Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 24, 1904, Image 7

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    28 Army Generals Sond Lottors of Endorsement To
Tho Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Po-ru-na
Mrs. Hughson,
letter follows, is another woman in high
Eosition who owes her health to the use of
ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"Dear Mrs. PrsciiAsi: I Buffered for several years with general
weakness and bearing-down pa'uia, a used by womb 'ouble. 11 y appe
tite was fitful, and I would lie awake for hours, and could not sleep,
Vntil I seemed mors weary in the morning than when I retired. ' After
reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of Lydla
' lb Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. No one
ma describe the good it did me. I took three bottles faithfully, and
Waldos building up my general health, it drove all disease and poteen
tot of my body, and made me feel as spry and active as a voting girL
Mr. Pinkham's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be.
Has. 3L K Uuoiuox, &47 East Ohio St, Chicago, IlL
Bffc Plnkham Telia How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacement.
Apparently trifling Incident In woman's daily life frequently produce
sVsptaeemeaU of the won. A slip on tha tULra, lifting during menstruation.
Standing at a counter, running a arming machine, or attending to the moat
Ordinary taaka mij reault In displacement, acd a train of aerlouaevila ia started.
The flrat indication of auch trouble should be the li glial for quick action.
, Doat let the onndition become rhronio through neglect or a mistaken idea
that roa can overcome it by ezercine or leaving it alone.
More than a million women hare regained health by the nae of Lydta E.
llakham's Vegetable Compound.
If the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand
Write to Mrs. I'lnkham, at Ljnn, Moms., for her advice, and a few
( timely words from her will tJiow you the right thing to do. This
vArice coHtM you nothing, but it may mean life or happiness or both.
1 f I Cnmnonnd
health to women who thua Buffer. It ia a aovereifrn cure foi
fin worst form of femule complaints, that bearinij-down feeling, weak
Wek, falling and displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, and
all trouble of the uterua or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from the
fVerua In the early Ure of development, and checks any tendency to cancer
ua humors. It subdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tones up tha
as tire female avstem. Its record of cures ia the greatest in the world, and
hould be relied upon with confidence.
Al nflA FORFEIT w ana forthwith voSeas lbs or1lnt liiun sad sifiutaM et
jklllllll asv IssUmualato, vkieli will pmrs thstr absoloW fsnnlnensss.
OtJlfMU Lrdi E. PUikbmKi M"- Co.. Vrmm.
The slates that have begun the
lattsllatlon of exlnblts io the palace
f forestry, flsb and a game at the
world's fair are Arkiitm.u, Couoectl
Wt, Minnesota, M Naomi, New, Jer
sey , New York, IVonsyivanla, and
Vlrglnls. Some of Oregon's exhib
its for that builciinu nave been re
ceived ss have some of Alaska's.
The bill adding 11,1,00!) to Khnde
Jslind s apprnpilatlon for the world's
fair has been recommended for p;ms
age by the com mil Lee on Hnance.
Looking ior a Home?
Then why not kaep In view
the fact that the
fanning lands ol
i;fflrint to ttinfort s
nnpulstinn of S0.OJ0.0M) or over?
The IramlsTsiloa to Wetlern
Canada oYring tha past tlx
yaara ha lco phennroeoai.
Homestead Lands
saoflr acoeislhl. and other
land mar be purchad from
Railway and Land Companlet.
yKicfn C'anaila't irraln Undi
produt marvf limn cropa, while
tho frarlue lands contain all
(ho nutritive qunlitlra for fat
tening cattle and other stock.
Mnrketa. Hramtla, Mallwaya
mn4 all hrr rdtlloH
aaaa Wrilrrl C'anu4 ov
aWalrsblo aat fr ta kuaia
aevkar. Wrllo to tba Bunerlnteodeot
Immleratlon, Ottawa, for a da
Scrlptlva Atlat, and other Infor
snatlon; or to tha authorleed
Canadian ftwwmfi a-.-
W. "V Biiat. M Naw Tark Ufa niJ.. Omafca. Nak.
Sale Ten Million
EILm. Western
reggg Canada
.aHalBaMaw9 V BawWl
of Chicago, whose
Mrs. Lelah Stowell, 177 Wellington
St, Kingston, Ont., writes:
"Dkar Mk?. Pimutam: You are indeed a
godsend to women, and if thry all knew what
you could do for thorn, there would l.e no need
, of their dmffsing out miserable lives in apony.
"I suffered for years with U-arinp-down vain,
womb trouble, nervousnePR.and exorueiatinp; head
ache, but a few hottlos of Lydla K. Pinkham's
Vegetable compound maue me iook
new ai)d promising to me. I am light and
happy, and I do not know what neknesa
Lvdia K- llnk ham's Vegetable
can always be relied upon to restore
Until the last years of the last
century Lyons wis Europe's chief
silk market. Mlbn gradually ousted
it from the position, and la 1902 Its
receipts were per cent larger
than those of Lyons.
A medical journal declpres that
people who (triok cows' milk are
more inclined too consnmptH n thao
those who use the milk of the rein
deer, the buffalo, the ass, or the
r r.n r Ann' I not-Raa FRKF,
Write today to Allen 8. Olinited, 1 Rot,
N. Y.( for a KHEK ainile of Alleu's Font
Kuae, a powder to aliaUe Into your tlioi.
It curea tired, awratltiK, dump, awollen, a b
liif feet. It makes new or tUbt ahoea easy.
A certain rnrr for Corns and I'.uulons. All
drufglat and shoe store sell It. 26c
Karllrst C.reen Onions.
The John A. Rnlr.er Seed Co., Ia
Crone, Wis,, slwnys hove something
new, something vnlnttMe. This yenr they
offer among their now money making
vesetitiles. n Knrliest Green Enting
Onion. It is a winner, Mr. Farmer and
aud they will send you their big plant
atx I seed ratnlngne. together with enough
seed to grow 10,000 plums!
1,000 tine, solid Cutihsgea,
2.000 delirious Cnrrols,
2.1X10 Munching, nutty Celery,
2.IXXI rich, Imtfery l.ettucs,
l.(NH) splendid Onions,
J.IMK) rare, liiacious Hndiohes,
l.OtX) gloriounlv hrlllinnt Klowera.
In all over 10,000 plants this great
offer Is made to get yon to test their
warranted vegetntile seeds snd
providing you will return this notice, snd
If you will send 20c In poHtage, they will
sdd to the shove s package nt the fsra
ous Berliner Cauliflower. (0, N. U.)
Boxes a Year.
I'otato Soup.
IVc; !;a!f a ilozi-a jx!.itt-fi mi'l
two onions: put t J i t u to ik in throe
pints of cold wnti r 'li-n lKilHi pr
fedly tendpr rub tbi-outrli a nieve, set
hai-k on th fire and m-miii with a
rtip of milk, a tfaspoonful of tutter.
a pinch of eratid iiiituieg sud
pepper and nalt U (ai.te. Serve
with croutons. This up ran be
made nittch richer by lilcmling a half
cup of cream and the yolks of two
ettjjs. to he added just twfore serv
Ins A It "iir.tp quii'kl.v. tare should
'e taken In adding the eg;j.
Cr.ru Maul Grnit,
One rtip Indian meal, two cup Hour,
two tahlcHpooufuis Imklr.g powiter. on
tatilcspoon.'ui l.ntti-!. o-'e lali; -iMiiifnt
ia,d. tit. If teaspoonftil full, imp and a
quarter cups milk, two ift '-
C'tl'C.- the meal. Sour. Iakiug powdi'r
ind salt; warm the m!lk J.iHt enough to
rol? Uie lard and butter; tie-nt the eggs
light without rpHta"i!i(j. mix into a
firm hatter and till well -greased pans
two-thirds full. Bake In hot oven
twenty minutes. Can ho entc-n warm
or cold.
Hake. I Indian Tapioca.
Mix together one-third of a cupful
of White House tapioca and one fourth
nipful of Indian meal, and sprinkle the
mixture Into a quart f Iwillng milk.
Stir and cook nntl! the tapioca be
comes transparent. Add a npful of
Diolnsses, two tablespoonruls of but
ter and half a feaspoonful of salt, and
turn Into a buttered baking dish. Pour
over the top one and one-hnlf cup
fuls of cold milk, place In the oven
without stirring- and bake one hour.
Mix and sift together two cupful of
sifted flour, four level teaspoonfula of
baking powder, half a tahlpHpoonful of
sugar and half a teaspoonfnl of salt;
rub Into the flour with the tip of the
fingers four level tablexpoonfuls of but
ter; then all two bopten eggs arid one
third cup of cream: toss on a floured
bonrd; roll tlirce fouttliK of an i;.ch in
thickness; cut in Kunrt's; '..p.kIi with
white of egc; oprlnklo with ri"nr mid
bake In a hot oven rifti'on minutes.
Kruit I'lidding.
Chop together one cup Heeded raisins
nnd one cup beef suet. Mix one cup
molluscs, one cup sweet milk, two even
teaspoons salcratus. tlin-e cups Hour.
mil ami nutmeg. Add raisins and suet
anil stir tlmriiiiKhly. Steam three hours
or more. .For n satire, take one cup
sugar, two tablespoons flour and nne
tablespoon butter. Stir together till
creamy. Add one bowl of hot water.
stir till smooth anil add nutmeg to
I.nnch Kolla.
Seven cups Hour, one pint milk,
(Hilled; when cool add half cup butter,
one-qunrter cup sugar, one egg, half
compressed yeast cake. For ten,
set them to raise at 8 o'clock n. m.; at
3 p. in. roll them out about an Inch
thick; cut out wllh a large biscuit cut
ter; put n Rinall piis'p of butter on one
side, fold them In halves, put them In
your pun a little iipnrt and let them
raise until time to bake for ten.
Ontnic.il Cookies.
Into four cups of (lour sift a tea-
spoonful of baking soda and stir In
three cups of oatmeal. Now stir In two
cupful of powdered sugar worked In
to a paste with a cupful of melted but
ter and add a teasponnful of salt.
Moisten with enough cold water to
make n stiff dough. Boll as thin as a
sheet of paper, cut Inlo cookies and
f'rn it Cook Its.
('ream together one cup butter and
one ;;d t:e liaif cups "ugnr. Add one
cup well-washed English currants, two
well-lieaten eggs, three tablespoons
sour milk, one teaspoon Ralerattis.
Flour to roll out rather soft. When
rolled out sprinkle sugar' lightly on
top, roll a little and cut out ami bake.
To Have l.n ull Gravy,
When baking meat place the drip
ping tin on another slightly smaller tin
half filled with wiirm water. This will
prevent the gravy and dripping from
boiling nway or burning.
Fhort KitKsettiona.
Enamel cloth Is suggested ns n
rikmI floor covering for closets, being
easily (itted and also easily taken up
and relald.
To clean plaster of pnrls ornaments,
rover thorn with a thick coating of
starch. Thou It may lie brushed off
and the dirt with It
It Is claimed that with white flour
and bran sifted together lace collars
ran be enslly cleaned. Kub the mix
ture Into the soiled parts and beat
out with n stick.
To remove stains on knives, take
half of a raw potato, dip the cut end
In brick dust, mid with It scour the
stained knife blades. When the Hindis
luive disappeared, po"s! In the usual
Wash spots -oil clothing caused by
machine oil with cold rainwater and
soap. This method may safely be tried
when other means would not be advisa
ble, owing to colors running, etc.
Cracks Id a cooking stove can be
satisfactorily filled by s paste made of
six parts common wood ashes to ons
part of tsble salt, mixed with cold
water. Properly mixed. It will prove
lasting tad will take btscklng.
Brigsdier-Oeaeral King of Confederate
Writes: "I unhesitatingly state that I
am convinred iVruna ia a medicine that
will effect all the curm that i claimed
for its n-a." J. Floyd Kins. Washing
ton, 1. C
General Smalls, Beaufort, S. C.
Writes: "I hare used Peruna for ca
tarrhal trouble and find it beneficial and
to be all that it prounsea. and freely give
it my unqualified rccoujmeudiUuo."
Uobert Smalls.
General Abbott, of Washington, D. C.
Writes: "I sm fully convinced that
your remedy Perona is au excellent tonic.
Many of my friends have used it with
the moat beneficial results for coughs,
colds and catarrhal trouble." Irs t
Abbott. !(0tj M. St.. N. W, Wsahiug
lon. I. C.
Captain Yarnell, of Washington, D. C.
Writes: "Your medicine. Peruna, I be
lieve to be the bei-t medicine for catarrh
mi the market. I have taken only a
mall amount, and can are very bene
ficial results." '.V. O. Yarnell. 2K2 Liu
coin street, N. E., Washington, L. C.
General Mc Bride of U. S. A.,
Writes: "I hare no heitatiin in rec
ommendinc Peruna to all persons who
are afflicted with CHtarrhal troubles."
J. 1). M'ltride. 4."i0 Pennsylvania Ave.,
X. V.. Washington, I). (J.
Oeneral Longatreet of tha Confederate
Writes: "I can testify to the merits of
Peruna, both as a tonic and a catarrh
remedy. Peruna enjoy the greatest rep
utation as a cutarrh remedy of any med
icine yet devised." James I.ongstreet,
Uninesville, Ga.
Oeneral Noske of O. V. U.,
Writes: "I commend Peruna te those
who are troubled with colds producing
catarrh as a most efficacious cure sod ss
a food cenera! tonic." Chs. F. Xoske,
113 B. St. N. W., Washington. D. O.
Oeneral Erwln's Recommend.
"Many of my friends have used Pe
runa as dyspepsia remedy with the
moat beneficial results." John B. Er
wln, Wakbington, I. C.
Mrlg.-Qeneral Schell Benefited.
"Peruna Is indeed a wonderful tonic,
and for concha and colds I know of
nothing hetter." F. M. Schell, Wash
ington, I). C.
Oeneral Duffleld of the Union Army,
Writes: "I have used Peruna in my
family and hare found it a valuable
medicine, ami take pleasure in recom
mending it to all who suffer from ca
tarrh of the stomach or who require a
tonic of elllciency." The Cairo, Wash
ington, I. ('.
A full set of scales rules n prcttuit
lr:g tne principle forms to Uie In
luiuberlrig throughout tie country
h;is been presented to the forest
department of the university of
Michigan, by the Lufkln Rule Com
pany, of Saginaw.
1 hav examined theze rltch men,
and I find that the happy est time
ov their life Iz when they are mak
ing their aiu .ny; after tbey git
ritch and set down to enjoy It,
trubble begins.
Tnare It do better evidence ov gen
sra! depravity than to see tboze who
Batter the most sukseed the best.
I find Pio'Cur for Consumption th
best medicine for cronpy children. .Mr.
V. Callahan, lit Hall street, Prkers
turg, W. Vs., April ltt. 1&0L
Thirteen counties io Kansas a e
without debt.
Teosinte and Billion Dollar Grass.
The two greatest fodder plants on
earth, otic good for 14 tons hay and the
other SO tons green fodder per acre.
Grows everywhere, so does Victoria
Knpe. yielding liO.tHX) lbs. sheep and
swine food per acre.
John A. Salser Seed Co., I.a Crosse,
Wis., find receive in return their bis
catalogue and lots of farm seed samples.
a x. u.i
Thate Is one trait ov the human
karakter,that the devil himself must
be proud ov, and that Iz, the more
we hav Injured a man the more we
bate Mm.
Germany' Japan, Mexico, Great
Britain, Canada, Honduras and
Egypt have placed Id the Forestry
lis ii and game palace at the world's
Most, people arc anxious to git the
fust news. I want my news about
four days old, then I can think I
stand sum chance to hear the truth.
aiOO Kwnl. sioo.
The resilers of tills paper will be pleaied tn
lenrn that there l at len.l one dreaded disease
II i a I science 1 1 us bemi aliln to cure In all lb
kUuifts. and that Is ( amrrh. Hall's ( ntarrli Cure
Is the only Kltlve cure known to the medical
fraternity. ( alnrrli heinii a ('(institutional dlv
ea.se. requires a (-oiiKtlt'ilioiikl treatment. I lull'.
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, aciinc directly
un the uIimkI and inucoiui siiriaci.s of the system,
.hereby ilB-tioyltm the foundation of the dis
ease, and biviiik the patient slrenuth hy building
up the con. million aod assisting nature In doluu
Its work. The proprietors have so niiicli fiillh in
its curative jsiwers tlmt they otter One Hundred
liohar lor any cit-e that 11 (alia to "irs. Mend
for l.nt of testimonial-.
Adoress. K.J. I'MKNEY & CO., Toledo, 0
Hold by Druggists, ?.'!.
Hall l Validly I'lll- in the nest
MIzers are strange krltters thry
seem to enjoy only those things they
haven't not.
Right Along
A good thing Dvat and
take on mw Ufa, and a
Oeneral Butler of South Carolina,
Writes: I cao recommend Peruna for
dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I have
beeu using your medicine for a short
period and I feel very much relieved,
it is indeed a wonderful medicine be
sides a good tonic." M. O. Butler.
Brigadler-Oeneral Kirby.
Writes: "I can recommend Peruna to
all thofc who are afflicted with catarrh."
General It. T. Kirby, Washington.
D. C.
Oen. Powell, Hecker Post No. 443,
Writes: "After using one bottle of Pe
runa 1 became convinced of its curative
qualities, and continued it use to date.
All symptoms of catarrh have disap
peared, yet I continue its moderate use
us s preventive, snd an old tuau'i touic."
W. U. Powell, Belleville, 111
Oen. Sebring of the Confederate Army,
Y rites: I can cheerfully recommend
your valuable remedy Perun a a very
excellent tonic, and alio good for coughs,
colds, catarrh and general debility."
. it. reDring, IM W. 4th Bt., Jackson
ville. Fla.
Oeneral Lumax of Washington, D. C,
Write: "I can cheerfully recommend
jour remedy a permanent and effec
tive cure for catarrh, cold and to any
on who need an invigorating tonic to
build up their system." L. U Lumax,
ItHKi lUth St., Washington, V. C.
Oen. Payne of Washington, D. C,
Writes: "I join with my comrades in
recommending Peruna to my friends as
an Invigorating tonic to buiM up the
system." (Jen. Eugene H. Payne, 407
4th St., X. W., Washington. D. C.
Oeneral Talley of Pa., Vol. U. S. A..
Writes: "Ynnr IVrmui lnm li.,n iiia.1
In 1,10 nflit fiiv friAnitu ,1 .aliul r....
tH rrli ill troubles with the most beneficial
results, i jim so convinced or the olllcncy
of I'eninn (hut I do not hesitate to give
it my recommendation." Win. Cooper
Talley. 713 1 1 St., X. K.. Washington.
I. C.
When a steady tippler is pros
Ira ted v it h pneumonia, bis chances
of rtcivery are about three to ten.
His heart has been so weakened by
artificial stimulation that bis vi
tality is easily depressed.
The presldejt of the Republic of
Andorra, in the I'jrenees. gets the
smallest salary paid by any civilized
government. It Is only 15 a year,
and he thinks of asking for a ten
per cent, increase, which would
make It 116.50.
When imnudenre deserts a man It
leaves him nothing on earth to fall
bak upon.
Mrs. Wlnslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil
dren teething, softens the eums, reduces lntls
instlou, s Hays pain curet colic. 1'ilce o bottle
A snaik's belly and a lying tongue
are the 2 sllpplerjest things we kno
Any person msv earn onntl fnreme In snare
time at fume writing for us: exjieriemw uniiecea
ssry; sond utiimp for part lcularii. American Art,
It... UIM IJ. -l.... tj V
The most pleazant prospekt from
the top ov a hi mountain Iz to look
nak and see the ragged way we hav
Mustang Liniment
cures CutH, Burns, Iirnises.
S;:veo hundred and sixty-live
casr-s of the German exhibits have
been received at the world's fair for
installation In seven diSereot exhib
it buildings.
a they Immediately rellrre tho stomach from
pnlxnnong matter by (Directing the food. Sold for
Me a box. Guaranteed.
Hold only by Arthur Dyspepsia Tablet Co.,
Concord, Mich. Large rumple I0
Buy In the Black Hills
Flddf-n Trpsv-urvi Quid Mlninjr MUMwr CompunT
Routh Dakota r offering lu Tnurj BUick, llmlwd
amount, ftr nale.
Inrt-Mtori looltinir for ft Mff rlnr to put their
mrnifv, would do wMI to I nvfH titrate UtU, 1 .n fur
nlat) th ffoutn 8, T. Cochran lock.
High Class Mining Stocks,
11 It road way, Mew York
Oeneral Bigelow Cured.
On. J. G. Bigelow. 151 C. St., N. W,
Washington. 1). V.. writes:
"Peruna has made me well and it has
iriren me more than ordinary strength
and epiiit for work.
Gen. O'Beirne of Washington, O. C,
Writes: "A many of nay friend and
acquaintances have successfully used
jour Peruna as a catarrh cure. I feel
that it is an effective remedy, and I rec
ommend i: as such to those suffering;
fr.iiu that disease as a most hopeful
s urce of relief " Jame K. O'beirna,
!!) Broadway, Washington, D. C. j
Oeneral Chase.Ass't Adj.Gen'I.O.A.R.,
Writes: "The excellence of Peruna as
a -nre or relief for catarrhal disturb
ances ia well established. Many of 10
friends have been benefited by its use.
B. F. Chase, 'JH Harrison St., Ana
cobtia, 1). 0. ,
Oeneral S. S. Yoder of Ohio,
Writes: "I !nt found Peruna to be a
wonderful remar. 1 only used it for a
short lime and am thoroughly satisfied
as to its merit " S. S. Voder, Waah
ington. I). C. ,
Oeneral O'Connor of U. V. Legions,
Writes: "If you are suffering from cav
t.-irrh or physical debility, immediately
commence the use of Peruna. It ha
been of the greatest benefit and service
to many of mr friends." llennil
O'Connor. 7,';S 3'Jud St., X. W.. Wash
ington, I). C.
Oen. Wright of the Confederate Army,
Writes: "I take pleasure in recom
mending Peruna. It is a remarkable
medicine and should be used by persons
who are in need of a good tonic and
by sufferer from catarrh." Marcus
Wright, J7'.'4 Corcoran St., Washington,1
I). O.
Cen. Haw Icy of Washington, D. C,
Writes. "I have used Peruna and find
it very beneficial for kidney trouble and
especially good for coughs, colds and
catarrhal troubles." A. V. Hawley.
Oen. Urell of Spanish War Veterans
Writes: "Manjr of my friends hav
used Peruna with beneficial result a
an effective remedy for catarrh." M.
Kmmet Urell, 813 12th St., N. W.,
Washington, I). C.
Other Army Generals who praise Re
runs are:
lirlgadler-Otnermt Cook of Wash
Ington, D. C.
Oeneral Sypherof Washington, D. C.
Oeneral Mlddteton, Hancock Regl'
ment, U. V. U., Washington, D. C.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to 1 r. llarlman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Ir. Hnrtmnn, President of
The Hnrtmnn Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.
There were 114 German domestic'
servants last year who were awarded
the servant's unldtn cross for having
lived forty yeais with one family.
Only oue was foi nd in Berlin.
New Hampshire Is one of the few
states that will follow the ancient
custom of having each spring a day
of fasting and p uyer by proclamation
of the governor.
The Oat Wonder.
The Editor miiRt tell its reader of thi
marvel. It originated with the largest!
farm seed growers in the world, the John
A. Salz.er Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. 1
has stiff straw, stands up like a stone
wnl), is white, heavy, and ha long ear,
filled to the tip with fat, plump kernels.
It is a great gtooler, 80 stocks from on
to above address, you will get a ssmpl
of this Ont Wonder, which yielded in
1903, in 40 States from 250 to 310 bn.
per acre, together with other farm seed
logue and farm seed samples. (0. N. U.),
Arid Land Made Fruitful.
Those parched, dry, arid plains of
Montana, Colorado, Arizona, Idaho and
other dry lauds respond quickly and give
a big yield when planted to Snlzer'i
Spelts, Hnnna Hurley, Macaroni Wheat,
00 Day Earliest OaU, Billion Dollar
(ira8S and Bromus Inermis. Above seem
to rlourish and laugh at droughts and arid
- i ,
nnd this notice to John A. Snlzer Seed
Co., La Crosse, Wis., for their big est,
logue and farm seed sample. )C. N. TJ.
Without trials and temstasnnns
man would be nothing more than a
You can do your dyeing In half as
The best way to manage children
iz to spank them privately and ptau
them publikly.
riTO ivrmaiifiitlv Cured. Wo nuor nervoaaneeaartsl
rl I w Una day' of Ilr. Kline'. Ore.-U Nerre Ks
loier. KMill.irKUC.Kll ( irUl bott . nml treaties,
ItK. K. U. a" LINK. LuL.tU uxib Si. 1'hua.telvkla. Fs.
Tn I iik's that must happen are a
gtate deal eazlcr to git along with
than Ibiivs that may happen. 1
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
i ma its
Qua i s wh;i au uu nut. El
00111- Hyru.i. 1'salee Oou4- US PJI
in tims o d by drusst.ta Ml
N. U. Rl
tom sispi
Oia HIlavblt
St Jacobs 00 I
stops right aloof curing
Pains and Aches
Price BSe. Mt aoa.