Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 03, 1904, Image 5

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The cinematograph U being put to
wovel uae lijr I'aria urgons in teach
in students how to perform various
Brgical operation j
To show the fcLadows cast by home
of the brightest stars, M. h Toucbet
place wiiiie object in a loug box black
ened Inside, sud closed by ground
(taaa The shadow cast by Sirius ou
fa glass has been photographed
Ita band aud it wonderful lutelli
ceiwe give tbe monkey advautage over
II other lower animals It cannot well
ndure cold aud temperate climates,
and tbU fart It In suggested, baa pre
vented ttie clone association wltb man
t bat would have made tbe monkey tbe
moat useful of domestic animals.
In the experiments of I'rof. Jobu
.Trowbridge, a powerful electric current
la passed betweeu terminals of wood
and cotton wool saturated with dig
.tilled water, and a gap of four Inches
(la bridged by a torrent of bright
parka, with a deafening noise. This U
'thought to prove that thunder ia large
ly due to explosions of hydrogen aud
oxygen from diaNOciated water vupor.
In Ilia scientific pearl farming, 1'ro
fessor I)uboiN haa transplanted a col
'ony of pearl oysters from the count
Of Tunis to o!it feir 7'ouioo 'f
ihcse oyatera. one lu 1.2u0 yielded a
pearl. Acting ou the theory that the
Jrl disease of the shell la due to
tbe accretion of toother of pearl under
(be action of a para Kite, tbe export
nienter haa tried to transmit the
disease to other oyitera, and baa sue--ded
Id producing one or more pearla
from every tea oystera
Ad ancient Chinese touib of tbe Itan
Dynasty, U. C. 2'M, was recently opca
el and waa foui d to contain a broiue
mirror dcomtcd wltb rained animal
figure- These figures, which were of
an aatro' igtcal character, represented
the twMt-elght mansion of constej"
VJo;4 of the moon, and although the
algns were nearly defaced, the Berpent
eolled around the tortoise waa distinct
ly visible. In addition to the mirror,
some small red glazed bowls were
found of considerable beauty and finlith
and bearing a glaze of great smooth
ness and uniformity of coloring.
The fannera of Germany are noted
for thHr adoption of scientific metliods,
particularly In the cultivation of po
tatoes, which la their great specialty.
To avoid the effects of Inbreeding, the
scientific German farmer rarely plants
seed potatoes from his own fields. He
ithcr geU new varieties from the ex
periment station, or exchanges with
bis neighbors whose farms possess soil
differing from ymt of his own farm.
An Interesting fact Is that potatoes
frown on high hill slopes produce best
when planted In valleys, and Unit po
tatoes from the benvy, wet land ninke
1he best seed for use In light, dry
Curious Kffect ot Tornndo. --One or
two remarkable examples of the effect
if the sudden expansion of uir Inside
buildings when the partial vacuum
produced by n tornado passes over
them v.-n x noticed In the storm thttf
devastated Gainesville, Georgia, last
June. The walls of n miil were blown
outward, and the roof was lifted Into
the air and suspended there for several
neconds. A stand pipe 40 feet In diam
eter and M feet high, placed 00 feet
above the ground, lost Its sh'x-t Iron
cover, which weighed several tons. It
was lifted bodily off, curried high Into
the air, and dropped KlO feet away.
In Ita fall It kllhil several persons, ;
Prof. Hnns Mollsch, of Prague, has
reported tqs the Vienna Academy of
Sciences the discovery of n inmp light
ed by meana of bacteria, which he
claims will give a powerful light, and
be free from danger, thus being valu
able for work In mines and powder
magazines. The lamp consists of a
glass Jar, In which a lining of salt
peter and gelatine, Inoculated with
bacteria, la placed. Two days after
Inoculation the Jar becomes Illuminated
with wonderful blulsh-grccti light co us
ed by the Innumerable bacteria which
have developed ' "lfi time. The light
will burn brilliantly for from two to
three weeks afterwards,' diminishing
In brightness. It renders faces recog
nizable at u distance of two yards and
large type Is easily legible by It. Pro
fessor Molisch asserts that tin lamp
yield a cold light which Is entirely
Corloa Old Mnry of tb Feventeerith
Century Times.
The German emperor lias made a
most Interesting historic presentation
to tbe Ilobeiizollern Mux-urn. It eon
tdsta of the fainouji "death cHce." by the
Itelp of which one of Kaiser Willwliu's
auciwtora decided a dlilicult ch- ulitil
Ihe middle i.f the aevi'iittH'irfli ceniury.
A beautiful young girl hud Is-cn mur
dered aud auspk-lon fill on two ao.dw.
ttalph aud Alfltil, who weie rival
uitora for her hand. A lsth prln
ra denied lu.lr guilt, and even tmlure
faUed to exiraet a enufeiiwm- Oom
lther, Prince Frederick William the
kalHrt'g ancestor, (Ufldi'd to cut Ihe
Gold an knot with Hie u"I-p l"- Tl1
(two sr.ldleni should throw for their
lives, tit loser to lie execute U'
murder'. The event was celehrntul
Wltb gnt pomp ik1' soleninlty, and
tit pi lu hluisdf aKslstid at this Ap
peal to Jlvlue tntervintiou as li
enosMered by ever) body. Including the
CCUKed Iheihselves.
Ralph was given llw ll-t throw, and
V Aw ih hl,he4t nomllib'
WWW Ml rWW 111711, III! ...p."-
art, tod do doubt ftit Jubilant.,
The dire Imt was SJi g!vt li
who fell ou b knw frtd ynyW
aloud ".VJcnlfhiy (iA, TImiu taspsat
I am Innocent. I'rote1 uk. I tMwrh
ne-e!'' UiHliig l his feel he t.'u-w the
dW with u h force that one of thui !
broke in two. The uubrokeii one
shown six, the broken al.-o showed six
on the larger portion, and the bit tluit
had len spht off showed one, giving
a t t ji 1 of thlrteeu, or one more than the
throw of Italph. The whole audience
thrilled with afclotiit-bmetit, wlille the
lrim-e exelaitued. "!od haa sjsikeur
Italph regarding the miracle as a sign
from heaven, coufe--d hla guilt, and
was tutitenced to death. It Is prolble
that Alfrxl ever after did not number
himuetf among the those who look
tiHn thirteen as an unlucky number.
New York Sun.
(( that Tiin sad Hailraa, '
Maka la a Krpoblic
Thoaa of us wbo remember the sf '
of Mexk-o a it was twenty yara ago,
when neither the Ceutral nor the Na
tional was conipltfcd. can bear witness
to something different that was feJt
In the very air of the Mexico of that
time. It seemed to be Imbued with a
deeper rejAfulxiews, aiKl the writer, as
h recalls this capital iu the spring of
lhKJ, thinks of It as a place -cut off
from Hie biusy modern world, a sort of
harlKir of refuge whtre the stUTi exi
gencies of courpctition had not yet
KMiiled the joya of life. The Alameda,
in particular, though sadly neglected,
aa (-oiiiparMil with Its pn'iit ti-,
was symbolical of the Mexico of that
tlini Poople Kpent tlie days on tlie
benches uti'ViT the trees without any
dLtcomforllng self-reproach of occupa
tions neglected. Ijiw nvVt, haipy
though pntullits, repulred thither nom
inally to study, but really to chut fur
hours on cpd or to ogle the nurse
maids. Kveu tbe big yellow buttcx
flleg seemed to wing the air In the
fresh, delicious mornings, or tliruiigh
tho long, sunny afternooiiR. more laz
ily than now.
The 'difference between the Mexico
of to-duy aud the Mexico of that time
Hen not so much In the material trans
fonnatlon of the city that has been
accomplished, but In Its mental atiuos
plnre. Mexico was not then the busy
cosmopolitan place that It is to-tlsiy.
Life flowed lu a placid stream as It
still flows in such Interior cities as
Mordla and Zainora, which, though
touched by tbe railways, have mt been
metamorphosed t'J them.
Yet all UU Is liercejitlble only to
the persona w-ho liave long reside In
Mexico. To KtrangerB from the Slates
this city Is jusrt as capable of affordr
Ing the rest cure as it was twenty
years ago. The fa, pace, the pace
that kills, of northern cities Is unknown
here. Tho southern charm and the arts
that give grace awl elegance to life are
still ttroiulnent, snd though a large
amount of busiimd Is iifw done here
at this capital, there Is the commercial
as well as the political center of the
republic, no one Is so absorbed In the
pursuit of wcfllth as to be Insensible
to the amenities of existence. The busl-
ewt man has time to shake hamlH and
exchange greenings with his friemto.
It Is probably Ihis social geniality,
making the peojile of this city seem like
one big family and eausing each in
dividual of Ihe community t feel that
tie occunles a oirtincl limit iii hie es
teem and coiisidenition of otjers, tluit
consllluws one of the charms of life
In Mexico. Washington Siar
Forms Are Itlg In Dakota.
"Yes, sir," reuine:l tlie Iiakota farm
er, as the crowd of agriculturists seated
theinHelv(ti round a link' table; '-yea,
sir; we do things on rather a sizable
Scnlc. I've sis-n a iimiii on one of out
big farms htart out in Hie spring and
plow a great furrow until nuluuin.
Then he turned round and liarveswd
back. We have some big farms up
there, genrlemen. A frit nd of mine
owned one which he had to give a
mortgage mi. and I pledge you my
word the mortgage was due ot one
end before they could git It recorded
at the other. You see, It was laid out
In counties. And the worst of It Is
It breaks tip families so. Two years
ago I saw a whole family prostrated
with grief women yelling, children
howling, and dog barking. One of my
men had his camp truck packed on
seven four-mule team awl he was
going round bidding everybody good
by." "Where was he going?"
"lie was going half way-across the
farm to feed the pigs," replied the
Dakota man.
"Did he eviT get back to his family?"
"It isn't time for iilm yet. Up there
we seiid young niniTicd couples out to
milk tlie cows, nnd tin Ir children bring
home the milk." Iindou Tit-lilts.
No Wonder.
Tin; heavy vllllan had just bull
scorned by the heroine.
"Percy Periwinkle!" she cried, hurl
ing tlie heavily laden purse tit his feel,
"I r-r-rw-ftiao yub offer! Ieurn now that
Dolty Couglilozenge will nevuh mar-r-r-r-ry
for mere gii"ld!"
Perry staired hir a moment at the
purse, which had flown ocn nnd
Kpiiled its' contents on the floor, and.
then, with a wild shriek of Joy, flung
himself iixin it. lie bad forgoileii his
cue entirely.
A moment biter the curtain had lieen
rung down, and a group of excited
nctoM collected around his unconscious
"PiMir devil!" whispered tlie come
dian, sadly, "he thought he saw a
real dollar hill In that Htage money.
No wonder tie fainted." Cincinnati
Oosilv Job foe nussls.
Tlie Kuiatfnn governmnat has ex
pded over KX),WU,UW In Maneliurta.
Aaaaziac Carrar af Caaat fvia, ft
Huaatsa Noblrmi.
Prom favored axpirant to the tbron
of Bulgaria to tbe glad acceptance of
a Ksitlm as a street mr conductor in
Chicago, or from
the proud position
f one of Russia's
uiOkt profligate
to that of marker
in a Chicago bil
ls rd hall, would
seem to cover tbe
possible range of
one roan's career;
yet that of Count
Nicholas Kavin, a
Russian nobleman, comprises not only
tbla, but includes a trip to tbe mines
o Klberla tor tbe third time to don
a convict's garb, which be will now
In all probability wear to tbe end of
bis life. Surpassing as it does alsmt
everything either fiction or history' for
adventure, monumental money getting
In various ways, lind equally monu
mental money sieiuling, the astonish
ing career of Count Sinln. spreading
as It docs all over the world, i. to say
the least, interesting.
('Hint Nicholas Savin, M-ioii of oue
of the most ancient families of Itus
sian nobility, was horu In ISTiS, us the
youngest win of the head of the house
at that time. His upbringing was that
of the ordinary Hussian aristocrat of
the old school, and at the age of 20
be entered the smartest regiment of
cavalry gunnlx. with the rank of cor
net, the lowest grade of urllcers in ihe
Hussion army. F.arly in life Count
Savin had remarkable experiences, for
his three lder brothers died one after
the other, In a short time, making him
sole heir to the vast family estates.
Ilia father died soon afterward, aud he
entered Into possession of his patri
mony at the age of '1. At that time
bla property was estimated to consist
of 100,000 acres of land, while his In
vested capital was figured at $5,000,000.
Peeling secure In the iioasession of
all these riches. Count Savin began a
life of the most reckless sort. He rent
ed a magnificent house on the Boule
vard des Ita liens. He was an expert In
getting money from women in society.
He made love to them, one and all,
and bad no difficulty In borrowing Im
mense sums. Men. too, lent him money
freely, for he hud a wonderful knack
of Inspiring them with the utmost
confidence lu his own Integrity and in
his power to repay loans of any magni
tude. French noblemen, wealthy man
ufacturers, financiers, politicians, writ
erg and actors all fell Into the trap
and supplied money which they never
saw again. Hut Count Savin's victims
were not limited to French circles.
On several occasions he Joined the
circle of the favored few wbo asso
ciated wltb the Prince of Wales, now
King Edward VII. of Kngland. during
that royal personage's Mslt to i'arls.
The lust time he met the Prince of
Wales be asked him point blank for
a loan of fl.OXK), and Kdwnrd gave him
the umount in bank notes there and
then. '
Count Savin did not routine bis ef
forts to these limits. He became a
Kusslan spy and sent highly-colored
military secrets to the Czar, all of
which emanated from his own brain.
At tbe same time he was in the pay
of the (Jerniiin, Austrian nnd Spanish
governments ns their official spy in
Taris. At the time that he was In the
pay of four European governments
this extraordinary inn it was a mem
ber of a Kusslau nihilist association,
the headquarters of which were In
Paris, and he possessed the full confi
dence of the political conspirators, who
had not the slightest idea of his official
Thanks to his high social position. It
was easy for Count Savin to manipu
late a desirable matrimonial venture.
lie married the
Countess de I.nu
trec. daugllier of
a French noble
man, who received
a dowry of $500,
000. The count Im
mediately busied
himself In getting
rid of his wife'
money, and suc
ceeded admirably, cou.ntkkh LAi'Tiiix
The countess, after three yeurs of mar
tyrdom, secured a divorce.
Paris now became uncomfortable for
the count. To avoid open exposure he
went to Berlin, where he repented his
Parisian maneuver; thence to Vicuna,
Home, Madrid and Copenhagen.
Towards the end of 1S!)2, when he
whs :il years old, Count Savin nssumed
the name of Count Lnutrec de Toulouse
and went to the Balknns to seek new
adventures In that troubled zone. At
the time Prince Ferdinand was In high
disfavor with his subjects, nnd the
count conceived the brlllinnt scheme of
becoming Ferdinand's successor on the
throne. He been me Intimate with the
great StnmbtilolT nnd nctmilly hood
winked that wily statesman Into aiding
him In Ids plot Here, however, fate
intervened. The count went to Con
stantinople to secure the Sultan's ns
sent to his attempt on (he Bulgarian
throne. Wlille there he wns recognized
by a ItuRsinn secret service spy.
Cost of Ain-rlcsn Mission Work.
The American Invmtment In re
ligious and educational Institutions In
Turkey to $0,500,000 and more tlma
$20,000,000 has been apeait in mladon
work covering nearly a century.
Oenlracilvc White Anta In Africa.
In South Africa the white anta have
lieeti so dmtrurtlve to woodem tltn that
steel has necessarily been adopted.
Coffee was unknown to th ancient
Romans; but they had cloves.
A sprinter should never wear
that ar warranted net to run.
lr a r
Ihe Marrying MooaL
T is safe to say that If there ware uo love to
urge men and women into marriage there
would be very few weddings and mankind
would Dually become as extinct as tbe dodo. If
fWjrjl marriages should be made after mature de
tSTOKJ liberation and careful reasoning one might
exuect those contracted
adram-ed ag to le the happiest And yet that
is not the common experience. Tbe common ex
perience is that the bapplext txarrtsges are those
which take place early In life, and that when an
elderly man or woman gets married we are not speaking
of widows and widowers they more frequently make a
mess of it. The rcaou for this is not hard tx find. It is
absolutely esseuti I to the happiness of wedded life that
there blmuld be common concessions. Two udnds cannot
always think alike; two people cannot always desire the
.line thing. One of them must, therefore, give way. Young
people can l.-jru to do this more readily than older ones.
As to the wisdom of getting married and marrying young,
there should not lie two opinions. Home life ia tbe mos;
wholesome and the very best estate, and every woman
should be a hometnaker. There are many things, as society
is now organized, which militate against marriages except
among the rich and the very poor. Among the Tery poorest
classes of the population poverty is not considered a bar
to marriage. But there la a great class ia every community
which is ambitious to "keep up appearances," and which
thinks it cannot afford to marry. The young woman has
lieeu iiMd to living with a certain amount of luxury, and
there is a disinclination to fall lower In tbe social scale by
living In a cheaper neighborhood and with fewer of the
comforts and conveniences of life. Each one wishes to
begin where the purentt left off. Plain living and high
Ihlnking are no longer the aspiration of the many. Balti
more Son.
llnreat and Work.
HE remedv for unrest is
I This Implies not merely duty to one's calling,
I I but to one's self. Tbe man who tries to get
I -w.r..A.,-.nm n ,, A , 11,1 II a . tVlA Anil rvf VAOf. tVlQl
nuuirn urir aiiu irt.i n t ' v. , , u.t ji.
be is farther on the road than he was at the
beginning of it, is not pessimistic and downcast,
even though be Is still distant from the reali
zation of his hopes. We cannot restore the old conditions
of labor. We trnd evermore toward working with our
heads and leaving the work that used to be done tvlth
hands to senseless machinery. Many of us, too, are afflict
ed with a fool notion that it is beneath one's dignity to
work with tho hands; that it is better to be a spruce clerk
ou ten dollars a week than a greasy mechanic at twenty.
But II Jsu't.
If many of those who suffer from this unrest will take
up an occupation or a fad that calls for the use of the
muscles, we shall hear more whistling and less sighing.
Our hands are made to use, and we grow Just as discon
tented when we are forbidden to use
ordered not to use our feet, or our stomachs, We have
itiigrottti the occasion for the appendix vermlformis, but
il will uot do to neglect our hands till they wizen to fringes
iiuif can not crush mosottlfoes. Tb man
to do with his hands than to fold them, or to rest theiu
on the top of a bar, is a man whose unrest may become
dangerous. Members of unions who used to work grow
to restless after a year of suppression by wholly senseless
strikes lhal they go forth and destroy. Men who used to
lie kept busy teaching school or practicing law grow so
restless ilnder long vacations and perenulal postponements
that they get up sociological theories aud travel around
worrying everybody with them. Brooklyn Kagl'e.
Rowdyism in Colleges.
Ill, vtiflr'a npYtra rnnnrffl lpmii rnrimiw c,ul,"i.
w I I centers have been enlivened by some startv
I ling accounts of student activity In the way
or cane rusnes, cuiur rusurn hiiu similar
diversions. In some eases the girl students
took a hnnd In the rough and tumble of physi
cal encounter. Now come the details as to the late case
of halting at a Baltimore college, where a student was
!iiitla.led'' Into a Greek letter fraternlly. After having
been undressed, blindfolded and laid on a cake of ice the
Indent was taken upstairs and thrown from n balcony,
falling upon a blanket held by his fellow students tweuty
tive feet below. He was lossed In the blanket until un-
I' lploit of Timothy Murphy, One of
Morgan Ehari4ltootera.
The battle of Saratoga, fought In Oc
I'ber 1777, Inis Its pluce In history ns
n:- of the fifteen decisive battles of tlie
w, rid from Marathon to Waterloo, so
wrote the Kngllsh historian, Croasy,
and (litis far nearly half a century has
lit-pid. mid his word Iwis never been
I-t us 1 ok at two characters who
:han-dln this battle, Col. Daniel Mor-,-iii,
afterward general, ever the staiM'U
.Hem! of Washington, and nt the date
if which we write, tlie leader of 7K)
liai iislioolers; and Timoiliy Murphy,
tlie crack su t of Morgan's corps.
Morgan was a far-sighted and clear
ii ml id soldier; he had observed In the
I' tion of Octolicr 7, n noble looking
..ilih-h officer, who, mounted on a mng
iill' l"iit charger, dashed from one end
f tlie line to tlie other. While this of
ieiT llvul, Morgan c nsldered tlie l?ue
if ihe couttwt a doubtful one; he there
ore selected twelve of his be!t marks
men, among whom was Timothy Mur
liy. nnd, Imdlng them to a suitable
osiilim, he pointed out to Uiem the
iiHimed officer, who wns dressed In full
ulf nn, nnd said to them: "That gal
uit ollicer yonder Is Gen. Frazer. I ad
:tire nnd respect him, but It Is twves
ai y for our good tlwt he should die.
Take your stations nnd do your duty."
Within a few minutes a rifle ball cut
h crupper of Pra r'g horse, a acctwid
ijin-t-d through his horse's mane. Call
ng his attention to this, bla aide aatd
0 him: "it is evident you are marked
ut for particular aim; would it not be
iiihiit for you to retire from this
aceV" Krnxer replied: "My duty (Vir
us me to fly from danger." The third
i it wns from the rifle of Murphy, and
ru.i-r fe L mortally wounded.
Ids death so dl.-ii nrtencd the British
nt the moment he feH the tide of bai
!. turned against Burgoyne. He bad
I. at Ida best vuuordluata, th only ou
by perbona of
to a confusion between manly courage and the strong-i
work of the lack-lot
to earn one's rest
them as If we were
who baa no more
of his officers who had the slightest in
fluence with him.
At the close of the Revolution Mur
phy married and settled In Schoharie
ns a farnwr, but hia old habits still
clung to him.
Tobislaset day he maintained the rep
utation he had won ns a shnrifliooter
In Morgan's corps. It was a custom in
those days fur riflemen to shoot for a
prize. On one occasion n large oak tree
lind been blazed near the ground nnd
in tlie circle a amall piece of white pa
per was fastened by a brass nnil. The
distance to be fired wns over KK) yards.
Several close shots had been made, and
It became Murphy's turn to fire. lie
lay down on the ground at full length,
resting his rifle on his hat, ns the others
had done, nnd, aftiT glancing over the
barrel, he was heard to sny: "Sure, nnd
I believe I can see that nail." Again
he frighted his piece fired, and the pa
per fell. An examination showed a
center shot; the ball bad driven the
null exactly In.
Iu person, Murphy was stout and
well ma.Ui, handsome in face, with Jet
black balr and an eye that would kin
dle and flarili Hke the lightning when
excited; quick ns n cat in all his move
ments nnd posfli-snlnig an Iron frame
that nothing apparently could affect.
What, moreover, is very remarkable, la
that In the most dangerous duty that
war could possibly entail ujion hiiu.
In which he passid sovi n years of army
life, bis body was never woumbd or
even scarred, United Service Review,
How a Girl M ho lind I'rnmlaed to Be a
Hater m lirnnitlit to Term.
"I understood you to nay that you
re.ect me," be sold.
"Your understanding la correct" ahe
rep I d, "a. though somewhat biunt. I
feel that I caiin t nia.ry you."
She took a Sicp forward nnd gently
touch d his arm. A tear was In her eye.
"I'm so sorry," ahe an Id.
Boiueluliuj lu her volet mada him
eonseious and covered with bruises. This was the "first
degree." A few days later the "second degree" was ad
ministered. Tbe next morning, not unnaturally, the stodasat
was dead. His chum, wbo had experienced a similar initia
tory ceremony, was dangerously 111
Doubtless this waa an exceptional and extraordinary
case, but It was not so much unlike some other recent eat-'
lege festivities In character as not to give grounds far
speculation regarding the standards of conduct tewrnr
which the young American collegian Is tending. Vlucfc
has been said and should be said In favor of athletics and
robust physical development but the recent "rushes" and
the common charge of slugging In football matches Indi
cate that physical development Is leading not to the health,
strength aud endurance of the athlete but to mere raw
dyism. By dint of vigorous and prolonged effort most of the
college faculties of the country managed to suppress baaing
a few years ago. But the "initiations," the "rushes" and
the football slugging show a resort to practices quite avs
repugnant. Has the striving after the strenuous Ufa la
bully ? Chicago Daily News.
Graft a National Vice.
RAFTING Is by no means confined .to tn
petty and wholesale robbing of tbe community
by public officials. There is the grafter who
Is false to tbe Interests of his employer; the
grafter who uses his position with corporation
or company to a dishonest end. In every
branch and ramification of the business, finan
cial and industrial world Is found the gTafter, ' smug of
face, discreet of tongue a snake warmed In the bosom of
the one he systematically plunders. This spoliation baa
become the besetting and shameful sin of the American
There is hardly an occupation or profession which does
not afford opportunity for graft. The time has com
when graft is a recognized and conventional factor In de
termining the Incomes of those who profit thereby.
If the Benedict Arnolds of a city the size of New York or
Chicago were to mArch in solid rank past the respective
city halls, It would take them long to pass, and it is to ba
feared that they would be greeted and applauded by throng
of envious and admiring followers.
We may accept It as a self-evident proposition that tha
man who buys his way Into office intends to steal his war
out of It These are tbe professional grafters; they maka
no prrtenses of a fine-spun morality. But equally danger)
ous and far more despicable are the grafters who pose as
respectable members of society. The grafter of the slums'
has his counterpart in the genteel, educated character In
broadcloth, who prates of patriotism and asks tbe blessings
of Providence upon his peculations. ' 1
This is the only nation In the world where the holding
of a public office raises a suspicion as to the character of,
the Incumbent We have not enough civic pride to oot-j
weigh the energy and the influence of the grafter. SlneJ
this astounding and deplorable state of affairs obtains tn'
no otihcr nation, the Inference Is clear that we have reached
a low moral plane.
.... The grafter is an effect; uot a cause. He Is the retains
of dishonest business Interests; the henchman of UKe!"
carried away by the lust of greed that they do not hesitate'
to plunder their fellow cltlzeuB through the bribed co-opent-'-tion
of those who are elected to protect their Interest.
Brooklyn Ragle.
The Wife and tbe Criminal Law.
1 I I." la,., I ii . ... K., V, In il 1. .. 1
I I we are reminded by a case which waa tried at
1 I Marylobone the other day, In which a young'
woman ana uer luisnnnd were charged wlta
stealing and receiving. It is not for ns t
apportion the blame of a sin to which the hus
band lias pleaded guilty. But the magistrate fell back at
once on the old legil maxim that when husband and wife,
act in concert the wife Is not responsible, being under her
husband's control. Surely the whole world of modern
womanhood will rise lit- revolt against such an assumption.
Even the magistrate hinted that it ought to be "reviewed.",
Under the present law the man was remanded and the
wife wns discharged, to protest, as she surely must, against'
the last remaining feminine wrong. No woman can sit
down calmly at home nnd consent to escape remand ob
the ground that she was under control of her husband.' '
Ixindon Chronicle. i
straighten up. He had not asked for
sympathy. He resented it so suddenly
that it was as If some outside power
had taken iosfse-ion of him. He felt
mad right through. !
"You needn't be," he replied. "Why
should you be? If you entertain the
slightest notion that I'm going to Jump
off the dock or ruin my life dismiss It
at once. There are, I can assure yotv
worse things than being a bachelor. In'
the first place, there are no enormous,
bills to pay. Then, n man can go and!
come as he pleases, without let or
ranee. Itwtcnd of being liound down t
one woman, subject to her whims, her'
lkle llancdcs. he is free for nil. He caw '
pursue his cherished ambitions without
Interruption. When he Is sick he can
secure proxr caw without lwing nurs-'
ed by nu amateur. He doesn't have to'
attend dinner parltes, or any other kind'
of parties, Z he doesn't want to. His'
time is his own. He can smoke or
not, without question, nnd he is nbso-1
lutely frpe to pursue hlR own ldcabv
There are worse things thnn being sin4
gle. I waa willing to run the risk, with)
you, but don't sympathize wUh me. I
shall get along all right, thank yon.
She turned toward him with a "ttd
deti movement of determination, and
heJd out her hands, pleadingly.
. "Now you must marry tne!" ahe said.
Smart Set.
Bullet or Hope Always.
Stranger (In Frown Dog) Is there,
an opening here for n physician?
Bronco Bill Can't sny that there la.
Yer sue, it don't require no specialist
In this community to tell what foUui
died of. ruck.
Japan ae Nets for Alaska.
Ordt.-i.-i u,i u recently been executed
In Japan for a supply of flsfcliif nets
for Aliaka va'u d at $ !00 0.
Once i here was a. man who fall la
love wltb a woman' Tolca; aha aat
dom aaad It