Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 31, 1904, Image 2

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    Cj Etfrisci Prcss-Jitanl
The Qaeetlaej.
"What are we going to do wnb the
trusts r" asked the apprtheusive citl
am. "My friend." answered Senator Sor
ghutn, "that isn't the question. The
Important thing to be considered is,
what are the trusts goiDg to do with
as?" Washington Star.
"I wonder why people 'As uuart
la a steel trap?" ask-i the young man.
"I never notice anything so remark
ably smart about a steel trap."
A steel trap, tny boy, replied th
lage from Sageville, "la smart because,
linlike some people, it shuts up at the
proper time."
Pacta in the Caac.
"Ualf the milk you leave in the pall
every morning disapju'ars,' protested
the female customer.
"You outrht to have a waterproof
pail," said the milkman.
"Ob," retorted the woman, "it isn't
the -water that leak out."
Hach Dear Friends.
Bdyth I just heard aonirtliin
bout you.
May me It mast be something van
Edyth Why do you think bo?
Mayme Because you look pleased.
Wmtt Plaaree.
"What would you do If I were to dit
and leave you, darling?" asked th
brldeajnom, wbo waa on the shady aid
f 70.
"Leave me how much?" anxious!
aMted the bride, who waa well, lei
ba nay 29 years and 11 months ok!.
Lr Still Had a Caaace.
She I understand you are a jok
He I may be guilty, but I nevei
talk about the stuff I turn out.
She That's good. There's alwayt
some hope of reformation when there'i
a sense of shame.
On the Wrong Trail.
"It is no more than right that th
strong should aid the weak," said th
"And yet," rejoined the sarcaatit
boarder, "I fall to see how dropping i
fcunk of butter In the coffee would
benefit it any."
Noozey Hello, Rnappe. what art
you going to do with the camera?
Snappe Going to bore an artesian
well In our sitting room; you didn'i
suppose I was going to take picture)
with It, did you? Philadelphia Ledger
What Bhe'd Baa.
', Mrs, Toungwed Marian, the dust ot
the furniture in this parlor is awful
What shall I do about it?
I Marian Pay no attention to it
Life's Little Anomalies.
i Clara Pepper, they say, makes peo
pie Irritable.
' Cora That's queer; Harry gets mat
when the pepper bottle is empty."
Detroit Free Press.
( Mabel Did Gladys have a fashion
able wedding?
' Maude Very. Why, her weddinj
dress was nearly torn off before shi
Igot Inside the church. Judge.
Natural Ded action.
; "That singer gets $000 a week," re
marked the critical patron of tin
andevllle show, "yet she has a voiti
ike a buzz saw."
' "Perhaps," rejoined his friends
that is why she makes so much dust.'
Telephone Repartee-
"Who are yon?"
"Who are your'
, "I asked you first"
. "Well, I won't talk unless I know
who you are."
"AH right neither will I; good-by.'
Detroit Free Press.
Twaa K-rer Tana.
Jimjonea Howells doesn't bar
much to my about political principle
atnee ha was elected to Congress, doe.
, Samarmth No; he's busy looklnj
fafter Ma political Interests now.
; That baby
soai lafaat,
of mine Is a natural
soldier," said tha sleepy-look U
"How's thatr qneried his friend,
j "He's always op In anna," repil
1Q weary parent with a sickly grin.
Tkaf tat Qaeetlea.
"It wm oary ysars ago that
tta ta wtta ear turn at f a week,'
"1 ar& "asl aww I earn 100 .
. " vtJsMt aa? tmkta,"
. r u: in asanr to cm that
iV rtZX tf kew Bach e ye
a Kasrmae U Anawwral Aeaert-
can Baaiaratiea te Canada.
Durlag tha winter months the bead
ef the family coaaults with tha ether
aieinliers as to the prospects for th
future, and doubtless one of tha most
Interesting topics discussed Is that of
niorjBg to soma district where it is
possible to mors easily secure what la
aeceeeary for a comfortable existence,
where it is an easy matter to become
possessed of sufficient farm land to
assure a competence far the future.
This not only Interests the head of
the family hut every Individual mem
ber of It
Having before me the knowledge
where he can secure s horns with th
expenditure of but little money. It la
well for him to obtain all information
possible regarding the productiveness
of the land in the country that he may
aelect For several years psat a large
Dumber of Americans have removed to
Western Canada, and as aearly st It
can be ascertained almost all of these
have expressed themselves satisfied
with the conditions that exlat there.
During tha past summer a number of
the editors of farm papers throughout
the United States made a personal vis
It on a tour of inspection, snd the re
ports of these geotlemen prove Inter
lng reading. Mr. H. E. Heath, editor
of the Nebraska Farmer, a paper en
joying a wide circulation, as well as
the confidence of Its subscribers, after
giving some Idea of the extent of this
wonderful country, says:
"Western Canada Is the last unoccu
pied and unimproved good agricultural
land Id America arsllsble to-day."
Hs then discuses Its possibilities for
raising live stock snd the sdvantages
It possesses far dairying, farming and
whest growing, snd says. "What hss
bees said about the cesmtry ss ts the
ability of th soil, th yield of woa
darful crops of wheat, as salts yaetl
led." To quote further from Mr. Heath,
hs says, referring to dlmate:
"These people (skeptical ones) ds not
know or realise that sltltods more
tha a latitude makes climates; that
large bodies of water, both fresh snd
salt that never frees over, exert s
wonderful Influence on dlmate. An
other Influence on climate, more po
tent than those named above, whir!)
applies mors to the Alberts district
Is the warm Chinook breese from the
Pacific Ocean, which Is 000 or 70Q
miles searer than Colorado or Wyo
ming, besides the Rocky Mountain
range Is not nearly so high nor halt
so far from the ocean si It la down
In the States.
"In further considering the cllmat.
of the Canadian prairies, we should
not lose sight of the fact of the lnflu
ence ef the rains; the total averag
rainfall for the season is but 13.31
Inches for the territories snd 17.21
Inches In Manitoba, and that tin
amounts falling between April 1 sni
Oct 1 are respectively 9.39 Inches and
12 87 Inches or about three fourths ol
the entire rainfall. From the middU
of June to the middle of Jnly there art
over two hours more daylight in ever
twenty four hours than there Is It
Nebraska. The main reason why West
era Canada wheat grows to such per
faction Is the effect of solsr light si
longer period f sunshine It gets earl
day. Thin is what makes seeds oi
grain mora perfect grown In this coun
try than elsewhere. This extrsordi
nary rapid growth ef vegetation undei
tha Influence of this long continued
aunshlne exceeds anything known In
lower latitudes.
"We do not wish It understood that
wheat atone Is the mala product of
this country; It leads In thst yet It It
destined to become famous for Its cat
tle, horsos snd aheap snd for Its dairy
products. Ws ssw mors and larger
bands of cattle and sheep gracing in
Aaslnibola snd Alberta thsn ws ever
ssw on the western plslns of th Unit
ed States. One band of cattle num
bering 5,000 head were g rasing on the
rich trass snd sheep without num
Th Gv7SSSt 5? thS D9!Sis!5
f Canada Is still using th same ener
getic snorts wbleh bar been used for
the psst Ave or six years to settle up
these western prairies, and on applies
tlos to any Agent of th Canadian
Government the settler will be able
to secure s certificate entitling him
to s low rate, which will give him th
opportunity of visiting any portion ol
Csnada's grain producing domain.
KUsaStef tscrot
laterals, m Madiorjsow.
My ouasjntsti mi oU b
rssaWc oaalcn cvdpifcerc
ancs to THi
sxn of m FISH
Mistress-"! think ioa hsodl
tboae In eblna dlsbw vary ears
Umj" DosoeatrC "Doot worry, anna
They im to light tuts tby woaldn't
hurt eren if 1 diofped ' on m)
tut, Ba,M
TtMfvto aatblnf
tit to rttt
o m fetor
Md aotfetnt
Hi trfcts tT
Place is Debate far Bntertatalae
Be Ion. af kick Mrs,
The recent sale of the Eaton ranch
tt Medora. -V D., at the crossing ot
the Little Missouri Itiver, known as the
"Custer trail," because General Cus
ter's Itig Horn expedition lu Ibli
i-roased at that point marks the trans
fer of probably the only "dude ranch"
in the country. The name was given to
the place by the pioneer settlers and
cowboys because of the large number
of more or less Illustrious scions of
wealthy families who flocked there an
nually for s taste of the ral wild
The ICatons were formerly I'itts
ourgers, wbo settled at Medora iu the
palmy days when Maniuis le Mores
WiUbllshed his big packing plant, when
the finger of the cowboy wa contin
ually on the trigger and the gin buttle
was always open to all who mi(;l)t
apply. For some years they engaged
in the stock business. Buying wi;d
miiniMis, kUi li s bear. i!.ir au l
I :iiiia r species for eastern pnrks proved
a profitable occupation, and they en
gaged fur a time in that business. At
one time they hud an Immense corral
full of live elk awaiting shipment to
eastern parks. They also drove some
traffic In buffalo, when one could In;
bought and sold.
Subsequently the Katotis d:-oer-i
ihe possibilities of the "dude" trade.
Many wealthy families of the Kast
had sons of more or less comfort to
them, and a summer In the wi:d Wes:
appealed to them as a K'MMl thing for
the boy. Accordingly they wen. o;:t
In singles and in pairs ami droves to
rough it for a season and see the Wet
as It was. The Eutons boarded them,
furnished them with horses, gun and
the aecouterbeiits necessary. and
Manned expeditions during the Mum
mer for hunting and other bits of west
ern experience.
Upon the ranch grounds they erected
a long building, separated by number
less partitions Into small rooms, in
each of which was a bunk and what
furniture was necessary. This was
known as the "dude pen," and here the
visitors slept anil had their being dur
ing their stay. The dudes were con
spicuous by their fondness for Immense
hats, revolvers, high-heeled boots,
rattlesnake belts and leather "chnps."
It is understood the ranch lias !een
sold for $.'U).Ofs to a wealthy New
Yorker. Minneapolis Tribune.
Officer Has Interefttina Adventure
When In Citizen's Clothes.
"Speaking of military matters, re
minds me of a good story an officer
was telling me sometime ago and it
goes to show that the private does not
always know the men to whom he must
pay more than ordinary resect," said
h man in the New Orleans Times 1 emo
crat. "The Incident happened where
a considerable numler of liuliters were
quartered, and the private who figured
In the story no doubt experienced
whip trouble in keeping up with the
"One afternoon he was addressed by
a gentleman he did not recognize as
V,ng another more than of an ordinary
sort, and in fact he paid only scant at
tention to him. The gentleman was
prompt to resent the scant courtesy.
He was not only hurt because of the
lack of regard shown him by the pri
vate, but he was wrathy.
" 'Why don't you salute me? he de
manded of the private. 'Salute you?'
said the private o,uestionlngly and
sneerlngly. 'Yes why don't you sa
lute me? the gentleman said again pull
ing his shoulders up and assuming the
characteristic military attitude. "I
am your superior officer, and you owe
me some sort of regard.'
"The private scanned bin) carefully.
He thought for a second, then raised
his hand and saluted the gentleman.
'I'll salute you,' said the private, "nod
If I find out you are not an officer you
or me will have to take a licking." lie
found out afterwards that he had made
no mistake In saluting the gentleman,
f.r he wao sn officer. K-jt the o?!!"t
never thought any less of the private
because of the Incident"
To Develop leg M uncles.
It is very necessary to possess
ufflclent development of Ihe muscles
of the legs. One of the best exercises
looking to this end is accomplished as
follows: Stand erect, with the feet
spread apart atid arms hanging limply
at the sides. l!end downward to a
squatting position, allowing the hands
to touch the floor, if possible. The
squatting position should Ih one in
which the student as nearly hm h)mI1iIi
sits upon the heels, but head and trunk
should be erect or nearly so. When
this position has been taken, bring the
arms tip horizontally forward, clasping
the bands for a moment only. Next
throw the arms as far backward as
possible and as nearly horizontal us
you can, performing this last move
ment slowly. Now slowly resume the
bund-clas'i, and, keeping the bands In
tills position, return gradually to a
standing position. Three of these ex
ercises are enough for the beginner,
and In Jupsn the veteran of Jiu-Jltsu
rarely perforins more than ten of thera
St Nk olas.
Tbo Caoae of It.
Choi I y I admit It frequently takes
me some time to make op my mind,
Miss Pepprey Ah! naturally. Too
must lose time trying to locate It
Philadelphia Press.
HoiMsm KIm fits Hiss.
"Hs traltt la to awfully pecallar
tnj. Isn't her
"Tea, the oehy thing he eta hay
ready Bavie la aa faBtoatla.N--naU
N ssfferlag
keen Use
kidney suffering.
Sick kidneys nuke
had blood; esuss
weak, stiff and
schlng b s c k t ;
cause blind, sick
snd dixzy headi
aches, lack of ap
petite and loss of
sleep; keep you all
tired cot sod spoil
T b s t per
fect health, yon
must cure th kid
neys. Read bow
ns man was cured by Doss's Kidney
Pills after eight years of torture:
Henry Soule, of Poltney 8t, Ham
mondsport. N. Y, says: "For eight
years I suffered constant agony from
kidney complaint I endured the worst
torture from gravel snd the kidney
secretions were excessive and con
tained aedlment like brick dust I bad
to get out of bed from ten to twenty
times a night and the losa of sleep
wore me out indigestion came cn acd
the distress after eating waa terrible.
Doan's Kidney Pills effected a com
plete and lasting cure, and after the
symptoms of kidney trouble were gone
my atomsch began to work aa It
should. This lasting cure, especially
In a person of my age. proves the great
value of Doan's Kidney Pills more
convincingly than could any words of
Doan's Kidney Pills sold by all drug
gists; price 50 cents per box, or mailed
in receipt of price by Foster-Mllburn
Co., Buffalo, N. T. Write for free trial.
A cablegram from London, ta
George W. Stewart, manager of tha
world's fair Music Bureau, announces
that King Edward hat given bis
approval to the participation of tte
Boal Grenadier band of London In
tbe world's fair musical f-ogiam.
Tbla baud of 05 pieces will gt?e two
coDCtita dally fur all week! beginning
August 29. Eight band stands have
been planned, some of tbem designed
to accommodate massed bands of 250
musician! Other bands will coma
from Mexico, France, Germany and
other countries.
Dr. George Dock, a professor of
medicine In tbe University of Michi
gan, gave an address before tbe
Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical
Society, Jan. 4, on "Vaccination and
Vaccine Virus." The historical
aspect of the subject was illustrated
by a large Dumber of lantern slides,
showing the most lmpoitant pictor
ial representations of the vaclne
vesicle from tbe time of Jenner.
This was followed by a description
of tbe modern method of cultivating
vaccine virus, with a discussion ot
(jlyctrloUatlon, the comparative vir
tues of different kinds ef vaccloe,
and some of tbe sburt comings of
tbe vaccloe industry in tbe United
Fame mutcb oftener overtake!
men, tbao men overtake fame.
Positive Order "I'll brt,M said
Uadley, scornfully, "that you didn't
do tbe proposing; dollars to dough
nuta your wife asked you to marry
"Ob, no; you're wrong," recited
"Ob, come off"
"No. Sbe dldD't ask me to marry
ber; sbe told me to." Philadelphia
Tbe man wbo trusts to luk will
get beat Just 39 times oat ov 40.
Pat on 38 lb, by Food.
Feed a physician back to health am
he gains an experience that be can un
to benefit others. For tbla reason
Grape-Nuts food Is dally recommended
to patients by hundreds of physlclani
wbo bars cured themselves of stoinacl
trouble. One doctor says:
"Although a puyaiciau auu trylug U
aid and assist my fellow beings to en
Joy good health It must be admitted I
formerly did not enjoy tbe best ol
health myself. In January, 1819, I
nly weighed 119 pounds. At this tlmi
I waa living in the Ohio valley and.
began to think I had about seen mj
best days. One day about 3 years ag
I bad sn opportunity to try Grip
Nuts food for my breakfast I liked 11
so well that I ate three teaspoonfuli
three times a day and have regularly
uaed it up to the present time, and I
now weigh 135, a gain of 30 pounds,
and enjoy the best of health.
"Not only baa Grape Nuts made thll
wonderful change In me, but through
It I have Vlped my friends, relative!
and patient The sustaining power ol
this food is kVnply wonderful.
"I have one patient wbo Is s sectlos
hand on the C. & O. It. It., who eaU
Ivthlng In tbe morning but four table
spoonfuls of Grape-Nut snd yet doei
bis very hard work up to lunch tlm
snd enjoys th best of health and
"I could name a great many easel
like this and I still prescribe Grape
Nuts In my practice every day." Nam
given by Post urn Co., Bsttle Creek,
Ask any pbysleisn about the ectea
ttae principles on which Grape-Nuts
food la made. He'll tell yoa the prind
sies are perfect
Then a 10 days trial provs that the
principles are carried out In th food
(Tall the good ef the grains ee treated
that anyoo can digest It sir). Bhowa
la reaewed aayaleal strength and brala
nwrra a rssteea.
Lest la ats ate.
Odd, Cartoaa and Lanaable P!
of Mnamaa Natnre Graphically Vor
trajed . iaent War Artieta a
Onr Own 1J-A Bods' of Vum.
Tom - 1 suppose you pent a pleasant
veiling with your txft grl.
1 1ck-Pleasant? Hnh. a f.Olow can1
ake love to his girl In a crowd.
TomOh, was there a crowd there!
Tdck Yes. and the chump didn'1
rmve sense enotigh to reallje that h
.i.-.sn t wanted Philadelphia l're
Heiion 1 n"ucli.
She- I don't cure! I juM kmm
yi'ir'ic roni.
lit--Oh, colli', now. dear, m li K
you jKTsist in aying that?
She ItecaiiM" wm vw.n'l im:i it
I'hiisiieiphin l'n-t.
"Old your watch stop when job
diopped It on the floor?"
"Sure. Yon didn't think It went all
'he way through to the r-ellsr, di
Juti ?"
The Knptv Haad.
"I thought lie married a wnmiiii wiih
I million in her own rlKlit."
"So be did, but he hasn't Ucn I1
'o get his right on any of it. nl n
lie's left." Philadelphia Pres.
Kaailjr attaficl.
Alh-e 1 think that young innii wha
tits in the WalwiriM' pew would ic
ood man to marry. I sin sure tli;i
,0 would le easy to get iilonp with.
Kate Why so?
Alice Well, I lime known linn fui
three jenrs now, and I have never one
..card him complain ntwiiit the weatliet
Sorm-rvllle Journal.
Ksplained at Last.
"I should like to know," reiiiHikeil
tie landlady as he rended the chick
n limb from limb, "what the rnea uinsj
of that foolish remark, 'The higher
he fewer.' "
"You wouldn't iiill It foolish." re
ilied the wise guy, using both humU
,n his work to cut his pie crust, "11
ou were getting bald on the very top
f your head." Cincinnati Time
Little to I'rav Upon.
t'holly Cawn't imagine what's th
iinttiih with (jussie. There seems te
.e something preying on his mind.
.Miss Sharpe Oh, whatever it is, H
t alone. It will probably die of star
at Ion. Philadelphia Iedger.
Hafel Occupied.
Jerry You never try to insiiapt
ther people's business.
Joe No; it keeps me Jumping to gel
imiiiili business of my own to man-
' i sir
' i.uHlM-r!"
Hapil Transit.
i:-ri'c I guess he will be famoni
..lie day. They my his verses art
. v.-iyH moving forward.
i :i Yes, Indeed. He writes th
n.-lcs for the health food ads. yo
' in the street cars.
Ka-jy Now.
' U s rather hard to lose your daugh
r. eh?" said the guest st the wedding,
"ii," replied the bride's father, "11
.'. seem hard st on time, but Msrj
i dly landed this fellow just as w
ere hwing all
ess. '
hop." Phlladelphli
A boat the His off Bias.
'I'ii, what Is s model man?"
"A model man, my son, la general!)
very small sample copy, or facsimile
' ii real man, snd la usually mads o)
ilty.' Hmart Bet.
A Cnllloinn of A a ale.
(ieorgiana alother, you look
ved in your new photograph.
Mother Well, the artist told ae
I OH Til FlaOS
with hoasaa aadt
Japanese Uses
animal shapes.
Eight hundred wild animate
at large without bars or any
between tbem and tbe Public
OilDes Theater with troupe of
CblDese acton lu drama.
Dublin's famous bind ef tdiif
"sober" musiclana.
Ealab festival of HiodosUn wit
elephants and goldeu eara.
8Utue of awakening wootan sUade
lot ly-lsto feet high. 1
Famous JUg miklJg girl! of Japeav
teo to twelve yean old.
History of tbe Coluffre Illustrate
through all tbe centuries.
Battle sup Teias shooting at
Iwlmmlng target on resl water.
New sunset effect with lengthening
ihadowi and ranging angles.
At!itt!c liner &uu feetloogan
llgbty feet wide.
A ride In a Jlorlckasha. a Jaunt
It b car, a sumpan or a kajavak.
Russian theater wltb troupe ot
fottf native actors in Cbracterlstlo'
national amuhcmentA
.Six thousmd performers on Ihe
jike and 1,500 animals.
A slnttle chain of boats tfcat carry
1,500 DaBseoiiers at one load.
Free to Twenty-Five Ladles.
The Deflauce Starch Co. will glv
tS ladles a round trip ticket to tbe
be. Louis Eipt sllli D, to live ladle
In each of Ihe following lUteei
1 1 II o lows, Nebraska, Kansas and)
llissourl who will send lu lbs largess
turn ber of trade marks cut from
I ten cent, Id ounce package 3t De
fiance cold water laundrf siarea.
Tbls means from your own noose, I
anywhere In the above named lUtoaVi
These trade marks must be mailed)
to and received by tbe .DeHane
Ktarch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before
September 1st, 19oi. October and,
November will be the best months!
to visit the Eipltlon. Remember
tbat Defiance Is tbe only starch pot
up 16 oi. (a lull pound) to the pack
age. You get one-third mote slaters
for the sau.e money than of soft
other kind, and Defiance never atlcka
to the iron. The tickets to the
Exposition will he sent by registered
mall September 6th. Starch.fur ialf
by all dealers.
IO.OOO riant for !.
Tills Is a rtmnrkahle offer the John A.
Paiwr Sefd Co., La Crosse. Wis., makea.
They will Mod yon their big plant and!
ed catalogue, U(tir with enough sooe
to grow
1,010 tine, solid Cabbfs, . f
2,000 delirious Carrots, JS?
2.010 blsDchlm, nutty Celery, (P
2.0O0 rich, buttery Lettuce, 19
1,010 splendid Onions, J-
1,000 rsre iusciooe Radishes, '
l.(XK) (ioriotinly brilliant Flowers,
This grtat offer la made In order to ta
du yon to try their warranted saede
for when von once plant them 70s wUJ
(row no others, snd
firovhlinf- yoa will return this notice, sad
f yon will send tbera 20c In postage, they
will add to the above a packets of the
famous BarUaer Cauliflower. (0. N. UJ
Twenty Five Barrel Roller Mill in
raa ar urajrt ana mm im aft .ro at taenia
for Ml) fooe '4laf etatlae for rattle ar eaaafl
III h(ool palroatf-ei FrtaaSt Aim herfala
ta nacre unit., j. t. KAmrumiA
aaerataa teuiiy, Xeftreeka.
Mustang Liniment
eurea Bpraina and Stralna.
3. &'3 SHOES
W. I. Itaualaa
shoes have by tlielr
excellent style,
easy-flttlog, and
aaperior wearing
tjaaJSties, aefcievea
tbe largest aale of
aay shoes la th
They are ttut aa good
aa tlioea that oost yoa
to $3 the only
difference U the price.
aar t eeryaeere.
Look for name and I
TlHr e on V-)i rim
Donalaa um rnmn. !
Caltakfn. which ! .r7l
bathe flueet Patent leather vat nrnduxaS.
f!;. ."""" WiajBiell.ttr.eitraa
WriUfretal. W LImilu. SrHiaa. Saa
500.000 BUSHELS
1 biiuiiiiJ!! ,t.i,.i wm
Laf'l uiimn trim
Klerant elnrh
i-roui a ta 100 btMlxia t acsa.
aa4 thai notice e eetwl j aa late af BU
a eamplaa iid bl ralaloeo. latllaa
llahoolTeaetnlaSnella. 13
Claw) Rarier, Maoaruni Wheat. BMaiaa. L
sasssasaw ay.l.iaay
Uta anMMeuta, IS.
isfulfejllesw ta price. lejNSBlS
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