Tit Barn 03 Prks-Jjuroil . a iueix, rneniroa liWIOI, VKBEASKA K l-iuduif nc-e U IW rcr 'f in figt lice. It U folly to boast of jour frill before you bare bul.t your foundation. Man. huru and Korea gone and niore broken t'biiut to fx- picked up be fore king. Tbere were only nineteen death due to football this s-a u. The bunting record beat that all to pieces. Mr. Carnegie ay that be piliiu th on of a rich man. One is inclined ts feel sometime that Mr. t'arnesie ei aggerat.s the joy of jovcriy. A riii'ad'!ihia horse ut bis foot Into hia ujnu'.li and it took a crowd of veiei iuaries to unt.iiijrle bim. I-et this lie a bird le wa.ni.ij; tj ou. One of tli iu stions that agitates the man In the stre-t U whether au uexatl n of Panama wou.d bring down the price of hi next summer's bar. A New York preacher liecatue the father of triplet a few days agj. If be can go on preaching pcice on earth now it will have to be admitted that he' a wonder. "Killed. 3.5.M; wounded, 45,477." This Is not the report of a treat bat tle. buMhe report of the I'nited State Intt rstate -o:iiineic? conin.U-ion on the Injuries inflicted by our lallrotids for the fiscal year ended June :H bud. Appendicular surgery in punning Into hititory. Nearly everytiody who can afford to have the malady has paid the bill and the rest of mankind get along very well with ordinary prudence In observam-e of the laws of digest Urn., W. K. Vandcrbllt thinks the fill er!. of preacher should be re.lucid. Mr. Yauderbilt secma to le rather un grateful. A preacher did him iii!te a favor when he wanted to get married awhile ajjo and the lawn of the Church of England almost thwarted him. To fish is to prevaricate. The rule Is Invariable. If Ixaak Walton pre sent an apparent exception it must be reiuciiilHTiil that he wan in reality but little of a fisherman despite the clamor of the fra;eriiity which wouid piwh him forward as its chief est "X euip.ar. A partially demented man In Maine has had bin head completely cleared by a sounding thump on the nkull. This case ought to be thoroughly In vestigated, for if such treatment is of universal applicability, then every !:. in the land should proceed at once tj pit ct or have appointed au oIIl-!al knocker. Seventeen thousind new words, or new meanings of old words, appear In the revised edition of a dictionary of the English language. These -.vers st lected from half a million words and definitions that had come into use since the dictionary was first printed, on'y ten years ago. The language. In spite of its antiquity, does not eeeui to be threatened with senile decay. Events have not justified the proph ecy of those who said a few yearn ago that bicycle riding wan merely a fad, and would soon lose Its popularity. It was the fad of a few, to be sure, but the bicycle has proved Itself bo useful that It lias been adopted as a business vehicle In the city as well as ' In the country. Last year more thau six hundred thousand . bicycles were sold In the United Slates; and in France more than twice as many bicy cles were ridden as In H'JS. Of some 9.000 members of religious orders expe'.led from France, it Is es timated that 6,100 have settkd In England, 1. 100 have gone to Canada and 1,800 have entered the United States. The number of men and wo men who have settled in England is about equal; of those who have gone to Canada the women are Id the ma jority, while those who have settled to tbe United States are uearlj all aien. It Is estimated tbat nearly $22. 000,000 bas been taken Info England by these religions, while tbe sum of 110,000.000 bas come -to tbe United States and Canada. A New York doctor gives a formula for a paste tbat dissolves the hair on I man's face and gives hltn a shave without a razor. Some fear Is felt tbat It may take tbe face, too, but what doea a man care for tbat who bas tried to shave with an old razor that would draw tears from a face of stone? Competent American girls are In de man In tbe Philippines. A business bud wbo lately returned from Manila says tbat tbe supply of well-trained stenographers and typewriters Is not bearly equal to tbe demand, although wares are considerably higher tban la tbe United States. Women of ninny feafionalltles are constantly arriving .n Manila, bat American girls are scarce, fla irishwomen outnumber them four to one, and now boM tbe best positions, llthoagB nearly all tbe "want ads" end vita, "American girl preferred." Aktoff wttb tn expressions of alarm tw tat terribly higb percentage of fcs a rira Increasing prom- Is ftvasi t tnt danger coming Ot wnasintMna carrying of ooa- e are bn-jinrng " a natmn of gun ar rf s." The Majority of cowsrliy ruf fians have little t-wi'Utiu eagne in a quarrel if no weapni is wii.'.in reach, while shall iw headed fe!!o. wh have rw-cive.1 c's;d--sM- i! their education from 1 .ne iwvcV and "nickel iibrari ." are no: only j-i sua led that a wea;xni i ne-e-.i,y To their safety, but tliey .ire ai:xi I r an excuse to "flush a rfiin." IV,i" otficem ftnould have authority L u; press the carrying of wea-hum by irre sponsible partie, even if a legal ci-deut bad to be established, wucb, for instance as would allow- thin to ar rest at sight all suspicions diaraclers In order to search for weapons. Where such were found, heavy wut.-ni-es would do considerable to discourage the practice. It Is bett r to !ak- be roic measures ra;her than to hue homicide statistics which are a iu tional disgrace. The theory of Ir. J. I. ltoliert,.i. expressed before a Chicago uieuica' society, to the effect that the lathing habit is Injurious ami as he .iid a "dirt, habit." an opinion which mad the other doctor sra-p but which toe. could not . i' ntifically refute, re;ni:i an observant man of many that wem qtn er. He N rem uded thu our mouutjin and plains Itidiaus. uh uevi-r bat.he t'M't-pt by accidi-iit. ar rare'y 111 and. l.ar. ing war or accident live to good old age, displaying aggre sive virility and force all their live On the other hand, the natives of ti.' Pacific islands, who are half In time or more in the water, are w.-a! effeminate, disease Inclined and s'mi lived. He will recall, also, that ii C'vilization the children w ho from any cause, either p tverty or iiiclinaTin. wallow In the dirt in city, bnvu aa country are generally vigorous, nhi the pampered children, rich or (smj h are scrulitied to shilling are ll reverse. Tlielr vitali.y wuis t shriv 1 i:p like the skin of a wa-hi r.vouiaii hands. He may recall, also, a curioi; New York experience. Some years a; the authorities, desiring to convhic the slum dwellers of the hygienic vain of bathing and clcunilness in genera and the di.'.isi'-breediiig powers tilth, divided tiie -ity Into dls'rlcts. adjusted as to cotitrti-t as sharp1? .1 possible the districts where oven ro 1 d ii,g and dirt pr vailed w ith tho wherein the ieo.'e bathed frequent and w ore clean clothes. One distt't included the ferrit iry east of Hroad way. south of Tourteeirh street, w ier the population Is denser than sny where tlse In the country anil quit as grimy. Another was the adj.w;i; and less odorous but still fusty re gion west of Ilrondway, mid then Iti districts ran back by degrees in'o the high. airy, ch-anly residence re gions above and to the west of 11 tral Park. They then bok a h.vgi. iiic or disease census by district line, perfectly confident that the showing would be of appalling preva'cuee of zymotic and probably other disease in the shim districts as compared with the others. When the returns were all in and tabulated the zealous workers for the soap and water habit were up palled Indeed, but it was by the fait that the figures showed by far tne lowest disease and death rate in the crowded district east of Broadway and south of Fourteenth, where th-y had expected the highest, anil that the rate grew, thr iugh ail the other divis ions, until It rose to really alarming height in the breezy regions of up town. The east side was never held up to Itself as an object lesson. The reformers took the whole matter un der advisement and pigeon-holed the census. After nil. Is not this matter of frequent or Infrequeut bathing like so many other human habits .nil tustes, a matter of the Individual? "One man's meat Is another man's poison," says the old saw, and any kind of crank would die If fed wholly on good common sensa. It Is tune to iiit. It is time to quit the grumbling. Time to take a hopeful view. Time to drop the foolish notion That the world is all askew; There are lots of blessings yet That the world is booked to get. And tiie good Lord iu his mercy's sav ing some of them for you. It is time to quit the sighing. Time to look up with a smile, For the good old world's revolving In the same old steady style; Wicked people day by day Ciose their eyes sod pass swuy. And there won't be any left here bnt the righteous, after awhile. It Is time to quit the fretting Over trifles that go wrong; Think of sll the joys you're getting. All the blessings, right along; Don't sit down disheartened, asd. Over smsll rebuffs you've had. Fortune tries our spirits often, jnst to make them good and strong. It is time to quit hollering Tli st there's nothing left to do For the ones who'd be achieving; Every day brings something new. Don't give op the hope to rise, Fair ahead the future lies. And to-morrow may be bringing jnst the needed chsnce for you. It Is time to quit the grieving For the good old hnppy days; It is time to quit believing Men are sunk in sinful ways; Still the morning'msy be blight. Still sweet dreams may come at night. Fate has favors for the cheerful, bat our grumbling never psys. . Woman's Home Companies. Metbwf fa Ills Mdaae. Peckem I aay, old man, why In tbe world do you wear aocb a disreputable-looking hat? Eaneek Beeattae my wife has em phatically declared tbat ebe will not be neon on tbe atreet wlta me I ft a new om. Met MALE AND I EM ALE PACKINoj tt ife -"1 UI 1ut Oil' g fcu we 11 e ' tf 11 k'S jou bouiiht a bile you vitrei y." Uusbind '"Kb I didn't buy any. tbinK." "Hut toii had only one mall trunk hen jou left, au"l you have come tiark with to " "Ob! Yes, yoo packed my trunk for me, you know. Wbeo I came to atart back, I bad to b rro another trunk to get all tbe stuff In." A omsn would tatbet be Idolized than understood. m la (he World. F.sthervtlle, la, Feb. 1st. Mr. George J. Barber of this pisce says: "Dodd's Kidney Pills sre tbe best medicine In the world. Tbere Is noth ing as good. I had been sick for oer 15 years with Kidney Disease which IS-jilIy turned Into Bnght's Disease. I was treated by IkK-tors In Chicago, but they didn't do me sny good. Tbe best lkxtor in Ksthervllle treated me for five years with no better success. I heard of IWjdd's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to gire them a trial. "I am very thankful to be able to say that they cured me completely and I think they are tbe best: medicine In the world. The honest, earnest, straightforward eifieriein-es of real living men anil women are tbe only material used in advertising D'sld's Kidney Pills. Due such testimony Is worth more than a thousand unsupiorted claims. The peo ple who have used Ihxld's Kidney Pills are those whose evidence Is wortb con sideration and surely nothing inn be more convincing than a statement like Mr. Ilarlier's. There are Uiousand ot others Just as strong. THK WII1MNU NUISANCE Theie Isn't anything lo the world more disatfieeablo lhao a whiDlne person, lie whli es If it is but. He w limes if it U cold. lie whines at this, be whines al that, he whines at everything. Whine, whine, whine It is Just a habit be bas fallen Into. There Is Dnthing the matter iih hlru. It Is Just a bd hab.t. The hlner is Kenn-ally an Idle pprson or al iztoue VMiat he nerds Is to be set to otk at real hatd wi.ik, rum tul or phjsical. Some work that will Interest blai and engage his whole aitenii' n and he will not have tlm to whine. Get the wlnno out f your voice or it will slop the de velopemetit and Krotl idy iur ldy lt will narrow atidshtink your mind ll sill dnve away your fi iends. It make you unpopular. There Is n tiling life Mattel with fou. Jnst qultyo ir whlnlnn and (to to wo k. NOT MJ HAD DAYTIMK Fllturu I hope you are iuleiislf d in 1 ha crlnK evils 1 f the day. Flamru Well, no-, particularly. I guess If you had twins, as I have, .ou'd be more int" rested In tl e crj nticvils nf the ntglit, also. Phlla d lpbla Huiletin. In Sweden bHcks are laid In zero weather by heatn the sand for the moi lar. Idaho will rruke ao exhibit of minerals at the wotld''s f.ilr tbat i'l cad a teotion to I hat stale's o iderfut rrs"iuc.(S, Her unrivaic J jttnbit of 2-0, (XX) opals is no over s a '0ed by tne report tbat bi(? rilv coveiies of tadiunis hue recent! h-eo mads ' Executive Commissioner hurtt Is arraugi g, fur a display of bis newest wonder. In Cuba aiitetn tons of cane yield one too of snup; in IV tu It requites only twelve and a half. DIDN'T BELIEVE That Coffee Was tbe Heal Trouble. Some people flounder around and take everything that's recommended tu them, but finally find out that coffee Is the real cause of their troubles. An Oregon man says: For 25 yeas I was troubled with my stomach. I was a steady coffee drinker, but didn't suspect that as tbe cause. I doctored with good doctors and got no help; then I took almost anything which some one else had been cured with, but to no good. I was very bad last summer and could not work at times. "On December ', 1902. I was taken ao bad tbe Doctor said I could not live over twenty-four hours at tbe most and I made all preparations to die. I could hardly eat anything, everything distressed me, and I was weak and sick all over. When In that condition coffee was abandoned and I was pot n Postnm; tbe change In my feelings came quickly after the drink that waa poisoning me waa removed. "Tbe pain and sickness fell away from me and I begun to get well day by day, ao I atuck to It, until now I am well and atrong again, can eat heartily, wltb no headache, heart trou ble or tbe awful sickness of the oli coffee daya. I drink all I wish of Festum without any barm and enjoy It Immensely. "This aeema like a wonderful'.y strong story, bnt I wonld refer yon to tbe First National Bank, tbe Trust Banking Co., or any merchant of Grant's Paaa, Ore., In regard to my standing, and I will send a sworn statement of this If you wish. Ton ean also use my name." Name given by Peatum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. . till tbere ar many wbo persistent ly fool tnenMalrea by aaylng "Coffee don't kilt fsM." A ten days' trial o Pootaai m tta piaee Will tail tbe tntk and many time save Ufa, "Tbere'a a raaaon." Look for rne little book, Th Bead la Wfflvirio," m aneb pkg 'I 1 WSil Mikni'nii Popolir? Which of these factors is more x ent ill Ihe progress of a woman's aarch to favor? if a society for jwot-' ral study were railed upon to vote ; u this question. It doubtless would ast Us ballot for brains. Brains make be Individual a isiwer. but no amount 1 Kray matter will render a woman sipular wltb her own sex or with her nasculine critics if she bas no re i'd or the dainty touches of her toilet? Dre-s is not essential to the woman 1 character say some. It is the man k-liiud the ifun who -oun!s. the bruin toiler the bat, the heart ls-neatb the (usage that makes friends and wins x.puSarity. Yes, but wbo .-an x:Unny lie fact that a brainy woman Is none he li-ss brainy liec.-inse she wear a 1.1-oinlnt; hat. or the less magnetic H-canse her Isslice Is well fltti-d? It s the duty of every woman to Is- well Ircsxed and tbe power to talk In cpl ;rams will not excuse a careless i-oif-'ure or slice run down nt the heels. Vor is It always wic Tir a woman's vaist to be as broad as her view. A vom.in is at her best when she is con Hoiis of hsikiui: well, and a pretty own often enhances a good argument. A pretty own Is, moreover, con luclve lo jjrai-lousness, nnd the ia ious woman Is always popular. A s ell t'owned woman Is pleased w ith lorself and coneUeiitly s-'s only the vtlei-tion of rose lined tints In the 'hits of her friends. She is joyous hTM'lf and makes others feel glad. In ler presence trouble Is at a discount lint troubles are forgotten. But 11 ast year's foulard, which breathes of bird times anil cries aloud of frets md frowns, can never put Its wearer It her ease, be she as wise us Min irva. An unlxi-omins garment will roiitant'y remind a woman of Its reason to her charms. She will forget lo smile, and all the attributes of a ra'-lous woman will disappear in her I -licet of disapproval. She overlooks the fact that If you brin a smilinu ris;ii;e to the nU you will meet a I nile. Pi lends drop away nnd the Mini of popularity will pi to her wcil lressiil rival. Philadelphia Kvciiin rtulletin. The Home Without a Hiliv. The lioine without a baby. Oh. what a Inline is that V IViihoiit little lord or holy, to "licre are you at :" Lonl lilexs such regions lonely, with al least Q bit of clici'l", "ind a spark of glinlueKS only si-en when. e'er a Inil.y's m-ar. The lioine without n baby, what a sorry home is Mn h? Where nerves are ne'er kept ready for "li.ily miiKiu't touih;" Where smiles mnl frownx and kices coine not like summer rain. Where pan-ntul griefs mi l lilns met 1 no baby joys or ;ains. The home without a baby. Oh, ti ll it not iu Uath Or Asi.flon. for Uitiylie heart vi-mo-1 t!i .1 woe hath. Il-Ol 4 c. ..).... .1.. .,.. 1 , , ll 111 HH1 .,,11 tit,-, ll'l. I . the desolation dre:-r. tn homes where the preii-tiiler He'!s without a bnhy near. Oh. withered, wasted nm,-ei iibroad throiiKliout the earth. Where homes lire e'er a stran-er to baby lore and mirth, 'Tis b sorry half of life to live, uinl a dre'iry half to die Without a biiby voice to five "(Jood- Mnniiiuf." ami ";i'l live." -Clsrke W. Bryan. Cntucty Cborois. Unlucky charms! The Parisian luis an ld that wlnu all els' falls flies-.-liiut bring her got.d fortune, and s) slie o,llec1n these curious little em blems with an engernit itit often dis played. A round talilil of (told 011 which the ruinlser 13 Is largely marked sirves as one; a similar little 1 1 njue has a large eye upon It, assuredly nu e.-il eye; a peacock's tall featlnr in en ainds; a little bunch of bright green rlolsnis; a liny pair of cnssl kiiivr-M usx tided fr tn a ring; a inliror charm, cracked right aerosw tbe center a 1 1 Lli-e and many others are used worn banging on a ring of gol-L By tiny tuy sre caught In a chatelaine, In n brooch, thrown In the comer of a hand kerchief bag or purse; at night. If uoi tecreted In the folds of a corisige. they' will hang conspicuously In milndi's joudolr. as If calling for the good luck t bas hitherto been supposed it wss belr mission to avert Slnsae Remarks on Corseta, 7. E. Frotblnglll says tbat the mod rrn woman wears heavy skirts, tbe weight of which Is supimrted" by binds around her waist that soft portion of tbe body tbat Is protected by no b.dy walls. How is it possible to wear around this portion of tbe body bands which support the weight of numer ous and often heavy garments? Th; answer Is, by means of the corse;. Tbe garment forms a bridge conuec, ing the Ann chest wall with the firm pelvis. The use of the c rset Is t transmit the pressure of the skirt bands to tbe hips and th? rilm. ami ao protect from their pressure the or gans in tbe region of the waist. Th conclusion Is, that so long as skirl bands are fastened round the wabt corsets should be worn. They stioul be stiller than usually made If tliy n e effectively to protect Ibe a ft, mlddl portion of the liody from the pressure of tbe waistband. Tbe front should be quite atrnlgbt and tbe waist measure ment should be at least as large as tbe waarer'a waiet, meaaured over a alngle. soft puruient. llie abuse of the article coiw-iiv in employini; it as a means of cotuprewiiig that which It was UH-.iiit to pi ite-t fr in compressing. namelv. the sft. middle portion of the besiy. Fashion In corx-ts has of lata made a motion In the right direction, tu the siratcht, stiff front. Medical Press a nd Circular. Mrs. Thompson B. FersuMm, wife of oklilioiiia's governor, is dean of newspaper women In that Territory, having Im-cii actively engaged In Jour nalism for a number of years. Mdlle. In- Flaudre. who has jut ob taint d the degie,- of donfor of wience from the faculty of sciences of Paris, with honorable mention. Is the fourth French woman who lias ever obtain d this honor. Mis Kllen Terry, the popular ac tress, has a pa -ion for country cot tage. She owns 1. ne at Wlnchilsla, Fiigiand; Vine cottage, Kingston Yah-, seven mill from Ivoihlon, nnd another nt Small Hythe, Kent, cue of the tlnet exampli-s of homely Tudor architecture hi Kiighmd. Lady A binder, the mother of the gal lant young soldier who carrinl on so finely the great military traditions of his family, was the first fair Ami-ri-can wbo became a British pciTess. Ibr marriage tis.k place forty yejirs ago. her husband, a Crimean etcran, having met Iht when taking part In the Canadian campaign of Ijidy Abinger bus hi come, to all. Intents and purposes, nu Knglish woman. Slie be I nits to the more tiionghtful and cul tivatiil (" itlou of society and Is very fond of country life ami country pur suits. tlentt ti nn 1 Itenol v. If used persistently enough salt will cure nasal catarrh. A weak brine sir uld be made' and snuffi-d up the no-e, allowing if lo run down the thio.it. There is iioihiiu belter for the relief of fired or weak eyes than to ha I he them with a siiong solution of salt and water applied as hot as It can be Is.Tlle. To i ax- soft corns rub a little oil of pejip' i mint over Hiein. A piece of tissue paper placed between the foes a. 'l renewed eveiy diiy will freiUf ntly cue soft corn. m.e of the most effective remedies ki own for a si. k headache is to place a pinch of salt on the tongue and nl lotv p to dissolve slm ly. Inaliouf ten m i ittrs it limy l-e follo.Mil by a drink of W utcr. A siuipi.- In me i.innly fr 11 hurt! eotti 's a gljciiine poultice. Salurate 11 Sitili- litit or cotton wool with glycer in! ; ni ply ') ti.e coi n, cover with a hi; of oil silk and wrap In a bandage over night. Itepiiit for several HUc- ccsshe nights and the bulk of the corn may be readily removed. A good c Uipiexloli Is best pres-rved not by lotions nnd powders hut by li al.I ful exercise nnd etitlng. Kvitv girl siiot'ld Itiive at least two hours' ihysiial exercise In the open air each day. If she be a hiistmsK woman and Is cnn.'lned to Iht office during the day let Iht walk to and from her plaef of huli!fp. f-'lii' should walk with lu-t shoitldcrs well back and steji briskly on flic bull of her f'sil. Chs-r U p. There are three class of women those who whine nil the time, thost who are bnive when there's no trou ble in the air nnd howling when there Is, nnd those who are fine and s-plen-dd all the time, filled to the Isrim with dandy -ourag and ready to help all the world if ln-ed be. To Oils class Inloitg the human life preservers, the mortal poultices, the living comforts and solaces. Most of us are the sort that fly Into the clouds over a hope and dash down Into the dejithe at a single fear. It la balance and lira Ins hat most of us need. What's tbe use of all one's line beliefs If Cuy Jon't stand by one In the supreme mo ment of need? Fair wee t Iht brav ery Is the kind that will always rub iff at the flrst (ouch of trouble. Now, 'o which of these thre classes will yon bel ng? Come, be a good fellow, snd 'oln the brave of heart! You won't be h ippy until you do. Chicago Kecord I lira Id. A Colnnv of W mrrt On It. On a srnrtll lsl.md In the J reek srchl ;ie!Hgo there Is a colony which Is com ,Kewl entirely of women. It Is sort of i re:i;d .uh order, which considers It a l!HKi B-'e for one of lis members to even oik ut a ninn. Ko whin a fisherman 'iiroiicln'S (lie Island tbe women pull lu gray cowl of their conckt over .li.-Ir bin Is and turn their backs. I'ro ilxlons are never Imported, ss the wo men raise their own products, being tibt reparians. Only the matron, h i Is iinnunlly elected bead of tb olonjr. Is ever allowed lo leave tbe inlai d. The others remain on tbe Isl and nil tlielr lives, taking their turn at tilling ihe soil, washing, housekeeping and flsbtng. Coaataat -Mn- Back acbes al' tbe time. Spoils! your appetite wearies the Ixaly worries tbe uiiud Kidneys cause lt all and lioan's Kid ney mils relieve I a ... . I elllU tUItT IU fcsnsnawV - M U. B. McCarver r J of 201 Cherry I street, Portland. Oregon. inspector of freleht for tbel Trsus - Continents' Co.. says; "I used I Ikiiu's Kidney mis for backache I and other symptoms of kidney trouble which bad annoyed me for monUis. 1 think a cold was responsible for tb whole trouble. It seamed to settle In my kidneys. Doao's Kidney Pills root ed It out It Is several months since I used them, and up to date tbere baa Iseen no recurrence of tbe trouble." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Fos ter Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. T. GOOD ENOL't'ri UJCATION Sttanger "Si m to me tbiav crowd d street is a queer place for n hospital." Native "Well, I don't know. To t'OlW ll'es meet here." Looking for a Homo? Then why not keep la view the fact that tbe farming land ot Western Canada sre snfllcV-of to rapport n. . n .1 n itfm nil) nuwl The lmmli;rlk.n lo Wesiero Lsnada durios the pul in veari bas beeo phraomeaaf Hcrnestetd Lisdi canny acre t ible . nd othw UntU mmy be purcrmwd from KitllwaT and Lnd Compo Wen (era Cnada'i cram laoda product mssrvrl) cror.wb(W the trrarlnir Un3 contain aJl Ute nutntn-e quatittr tor fmt trning Caitde nod other stock. Rurkttt. Rrhawla, Nasllwa tnnitl sal tkir rdl t less Baths IVMtera (a m s drlrlil !( fortM Isuaia) errkrr. Write to the BapcTtotendont Immlfc,THnn, Ottawa, (or d criptive Atlas, and other Infor mation; or to the aathortaed -w Toik tl'. rid..0Baaa. VK A tnn (In not. clfti V(-Uf (IifiUth I nayinc lioitoy so yu nt not prow ri n us ny m'umv ihkiux oi firuo -Ivan i'a' i". 5. HAAM AA HllsIIPl FOR SALE .CHEAPO Lar tnt ieed fciau grotriut th$ korUf K:vant Vwk. Trf nrwton ywirta, rom 4 to jowi bu-iiem ,sr acre, FOR 10 CENTS nA iMn not we w wrid yn lot of farm -niift"i arid tt rMiettoju. UMiinf aJla.ot Tniatnttt . Htix ArW I Ann Ititrtr. .MaMmroiii w h-u. iirrmua, Karli4it L'aue. etc twod tor name totiar Put tp in Collapsible Tubes. A 8ihtltnUi fnr anl Hapeiricrr to MmuH or aab $ hr pi -Mar, and will art blinnr the m iA dmleata -kio l'h t'in ! 11 idk curative ianlitiM of Ut' ticla am nroixUrf ni It ntlll o tb looUUMa at . nnd rtlvt. tim1Khli(l ftrlsTtfc. rorfiiBin't tl a tn lwi n4 ajifeaat aslanei -onntar-irriUtnt known, a io mm an aitaroaj mwseMlf tm 4aio In Lb chawt And nwincb ad sUl rhwaaiatia iara!rtc and gouir wsii iHia A trial will prftea tit ciaim 'nr It, an 4 It wttt W toaiid to Isa iutaiuitbi i-t i ha b'Wi-e-koiH. Maaf ymtpH ay "It in l ha l-nat of all rmir orai -ar- mot " Prioa l&ranta. at all drunrnjlatn, or trtbvr dralara. ar ht ejorfina ibm amount to oa lo pomif mUkUtv, a WVJ ern ion at U bi mail NoariicLambouid t ao- bj iiaDabHaaalawtW amaoartiaaonr labal.aaothatwiM U la aot aanatga CiitStBROlOn MAMTACIIRINOCO 17 Stte Street. Mew Verk Cltv. In Cailfiimla a great, cij Is uoitig up for h inos to harvest tbe big grain and ffuit crop i b Is year. Thomas 0. Trueb'ood, profewior of oratory at the University of Mkbi am. acc mptnlel Ihe MicblgKn de biting te;nn to Minneapolis for the I MebHte heteen Michigan and Minne sota. Jan 14. fie gave a Shakespeare 1 cture recital at thu state normal school at Cedur Fulls, Iowa, and on the tetu'n trip, he lectured at Go College Cedar Ripld, Iowa It is esUnia'ed that there are 1,20 tunnels In the world of BJmetblng like a ttsl of 600 ml lea. Big Risko I Leas of Tlma, Loaa of Maaaa Lf" Plata. Lota of Camtal all follow la I ha Iraia of sol ask I St Jacobs Oil for Rhemmatlnnm. Naurnlgla, lmmlmm. wcsatioa. at-aUas esraras. Pitas ate. sa sW i Jl 1 r i I V n I ll I II r tf1 I I ja7"w IBB ICViaJ I W V Ilnnl. BCI I rv 11 1 fidi i jjapsicuiit Vaseline It M