Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 25, 1904, Image 1
HkKKISOK Press - j qurnai XVI. HARRISOIT, NEBR,AaO THXJBSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, lSQt. JSJ O. 3& LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN Tha Crawford deotint i Itr. Spindlo. flay for male. Inquire f Alex Lowrv. Henry Boss u up from Sheep creek Sunday. John Christian was in from his ranch Monday. D. W. Hamaker was up from tfarsland yesterday . A. J. Bogart sold his town property to Lacy Bros. V. A. Hester and family moved out oa their ranch this week. M.J. Gay hart was a plea at our office yesterday. sot visitor . A large crowd R Headed the dance at the hall Monday evening. Joe E. Burke was visiting at Bodarc last Saturday and Sunday. J. E Manttellr returned from his trip to U Black Rills last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christian were down from Pleasant Ridge yesterday. George Williams look the east bound tram for CI tad r on last Saturday night A. Erdiiiaa moved his family out to his ruochoo Indian creek last .Saturday L C. Wright left Tuesday night for Bella Fourche, S. U , to be goue for few days. Oscar Hanson went to Chudron last night to take the telegraph operator'! lamination. County Treasurer Lux's family came (n on the west bound train Tuesday arid Carl is now happy. Charles Thomas ami wife were down from their ranch on Old Woman creek the llrst of the week. Reft Lfeniels left Monday night for Whitney, where he will hh-isI hi a series of revival meetings at that place. Jrven iro merman was up from th valley last Monday and stopped over oighl with the Editor and family. 'V. added his oame to our list . ' .11 week. There is junl room :, rr.-rfv. Who will be oext? ?... L-auiv Is returned last Friday even ing, and are glad to say his sister Mrs E i Cinipuell i very much unproved. J. (1. Lacy has purchased the W. R. Siuitli place easK'f town, and Will Lacy has purchased the town residence ol J. H Lacy. Fred Tachabold and wife were in town Tuesday and took uuta brand-new wagou. prosperity baa net fled from Sioux Co, ai together. Fred Langworlliy received word that his father is quite siuk, at hie home in Seward. He left Wednesday night for hjs bedside. The mother and sister of Mrs. Hial Churcn came in on tha train from the at yesterday morning and were taken Out to PbJMOt Kalge, Wyuojisg. i will hold services in tha church at 0lo oo Sunday morning, Feb. 28. All ,re cordially invited to attend. J. B. Boue. TO CURE AUUM) III OSK DAT. Take Laxative liro . o Oulnlne tablets. All 4rnxslu refund the money It If falls to ure. -. W. Grove's signature la on each SOS. c. Mrs, R. C Talley has been soma what ladispoaed for a weak or mora, but was solo to welcome ye scribe to her well supplied mm! hospitable table last Moo stay dooo. If you want a suit of clothes, or a good feat or shoe or boots don't waste your Money buying an v where else but go to OEKLACU'S store nod get the best goods for the least mono. Vernon Haoeoo passed a satisfactory (lamination at a Phararaacisl and it lias been done by his own energy and push, guooess loyou Vernon and may others (euro a Ifsjson from your efforts, Mrs. Reads, who has basn oo the sick Nat for the past Wires weeks, it much Improved, but Mr. Bards la suffering from so attack of I he rheumatism. Mrs. who Is Instructing toeir chlldreo, la atroog ad vigorous for raw of nor age tao) many a youog parson iir the north . . ... saasil lo Iks absUtsaaVW' Ur: sirt iaatrtestof. JHEREANI) THERE l-4-!5-i-! -:- Dr. Spindlo the Crawford dentist. I. N. A. CNTdCTAINMCIT. The R iyal Neighbors of Ameriiai will give tlie play, "How Tlte Hushmd Gut Even," at Andrews Hall, Friday evening March llth. Admission 10 and 13 cents. NOTICE. All parties indebeted to Chn. Newman by note, or otherwise will find all lulls and notes at tim Commercial Bank for collection. Please call mid settle all open aoountu by note bankable or cash in hand and save costs. (hah. Newman GUARD BALL. There will be a grand hall, on Mnrch 4th. 1904,'at the Hall. All are invited to come and enjoy yoursel ven. flood music furnislied. M. P. Lact Manager, NOTICE. All Acts, owing the old firm of Mars teller Bros., and not settled satisfactory bv March 1st. will he placed in collector hands, and will make costs rind trouble. ResieCtfully J E. MaHSTTKIJ-KR Mr, Biegal i-eceived the sad news of the death of his dauchler IhhI Salunlav, and lie and Mrs. B and the two youngest children started for Wisconsin the name evening lo be present at the funeral The PkEKft JoTRMAL extends sympathies to the bereaved parents mid friends. Mrs. Wickersham ami children came in on the west bound train Tuesday niormng They have come to make their home in Sioux county and h Pkkss Journal extends a welcome hau l to them. Mr. W. will lie along in a few days to become a citizen of the county h has said so many g"d things about. -'Welcome Mr. Wickersha.a " I desire lo thank my customers for their lilsjral pa ronage for the. wsi 11 months that 1 hive been in business here And we will eridtuvor at all lini s to merit a continu.ir.ee of ihe same. We expect to mid to our stock, 'ind will he belter prewired than ever t" serve our customers. Y ,nrs Truly, J. H. Lacy. WANTED. Pfbci'aL REPOTSrSTATIVE in this county and ailjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salurv (21 weekly, with (H per dav for expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from headouartflrs. Expenses ad vanced, am! horse and buggy furnished when necessary; posi'ion permanent. Address lllew Bros., 640 Monon Building, Chicago, 111. 0-4(1 MASQUERADE BALL St. Patrick's Day, March 17. Will be given at the opera liousi Prizes will be given to the prettiest customs, also comic, bver) tHXly invit ed to come and make this tht best dance of the season. Good music as usual Spectators twenty live cents. R. C. UUS, Manager. War Bonnet Topics. Ed Scott was at home over Sunday. Ben 8cott visited with Jutius Burke at Harrison over Sunday. Robert Dunn visited with his aunt, Mrs. Finley , and cousins last week. Mrs. Nels Anderson and babe visited with Mrs. Geo. Grimm last Friday. Richard and Roy Garret son are chop ping cord wood in the canyons this week. Little Maggie Jane Scott has been quite sick for several days. Is better at present. Eck McCane received the sad news last week that his mother, who lives In the eastern part nf this slate, was dying; He left for there at once. I will not quarrel with Mr. Editor a- bout the school funds and licensed saloons but I will meet him on the corner aoaie day and talk an arm off of him. Frank Scott was helping to tear down and move a log house from the John bout place to the 8 E last week, where they are going to build an addition to hat house. Miss Nellie Scott, accompanied by Miss Rom B.vwtter and Mr. Mont Burke, came out Saturday and visited over Sun nay at the home of the former. Miss Brewster was delighted with the beauti ful butts, and pio trees which almost surround our valley, then the snow came and covered the groand afeout four inches loeeiaM ovar and it really was beautiful. Pmmr. There was a surprise party given at the home of Miss Els'e Hill last Friday evening in honor of Iter sixteenth isrth- ' ay, Inch was on that date A large nuiuuer 01 jounS ioiss were present. 10 make the evminf eni iva ile. anl a few tokens f remembrance were pres ented, They enjoyed themselves playing games unl il the dining room door was 0nsi, and refreshments wre brought in. After the refreshments were nerved they again joined in playing games un till time to depart; And all departed wishing Miss Elsie many more such birthday parlies. But she must re member that this is the last time that she will be '-sweet sixteen." Carey Items. ('lias. Stewart's are how domiciled in Ihe Lux home. Clarence Hpense is home from the Chadrmi Academv. P. M. Spease made a short visit with his paren ts last week. Mrs, Jane Gi iffen has been very sick with Latjrippe but is better now. Mr Burke held services at the church Sunday. On accoanlof the snow storm Saturday Ihe attendance was small. On Monday morning Mrs. Lux and children started for Harrison via Craw ford, while their h msehold goods were taken hy team overland. Week ago last S it urday Charles and Hartley Saxton moved their families and household goods lo Merriman where the expect to reside in the future. If were a hVh'ing soldier mnn I'd shoulder niv gun and start for Japan to help them whip the Russian hear, anil see that things were done u; fair. The Minister whom we have been ex peeling for the past, tnree weeks wrote lasi weeK iroin n u. tii.it, Hh was snow hound, and did not know when he would rearh here. John Arners family have been having a tussel with the LaGrippn. At this writing thev are better exc epting Mrs, Arner who is also afflicted with rheu matism. Mls va Spease closed s aiio-ewa'ul term nf school in Kist N' 4 last Friday A Very interesting pr-entTI ,il'4oriirs and recitation select reading etc was rend ered in ihe afternoon, which as very much sppreciated by the Visile rt. TlMOTHT. EVF.KY ; OO HAS II S l.-XY So has the American Prairie Dog. There has recently been organized at Pierre, South Ihtkota, The Am-rican Prairie bog Exterminating Company. w hich has for its object the exterminat ion of prairie dogs in America. This company evidently means business for it is appointing agentR ever the county to prosecute the work of killing prairie dogs and it guarantees to gel all the dogs that may be on the person's land, or make no charge for the work. If this company can do what it guarantees to do, it will certainly find its services in ready de mand, for the prairie dog is perhaps the worst pest the Western farmer has to contend with at the present li.ne. His nature and habits have made him an animal almost impossible for man lo get at. Catacomhing the ground with his burrows, possessed of a cutuness and cunning which have defied the arts of man lo destroy him, be has practically made himself Ihe monarch of large stretches of western lands which are naturally line for crops and pasturage, but which are rendered by the prairie dog practically useless. The extermination of prairie dogs is a matter of importance to every owner of la tid where they exist. Having once become established in a place, they increase so rapidly that it takes but a little while for them to cover a large tract of land, and land occupied by them has but little rental value, if any, and its market vnlue is incalculably depreciated on account of the town's giving the land a had appea ranee, and it being the home of the rattle snake ana screech owl. People having prairie dogs on their land will find it a paying propo sition to have them exterminated. Hunter Happenings. Our snow is all gene again. Mr. Proctor was a Harrison visitor the last of the week,' J, R. Hunter went down the road last Monday evening. Mr. Christensen was a Crawford visitor one day last week. t, , , m. . . . I rs. Hasset came home Friday and ' wss a Harrison visitor Saturday. Dick Hovev went over to Saw Dust Friday to work a few days. The bridge folks expect to leave us Tuesday evening. They have made one bridge since they came here. Mr. Ulllan and Mr. Snyder, of Running- water, were in our country Saturday gathering a few sattle which have been here fur some tine. The County Superintendent visited our schftot Thurttfcy;- He stayed a Me. ' ' liriMenwn's ftrer niht and went down White R..-r n.x! 'tav. , H , Mit to - rafr.! i i '. i , . ,,, f,), , ent. rMi .Ni.-ot lltat i.ight and stayed over to attenii some ent- tainment Monday night. Ed Hch wart f is getting to be quite a trapier he has trapped two coyotes and one skunk the -.st few days. GoikI for you Ed, keep on trapping! We will have more chickens if you would caUJi ail Ihe coyotes and skunks around here. Monday, Feb. 22, was Thomas Jenes llth birMidiy, aNo George Washington's birthday. Thomas's mamma planned a surprise dinner and afternoon of fun lor the whole school, in honor ol the dav. It was a complete surprise to Thomas; He did not (lint out until thev were near ly all here. The teacher promised to lie present hut failed to appear and 'lara Christensen lieing with her was absent also. Those present were: Delbert an I Velma Rice, Eva Proctor, Mattel Christ ensen, Pearla, Thomas and Birdie Jones. They enjoyed the dinner very much. Some said they did not want any more to eat until - hristnias, but alsut four o'clock taffy and pop corn was ready and Ibev were also. Every minute of time was full of fun and the day was several hours too short. It would be hard tn crowd more fun in a few hours than was had. Music, sings an l lots o' different gauies were made, as lively as possible They all left before dark well satisfied with their fun and expressed themselves as having a lln- tune. Several tokens showed their love for Thomas, Malml i 'hrisiensen gave him a'Cufa little box which she in ide h-rsetf, cover ed with pretty tissue paper, showing both taste and skill Thomas will keep the ii all in memory of the good time. He wishes lie could have another hirlh idiiv soon, hut he will never see anoiln-r one just like this lie was 11, second month and 22 id dar, which was put on h8 cake 2 limes 11 equals 22. All regretid the absence of Clara anil M ss Hanson This is the llrst time their teachers have ever f tiled to bi with them on that day wh'-n it came on it school day We are always triad to have the teacher be with the school oil that day; They ,iKva's have some talks of Wash lug ton for the pupils benefit. U No. I OVER IN WYOMING ? M- W-H-H-M--H--M- Th-v have a boy at Footes'. Still the nice weather continues. Fred Deuel has his barn about comlet- ed T. L. Thompson was a Lusk visitor last week We ir fc.t-.-S . - Ift " - -.f Harrison a-- r.! t.i ; The who tiMig coilfc'ii I.' ' a tliingr I the past in I Ins neck of the wo'sls. Will Rood, who has h-en on the Ridge for some tune, went to Lusk today. The entertainment at the West school houe last Friday evening was a decided success. As ev, rylodv is at tendi ng strictly to their own business, usws are very scarce around here. Rumor says that B T. Hamlin is about to purchase a saw mill; Well, he knows how to make good lumber, in fact the best we have used in this county. We wish him success. - We were quite interested in the dis cussion between Peggy and Ye Editor in Ihe last paper, and would like to see it continue until one or the other is convinc ed that one or the other is wroag. We, for one, are very well satisfied that license' money in the state of Wyoming does not go into the school f'ind. Not because t he money is not just as good as other money, but we have a better way, to my thinking, and that is direct taxat ion for Ihe school fund, but we think with Peggv, that, as long as people will sell the stuff let them pay the penally. Simpleton. A LETTER FROM MBS. E. L RICE. Hotchkiss. Colo., Feb. 171904. A rainy day is a good time to write letters, but as we have not had one since September ss I can remember, it would take several of them to catch up with my letter writing. -But I will begin with the "Press Journal" which has faithfully 1 continued its visits week after week urinLntlK rite news 01 irietius noma kiiiu e ana some Sim, ana 1 nus Keeping me in touch with Sioux Oo. friends. Our winter must have been much like yours only a little better yet. An occasional snow storm not more than three or four inches at any time. One windy day and this rainy one are the sum of the storms. We have not found our thermometer lower than eight degrees below eero, tho' it is properly hung on the north side of the house, and we have consulted it about daylight on most of the morning Twonty on 4t0m b low liifleefi r--r:d Ircm HoUhkiss! tiiit it u ii -ii illy as inncli as ten decrees I 'c-lder.K! h- river. There have been . v iy few M.ornuit." Iwlon Iro The l&h , 1 Mt 111 " ""us" w'timit a BieanU with all Hie doors open uniil 5 P. M. The meadow larks have ben singing for two weeks and I tax robins Sunday. There has lie-ii some sickness which ople try to blame the cqten winter with, but it seems to me no more than last winter, which was cold enough. Typhoid fever and pneumonia are the principal diseases. Rheumatism and heart disease are laid to the climate and Ihe altitude and people sell out and go to California. I doo't know what thev have there something I am sure. A sale of household goods and so on is a common occurrence and it seems to me they all go lo (ailitornia. there seems to be plenty to llll the empty places however and at least one wiio left last fall wishes be was hack here, judgeing from his letter in tlie last paper. The cat tie were only brought down from Ihe range in Hie mountains a couple of weeks ago. A couple of hund red or so are Iteiug fed on the place next to ours ami the alfalfa stuck are disap pearing at a rapid rate. Hay is much cheaper than last winter' about $5 per ton. There has been so little snow in the mountains that everybody is anticipat ing a scarcity of water next year, but as they say this is the usual winter here, it ruav not be so had It is snowing there at this minute evidently. Enough about the weather I am sorrv I have not much else to tell yoo a'toul- and yet I am glad that there - is nothing to chronicle aistui us, for ' it means that we are wtll and have suffered no misfortune. We have added a d-zen chickens to our live stock reduced Ihe pig to poik, which we are enj lymgalong with apples and canna.! pe tches which latter are certainly h-tter than vou have inSimix '., :ti ill I doi.'t, lielieve laid, can produce anything Wetter for a steady di.-t. S- you need not exp-ct lo luar of our moving ii present. Emma L. Rica. BREEZES FROM CSSTRXL CIT Y I'he weather has been i dt cid-dly like w.nter for over four weeks. No snow to seal( of, but wuiier weather just the same. Tlie oldest settlers are getting tired of it, and we know we are. Uncle and Aunt 'lymer arrived the 13'ti. of last nior.th They were headed for the p icillo cast, a id are wailing for Uf t sell out. and i villi Ihein Kessto has riOi heeu out since lie -. 2oh . but she is slowly ga lling. The ground-hog sn w his shadow nil day, so we will have to endure the cold a while longer. A copy of the Harrison Hun reached us last week and we (ind an old friend is at the head. Well, well, so Z-kiel is now Etitor in-s-. d of i ivspoiideiit. Verily Ihe last s'ia.' lie hr.sl. We shall watch with in lest to s- e if he has really found his calluiH. may!! our calling is just ah tntlj of us. Successful revival , meetings have been carried on for sever al weeks, and are still in progress. Are you people in S.oux sending petitions to your representatives to have the Hep burn Boltiver Kill passed? All voting men as well as churches, Leagues societ ies &ete. should help in this gotd work. Mr Editor we want to say Ood bless you for the stand you tjke 111 regard to the saloons. Central city has had legal ized saloons this year been use some voters were made to believe that the children would have to go uneducated if the city could not get Ihe license money Belter let the children o with less schooling than to educate them on saloon money. Boot le;gin is far preferable to open saloons. Both have I een tried here, and the open saloon has done some awful work so many of the ones who vot?d for it are ashamed of the results Prof. Steidley and Miss Harris were in our town Ust Tuesday and evening. His leet ure '-The boy Ood ntnde" was heard by only a few for it was very cold Oh that everybody could hear it and be helped by it. Lts coax him to have it printed, I would like to reud it over and over again. Yes the LsGnppe has been an epidemic here, never saw the like. Urs. hardly have time tn eat or deep. Clio. Chamber of Commerce. Foreign chambers of commerce are of Atistro Hungarian origin; for In 1870 the first Austro-Hungarlan Cham ber of Commerce was opened In Con s' untlnople; afterward similar Institu tions were opened In Alexandria, Paris and London. In the spring of 1903 an Austro-Hungarlan Chamber of Commerce was opened In Melbourne. The English, adopting the example of the Austrlans, founded a Chamber . of Commerce in Paris. The Austrian hare been far surpassed In number of these Institutions by the English, who now have thirty in lorelgn coun- ; tries and 100 tn their own colonics. The United States has Chamber cf Commerce in larle. Brussels, Loa 4bn, 9mUm. Sytfny and gbaogaal. J. H. IjAOY. j We have our buiklmg completed uosr :luU u,vanew sonnlv of irooils. nod wri ! l(leol rijthu LE.VLER IN Lumber, lath, sash, doors, lime, cement, aud buildinf material of all kinds Hardware Farm machinery. Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour, Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I am igent for the Woofl . manse wind mill. Have A supply of pump fittings o hand. Com in and get my prices whether you buy of not. i. E. PHINNEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: Andrews Block,. COMMERCIAL HOTEL OPPOSITE DEPOT. EVEY THING FIRST CLAbS, AND AI L TREATED WITH COUKTMr. Uo.ird Uy IMy or Week. w. b- r right; FISH CUT CF WATER. Marty Specimens Ara at Home on the Cry Lrnd. Many flah cut a much bettor figure out of water tliua ws (Jo In it, though we are accustomed to think of then as Inhabitants of the water only. Vor instance, there Is the "stare about, a kind of goby that at ebb tide walks calmly up on the sand banks erect on two huso fore fins: With hit gigantic gogle eyes he keeps a ahai-p lookout for crabs and such thine s are left behind by the rece-llng water. Then we all know that eels ca wr!ggle, isaal:e!lke, a lies across tha meadows to other pouds and rivera. In Holland orp an kept all win, ter hung up In a net and EprinklM on'.y ccciclocally with water. The Indian "shake-head" la quit hapny even when his native pond dries up. and lies torpid til! the next rairy season. The flying gurnard will keep ahead of an ocean liner going at fu!l speed., and fly for many minutes in quick buo cessive flights of 300 3 arda or so at a time. Exchange. Smuggling In Olden Times. Smuggling was very generally prac ticed In England in former times. A London Journal says: "Hardly a fan lly upon our coastline has not a smug, gllng record. Lord Shaftesbury, father of the philanthropist, sat at dins ner at Heron court with the last of the Hooper family, chairman of cu. toms, when, with a great shouting and clatter, a cavalcade of smugglers wltb wagon loads of smuggled spirits d,RKb ed Into view. Shaf!esbury sprang to. the window and caller to hi host. The chairman of customs sat dow resolutely with his back to the win dow, nor would move until the last echo of the train had died away. When, ten minutes later, a troop of mounted excisemen pulled up at h.a door he was truthfully able to say tuat ho had seen nothing of the law less ones." 8trength of a Woodpecker' BUI. The long, stiff tall feathers of a woodpecker enable the bird to cllnr to the trunk of a tree In an upright position for a long time ar.d bora away for food. The bill of a wood, pocker is often as strong a that of a bird of nrev. anrt In tha mmiiuKy of northern Maine the bill i fm,nrf . its greatest devolonmont Tba, tongue much resembl? at angle worm, and ts very long and ad. mirably adapted for sucking aap, Sometimes the tongue is not only lorrg and brush-like, but barbed at tha point, so that It can Impale Us preyv The feet are adapted for swimming t varlosw wars. Worostt Jbjjf. " mmm m n nmm, 11.,,.,. SI R rr I"; v; I, 4. ."V It 1 4 f