Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 18, 1904, Image 3

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Till- ilitllcullies which -in-iiiiiitTi-'l
Washington when lie took lip pent
trii-t tin coiuiiuin.ler in chief of tin con
tinciit.il finny were must cotnpliciiteil
ami immense. Tin- theiiter of tln inis
pie was ii vast one. tr hi rsi li i-a I ly .
Hn-tcliing Hl.iiik' tin' Atlantic enat from
Miiaclmeol It to South ('uroliuu, while
tin- lic. Ic population vtus mily three millions-
nut very niu'h inciter limn llril
of Ihe State of Mi'liijMn. mi. I iml so
frenl into n million ill I h rit nf Illinois.
Out of this stiinll, tu-iitti'riiis iiinl pcue
fill piipultitioii nil iinny was to In- raiseil,
or-,'.uii.cil ninl ciiiiieil capable of eon
tending with tin' rliirf inilitan inn I mini
time pinifr of tin globe. And it was
not to be a tru:.'!.'le between gin crntneni
and government, between one nation ninl
another. It vim n rebellion, ami there
was really no rem ml nntlmrity, no arm
or warlike stores, no navy, no treasury
r fuifineial system or responsibility. It
wan only a brave nmsl patriotic people,
minll in nunibent, without discipline ot
military experience, without arm nm'
w ithout money, rushing limit bare handed
into a coiilllrt with the mother country,
their ow n government ; il powerful nation
wlitfli bad recently been raised by tin
jri'iiius of the elder Hit lo the front rank
nuioiii; Hie crent warlike nalions of the
world n nation whose military posts mid
IMiKsessioiiN already dotted the fc'Iobe,
whose vi'lorious navies covered ever.'
H-eiiii and sea. whose morninc drum beat
as Webster said, was heard round the
world. It was against such a power as
this thai this l.nndrul of p-iliiolM had
ihnnvn down the cac of rebellion and
Washington is known in history an n
jirnvidcntiiil man; that is, n man raised
up by Providence to fill n Kreat place
mid perform n ureal mission. However
lhin may be. lie certainly had crent parts
and (,'reat nnd peculiar titnrsx for the
must ditllcult and trying plnce which he
Idled in history. lie had had ejperi
.nc' in Ihe previous Indian and French
wars, nnd had proven himself a wise,
competent and heroic officer. lie had
jtreat personal ndvantnien for command,
lie wail of fine physique and imposins;
W 1,1
1 uu i cherry
I.i dg. r.
tree episode with
nr seller, fi sMileiicliil horseman, cnrryuil
with 1. 1 in ever llie ort and nir of mi
thiirily anil native uiajcst;, an nb-..l
So when this noble Virginian iippi-ap.
before that iimtli 'iii ariny ami drew I,
.word as their loiiiinaii'ler under th.. I
Cambridge elms his fame bail iv di
ban ninl lie was received with shunts il
vv -t uif anil "if confidence. '1 In n il
ti.ell knew it Was lo be a struggle to ti l
1. Ull.
llanlly a better instance doc- lntorj
ah.inl of patience under prowM-utioii. '
lodged delcrllliliatii.il lllliler (lilhcoll II' . o
'Tiii'oihiai rable w ill ninl coinage, hold.: i
Hi mi long ami coming out triumphant a
:.ist nvi r Midi iniglilj opposition, Tin -i
,-reat ipialitii's. as we have already f.-n
i.i lon,i;eil lo the man more than to ! i
-ol.lirr. It was iteleeil the Kieat ni t
liehiml the Mihlier. the man with til
.reat iiatriotic In-art. with tin- wise bea.l
,ml the lofty. unshaken Kotil. tli..--roiiKliI
us throim'li that lone ami treim n
Ions stniiTL-le ami save us our (jlot-io ,i
ilaee ami opportunity anion.' Ihe nataais
o other man on this continent but I i
ouhl have ilolie it. tlreene. amotii; til
teneiaU of the revolulion. w-oubl haw
ouie nearest to it, but lie would hau
liut in lookiiiK over the whole field inn
eisird. in Hie Iii;lit of nil the farts in;,
listory. it will be Been that Vutdiiii-fti
nade no military mistaken, that lie ii;
uoved all bin opporlntiities, that h!
renertilslilp will stand the test of rriti
ism. lie Ftrwk whenever he hud tli
dm lire, hi" plans were kmi1. nnd whei
onilielled. bin retmitx were nuisterlv.
The conch which bore (Jem-Re and Mai
ha Wiihhint'ton from Mount Vernon !
savannah has been removed from ll '
premises of AtlKUstus l-'rey ill New Vor
io Mount Vernnu, where it wiil rcma.i
ipreafter as tin example of what a hi-'
lass lnnc-distaiiee vehicle was in 11 i
iKliteentli century. The n h was pa
hased twenty live years a no at the re
etmial in I'liiladeliihia by I'.-njan: t
.lichardson of Ilarletn. After his ib't.l!
w-elve years ago il w as piin h '-- i 1.
Mr. Krey. w ho has had it on exhibit!' I
..er since. ( )riasiona My il was lr w
in proressiotiM, and its iii i"iit
Venetian blinds always nt!rarl'.l all ',
lion. Some time ago Supci inn-ii 'i-i
I lodge of Mount Vellioll 1-allle to N e
York, made a careful ex.ilnin lion ot ' :
coach and prouoiim I it genuine. It w '
suggested to the "Ladies' Assoi iaiiotl i
the I'llion" that Ihey sei-uii' tin- nr '
for the museum at Mount Y nion. a1
Mr. l-'rey notilied Mr. 1 lodge that II
could have the nnrient carriage. 'I be e
hide is said to have been used by Wa
ingtou on his journey to New Ym k f. i
his first inauguration.
modern Tarlttlom. Philadtilphla
I awsu'.. -L V'-s"
a few
'WrccntH of tonflugratlou Wilbuul
Parallal. Ithx-K Aflar Block
llururd. Flam- shout
Ulglt lu Air.
BALTIMORE, Md. Tbe most de
itructite conflagration In tlie liisiory
of Haltiiiiote wcurrtd here today,
rigiutf practically uucbecked duriig
ujauy bouis, cuuipletely d.fctioyinx
ore uf tlie largest business huuits
q tbe wbul saie district, iovolviug
oscS wliicu cautiot yet Ue eiLiimled
is tbe lire was still burning lieiccly
ben LlrflU fell. 0Ut to tbe wlcit!
'xttfiit of tha calamity it will be a
Jayurt-vo beTure even an appiox
imile estimate can oe un-ad,
tliouIi It iscertain tbat it ill reacb
M ix',iKK).
Tbe lire broke out shortly before 11
o'clock Ibis morning la Ine wbolc
sa e dry uoi-ils store vl Jobu E. JlprsI
& Co.,ou liupkius ulace, iu the bean
nf in.- iiiisint-s-i diotikt. with a sen. 8
uf loud expb siotis which were bend
.utile reuiute parts of the city and
ipared with fearful lapldity.
In a hall hour there wcie a dozen
aiu wareboiises in tut wliolcsale Ory
;o ids ami notions d sltict bmnit.K
juicely. The entile city lire depart
aunt was called nut, Lul was uiuny
poAcrK-ss to check the spicad ot the
Palms, which were aided by high
vMmis, and by imou llK-te wetu sa'.agu
tia-s in at least thirty bitf warehouses,
and the coullar.iii. ii was snadllj
iatniK its way into succissive bK.CKS
cast, i.orih, west ano to.iih.
lluiUlluu aTtei builuii-K fell a prej
;olhellains, and apiarenlly thett
as uu ciieck to theooward SAtep
3f UcstructitiD.
On r-jlilinure street Liberty arid
Sharp was s .on a blaze, then ca.i e
the next block east to II nover, and
alter ttiat tbe block on the 0inn
side to Lhaiks stieet broke out it. I
fliuji a, the Cons, lidated Uas com
pany'! building and Oclnn'8 Acam
ua 1 burning ticrcely.
Meanwhile lliere were stores nortb
of Haklu'Ore street being simllari)
cousuimd. Mulllo'g hotel cani; i
and other buildings near it. U-si
of LILit riy street, on the south suit
of Uaitimore the block was duun.-i d.
and the bin Jialtltuure barain hutis
aisu caught.
Resents Action
ST. PEl'Eii.SKUnrj. Althotitl:
the fear was (jeneral bete yesterd i
that the presi nratlon of the Uus-dan
note to Japan m (,'ht be followed b
in act on the part of the Japanese
iuvernmerit which would plunge tlie
two countries into war, the siartlirg
ictlon of J a pa 'i in nervine diplomatic
relations with Russia bi f ire the
actual delivery of the Russian note,
came like a holt from a cl arsky.
It was believed that the receipt .of
the note nnyiit have unni.iskid an
ultimatum, but that Japin wood
serve diplomatic relations, a step
Utile short of a declaration or war,
was almost like, a blow in t.tie lace
under the present circumstances am.
it In resented there accordingly. The
authorities believe III s action pi u-t
Jip.in distinctly in the wtong Info
tlie world, and, moreover after sucn
a "ph ce of Impudence," as It 1 ue
noniinated here makes easy an ap
peal to the patriotism ot the Um.v
slat) people.
Tno news that at any rnnmcni
Japn had drawn the swoid and t.l.a
the lirst clash had occuircd wmdS
not b" surprising. The eveDts lead
liikf to Japan's abrupt acliuu have
marched with great rapidity. The
Uussino note was already In tin
hands of Huron De Rosen, Russian
minis er at Tokio, for the delivery
to baron Kotuura, the Japanese for
eigo minister, when at 4 o'clock yes
teiday aftem -on M. Kurlnn, the
Japanese minister here, piesented
hims If at tbe foreign oflke and In
formed Foreign Minister Lamsdorfl
that his government. In view of the
delays in connection with t"e Rus
sian anser and the futility hitherto
oi the m gelations, considered It use
less to continue diplomatic relatimn
and would take such steps as II
deemed proper for the protection ol
Japan's luter-isls. Io obedience U
Instructions, therefore he asked for
bis passpoit.
HOSTuN. The supreme lodge An
clent Order of United Workman,
brought a bll In equity In the Uni
ted States circuit court to enmpe
the; gtand lodge of Massachusetts U
continue ruikma contributions t
tbe guaranty funrj of the supreme
lode. The Massachusetts lodgi
chimed t'uit the guaranty fund, es
tablished by the supreme lodge for
the different JurUditlons wu unbiw
Filial Maud
Fa.l. ami
I lit
Made by Klre at Job
Hre Wo k fame
Ilay-Cilr Ovrr--t
nnd jlnrk.
HALT1MORE. Haltlinore Is statf
perlr g tonight under tire loss which
on one lias the temerity tu put in
figures, although insurance meo,
t link It will sarely bi over SU0 OJJ.
toj. The Imp irtant commercial dis
trict is blackened ruins, laid bare by
conflagration whicn raged wunouii
k momeutarv check from 10:45yestef-
day until late In tbe afternoon todny.
At 3 u'cl k the city oBlciaU again
breathed. It was agreed that the
II nnes were under control. Tuey had
raged twenty-eUht h mrs iu spite of
aim t sup ,'rhuin in etlo-ts put forth
by the- best tightirjir. which more thin
half a dozen cities were able to
The city U over;ast with gbrm.
The only lights in the burned dis
trict are Uiovj from tin smouldering
f u I ns. Tue only lights in that sec
tion whlob escaped destruction ate
from corner gis limps. The stores
are closed In neatly every street.
The darkened avenues arc full nf
jostling people t liking of on" siib
! ct. Apparently there is ' - ne
cause for gladness arid tha hat
there are no horn -'less. The rei-lerice
section of the city cs-aped. This
ph ise of the situal iun relieved the
oilicials from any thmuht other thin
that of saving properly.
Moves On lineniy.
LONIiON.-'i'lie die Kno cones
ronderit i f the Dai'y Mail cables that
s x'y Japanese tr.nispotts ate landing
troops at various p ris in Korea,
from Masainp') and Fusari, on the
h"urh to Kiinsan, M .kpho aud
Chemulpo on the west.
Seoul is to bo occupied and the
landing Is tiring covered by the tor
pedo dlvisl in. The main body of
tne Japanese 11 et. the con cspoudent
concludes, will sail in tbe diiectlon
of lot t Arthur.
A dispatch received here from Port
Aithursays Dews has been received
there that Japini-se troops have
landel at Masampho.
BERLIN. The Cologne. Gazette
d -Hoes Germany's policy in east
Asia, In an article which Is evidently
Inspired, as follows:
"We must direct our attention to
sre ng that furl her complications do
not arise fmm this quarrel, and that
the regions In China adjacent to the
theater of war ara not drawn Into
the outbreak. We can hest suhsene
this purpose oy a policy which wld
leave no doubt of our fullest oeutral-
The German foreign office has been
pdvlsed that a pottlon of the Japan
ese fleet sailed from Sasho yesterdav.
Its destination is unknown, but is
supposed to he Chemulpo, Korea.
PORT ARTHUR. In rcspmsc to
Instructions from the Japanese, gov
ernment many Japanese saile l from
here for Nagasaki today. Th ; Cil -nese
In Manchuria are greatly exdlerl
and numbers of them are preparing
to leave for Che Foo.
ST PFrEKSISURG.-An advance
(leiachtment of Russian cavalry is
leaving Mukden for Korea. The
Megram from Mukden announcing
the departure of the cavalry adds:
"Russ'a's love of peace has been
exhausted by Japan's detnan is.
TiO'ps, therefore have be -n concen
trated at the Valu river. The Ru
Man troops ate in the hest of spirit.
Ihe Japans everywhere are hurrying
Affairs in San Domingo.
WASHINGTON. -Advices recclv.'
ed by the slate department from
t-anto Domingo are to the cffi ct th t
Ihe Maorales government about two
days ago raised t he blockade of i be
ports of Puerto Plata and San Do
mingo derlared against the United
Stales on February 1, presumably 10
prevent the entry of cargoes Intended
for the Insurgents.
Word reached the navy department
today that the cruiser Minneapolis
had sailed from Giiantanamo for San
Domingo City, where Admiral Wisa
will make a personal investigation
Into HfT.il rs. there. The Columbia
also has left Guantanamo for San
Domingo. The Hartford has re
lumed to Gu inMnamo f ro n Puerto
Plata and her commander repoiti
to the navy d pirtment everything
quiet In that locality ,
Turkey Growing Audacious.
tension is noticeable between the
toits and Iitiliigrlaln connection
with the Macedonian reform plans.
The Uulagrlan commercial agent to
the St. Louis expisltion has been
detained at Adrlnloplc by Turkish
custom r flklals, who Insisted upn
x i nlnlng Ids haggige. Matecf re
(used to permit this examination
and later the porte apologised to Bui
tiarla for tbe error.
Fvtrat Not tii'Ijr Kntiuu, i'.ut Mar
( r ft K a led- ouiiti ! ot i.u
roue Kiirred by N of
Actual WaitHr.
ST. PETERSBURG. An official
dispatch received here says that
J ipancse totpedo boats have attacked
Ihe Russian Mjuadrnu iu the outer
toids at Poit Arthur and that three
Russian ships were damaged.
Adojir.l Alexieff's itlicial report
of the attack by the Japanese is as
"I most resp'-ct fuly inform yoor
majesty that at or about midnight
nf February 8-t Japancs'-i torpedo
boats mad a S'.idden attack by means
of miue; upon the Kti-s an squadion
in Ihe '.)-.;t,er roads of the fortress
of Port Artnur, in which tlie battle
ships Retvizian aud Cz nevitch and
the cru!ser I'allada were damaged.
An inspection is being made to
ascertain trie character of the dam
age, Details are following for your
PORT ARTHUR. Japmese tor
pedo hoats attacked the Russian
fleet (luting tlie night and three of
the Russian ships were baf!l r!am
aed. Thi! Jap iiiesi', who t bus se
cured the liist success of the war,
. scaped ucdatnaged.
Ir. corisi-qtieuvc of the attack by
the .lap inese tort)' do b' ats martial
law bus been ptoclaimed here.
RERUN. A bptciai telegram
from St. Pet TS burg says three Rus
sian ships at Pi ro Arthur were se
verely damaged 1st nightly lorpedois
discharged from Japainse torpedo
hats while the latter were passing
tills harbor. Subsequently a laige
fleet of Japanese battleships and
cruisers appeared hi for-s the port.
CHE FOO The Japanese fleet at
tacked Tort Arthur at midi Ight t n
Monday. Two Russian battleships
and one cruiser were disabled by
The battle was being continued
this mtrning at a range of three
miles. There has been no further
ST. PETERSBURG. The follow
ing ofllcial bulletin has Just been
l-sued In the form of a telegram
from Viceroy AlexUff's chief of
staff, daledFehruaiy fcth.
"Iiy order of the viceroy, I beg
to report that this day at about 11
o'i lock in the morning, a Japanese
squadron, consisting of about fifteen
but (tie ships ani cruisers, app'oach
ed Port Arthur and ripened tire.
Tlie enemy was received with a can
nonade from the shore batteries and
the guns of our squadron which dl.-.o
participated la the engage mep'..
"At about mid day the Japanese
squadron ceased Its Arc and kit, pro
ceeding soul h.
"Our losses in the fleet were two
officers wounded, nine men ki led
and forty-one wounded. On the
shore batteries one man was killed
and time were wounded Tlie bat
tleship IVltava and t he cruiser Novk
each had a l.o!e knocked in her side
below the war line. The forts were
fdk'hlly damaged, (signed) MAJOR
Bryan Gains in Will Case.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. In two de
clsions handed down today Judge
Thayer, lu tha superior court, sus
tains counsel lor vviiiiain J . li'yan,
in certain contentions giowing out
of the refusal of tlie probate court
to admit to prob ite as a pirtofthe
will of the line P. S. Hennett the
sealed letter giving $00,000 lo Mr.
lirjan. One decision sustains a
demurrer entered by counsel for Mr.
Bivan to a pie i In abatement Hied
In behalf of Mrs. Hennett, widow ol
the testator, from Mr. Hi a n'e ap
peal from the pro-rite eoutt's deci
sion. I he other decision overru cd
a motion by lounsel for Mrs. Hen
nett and to her heirs to expunge rr
tslu portions to the answer of Mr.
Pyran to the appeal houghi oy Mis.
Problems For Authorities.
great ore wiiicn ate up property var
iously estimated at iioin $i.,(KiO,om
to $I50,()oO,OIK) (ilowly burning it soil
Out Halt,! more awoke this looming
to tace the ravage question of civic
and municipal readjustment.
Found Guilty of Assault.
Glover, a fcitner Missouii ci ngress
man, who has been on trial in tha
dl-trlct c,i urt on a charge of l iving
ussaulted Sergeant Ditiemo-.o of tin
Colorado national guard with (nlenl
to kill on December 28 lant, whes
resisting arrest by the mill Ma, win
today found guilty or simple ass.ult
by the jury and was sentenced lo paj
iiuu one or s ;r ve s x niotuns in jail.
Sentence waa deterred.
Frank Oreiman and Miss Adelaide
Witgand were married at. PeUrtburt;
Tbe last case of suiallpoi has bees
stamped out at A Ida and the quaran
tine Lias been raised.
A small bridge burned near Mar
keil and passenger trains weie oe-
Li,ed on tba Union Pacidc.
The annual meeting of the Young
Mens' Christian association of tbe
ate will be h id at Llncolu.
The Nebraksa state conference of
charities aud corrections began Ha
ti-bth annual session at Lincola
tiiis week.
The marriage of Miss Sena Jenseo
and Fred Hargets of He mer town
ship, Cumiug county, occurred a't
West Point recently.
Rerescutaiive Klnkaed has reconv
mended tha appointment Of G. F.
Hicks as p st master at N elUfleot.
vice R. Hicknell, resigned.
Governor Mickey returned to Lln
c iln from Holland, where he assisted
iu deoicatlug a church ereted by tne
people of lii-:kman and Holland.
Ileiiry Hartz aud Miss Blanche
Speer of West Point were mairied aa
tue Cotigiegalioual church In tbat
city, tbe Rev. II. A. Hanson officiating-
Tbe Re. Henry B. Smith of Fon
du Lac, Wis., accompanied by bia
family, arrived at Fails City to take
charge of the Episcopal church at
that place.
The Rev. Elmer Cole delivered hla
farewell sermoa as pastor of the
Christian churcn at Falis City to a
crowded chinch. He will gc to
llutchiusun, Kas.
Elder J. D. Lemon, recently of
southern Kansas, has acci pted tbe
pastorate of the Christian church at
Table Rock, and with his family baa
arrived to assume his duties. I
An entertainment will be given by
Ihe pupils of the Nebraska School for
the blind at Lincoln. The uuesta
will be members of the state board
of corrections and charities.
Tte county commissioners at Fir
'bury appointed Frank A. Houstesa
'county clerk to Bll the vacancj
caused by tne death of W. S. Dilier.
Mr Houston has been deputy elerk
for three years.
J. C. Burke, a farmer residing
near Plcknll was injured while
i shelling corn by being kicked on tbe
I bead by a horse. Ills right ear waa
nearly torn off aud be was badly
bruised about tbe head.
A charge of embezzlement baa J net
been filed at Nebraska City against
Archie T. Davis, a traveling ma
for the Morton-Gregson Packing com
pany of mat city. The whereabout
of the man are at present unknown.
Mrs. John Kopp of Plat smoutt
was injured while coast ingJTuesdaj
evening. The sled she was riding
collided with another and in tbe
nilxup she received an ug'y g sh en
her right limb, which required fjftj
'sticlies to close.
Judge Bourne of Beatrice pre- '
formed two marrirage ceremonies
recently. The couples were Jacol
Dumler and Miss Mary Beck of Rus
sie county, Kansas, and R' chard
Rusher and Miss Alice May Pike ol
Bar ties town.
A thiee days' meeting of the Sarpy
County Pou'try association was held
at Papiilion beginning February 3.
Enteis have been booked from
Omaha, South Omaha, Fremont and
Weeping Water. A number of vain
able prizes are olTered.
Suit has been commenced in thi
rtistiict court at Plattsmouth f.n
$o,0iK) by II. F. L'sughlin as next
friend to Louis A. Maty E , John J.
ai.d William F. Pope, minois, against
Geoige Obeile a saloonkeeper at
Greenwood, for selling liquor to tbem
as minors.
At Plattsmouth County Judge H.
T. Travis has appoir.te I Isaac D.
Haimer of Aovca administrator ol
the estate of Buton W. Harrucr.
The personal property Is valued at
$100,000 and the real estate at 8450,.
000. There are four heirs.
The Beatrice chapter of the Daugh
teis of the American Revolution held
an interesting meeting Tuesdij
afternoon at the home of Mrs. B II.
Begole. There were short addresset
and a musical program, after which
a light luncheon was served.
The regular help at the Home res
turant in Columbus walked out oa
a strike Tuesday because a colored
waiter bad been employed. Thi
tiouble was anticipated and anoiliei
force of cooks, walteis, eic, was oi
band to take the places of those who
walked out.
' Harry Priest of Homer has been ar
rested charged with being a f igltlvi
from Justice in tbe state uf Iowa.
He is said to be wanted on the charge
of seduction.
At a meeting Of tbe school boar
at Fremont a auoeessor was elected
to succeed Superintendent Laird,
wh0 was not a candidate far ie-ele
tlon. While It Is not poeltlvelj
hn ... ..i.m.i h i
I erally understood tbat C aunty 8uper
iDtendeot Cbarkee 4jmU tn eoi