Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 17, 1904, Image 3
TuI'lCS OF THE TIMES. CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS. mud CritUUma Bawd I.'poa tma Uppcain of lb !-llulort-l and Nfi Noteav It U alway fii) U f-ivt other lle'i eueujieM. Perjury i a ,ri et iV ahaji ii'limaiely ansuere.l. What we nll cowardice at twenty ta become discretion at fifty. A. Harvard profeMir mj Mime Uiijj words arc lit if ul and poetic. He dMfu"t give a list of tbcin. though. "The ui.iu who talk one thing on Kuuilay and lives imoihor on week d'fa untold Injury," wiy young Mr Rockefeller. Ii.ipoiiai.t If trui'. Special dlspntch- at fti! voting Mr Snreeklos l.aa n-urwl 11 J .h In Lis pa'a ottie out in an Franciaci. No one . ni to (digest Hint tilt' u. an who kliot at Nordnu may have lot-ii iii.i- of the gi'iiiUKfH who were written Up In "Degeneration." Wos y ;il look $J'"i,'mki In each with trnii wluu In- I. -A San lMinhi;,'n. It aja tu le jr-s.'l-nt down there if one tM-Mi't delay ills departure loo long. if tlmt Texas in gn who has leou ei,t to tiic iM'iiMi-iiiiury for 1.H! yi-.iis loos hut ivpcni uiul reform ho may expect a lid; vetiti'Ure for bis next of fense. i ii ) t an ' t a new r-Hjlnt In a iizi';l.nni ui !.out even calling for M- headline .ii liie n'Uhjaii'ri. W hat ootriujit iiuiuied with iity ihe t-oiilli Vim-Man republics must have for thai VO llll J . French o! server nhjs tlie Amcrl an ;nea a:o htciiucd to be ahy ami -c'f ea'a.-lag. Ilo hadn't Keen tin? at :i to rn lit tl al there are now on liie .'$-r.0"i 'SlVSit'iltorilft for a p'hsioll Oil Hl'l-mitlt f our 11 t!o SpanNIi war. l."-t lilin w li i id ii ) it s the heroism of v. uiiiin road liie Malii-Mies of the for i-ign tuisiiiiiar nocietieu (if the ighty seven iiiix.iioiiiirlrs supported in 'li!u,i liy one American widely, slxty !ao are women: moreover, when war im threatened the women ilo Hot run i way, but stay at their pouts. Mrs Ogdeii (ioelet has imide a con tribution to the New , oi k police pen- Inn fiiml In I'ei ignition of the services ii'iiili rol by iie ioll''e department it t the 1'i ciit wed. ling of li-r 'laughter to (he Duke of Koxlmrghc. Till in well. It will enrol. i age the poiieeuieu to 'Ink their lives at other ducal wed 'lings, if lliere lire any dukes left for he rest of our KWert ho.resxos. Some purint lu Itoxtoii In bejit on re Miuiff our language until It shall liave fc.tK original nn-aiiings ami btome "ethereal. zed." The la'.est proposil ion m to give i. ii the phrase Indian Hum mer. Kiiiee "It isn't summer, nor Ih It lor.hl, nor Ihin It uu'lil to ilo with the j nor linl. tn. " The hUiereubllmutiHl individual then H'' li to May: "I-t us m-t in ioiii !i !;;. tho iiocts c-s!! (h!a tliui) of grace simply 'the after ttlow.' " Kortumitely lunguagu baa a will of iu own uiul cnunot be made to irder, even by a Hcmtoulati. AuHtralian iiiiplcn of a small aud In ferl.r kind wll In Manila at from ten vent to tw rjity-tive eouu rach, atid one tun fancy the euthulnstn with which an experimental blslpiue nt of California fruit wan fcneUsl by our countrymen lu the I'liilipjiliini. The Hhipineut In eiiidisl apples, pi-ara and plums, and al though It was live wei-kH lu transit ami (he refrigeration was Hot piTfect, most of the fruit arrived !n line condition. With cold-storage consignments ul tYiidy going to New York, IjomUm, Hamburg an I Manila, California fruit will ion ginlle the globe. The tetiihi.cy In all advanced Coun Irlm In more and tnoie every year In ilie dlreciUiU of a more popular form of goveriiini nt, if not for the actual re-pulla-. William of (Jermany Is for a .irMiiuil rninent. He hug the old lib a about t In- Inaicsty of tlio king or iinperor. If Ii- liad the ability and f n-e to curry out IiIh ow n views and i!ihes lie miglit lie a good deal of a ilt sj.ot. (in the wh .le, It doesn't Wim lo make material dlfTerwice whether VI Ham or Kinn hody else Is king and cniiiiTiir. Wililani will lip obliged to kop wlihln his prencut limltntlona and will posKll ly have to yield o good dc-al In the m-nr future. III Buccessor In likily to be more of a man for the peo ple than he Is. The quartermaster"! department of the Krltlxh forei-s In Smnallland uiade i rciuiiiltion. among other things, for 'lluee parxDiin" In due time the oiiunailinggeueral, whose men are inumly natives, whs sunirlned when three (iinr'nitiK. on Kplscopalliin, n I'ri-Kbylerlnn anil n Itoman Catholic, rii mil to lilm for duty. They had come from Kugland by way of the Huesi Canal. In nspnnse to the requisi tion. NeveithcliKS, what was wanted was in t preachers, but pumps of a kind i Bimtl after a famous KngHuh maker. A c i rU In London Is In Id rexpanslble for Ih" blnndoT, which Is not without Hi usi'fdltnss as a comical incident, linl there seems to be i nough stupidity to allow n llnle to the quartermaster In fcoiuiillliinil. ChicnKO Is to have n txMter law re vpecting wife desertloii. The proposed 'rd'uuiice provides Uiat any man who chaff rtew-it hi wif ur -bildreu slmii 1. ..,1'hr ..I s .,,ll..i.....,r- shwll lu I seiitenntl to the bouse of correction shall le put to work and the rilj treasurer shall pay to the deserted wif f U tor each clay the husband is cori tincd. Il'is further provided that nc man who abandons his wife or '-hi! dren shall lx- exeuipt from these pro visions unless he tihal! provide f5 oi more each week for bis wife aud t'i oi more each week for each of his ehil dren. He shaii furnish bonds to guar antee paymeiit. The magistrate Khali determine the amount he Is to pay weekly. A good law. The base eriui of family desertion Is un the increas and the law must cheek It. The defect in the law heretofore Is the failure tc provide fir the support of t'ne family. The husband Is punished but the pun ishment falls equally upon the family So far as the faithless husband Is con cerned no punishment eau be too se vere. It is not severe enough and in the nature of the rase it cannot In what he desi rves. The man who do f.i rts his pi?:! in the noy or navy Ii regarded by the government as a trait or. If In time of war the deserter ii shot. The husband who deserts hil family Is a traitor lo his family and tt society. Society cannot adequate!) punish him. Hot it can punish him to some extent aid as an example. And if In addition to this It can put him to work for tho Iwnelit of hi family It has done something. Thl Chicago law should be enacted every where. Science Is working restlessly towan, the prevention and cure of d seasi s am tlie prolongation of life. Tho gradual reduction of the death rate Is one ol the encouni's'iiig lucid' ills of modern civilization. The present generation has m-i-u tho yellow feer stamped out In its Cuban breeding places and 8. scourge that used to carry olT mai.j thousand annually in the southern cities of the I n. led Slatm is put id an end. Tin' bubonic phiL-tic. that al limes iu the past claimed iis victim! by the mlllioi's, has been h inim d in b. sanitation and no loncer overturns ami devastates the civilized world. Smal pox N no lone r n terrifying pestilence, duly where there is laxity of mod -i:i scientific inethi.ds can it gain a hold, What was oin-e the commonest in. I most dread infection in this country has become one of the rarest and lcaM fatal of diseases. Typhoid fever h; lieon traced to its most common source, and only in ciilcs that, from Ideas if economy, ncglci t to safeguard theit supplies of water and milk iIoch it any longer claim a heavy death rate. Iiiple tie ria has been mastered by antitoxin and routined by fanitation. The dratt rate from all these old scourges hut boon enormously decreased In all th cities of the land. There can be im question of the f net n ml no doubt t ' i . . 1 tho chief causes lie iu the better stand ard of living, lu Improved sanitation and In a more rational comprehension of the conditions of health. The lessen Ing of Infant mortality Is a very Im portant feature of this general Im provement. The Health 1 lepartruent ol Chlcngo reports that the death rate In that city has decreased by ;i'.).2 per cei l since 1MH. while In tho same period th! death rate among Infants In their liitl year lias decreased by !l.l per cent Tills is a wonderful achievement. Suet obvious Improvements as a purer mlikj supply find the mor- sui-vessfui treat ment of Infant Ho diseases tiro not ado qtiate to account for It. The official! are disposed to attach much Import ance to the education of mothers It domestic hygiene. Hut this Is only tin other form of the same thing. Mot hen have learned and applied the discover ies of science. Where Is It all to end; There Is no reason to doubt that scion tide men will In the next decade makl as groat. If not oven greater, advance) than have boon made in the last. Out discovery opens the way to many oth ers. And If cures tuny be effected In a certain disease why not a million, ,1 the remedies and conditions be prompt ly applied? It Is not at all irrational t1 hope that since a death rate bus beeu reduced per cent In 12 years It may bo reduced another :iU.2 In an other 12 years. Then II looks ns thougt It might not be long until it may be re ditcetl tu '-ero. Still the average spm of human life does not gt-ow longer We have no .Melhuselahs. Kvon a con tenarlan is a rarity. Willi the d -atl rate reduced what becomes of usV Sta tistlcs prove that we no longer dfe hi fast as we used to, yet at the sunn time other statistics prove that nclthei do wo live longer now than formerly. Golntr to Itiisiness in ('hii-flico. "Are you wearing your stool shirt dear? And have you the padded hel mctr "Yes, dearest; and I've got my shot gun and three revolvers. The spiked club Is at my belt and 111 carry t knife in my mouth. I have a Maxln mounted In the lmby carriage." "I'll unbar the armored door, then dear, and let you start for the ofllcc Don't forgot to 'phone mo that yott'n all right every Ave minutes, and in the slightest disturbance lock yourseli in the sufe." Portland Orogonlan. Ton ImercfeiliiK lo the, Ant. Aunt Jane Hannah, the fflrls hnvi a iKtok Unit I don't believe is just tin thing for them. Hannah Why not, Jane? Aunt Jane You ought to see hov they are enjoying 1L I'm sure It can'i be a proper hook. Host on Transcript A Thouaaml Year .roin Now. Small Boy-Mother, ia It true thru we are descended from people wh. walked 7-Mfe. A man may be able to trade bis repu tallou for money, but be cun t trad fback. DEFItS THE LAW APOSTLE JOSEPH SMITH MAKES REVELATION FIRST- FRANK IN STATING BELIEFS PROPOSES TO STAND BY WIVES AND CH LDREN- IntenM Trrat KxMb'fa la Ills KmI. UU of Hur Ms tiki H.lilu at 111 Mormuai All fclMt CpOO. WASHINGTON. Interest In the Investigation befote the senate cow tnitlee on privileges aud elections of ilia protest auamUt Senator K -ed Smoot of Utah as unabated today, although most of tbe time was de voted to lntroductioo of d ocuments subscribed to as tbe law of tbe Mor luao cbutcb. Iu that connection President Joseph K. Smllb, who awain was on tbe stand, tcstlli-d that If the principle of plural marriage should be attacked It would be de fended by the church. Intense feeling was exhltftrd by I'reidciit Smith against individuals who, he said, had spied on tbe' d (nestle and martial til it ions of the high olliclaU of tbe Mormon church, and for that reason lie favored tle passage of the Kvans bill to prevent, prosecutions f'" po y gamous coli.ibital ion, unless coiu plalnts were entered by husband M wile again-t the idlur. This bill w is passed but vtti d by tbe governor if Utah. it w,,9 brouglit out that a!) of Mr. Sinitli's ptedce S0iS, as presidents of the Mormon chinch, had been poly- g .inlsU and thai the mm chosen to succeed hint lias more than one wife. Mr. Siiilih was asked which lie would oh 7, the I t i at the laud or revelations from (Jod, If the two were in c nlliet. He s aid he tnliiht Obey the revelation tlriug'i it was not compulsory. lie added: "I sii uld not like to be put, in a posi tion whe'e I wo ild have to desert u y children I could not do that." I'd ardent Josepn V. .Smit h of I he Mormon church was cade I to the stand by Senator 1 1 ar at ihe open ing of today's procei dlnus hef te the senate corutiililce on privileges and flections in the Investigation of pro tests against Senator lltcd Smoot i f Utah. Senttor Hoar desired Informt' Ion on the subject of rights of wmn -n In the church and whether they hold any priestly autliorll y. Mr. Smith sa'd the women are rcRardel as the equals of tho men in all matters of voting, hut that In holding "priestly authority" w unci) are not regarded oc tne same pline. He fxpl inid that the women have a charitable association known as the "woman s relief bocI ty," In which ithey bavo authority to prrtorm ccr 'tain prescribed duties. '1 his author Ity is confined to the rellevlrgof distress, but women are not ordained high priests, apostles or ciders, i Mr. Tayler askd abmt V. F. Cowley, one of tbe apostles and Co ley's talks on docMne ai d in s swer lo questions by Seriat'i jl)ui-ols Mr. Snith said Mr. Cowley wa elected as an apostle In 18!i7. I heading from the I), seret N ws of June 2-1 1903, regarding- a speech by Mr Smith at the Weber state reunion. Mr. Tayler ask' d Mr. Smdh if he was correctly reported In say ing that the doct rine of pi iral mar riages was a revelation by God, to Jos ph V Smith Jr., anri tor J et that woull he equivalent to a rejec tion of iod himself, i Mr. Smith said he believed he wai correctly r p rt rl, ami when a ll-t 'of names of those present, ! ChH'ng Senator Smoot, was read, Mr Smith said the l'st was Ofrrct. lie de clared that he would not hae had .the article published If he had been consulted, Piessed f r a re: son be 'as'd that he was tinder injunction Vot to teach the rightfulm ss of p h g amy and that lie- bad refrained Loin 10 doing in public. No Jipaneao Warships Seen. VLADIVOSroCK, All Is qntei heie. No Japanese wirslilns liave been seen 8'nce FcbuiHiy 25, whe . ten ships were Righted on the hoirl ron, but goon disappeared. The In habitants continue tn 1 ave Vlidl vostock for Mkolsk, Kliauarvsk oi Eur pe. ' There are nn signs of sor,na. Tie l:e la heavy aud the cold is evce. WIU Lsy It Own Cnble. WASHING I ON", -At tod.iv'8 cabi net meeting the pr Jc' l of laying a cab e from the Island of Ouam was under consideration It I- said ot tr atworthy authoiltr lhat nel hoi jp(in or tnf lt)vr fore,Bn pw(l J( ilowe(1 tQ ;ay the Mb,e nw ,'or at any tuture time. Whenever a fwhle line Is cmti ructed between Guam and the malol. nd It will be ,'uader the sutnorlty tod Jurbdletioo of iba Ualted nuum. WIFE OF A POLYCAMISI SHEDS FURTHER UGH T ON THE MORMON HIERARCHY- Prcaidrat Jonrph Smith Adults B img Father of Forty two llill 4ro, aad DrelarM H la Proud of Everj Out WASHINGTON. After bating Jos'ph F. Swiih, president of the Mormon church, on the stand for nearly fire hours today before tbj' senate committee on privileges an 1 elections, which is Investigating the right of Heed Smoot to sit as a sena tor, both tbe p'osecutiou and tbe defense announced that they were thiough with him and another wit-' nesi was called. This was Mrs. Clatti Mabel Kennedy, wl o told some B-ereU of the Moimon church, which, If nit broken down will prove as important s the statements of President Smith that he and other crUcials have been pcrsis'tntly co-, habltating with plural wives iu vio lation of the law. Mrs. Kennedy Slid she was married by hr ghani Yourg, an aposileof the church, to Janus Francis Johnton, a pilvga mist, since the mariifest't of 198H, at d that she has had two children by that husband. The mirrlage wai pri firmed in Mexico, according t'i I lie witnesses, at I he home of a high ( fit I d of the chinch. With resident J soph F. Smith of the Mo'ttpin church, again on the st nd for the n-feise the tecua week of the investigation of the Smoi t cae i p.'tiod today before the si nate c inmlt.tee uu privileges and e loci ions. Senator Dubois put Into the rectd the census liguies for Utah taken in to sl ow that Ins'o d of only 3 or 4 per cent In pohg unv, as Mr. Smith had said, In reality there, were a out 2i!'t percent Of t he M rmon I opiiliit oti of an age enabling them to be p lyvamis's who were In that state in l-'.to Senator I minds gave It as h is i pi r ion that t bote has been no material reduction in the number of P' lyagmisis since lwt) Mr. Worthitigton cot tlueti d an (x nniination of Mr. Smlih to ascertain the process undergone In cases or ex communication. Th" witness explained the manner In which t lie church Is divid'd Into wards and st, ikes, and the tn ichinery (.f L'le org mi?, it ion through which charges again t any person nave to be brought and passed up m. lie said the apo-tles have nothing to do with the Juri'Cial allalrs of the church. They preach the gospel and send m ssii nailts to other fields. The president, the apostles and high counsellors, forming what is known as "the tifieeu" meet once a week for praver and coniuliatlon oo matters generally relating to the church. The tut He etTort by Prrsldont Rrlg h m Yo ing In 1875 10 have Hlshop J.icob V. Wejler removed from the leadership of a ward was telated by Mr. frnl'h to show that the pres idency does not exercise 0 er over the wishes of the peoole, and that the members of the church by the freedom of their vo e In r-allty form thepowir of t' e government. Sev fial n'ber like advinces were related f r the same general purpose. Mr W'ori iilngti n read the revela tbn hy Joseph Sail' h Jr., .fanuaty 19, 1841, uniui aatlng II Uh mi Yiunj as pnsidciir, and all the moiiiheis of the hiifh council and the aposPes. In tnis rovt l it bm was a c mmai,d 10 acci pt I li m in general co. f rctice Mr Smith ridl red thafi eviiiln II e original revelation namii g a sic cess r lo the tirst p'tsident it was In t lie po-ver of the members to accept or reject. Wrrck At Hullen. MULLEN Neb. The Hu'llngton easihound liver whs wrecker! here tit 6:4U tills mmriing, and lit ikt-iiian jCliarlcs Shaw killed Tub only pas sengi r hurt ws James Mclntite, a traveling man from Denver, ho had his left thigh hruis il. all tho Other passei pers and the crew eo; p ing, ruliaiu o sly, without injury, reeehli g heavy jolts. The train was passing through here at a rapid rale when the light tcr di r flew the track, breaking loose from both Ihe engine ahead and the h.iggawe car b' hind, and shooting ''It into the sand to the right a distance of a hundri d yards. The engine tan ahead over two hunored yirds before It could ba snipped. The baggage, tbe mail and t e express cars, together wttn-the smoker, two chair cats, the diner and the tourist t-heper were derailed and knocked liom their trucks. The first thiee cars clashed Into tha III it form ind tbe ftont of the depot, tompb tely desmollsbing it. Strike of C mini Workers, CHICAUO. The cement tiuishers and hchers union will go ou strike toiuoi row to enlorce Its demand lor blwher wages. The walkout will tie uo ex'etishe sidewalk Iruprov. men is that hi.ve hieu planned lo every sec tion of the city. The demand of ti e .union rails for a wage increase of 'ten cents an bout. The linlshets tire now aid Ulty cents au hour and the helpeis MUrtv-rJve cents at hour. Kaaiiy 1,000 xksiaa ue affetted. AT VLADIVOSTOK JAPANESE SQUADRON SHELL AN OTHER RUSSIAN STRONGHOLD- NO DAMAGE DONE TOWN WARSHIPS DID NOT GET IN REACH OF FORTS Cownd VflHll Hoinbsrdad ndl Tiiok fur Flf'y-Fire Mlnol mt Kange of Mora Tlian Mile. VLADI VOSTOCK. A fleet ol five Japanese batll ships and two yuisers appeared iff this place at 1.25 o'clock this afternoon aud bom barded the town and shore bat teries for fifty-flve minutes. The fleet approacned from the di rection of Askold island, at the east entrance to Lssuri bay and about thirty-two miles southeast of Vladi vostok. Entering Ussurl biy the "neniy formed in line of bat tie but did dot approach to a eh scr range than a mile and one-third They directed their lire against the sh ire batteries arid town, but no damage resulted, as nn st of their 2ou lyddite Shells failed t.0 burst. The Russian batteries, commanded hy Gen1 nils Verotietz and ArtamonotT thd not teply, awaiting a closer ap- pr ach of the enemy. 'J he Japanese lire. ccas"d at 2:21 p. m., and the tnetny n r .'d iu the ditrction of A-kold Island. Simulta neously two torpedo boat destroyers appeared mar Askold island and two lui're near ( ape Maldel. Tiie Japan ese ships were covered witi) ice. The attack resulted In no loss to tho Russian, bur cost the enemy 2-0,00 roubles (fioo.oi'0) in umrnurii- t on. Most of the pp Jcctllts were Six to twelve i- cli shells. Th pop'jltition of Uidivostock wa? warned tins morning of the preserire nt the horizon of a hi stile licet and th1) prospect of attack during the dav hut it rem lined tranquil. ST. rHlKKSHUUO. A cornriuirii cali'tn from Viceioy Alcxiclf to the czar from Mukden beating today' dale s ivs: "I most humbly Inform your majesty that the commandant at the f irlress at Vladivostock rtporls that an 8:-0 this rnornlng seven vessel were sighted south nf Askold island. At !):45 they were seen to be war ships makirg lor Asko'd island. About noon the enemy's squadron was ml'iway between theciasl, and Askold island, making fur Ussu'l b i v. They weie out of reach of t he shoro batteries. At I :'M the enemy Opened tire. Two vessels in the 8-juadron were probatilj the first class cruisers Idzura and Yakumo, but, the nanus of the other vessels atv u uaii wa," Apo-tle In Anijer. WASHINGTON. -Admissions drawn from Josi ph F. i-mitb, president of the Mormon church, respecting his continued violations of the law for bidding poljgamous cohabitation aualn constituted the feature of the prociedmgs today hefore the senate committee on privileges and elcctP na against Senator Ileed Suioot of Utai . The witnesses, angered by the pnsis tent efforts of some me mbeis of the committee to obtain from him every octail of his remission in obeying ihe law, turned on congress, and charged that bdy with interfering without authority in his private do mestic affairs and Usurping th powers of the Utah ci urts which ah ne, he said, possessed the tight to bold him to account, for his conduct. No Change In situation, IDIANATOLIS. Trcsidrrit Mitchell said tonight the situation as bi.twepn the nili.eis and operators of the central competitive district had not changed suico the adjourn ment of the joint conference je.ster day. "The special committee," faid he, "which was appointed yesterday by the miners' organization to consider ti e situation, met this morning and appointed a sub-cornmitt e to frame a formal statement of tl e position whicn the united mine workers will ipiw take. This subcommittee Is at work and will tomorrow report to the full committee which will sub mit its report tu the miners In national convention at 9 o'clock. H wid thea be for the convention to r tlfy or reject the ieport of the jotumlttee." Shoots Man For Assault. ALLIANCE, Neb. -Mrs. I'redtlck Mrauer today probably fatally snot J. M. herttam, wb i she alileges nt tempted to criminally assault her. Mis Bratipr's husband was absent and the woman says Hertram forced the contents of b itt.lo of laudanum down her throat during the struggle She broKe away and securing a Win chester rifle sent a bullet through Hertram's, hody. He was brought to ' this city mPi hto wounds drap4. TTTTTTTTTTTI X NEBRASKA NOTES 3TES Judge Paul Jessen opened tiU March term of court at Plattsmouth The Oxoard Hotel at Norfolk b4 Ijeen sold to B. F. Shot! by L, A. liar tholvmew. ( Tlie Dote Floral company has becai Ineoioporated at Ileatrice with 4 capital of 25,0o0. j Mr. James Staoder of Louisville U a dekgaie to World's Sunday Behoof conventioD at Jerusalem. . For stealing a meerschaum pipe al Beatric, Claude Carpenter bas beca sent to jail for thrrty days. J. II. Sparks of St. Joseph his beM awarded the contract for building ihe bridges in Gae county. Walker Smith has been appointed p 'Sttuaster at Elwood, Gosper county" vice Alfred M. Wblte resigned. W. F Ellis, a lineman for the Ne braska Telephone coiupauy, w&s bad ly injured by a fall at Norfolk; Wed nesday. Ji ho Clark of Sioux City is belntj held in jail at Norfolk on a statutory t-haige, brought by Hottele L. Rlch- irou. , J. F. Swartz, for twelve years a! resident of Beatrice, died at hi tome of pneumonia. He was 76 years If aye. ' Sovereign Lecturer G. H. Pchlek of liie Woodman of the World lectured it i.n open meeting last night at tVnder. T C. Hullis, charged with bank; t ibbery at Lyons, was yesterday taken I) that place from Lincoln for a pre liminary liuaii'g. 1 lassie Webb, of I'littsmouth, loss' jer suit against t heChleago, rlurlioi-) on A Q iincy railroad for Jfirns-, cs for the death of her lr.ns'iajd. I). L Si henfeldt of I'etcrsourg has Old Ids large stock of hardware to l.ihn Urpelding. Mr. Shenfeldt will' i cate in one of the southern states.1 Gray Yates of Omaha pleaded guilty n the district court at l'latlsmuutO, pi tit larceny and was sentenced tc en days in the county jail by Judg lcs.n. , David Quackeubush died at bit ionic near Beatrice. He came to. Seitrlee in WVS and was G8 years oi; ine. lie leaves a wife and six cbil Iren. i A rural route will be established at. Miimhus April 1, with one carrier,! mhiadng an area of tbirty-two-:quare mlies and containing a popu alion of 4000. ; One of the large refrigerator ice muses of the Burlington at McCooki was destroyed by tire last night. Loss i' 500. More than 2,"0J tons of ice were in ihe building. The Rev. C. R Hamlin, pastor of ,he Plymouth Congrepational church )f Lincoln, has resigned, to take ef fect June 12. He bas not determined in his plans fur the future. ( Richard Daniels wa" yesterday dls ibarged ftom distiiet court at Blair,, titr pleading guilty to assault and' battery. While awtt:r.? triJ be wa itrlcken with paralysis. Real estate is ctive here thlat iprlng, and is brirging good prices.! Ihe Hotel Riley block at Plattsrnoulh tvas transferred by Fike & Meyers of Newport to J. "ay Doig of Kansu j City for the sum of $C5.0'J0. While engaged in a qua-rel at Wa iciloo, William McCiintock drc a revolver and attempted tu snoot . David Sibett. Ihe.bullvt wentwlld.j McCiintock was sent to Omaha for irraignment. ! Miss Katherina M Shepherd ot Lincoln has brought suit eg''st the Lincoln Traction company for.0.000 personal damages, ullcged to have i.een received by being thrown frum a street car over a year ao. A sheep shearing plant is In opera te n at Fremont. The power is fur- i isned by a gasoline engine. Opera tors who can hindle the machine get, ii a day and can shear a sheep lo" ihiee minutes. At a leap year pirty, at Notkoik,! sixteeu maids (Siorted sixteen young-, men to the scene of festivities and took them home again. The pHae was a cake with tbe names Of the) -ixieen young wom-n aud a free, nut Huge license. The famous Miles' case from Falla Cil y has again reached tue supreme court, on an appeal by Samuel Miles,, one of theheirs-at-law, who was dc f a'ted 'n the illstiiet court, Tne ap-) peal is based on the refusal of thai lower court toadmit newly discoveredl evidence. ' Attorneys for Pearl J. Fullen aj Tekamah have hied with tbe stat .auditor ohl'SctlotiB to Issuing llcenaaj to the National Life Insurance Trusl, l ompany and; the Sccu l y Life and isavlugs lnsuiaoce company at DtJ Moines. , ,The state boara of edncatlon nil appointed George A. Betllngnof Or Beatrice as architect of tbe ne state Normal School at Kearney. Hi will retelfe for hit compensation bat oant of the W,m a.iptopalaUow