Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 17, 1904, Image 7

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    Complete External
and Internal
Consisting of
to cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, and soften the
thickened cuticle; CUTI
CURA Ointment to in
stantly allay itching, irrita
tion, and inflammation, and
soothe and heal ; and CU TI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood and expel
humor germs. A SINGLE
SET, costing but ONE
DOLLAR, is often suffi
cient to cure the most tor
turing, disfiguring skin,
scalp and blood humors, ec-ten-.as,
rashes, itchings, and
Irritations with loss of hair,
from infancy to age, when
the best physicians and all
other remedies fail.
SaM ttmckoal Ik we14. CMInn S.a.1.
tast, fS. lla tm af Caoratat. Omih fllla.
Oaf., Sf Hal f SIi OlmaMial. our ni
til ll: Im IT Caartrrseaaa K : rirta,
S mm as la rals: Baaio. 1ST (Via.-ir.aa ava.
Parrsr Drsc aa4 Cbaaa Cmio . Sola Pn w.
t79mmi far 'II... la car lotiafta, Dte-
aaiara frees leraar ta aa."
War Welcomed ts
during last Year
nl to V'orarO It teat rary immigrant
who lpra tia lai' of hto nrf uir to
eon aud aa- a Ikiiihi for thi slf no
turn his icax" 4 'tantapls. Thai Is
XT TA Mfi I ll'imr.trnSa (Ives
Mh 4'lf l, I hMr.'lira. Ifttll
way a, Mai art. I 'llmuce, a vary
lata, lo Urn aV.lrrd.
r a dwwf1ftla Allaa and rxSar lav
fortttatum.aii'lT t Sci-KailirEJil.BMTls
Bi'rM.rioa, Ottawa, lana'la; or a.ilha.
rl.rfl tnt(ll l.irnniaiit Airaltt-.
I. . Jtas
Haw Tark Ufa RM.. Onaba, Be.
In tbe oreanlzatlo i of the Inter
tatlooal Congress of Aitsand Krience
it tbe exposition to St. Louis,
Slbeit B. Pteicott, direct or of the
tbetnlca) laoorat ry of the university
if Mlcbluao, baa been appointed
abalnmio of Hie aection on organic
Mr. Arthur II Webber, of Cartllac,
treasurer of the Michigan State
Board of Pharmacy, spoke before
tbe school of pharmacy of the unl
ersltyof Michigan., Feb. 17.
Sale Ten Million
1 1 Th atl-l ami tattling on tha
L " -J 1 ttrain arii Orsmn- IatxU, u1 ara prt
U III lUrWltfrwrt I.Bi.rUr rwwtty sM
tj(T4f.!)l s a tar haa ri-n tipori Mi ftrtrison.
TN8 raaiLra rAVoarra atKoiaiae
- - )
I Miss Alice M. Smith, of Mia.'
neapolis, MiniL, tells bow wo
man's monthly suffering may
be perrnanenuy relieved by Lydia
"Dui Mb. Pibkbam: 1 bars
never before riven my endorsement
for any wrediHna, tint Lydla K.
i lnkliam l egetable joru pound
haa added ao much to my life and
happiness that I feel like making an
exception in this ease. For two years
every month I would hare two days of
aerere pain, and could find no relief, but
one day when visiting a friend I ran
cross Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound, bhe had used
it with the best results and advised
me to try it. I found that it worked
wonders with me ; I now experience
no pain, and only had to use a few
bottles to bring about this wonderful
change. I use it occasionally now
when I am exceptionally tired or worn
out." Miss Alice M. tiMXTH, 804 Third
Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chair
man Executive Committee, Minneapolis
fctudy Club. $5000 forfeit If original f mba
titttr prosing etnuintntu cannot 6 producf.
Lydla K. Pink ham's Vegetable
Compound carries womeu safely
through the various natural
crises and is the safe-guard of
woman's health.
The truth about this great
medicine is told in the letters
from women beinir published in
this paper constantly.
Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
a 8nhwtltot for sod Raj-artor to M"JStM or ai
haw (Htr, mat will Dot bltatatr t ho moat dlloL4)
aiiin. Ilia i. aln Kil7toBaiiin eurattir quttlltlM nf tit it i
rtiolo or ni1arrul. It at lit ttt COOtiUaobo ttJj
', rsMWitinan1 It ava tita txmi. .nrl nfstt ortomal
nouitt.rlrritut known, naoutD ttomsvl rrrjxlr fiafl
patn in ")( nrl sUtoot. ojita ail rtaOuma4iaV
aouralstlft -tf (HtDrlalMii.
A trial w . liHt wo e mm fnr It. anil It wilt haj
founito'iaii a. ls in tho boniaohoM. hi poooia
hi "H th osit of ati jour I'rot-iarstltmt "
rrirw h rt. av. at all rlpis li, or ninr dia!ari or ho
an dm a i liia amount to ot la tftata aCairDpai. at wUJ
aut ru at (hi bf mall.
No arMdoaboaid arrvpt! hj tv pcibllf a O loos thai
atr-a Mrrlos our latol. m oi tior wiMt It t nut ceuoluo,
17 Stats Street. New York City.
us i mmiwmmKsm
Muwaiaaf iramuii at
3.i3&3 SHOES maSc
W. L. Douglas
shoes have by thwlr
exrellenl style.
enay-flttliiK. and
superior wearins
quulitlR, achieved
the largest unln of
any itioes In tbo
They are Ju.it si good
llioso that cost you
SI to S' the only
dilTerenre is the pries.
Sold Cetrywtrt,
Ixxk for nam and
price on bottom.
DfHlrtna u.ea Cornnl
C'ollHktn, which laaTeryvrtiera rriDnadad to
terh flnrat Patnitt leather yet produced.
fn-1 rjnr t urltit ut'd fsin h) mill, tor.aitra.
VriurarCalaJM. W.L.Daaslaa. brack tea. laM
Held up Women's trains.
The hire class Employes,
Vai aiit smile Empty fljsk.
The stamp act Loud applause.
Poor actot Iljokrupt tragedian. .
Cliiclnatti Day at the Woild'a fall
rill te May 24.
The outdoor treatment for consump
tion Is being tented by Miss Allot
L. Flint, oged 24, and Mrs. Geoig
A. Allwo'tb, aged 40 both of Merln
d;inc, Conn. Thry sleep out of doors,
to matter how cold the weather.
They recently spent the Dlt)t on
the notch, arrartd In ordinarr nlihi
clothes, under two woolen blankets
and one quilt, when the thertuometei
registered fifteen degrees below serol
Iloth are Improving under tbe out
door treatment.
Boxes a Year.
nmm sraaasaa x J
Y sTawaurr -,:T fl ry
I M Mass nua X I LL ..hi
I iia A esxmv - h rT) 1 f
Old Taaael la Laarer MaikilUs Was
la inou.
la the city hall ara, on the Broad'
way side, Dr the dnuking fountain
at the end of the wide ;k leading
pant trie front of tlw ity hall. I a
crating over a lar;,' ojteniug in the
croiiud. It is rusted and allows little
-vid'o- of taring be-en oiifiied in a
long time, says the New York Tribune
It covers a lar;;e j.;imi ;- ay uhiih
as one an w.t- u one jH-ers down be
tween the lir. It-ad undir the sid.--aik
and out under Uroad:iy. lne
i-otild easily enter the pHsniinc if the
grating. was lifted, for it is nix or eiut
feet long aud four or five feet wide.
It leads to the terminus of an exjieri
Mental underground railway whieh few
reeall in these days. Near the Junet;i
of this asae with the tunnel lie
huriel the cin-ular shield with w (,i'-u
I lie sliliway wax luirinl and the
eylltidrieiil nr in wliieli ti.issi-iiL" r
wen- dirried hile the road nu open
to the iiispeetioii of the iut)!:e. Many
ftf !! known person rle In the e;ir.
Tiii umlergrouixl railroad, whieli
In-Kin at the Koiithwext eomer of War
ren street and I'.roiidw ay, under t!i
Kidennlk. on the koiiiIi hide of th
fctreet, cured out into Jlroadwnv and
nt) down that Ktre-t (on point opm-iI
(he south ide of Murray street, was
built in ls-ill by (he Ilea eh riieiiuiatii
Transit eoinpany. of wldeli A. V.
lienel), (hen editor of the Seientill.
Aiuerieiiiian. wim one of the elih f men
At thai time, an now. r.ipid trail ut to
Harlem was one of the problems being
dlxeurosed hy the people of Die city and
when this r.eetioii of the mihwnr was
built, as an experiment, it was thought
hat the road would ! continued to
the upper end of Hie inland. Thli
jiatiir of 1ST.'! and the construction of
the elevated railroad killed the scheme.
When the debris left by the destruc
tion in I lei-eiuli.T. lVis, of the build
Jug at the southwest comer of liroad
way tind Warren street was cleared
aay. early In the winter of lill. the
tunnel was entered. It was found that
the subway, notwithstanding the con
struction of (be towering Home I. If
building near It. was in perfect con-
bition. At the far end was found th
car which was used (o show (he prac-
(icalillHy of (he plan, tlie glass missing
from the oval window frames. The
(ruck on which i( bad run was on the
mils in front of it. When a now
ullding was built on (ho site of the.
fire (he entrance was again sealed tip
ne Hudent to Atmnt Klght 1h)!i-
anntl of the I'eonte.
UurIa has five great universities, be
sides (line inovliiclal ones St Pclcrrt-
burg, .Moscow, Kief, Wutniw and
Miarkof. The iiuuiIht of students ii
he five Is some 15.000. Itustvia n-pre
wnt 12r.iii,jK of pitile. Tlure Is,
hen-fore, one. aludent of aJl sortN
llbtrnl and professional, to atKint H,
M) of tlie people. The nuinlMT of
students of the corresponding claswtt
n the United State representa one to
nome tKO of the people. It la, there'
fore, not loo much to say that each of
thcHo BtudcntH Is a mighty force for the
betterment of Uusala. Tlw Wudeoils
usually belong to the upper middle
laaa or to 0e lower nobility. A mili
ary rather than scholastic career seems
to le more attractive to the fellows of
he iiic'uent dr.iWS. Not 8 few of Ule
jiien, be it said, are poor In purse, and
for their use. In Kusslan ns in American
uuiverairiea, scbolarnlilps and otbT
financial a Ida are provided.
'l"he Iliisalan Is not ao hard a worker
in is his American brother, ins
PIei!tei seem srtronger. Drawn large
ly from the middle clasw, tl nwn do
not give sj favorable an linpresnlon to
J.lw eye as do the Iretter nven of tlie bet-
r American colh-ges. Scattered In their
residence through (he apartnMnit-lioiu j)
f the great cHIca, they take on the
iivlpinmciit of their real deuce as well
ls tlie ucademlc atmosphere. Hut lioth
in ilusslii Htwl in America college men
rain each othiT.
The profewor of a Russian unlvernlty
s a gentleman of jhiwit and cultiva-
ion. Ills car'HT is one to which the
worthiest citlaeti may will lok for-
wiu-d. Although the highest clauses
prefiT the military itervlee, yet to nil
except the nobha service In a unlviTHi
ty Is most Inviting. Tii.Ut tlx general
control of the mlnlubT of public In
Htructlon, each university Is for Its
more Inurx-dlntc government Indeis-nd-ent.
Each profefnor, too, In his di-pnrt-nienl
iisnally finds hlim-elf his own
master. In only one resjs'ct does the
profesriontil canna- wem unworthy.
The Rilnry la even more Inadequate
tlum obtains In mnwt American Insti
tutions Tlie Mihiry of the full pro
fewor Is .1,K) rubles, or ulwut $.l."si,
and of an assistant professor only 2,()
rubles. Ilarrs-r's Magazine.
"So towel" town.
Many places have curious nnmes,
but apparently there Is only one place
which bus a name without any vowels.
That place Is the Utile hamlet of W's
near Paris. Wi being nn unpronounce
able name, the Inhabitants of the ham
let have trantforoicd It Into "d'Us,"
but this change has not liccn sanc
tioned legally, ami on all the official
roconla tlie name V still apis'ars.
bamlet bns 117 Inhahltnnts, and Its
aide attractions are the Chateau d'Os
ny, which has been for many years In
tbe poMttcKfrion of Edmond A bout's fam
ily, aud tbe Chateau de Vlgny, which
la one of the best specimens of the Ue
nulawance style of architecture known.
So far as la known, tbere ia only
one peraon in Europe at present who
baa name without any vowels, and
Uiat ia M. Srb, the mayor Of Prague.
Strangers to the city who find It
neceaaarto Interview tbe mayor take
care first of ail to learn tbe proper pro
Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty.
Pe-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful.
I Alias Amanda Johnson. i 't f ;a !
! Jersey street, Indianapolis', Ind., : j
troubled wlih catarrh ever tlncc I j X Woman ) i-SS-S-S'- '
was very young, aggravated each f ) AMirti I V "
) time I caught cold. This did not ' -fl'lr,fu ;
provo sufficiently serious to be ob- Z S 'f I . -'.f; - ' rr 'c";
) noxious until last winter. Then '! I Catarrh I i?!5?
( my head and nose were so stopped ' $ ) WS:: SErEr"
up that I hit I must do something. t'an e ) 'EEr'-''" ' '
Peruna was recommended to me by Either V li f' 11
S a friend. I used It for four weeks, ' ' A ) 5Sz$;J '
) and found to my relief that It cured Z I Beautiful ) Vjj? 11
me. I have not had a bit of trouble .; or AUraetit.t. tEI-M ',
) since. My head Is clear, and I can k ( V'Ss-SSS-
safely affirm that I'eruna cured ! SJ EzfS1?? '
mcA-Wssora Hauser. ; igS'fgar4 ;
Hundreds of Women Cured by Pe-ru-na
of Annoying Catarrh.
DR. H.HtTM AN has probably done
more than any other phjgichm
toward popularizing a menus of
sea pe friun the facial deformities, such
s Hulery fjes, twisted nose, offensive
breath, dry, crocked linn, due to the
avrigiriK effects of cntnrrh.
He b na made chronic catarrh s life
long study. His remedy, popularly
uowd aa Perunn. Is the m'mt famous
emedy for rntnrrb In eiistence.
Probably there ia not a mnn or woiunti.
oy or girl, within the hounds or the
I'nlted Slates that has not heard of Pe
runn. "j for th. largeat majority hars
ed Parana.
The multitude of people that bare
cen cured of chronic catarrh by ualag
enina can never be knowu. I
Tbe whlatling oy switch englm s
which work all night In tbe railway
r-ards In and near cities is permit tea
u no country other tbao America.
Some ot tbe clearing house assocla-
1 ms are Incorporated, but most of
hem, as iu New York, are voluntaiy
Silence iz the most powerful answer
bat enny man can glv to abuse.
A Plucked Speculator. Flytter
I suppose there's money to be
icked up in the stock market""
Flutterer "There ought to be.
Why, 1 myself have dropped consid-
rahle of it there. Iloston Tran
It takes nearly 160,000 fair and
105. 000 brown hairs to cover ade-
uatcly an ordinary head.
Bew'i This
any rase of ( ntarrh that cauuot be cured by
uau uaiarrn t lire.
v. J . 1 1 i ,.N K Y & CO rrop. Toledo, O.
We. th. lini ... rn h.i-.. Ln..H-n I !.....
for the lsi is earn, and believe him rfe:tly
honorable In all ulnos trauacilnn aud fiuan
clailv stile to ca ry out any ouhgaUmi niaila by
We.,t L Tniax, Wholesale DrupgliiU, Toledo. O.
Waldlnc Klnnan Si Marvin, Vtliolenale Drug
nixU, 1o.edo. Ohio.
Hall s Catarrh Cure I taken Internally, actlna
llracLlv lllwtli .ha llrw..! n i.l , ..IPru... .1
lh. tm. erica 7flc. per bottle. Sold brail
uriiKKliU. Teslltnoulals li.
Halls raoilif l'H are itae best.
In for a high time Clock In the
Anv person mat earn annd iiwnmt In tnurr,
Mma at luimr writing for im; experience unnis-r-i-arv:
tend itamn tor nurtlc.uliLrM. AmrW.ari Art.
M... an, ii i t' r
vw wt, IHWHI; II, , I.
is 0I, llrooklyu, N. Y.
Pnlr Of lllnnorj I , t r. n n.al
ba uat.a skto.
If n. Wllislnw'si dm IT If ivn avnim a
Brri. teeihiiiK.wiflfnii the .urns, rertuaca lnd.
i"Mi aiiSljBUlilU riir, cnl in ft ina .. km.
- . - - vj snhvic
The worlds
greatest compoaer-
Piso's Cure for Cnnaiimnrlna I. Ck. t
medicine I have ever foon.l ln. i -
and col.ls.-Mrs. Oscar Tripp, Big Uock,
til., Msrca 20. 1901.
Matrimony Oontradlctloos
sootrary actions.
PUTNAM PAnRl.KHn nvvs a
waio tbe hsu Is or i.t tbo kottlo. oi
attll awPaaaaa ... I
-B' aura ssuu IIUlUlSs v
Huih monev Caah nn A tn s,Mh
- a- - . i 1 , .
in- si tup.
I ' ' Flora Mauser. ' ""
dr. A
Many a girl has regained her faded
beauty, mauy a matrou hag lengthened
the days of her comely appearance by
using Peruna.
Peruna produces close mucous mem
branes, the basis of facial symmetry
and a perfect complexion.
The womeu have uot been slow to dis
coer that a course of Peruna will do
more toward restoring youthful beauty
than all the devices known to acience.
While it ia true that Peruna cures ca
tarrh wherever located, yet it is advisa
ble for everyone to uss IVrima as a
preventive snd not wait until cstarrh
TISING An authority put the total annual
espenses of printed fmms of adver
tising at 1600,000,000.
Marseilles had more than twice as
much shipping last year as any other
Fren.-h harbor.
I hav known wlmmln to yield a
point, but I never knu them to give
one up.
The devil i a cunning kritter, but
the blunders he makes always eats
up the profits In hiz bizznes9.
Muilang Liniment
is a posiiu vt cure for Piles.
G.es without sayina A discharged
The Wonrterfril Cream Separator,
Does its work iu thirty minutes am
leaves less than 1 per cent butter fut.
The price is ridiculously low, according
to size, $2.75 to SO.OO each, and when
you have one you would not part there
with for firty times its cost.
with Tic stamps for postage to the John
A. Snlzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and
pet their big catalogue, fully describing
this remarkable Cream Separator, and
hundreds of other tools ami farm seeds
used by the farmer. (C N. U.)
Afraid of nothing Tbe person
scared by a ghost.
Rlpans Tahmes sr. tna best
dyit pnta rri'ilielne ever made.
A tiumlrts! niiiliousof th'-rn Imv.
been sold in the United states ia
s slnirle jraar. Oonstipa'iiin,
h-srtlurn, slok beadx-h", dlzl
aess. bad breath, lore IhroMt and
Vi-rv otbar lllne-s arnlna from s olnonleri-d
stomaeh an lellaved or cured hy Hlpans Tabules.
On. will generaliv ;.-. relltf wllbl i twrnty
minutm. Th. lve.cen cka Is enougS
lorordloary oooasloei. AlldmesisiaseU Uiao.
Ancient order of Iliberlan day at
the world's fair will be Thursday,
July 21.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Ussnriji f iSTfSia a Til a.
sat Om Irraa. Vaalaa UutSas
- 7Ai5m iyi-wr.ir
aaa aso m a sai sa m m r mm i
Miss Amanda Johnson, Fairchild, Wis., writes:
"I wri e to tell you how much Peruna benefited me.
For a number of years I had pain in my head around my
eyes, and I thought it was because my eyes needed treat
ment, so I went to an oculist and had glasses fitted to
my eyes and wore them for some time, but felt no relief
whatever. In fact. I felt worae than bef ,re, and came to
the conclusion that the trouble was not with my eyes,
but with my head and that it must be catarrh. Aa ao
many of my friends had used Peruna with benefit for
this trouble, I thought I would try it. I was not sorry
that I did so, for in a short time I began to improve, and
in four week my eyes were in splendid condition, my
general health was much improed and all the catarrh
of the head was gone. I was glad to get rid of this
trouble and am glad to endorse such a good medicine aa
Peruna. " Miss Amanda Johnson.
I has fastened it.self iu some part f th
Perunn acts quickly and beneficially
on the iurlnmed mucous membranes
lining the different orKiins of the body.
Thus it will cure catarrh wherever
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write tit once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
he pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice pratis.
AddrcMA Dr. Ifnrtnian I'r.tfiilnr r.t
I The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Despite the popualr opinion,
aluminum is not the tightest metal
Known. Magnesium Is one third
lighter, and yet very much deneef
and stronger.
Japanese workmen are obliged to
wear on their caps and backs an
inscription stating their business
and their employers' name.
A man turns 112,000 spadefuls of
earth in digging an acre, and moves
In all a weigh to 850 tons.
it ehsllniaa the world to pro
duct a ajior prolific, parly, big
pared pom variety thaa alt;r'a
HosSkaB Itullatvr, Po named bp
Cuo if"' suih f till St V
7llded ao heeT(ly In IHTM, that Its
net trrooo'-ds bat It a beautiful fioaap
for the lucky possessor. HooeataVog.
Hn aro oom of the yVMs par
PHSlomri had of th la porn 1b 1KM t
IA? bn. pier acre.
By John KUfrl, I.a Port Csv, lai,
AO bn. frr srrs.
By 0. t. Mlehiel, Moot. Co.. O.
100 bn. per srr.
Bj Richard r-porth, LakP Co., 14,
118 bti. pr mrr.
By 3. D. Waller, llambloa Cx,
fiSO bu. per aero,
Br Lawrrooo tMbalatol, Ugtssmv
Co., Sllch.
tab hm. "ar ax.
By J. W. alMoay, Crookotl Op.,
804 bay. fr sterp) "
Bay Rtoarns, Kauavn Co., B. Is.
ava: "tlisnsl la 17ft 4sfS.
Yielded (Ktt n, mt ao. Nct
car I will grow ioO bu. pt atta ,
National Oaf.
Knormoualy prolific. !(eo wwH
aTTwhorp. It wwn'l Irt jour Mr
Bfwluot loop than Ux ba. Try It.
Iltlllrm Dollnr Gn
Moit talked or grata In Amrt,
Won iri bw aahome4 of holf If K
sssj povai
For 10c. In
and th aaia af (hit fvr,
Will gladly acod a a lot af farm
Se4 iimnln, will worth ta
gt a start with, tagthr with aar
a. am mot a. 140 aaro llloimlaa.tsl
off !, pVatrlMag ith aarat
iipsii Ana ijpna nana kaaaarasi
whopt. Two rat Oat. Fw
ipoeiair, TMiarta
Baaa. Ba4
Corn '
ijjj! ehsJlmae tha world to pro- 5
uc m,or prolific, Parly, big wa
g? Pared porn variety thaa hulier'n ta.1
Fliail llosmp) Itulldc-r, po named bp-
ao r - st . wa wju ii
TH r afj fl .1 I V aSSU kT TJ Bl I
l'fli'l.ttllThnmnea. FuatMalaa
Mrs lias, sm ' ioii d tjfl mm
Ns No O. 14 11 VONft