Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 11, 1904, Image 1

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    ". - 4 . ,4
The Crawford dent ml is Dr. Spindlo.
Hay for sale. Inquire ef Alex Lowry
Henry Rose wag up from Hewitt last
A frewh barrel of pure apple cider at
Robert Porter returned to Wyoming
Gold has been
discovered at Sunrise
Sheriff Lnwry made a business trip to
Crawford thin k.
Earnest Lyon nnd wife were up from
the lower 33 ytrklerday.
Mr. Henry Warneke came in on the
west bound Iraiu Monday from Ft. Collins
Omar Hanson, w ho has been working
in the telegraph office at Casr, is at
tioiiM again.
Baltimore has hud a nust disastrous
fire. even more loss of roperty than the
fire l Chicago.
February has been pretty snug winter
weather so far, with the exceptions of
one or two day.
W.L. Hoy t. was down from his ranch
uear inuutwii a.om.ny , anu rememuercu
... r . ..ti if i j l .i
us with a years subscription. 1
We barn that h cyclone passed thru
the valley near Montrose, destroying
Christ WHSserbtjrgers bruise, and demol
isoing Jake Wasserburgcr's kitchen.
Tnke IViutive llro o Wnlntne tablets. All
dniKiflit roinna tu money It If falls to
eyre. K. W . Grave n l(iiature la on each
tot. V.
Sv U No Vol in'-, s-ale di'ii't lose nny
tTOre slup i'tntit tin n usUi.I.e. To
bights isenoiigh.
I No.
Ct, Tlerk, Pontius has been troubled
w( tlie neuralgia in bis teeth f'.t the
pnl week. He sav it may all lw in the
mind but he is Mrorrly of the opinion
that Ibis Is in his teeth.
If you want a suit of clothes, or a good
hat or shoes or hoots don't waste your
money buying anywhere ele but go to
OF.fiLAf'H'8 store and get the bes
giKjds for the least money.
J. E CJ. Hunter was up from his ranch
near Adelis, last Tuedav, lie mode us
a pleasant call while in town and inform
ed us that our old friend. J. G. Morns, is
at 8t. Barbara, California at present.
Lost A horse collar, belween F C.
Meyer's place and Bodaic., Please leave
at the Journal office, or at Meyer's black
smith shop and obliged.
J. Meyer.
I will hold services at the Bilarc
church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
February Hth. 1904 everybody cordially
Invited to attend.
J. B. Burke
During' the year 1903 I priced my
breaking wiigon to as many as Ave differ,
it prsons. What we want to know is
tbe one that got it- Please let me know.
V. A. llE'TEB.
There will be n ball given at th hall
Feb. 23 in honor of Washington' birlh
day Come every bxly and have a good
time and enjoy yourselves. Goo. I music
as usual. K. C, Uuns,
H. T- Zerbe, of Sioux County, arrived
in Crawford Friday evening from Emer
son, Iowa, bringing by Irelght from that
pi. ice two fine stallions one 8-year old
bay Shire weighing 2.000 pounds. r.1.ne
year old black Percheon, weighing 1000
pounds. Crawford Bulletin.
Ftbraary 12
The Tenth Grade will give a short
musical entertainment followed by a
hs.kel supper. The object is to raise
funds to pay tbe expenses of tlx)
; oniiwncenwnt May 20. Deputy Blate
Kiir Jltendent McBrieo will be with us
t make tbe Graduation address. His
Ctrniop''vill necesswrily entail a small
Mpenise. -Thl with other incidental
ajxpmsuf., lb Tenth Guide hope to raise
t,y thtir on effort W earnestly ask
all pa'ronn help us In this our Orst
llaJ0KU efforts
4i i'M4' M'!r
All act ow jug the old firm of M ir
teller Bros., and not nettled satisfactory
hv Miri h Int. will lie placed in collex-tors
hands, and will make costs and trouble.
All parties indebeted to Chss Newman
bv note, or otherwise will flnd all bills
and notes tit the Commercial Bank for
collection. Please call and nettle all
open C4Mint by note bankable or cash
in hand and nave costs.
Chas Newman
Miss Susie Tnper, formerly primary
teacher in the Harrison school, who is
new in the primary work in the Gordon
chord, we are (clan1 to my is giving
excellent satisfaction ns a teacher, and
while deeply interested in' her pupils
there (the has not forgotten her lust year
pupils in Harrison.
Eatrty Notice.
Strayed front our ranch fifteen mites
east of Lusk: One yearling bull with red
white face, branded C on left juv; One
yearling steer with red whi'e fan ,
branded .-onnert.d Ml on le(t side A
reasonable reward will be piid for 1 fr
matinn leHding to their where-n louts
Wt'NDRR BrtuH. Lusk, Wyoming.
Last week 'harl-s Newman sold or
traded his entire business to Charles H.
Unitl for his stuck and ranch. Mr Unit!
wi ,.m,,jnn ,,, miMH ,
th same
old stand and will carrv a lull slock in
his line Y.s regret to s-e Mr Nsw inan
L'o'ini of business as he has umite many
Iriends and has the entire cmll lence of I
all, tint we wish him snriws m Ins care,
iug and looking after his stock and ranch.
George Gilmore and Miss Millie Cheney
wvre uinrried on last Tueadai , Jmle J.
II. WilherniHi'orfi r i lllci.iling. Mr. Gil
mere is one ol Si .ux county's young men
and h.'s made a comfortable home for
h inself and hrido. We are nnt acquaint
ed with the bride, but we can, safely say
t(jt slie has made no "ruisinke in " her
choice in a husband. The PntJVS-JofRSAh
wishes this young couple a long anJ
happy life.
Mr. Charles II. Umtt has moved his
lannly into his new home, whic h was
formerly occupied by C. II. Newman,
and on Monday last he took charge of his
business. Mr. Unit I , or Ch it as he Is
usuallv called, has many friends, and we
feel sure that his business venture will
meet with success, for he ha thequalid
cations that (It a man to do business
wilti the public. We wish linn success
and introduce to the public as one worthy
of their patronage.
The Loafer.
We all like visitors and are seldom so
busy but what we spire and enjoy a few
minutes in visiting and discussing things
in a general way, but when it comes to
a loufer we draw the line, and say his'
room is better 1 ban his company.
The loafer has nothing to do, or don't
do any thing, therefore he imugines that
other people are like himself.
The print shop is a busy place, but,
never too busy for visiting friends and
for such our latch string always hangs
on the outside; but for ths man or boy
that has nolhutg to do but to loaf we
kindly ask you to pass on.
Still the fiuo weather continues.
Mr. Children went to Lusk on last
Tuesday to have an offending molar
extracted. -
Roy Boy les, Tom Eldridge and Earnest
Deuel visited with Roy and Tom Zuui
Hru nnen Sunday.
Mr. Hamhn pullmi his pump on last
Friday aud expects to pull it agiin to
morrow. Fnote went to L isk on, Si unity to
prove up on his homestead; H. J, Church
and J. A. Deuel went with him as his
Pulling pumps seems to be the order
of the day at present: Andy Christian
pulled his pump Monday and E, Foote
also pulled his pump and had the mis
fortune to drop four points of pipe into
the well and has been Ashing for it all
dav Monday hut without success.
Hill Shattohad the misfortune of hav
ing a valuable young b jrse cut quite had
with barbed -Aire
With extreme cold weather in the east
and lots of snow and sudden change to
ntln and flod and a change to cold
freezing weather again maker us believe
ihat we sure live in a banana hlt..
Ir. Spindlo the Crawford dentist.
We learned while in Gordon last week
' " C. I. U ladies .f that plate
were circulating a utcnpti jn paper
that they might meet the deficit in the
school fund. Tlie saloon men lay great
sires on inn one irntiif . that ulii
make p:entv of school money. The
ladies in this move are in the right direc
tion, and what we want is more such
people, ahd all that iielieve in educating
their children with honest money should
contribute freely to this kind of a way
of meeting a deficiency and there
in' takeaway all the excuse - they have
for a aloon. Will the ladies f other
town pattern after the ladiee of Gordon?.
We ho e that tbey may.
Last Friday evening a number of
young people were invited to the home
of Mr. aud Mrs. ('has Newman to a nut
party , and a good many were present,
but there were lots of nuts left after all
h id what they wanti d. Itisseldoni We
have nut parties in this part of the state
but when we are at one w ) take advan
'ici'l iiieio bihi uo our oesi. I
rik .1 . .
getting rid of I he nuts After we got
through eating nuts we played games
until the hands on the clock printed
st raii; tit up, then we d -parted for home
wondering w ht-n the next such party
woul i la Mr. and Mrs. Newman moved
away from tier. Mond iv, hut ther will
long be remembered hv the folks w ho
a I tend, d the nu' pirty, and t anxiously
await the next one.
Carey Items.
Butchering is the order of the day.
There you folks who have liei-n propli
es ing no winter, how does 24o below
z-ro strike ou? We twld you so."
ir Kn hards was called to
Fullers List Wed'i.'sliv S i- was a ote.essat.d sf-'f look the team and Wi ol over
sick but is better at this wr ting.
ll i,,i... ..n. I st vt ... in.
la mi lies x pect ! move soon to !d-i mini
Nehr. w'.re they are interested in
mail contract.
One of Fred Beamnns houses at the
sawmill burned last Tuesday. The
house was occupied by Ben Fellers and
family. Thev lost neatly all f their
furniture and clothing.
(Jo. Treasurer LuxV family txrd
move to Harrison where the cluldian
will have better school advan ages,
Cli.iHey Stewart ha rented their farm.
Hunter Happenings.
News is a scarce article in these parts
and the city is very quiet.
Mr. J R. Hunter is visiting at home,
some have heard.
Lonm Lewis came home from Sawdust
Sat uHay.
Tommy Jones was on the sick list Mon
day, also Eva Proctor both missed
school Monday.
Miss Hanson went home Friday even
ing, coming back Monday morning to
her school work.
Several neighbors met at Mr. Rice's
Sunday evening to sing. More would
have l-en there only It was so cold. A
pleasant evening was spent by those
present. Jt. was nice to have hymns and
music when we are so far from church.
L-t this good work continue.
Robert Lwiscame up from Crawford
Saturday and took dinner with old friends
on Pott Hill. East Andrews.
Mr. nr.d Mrs. Hughes visited Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Deister Sunday.
Mr. Mcintosh, of Harrison was on our
streets Sunday.
The Iwis boys tok a bunch of cattle
to the place at Crawford Mdnday.'
Our pretty plants that we coaxed back
to life and beauty after the early freeze ;
took a bad cold Saturday night, which
(.aiiiIIaI inil.ulh tt nuiolv u f u . i ......
. .
We shed some tears over them but to no I
iiirnose thev are trnne and we will l.rv 1
I T J D - J
Miss Eva Proctor is the proud possessor
of an organ. Won't we have music now?
Mr. PrK!lor plays the violin, with Eva
at the organ ; here will he flue music
sin. We think here is nothing much
nicer than music and songs in the home.
Guess we will have to nay a few words
about our trip over lo Sawdust. We left
W? . A JiA. m. .. U..s ml. . I. O ..l. j.. I
" "" """""" - -' i ,
auernoon. tnewino was pretty coin i
until we got in sight of Harnsoa. then it
went down.' Mr. Jones took ' us down
t.lwir new road which saves nearly three
miles of travel but " was lovely. When
we got hi the trees one plnce he had to
china the wheels the hill was an steep,
hut we got down safely. When nearly i
al the liHit of thfc steep hill we naa a 1
drop of nearly two feet utraidht down of j
rock. We did not remamher the road 1
until we were nearly to the Knori place,
then dear old familiar trees and other!
, . . . t . i
land mirKsrerainoea usoi wr,en we usea
to live in the carry ons we think they j
are lovrty hntti swrnrt and wrntr, (W!
would like to live in them hut must
forego tlw pleasures for the tenth of
r chiidr,-n who .hum be kept in school.)
when we arrived at Sawdust everyone
wall K,aa iQ UH 1(.t.rrut firrg Hnd
' ilgUu wlllwi U!1 sjnp,,er was soon
j over and every one b-m.r tired were
tmn i.Ui, I. .it n i- ,u.i.
soon tame
and the alarm clock called
get up
Everyone was soon up and at work
breakfast was over and the men already
for work by daylight. It was not long
until the whistle blew which let us know
tney were ready to saw. As soon as the
house work was done our hostess, self
and all the little folks Went to watch
them saw; It remind -d us of old days to
see the shilling saw take nT nice smooth
hoards la-fore me. Wasn't there many
minutes until we were told to chop wood
for the engine Of course we had to
mind and the sticks of wood fl-iw pretty
lively for a moment and had cut enough
then and hi we went over near the s;iw
then the vawy-r told us to tend the levr
of the saw. We were a little a I raid of it
but he t-aid it would not hurt us. so we
1 did as he told lo and n ilid on t'ne lMvr
i r
soon a nice Is ar.l left the log then
we pulled hack on the lever anil sent the
log carrier so fa.- hick it nearly left tin
track, but a push soon brought it to the
paw again We soon learned it and lik-d
sawing la-tter than chopping wed. Ol
course we had to thro a few er'gmgs
over the lielt and I urn on the water; lie
lore we Knew it w as dimiT t line, so we
left fir the house Just as dinner a
in arlv ready the wind came, my but il
blew things rigid an I left. It b came so
daik we thought we would IliVi to hgh
the I imp, hut it soon g it lighter. The
day quicKiy pis-ed away and evening
found everyone t-ted hut. h ippv; It also
brought Mr hii.I Mrs Burl Archerd nnd
children ol H uitli Hunter. - Th-y staved
I overnight Tuesday morning our host-
to Mr. ' ant's titer some vegetables and
I had a very pli-asuit v.sji thnr then we
burn U bom. , ,,n I in a sh irt ti n. .
and Mr Frank L- vis of L-wisbiirg
place came. We were glad to welcome
Ihem to Sawdust. As soon as Mrs
Lewis got. warm we all went to watch
them saw. This Is-ing the flrst. time Mrs
L-'wis ever saw a sawmill aj work it
wa.rtiue a igtit toiler. e could not
sti.v long as it was dinner time t-gain,
lair a'ter t h. dinner writ k was done we
were there again and she tried her hand
at saw ing and did a go.sl j ib. The day
passed all too soon. They had to go
home to their' work. It was Mrs Lewis'
birthday and she was telehraiing it
so it. was er.j iy,thle for all, and we hoe
for many more "Oh hear," we wish
we could write all we think about our
visit but are getting a lilt le bit afraid of
the waste basket, so will not say much
more. We hd to come home Wednes
day as we promised the little folks at
home we would, so they stopped the
mill t 4:1-1 and Mr. Jones brought us to
Harrison where we took the train for
home and he went back to Siwdust.
Had a most pleasant visit: PearU was
at the, train glad to see us, but they did
so well keeping house they would not
have cared if we had stayed longer.
They certainly did fine for it being the
first time they ever stayed at home more
than "v day.
We welcome the new Editor of the
Sun thank him for his good wishes to
the Press Journal, and regret to lose Mr.
Wrights, but wish them success where
ever they may go. We worked for the
Sun two very pleasant years and it is j
through no fault of mine or Mr. Wrights'
that Andrews Sunshine is no more. He
was a very pleasant Fditor to work for,
a preciative of work sent hnn and kind
to us always.
U No.
The preacher was apparently about
tj'ty years of age, large, muscular und
well propiirtioned. On entering the pul
hi, 1 ,u tmtU t.n lutf nn.l .anil ln.n.f- it a m
nail behind him, then opened his collar
and wristbands, anj wije-d the perspira
tion from his face neck and hands. He
was clad in siripea cotton nomespud and j
his shirt was of the same maUrinl. He ,
bad traveled several miles that morning
and seemed almost overcome bv the heat
But the brethein sang acu iple of hymns ,
while he ws fanning and cooling off,
Hd when he rose he looked comfortHble j
i I
po-a na.urea. n. tiaa preacneo
there once or twice O-fore but to most ol ,
the audience ha was a stranger Hence
he thought it necessary lo announce him
elf which he did as "Old Club Ax Davis
Urnm Striven Connty, a half hard and
j half Soft Shell Baptist."
ol h,iv given myself that name." aaid
i,. "because I believe the Lord elected
me from eternity, lo go ahead lO'the
. ,
Uckwoods and grub out a plh and blste j
the way for other men to fallow. After
the thlck-tst of it is out away, a good, '
wirn, Methodist brotner will come along i
and take my trail and msRe tninirs
lUle smoother and a good daal noisier.
After-all trw iMWlef hWsTt hi eleaiw' oertr
and the owls and wolves are skeered huik
and rattlesnake is killwl fj, a Presbyte
rian brother in bla.k broadcloth and
w hite cravat will come along and cry
for decency and or.ler. And they'll both
do good in their sphere. I don't despise a
l..-.o ....... ....... ...i i... i
. .... .ft iimn, v.cmj "iitu iku'iii i oresa aim
think as 1 do. You couldn't pay me
enough to wear broadcloth, summer nor
wmuir and you couldn't pay I'resby terian
ia-other enough to go without it ,in dog
days. "God didn't make ug all alike, my
brethern; but every man lias his own
sphere. When God hits a place to (ill he
makes a man and puts him in it. When
he wanted General Jackon, he made hnn
set him to tightm' Inj m- and the Eng
lish; when he wanted George Whilelield
he made him for to blow the gospel trum
pel as no other man ever blowed it ; and
when he wauted Old Club Ax Uivis, he
made him aid set him to grubbing in
the Isu k woods.
"But my shell isn't so hard hut. ( can
see good p'uits in cv ryhody; und so for
the rresbv ten ois, ihey are a long way
ahead of us Bant ists and Methodists in
some thfngs. They raise their children
better than any eopie on the fa..-e of the
earth. Only a few dajsugoa Methodist
ciass-ieauur said to me: mother l ;iud Ax
, .......
i was oorn a aiei ikhiisi , i was raised a
Methodist and bv the grace ef God I
hope to die a Methodist, but thank God.
I've got a Presln terian wale to raise my j
children.' And I believe my bred hern ifj
the L..rd should open the way for m to I
marry again I'd try my best to find a
Pie-sby lenar woman, and run my!
chances of tn -akin' her in to the saving
dm torines of feel witsbin' and dinner, ion .
alVrwaids "
Just at, this point, he was iiite-i-Mpted
by two spotted hounds that, had been
continually running up and dou Hi.
pulpit stairs. One of I hem jumped up
oiilhes-at and bean to gnaw his coin
lull, in which was something he had
l.roughl home for lute In-on. He turned
si .wly around and took the do by tin
ears , mil t .il and threw Hi,- dog cut, il
t he w hd iw U h nd Into ,is .-,tsv s h ht
Ivullh'.n a kitten The o li.-r .-minnl
look warning and got out as rapidly as
possible, though not without bowline
and yelling as if it had b-en half killed.
He then turned to the nudu-uce and said,
smilingly ; "St Paul exhorted U brelhj
ren to 'bew"are of dog's ''' I wonder what
he wou d d i if he were in my place this
looming? It appears like I um com
passed about with dogs, as David says he
w as ."
He had scarcely commenced preaching
again belore there was a terrible squeal
ing and kicking among the mules and
horses that were tied to trees close by,
He put his head out of the window and '
said: "No harm done, my brethern. I
Just a creat ur with a sidesaddle on has i
broke loose. Will some brother bead the.
aounal? for no sister can walk home this
hot day."
Quiet teing rfsured, he continued:
"Well, my brethern, I will now try to
sav what I allowed to about the Presby
terians. As I said before, they raise
their children a heap better than we do.
They liehave heller in church, and keep
Sunday belter, and read the Bible, und
learn the Catechism better than ouisdo.
I declare, my brethern. their children are
larnt that Westministi r Catechism by ;
the time they can bein to talk plain, j
It ain't three weeks since I wasout a cattle
bun tin'. lor twoof my yesrlln's liud stray,
ed off. and I stopped In at old Brother ,
Darkey's, on Mud ( reek, and took diniuir.
Hu'n a dem on D the Presbyterian Cbnrcli
brethre n, sister llarkey hud her l.ttle al
a .l.indin' right before, tier, with toes Just !
pvniiwlth the ernr.lf n' the floor, slid her I
hands was a bangm' d wn by tinr side, aud
her inenth turned up like acluckea wuon It I
driuks, and she was a pulttn' ibis quesiiuu j
to her uut o' thai UiU-chlsm:
"What sre tho bmieais which in thin life
do accompany or flow from Justification
adoption, and sanctidcationr"
-.,niiiinii UK.. oiiui.kii w
I rouk tbe, clind do.vn. Uut wliea shu bad to I
. . , . . ,,
be , n and sav thut qtu-siioii all ovur (for
Ulal'a Ibe wht itwas in the l-ookl snd then I
hlloh the snswer to it, and wnich ail pat I
together made thin the beiiedi which In!
thisllfedoaocoinpanj ornow frou. ju.tifl-!
cullon, addition, aud a uctitloiiiton, are I
,..nt .i.i'a i,.o.. ,.,. t r....,..,n.. 1
Joy tu the Holy tiUost, Increase ol gn.ce.and I
nui.everauou tlierelu to tbo ud' 1 thouKht
. , ... i
seen in uiy lue. sue tuk it rljjnt, too, with- I
Libin-xrinum- in. r,i ini. . nrt 1
. . . . . !
nine angel, th t belore I kuow'u 11 the tears
w runuin down my cbkat bl '
hlK'k t.hil l'Vi kwAn k hit tlu V r h-n I coil lii
i have niauicd and spill a thuusaii' rallsqulok-j
"r;" " ,h ' . . T"A:"rr
r and easier than I cou.d larnt that lulng
and said it off like she did. !
-Now, my brelhieu, tnat child didn't
understand or know the-uieanlug of one!
n.ri V.ut It .11, tin l u 1 I l.,.nu,A,l ,
to tske It lu myself. But Just 1st that
Fniillirli.ii jouna un giow up, and every
woid of that Catechism will come buck to
be i , aud ber obsrauter will stiOun up under ,
. ' .
ter in ber lor life.
,.Sow , CillJ.t ,lUl tMngH lnto my ch(ldrnn
that way. Noibla' don't stay, soiuebow. It's
ltkodnvin' nails Into a iotten leg."
This last reunirk 1 niver forgot, roryears
slterwa.ds.as I would stand at ihe black-
bounl trying to tlx rules and prinoipie. he
themtnii of a doll pupU, this remark would i
neai t me with tasrntei pertinency '
We have our Imildwig completed now
and have a n-w a.ipply of xoodraod wii
sell them rij.ht,
Lumber, ktL, eas-h, - doorg,
lime, cement, ami building
material of all kinds . .
' Hardware .
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and
Range goodd.
Flour. Feed, and Grain.
P .;nt, Oils & etc.
I am igent for tbe Wood .
wind-mill. Have a-
supply of purap fittings on
, band. CoillH in and get my
: prices Whether J'OU buy Or'
j jjq
I '
Physician Surgeon.
OFFICE: Andrews BuoaC;
U w Vt'Jfl
3- wfvrfi Vi'.iW.IV'tt' S'
Bon i d li.y Day or Vpk.
"I toll yen. my luet'iren." be coutlntoid',
"If our dliild-en b id a little more Cateenisai
mid the rrbyteriiin cliildieit a little less.
it would be ! etier for L.01.1.
- "Then i-ed
( tuv in our families
v 1 1 eir prm ers ure
like thev i
! It
mighty long and ' la y ray l nvercreii
tion; but after ml i i V the right way.
"Now, ny lather and mot her wasgond "
Baptists nnd rnis.d 'heir children -to he
honest snd industrious; but I never heard
one of them pray in my life, arid I wa '
'most, a grown man before I ever pr.ivtd
a prayer my self, and il was on thus wise:
"There was to he n big meet in' over m
Elbert ..'onnty nnd I knoweda pretty gal
over thr that I wanted to go and see.
So I borrowed a little Jersey waggin,
which was a stylish thing in thein dnvi
and went, over to her house and stneil
all night and engaged her to rida la
meetin' with me the next day, which war
' We went and had a glorious time,
and I may as well say right here thatsh
home 1 met with u powerful accident
that I never got, over to thm dn. As t
W!lti a ''"'"' down a steep hill Some parf
of the gearin' gave way and let me and
()B waggin on . iy crentui's heels; and
u;J ,.,i j . . ,
ii'i .mij, fi-i nvri , ell. mil, IIIU I
used to wheels she wnggled and kicked
land tore from one side of he rend to Ih
otner till 1 was pitched heao I ore most n
, . , , , , , , n .
much as ten loot into a deep gul ey an4
iiiirat le uieny
it s a niirncie in mercy tnai mr nm If
was not broke on the spot,
'Except in' lo be killed e erv minit, f
)h() , hl ! m hl to Hpk ,,w l,,,,, f
mercy; but as 1 hail never pnied it. n V
life I couicVl ti lt k . f the first thing to
hut the hlessm' me fmiur tn
. I.Ul :.'.! i I
ask before eatt u when we had company
and w Inch was this; "Lord, make us
thankful for what we areabout toi-ec-eiee1
"Now my brethern do you s'pose any
pfjn teruio ruiHwl h(y ws evtjr put to
' J "
such a smut us that for a prayer? No
" "m" ,l l.verr is...
lie oula have prayed lor himself and
gone off after the Jews nnd heathen
.tliUi I u l.,n,n on -nd u-ittin'
a giuin'
nn I h 11 1 hlutkin K
Forward.'' '
" .."".."..
Hereditary Musician.
Prof. Henry Appy, violinist, wlio
died at Kochester, w. ., recently, age-
seventy-clht, vt3 tbe son of tbe load-i
er of the orchestra in tbe cbapel of
William of Orange.
Largest Photograph.- 1
Tna largest photographic picture li
existence Is bring exlbltcd In BerlV
It Is about 40 feet by 6 teet. and njfc
resents a View of the Bay of Vamlej .
J s
:. it
i '