Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 18, 1904, Image 1

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    ? r. p
Harrison Press - Journal.
?w ej -sSP e-r ww u fc r
Tb Crawford dalet U Dr. Sjsodlo.
Hay for sal. . Inquire f Alts Lowry.
A fraah barrel of pur sppla cider at
Brt Hamlin u is from Wyoming
Wa ha been having aero wamtbar for
tit put wk.
Mr. bad Mm. Ed Main ar bow located
a Salm Oregon.
Irs Thomas was dowa from Old Wo
flfan crk Tuesday.
0 . II. Turner was doing business
towa last Saturday,
The waat bound train was Ufa boor
and a half lata Tuesday.
Oat la Hihbeln ha m oved ' into
aw rest dance in town.
C. ft. A Bstler is having a tusswl with
the LaOripp this week.
1 Jo fjmphenour left Menday night for
the southern part of Kansas,
Valsntina day has passed and a
Mtoroerof recollection remain.
J.'W; Bartell left ' Tuesday night
lows jd 'other points in the eaat.
t'o. ' Kupt. Borky was visiting the
Harrison schools tlie first of the week.
I. (.'. Orant, of Islsv, Wyoming, he.
comes a rsadr of ths PRESB-Joi'RHAL this
loho Burke his been having a tus
with the LaQrippe for the past week or
W'' EdSchwartt and ClaraChristeneencam
up from Andrews last Friday and attend
ed the hot social.
i-"" Mrs. T. 0. Williams, who has been on
the sick list for (he past three weeks, i
..(roving slowly.
i pVtp-mn glad to announce that Mrs. J
A' Awlaraen, who link beeo quite sick, in
wry ranch improved.
Wriest l. if you nre hungry call on W.
HT Wright at the Commercial hotel an
k will make you happy 4
Wa wtlt try and give our- readers the
latest war new from tine time forth; so
wal'-ii the columns of our paper.
Wi t Johnsen became a member of the
U. W. A. last Saturday eight by the
rys'S'-ias of Woodcraft. Did' you stay
with htm- Bert!
K Lumber of young folks wera invited
t tb parsonage laxt Saturday evening
te h-It. Miss Mabel Zerbe eat her cake
wkii b was awarded her at the box social.
Isks Lsssttv Kro o Ualnlne tsbleu. All
frusgUt refund tb money It If fal Is to
eat, ft. W. erave's slarnaturs Isonaach
V Crawford laformad 'is laat Satur
day hi hi aaw mill had a close call by
"e last Friday night. The Are originat
ed In a pies of slat and got in vary close
fyuaimltjr to the mill.
? iWr-raeivd-a letter last Saturday
, ffaa.'O W. UsUr, who is now Vice
ltreeklaot of tha First National Bank at
Harass. Colorado. Us ardered lb PEM
JfUaLtto him
If eon sul a suit of clothes, or a good
hat ar shoes or boots don't waste your
saoney buying anywhere els but go to
0:iiLA( Htl store aud gat tb baa
fooda-for toe least money.
A'. J. Bof art renewed bis allegiance to
tb P JOPMUI. fof another year last
Ramrday and mad ua a very olaaraot
elait besides "0001 la again Jack.
ar always glad to as you."
AHtnWTo Mr. and Mrs. Hnry Boa on
Tuesday wight a girl. Tliis niakss 00
arl asd thte boya, and we urly con
gratulatt tb paraou upon the arrival of
ttita littl into their bom.
Dr. Lauren Jooea, editor and proprietor
I lb Gordon Journal, made our to wo a
pleasant elsjtt tteo trains last Tucs
dat. lint ia bia Uni vit to liiurisun,
i'mti r trust 11 will not be his last.
Couoty traaaurt Lux having purchased
tha r idaco ofV. A. Heater, Jm will
eaoa bia fawily Into toe o. It will
ba niof oroMiat for Mr. Lux for It is
not t) being away Irooi home, and
be ssTI h iirriel bis lf to liv wiUt j
jjbsy eiisti yy d
Th bridg rang, thtt baa been work
ing oa 1he Rl B. bridge wt of town for
th wb, left here last Saturday.
They mad (rood. sebslanttal out of it,
obs that wHI Uat fir many year.
Cl E Marstetler left last Tuesday night
for a trip to th mack HHI. Mr. M.
interacted in th Lucky Huntar Mining
Co. at Hill City, Smith Dakota, which
plaoa h will visit befor returning.
C. E. Stuart was up from I 'ry last
Saturday and had hi name placed on our
mailing list. He was up to clous a deal
with Co. Treasurer Lux, whereby he is
to nave poaeessioo of Mr. Lui's ranch for
the nest year.
During the year IMS I priced my
breaking wagon to as many as five differ
ent persons, what wa want to Know is
the oa that got it. Pleas let me know
V. A. Huna.
All acts owing the old firm of Mars
teller Bros., and not settled satisfactory
by March lsh will he placed in collectors
hands, and will make costs end trouble.
J. E. MamrnJjnt
Senator Marcus A. Hanna names away
after a struggle of two week with ty
phoid fever. Tl- countrv lows a strong
man, and especially the republican futrty
for in two hotly cooleMs.d Kliticstl earn
puigns he showed the power nnd tart
that only belongs to man.
Mont Burks stopped the use nf crenm
crisp for two weeks and lost live pxiunds
10 fleoh, but we saw him tfoing hotie the
other evening witha box under a.:h arm.
Thlh strong and tiniiliting breitkriixt
food will iilwavs found st lloorrtt &
Davis's. Try a p;icke.
All parties indrbnted to Cbss. Newman
by note, or othrwixe will And nil bills,
snd notes ut tlie Commercial Bmk for
collection. PleaH call and settle all
open accounts by note bankable or cash
in hand and save cot.
"H8 NgWkM
Tli re will be a lutll givm at the - hnll
Feb. 22 in honor of Washington's birth
dy t.Vnie ever body and have a ;ood
time and -ojoy yourslv-s. Oood muic
as usual. R- C. VHfi,
There will be a irrsml ball, on March
4th. 1804. nl the Hall. All are invited to
come and etiiov vournelren. Oood music
M P. Lact
K-William Lncv nr.d family cam in 00
the weal bound train last Monday morn
ing from Danbery lows. Mr. Lticyx
Dects to remain with us and will go into
business with his brother J. H. Lscyi
W welcome Mr. Lacy and family to
our midst and hop that they may like
their new home, and surronding.
I Bodarc Gleanings.
eWm Miller assisted Joho Coffee
his ice bona last week.
"Mr. J A Phipps and family visited at
Mr. Albert Rand's Sunday.
George Brown returned latt wsek from
a short visit to Scotland, 8. D.
Mr. tl. Wickersham and familv ar
expected her the latter part of tb wk.
Eli Zinimernian, who ha been having
a Vussel with lb Uripp. is all ngnt
L Mrs. Albert Rand has bren quit sick
for lb past few wks and Miss Lalia
Harroa la assisting bar with her house
Mrs. Lyons hat sntirely recovered
from bar attack of LuOrippe and was
abla to atteud srvice at th church
Tbos who war booting and wishing
for a mild winu.rarenow just as earnest
ly wishing it would snow. it gws,
w ar never satisOad.
Tf. B. Burks held aarvioss at th Bal irc
church Sunday and a gmalli nuuiber
turned out to hear him. There would
doubtlessly have been more had the
announcement bean mad a lull earlier.
SJohn ' ,IT" nas he is sick, sick of tha
country resuuin, ther are oihers
ami w can s iiipaihit with him 10 this
respect iecially wIim those gotiih
wind that ar wafted a-ro th fUaky
mountaru and sweep along t be plains of
Sioust'o. picking up th huussa and
othvr o sUcls thai seem lu li lu llieir
' way and ar not at all particular where
by drop luaut SualO
Dr. Spiodto Um Crawford daotist.
Hunter Happenings,
Mrs. Christeosco was a Harrison visitor
Mail r)rk Hrook visited home between
trains Monday.
Min. Havdan of Section 87 visited at
Mrs. Bice' Sunday.
Mrs. Iladeo took the paseaflgar for
Belmont Monday evening.
Tdra Jonea cam over from Saw bast
Saturday sod went back Sunday.
Mr. Hull's car is to our burg. They are
goiog to btilid some ow bridges cast.
Sum of hi man were passenger on
Monday mornings passenger; reluming
lu the eveoiog.
UA number of the neighbors met at Mrs.
Rice's Sunday evtning and enjoyed soma
On music, both voctl and instrumental.
4Dick and Grandma Hovey went over to
Saw Dust Sunday. Qranuma will vis.t
Iter daughter Mrs Hagrmn and family
a couple of weeks.
Rumor has it that wa will soon have a
new Depot. It will be nicer than wetiave
although we shall always retain sweet
memories of our little cabin.
We heard Monday morning that we
shall soon hear th merry chime of wad
ding bells but we think it is lib th story
of the empty house, (nothing in it.)
Mr. Brt Hamlin, an old friend nf Mr.
Rices Mopped off of Mondav mornings
psiHsenger, and stayed over until Tuesday
morning. We I rum he is weil pleased
ith our little city.
Mr. ( hrixleimeii in s if the person who
m kindly took hi ax will come back, he
will give him a saw and a aaw bin k, and
il he cannot eel along then, he will
furnish a man to help uxe them.
Panzv Jones ami her mamma visited
school Monday and found til work very
good. Three pupils were ahr.t. We
would like lo see every on there; being
so few none ouuht 10 ie aliwnt. Parents
can not encourage their children too
much in their i-chool work.
U No.
We hud the pleasure last Tuesday of
visit in the high school and intermediate
rooms of the Harrison school, sad we
found everyihintf going along as well as
on hi be ex ected, considering hat Ihese
two rooms are crowded and tlie class
large. We must say that Professor
Morris is doing th bent work that ha
tvec done in tlie high school room for the
pant four ears. He h is four grades,
and all of tb 111 largely attended which
aly gives 15 minutes for each class to
recite, which is about one half the tune
hat high schools use fwr the mine work
The longer recitations should be given to
tlie larger pupils, for their minds are
such that the interest does not beenme
dull, as it would in lower grades. We
say as we have said before, that the
high school pupils should receive more
time than the lower grades for their time
is short in the school room. We don't
mean any criticism on th school hoard
for they felt under existing circum
stance that thev havo done all tlasy
could for this room. We have heard
some-criticism on Prof Morris's work.
but have yo who arc doing this criti
cising ever visited this room and tf so did
vou go with a word of encouragement
or was your presence a rebuke to him
oei his i ki W want it understood
that wss ar not in favor of upholding
any teacher who will not do hi or her
duty, but we d-sire to uffer a helping
hand lo th oae that has an-interest in
our children as well - aa yours. School
teacSaera ar only mortal beings and are
as liable to mak niatukes as vou or I
might, but let us oonsidei for a moment
wlsst they have to ooatend with aad then
consider how much you hu v don to
help them. W hope that all patron
will slaiw as much iaterest in tb edu
cation of their cmldreu as do th teach
er and pupiU theruslvs.
W found Miss Brewster a live and
eoergelic teacher, and while this U her
Aral term, ah has methods, training and
th education which ar th Arst essent
ials for a good teacher, and in Um ascond
plaoa aba dtsM aot fear to carry them out.
W ar sure if bar word coutimt lo th
and of th term aa it ia going now th
auhool board will feel thankful for her
services 11 s 11 Unu-I Mr, ior we know that
sli is trying 10 tejMi-.li our ctiildreii proper,
Kiid if so'iie dou'l i.vni as iuhcm .it iiimv
should il will bu 11 Uiut mi hen Help
and encourage the teachnm,. wou't youf
Wer Bonnet Topics.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bigelow visited at
Jim ilerriain' Sunday.
Ed Scott awl Ban Fmlev attended th
basket auuwl at Harnsou Friday night
and report a no tun.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed C onner visited at
Mrs. Belle Dunn's Sunday .
Frank Scott purchased u An violin of
E l EstUr, for hi eon Ben.
U Mrs. Plutikett and Mrs K.-el culled 011
Mm. j -it"np Hn 1 r j. allr f "i"- Ti,',fir-''
Bohl. JCrvl roped a coyote and killad it
last Wet-k.
Mrs. B-il Dunn and children visited
nil Mrs. Jack Fmley Monday.
I Joho Anderson and hounds and
; Wills eratthS- E Monday.
L Born To Mr. and Mrs. Horac Duolap,
. a baby girl, on Thursday, Fab. 4,
L Will On mm caina Saturday and stay-
; ad over 8und.iv, returoiog to bis school
Mrs. Qaatav Noreisch and daughters
Ouitsie and E nma and Mrs. Sam Knori
and children called on Mrs. Scott Monday.
Mrs Kel received a letter from Miw
! Lilll Harris, our former teacher, who
: is new teaching in Wyoming. She has a
S. 8, starlad aire idy. "Hurrah for her"
she surely has eoergy, spunk and determ
ination. I read that littl item last week about
the W. C. T. U ladies of Gordon, and I
can't understand why that should be
considered any more honorable way of
raising school fundi than by a licensed
saloon. It is just merely begging, and
many a ene will subscribe to such and at
th saros time be robbiag their owo
families, rather than see some neighbor
giv and you not I know I have had a
lilll txperienc in that line when if
you have a licensed saloon the money is
just aa honest as any other money re
quired by law for running business, and
as a general rule, if a town won't license
a saloon, Ilea re will some one sell it with
out liccr.se, which is simply stealing, in
my tslin ation. A saloon keeper can be
just as honest (und often are) as aoy
oilier businars man; but a druggist who
sells liquor in every -and any- shape to
any and s very body are not honest in my
way (if thinking. Then why not. license
a saloon and let the school hare the
beuetlta to have il without license and
no on receive any prolit, and just as
much drinking done. For my pott I
blame the man who drinks aod not the
one who k ep th saloon.
We are rry Peggy can't we the
different in paying in a direct nod
honorable way of educating our children
and 111 licensing a saloon to raise tie
money, I will any her that such a
mode of raisin money is not begging; It
sifiij.ly n'eans: how much art; you inter-
-twtt in tf r eduilion of vour children?
Thi giving I mics Use some one else has
(riven is not giving that is in a true sense.
The object in view determine, a great
deal, whether our contributions are gifts
or not. If a man would rather give 15
cents for a drink of rottut whijkey and
ink chance 011 the saloon man eUticat
iiik his children by licerning him to sell
this st uff to him why the saloon man is
more to him than the education of his
children, 1 will not condemn the man
altogether that runs th saloon, but
will av thai the greater part of th
money that he takes in comes from
homes where it conlil be better used to
feed and clothe little innocent children,
who have no voice in the matter Wi
don't, believe vou 1 lully understand th
difference between a licensed saloon and
a drug slor selling whikv without
license. The man that sells whiskey
without a licence is a violatcrof the law
and knows that he has lobe careful; hut
tlie man that has a license has the people
(or the law) to back him up, aud we
can't figure il out that Gd ever intend
ed that man shou Id ha v the right to
legalize an institution to rob innocent
children of th necessaries of life. His
tory will prove the fact that th man
who drinks whiskey will pay for it, even
if his wife has to sacriHce her clothing
ami food and also that of- his und li
children. W know whereof w speak,
and we may b called upon to speak
plantar, but so long ax Ood gives m
strength to provide for my little ones I
will educate thm from th sweat of my
own face, and not in legalizing by mv
vol or voice a man -to rob the helpless.
TH Cawdloaoy tf J. L MaaWten.
We learn that J. L. McBrien, th cap
able and efficient deputy of Slat Supt.
W. K. Fow kr, has declared himself a
candidal for th offlc of Slut Superin
tendent of Public Instruction, subject to
th action of th Republican 8'ate
Convention. We have this to say of Mr.
McBrien, that should this convention
nominate him ther will b but littl
irubl in electing him, for there la not
a mas in th slat today, except Mr.
Fowler, that knows what our schools
much as does Mr. McBrien. W
know him personally and can say with
out fear of contradiction that his whol
heart is in th work, and that means that
ray children and vrybo!y' children
will reoeiv th eecouragmnt and help
from him that tend to lift them up Ui
the hih unit noble purpom lor wblib
they were created Mait we vtanl 111
our educational woik is men thai are
intureMcd in the srcl are of every dual
in the state, and not 1 1. d to the apron
siring of any parly lo that extent thai
ba uau.'l um. fcuud. ia suy.uu tul lusty.
differ with him politically. Wa want to
ducat our children in a true and un
biased manner, and what we want is the
man or men that have the interest of the 1
educational work at heart, and we feel
that Mr. McBrieo is one mao tliat can
and will do this. We tiav aiet him in
an official way, and his every thought
and act showed conclusively that he was 1
deeply interested in every school through
out III state. W do not attempt to
dictate to the Republican party as to
who they stiould nominate, but we will
say this: if J. L. McBrieo is nominated we
will supp rt him in ever y wav that lies
in our power, for we know the man, and
that means more to us than any party or
politics. Should a new man be nominat
ed and elected it will take him just four
years lo stand here Mr. McBrien does
today. Tha educational work is so
different from th many public offices
that are at times bestowed asgifisamong
the people that we must be careful, for
our children are robbed as well as the
state treasury when a man is elected to
this office w ho is incompetent, or who
has no eiore interest thaa to be a figure
head, and draw a salary.
Th hex social given by the high school
last Friday night proved a grand success
both financially and socially. There was
a short program rendered which was p
hrrciated by all. We must say th sing
ing was unusually good, and after the
rendition of the program 51 ' boxes were
sold at 29 cents each, and then there was
not enongh to go around, but you - could
hear a kind voice from all quarters
"come nnd share with us, for we have
plenty. The Editor in chief nf the PrkS
JotTtSAL, while swapping lies with Prof.
Morris, got left, but not. so with our
sportinir editor and our offiot. devil, f r
t he v each hurt a hnnrlwinie young ?nd
for a partner nnd if thev didn't, fret ttn
lion's shfir of n hat was in their box i
ws no fault of theirs. We had a kind
invitation 'houifh from n lady 'hit had a
well filled box. nnd we nte until i couM
est no more, hut we'll look out in th
'ntnre ewpeciallv when we have th
price of n box. that Professor Morns or
no other Prof, will cause us to los our
chance for a square meal. After the
n venous appetites had been satisfied and
while everybody was in a tood humor
two rakes were bid off. one to the home
liest men tn town nnd the other to the
most, popular voune Indy in town. There
were several in the race for the first cake
hut Professor Morns had a walk away
and he thanked the people very kindly,
telling them that if there was anything
be liked better than cake it was more
cake, and while he felt sorry for the ones
that got left, his sympathy did not go far
enough to give them a piece of his cake.
The second cake Was won by Miss Mabel
Zerlie; stie receiving 505 votes while Miss
( 'assie Gerlar-h received 450. Professor
Morris made a statement before the vot
ing betran that the man receiving the
larirest number of votes would not
necessarily nake him the ugliest, man.
nor would it make the young lady the
most handsome nnd popular that receiv
ed the most votet; but we feel that it
will be a hard matter for him to make
the voung men that voted for MisaZerb!
be he ve that h is not the most handsom j
and popular voting lady in town.
The proceeds of this social go to defray
the expense of Deputy Slate Supt of
Public Instruction, Mr. J. L. McBrien,
who will be present at the Commence
ment exercises of the high school room,
which date has been set for May 21.
The citizens showed their appreciation
of th interest manifested by the pupils
of this room, and we trasl that these
exercises may be an impetus I th
educational work in this place.
If a man has a fif ty -dollar .
bull pup he would look after
it carefnlly and not let it run
all over town at night. But j
if he haB a boy it is different i
The boy is turned loose at a J
tender age to go to the bad, j
and people wonder where the
big army of dead beats, bums,
tramps and gamblers come
from. They germinate from
pure seed gathered at home,
sown broadcast on the street
and alleys. The boys ought
to be given at least a show
equal with that of a bull pup.
A schoolboy in Jewell City,
Kin . win ajmi cnurl to nrenare I
' , . T '
an etsay On the subject Ot !
"Dnck8,"and thi is What UU
. ... , . . ,
wrote: -'lheduokis a low;
heavy set bird, composed j
mostly of meat and feathers.
Htt is. a mighty poor singer, !
We hare our building completed sew
and have a new supply of goods, and wil
ell them right.
j Lumber, lath, Sa&lr, dO0r
jlime, cement, and. building
material of all kind
Farm machinery;
Harness, Saddles, and;
Range goodd.
Flour, Feed, and Grain.
Piint, Oils & etc.
I am i gent for the Wood
j manse
wind-mill. Have a.
supply of pump fittings on
hand. Come in and get my,
prices whether you buy or:
Physician Surgeon..
Andriws Block?
Board lly Day Wwki
having a hoare voice caused,
by getting too many frogs in
his neck. Ho likes the water
and carries a toy balloon in
his stomach to keep him from
sinking. The duck has only
two legs and they are set so
far back on his running gears
by nature that she came very
near missing his body. Some
ducks when they get big hav
CUrlB On tbeir tftllB and are-
called drakes . Drakes don't;
have to set and hatch, but
just loaf, go in swimming and
eat. If I was to be a duck.
I'd rather be & drake any
An Irishman and his wife
were left a sum of money and,
they decided to see the world
Thev went to Jerusalem, and.
the Sea. of Galilee. The
irishman asked his wife If
8he wanted to take a boat
ride on the sea Christ walked.
00) an(j Bae answered . "Ye"
so he went to the man who
rented the boats and said;
"How much do yez charge to
ret a boat for an hour?""
"Twenty-five dollars" was the
reply. "WU, it's no donv
wander that Christ walked,'1
was all the astonished Celt
could say.
Nvr Fr Prom lee.
There is t point near tUo faioour
Stony Cava, In tb Catsklll uviimtu-c;.
whan? lea tray bu found on mp da?
tb yr.
Olvina Alcohol to Chitdr),
vany Frottch mother sirs Hicubt
lrlnk to their children in tbe ieU
tba( It rsahro thoai strong.
Premier GLU No Cly.
The 0QI0 of nremler of Otaat BtiU
In mush. Aowa sal.
Ruy aajat.