Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 17, 1904, Image 4

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    THL LITTLE fttT.
The pattering of little feet
lly all expectant ar doth ,;rew
A ehddisn tread across the floor
la effort Jo afkain the door.
Where !t shall ) mine to ee
That Which !s previous unto me
A laughing fa'-', with eye of blue
so like Cer mother render true
When Kill for me ea.-h day n o'er
I houienard wend my a onif more
With fond anticipations thrill
My being, as I clirub the hill,
N'o lagging footsteps aiaie I ween
When from the u intuit i.oine ,s see a
What matters fMriMM Mfed rare
Once I have crossed the threshold there.
-Boston Transcript.
re()MBVAfili through the murk ,
ft end gloom of a November earns
inj, through the dank night i r
ad gathering fog. along greasy pa
menta and rr slippery rralngli
across the great bridge, with the.ya vn
tng darkness on either side and down
the mean streets of Southern Iondon,
wearily but steadily Mary Mac.xllis
,'ter bent her wny
Thre- ynrs of hard BMrtl SS a typist
In a city office, three years of lonely
struggle with fortune, had robbed
Mary's cheek of the Moora it boasted
when she was Hllirilmn but stlil she
strode on her way, morning Bad evn
lug, backward and forward, to tad
from the when' h'-r work lay,
a brave, samsat wiiiatlfd steady eyed
woman, a typical figure of London's
women worker.
Sometimes there weald be IOp
eion of moisture la the big rjray eyes
when work was more than Usually
Irksome or employers more than ass ll
ly Irate and unreasonable.
Sometimes for a moment her mind
would stray from the dark, i lose ofli e
to the glorious fields and hedgerows
which from babyhood sin- bad looked
upon as hers la time to com B. Now
ami again as slie ate her solitary meal 1
in her poor tittle room la the shabby
Otse la a third ra:i' Street just be
yond "the FJephant." the memory of
the plenty In the old days brought a
shadow for a moment, and then the
memory of Iii.-k bet Dick -would
chase the little eloed away If Dick
could be brave and go away to Africa j
to win a fortune for her she would be
brave, too Dick had faced the crash !
which lour years ago nan rasna sum
bis father and hers, quietly and un
complainingly. She had refused his
offer to roiea-se her from her engage
ment to him, and with mutual pro
testations of love and fidelity they had
parted he to seek wealth across the
seas, she to earn her living as best
she could in the great world of Bon-
Many a letter from IMck lay care
- fully folded In her little workbox, let-
ters which she had read again and
again when the struggle was hard and
her heart grew faint. They told of
progress, slow but sure, until eighteen
Bwstiu before, when the black cloud
of war lowered, and ruin had for the
second time In his young Ufe stopped
at Dick Merrick's door.
With the Drat clash of arma his em
ployment ceased, the land he had In
vested his savings In was seised by
the Boers, while he himself waa com
mandeered and imprisoned as the re
sult of his refusing to fight against
his own countrymen. Since then
si nee she bad lived at her present ad
dreM uo newa had come to enlight
en her sorrow, to relieve her anxiety.
Oa her doorstep she met her land
lady. Mrs. Bird, who had been shop
ping around the corner. Mrs. Bird
was well meaning, but rather massive,
and sometimes more than aggressive.
' You are late this evening," Mrs.
. Bird asserted tartly.
4 -Vis I I am, rather," nervously
responded Mary; "I was a little be-
.. -Wnd at the office, and ire waikeu.
Walked a night like this: Then
"yon'd ae business. S'pose you caught
...,. sad got laid up?"
i i buses were full and I I
RaidBt afford a cab, you know."
y answered, smiling gently. .
o, in course, though you might
do lUa5! h iiight like this If you didn't
f s:Mldlin' yourself with that foreign
t dl : man upstairs."
, " Bird closed the door with an
. . . .M. ,-v-iikTle "iniig as she followed Mary
li the iiassage.
syh, Lush, please. Mrs. Bird; think
' ho ill the pTjor' fellow has been."
"ill course he- has, and you. with
. . . si ...ii cair do to keep yourself, must
I .i and look after him. Nonsense, that's
--, -y-s.it I call It! What dowe pay rates
, and keep up that there place round
.... . (he evMMB for,-'If- It ain't for such a
'But. you don't understand, Mrs.
c.ivd; he is not a common man; 'be
Is an artist and a gentleman. It would
in'. 1 iiu to le sent to such a place--1
know I feel It Jnst aa It would
fell) me to be sent there. Our cruel
p . s have brought hint to deathVdoor
. a;.;! as he lias lain Insensible up there
. i.roas. niving bla tongue has, told
pte lite tale of bla sunny borne away
ym d r in Italy, of the poverty which
l ore him here to earn bis bread, of
.is mimic, which la tike life to biro.
Al:d i ow-nuw bets better be patient
Wt s'ir a fittle longer. I will give
b! all the attention I can and save
you ns mart as noealble. The money
tut la awing yaa I wW pa, wllUag-
ly, a little at a time See, here is
some that I have earned working late
Take it snd let me have my owl, way.
won't you'' Ah. you will! Thank you.
Mrs Bird: As 1 tend him and help
him. poor fellow, so I pray tbst a
woman's hand may help the man 1
love, should he ueed It."
She turnisi slouly, and mounted the
stairs. Mrs l!ird looked after her
a moment irresolutely "Humph!"
.-he mattered, ''thai gal'i too good for
this orld."
' Vou are b.-tPT -ah. I'm so tad
Now Ha st.::, or I shaH be angry:
"Angry, you ears mia.' Ah, but no
' nv can an angel be angry?"
Mary nailed, Tour illness has KM
mad" you forget your compliments."
she said, light J
Mary MacAllister and stolen into the
-ick nam's room, after taking off bet
bat and jacket, and had fOOBd bun
up and dressed and sitting in front
of the fire. The firelight shone 00 ' I
handsome face, so drawn and pale, on
his hands so thin and white, bfn
Bird had during the day given off some
of "her views," and Carlo Terrlni
knew for the first time what Man
MacAIHster had done for him lu the
hour of his extremity.
"Compliments! What words of mine
can be called compliments, after what
you bare done for me';"
Mary started. "You know ':'
"Yes. the good Signora Bird lold
"Then she ought not to have done
so. It is nothing nothing. 1 repeal
And you must not think of It again,
She pausisl and the in.au looked at
her Inquiringly. "Or what Mees Mnc.
"Or I shall not be able to come and
see you or or help you any more.'
"But," said Carlo weakly, "11 do
not understand. It hi but the truth.
You have saved rny life, mia earn mla:
I must thank you I must pour out
my gratitude to you from my soul."
lie stopped, exhausted, for a mo
ment, and then went on excitedly: "1
I have been thinking of you. long
ing to see you to look on you to
perhaps be able to take your little
hand n and kiss It. and let fail my
tears as of blood, on It Vou have
saved my life you have done more
you have Inspired me I have been
dreaming a picture of you, as I lay
watching the fire, a vision of goodness,
so high, so pure, so true, and the
melody came. I heard, somewhere
away up above me. In God's air, a host
chanting your praises; the music they
satg waa the melody my soul has
sought so long, I put It In my work.
That work at last will be complete.
It will triumph, for none can resist
such music as this."
lie rose abruptly, with sudden
strength. Then he staggered across
the room to where a violin lay In its
ease. Mary MacAllister uttered a cry
and laid a restraining band mi his
"What are you doing?" she cried
"You will kill yourself if you exert
yourself like this."
'Uie violinist took up his Instrument
and crept back to his cluilr.
"No, it Is life to me to play, and
you must hear. Then you shall tell
me if it is good enough for my opera."
lie seated himself and began tp
play. The girl, seeing remonstrance .
useless; quietly dropped Into seat
and listened. For a few moments she
beard only music sk' had beard him
play before in the days when he was
well. Then suddenly her lips parted
and she sat breathless Kjoni the in
strument poured a melody almost un
earthly. The mtin played as If In
spired. It was as if voices from an
other world areas speaking. On, on he
went from a penn of praise to n
frenzy of passion, from a hurricane,
of hope to a dirge of des-palr.
And then on again, higher and hlgtr-
er. faster and faster, the liquid ttylody
poured from tlie violin, ant!.!, witji one
great overpowering chord of grand
eur, the music stopped and the bow.
fell from his nerveless hflnd, while I lie
muslcbin sank back punting, exhaust
ed, but triumphant. In his chair.'
So engrossed had he been with his
beloved music, so enraptured had been
the girl with the marvelous strains
that Carlo Terrlni had evoked, that
neither had heard the footsteps that
had mounted the stairs, nor seen the
form that -now stood In the doorway.
Gently tberl cblded the poor violin
ist fat "bla great exertion, sweetly she
hade htm good-night and rest, slow
ly she tamed from bin to the door.
Vor a atomaat aha gaaad, aa If lookiac
on the dead. Uk-u .tli s Tf of pas
SKiuate gladness she flw to the out
stretched arms, crying 'Dick!'
Aud as the lovers passed from the
room and the door closed tehind them
Carlo Terrlni's head fell, and a great
!b shook him from head to foot
Downstairs in Mrs Bird's front
parlor Dick Derrick's story was soon
told After mouths of Imprisonment
at Wateranl be had recovered his
liberty, bat not his rights. The Dutch
man n ho had sold him the land wa
now in possession ot it again and was
disputing his title Too poor to take
the necessary legal action to recover,
he had returned to Kngland ss poor as
he left it four years before
The next morning Mary, dressed for
the city, paid her usual visit to Carlo
Terriui before going She found him
er 111 He confessed that he had not
tieen to bed He had lieeu working all
through the long night, writing the
music he had composed and played to
her into his opera
"But now, now you have finished,"
-hepleadcd you all! sleep and retv
Ais cara una I will rent soon
promise yea," and as the door clos
ed behind her he added, with a wan
mile, "forever,''
Two hours after she had gone Carlo
Terrim let himself out of the house,
without a sound and made his way to
a West Baal music firm, the bead of
which was a compatriot of his.
After few minutes' talk he per
suaded Dim to listen to the opera,
which be played through without a
brea k
Astonished and delighted the pub
lisher lasts ntly concluded bargain
with him. ami Carlo Terrim crept
home and fell exhausted on the' tsi,
from which he never rose again.
A fi bOOri before he died he gave
a letter, sealed, to Mary ktacAlOster
and Whimpered t" her to keep it till
he was dead. The day after he was
laid b r.-vt Mary Mae klllstet renjem
beriag the letter, opened ,t and read
the hist words of her dead friend
lb- had given bar Ota opera which
she had inspired, and which had cost
him his life.
Tw.. raftri labr Mary MacAllister
lookisl Sewa into the face of her first
born With the money which had
Beared In an her like a golden stream
from i alio Terrlni's work her hus
band had fought and own his cans'',
and was now on bfal way to becoming
a South Afncaii millionaire. With
OpUleiiee around her. a child she ador
ed and a husband she worshipped at
her side, there ua yet a wistful sad
ness iii her 0pk as she gazed at her
little one Her busbatld caught her
glance and laid his hand gein.y on
her -boulder.
' You have something to ask me?"
be said, gently.
"Yes. a little favor, dear," she hesi
tated. "What eould I refuse you? Tell
lAi our little one be named
Carlo." "Your wish is mine, dearest What
better name than the name of that
noble sou! to whom we owe our all?"
London Tit -Bits.
Iath Penalty Kternlly Hn Over
Slant- livsd Journalists.
In Germany the position of a news
paper editor Is a precarious one, says
Him Indianapolis Journal. lie must be
very careful not to criticise the Empe
ror, or otherwise to Incur the wrath
of the press censor, or he will be
thrown Into Jail and his paper will be
suspended- But in China It Is even
worse. The offending editor who ex
presses opinions contrary to those of
the administration Is liable to the ex
treme penalty death In no merciful
Several months ago a preacher of re
form Pekln was beaten to death
with bamboo rods. 1.ater the editors
of the publication called Supao were
charged with sedition. Their sedition
(.insisted iii advocating more modern
methods, in the administration of the
government. This brought down uion
them the anger of the Dowager Kin
press, who 'ordered their Instant appre
hension. It appears, however, that the
editors had realized the enormity of
their offeiise, for they sought refuge
in the foreign reservation, where they
came under the protection of the con
sulate The question whether the daring
newspaper men should bo surrendered
in the native authorities was referred
to thy legation. It was certain that if
this should he done cruel and barbar
ous punlshmohts would follow. The
British consul stoutly opposed giving
the fugitives up. but. for some reason
or other. United States Minister Con
ger sided with the Busman representa
tive, who wished to accede to the Chi
nese demand. All agreement was final
ly reached to detain the newspaper
men for trial by a mixed tribunal,
The trial has not yet taken place.
rOn nothing more than nn accusation
the men have been kept In prison, all
ball having been refusisl. And now
the government announces that a spe
cial deputy will be appointed to heat
the eB,se. and that this deputy will bo.
instructed not to bo lenient should tlia
defendants be found guilty. Evidently
the penalty Jias already been decided
u'lion,. and.. the trial will be a mors
forfji. '"Ay of which gon to show thai
the life tff Hie Chinese editor Is not
one grand .w,eet song, and that be who
incurs tite.Sfratti of the Chinese law ll
the ndaf'tlnuiivlable of culprits.
'"' The V all treel H urns,
frow can right-minded people
Be otherwise than sad, i
When they think of the loss of theas
Which nobody ever kadi
Herbert Spencer .c mt..,cr.u,t of
iishonesty While wsiting Montreal he
uhs aigaatfj in:'isi to naaCny
mansion that was bell built for an
unscrupulous millionaire He indig
nantly refused It is largely," he
aid. the adiuiiaig the ostentation of
MM-b men that makes them possible.
Hanoi Uraat the fraudulent specula
tor sent mean invitation foi the inau
gural of Leicester Baaatre, bla gift to
Ixndon Before a partj of Blends I
lore the card to pieces sm h Ma as
Grant try to compensate for robbing
(Vtev by rang I'aui what tu-v do not
iwc bim."
The laic John SwiutoU l"i Iiuiuy
r tsars managing .: tot oi the Sew York
Sun otii-e gave Mi liana an answer
ili..t Ttnatia sitter tiu fUltereflce between
geaina and latent Hi Daaa remark
rd that be needed trat i 'lam nUtaria!
rner. and arat a Inag la nay bim
la- handle, and I wciil Mvi dobars a
week. "But you cannot gel a rir-t
la- BMM for that." prote-t.i Mr
s a'lnb n n by aol ! Baked Mr
U.uia; tluil i- what 1 pay you. and
don't you consider yourself a nral I las.
n an': "No Mr liana." teji imsl Mr
Swinfoti if I were a 'first -class man' 1
should be paying you roe hnndred and
I a mty five dolls n a Bel
One evening, during bis recent visit
t.i Rnghrod, Bear Adran-ai Ctnutoa s.
Cotton was etitertainisl at dinner.
Among llie other -uc-ts were the
Bishop of lMirham. a ea i man notisl
lor ids wit. and b millionaire manufac
tui-er. a stout man with a loud, coarse
II ogh, who ate and drank a gi od deal.
and who erackad trary little hiie n
itupid Jose. He Btd not knoa the
i -la p from Ada a but teeing his cler
ical garb, i.e decided be must be a pit
son. and that bete was a chance for
bin. to poke a li tie fas at the parson's
trade i ba vi 0a ens," be began.
in i lomi tone nudging his neighbor
Id Winking toward the bishop -"th Be
tine lads. They are in trade. 1 had
always said that if I ever had a stup.d
o,n I'd make i pareon af bim." The
millionaire roared out bla discordant
laugh, and the Bishop of Durham
M d to him. With a ijlliet smile: "TOUT
lather though' differently from you
When llrander Matthews went to his
club one evening, Dol long ago accord
ing to the Bookman, ba went to the
letter )x,x and looked through the com
partmeat marked "M," and found
therein a very peremptory dun from a
tailor. Mr. Matthews was puzzled, as
be had had no dealings with the Insist
ent tailor, until he again looked at the
envelope and found that he had un
wittingly opened a letter ts-longtng to
another member Of the club, so he put
the bill back in the envelope and re
lumed It to the compartment. As Mr.
Matthews was turning to go, he noticed
the member for whom the bill was lu
tended coming toward the letter box.
A minute later he came Into the read
ing room, where Mr. Matthews was
kitting with several others. Taking
from Its envelope the bill, he read It
attentively for a few minutes, sighed,
tore it into bits, then with a wink and
a leer of an invincible conqueror, cum
in en ted: "Poor, silly little giri."'
.... . of increasing the uuuiber of
birth- and diminishing mortality and
L-oNeriiineut Uinuss-s for large families
,.i.. !... t:tes oil bachelors and
childless couples have Ueu suggested.
It i- expected that the Herman eaiper
ar mil lake cognizance of the eondi
nous existing in his reu.m and ug
psat drastic means of arresting there
the iio-e suicide which President
BaaaaveM so igorously attacked ;n
Ibis country. San Francisco Cbroulde
i Orange Urovea of Florida Umw Be
rm a KrvlriToai for Canprrs.
(ininge culture In Florida has re
! ceived a seere setback by the fro-t
'that have killed the buds and dissi
pated the bapa of gatiwrteg i,r"a'
able harvest during the coming sum
' BlCr. the growers Bat taken to ffit
mg theit tr.s-s as ii, u. h attention n- is
atkawared apaa any tevaUd thut visits
that Mate a, search of health There
' arc mvaral prays of peetei t.nx the fruit
tree- but to the northenier the most
aara) i thai af :udi dual t.-nt aaal
Many of the tents are limihU l
shape to those ui-d for milltarj pur
. 1-is.s and Lurye enough to hold
doaau BaMiera comfortably where
the are made entirely .if cinnas thei
'arc Bttached t" a wooden pole dr. en
' into the m, , mid and tirmly bedded
From the top of Ho- poie extend
a cross place a bleb iup art the top
of the aanrraa when the teni la la MM
Beloa the eroaa p e Is fastened a
wooden boop large enoagk W com
pletely am in i the m H baa there
is no ilani-'or of a fro-,1 the CanvU is
folded against the support. nu post
and tied s,, loosely that it can be u:i
fastened by a mere pa!! of the hand
when the engineer at tan n Ira id
train passing through the orange cou-i
try' o' Florida, blows a prolonged blunt
with the whistle of the locomotive you
can see men. aromafl and childr-n
hastening toward the orange gro.es
as ihe teople In a i-ountry bflrl run to
put out B lire
The whistle is a signal to them that
a cold wave Is coming and unless they
take steps to fight it a few hours may
mean the loss of a year's work and
perhaps ruin Th I is why owryhody
who ci n help fron cniudfather dow n
to the youngster of lu, starts for the
era age orchard
The canvas fa-itenings are untied,
the cloth pulled around the hoop and
over the top by a Jerk at the e.ird at
tached Then the end- of the cair.as
are fastened securely Only one petnon
is required to cover i itegls tree Ba
les It is unusually large The work
of drawing the lent requires only a
few second, bat where there are 8,000
or 4.0110 trees in a grove time Is Indeed
precious. Only a few hours may elapse
before a frost comes and It Is often
necessary to work far Into the nigtt
with the aid of lanterns.
How Civilisation aad Prosperity Af
fect Vital Statist Ira.
Advancement In clrlilaation and
prosperity appear to affect the vital
statistics of all nations alike. In mod
ern times France has shown the most
marked decrease In the ratio of births
to deaths. From 1S1.". the last yeur of
Napoleonic wars, to ISio, the propor
tional excess of births over deaths
for every 10,000 in habitants was 01.
Between 1S31 and ISjO it (Iropped to
4L In the following twenty years
there was a further decrease, the ex
cess of births numbering only 23. In
the decade ending llsiO the excess was
reduced to 8 and lu the latter year the
proportionate excess of births over
deaths in every 10,000 Inhabitants of
the republic was only Z. France enter
ed the nineteenth century with a
Ulallou of 26,000,000; she closed It
arltb 38,000,000. Sat Qreat Britain
had meantime Started with 12,000,000
I and ended with 41,000,000 and the pop-
ulatlon of Germany had grown from
! i.Vski.ooo to 60,000,000.
During the last forty or fifty years
the people of each of those nations
have enjoyed more luxurious living
than they did before. While the death
! rate In Kngland. through the intro
duction of Improved sanitation, has
been steadily declining since Kyll, the
vital statistli-s of the country show a
l very marked decline In the birth rate
Now the minister of public Instruction
and madlcal affairs find that the vital
statistics of Prussia, which comprises
three fifths of the population of (Jer
many, show a steady decrease In the
birth rate there also since UUSL In
the latter year It was 40JI; now it is
only "ti.o. In the city of Berlin the
birth rate has fallen from 4l In lHdl
to 3&I this year. The latter is on J
4.1 above the rate In France, which
Is the lowe t In the world.
The question of race suicide thus
teems to be one that Is disturbing all
of tb more prosperous of QlOdern na
tions, as It did Rome during the Au
gustan age, when legislation had to be
enacted In order to encourage the
growth of population. Franco has
teen seriously discussing verlous meth
ods of arresting the decline of the
birth rate. An extra parliamentary
commlaatoo baa baas appointed to aeek
"Barber, Barber, hhave a Pig."
in pig killing there a no more ex
citing moment than that of removing
the bristles from the carcass. With
such haste does the operation some
times have to be accomplished that,
in a certain country family, it was be
gun one day with a pair of fine brass
candlesticks before the usual utensils
eould be found.
When Salmon P. Chase was at Ken
you (Jolle;e which was then presided
over by bla uncle. Bishop Philander
Chase, he encountered a similar diffi
culty, and cut the knot with uuhcaltat
tng decision. The bishop and most of
the elder went away one morning,
and young Salmon waa ordered to kill
and dress a pig while they were gone.
He found no great trouble in catching
and slaughtering a fat young "porker,"
and be bad the tub of hot water all
ready for scalding.
The process should loosened the
bristles, but either the water waa too
hot, or the pig was kept soaking too
long. At nny rate, when the boy began
scraping the bristles, not one of tbem
could be started. In pig killing phrase,
they were "set." What could be
Then he bethought him of bis cous
in's razors, a fine, new pair, JUst suit
ed to the uae of their owner, a spruce
young clergyman. He pilfered them,
aud shaved the pig from toe to snout.
A l aaful a-Kl M.lpf-I rr WBSI
Increase ' tBr
i-e purpose of washing coal M W
'.t s aamttj M HBrllaaksa etf ad
matter that "1 heattug .
lq ar baa a aaat' ,r', UVB "
: rod'l. cd With su-h cl or Wit
rat made from sin b dl
Ihe Impurities In coal are e tat
kinds Me t. as utt ibeuii'.-ally peaaif
, ,,. .,i,., i, do not produce best, Bt
on the -outran absorb brat and csT
t!.. apeuiug In the grates by inrmiag
... .,-1 ,1 inkers l bey must b B
pcated j handled, shipped altd frssgh
them and are a UOTOBSB mm
in,- othei k.nds of luipuritiea aaa
. hietly iron pyntes an ore compass
.,, iron and sulphur conUluing aa
. ,. 53 , r cenl of the latter sar-
...... 1 1, ..re iss uis also freuussinhy
,,hosphorus hi b reuialaa te tftsl
:iHr Ihe sulphur and pnosnaMsrssi
are !'' lajmlaaa ka nhs ijuaiity of ta
iron prodiKstl In s blast furnace and
f,,r ihht mai it i raff iuisrtam
that .-.il or coke for blast furnace st
Kii as free I i IheBB two e!e
as sissible The phosrhorat
. .a ihe . rodoeiag matter aad
i ,n there unless it In given aa
,,, ..itimity to chemically combine with
iiu r other matter for wbleh
, aa aa aalaltj
i he rata af hrc is base,
gaam geaeral rammardaJ reaaon.
.. .1. ot purity from ashes,
n pliur and ph..pborus.
II,, ashes enter. ii.' a blast furnaes
arlffj ru ran not be disposed at
II nide- B0i1 Ban conditions, as for
itauce arha faei is bumad upoa
grates, but it maal be melted ami thus
slag Bnt the heat la
- not siilllcleotly t
. i lu aana unless nam
othei el at It added to the chargi
BoWcb melts readily ami has the proa
. rtj ol lnd lag the tab to melt alsa,
So. i, . ents ire in ilurgy called
Bai ,,i. at tie- moat HBcieat and
iheapcst Is limestone and this is us
for converting not only sshea but alsa
nil noiiinetnille matter contained In the
tea ore into a liquid stag But apart
fro, n the quantity of (lux required m
I ttj the earn Ingredleata at om
It takes tun pounds of llmestono f't
. ponnd of aa! m brought into fit
If in accord with this, says Wines
i id Minerals, we con Id. -r the anions!
lahes chargad tahi furnace eoa
siitn n. s;ij :vt to'is of c.ke a day,
and h. b coke contains asld 10 pea
cent of ashes then ne hml that Ul
aahea barged amount to thirty ton,
and the llniestone consumed In melting
tJ ,. nl is sixty torn Now assuming
that the eot "f lids be f 1 per ton core,
prising quarrying, loading, shipping
unloading and charging bate the fur
mice, there is a daily oxiietidltiire Ot
tflQ, aides Is In round figures VS-04
per fear and represents ,, per cant lis
tercet on a capital of $4 lo.ouk Tm
this and the other n-asons the prlrt
paid for furnace coke Is based upon !
greater or lewwr fns dom from Ink
purities, which is ascertained by eha
cal analysis.
A Joke He I,ik"d.
in tne strum aim eAeiieiiielH ot ifnu-
Ing on Wall stn-et, the brokers, says
K. 0, Btedmafl In the Century Maga
zine, often ralapu tote wild merriment
md play boylab pranks, on one occa
sion an old Indian with a young brave,
a boy and two squaws entered the gal
lery. At one' llie "lloor" put forth ev
ery effort to break down their stolidity.
A itr whoop had no effect. A war
dance did not arouse even a sini.e.
t last a bald headed man waa
thrust Into a ring of young fellows,
his hands held behind him. a knife
drawn around his pate, lad th iiiuin
a"y of a futile attempt to detach his
sea p was enacted.
This was at last too much for the
dignity of the aborigines. The tMy
tirokc into a broad laugh, in which the
BqrtSflWI joined; the young warrior grin
tied in spite of himself, and at Inst
the aembianc Of grim humor over
spread the face of the ruthless old
chief, who may bare been the perpe
trator of as many atrocities as tleio-nlnio
Free from "Help."
"Aunt Jemima," Bl everybody caite
Iter, was the oldest person In the
neighborhood she was known to ta
over one hundred years old and lasts
od that she was nearly one hundred
stid twenty, but In suite of her advanc
ed nge she was still vigorous and la
the enjoyment of perfect health.
Moved by that feeling of curaadty
which iieople have about anything that
Is abnormal or unusual, several aa
ladles from the city went one day tt
the little village where she lived, aad
cal I si on ber.
"Tell us, aunty," said one of theta,
"what Is the secret of your great a
and yonr wonderful vitality?"
14 'Deed, honey." responded Aunt J
niiina, with a sly twinkle In ber eye, "1
pet bit's bekase I hain't nevah had
no trouble wld hlah'r guls."
Raising Opium for hlna.
Six hundred thousand acres of
India's best land, says a circular Usueq
by the Christian union against tic
opium traffic, are used by the govern
ment for the cultivation of opium
the great bulk of ,wlijch gp-,to China
Tbe groat disadvantage in having a
precocious child la that It soon dls
covers that Ma mother writes a poo
j bead, aad that Us father can't anell.
Culture and Agrlcultare.
A refreshing exception to the genera,
home criticism if the college boy cornet,
from the New York Nun. The minis
ter had been Inquiring alsjut Fred
Mason's progress at college.
"So so." replied Mr. Mason, who wai
a farmer. It was evident that thera
was a reservation, "lie stood third la
his class la LatlD and close up to thl
Lead In Kngllsh "
"Indeed:" said the minister. "Yoa
lama fee! exceedingly gratified at such
"Ves, ' said Mr. Mason, "it's all rigid
h far 's It goes, but to my isind what
l iedily aaed Is more BthJeticaH
I he minister looked surprised. "Mora
ItliJejSlCsr' he repeated, as If he hud
not heard aright.
"You see." said tlie farmer, with a
dy smile, "Freddy helped me harvest."
The Raastea Bath.
Bagaon Tattera tie! i lione den
Japs umps in un' licks de stuffiu' oat
lie UlHHians.
Weary Willie I guess dera Japs h
pretty decent people."
Ilagaon Tattet Yeh; dey doni
make no trouble fursnobiMlv: dev mnl
got no bath named after ein Phil
ueipina frees.
Ha re.
"I guess the new minister down at
Zlon church is likely to he a tlxtm
there for life."
"Why, the members of the conjra
gut Ion claim they can't make head nca
tall of his sermons."
"Rxnctly. So be. Isn't likely, ta bt
tccsisj- r'nay.rliawipbia
Hiring leap year a great many girU
re afflicted with palpitation af Ust