Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 03, 1904, Image 1

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    ... .
Tbi March wind doth blew,
Tfci winter month have passed.
The Crawford dentist I Dr. Spindlo.
Ha for sale. Inquire of Alel Lowrv
MrL Jones u up from Hunter jm
terday. 2. t. Deuel was doing business in town
thin week.
Fred Qlaae wea doing
business her
Char) Webster is plastering the tunic
this week
Bom To Mr. and Mm. Laonard Dout,
Fb. 99.afirl,
Wm. Coffee waa up from Running
staler Tnssday.
Gaonra OfVmner ii hauling wood for
V. 8. Wright
H. 8. Parks and W. A. Glare war
from Crawford Monday.
Yeateday looked like winter, but today
it ia regular Boring weather
Oar town li writ supplied with doctor
at prtsefit. Bead their card.
Ban Lealinr and on Joe were dowa
XrmytmmnX Intee Tuewlay.
Dr. A
aitracU teeth by the name
thoda that all dentmU use.
Mr. John Dieckmann ho had quite a
Wribthf tonsiliti the pat week.
Mr. Chrapachr wa vim ling with
Lacy and Elme Hill last week.
JS. ' Burke went ' to Ol-n Friday
aaaalWuX.aa roni there to Bridgeort.
; f i .. . ,t ,.,
Joaaph Bark I looking after F. B.
(MjpNPlty'a ranch during his abnenna.
A baalaaaa meeting of the E. L. w
at tht, pareonage Tuesday evening
Ida Moravek and Ollivette Dunn
fB-4jtk Mr. Mary Anderson Sund iy
Thoraa Hioes was tip from Rogev last
MllMflty and dropped in and dial led wi
oa for a while.
Frank Wrtifht his moved bis family
out on the old Blewitt place, now owned
y Dtackmann aod Lucy.
Will Pontius came down from the west
last raturray erenfrg and visited reiat
if her until Monday morning.
Georg Williams went tn Lincoln
Monday night, where he will take a
business course in school for an indeflnile
L'vcv Bros, are building a foundation
(or their new building which thy are
(foing to build just wst of the dour ret
and Davis store.
V. R. Smith, who ha been depot agent
beeedurint Jess Hall's absence, left for
!w Castle, Wyo. last night to visit with
bit folk a whila.
Wk Laaatlv Itro . oUnlnlne tableu. All
Ariff1f reTand the money It if fall to
. K. W; Grove's signature Is on each
kwtr at: (
band boys bought the building,
v Uiey have had posseeeion of for the last
Uiraa Roonlh, from Lacy Br. , and
qioved it unto another lot last Friday.
1 Wickeraham Bros, have haeo moving
Uteir household gcxsU. farming imple
ments and ate. whi-:h thy shipped in
from Scotland, Dakota, to their ranch at
Dr. A me i again In our midst and will
atay with ua for awhile. See his card
lo another column. Ha aa called to
Pleasant Ridge Sunday niftht to adminis
tor to Mr. Shatto.
If you want a auit of clothes, or a good
at or shoe or boot don't wast your
looey buying anvwhera le but go to
OERLACII'B store and gat the bast
food for too laaat money.
brtCUL RttitKMCMTiTrVR in thi county
arid adjoining territories, to represent
aod advertise an old established wealth)
business house cf solid financial standing.
Salary Wl weekly, with $3 per day foi
agpsnsa. paid oauh Mond y by char k
olreot from haadquartars. Expense ad
asMtad, aod horso aad buggy furnished
whan oareasary; pMi'inn permanent.
Aitdrata Blew Bioa, 640 Motion Building,
Dr. Spindlo the Crawford dentist.
There w ill be a daiire and oyter supper
at the Win ranch northwest of town, on
Friday, March 11. All are invited to
come and huve a good time.
Lewis Witt.
Note the charge of date in the R N.
A. advertisement, from the 11th to the
25th Thi wit) itrinir it in tlw full of
t lie moon, m everybody want to turn
out and sej how ttie husbands get even.
TheKial Neighbor of Amenta uiil
Kivn the plav, "How The HiikIi nils Out
Even," at A'Klrew Hull, Friday etening
March 23lh Admission 10 and 15 real
i- Dr. LC. Da vi, came up from 'ody,
Nebr. last Saturday to l.-cate here for a
while. See his card in anollier column.
He I highly recommended. You will
find him at the Harrison House when
in Deed of him.
Jesse Mall and mother returned homf
last Sat urdny afur a month' visit, at
Roia P-isa, Indiana. - They went to the
valley to visit for a ' day w ith friends
and relative before Jeaaa take up hi
I position at the depot.
There will be a gramt Iwll, on March
4th. 1904. nt the Hall. All are invited to
come and enjoy yourselves. Good music
M P. Lact
All parties inde.heted to t'hns Newman
bv note, or otherwise will find all bills,
and notes nt toe l lomrtfrcial Htnk for
collection. Please call and settle all
open accounts hy note bnnkitlil or cash
tn hand and save costs.
t Has Newman
Hunter Happenings, -
Lovy we ither. Our snow storm of
Sun 'y all disappeared. - . ' '-e..
J. R Hunter is at home again.
Mrs Basset went down the road Friday
evening. She w ill visit friends at Mars
land a few days.
vV'm Smoke, who has been- at home,
sick for the iast week, went back -to his
mini car Friday evening.-
Harold Hunter went to Crawford last
Monday evening.
y George William visited his aunt. Mrs.
Rice and tamily, the last of the week.
We saw hitti a! the tnsto Monday evstucg
on his way to Lincoln, where he :oe8 to
atleial school. Hm naiiv friends join us
in wishing him geod luck in his studies,
And we feel sure he will hrint; the honors
of his class back lo Sioux county
Mis Edi.a Hanson came up from
Crawford last Saturday morning and
viiled her sister and friends until Man
ila v evening. We all enjoyed her visit
very much.
Pearla Jones came home before noun
Friday, sick; She was quite sick Frld.ty
and Saturday, hut is at her stuii eg again.
Loran L-wis went down to Crawford
ast week.
Mr. ..'hristensen nay to ask Mr. Arch
erd what kind of an animal E l Schwartz
had in his trap the other day. "Wle ,
oh ni ! I should think any bisly could
tell within a half a mile of Hunter," Us
of East Andrews (an tell plain enough it
the wind cornea from that way.
Oh Peggy, please don't talk an arm off
of our poor Editor he needs lsth arms
to work at the paper. If he loses an
arm it will he in a good causa ttaiugh,
hut it would be hard to get out a paper
with one arm gone, and wa can not get
along without the paper.
Mrs. Christenaen, Mia i 'lara and Mr.
Oleaon. an old friend of Mr. Christensen,
were Harrison visitor Saturday. Mr
Oleaon I from Idaho; He and Mr. C.
ware hoy friend and are now enjoying
the Bret visit for years,' Wo trust Mr.
Oleaon enjoy our lovely weather and
beautiful scenery. Oh if ho could sea
t his place in the summer, it is llien roost
Bert Arc herd fell from a hay rack
several days ago aod I enjoying a vary
lame back et.
The fences, our Rrinnlng water way.
are coming down as fast as possible. We
may be wrnrg, hut wa cannot see where
an Individual, the county, state or
government I benefited in ttav least, bill
thousand of dollars, hard earned too, is
being destroyed by tla order. The ranch
men ha ve worke t so hard to Hx their
p'aoe so they rotild ' keen their tf. f
under control, and now wb.r- U Mll th"ir
hard work, days of toil atsl h . 1.'. earned
dollar aoue to, wa would like to Inowr
St. Patrick's Day,
Leap Year Dance
Will be K'ven at the open lioitse
Pria- will lv given to the p-lliest
cotttunie, alHo comic. Ever body invit-
ed to come and maku thin tin bent d.mce
of ihf neaiwin. Good nnixic aa usual.
Sectatoni twenty five cents.
R O. Dc. Minager.
Hill Shatto i building oo aildition to
Iub lioue.
Hnrt Hamlin and Luoi Crane were L'iW
viBiiurH Ittxt week, almi Mr. and Mm.
11. ilt. rfleld.
Jnck HolterdelJ anent Sunday on the
Dr. Phinney wan called to preacrib for
Mrs M. J. Boyle, laat Thurwlav night,
nbe ileier alibis writing; and tt-.i
morning Dr. Ames wan i ailed to atlei.d
Graialiia Shalto who had a stroke of
Istralysis, he i considered to be in a
serious condition and being over 80 years
old his recovery is uncertain although
we hope for the best.
Kb v. I "aniels wa with us attain on yea
terdav and preached an excellent sermon,
too had th-re were not more out to lr
him, but It wa a disagreeable day,
preaching again in two weeks at which
lime the 8 8 ill ' e started going a tain.
Kvcrb.Kly come at 10 30.
The east school will give their enter
tainment at the Hall March lOih.
Sim Pleton.
White River News.
Lots of sickness this winter.
Mrs M. H Green hid quite a siege
with the tonsilltis, but is now able to I
around ftcain.
Mr N'yh ilio h is (een on the sick 1st
for miiiih time, hut wownble lo I .ijle
to I w out to church Sunday.
Mr J. B. burke preached Isitii morning
and evruing to a large and appreciative
audieiae Sunday. '
Mr. i. H. Densiow ami family were out
to service Sunday. txHii again and
lend us a helping hand with our Sunday
School, for our numliers are not large.
Mr. Hunll family has been quite
sick fur some time, but are now some
t 'hris M.idsen. Glen's genial sst master,
has a pleasant smile and cheerful word
lor all. We don't ki ow whether he i
pilolmg any hcIkhiI mariiis around I his
winder or not. but we know they cannot
find much letter company.
J. H Deuslow hai nddd to his resi
dence, winch makes more comfortable
q' in iters for h m ell and family.
I II II Ru-w-ll and J. D Pnsitor passed
through our quiet burg Monday on I heir
way to l 'raw ford.
All the stock looks well down
Mia J. T. Mason has been quite
for some lime with ryipelns anil
doctor had to make several visit.
treat I be case. One of their little laiys
had his arm b.wllv criishett ny a gale
slaminiiig shut on it.
Mrs. II. II Russell and daughter Mav
were recently called to the bedside ol H
si k nlativeat Mirshnlltown, lovva.
Mis E lima Kr man has leeii organist
for the Sundav ScIiikiI hince Miss May
aad she pi vs real well We only wish j
ail our young p. opie ou!d do just iej
Ik-., they .a..,- w.-uid then ha ve .
belter organists and better singing. I
Mr E-lito-if miu don't want to publish
there Hems fling em in the waste tsiskel
and we'll say no more about it.
War Bonnet Topics.
March at last. Spring is near and I am
Jack Finley hauled a four horse load
of lumber from Saw Dust to town last
Robert Keel seems to have got the
season mixed up; He was threshing out
his rye the first of the week ami the latter
part he wa. working the roads.
Tom Plunket l is working far Roliert
JCtml at i.rMnt.
M F Wi.t Hiirriann and '
n!e the gmat Satuiday. so 1 suppose
Fred i doing his own cooking this week, ;
hut then his wife
is a
nova. N.,Ki.b..r
from now on.
Mrs' Jack Finley' baby has been quite
sick fur the past week, hot is sonn- belter
Jolm Anderson Is havlnir work done on
"otininn n- f mtn.g to 'tie nmise
f. e.-k. M, .,.,.
"v,,, "''" " n (' pr 8 ;
I wen Mr Dtmlnp take a I .rami new
washing machine out )f ton SiHirday.
lit. I.a be. n doin the washing fur a few
; w-eks and vu may de-nd he didn't like
tla- "old f.c-ln..n- d way," hence the new
wushimf machine.
Winnie Finley wax quit- sick for a few
dayn U.t wevk w.th throat
and a
Ed Scott wa obliged to quit school to
huok oat the corn before Sjiring rains
I received a letter from Mm. Ben
Dunn of Denver, who you will all re
memlier nioveil from Harriioii last
Spring. She aaid they had nettled again
in their old home and were doing well,
that Mr. Dunn had rJeady work on the
D. R. G road and rlie wihed me lo Ktate
through these item that he atill re
liemliered tlw kindnens Ahown them by
the people of li.irriHon during their
hickDese and Borrow of laht Spring.
1 notice Home are very much inlerrsled
in he dit-unMon whiih cud lenly arose
between Mr E-litor and mvxelf and are
uaxiouw lo hv it continued till one or
; the other in cotivimvd Now tin could
never be, a I would miule to ace you
convince a woman that the is in the
w rong. It's oo-use, for ihry are sek'om
in the wrong. . One, thing, this is a free
country everyone ha a right to their
own opinion 1 would like to bear from
some one rise.
How mucli is a day at school
worth to a boy? . Perhaps the
boy himself has never figured
it up. Often, indeed,, he
thinks it would pay him bet
ter if he could quit school and
go to work. Hut lately a
West Virginia man has worked
out the matter on a cash basis
and given us the result, which
every boy in the United States
ought to know md think over
if he wants , to be the most
valuable man posibI
, . TheWest, Vi rginia man be
gins by this fundamental
axiom: "You find the value
of a boy's time at school by
subtracting the earnings of a
life of uneducated labor."
ThatV entirely clear and
obviously true, isn't it, boys?
Then he go to calculate the
eanings of umducatcd labor
at one doliarand fifty cents a
day for three hundred days in
the year; a liberal estimate,
of coarse, because many at
laborers only earn a dollar a
day. But at his hiph estimate
and supposing that the un
educated worker has steady
employment forty years, he
will earn in that time one
dollar and a half multiplied
by three hundred multiplied
by forty, or eighteen thousand
So much for uneducated
labor. The educated man is!
i ii.. u.. it..
Usually paiU, IIUl tiy llic nay,
but by the month or the year;
anfJ H the Weat virgin ia man
. j 11 41 1 1
reminds ua, an iwe turge Bin
aries and earnings belong in
this class, from the president
of the United States, with his
fifty thousand a year, to the
presidints of the insurance
companies and the managers
of the great railroads. For
this reason, in striking an
thmiaanrl Holla 1
avenge, one
a year is a very low estimate, !
indeed, of the earnings of
,,, - ofprl l.Knr Fnrlv Venn
j V va t-a V' a tv s swtvi 1 a vi 11 f v
of educated work represent,
therefore, fortj'
dollars as a low average, while
eighteen thousand dollars for
uncdoated work is a high a-
verage. The difference bet
ween them is a very fair rep
resentation of the value of an,
education to the worker, and
' . : . . . '
that difference is just twenty- iu"'
tw thousand .dollars. I Ten dollars a dayl The boy
"The average schooUife of ox. girl who, reaiizea that will
Harrison, Nel.r. Feb 29 -1SW4. ,
Board of county comioiasiourrn aiel as
per adjounuiienL Present coiaunshi
ers: Bigelow, i 'ullers. and Pontius clerk.
The names of all who were draw n as
jurors for the past two years were first
obtained The abstract ol 1 votes cast at
the last general election was found to be
875, which uuiober divided by 60, the
iiuinlierof (lemons required by law to be
lilted for jury parpoe-i, it was found
that oae person could be listed for each 6
elector found in each precinct. The
following list of persons eligible for
jurors was then selected fr04i the several
precincts: Antel-pe 2 Wilbur F. Shep
herd and Peter Peterson. Andrews 7
Win. B.nn.in, H. J. Weise, Wiiller Pitts,
EJwm i 'use. J. D. Pristor, J. F. Diester,
and J H. Denslmv. Bowen 12 J. A.
Anderson, John Bourrett, John I. Davis,
f S. Dredge. Fred B. Lingworthy, K P.
Lindey, J. E. Marsleller. Frank Nutto. i
C. Pjrsons, E Rohwer and J. W. Reed.
'oi ton wood 7 A. L. Akers, John Brown,
George A, ullers, tlid Dumiorid, John
Meckem, James Everson and W. J. A.
KiUin. Hat creek 8 J. B. Bradley,
M trtin Carroll. F. M Hall. Thos. limes,
Josepti Uoir.uau, R ibert Harrison, A. L
Claimed Allowed
298 Victor A. Peterson, refund poll taxes $3 00 $3 00
297 James B. Johnson ' 3 00 3 Oil
299- M. H. Green, reconsidered claim 1 10 1 It
294 John Borkv. services as County Supt. 43 45 43 48
800John Newlin, supplies for county 7 35 7 35;
295 E F Poi.tius, expenses" " 1110 111
296 Grant Guthrie, legal services 16 05 16 0
29-1 otiru j Parsons, act ing as Supt. 16 05 16 03
296 Charles Newman, lumber for county . 135 133
302 --(.', M. Lux, treasurer expenses , 4 65 4 65
292 -Dieckmann & L icy, coal for county , 10 58 . 10 5a
247 Hammond paper company, county supplies. 2 (J9 2 01
283-Adam B.iumgurd, Ref poll tax 3 Q0 . 8I
291 Hammond printing Co. 5 23 5 25
301 ' " " 46 46
803 L M. Kennedy, witness county court 9 70 9 70
304- Art Kennedy " " " 9 70 9 79
305- G. VV. Jone- 9 70 9 70
806- Stanlej Williams ' 8 35 8 35
307 Wesley Hubbel " " " 6 10 0 10
308 Bet. Swanson " .... 4 00 4 00 ;
809 Ira Reed, Sheriff Box Butte Co. 13 05 13 05
810 iV (X Campbell Sheriff Scott Bluff Co Court 2 45 2 43
311 -Alex Lowry " Sioux " "100 100
812-J. H. Wilbermad irfer, Co. Jurtga 5 00 5 OJ
814 -E. A. Biglow, Servi-e county Corrim. 10 6) 10 03
315 A. C. Cullt.-rs ' ' '.-' - ... '.8 ii.; ,, i sr. ,
209 J. H. Licy, lumber and H.lw. for coucty 27 70 27 70
318 Alva S.ixUui, services road comtnissiuuer , 4 0J 00
301 O. M Licy, serving distress Warrants 7 25 25.
ier, ref-ind of taxes paid tinder protest 43 71 fcjcctfcd
imgard " ' " ' ' " 15 34 ; "
' 5.68 "
Claim No
August Ba
li Mickc
On motion the county Treasurer Is
Instructed to lefunil to Louis Hood 46
luxes paid under pro'est 'tcct. tixes paid
on same property ill Sx Butte County.
On motion the claim of Thomas Do) le
for f 8 00 ricct, building bridge over west
Hal reek laid over for Road overseers
approval. On motion the petition of
William A. Glaze and others for location
of road on 'ot ton wood and the remonstr
ance of William A. Glaze and otheis
against the etilioa of II. S Parks aud
every boy and girl in Mass
achuetts," the calculation goes
on, "is seven years of two
hundred days each; let us say
that it takes four years more
to get a good education.
Eleven years of two hundred
days each am cunt to twe nty
! two hundred days. A simple
divisionon the blakboard will
bring it home to the compre
hension of every boy that, if
the whole value of these
twenty-two thousand dollars,
every day at school, properly
spent, must be worth, ten
One of the school commissi
oners of Pennsylvana says he
would like to have his simple
calculation "carried into every
whoolroom and put on every
blackboard, bo mat pupils may
learn it and carry it home and
discuss it with their parents."
Go over it as much as yoa
please, boys; test it and try it
by your own calculations,
think about it. You will find
it a fair calculation, and it
ought to be an inspiring one
to every lad who intends to be
an educated worker in this
land of education and oppor-
Hill and Jam McCe.no. Montn se 5
Harry Ashton, Solomon Borkey, JoIiq -Deltano,
Wm. Gayliart and Robert Onsec.
Kunniagwater 2 John Popp and L'harlea
H. Smith. Snake creek 1 Emmet John
on. Sheep creek 1 Joseph Slurdivaot.
Suar Loaf 4- Jwse Arner, Win. Bretty,
John Mosley and rsolt Meiz. White
River 8 John Fry. L E. Bender and M.
J. Weher. Warboiiuet 5 O B Ander
son, Frank Scott, Leslie W. Crane, Xeit
Jordan and L. L. Wilson, Whistle ( reek
3- J. T. Watson. J. C. Shipley aud Geo.
Gil more.
On motion board adjourned to March '1
104. E. F. Pontius.
HatT.Ron, Nenr. March 11904.
Hoard of couu'y commissioners met aa
per adjournment. Pieseiit, Bigelow
Cullers and Pontius clerk.
The following claims against Sioux Co.
were taken up, examine.! aud on motion
wjre allowed as follows:
Claims l Stanley Williams and Frank
Donovan of Box Butte t bounty, to have
taxes in Sioux county removed from tax
list, laid over until next meeting ac. not
paid under protest, and clerk instructed
to notify said parties accordingly.
others to vacate a portion ol road was
laid over until next meeting. On motion
t he claim of Daes comity Nebraska va
commissioners ol Sioux county Nebraska
for $184.00ac jurms lees in Rusacl can
was rejected. There lini no further
business board adjourned without day.
. .yJBkxlow.
E. F. PoNTa-,
Clerk. ,
Physician Surgeon.
Andrews Bujck..
A. J. AMES, AkD.
i bysieian and Nurgeaa.
All rails given prompt atlmtlon.
Office a. Commorciul Hotel or I; rug Store,
L. C. DAVIS, M. D..
not want to play truant.
Shirkings one's lesson will
be seen in its true light not .
aa cheating the teacher, buta.:
cheating oneWlf out actual;
value. To make each day
worth its full amount, each.;
scholar must be in earnest.
Wlralaaa Teleoraph an Liner.
Atlantic linen to the. number of
fifty have wireless telegraph appar
atui to communicate with forty-eight
land station, sixty British aud.
twenty-four Italian war yeaaels are at
Close r loens and Save Money.
Liverpool has closed one-third of
Us Gftioons durlig the last ton yertr
snd bo decreased her police force !,'
consequence 'as to have cCxui ne
coo 110 sir oK0.(K) yeiri