SB 3E EE EG is: Old Blazer's Hero Cy DAVID CHRISTIE MURRAY. CHAITEK X. Mary did not appear at the su er table, id apite of ilackett's injunction, md when the latter went upstairs to in sist upon obedience, he found the bed loom door locked against fa 11:1 He re served to himself the right to express ti is pillion with regard to this open defiance later on. aal controlling himself without Bjuch difficulty for be waa one of those people who need to aay how indignant they are before they can get up any great force of steam lie descended to hi romp.inioua. They were easily contented with hia apologies, and were, indeed, rather pleased than otherwise to I freed from the restrictiona a hostess' preaeuce would have imposed tipon them. Hackett'a convive were four In num ber. Two were old cronies of hia by bo means the pick of hia old acquaint ances, but such aa fate aud his own courses had left to him; aud the other two were stranger to him, found in hia friends' companionship on that day's race course. v "My friends' friends." said Will, with sis own geuial and delightful swagger, "are mine, I won't offer you amontil lado and turtle, gentlemen, but plain fare and a hearty welcome you can have." There are people who do uot rare for these audden expansions of the heart; but then, on the other hand, there are people who do. and Mr. Hacfett's new acquaintances happened to belong to the latter type. They said they would be delighted, and they accepted with almost aa much effusion aa Will hitusi-lf had displayed in his invitation. They were In all the better humor with themselves, and with the world at large, because the day's ventures had been proporous'. and j they were all the more pleased with their j boat be ause his inspirations had for ou'e I In a way led him to c)i(Ke the right ! hones, and thc-y had followed his lead. j "And now, Will, my lad," aaid one of 1 them wheu the ,-lotli was cieart-i away, ! -before we Kettle down I've a faor ro ' ask you. This gentleman is a mighty One Judge of music. He ought to le, for he ran the opera in New York for three, ye.irs didn't you, Bob? aud I particularly want him to hear you sing. In fact, it'a a treat I've aa good as promised him haven't I, Bob?" This gentleman waa a bald man in spectacles and evening dress. He had apologized on arrival for the character f his costume by saying that he had fcn obliged to look In at the theater in great town hard by for an hour or two; and Hackett had been told, with an air of mystery and importance, that he had hia eye on a singing chambermaid there, and had half a mind to engage fcer. The great man said, with no par ticular enthusiasm, that he should like Terr much indeed to bear Mr. Hackett "I'm not In particularly good voice Utely," said Will, "but I'll do my best lor you." The entrepreneur leaned back !n his hair and prepared to suffer. His ex- tries ce had made bins familiar with the amateur tenor, and he dreaded him as be burnt child dreads the fire. At this ebb of bis fortunes Hackett tailed with all his heart the chance of singing before auch a man as this. He displayed no eagerness, but he had too snuch tact to make the common fuss, and wait for the usual eager pressure. EI sauntered to the piano, and careless ly turned over a heap of music there. He derided that he would not aing more than once unless the importaut personage specially pressed him. Before be had sung through the first Hue the man of music rose softly from bis chair, and dropping hia elbows noise lessly on the mantel bonrd suffered his ehln to fall upon his hauds and put his heart into his ears. From first to last not a flaw. Tone, phrasing and expres sion absolutely just. The listener had heard finer voices, but he could count them on the fingers of one hand. What leased him, even more than the voice, Srss the management of it i The tender, melting rapture of the cap tivating rascal's voice reached his wife aa she lay sobbing iu her bedroom. He warbled on, never thinking of her, and charming all listeners' ears but hers and oe other's. Ned Blane mast needs torture himself. ss happens with most young men who dad themselves in similar case. lie iaeuld have made choice among a score mt streets and lanes to stroll in If he feed a fancy for getting wet through; And by this time' the threatening storm ad burst, and the warm summer rain had soaked him to the skin in the first htra minutes of its fall. But he must tsrmaot himself by being near hia suf fariag Idol, whom he had no right or bower to comfort, and by the trim bate ,Ueh waa taking root In every fiber of fch- against the man to whom she was Had. And the song which struck up as (a was passing for the fifth or sixth time ajasde such an appeal to him as sny man jf common sympathy can understand. When the soug was over three of the lager's guests were noisy in approba tion. - - The Important man tnrned his tack to the fireplace, and for a while Mid nothing. By and by, when the otb sn had don with their compliments, he spoks. "Mr. Hackett." he said, "will you be W good as to tell m where yon studied ?" "Oh." Will answered. "I never studied t all, U apeak of. My grandfather mmX through three or four years in ftab. Ha taught my father, and my fath fcswW.' athsr taught ma, what littl bit he "Ah," Mid th stranger, "you com of at aiBsicaJ family. What waa your gkrher name?" t "Hackatt. of poors," Mid WIIL "Of coarse," th otbar answered amll- iMgiy. "Bat hi stag namhr "My father had no stag nam," Mid ! Will, rather haughtily. 3 tM th MggMt UmI mar for his ii: iis 3 31 2l 3 Li? 32 ; as some ten milea around young men. said one of the , Hid you ever think of "1 be pardon. carrying that fine voice of vour own to .rryiuf market. Mr IlKkftt .' in, lb. 1 V't" 'ir""e""'- mg the pares of h,s music and looking round upoir hi. questioner a. he did so. rh. rh, ma- but 1 T hJ need to do that yet Ilitrre n good two thousauj a sear m U.e if you csred to u it." .aid the stranger guest Oh. said Hnckett lightly. "That'a a bait, if 1 could sea it to bite at." "la HV asked the other. "It'a there to bite at if you like to bite. "It'a there sing u another song, Mr. Uacketl?" ThU jjdgmeLt from a man who ought to be competent wanned the vocalist's heart. He had bern thinking of little else thau of carrying that hue voice of hia to market for a month or two pact, but bis habit of putting thin.s o3 was native aud rooted by habit, aud what with that and his pride aud bis not quite knowing how to begin, his think iug had led to nothing "Do you sing In Italian?" anked the manager, fingering the pile of music. "What's this? "Spirito gen til?" Try that. Mr. Harkett" "No." said Will. "I'd rather not I can t.D4 it in a way wheu I know there's nobody by to aee where I go w rong iu the lingo. Here's 'My I'retty Jane.' I'm not afraid of thit, if you like" "'My I'reity Jane,' by a!! tu-at;.." said the malinger. So Will sang "My I'retty Jane." sod confirmed the food opinion the iuip'.r tnf per-ou;ige hnd formed of him. The ,n''n ia poession stole into the hull to liftm. and the vocalit had thiw more auditors than he couatej on o. 'hougiii about. "And now," mid Iiackett, when Mt. "' ilui'll-l the applaie wa 'If m !,av" ,urD Bt ""- hy'T'u- i the other aiitlng, they P"1. " ,Bn to ls,we AtJ1 '"'" u I,ln- It was the host's style Xn plar wildly. RDd so it almost always happened that he lost or won with great rapidity. To night the run of th card favored him, and be won n great deal more than two at least of his guests could hare desired to lose. At last, what with his wiuniugs on that day's racing, and his run of luck at eardk, he had more than enough in hand to discharge his unwelcome vis itor in the morniDg. He grew radisnt, and he laughed louder than all his guests together. There la a gsmbler's superstition, which, like all superstitions, will fulfill itlf at timaa, to the effect that it is a fatal thiDg for a winner to count bis gains before the end of the game. Mr. Hackett went on plunging!)-, carrying all before him, until he had made the calcu lation Juat mentioned, and then hia luck turned. His play was uo less scientific than it had been that waa impoasible; but the seeming magic had gone out of his hand, and the pile before him dwin dled, dwindled, dwindled aud vanished Then he was for playing on credit; but somehow his friends were all very timid and sleepy on a sudden, aud protested with unauiuiity that it was really time to be off, and that they could hardly see the csrda. There was no holding them there by force, and they went their way. And when they were outside, the theat rical manager laid a hand on the shoul der of the man who had called him Bob and said he: "Your friend seemed rattier hard hit at losing, didn't he?' "Well, you see. said the friend, in friendly excuse, "he's on his last legs, poor beggar!" "Oh! w bat's become of the fsmlly land?" "Like grandfather, like father. Like father, like son." "Ah! Does he drink? That fine voice won't last long if he does." "Oh, he takes bis glass like the rest of us. That's all." "There's money In that voice," wiid the manager after a minute or two of reverie. "Not so much as I said at first perhaps, but money. He wants a practi cal man behind him. On his last legs, is he? What does be do for a living?" - "Nothing." "M m. I think I'll give him a look up to-morrow." Meantime nackett sat staring at the ornamental fire-paper in the grate. Three months married. Not a half-dollar in the world. And then the Man In Possession. Well. He was told by a man who ought to know that his voice was worth two thoussnd a year to him. How could a man with a treasure like that com to grief? He sat thinking until he fell asleep. CHAPTER XL Tha Man In Possession remained in possession for the space of three dsys. and at the end of that time departed, hia claim havin- been satisfied. Mary Hackett did not know how th money had been paid. "It'a been got honestly," said Will, In answer to her Inquiry. "And that ought to be enough for you." She made It enough, but It was a day or two before she so far conquered the I 1 1 l . 1 1 . , ,. ,. r sname wun wdicd wis puuue aisgrace had filled her aa to face th streets again. It happened on the third moralng that Mary, coming downstairs an hour or two before her huabsnd, found a letter ad dressed to him In a atrange handwriting, and, without knowing why, waa a little dismayed by It Th envelope was long snd narrow. It was mad of blue paper. Its content, whatever they mht t, were rather onuaually bulky for a letter, and altogether, for a woman of her re cent experience. It had a legal and dis turbing aspect Lying on th table be fore her, beside her husband's plate, it spoiled her breakfast, bat when Will canst down, looking rather fishy about tha aysa and rather doll ad Ui-tmpr- ed. a was his rust 11 of a morning, be brightened at the ai ;ht lit the envelope aud pounced upon it aitnost gajly. The document he drew from it looker no les legal than the envelope had d..u but Harkett, having merely glanceo t it, lhru.1 ;i jsru bis pocket aud sat dewi. , enuhegiy to breakfast. Suddenly be look eo up at bis wife, who was gazing at niui with an anxioua and distressed ex ' reuiun. j "My dear," said be, "you are looking ; like a ghost this morning. Why dWt ' you go out A walk in the fresh an ' would do you good j T'us solicitude for her welfare, which j wo ..d have seemed quite natural a i mouth earlier, was surprising now, but j Mary waa still more surprised when her ; htihbaud alone from bis seal, and taking 1 hia place behind her chair. caressed her cheeks with both hands. The surrtrisa grew when he stooped down and imprint- j . , ,llMa f-.i,.., "Tk ..... 1. .. - 1 , ! ... 11 .1 .. ., . .. ! She hardly cared to face her little wor;j ughiu . b,j h, ! ,,at Will's changed manner aroused new j hope, and made her eager to oty b.m. He .iou, affw.tionte d ' .1 . 1 . ..... - 1 .,. . j him. but ob,l(Hj L- ,uJ it) ,jt, . the timid reluctance with which khe r en- lured iuto th street, the broad suiuinel aunithine without was answered by some uacertaiu und feeble gleacja within. Sst drew down her vail aud hurried toward the field, and once there aauntered in quiet solitude, thinking of many things, but most of all of Will's changed man ner. She had begun to know, quite a long time back, it seemed, that her husband ! nnture afforded but a saudy aud preca rious soil to bui!d upon. if only sha could woo hi Khort lived affection back to life again, could gain some gentle per nmueut influence over him awake hii better instincts and justify her owl dreams! And so she dreamed bei dreams and prayed her prayers and wenl home ugain, comforted. In the nieantimt her husband was likewise engaged ii preparations for the future. When th door had closed behind his wife he dre the legal looking document from hit pocket and read it keenly. He had had j of course, uo business training, but hi rend this particular document with I shrewd business mind, and in spite oi certain numerous and bewildering lega? ti-cbn:ealities mastered every word of it. When he had mustered the contents o the paper he took pen ami ink mi l set n;s signature at uie root oi it, doing tins, as tie did most things, with a mighty tlo'irli. Then having peu in bund hi wrote a note: "My Dear l'olly I have had a suddei call from home. It is quite on the cardl that 1 may be away for a week. 1 eti you a tweuty-dollar note for immedinti expenses, and all the tradesmen's billt are paid and receipted. You will he' from me agaiu Iu a day or two, aud ) thiuk we are going to be prosperous. Al ways your affectiouate husband. "Will Hackett." He enclosed with this the money bi spoke of, thru went upstairs, spent vigorous half hour in packing his b longings together, took a good look arouud to be sure that nothing had beet left behind, and with his own bandn car ried his satchels into the hall Next h rang the bell for the maid. A man will cull to currv ii half an hour's time from now," he said rMt hi: ,l,t,'', witl1 ''x consulting his watch. -Wait a minute.' '''tiding Ixdow It (hat will Jist fit Into He stood still to consider, poring upol ' lHe "i'l'' irons of the wagon body. It the floor. "I shall be late. I'll carrj j tin thus be set upon the wagon Is-d them a part of the way myself. I shalMn mi Instant mid will be found most meet somebody who wants to earn I quarter, I dare say. And there's a lettei on the breakfast table. See that youl mistress has it when she comes in. ,, ., ... , . . ' it iiisid opeueu tne noor for mm, am 1 he walked out, carrying a satchel u ' riuiri iiuuii. ur I''sco liKui uuu iril US he weut, with an air which would bavi given an observer a right to imagine tha he was not anxious to be seen. Th satchels were heavy, and the summe. sun was powerful, and Will Hackett wai neither accustomed to exercise of thu character nor fond of It He hailed, therefore, with great pleasure, the ap pearance of the man late in possession, who was lounging along with his handi Iu bis pockets and a general air of hav iug nothing to do upon him. "I suppose you're willing to earn s quarter, Abram?" "I've got to earn what I can lay m; hands on, Mr. Hackett, whether I'm will ing or not," said Abram, with a super fluous air of philosophy. "What's thi job? Carry them leather boxes? IIoi far?" "To the hotel," said Harkett. "All right." responded Abram, an seized upon the luggage Hackett had r linquished. (To be continued.) I'rogren Uemamls Wealth. No community ever made much pro . , tU uau-mu,,, vapiiaiisu.. mi M,fore thp r)lU im, ,,,.,! t(, the ban required Investments are too great ai,.8 the risks are too colossal for amal Tll(. Utwn k1)()W( , cap Itallau to undertake. People wlU l)f lliriabo nl f.lic, UK(.,, , Imlted experience, which email for ,,ora(Jo experiment station. It Is .s.,,,, uie loresigm, ca pa city or Industrial mettle, to taki the risk of losses Involved in such lu mens undertakings. Our great rail roada, most of which hare pierced large, unsettled aieaa. bare been bulM by men of great wealth. In the ha mil of small men, timidity and Incapacity to Hak would have compelled waiting until population and business woult make a railroad pay; but In the handi of these millionaires, with the coufl dence of small capitalists behind them the great railroads were built as dual force to the cotmtry'e develop tnent and business growth. Guotou'i Magazine, From Hteam to Electricity. Th results of the change front team to electrical power on New Yorl elevated railways are: A reduction cost per passenger from 2.24 cents un ! der steam to 1.98 cents; an Increase 1) groas earnings of 1400,000, accompan led by a decrease In eipenaes a 99,000. la Congo Free ritaut. The elaht societies at work In rtu Congo r'ree State are represented bj 211 missionaries, 283 Dative evange Ists, 827 naUre teachera, C,641 Suudaj Schools. Ibis Is a cold world but wfcttt doe the coal dealer carer Fanltery Mtlkine Apparatus. With the recent n-port of a State 'naltli hoard ottieial that an epidemic if feer in one of our largest cities ould l' tniced directly to a case hi be family of a niiik dealer in (hat In- ality. the urgent nccesi:y for satii- tary Inspection of the milk supply is i.iin made apparent to eveu those In liviilu.ils who are rather inclined to eoff at such advanced mnl scientific li"sirie. No don.. t the time w 111 come when ill milk will have to le Htcril izil In fore being offered for sab-, but UII. KIM, MM'altA I I S. veil sIimuM that (hsiiulde ruuilit loll f affairs be reached it wiil still be hllg.itory up hi the milkman to see that no opjiort uipiv is niTordcil for the iii!.i:-! of the lacteal fluid with con-'eij ntlnosphere In the stable. I'foi.nlilv tin- best ttn v in which this ''-m I"' nii i ; I isin-J by the aid of t!n !n iimatii- milklti machine here il, unrated. Ii i, arranged a lo not !y. but oiii.v mill; the cows aiitoniatlca :ii-. incloses the milk In an airtight receptacle ns long as it is in the pnx iluity of ilie Htiim.'i!. This is iiccoin pliftied by a reservoir suspended over- lend mid omiertiMj witii the teat cujis I'.v -i short section of hose. By ineiins of n vacuum created in the pipe to which the reservoir Is attached the milk Is drawn from the teats and de IMislted In the r's-epiacle. hence it an l' removed to the creamery for further treatment before licing placed on mile. Farm Conveniences. The llrst two figures sh-iw couveiii nees originally sketched In (he Kami Journal, which says of them: Tills crate xliouhl be alxuit three 1Keftil In iiiovIiil- calves, sheen nlm ,,r t her stiM-k It will lit on t,i s st,..t i ,,, .,,,. , , ....... . . ... , , . HISh eiiio.iliii v'':'!l I'llllllnj Itiiit. '":,,'"n"1- IT tills Is long the rer gate can lie hinged to let tlown, as shown.. It can also be hinged to open at Ihe side, Tne slats should be of hard wood three-quarters of an lin li (hick. When there is plowing to be done los to fences or trees have your smith put extension rods on the plow and a clevis to hitch Hi,, team to, like the cut. The sketch was s"iit im by one of our readers in KanKis, and he sayu it works well for him. If the of the plow is adjustable to draft It should, of cottrsc, be adjusted pagy t0 niove , am, ,,t , anl, Very readily marie. Dressing Ducks for Market Ducks ni-ed much the same treat ment In dressing for market as do fowls. They should lie kept without food and water for twenty-four hours previous to killing, so that the crop and In testines will be well emptied. Confine them In a small pen with clean straw, so that they will not Imj dirty. Hlec-d through the BEADY Ir'OB UAIIKI-T inonth, and when dead, scald In wafer at a temperature of 1 v , degree. After scalding, wrap them up In a flannel blanket for ten mlnnt-a, which v!'l help wonderfully in picking. If acalding Ik p operly done nml ulrds are wrapped up in this way. ;hey can be picked easily ami (juiegly, U ""'"T with many to leave "- aro.nm u.e netg ror anoui two lm:"p,, "' the fenihcr on Ihe iflr"t joints of the wings, Including the (main flights. After picking clean, put fj,em into hot water for a few veomds ',n(j then throw Into Ice water. leaving Hi ;HATE, I'UIW AMI MoVAl.l.fc III llltl.E. them for several 'warm, " until in-ir- ouzhly cld, when Qsey t .ay i tjk' U out. dried, and are tneii l ji.n-li for market K. J Lauren. -. iu 1'ariu and How Htored Grata brinks. The advantage to tile farmer of storing hi grain and boldin' it till , spring Is not always reprcscnti-d by the iner-jsel rie he limy get for it. : The shrinkage during tlie winter Mor as- must l taken Into consideration. Mud this shrinkage not infrequently more t hit ii offsets the increased jiriee, In Kin li mse it pays the farmer to ; sell his grain as ou as it is in sliape t.j go to the market. A g..M many In vestisr.itiulis have Ix-eu made to (lis i-uter the percentage of shrinkage in various grains. The results biVe variid j Immensely. In some of the him id States and with early fntiiered i ,-ojis ! the shrinkage has Imvii high as to 4H per cent, while grain raised in J arid States and hauled to humid , a nd stored has gained in weight dur j ;ng storage. The shrinkage of win has not generally been a- as mat of wiiii' utter gr, litis Wheat sm:,-( ;n Michig-m eleiit .rs lost frijiu T to l"i p -r in 11! . ur; 11 g win ter. A lot of coin er.v le-ivy an I ill tie dry at tit- tin f st -ring los; l! i per cent in weigh! by I'chiiniry l.-t, made in other states have ii- n sbrinkagi-s of In to l; p r . ent one lot of coin that was g.itlie "cd M t'i time of year when It was w,.; ,!.i I. but coiraiiiiug as large an ii:i: iiii,r water as possible and pa-seil i-i a Sta-e fair inmpet it ion. shrank n't ml -)' per cent. Oats shrink littl -, bin are recorded to have lost aboil! I p.-r i t .i In weight dining a w inier St sis i; pui.ii.-. Kiiniihiiiit for sj,,,.,. While l-ith horses ami eat He are siiuetiim s troiildeil with n tlir .it dif liciilty that needs the att-ii'h.n of a veiei inar'.aii, iu ihe inajurily of eases it will be found that trouble is 111- almost wholly lo the feeding of iliisty hay. llor-es .ue nun-h gh en to t!ii- nctile throat trouble m connect i ,n i li Mi.-iv.'nig. ivlii.-li will slop alnius! iniiiiedla:. ly if Ihe li:iy is moi-teii ei! lief ire being l'i d. It U a oiiil pliiri, if bay is fed iii a mang-T insvad of a ra, k. to sj.rinUle il Utile rtllt'-r ill I he Itttioiii of Ihe manger -,-ii li tune in-fore feeding ami then moisten the hay. I tt ihe same when l!ie bay is fe 1 to cattle. It is a good plan lo wet the corn stover also. for while there is less dust In it than In bay there is enough to trouble tin 'li ; liesldis, t)M. vvi I fodder Is al ways more palatable. The Farmer's Wife. Iioii't make n hired man of her. A woniiiu on n farm lias no more place In drudgery than she has In the city. The duties of any home are sufficient for the wife. N'o woman can be a w ife, a herder of cattle ami swine, a milkmaid and do the general chores about the bouse. No woman ought to submit to such work, and no man will allow It. lie who does so can wtircoly be called a mail. Women Wear out fut enough in the general course of lft., and just because they happen to live on a farm It Is uo reason why they should enter into a life of slavery. i:ebange. Cultivation of Oats. At I'oniel! I'niversjty oats were sown broadcast, In the usual manner, (he yield per acre being thirty-seven bushels. On another dot the oats were drilled In, llfteen indies apart, the haml-w heel hoe being used to work between tne rows. I ins may appcur to mute a, giving a large shut.; f lalior in that manner, but us the yield on the drilled and worked p() was sixty-one bushels per acre the method is worthy of attention. A man with a w Ins'l hoe cm go over a large piece of ground in a day, and It is possibly thtit the Ri'-thri'! will pay. A Hairy Pointer. The Toronto illolie says a farmer who kept twenty-four Cows and two hired men tested his cows with the lialicoek lest, and found that eight were unprofitable. He disposed u f them and let one hired man go, and at the end of the year found that be. had made as much moiity from the sixteen as from the twenty-four. Now he has got down to twelve good cows, and expects as much from them as he made from twice that number. Now he can Increase up to bin original number as fast as he can find or grow good rows and increase bis profits. Migration of Heeila. Ir. Howard, the new secretary of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Scleme, writing of the manner In which seeds are carried to great distances by birds, recited an experiment of Iiarwln which had a curious result. Adhering to the leg of a wounded patrldge. Darwin found a ball of earth weighing (J14 ounces. From the seeds contained in this ball lie raised thirty-two plant, belonging to five distinct species. aahwedillnsT Fodder. The fodder shredder Is doing good work In one respect, and that U In re ducing the number of shocks of corn that stand in the field all winter. As the shredder husks the corn and ahriils It at the same time, farmers And that It Is more comfortable to haul the fodder to the barn than to stand out In the fields to busk tbo corn and then waste the fodder. Value of Corncob. Corncobs are exceedingly rich In potash, itmtiiliilrig over 23 per cent (In the ash), and arc worth saving. They are not avul'able, however, unless burnt mid the ashes saved. On farms where heavy crops of corn are grown Ins amount of potash that could be saved by burning the cobs la conse quently very large. Science i h'n.iii the latest earthquake data It s inferred that the crust of the earth s net iimiv than forty miles thick, nd that the nucleus is more unlforaa 11 . Ii-mical and physical condition) ban is usually supowd In the New York Zoological l'ark oiisi.i.-rable attention Is given to the raining of chimpanzee and orang Hans. These animals. It is said, seem o be parti. -ularly susceptible to teach lig, and the methods employed witU hem resemble those used with un auglit children. Coaxing and perse 'eramv are the two strongest and nost effective aids III their education in wiiiie countries w: Iking sticks ire manufactured from sbaik tins. From the skin of the animal Is oh aineil a leather suitable for making witiil grips and many fancy artlchs. sharks abound 011 the coast of Nic inigua. and Mr dofsi balk, the I'uit d Stales Consul a! San Jumi del orte. suggests that the Oils. back sines and skins iiiiebt with advantage Import iii Into tie- Initeil States for industrial purposes The aiding of sharks is encoiiriigcil by the .Xicarau siilaii Psherv laws, am! there appears to Im- 110 eport duty 0:1 any industrial oioiluct ilciiM-d from Iheiii. In June. Ism ;, the waters of Ijike 'ioioiiiabiina. New .inland. i-t elnisl le lijnl their way to the heated rocks e-iir the surface of the earth In this .ocnlity, when there was sudden geii ratioii of sti'inn. 11 id the lake was -tiipt'i-d 11 ml an ei urinous mass of m U was blown out. In place of the ild hike, which was one and one-half nties long mid three quarters mils .vide, u uiuch larger one is forming. It is now six mile long, containing en tunes the old volume of water, :nd t;::i rise many feet more before 'iinling ii 11 outlet. A tremendous crup ell is leaii-d if sonic liock should ring this water 111 contact with mol- II I'lll-ks. I iotn what is now known of radluio 1 M. S. ;. Ttiiie) reaches l!rce coll li.s'.i.iis; '1 be discovery may iiinke It i'.ci-ss,-iry to -hange our theories about i..:l;er and t he cons, rvnt ion of energy, "ad. urn m iy possibly open up the way or a cheap! r 11 ml mote wholesome igbtiug of bouses by phosphorescence. It is a practical agent to differentl ite genuine gems from artificial. It s a useful agent to kill bacteria. II nay be considered n valuable agent "or the treatment of lupus, enneer, tilHTCtilosis, and a possible agent U inprove the eyesight and overcome illiidness. latter (lisi-overlin. wll limbtlcsH show service iu other dta used conditions. Last summer the ideographical K lety of Itiiltiniore sent to the Ilahama Islands, in a chartered nnd provlalon. d sailing vessel, a parly of explor rs, among whom were twenty ot hlrty sclentlllc Investlgatis. who luring two months, made a thorough urvey of those Islands, with regarS to '.heir geography, geology, ptoduc lions, iiihiibitniits. nml so forth. Tin juiToiindliig sea was explored will ileip-sea theriliouieli-is. seines, an 'ither marine apparatus, the atmos phere was cxploied with lilgh-flylns kites; the soil und Its productions were tested and examined; the ipiislloii ol the rising or slnkliig of the IslatiUi was liMiked jntp, and. in short, a kin of Hi-leiitiflc coniUesf was made. AH this was done, of course, with tb ,-oiiseiit 111.1l assistance of the Iim- ,-Overnmeiit. Ill" I-'ilih oiiiiiiHndiiirnl. The bason reach en tlie e in Hill nil minis, ami Thco lore holds his brail l.iitll the Mi'ond and fourth are pus 11L John and Alex got those, and b falls to bis happy lot to tattle out Ibi lifth. ' What docs It hum 11?" a-ks hl moth er. "Not to listen to Mose sing 01, Sua day, or fight Alex, or le cross to Mam my, and to clean jour teeth. and wai-t behind your ears every morning, and not say 'Iog mi" " "Not say 'dog on" Is the third con. niaiidmeut," objwtisi John. "Then It s In both, . 'cause mothc told us not to. so It's In the mind your, mother commaiidinent. 'Mot every thing Is In that." '8 It Is," approved father, from hi imlr. "You observe that, lajys, aud everything will come nut right." Les lie's Monthly. Itcpctltion Sot Mnonch. Pokely Vou should have heard Mr. Uritton laugh when I repeated your loke to him. Jokely When you what? Pokely When I repeated and n plained your Joke to him. Jokely Ah! That's different. ph II Idelphla Press. Hallway Journey. In the I nlted States the distance at the average railway journey Is twenty-nine miles. In Kngland It Is scarce ly ten mllm, while n (iermany It It 1ften ml!-s. In Prance twenty-one miles ami In Itussla sixty five to Ilea. Just Mi l.nck.. Plnuegnn (who lint found a quar ter) Now, I'm an unlucky dlvll! If inyone else had found that ' love been a ilollarl Ally Kloper. Wlien you attempt to strike a match n the dark the bead la alwaya on the lher end. Most writers who drop Into nwie. nanage to drop clear thromgh. i t 'l" A IkV -jas-4 . avaa aa