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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1904)
THEY PLAN A BIG COUP HOLD PING YANG WLL HOLD THE fokt CASE ABOUT ENDED . -j -A-A TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTV r I NEBRASKA NOTES W W rr Trr T 1 RUSSIA POSSIBLY HAS SURPRISE FOR JAPANESE "', lint Inkling of Wkil in Kapact butt al L Petersburg WtR UKtKIOrMMTI, Ao inkling of Hie piobahle juncturt of I tie Unsnarl loit Arthur and Vladivostok' fleets is given at St. Petersburg, with Hie statement that Japan rimy wake up some morning to find it h s been c fleeted. The CmU d Matts is using its good OfTces in Ik hair of stranded Japanese iu hikn i ia. Umnois have reached Clip Fro of bat;l i ii tie y.ilu in m hi' li tlx liussians clilm to have captured eighteen bundle) ru.).,i is. Kussia has forb.-t.icn the sending tf ndit g of cl 1,,-r n.csiaees-. From I' Arthui tin' Japanese fleet rim n . asioinl y b sighted, fch'iwiffl t j, st 1,1 in tl i- vicinity. The, at Itii'le of China conlliiue to b.tli puzie at, 1 wuiiy II iSsia. ST. l'K'i i;t:I;! T.i;.-1iie where abouts Of the Vladivostock quidrop 18 a profound oil), ial s-mt, but there are ih"e ht re who odieve that tin JaiaMS" may wake up some morning to tind tliat the to divisions i f Uussi i's Pacific sijuad cod iiave effected a Juri'Mure. It Is tu t raying no confidence to HHie that both Hie admiralty and Vice Admiral MakatofT, In f ire lie left for the far east, regarded the fact that the divisions weie separa ted a most unfortunate fur Russia's chauct s of siic-tss at h a. Iteallzng that Olfi-n-iv'i: naval operations are liupUMiibh; under r resent rcirid 1 1 icn-. It Is hi lewd thit no opportunity will he ri'g'ected to repair tils initial misfoi tun", even should it tuvulve cniisiderahl j risk. What Congress will Do. WASHINGTON'. The P' Stofflce, the military arach my and the sundty civil apptoprlat Ion bills constitute the work mapped out for the house this week. On Monday the house will adjourn e itly owing to the dcaih of Representative Thompson of Ala bama. The p.iofilee hill I- pending end several k nelly questions, such as rural free delivery, salarleg, rail way mall subsides and railway mail lervlce, ar likcy to prolong Its en lderalioo for several days. Ttie military academy hill Is not expected to consume much time. The sundry civil bill probably will be ready the latter part of the week, and Its con sideration will extend Into the fol lowing week. President Indi'-atlons re tnat no otner matters of Imp ir; tance are likely to c .uie up during the week. The present week In the senate will be devoted almost eutlrely to appro priation bills, beginning on Tuesday with that Tor the District of Colum bia and following with the Indian and pension bills. Neither the dis trict nor the Indian Dill both ara promised early in the week and they will take precedence over the pen ilon bill notwithstanding the latter is now on the calendar. The pen sion blil is hi Id for possible addition! made necessary by additional legls-t laton, but Its consideration will no be long delayed. Dewey ia Set Free. NORTON Kas. Cbuuncey Dewe) and his two cowboys, Clyde Wilson a od William J. McBrldc, were ac quitted tonight of the charge of murdering Burchard Berry by a Jury which had considered the casa twenty-eight bours. j Chauncey Dewey, a young million 'aire ranchman, went to Cheyenns county. Kansas, early In 1900 to nuniiia the Dewey ranch. Soon after bit arrival there he became In volved in trouble with the Berry family, who were also prominent cattlemen. Trivial misunderstand ings grew Into serious differences, which culminated In the killing ol Burchard Kerry lo June. BX)3, at tin home of Alpheus Kerry during a fight In which Dewey and ten of his cow boys were pitted against all of tha Beriys. Dewey and his cowboy! wont to the Horry lanch to get a tank that Dewey had bought lo at a sheriffs salo. The feud had grown i bitter before this time, and when the Dewcys started to lake the tank iawaT the Kerry hoys rono up and a (battle took place between t lie two factions. Insist oai Reform Scheme. OONSTAHTINOl'LK The Rua Ian and Austrian emmssiea today renewed tbelr pressure upon tbt jporta to accept uoiltered the Austro Baaslan scheme of reforms In Mace donia. The Itusso-Austrlan n it pointed out that tb oounter pro poaals of the port mad on March VfTwhlCB) nb)cted to the placing ol Jorelgn offlceri In command tf tba L1.4ata-4 In MaitfMlOlllA. did BOt Esilf wltk Turaay'a ortloai aeap. KAJBM w aa JAPANESE BUSILY FORTIFYING NORTH KORcAN CITY. RUSSIANS NOT FAR AWAY MO NEWS OF DISASTER RECEIVED AT ST- PETERSBURG. "... X fit-port of Havy Jipaaa I-om i Juntl Fight I tn-oiiDi uid mad i'rubtibij t'ufuM-ii with - f J'OgtjB Jtuiuor. .;. Sl FErKBSHt.'KG. Under to day's date Vi-t-ny A lexo-H id" M;- ivii'rft' frit'fj T k ''pfi ;iS fMfiAS: "(ieiitial rrpi rts t hat I'if'g Yii I g is ( .(' o;.. ( t.y J.ipalK"e infant ry w th kon.i- uos ai.d that !v tiii I'.uis ui'1 e.. ir.ii',! th'irsup 1 it's. The temi-- cavuirv is nolj Kil ie in laine ii (li s, i ly i . ; i a d I:o si-ins n are s -cc. Tiu ir i.-'- s are pour. '):. r puiinis f:iiv v T',rl the pres ( !:'- of tlie 1'iicmy'a intantry oo the, h-r.Ui i f the Ciieii t'iit-jij riv -r, tin; .iis's (a I' nl tli'i e and oue-tl)!r'l, mile) Iiu:jj Aojti. ilie enemy i,i-iud lire and kil e' (ioe of our horses. " The admiralty has no confirm ithm of the reported loss of the lotp'-dd bjut destroyer hkoii olf Tort Arthur. The mini-try of m irine h is i ' r-f-ted the Institution of prize touils at S-ba-top I, L'.ba, 1'ort Arthur and Vladivostok. 'J'he emperor visited the new ad miralty doek yard I' day. He was baking pile, hut siollliiKly greeted the YUM fht-k wuikeis who turned out to wdc ui'5 him. The. emi ror wuit on hoard the transport ki and in spected the vissiK' an -inuniienis for aeeommod itim l,0o0 men. Sue will he ready in a few months. This emperor then hoarded the liisf class prUeeted Viulser Oleg. The Oleg's engines are ready, but her turrits arid conning tower are not yet ar mored and her un"S are not In p sl tlun. H s majesty k (1 a number of questions and looked leaded at wliat he had sten. VII1 Continue Friends. PARI."). It Is assorted po-ltlvely' in authoritative quaiters that both the form and substance of the Hgnc mcnt between France and (ireat Killain concerning Newfouodlaod fisheries have been concluded. Much signltlcance Is being at tached to the settlement or tbe-o, dilferences at the piesenre times H is considered to be a practical realU idtlou of the friendship estahlslied. under the pale c f the French aroi tratloo rreaiy, and a'si as an assur ance that the effect of disturbing the relations between the allies of the two belligerents. Conditions at .San Domingo. HAN DOMINGO. -The Unltet States gunboat Topeka, which res turned yesterday from San Pedro DeMacoils left today for Agna, to protect Ameilcan interests. There has been no flghtlng;iaslde San Pedro De Macorls. Upon the receipt of n urgent roquest from the consular agent at Sanchez, United States Minister Powell sent warship to protect Americao and Kngllsh Interests there which were threatened by the in surgents who appeared Id force. Tue German cruiser Gaieiie aiflved this rooming and left lo the after uoon for San Pedro De Macorls and Sanchez. The French cruiser Jullen De La Graviere arrived here today. The city is quiet and the situation remains unchanged. Strike Vote Is Counted. INDIANA POLIS-Secretary-Treas-inrer W. U. Wilson of the united mine-workers announced today that the tellers had finished the coooi of the referendum vote of the miners on the operators' compromise prop osition, which provides for a reduc lion of B.yS per cent from the pres sent wage scale, which resulted in i majority of 31,141 in favor of accep ting the two years' contract with the reduction. The total vote cast by the miners' local unions in Indiana, Ohio, west tern Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ken-, jturky, West Virginia and Iowa. was ilfl5,887, of which 88,614 voted In, favor of accepting the reduction, white 67,373 voted In favor of strike. Bride and Doctor Arrested. SIKESTOS, Mo. The ooroner' Juiy today completed Its Inveatlgat tlon of the recent death of Hairy Miller, the bridegroom who aeveraj days ago suddenly died urder clroum a lances that led to the suspicion that ha had been nolaooed. and bald Dr. Warren SmIMi guilty of havlog ad. ministered morphine to MWior, aod, iMra Lydla Miller, tba ride aa ac oaaaorr. "Tba Motive It uknowo to Um JUf," oncladad Um fttdlwa. RUSSIA HAS NO THOUGHT OF ABANDONING PORT ARTHUR- Farirard Mrmn ttf JiputM Kur Iadlrat by Ordrra I- atd mt K&ii u 1 - Abaufluu- ST. PhT F KS Ii U RO. From the highest fficial quarter the Ass-ici-a ed piers has rereived I u hi mat Ion mat theie Is io founda tion for the rum' r persistently sent tut from T-.kln tliat the Itus.-.lri ar ab iii(l"hitig Port Arthur. "Itlsthe vc'us ronsvi se," sa'd Uieotli in of I he Ass k" ited pi est. "N'i'h m has occurr-d t ii- te to wanaiit s h reu .its. Th .1 p.i.iS) I'.-c; I..;1, i. .t tctrj seen een f r fo tv fl.-oi 1; i . rs. " '1 ',)i.' ne spa p rs In le manifest th era I est in i '.alion over the r-port, t .'! It-if-rsi-d.iz. tte cliiiiaeferi' it .ii .1 ml'i- "is and a Unllsh ut n ' on. 'iene'al Km ,i f in e;r ets to 'i a h M i lid. ii 'i neli '1 :,. Kery t t,i will ii..: so tra.ked Irj order ; . et li I in ti t o' !r"it or, S'-liedulfl time. I'lie g'-ni-r I may prueei (I on a tl.lng visit lo I'Ht Arthur, hot h-; J u. ore lurl," t i ei t r a' o e up li io duties as i "iiinnnOi r-in-oilef of ie- Maucuhrhin mmv. . ( Kiir- patKin bad his p'an of earupilj" pr ictle.i'ily perfi-ct o oe. cie h - left here for the far e t-f. lie return' d to t. IVtershing (juile:j t oai hii co ,iii try seat and his ere-s'-nce Ii :ie wis not "uiOn for fiur iiays. Th'-se four ri,t s he div.ot'd to the el ib 'ratioti of his pi inn In e ii ji n tlon with his stall and li :i 1 'e aid of ail the Inhumation In p S-.I sslo i i f the ministry of war ui i.eli g (fiiie special reports fr in th theater of war. O-i account of the dlfflculty of housing th" vast nil in her of trooyj (Hired lulu Ml'cden. 11 000 have le-i-ii -it fuwirl within tlie last f, w d is t'wa:rts the Yalu river, b ri I'lfon-e.-neni s for tins 7,0o() troops ulreidy at Kisin and Anju, and tha sire.m if -ol de's from Kunrpean Kiii i Is oo lift i g held at Har'oln. Tin' lioii-iing proi'U m will disippe: r vnth the advent of warm r weather, b t in the meantime the governni nt I-, liurrvlng forward Inge numbers t porta; le coll.ipsihla wooden quarters. Close la a Fall. LONDON. Premier Hairour's gov ernment today was defeated In the boost: of commons ty the combined liberal and nationalist vote. 'Ibis r was due to the prohibition by Mr Wyndihim, chief secretary f r 1 'i land, on the ti aching of U at lie in ie junior grades of the Irish ,itioii.illsl S'hools. Mr. Kalfour, ti o:igl) defeated by a rrajorlty of eleven on this qOrstfon, does not regird the vote as one of want ol court leneo, and he will not resign on this account. His determinatiou not to reslttn was strengthened by the fi-ct that shortly after the fore goimr dt feat he was able to secure a rn jo. i ty of twenty-five. The failure i f the government to cany the huis - with It on a question 'of purely administrative policy lo Its department Is generally admit ted to gieatlv weaken Its already 4 anlng prestige with the couhtry, although it is not thought probable that any Immtdlate developcment will et'sue. Favor A nti -Horn-ion Party. SALT, LAKE CITY, Utah.-Xon Monnous who are lidignant at the it-suiijouy ui i itaiiiiiu v.-,-,! r. Sin i r h and the admissions mada bifore the Smoot Investigating com mittee, met here tonight with Ibq avowed purpose of forming an anti Mormon party. A committee o twenty-five citizens was appointed ta fiame a plan of political action and a mass meeting will te held next week to ratify the action and perfect the organization. A protest against the statements of Piesldent Smittj was unanimously adopted and wa at once signed by about 20 citizens, Tne protest will be forwarded l Chairman burrows of the investiga ting committee and copies will b cl'culated for further signature It) Utah and adjoining states. The resolutions declare that tba, law-abiding citizens repudiate cm. phatlcally the statement of Piesldnt Smith 1 hat his offense of living Is open polygamy is condoned; that on the contrary the disclosures iu ii bv him at Washington were nowhen received with greater amazement, indignation and disgust than io Utah. No Education For Negroes. J ACKKON. Miss., Governor Var. daman this afternoon acnt to th house bis veto of the bill appropria ting 12,200 for the support of tin klollr Springs normal school, a color, ed Institution. Tba governor In bit veto message takes ground against negro education, staling that It U not the beat thing for the negroes. He advanced this view during bit iampalgo fur governor. It U eald. that a atrong figbt will ba made ti paa tte bill over bit rata. 1 DIETRICH COMMITTEE HAS BUT ONE MORE WITMESS. WILL BE HEARD SATURDAY TESTIMONY FOR THE DEFENSE OF LITTLE INTEREST. ht lutiiiiMt iwn to Wlira Hport Ic !'iiat Mill 1! Mad - I'.urkrlt ftii-li,.w May Nut 4 (mi i!wiua U ASH I NT, 'il t S. The I'l'trleh a ting prten.-ally enoeiuii-d I d .y, Sals i. 'ay I'. Il hicr of Hi-tinjr-i wi.l testify, and then the i -ii,ite eo na; ; 1 1 -I- can d ireiateou llif ij.e ..Mile ol 1 1,.-m oa! i r's w rorig lioiot! ol the t nt 1. 1 ! w Inch his re- i.t.iMo., ii is h. I, (l. Tl.e he iiiiij .vi-, , -,i!ne,-1 ;-t. 13,:!0. '. li ' .'I. hi. of I.. i- i:i.-, a i ii itur III t !) (i st I.:'.:, e t le te ill, I FfbrU- Ii 'i , 1 r 1 1 h i iv a ii n - r a od f- y J iliitoi (f the ( , r ran N'll jonal l-iiil.. fii I !-.!. S n itur Iharreiirl ti h-tt! r f ,om I'l.ited : t. s Attorney t-i miner-, ao i it t he ', ; ; v ,u lier f -r luo v lug t be p ist-, Hi, e I x ,ire.. .1 udt I.itty fxpla.ii'-d t il it th': Slid c-U-lr.' t was made l.y ex-p si mast er 11 ho aiiil In ( .'- it had no rtltlluu to Senator lhetrleli. In it O. N. ritanley contiaeted to move the Dz-l-in-s tr' m the (i. A. II. buildinu to Dii-trleo's building. The witness knew nothing of the contract of toe vou her. Senator Hoir parsed theletterot Attorney u i.iu rs on to the other liiemhers of thee mini t.l ee. Senator Matt (Oiild not s e thai any Impor tan e alU'-hcd tu the letter. The witness krev of no attempt at fraud In coiinecilon with the Hastings postoilice in any wiv. JilOKe Hatty askeil the witness ab ut tlie envers it ion with Mr. 11 aim. The wilne.s sal I afier Fisher was made putsioast, r, II iim sil t to wit ness t iai, he win, Id gi even with Hiher arid Iheliiea II it cost blui 10,000. lhe attorney asked permission to read the iillidavits t f Dr. J . -tin Cooke, win died tli-ee weeks ago, and of Alexander Campbell, who Is ill. thalraiati llu.u said Attorney Sum. ineis had si nt to tlie committee the h antes of Dr. C i k : and Aler Camp bell, saving that one had said to toe other cert, .In thlnus prejudicial to Dietrich Tha couim tteu with drew to cousldir the ailldavits a nd later Senator Hoar anuounc d that Mich athilavits w,mld not coustitutti vidence In court, but as It was tin committee's' duty to investigate the documents would be admitted ic evidence. They were not read. Judge Batty recalled Senator Die trich and cited the statement madi y Wilnescs Dutton, who said Dietrlct had said hu thought Fisher ought K take lhe tixtutes off his hands. Tba witness denied that such statement had been made, hut said Duttoo Krst suggested that Fisher buy the post fllce fixtures and later Dietrich sent for Fisher. Also wherein Dut ion spoke of tha attempt of the state central committee to have Adam hreede appointed postmaster Dl trlch denied that the state cen tral committee had endorsed Itreeda nt postmaster. Dietrich asked per mission to put his wiittcn statement in answer to the charges in their Indictment Into thu record. It was ran ted. More Liberal In Pensions. WASHINGTON. Commissioner ot Pensions Ware, with the approval ol Secretary Hitchcock, has Issued an order making the following change In ago consideration In pension ratings: Ordered: Io the adjudication of pension claims under said act ol June 27, 1890, as amended, it shall be taken and considered as an evi dential fact. If the contrary docs oot appear, and If all other legal lequirements aie properly met, that when a claimant has passed the age nf sixty-two years be Is disabled one halt bis ability to perform manual labor and Is entitled to be rated at 0 per month; after sixty-five years at 8 per month; after sixty-eight years at 110 per month, and after ieventy years at 112 per month, and ifter seventy years at $12 pur month. "Allowance at higher rate, not exceeding 112 per mot th, will con tinue to be made as heretofore, where disabilities other than aue ihow a condition of Inability to per form manual labor. May Go to the Jury Friday. NORTON, Kaa Arguments lo the trial of Chauncy Dewey, the millionaire ranchman, and bis cow boys. William McBrlde and Clyde Wilson, charged with the killing of burchard Berry, oo Berrye ranch, In Crawford county, wet trtgun today.1 It was agreed tbat eacb side should irgua for a day each and It U be Ueved that tbta will bring Mm to tba Jury k o Dr. and Mrs. Kerr tendered a re ception lj the college facuty and the S'-r ior class at Lelltvue. There weie tlty present. Mrs. f'.elle stotsenheig lectured oo "The Life- tf Christ io story and Sole." at she Jrirat Presbytrain church at PlattsoiOuth. The Papillion social cluti give i. ii elaborate dancing uariy. It il expected that Omaha wi;i oe tll rcpi evented. A t oot four inches of snow cov ered (be t-iooid at Table liock. 1 artnt is say lhe w inter wheat will ee much bene tiled by lhe snow. .M.-. lAore Howe f l'lat t smoot h il ed ;.t htr home after a lit er-ring lhe t u nt I -t 1 si vices were h-hi at the German Lutheran chrueh. An otiliiteitk of M.iilel fevei his Mi el I h-.; 1.) close at Sjitilu 1; 1 i. 'II: is ii t'.e Sf'-oiltl t-1 .i-ioic 'i ;ho disease witoln a sliui I time. i.'; iiries "I'. .i- k an cmpioyee io the 1; .iii,.-;..u, l.injljer vaids at Plat is li mj jih, li. dtlie hone In his I. fl i'.'g 1 i i. ii Toe-.d.iy hy siwib luiuh-jr I I I IU HH)il It Dr. L. Hei.j.iiiiin A ndre s. chan- iii.r 'if the 1'iiivi riily of ehiaska, who his b en sick at a hspiial In ti lie.iu for sever il rias, left fur Line ill), iiitv in; recovered. John M. KaptTiuan, a pioneer citi-t-r. i f Leatiice and a vclcau of the civil war, died at bis home in that city, ajed "M years. A wife and n'tit children survive him. Al-xmilcr Smith has been arrested on complaint of nun support made bv his wife, Medoia Smith. It Is tne first suit tiled lo ileatrice under Itiustilute making wife desertion 1 crime. i'eter Hsnsen, Jr. was killed in a nna.vay a;, lirunswick, Neb. He wis orivirg riuithwest ot town. The team broke away and smashed Hie rig ana lhe boy was badly mang led. The fune-al of Dewltt C. T.ese, a member of the Soldiers Home, held Tuesday afternoon. This Is ilia ninth death since the first of tlie month. The membership is now about 4I0. Hoy Hughes of Kearney has heen arrested charged with forgln lhe twine of George Harvey to a 820 check which he tendered In payment upon the purchase of a pair of shoes 3f -Stock & Overlander. a prairie fire, which raged in Pine cinyon and which had not got from beyond lhe control of the men who were fighting it, was extinguished by a storm. A great deal of hay and some live stock was destroyed by the lire. Four Omaha men bound for a Kant at Piatt river drove through Papil lion. When just a short distance nutsldo of Papillion an automobile frightened their horses, causing a runaway. Heyond the breaking of the wagon no damage was done. Judge Hollenbeck decided the mandamus case of Mrs Sarah Dlm mlck aaainst the Fremont school district lo favor of the relator. The school district Is now obliged to admit to the schools any bona-tide resident of school age whether or not the child's parents live in tne dis trict. A crowd of town boys snowballed a Fremont noimal student because he was dressed as a cowboy. He was compelled tu retreat. A short time later be appeared on the street and was again attacked. This time he pulled a six shooter and the boys Ijnof. a hnatv rpt-.rputt. It is probable that the state will buy the bond for Douglas county bearing 7 per cent Interest, at 3-2 per cent. The bonds were Issued to take up the warrant indebtedness of the county. Treasurer Mortensen stated tbat the state would buy the bonds. While attempting to remove the lid of a teapot Miss Ida Mlsney of Beatrice was severely scalded about the face by escaping steam and hot tea. At present the extent of her Injurlse Is not known, but It Is feared ber eyesight will be Impaired. A bad wreck occurred In the Bur lington yards at Crete, when freight No. 77 ran into an open switch and smashed ioto a portion of freight No. 71 completely demolishing the engine of No. 77 and several box cars loaded with produce. Engineer Best and Flremn Snead of the through freight saved their lives by Jumping and escaped with a few bruises and sprains. An ordinance granting a right-of-way to the Sioux City, Homer & Southern Railway company over cer tain streets and alleys in the village of Dakota City has been presented and paaaed Its first reading before the viliaae board. The board will meet again March 21 to give the matter a seoond reading. This ia the proposed electric Hoe runnlog from Sloui City, Ia., to Homer. Neb., via Dakota Oily, eeveral miles f which have already bean con structed aod over all of whieb tba rlgbt-of-waj baa baa aeowtd lii I-.Nij iw .South had but "JO,f00 mi!e nf railwiiv. in VJK) there were over lifts- four (boasand mil", repn--wiitin;; a new influx of capital to iti amount of 1 ,500,ooO. 100. 'I liev cut an o u-iiitic pine down iu SaiiKrville. fe. rcently The Crew was 147 feet 1:1!!, six fct-r through at tin luise, auii iun up rixtv fee! before there was a iinili It will m- ii"sed for a iii.-tnt. Although the sei, covers three fumtlii, of the earths nirl'uce, it dws nut provide in the same propm tiou for inaii'ts wants. Only about thrfe per cei.l of the pi-mile in lhe world jraio their lKin' direct!y from the Kt-u. I, rher.-s iu I lie Antic rivum are i, eii!.: r v,, u i,-- ki, numerous an !!,',-Ih'-y t:ttll M-.ll lie II- .111 in the .'. il.i ret ! K"!iS. hut r.i'.'y Soil i r noil move heau- v- i:l mil- When iiil ,h,.i ii fairy i ity. I. :'::.- mi-j f .-'-a m! in- c? i :i. :u l.i 1 !:-!i trap, l i" ii 1 . . k -1 1 in a N.i:;. ;i ii'l on! ! I'ei i jit ,y v i i ii- the li In r.i.i'ii we'-" tn.t.v. :i iiway, nil;: v. ai'e of tlio pries i !: ho. ii i.v i r :.: ,n i - brought in V.i-Ui : liiirs a barrel for tl.i-in. ly li:;t!-!.ets. is a n I'lo 1:0 " li- "a., t hills: iu tlio V ol al years. is Man.i.-l hiii-i.i, now aattl UH lie bus trii en up te:n loii and lives in a His mi-mi villa in northwest IiOiidon. y is stili CMi'llent. his wit spark lo a.', und he is proud of having recently learned how hi p!;sy -hride." A riiiii!i.illier's clock was brounlit to ii Wiih liniaker's shop in I'cterstown, N. V.. a lew weeks iio for repiiirs. the lirsl thai Iiave Ih-cii made upon it since tome trilling ones in 177H, which were due to he raid of the Indians under lira nt and the tory liutler at Cherry alley, in November of that year. The clock was brought from Knirland to tin's country in 1710. II. li. Itobinson. who 1ms spent two years in scientific investigation in Hie .Malay peninsula, recently exhibited lo the zoological section of .ae British Association a specimen of a fish known as tlie '"mud hopper," which by means of strong fins under its body is able to move about on land for dis tances of at least twenty yards from Its watery nests in the Hwiunps. Tulare lake, in California, once nav igable by steamers, is now perfectly dry. A man on foot can cross it safely ut any point, and in some places the ground is bard enough for a team to drive over. Tlie cause of till- condition Is the draining of Kern and King riv ers of their water by irrigation canals. Tlie farmers are using till the available supplies and keep the streams dry. COLO AND INSECTS. The tifiwe.t nf Law Temperatures Doe Not Kilt Mor Inj ire 'litem. The severest cold has no terrors for insect life, it has been shown by ex periments tliat Insects may be artificial ly or naturally frozen, subjected, indeedv to very low temperatures, without kill lri4' or even injuring them. Kggs, lurvae, and pupae, the stages in which most insects pass the winter, arc per fectly immune to cold. It Is n common idea that cocoons of Insects serve as a protection against cold, but this is entirely erroneous. They, like the summer webs of web worms,' arc a protection against birds nd insect parasites, but not against cold. The cocoons of summer brood tire as stout and thick as those of the generations that pass tlie winter. Moths, butterflies, and other insects build stouter and more compact cocoons In tropical and torrid -countries than they do In those climate?, where they are besieged hy winter. There are tunny insects, allied to the builders of -cocoons, that make no such covering, the pupa or the chrysalis being left en tirely exposed. And so little bent is maintained by the pupae of insecU that no matter how thick the cocoons, they are always too slight to repel freezing cold. Certain degrees of frigidity seem to have vastly different effects on differ ent species of insects. Gnats and midges dance in the winter sunshine; butterflies, Vanessa, Orapta, and some times Collns, skim over the snow; wasps and bees wind their way through the leafless woods; ground -beetles run quickly over the cold earth; crickets peep from beneath stones and rotting logs; while other species, the vast ma jority, in fact, are locked in the lethar gy of hibernation. One of the commonest evidences of this hiberna tion is to be seen when firewood is carried into the house and placed near the warm stove. It takes only a short time to bring out a swnrm of ants that rvore sleeping in beetle-borings, their ominoii retreat. St N'lcholas. His Kinging Speech. "They say you made a ringing jpecoh. senator." "Yes. Being In with the ring and realizing that the man who bucks against the ring may as well get ready to retire to private life, I wouldn't very well make any other kind." Chicago Jtecord Herald. One Joli at a Time. Tlie talk of signaling from Mars tins oeen revived. Better get through with the north nolo and the flying machine, says the Washington Star, before tak ing up thla proposition seriously. Wants a Monopoly. The more a man bas to any about limself tbe less be likes to hear otherr 'alk of themselves. Chicago Dally News. When a German swear, he baa to take a mile to do It In.