS lor each ami every case of Catarrh tlmt cannot be lured by ilie ue of Uall'h ( atauiih ( i iis. Fit AN K J. CHK.NKV. Sworn to before me anil Miliocrlbed In my pres ence, tbla U day of Ueveinber, A. L). uiM. iu W. O.I.F.ASOV ttotary Public. sbal Hall'i Catarrh Cnre la taken Internally and acta thei lly on the blood and mui-oii Mirtactw of tlie yalein. Bend for tetlmonUl, free. F. J. CHUNKY b CO-Toledo, O. Bold by Pmga-lvlK, 7bc. Uall'a Family rills art tbe best. It Iso't safe to endorse eonyboddy; e kao't even tell what kind ov a mao e shall be outself ibe 25th day ov June. MOTHER GRAY S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, rM?ncKSl- In a letter dater January 1, 1900, Mr. Atkinson aaya, after fire years' expe rience with reruns: " will ever continue to apeak a gooo word for Peruna. In my rounds aa a traveling man I am a walking adver tisement lor Peruna and have Induced many people during tha past year to use Peruna with the most satisfactory results. I am still cured of catarrh. ' John O. Atkinson, Box 272. Independence, Mo. Wbea old age cornea on, catarrhal dis eases come also. Rystemie cntsrrb is sl moM universal in old people. This explains why I'eruns has become ee lodispeuasble to old peov.o. Peruna is tlielr safeguard. I'eruns is tbe only remedy yet devised that meets these cases exactly. Such esses cannot be treated locally; nothing but an effective ayatemle remedy could cure them. This ia exactly what I'eruns la If you do not receive prompt and sst lsfsctory results from the use of I'eruna, write at once to Dr. llartman, giving a full statement of your cnae, and he will be pleased to give you bis valuable ad vice gratia Address Dr. llartman, President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. MAKING THE BEST OF IT Mis Gotham "Amateur photog raphy Is all the rage lo New York" Aunt Rural "Well, I s'pose most of the rooms In those flats you live In are too dark for anything else" If yu don't make yure yung ones mind yu when they are yc-jng, they will make ys micd then when yu are old. 1 bar tziai all th most approved plans, and I find tbat tbe cbeeapest way to manage a woman li to let ber bav ber own way. Most of tbe mlzerable would be comparatively happy if they would only komptre tbetr condlshun with tbbse beneath Insted ov abuv them A Self Deluded Girl "I can't teacb tbat Grindle girl bow to skste It's no use trying." "But why does tbe persist In wanting to learu?" "Because she tblnks sbe falls so gracefully," Cleveland Plain Dealer. Superstlsbun Iz tbe result or fear, and fear Is the result ov, Ignoranse. The more vice there ii In a man the less vlrtew be kan tee In hit nahor. The best relief for the old rumatlz iz lu und iuuis fellow vrho &as Lct the gout bad and then begin pity- log htm. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES cos but 10 cents per naekage. Bad luk: generally shows the strong spots In a man, while good luk re veals the ysk ones. I can not 'praise Piso't Cure nonsb for the wonders It bas worked In curing me. -It. II. SeiTrel, 220fl OUve street. 8L Louis. Mo., April 15. 1901. If thare Is enoy difference between beting and borrowing, It Iz' In favor ov the mao who bene. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. l.SIJ.Si hi ii am m m mm a. ).s'g-ii,ii;mi:i, i Beet Con. I- Krmp. Tum Uuud. Daa ,d la lima Som by iifwsi.u kzVSi Boy In the Black Hills miMae TTw.iir Oold Mlnl., Mllllix Oampaar Soul h Dakota la offartnt IM Traarar, stoos, a limited amtiunt, for aale. liiToalnn looklaif tor m af i.lar-c. to at tkrlr aoaa;, von Id ao irrll o iB'MHrala tkla. I aas far alaa Ua faaulaa S T ,-!. ran nook. R. O'SULLIVAN, RiChOlaaa Miamg atoesa, 11 Brasalwaf, sw Terk It may not be aa dlaastruuot to Others, but It Is Just ss krlmlnul to as to tbln, "duai it," as It It to akt it. .mTltQinpsofl'sEyeWatsr M N. o, ic-it. ten f 0 0 I PI 1H II. Grust i Scalled Head and Eczema And gentle anointings with CUTICURA OINTMENT, purest and sweetest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. It means instant relief and refreshing sleep for tor tured, disfigured, itching, and burning babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, when all else fails. ekmrh4 ffc wr1tt Oattcf ltrmt. NsV i.i fttriH of Cl.orola.te Coctsx) FUli, Kc. pair of , kouM Ha. rrit. Rat ate Ik 1 all Bottoa. IsV Call A. Fottcr lni ft Cktm. Cam., tWU ProprlalsMsV mr 6tw4 tor " flow lr Par r7 HkbssV.'1 HLfinpncia miioBtni, MnstitAtum LSKC"3,tt IsMldMbtJ, lBdlajMt1B, oar dtomavcb, utd In fact ii allntDtt f tb tomKcb quickly aiMl pormtvaonU onwl 17 tsM as ARTHUR'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Wrtw today for a Mc bal. I boar, for Hold onlT by Arthur Dyictpsls Tablet Ca. -oni'ord, Mien. Large alll 10i- What Sbe Meant 'Didn't I bear your wife refer to you at the human mince pie?" laid the curious person. "Yes," answered Mr. Sirrloa Barker. i "Is tbat a compliment?" ' "Not exactly. Sbe meant tbat I never agree with anybody." Wash ington Star. Nature and art combined lz per tiksliun; Itlsorownlng atrength with buty. i T!a FREE Homestead Lands ol tas Star Attractiorti for 1904 lillllonaof amaar DiarnlflcntQmB and Oraalnfr Land to be bad aa a trel fflfl, or by purchaa. from Railway CompuiUa, Land OarpoimUoaa,aa, The Great Attractions end rti-op., Sellsiitral eflsiarai plndld achool uymtrm, perfbel ellBaata) perftei epllenaJ Klwrsltl aallf. ' nciai roiitiiiiona. eseepue railway ndTHDtnaea. and wea and oAlueuce ucqulreS easily. Tha population of WMTM1 CAN AllA Increaaad in 0I b Inid Eiatlon dnrina tha paal yaar, OTor aXat ems amarlcalia. Writ to tb. sasreel sntkortaal Canadian Qovarnmant Agent for Caoa dlan Allan and otlpr Information! el :ilri. SUI'KHl vrftV DSMT laSUinJ TiON, Ottiw ,CaiDA. W. V. llannal tt, Kll fiaw York liia IlJdcOa aalzers Home rinllder Cora. Sovnnmeil because 50 sores prodncei so heavily thst Its proceeds bnllt s lovely home. See Snlzer e catalosue. Yleldei la UKXS la Iivliana 157 bu., Ohio 160 bo Tennessee 98 bn., and In Michigan 220 tiu. per sera. Yon cm beat this record in l6(4. VVUAT DO TOO TITINK OF THES1 YIELDS PER AGUE? 120 ha. Beardless Barlev per acre. 310 bu. Sailer's New National Oats pas sera. 80 bu. Saber's Spelts sad 14 scares. Whest 1,000 bu. Pedlirres Pots toes per sera, ' 14 tons of rich Billion Dollsr Graas Hsyt (10,000 lbs. Victoria Rape (or sheep psf scrs. IfiO.(KK) lbs. Teoslnta, the fodder wondsa, 54,000 lbs. Raiser's Superior Foddst Com rich, Juicy, fodder, par ser. Now euch yields you can ksvs, Ma Fanner. In (004, If you will plant fta ter's seeds. .Ill ST SEND THIS NOTICB AND Ml in stsrnps te John A. Sslssr Seed C La Crosse, Wis., snd receive their great catalogue and lots ef arm seed samplsSj Instantly FEBlievBd & Ami by Baths will ; - r at rmn ' i