D Anm goat ja?" ak the aaa sO AailUlsii. Don't know. Nev- . aayihiua:. Then a Japanese admiral refer to war retwru in tl Si. Petersburg vTostotschnl Vestnlk be only Mueexe. i-Wbeu we get to raising seals lu Lake fcUpoJlur fur eoau will Lkelj be cheaa ni. It took like a nh rorr. kow- year added tulles to liw'niiage of railroads in ibis couu- jt. f Let u ee that thi does not ilaqraeae . the number of collision in A lamp chimney that bad been lu i 'Sf' Hampshire family for twenty fMin,i we broken tiie other day. It Is 0iatertaVnt that the family never kept a hired girl. &! Busian doctor has succeeded In ' removing a bullet from a girl's heart nhiT saving her life. Bullet are eay bat when Cupid's arrow get Into 4ha sauae place science la batfled- . On of the leading educators of England declares that "at birth there la not much difference between a baby 'tad i' monkey." Well, we nave seen 'ttitom grwn onea W "which the dlstlnc-"aba-waanot vMble to the naked eye. v4ahljafonaa-n recently told a group - of -saeni Interested In reclaiming those y no. have gone wrong that the beet school of crime was the street, and a Philadelphia man said that trashy waWeU were "the text book used in twit- sMtooL 'They agreed that the way to eve- the boy was to give them good reading and to keep tbem frwoK the- street the farmer who is out of debt and ' baa" Ills corn ' crop in the crib, his "x" well housed and bis larder sup plied with buckwheat flour and fresh -a)aag la la a position of greater in timpm asnce than Plerpont Morgan, .Jaieanetar Bepew, John D. Bockefel ter or anjF other feller. There may be times when the lot of the farmer Is full,, of care and anxiety, but moot of them.' are content and very lnde(end enf these day. More and more la municipal govern ment coming to be the crux of all gvwernuiiit in this country. Its prob lem a r short-range ones. Intimate and urgent. They make constant de mand upon the best experience and training. They are, or should b largely the problems of business an? m-mktts and very little of politics. , WkMi -he American people get this kU-A into their heads and act upon It (Jiere will be more and better "cltys tuen" In this country than there are at present Hmnectieut by an "act of the last legiaiature prohibits the rale in that ' s ate of h.ii'M in mining and oil cor porations wherever organized until ciWi eorVorations have filed with, the iertary of State a sworn statement resarflini the location and financial ud physical Condition of the property .ind the amount of eaah expended he: eon. A fee of $25 must accorn jiaay (tie .statement. This law pro . eisls uo:t the assumption that a niln- 'u? or oil ftchwne is guilty until prov ' Inuocent." and that is not a very jiijiiat ax!iun:piJon, either Legitimate er.t; r;rips of the kind will proMbly --e-jaisd It with decided favor. It U probably true that mom large . allies an- not adequately policed and It will hardly be denied that In moat places magistrates are unduly len-ietit:fldthat- offenden are not made ' to t"l the law's iiney band. With nail fcsaect to those who dwell upon the- reformatory aspect of tha criael nal code, tite ct emaiaa that crime will nourish wherever ths law la 'tripped of Ira terrors. The hypothe sis' that crimes of violent will be re dued In proportion to tho danger la vfHv.5 in.courtiiltttnK tbem will atfil tear a good deal of examination at the hand of those responsible for maln tafntng" the "peace and dignity" of a "eomflratity. llvat aid volcano, of our boyhood recollections, Popocatepetl. is for aala at $S,t,000. Whether this is a bar 'tfalsr' prVe or not the advertisement ' 4Mefft -state, but it sounds fairly rea Haairbte. 1 The volcano is certahity omm the leadinir eortsattlaa of tte wmM. hot It might be well, befar asjsjat jiig out the money to ascertain if there u any 'danger that", tte aalghttoni "MlgtK proceHl against fan for eaconr 'atlrtg Htttonnee: Anyway, there may wffllUWJre wHb no need of casa -ylaa afWHasV leoae who woaid eonatd er a volcano a desirable tfaiag. and . there la no doubt . tbat would gtn ;fbe purchaser a good deal t ravata tftmmi a "corinolsseur in btlea-brae, "1KI VBfh't It he an Meal place far w'atiBntwT " " .':-'.' ' 1 ..... -f . - .T.; : !- Hmthot thHerloaa thmga atett kt) ttaaaett U..that the mora It , to at larted th more It la !... II tea ao frlMjda, and jret'lt fonrteaaa. Ite endtei chain for the Wm ti ab !ra;niug l.M00 stgnafiirM a t ittion'to Ormaress asking tor iatl-tfr strertr leglslarloo la M tte Wrtaat h.-vU of the ertjle'of tbt "Qi u:lV a It, la railed, and we weald h, k sr!lmg:t ,- wr ,Nmt - motif 09- a. In tkm ImmA all vaaw&x and imugr asarts it nu'jU t.m It, tint !i . i doiM. (Iwtt f! r;fc)re-l !J W uT1 inhed tltwrt'-sns utimkeU ir ja'd fo. S.254.!i(.:i3i iiaretteii durii, tlie la nscvi yasr. sa Ucrene of SoT.13 i is a aingi year. We used 337,!l40.tiU! pounds of tobacco Usi year in al forms and smofced 6.7S7.4.r4.10 cig ars. Contrary to general belief, uiort snuff than ever is made and used. The principal complaint against th, schools and universities has been tha' they tended to augment the alreadj overcrowded "professions";' that thej gave prominence in their curricula ti the studies that were calculated U equip men for the so-called polite iur suits of life. As a result there catu from the college door every June a sinall army of doctors, lawyers, preach ers and writers. There are bopefu.' Indexations, however, of a tendency ma the part of the colleges and unl verxiries to meet the demand for edu cat--d men In the various Hues of coin litt-rcial id iudUxlrUl endeavor, whirl modem conditions have created. Tber is gradual and more adequate recogni tion of the fact that the so-called "pro fcsMoiiH" are already overcrowded and that the great demand of our times li for trained commercial and scientific men, for men who can take the place of the self-educated and self-made men who built up great Industrial and com mercial enterprises. Dean James H Tufts, of the University of Chicago, in bis address to a graduating class declared tbat In most classes to-daj fully three-fourths of the men grad uating intend to enter commercial pur ulta Instead of . the professions Twenty years ago one-third of the men In the graduating classes of the col lege ' became teachers, one-fourth oi one-Oftb entered the ministry and nol more than one-fourth went Into busi ness, said Dean Tufts. There are not enough patients for all the doctors and not enough clients for ail the lawyers. It is time the universities were turn ing out men to take the place- f thi great builders, merchants ami irIiic ers of our time. Another year has closed and tht Billionaire philanthropists have ended their annual effort to give away theit arcings and diminish their principal. Mr. Carnegie Is the most consplcnoni figure in the group, not only becuuM he gives far more than any other, but because he is the one who discovered that It would be a disgrace to die rich, and this set the others to thinking The library Is still I hobby with him and during tiip year he tave $o,595.50( for llbm v Si'rM. !::-. In ninety -six cltin and t'nviK in ii-; country. He began twins ;i I. !r:i in 1900. Sine that time he lm given 32.1 in the Uni ted States, al a cost of I21.722.WW. Ig addition to these he gave $.350,000 foi a library In Toronto. 1100.000 foi libraries In England, and $125,000 foi a library In Barbados. He has given to colleges and other Institutions is this country aud abroad $1,357,000; tc cbnrches, 134,500; to The Hague Court f Arbitration. $1,750,000; for scientific research In Scotland. $5,000,000; fot phonetic reform, $10,000: for the New York botanical garden. $2,000; to th town of Dunfermline, f-otland, $2,500, 000; to the New York Engineers' Unlor Home, $1,000,000; for a pension fund for disabled workmen In the Carnegii Steel works, $4.0i0.ono. This raakei a total of $25,824,500. He has no1 touched his principal. He has ' noi given away this year's Income, which in ronnd numbers Is $21,000,000. n must give awsy $50 every minute tc dispose of his Income alone. Ther think of his huge principal: It would be rash to say that J. D. Rockefeller Sr., Is haunted with fesrs of disgrac If he should be found dying with money In his coffers. His Income probably, is lurger than .Mr. Carnegie's yet, while the latter has given away $25,824,500, Mr. Rockefeller has given way but $3,044,597. and more that one-half of this to the university ot Chicago. His other donations includf $173)0 to religious b.1ie, $2i2sj( to colleges, and $W.0 to the Nebraski State University, which th.it Instltn tion Anally declined to accent on hlgt moral grounds, notwithstanding tin tempting array or sixes; and $30,0W tc Charity. Henry Phlpps. another phil anthroplc millionaire, has given awai $1,835,000, of which $1,500,000 is foi a noble purpose, a free hospital foi , consumptives. Dr. D. K. Pearsons hai , kept bis lever" pretty busily at work but he has only given $20,000 to tin little colleges and $50,000 to charity The doctor, however, may make better record In l!i, for he has ove $300,000 of pledges to clear up It Jane, and after tbat he proposes ft tart In afresh, for he is determined that when he goes there will be nobi of bis money left for any one to scram ble orer. And what has J. Pierpon Morgan given? Just $10,000 to thi American Archaeological school It Borne, whose dozen or so pupils an watching the forum excavations. Them tre men, who are the principal mil Mortal re philanthropists. comblne have given away boot $31,000,001 during the year. As they are elderlj men, and life Is uncertain and 11 mi la short they must expedlate , theli benefaction If they do not Intend U IMke their exit until they hare give bark to all they hare received. An yat thetr $31:000,000 will do great goot tn many ways. DMferwat Ikaadpaiata. Ite Wife The minister told at t Ml yaw te tteaght It wa year art; t to eharch erery Ban day. vTte Brute Well, tell him I thial It la his duty ta tarn hla Bring at weekdays Ufa. AMeswtaff to - statistic ntae-tentt of tte lecturers are wan Is This atay be aews to baetu lota, hot with married asea It aria A HIGiii-K JUiUE Aam-Sin- f i rss get ths houB iu tlitapiy, yoj will tiki It, fcouise. Henpeck 1 ood'I know jet. 1 haven't consulted Maria. "But ahat Is your opioion?" "Well, I ma j nol be much of a lawyer, but I'm too snrewd o give ao opinion until I'm reason a ly sure It won't be ie?trcd -Pbiladelphia rTeaa, Five hundred dollars was (s:ent!y added to toe book fund ot itf incdi ial department of the L'niverUty of MlcbUan to be used by the depart ment In keeping up lis files of medic al Jiurnals. Three Doctors' Opinions. BnfTalo. X. Y Feb. 15Ui. Physl- rtans have accepted Dodd's Kidney 1'ills as the standard remedy for dis eases of the Kidneys and kindred com plaints. R. II. Dunaway, M. U.. of Uenton. 111., says: "1 lodd's Kidney Pills cured me of Diabetes after everything else had fail ed and I was given up to die. I huve since prescribed them in my regular practice for every form of Kiduey Trouble and have never as yet known them to fail." Jesse L. J,!mes, M. D, St. John, Kansas, says: -I prescribed Dodd's Kidney Pills for the lltle daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. McBrlde of tbis place, who suffered from Epileptic fits following 8car-l.-tlna; results were miraculous; I have oerer seen anything like it" Inland Williamson. U. D., York- town, Ark, says: -Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best nedldne I know of for all forma of Kidney Disease. I believe in nslng the remedy that relieves and cures my patients whether ethical or not, and I 1 1 ways prescribe IodJ's Kidney Pills ind can testify that they invariably tocompllsh a permanent aud perfect rare of all Kidney Complaints." HARD NAMES "I heard them call each other bard oamea yesterday." JWby I thought tbey were such frlenda." "They are, but one said: "Hello, HoiorHkow-kltl ntzky ," and the other leplled: "Why now are you, Ztack- lotowakedu?" Phlladlepbla bulle tin Tha seventh edition of Cooley's "Constitutional Limitations upon the Legislative Power.," baa just been Issued from tbe presi The editor Is Victor II. Lane, professor of law lo the University of Michigan, and tbe publishers are Little Browo & Co. Cooler's CODStltutionl Limi tations raoka fourth in a Hat of fifty two of the moit frequently cited text books during tbe period of the IMS A Digest. It is cited In every argument and opinion on the sub ject ot which It treats. Tbe new tdltloo of this treatise upon the great principles that underlie oar complex system of state and national governments, contains three thou sand new cases, and glvea tbe p'es ot state of tbe law upon all the topics discussed. Tbe sovrelgbn mistake iz, tbat things are valued ror what they bar cost, and not for what tbey are worth. BETOltT COURTEOUS "Sir," said tbe angry poet, who bad missed another opportunity to break Into pilnt, "I will be remem bered when you are forgotten." ' "Oh, very likely, r rejoined tbe man behind tbe blue penciL "1 alawys pay caili for tuy grocerlea.1' Chicago Daily News. ' "I bear your brother died and left a lot of muney." "Yea. A police man shot him before be got out ol tbe bank with it." BURET The Kehmt Phrtiqa Tan fitand Mors CoBTa Than a Weak One. A young Virginian says: "Having t naturally robust constitution far above the average, and not having a uervoua temperament, my system was able to resist tbe Inroads upon It by tbe use of coffee for some years, bat Anally the strain began to tell - "For ten years I have been employed is telegraph operator and typewriter by a railroad In this section, and until two years ago I had used coffee con tinually from tbe time I was eight feare old, nearly 20 years. ' ' "The work of operating the tele graph key la a great strain npon the nerves, and after the day's work was ever I would feel nervous, irritable, ran down, and toward the last suffer ed greatly from Insomnia and neural gia. As I never indulged In Intoxicat ing liquors, drugs or tobacco in any form I came to tbe conclusion thai co fee and tea were causing the grad nal break-down of my nervous system, and baring read an article lu tbe Med leal afagaalne on the composition of coffee and Its toxic effects upon tbt system, I was fully convinced thai coffee waa tbe cause of my trouble. "Seeing Postom spoken of as no. having any of the deteriorating effect t of coffee I decided to give up tbe atlm ulant and give Poatnm a trial Tbe re eult waa agreeably surprising.' Aftei a time my nerves became wonderful!) strong; I can do all my work at thi telegraph key and typewriter with fat greater than ever before. Mj weight tea increased 85 pounds,1 my general health keeping pace 'with It and I tm a new man and a better one.' Name glrea by Pootum Co., Ban!. Creak, Mich, TMraa a raaaea. took hi aacfc pkg. far the fasten. (I0WN8 F0a CALUNU COSTUMES FOR WEAR BETWEEN NOW AND SPRINO. y eolcn lrM Oeods B4r4 for Wear j UuririB Kritm Arc a Divers. fled a ! Ther Have Hoe a All Winter-Cold j lrimmiags Ponnlar. ' Ntw York eorrwepondiKe f""J UK ".iIch tire ! Y&J I g-ois l;-l)i-d lorj riJ I epnui; ear ahow f' I tbe hjiue divrr&ity X that has on-vailed ,N in such faonca dur- iun tbs wiuler. lit-tl(( There ia a bout of ( j which roughness of j unace ia me i-uiei i liut of uuuaiial- ucu, sou auiootn ur:acei atuns ar? galore. It i a fact ! Iii. t will e pl ifrllied by tllilst .......... I..t. i ter wesiea ein ia f J better -.tuniliiig than they did in the win ter lints, whose best l-i.-icea were reserved, practically without en eiiion, for the hairy "1 uuliby gol. MiXMl KUiliiik'n a" uuuiernus, an'i are st-tr.n-tire iu their especial way. Appar ently tlier are to lie reserved almoot alto- Ml flntim SWAGGEB CALLING GET-UP8. t-eiliet for the walking suit. The show ings of ilk are ninrked by a great many t; n-y weaves, novelty couilnjf in figures ami in the texture itself. Plain silks are : ' ny. ton, and nnion them taffeta la : u - iiupreaive tiiau It has lieen of late, ; i ,er w!m are interested in the sale of -i:ks are very confident that the time Is i.-: very far awsy when silks will resume . - lin tin- tirt place in dress goods. This .- y not weiii fur from the truth, since " i-.vien i-rnootli faced cloths and the ; ih .nieie cloths seem almost to have , i mi tci thi-ir possibilities for novelty r the pr- nt. Mention of tha new . ivoiiid be iuconiplete, indeed, that !;.!; i-eiereiice to dotted sorts. These c '.cry numerous sd(J in cousiderable ;. Tliej're listed for especiiil TWO IfORD STYLISH CALLERS. KtjlMmcsA next summer, and are to fulfil! the program. Cold trimmings are making steady headway.. Ther are appearing every where, and nowhere do ther take fonaa that could offend anyone. Objectors prophesy tbat ther sooo will be In quantities suggestive of barbaric dor. nnd this mar he true before tte fashion for them is tihaoated, bat aa fat rte arltUicaa M't kriBte4. u a bnut.la't w.'iii'i wr it-'iri'? T-acea f l!ii tliul are and is it,;i!iwr.v; a el! aa oa g"i". t liiese are moatj- in Sue liue ut Z 'i pu! ri.lur that 1 far frvc t,jt,h..:i by ti. golJ. For drease O . ,;.iet ta, l.u.- f r diip'n.v-- S"-5 a- bij.U. VjUieuiC!:.-s aul butt an Wi. 'e fa! i- us for t-i.! an 1 vumun r e-ite the iiit.-e-t "t it dresser a; tl4i tiiue. tlir.- i uietier f iu-k- ur;u rouceru lu talliui; and reeepm i. p'ii. to U- worn lete-D nw rtii ;rii4. Stjtsli folk are iu;.la.- rr . -f t: - ...ii. tl,. ir kerer'iwu lirvee are the e!r-n.e ef dreiii- a.ij !!--rjtii.ti, if tl-e er-r niijurc- t i ii -ri of tl.mg. etnl little thai i re 'i. - is in gutid stauduia u .. : -."S-ii- - plsiuer. Nt ital ll ' r- -i" ' tuat it sever, bill t'f frtk .f f' .if tiie fanciful eiubeiiijJiiiicnta l!:;it u; penr alnn"t mi frwly u reciptii.H i'rtin a on eveuinc lirenMii. In ue tic- .- call ing suits niav lie re-eiifun-eil by ?ine et of the cistlirst furs, so they '.-n luakc inite a irran 1 au a'tarauie a- if they wvre of more complex ioui.mei.ou. It was huh calimc gowns fir the i.euiu fieriol that the srtiit sketi !iel lor tlose piitnren. Iler liral M-Ieclion fu.-hns voile hamleil with silk of the ai ie coior. tie IisihIh friiiceU, aii'l willi ;.ite ailk yoke eiteuiiuig over the annn. In her next picture are a lna hMinlch.th trim mrd with brown satin, an'i a gray v iile wlf-triitmied. Hoili tlie silils ileeiiled much on accompanying fur. In :he nevt picture are a purple Venetian eli.th tr:m tnej with satile and einliroidi ry of liite psHsenieuterie, ami a rynl Mile -tamius trimiui-d with silk i-oHitig of t lie Km shade, and with collar and vest of panu vslvct to match. Costumes of thi grade are not very useful to a majority of women, except n they give insight into approaching fash ions, for of course the ordinary woman ian't goitig to get up a fine gow n for uu other purpose than for Lenten calls. Bui considered as Intermediates between win ter and spring, these d reuses are of gen end Interent, They sro rnfirked by mub elaboration of skirta, and by roulinnnm-t of shoulder slope. Home spring miteriali are put into them, as If to put the goodi on trial a bit before their time. Appear I tig thus are a host of voiles, thoucli more than half the time the crafty weav er has devised a new name for the tea ferial. Rut by any name they art voiles, a bit coarser of wsav and mors wiry of tenure than recent sorts wera Many of these goods are flecked In tbeii ewa color, and there are suar embroid ered aorta esooag-tte plain eaea, nu ot saohalr la indicated, tea, for a deal of this goods ia aaowa, with mock steUlaa, It It always Um things wo are for- Mdaaa to eat that are tte V F X r , r - IlJd ii ' '!' v A I'rufe.lnBl Nsr.e Telia Fer T.a perienie with Uoan'a Kllney Pills, Montiizue, Mass. l oster Mlllmrn Co.. Huffaln. N. i'.: gentlemen -1 beait iy wish those who are suffering fiom b.nl.aclie and ilii4tur!.ed action of tiie k.'lm v would try iKmu's Kidney pills. As was tbe case tith me. tbey wl',1 be more than surprised with the ni'i ts. 1 bad lsn trouliled for years w it ta niy spine. I could not iie nn either side, hplnal crumps would follov. and words could not explain tiie a irony which I would endure. Vt bile la these crauips I could not speak or move, but by making a great effort after the cramp bad left pie I could l.e-i'i to -peak and move a little, but try i.oie back was so sore and lame that I could not even have the back but bed for some time. My nerves were in a terrible state. I would rather fit up at night than go to bed, dreading the crauips and the terrible backaches. I consulted physi cians, but got only a little relief for tbe time being. Seeing your advertise ment, niy mother urged me to try Doaa's Kidney Pills. After using one box 1 was better, and have ever since been on tbe piln. I have no bnetiacbe snd no cramps now, ami I feel like a new person. My nerve are lietter and I know my Mood Is purer. Words can not express my tlmiiks to you for what Doan's Kidney Pills have done for ma In my work as professional nurse I bsve a cl.nnce to r-conimend them; and they did me so much good tbat t will do so on every P""ille occasion. IIATTIK HlthiUAM. Nurse. Donn's Kidney Pills are sold lit 60 cents per box. Address Koster-MUnurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free trial box. Be cheerful under all circum stances, do n it complain at every lltth trifle; It Is InvarUbllf the cheerful man who kU'-cecds In lite. Every duty we omit obscures some ttuth we should liavc knowo. Tbe Common Council of Detroit has Intlted the League of Municipal ities to visit that city and Id-Jed the municipal works and Institu tions. ArranK'-uieuta have been made for tbis trip on Saturday, Feb, uih. FA li r'UOM HOME "Yes, I'll give you a ruea! of Tie-. tu;ils. if you'll shovel oH these side ways." "Would you not prefer, madam, to hive ujc shovel off the snow" "Poor fellow I Have you tramped all the way from Uost'.in?" Chisago Tribuue. Fun Iz as Necessary tu tbe Grnwin Y ungstet az bun-4ine Is 2 Eatibage. IHsTm" ( aiinoi U CaiM fiy loeat aptillcatloRt. m tiiev rnnl reaj Bat dUrmn jmrtion of the enr.' 'I liere Is ociy ao y to euro iilnr.. rti-I that li ty wu-.ttH iWhiaI remeillen. I'eafneMi In ninuwt b) so la lamel eomtltliiB of tne tniirraii llnlnt ol the rutlsehbui lube. Win-i. tia, n,t Kcu Lnnamsd vou have a rumbling Mmrui .r impei-fect linaj. lnm. ami wheii II U rtitliely clrwHl iietifriew t the result, a.i'l t;n!ev, tno tntintrtiimtlou t-ito be taken out ami 01 tulie rtMnfiil la lu normal romlltlon. Iiearini will b itTOtrujua (orevsr; mn atswi out of wa are raux-ii by atarrh, liii-h l nmhtng but an ollaiiiod condlUcia of the mil'-nn, vnrla-e. We sill irhe imn ilunilred lMlars for any rase lit Ix-afnevi (caii-erf h i-aturrh; II al raiiuol I ciirwl by ifkir. t atarrh Cure, bend tor di eulart, free. - , . ,4 r- 3. f'HKN E V Si CO, ToUdo. U Solit by T)rnrul-t 7 e. Hall' ramiij I'llii are tbe beat. A speedy wild duck cars fly at th rate of ninety miles ao hour. GREGORY SEEDS 1 Raoeeaa fully sown for nearly half century, Ctalum fW i.4.U.rfrtm I bav moar Konttdprice inn a Mao who noes How to Laff, than la I who Awlways Trys 2 look Dlirnyoed. -Dr. R. K. Leek, in the Clinic, MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Cnta, Bnrna, Brala The man Who Lads at Scelo a little Kat run hround after lla Tali may knot ever B the presldeot oi Rale Road, butt he It I a ma Trait. ,u 1 ! UL ' I Otimak nil union Mat Ale medical authority declare tbat hearty sneezing Is ao evidence of a robust constitution. People la feeble health seldom aoeeae, n wheo they do there U Utile force t. A Jolly German Innkeeper, on tht 8wirs border, baa aodertaken, aa tbe result of a wager, to roil a barrel ol wine across Swltierland and Italy to Rome. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH t SVRUP curM cotprhi nd colda. If M fa msw vv -aakaw awim. m. M, u tn ii J. 1 'i!te'l t V , 4 V K tea "Cte Boa to WarDa-