Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 04, 1904, Image 5

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Tuti s sue of ibe oilier girl, seci ,-rt. ,
(A qaesliou omen lwa ask of men,
Tm end of aU the sweetheart's qustioniugf.
Ami yet the Hint t which th-r !! tgini.
Yo ak in of ike other gir - Well, ibj:
Uod never wade hwr M lhu tlie:
Kund lover never kissed from IisiIom.-sj
A fairer efcihl than i i m j'l Ll.if.
T)i pulsiug i-j.,u uf n tuindn-d i rtri
Made aaeei in purer wy tUier tinu om,
Myriad fortu of putter' clay have made.
Put lion so lithe a stareyed, laughing- Roue.
Toe tculptor, ia Lis wildcat dreams of art,
lu tracew-nts of the ligaments, and line,
Could never one the gracious epial (jud
(If Clementine, my own Knt Clementine.
Tli poet aiid Uie painter, io their turu.
May praise and lore Uie beauties that fbey knoi
Nor ouc iu all their dreaming find
One equaling the charuik of little Clo.
Mas never wooed a fiuer lot of girU-
God never mad a fiuer lot to woo;
He never made red lips ao like the roe.
Nor languid ryes more like Hi ajiutiug dew.
You ask me of tiie other firla. SKcvlhcart
You ask n;e if I love tLem still I do.
Kaeh beauty that 1 found in eaeij of them
Kacu (trate of mien, each virtue that ttey kuew,
I fiud ll.em all aod love tbeio more, sweetheart,
iiecause tliey are much a part of jou.
-New Orlcaua Tiuie-Ieiiioerat.
1 Armstrong's Chance
J UK," ha Id tli hupei lutendent of
the Montezuma Copper Com
pany, "you're to take tin:
Kitty mare ami go down tlie mud un
til you meet Manuel Coiiznles' onttlt.
He started from Uirdsburg nix days
ago, so you ought 10 find lilin uboiit
York's ranch. J nut notice purt'.cul.-irly
where you meet lilm, ami ak him to
iiurrj up. Hen get some Hour we
Jim- Armstrong had been looking for
thin order. Lwr fitic-f In li.nl been
taken Into tin- employ of tin- iilinpii ny
lu- had been sent j it I lii-he li i i--?i his. In
turiubly thru- or four day lii-f iii- the
lid of the mouth hi- Mini the Kitty
lunre IimJ be -ii sent gall- ping down the
I,ordsblirg ro;id to nnl I li Is freighter
or that ami tell him to hurry up.
It was eighty wile to lordburg,
mid all the company's f rrilit Inid to
de drawn In ox tenuis from the rail wuy
at that point
The humor of asking that uu ox
team hurry was not lost iu .loe He
knew It took eight or ten ihi.vs for 1 lit
plod !i;g inttle to tlnm the Kreiit u,'
on jii- tin- if --.il ! and dvi-r the liilis,
Mil he kti"v. (in, t'.int th-r.' :i-.phli'y
t !
it In the inii'i
.litif A i n.x to.
J Klh'W I II II Il
nl.cv iird'-ix.
to hold hU t.
AM- v
il t :e
u II n
id II n:
Ill I II
-i -. 1 I I
e (:iu,r Iim-
..! :.-. ( iln- rf
... 11 !:!! I. i il
,j il :.' .Ul.-e,
ii.r :i n-i- ii
;,i.l the tu
. II..
I ! e
- 1 n
I if m
i i - i l:twi I.
.1, l! il.
1.1 I'll,
H I .
the wasij-
S .J , " i. Mr. I.-impsou," nlisu (Ted
Si.e l-ie. II fill of lll!illl-S down
J '.if Il' tiioni.liuht. 1111(1 I glles-i
l il ;.-li on a Mai Are you Koiiij,'
Il V"
I.;i!:.;i-d:i thought Hot. ami Chanced
the i-iiii e t. iiml ih" liiio'k( piT and hl.-i
twu uiiipiiii nun wi-ie mill at Voi k'8
m Iiea Joe miJiI id up nud started on.
Kitty, friT-lt fioni Iht rem and fitil
of grain. ;i In an koikI trim nil If hhe
lo.tl not air. ii ly come a K 'ore of tulles,
l ilt J'.e would not 1 t her gallop-
iv.oii elie foiiuil her Hrlde, the lon,
i-ttitiilnj; l.ipe of the i'ow jionles that
he knew Mfe eouhl ho'il for fifty tnili-M
jf n Miiiy. The hr II ant union aStnost
ilintly oveilioiiil iint a shadow like
n purple blanket. Kxeept or the hoof
Inula there wim no notiti l.
Joe loved lo ride at ulcbt. He knew
'v.r lmli of the way, and each tall,
tiruurhlnx cuetua that stood out In the
n:oonlis!ht wa na K'hh! a a mile post
to Ij Uu.
R on be noted a xlmdow In the brush
tiy the rondMl-le kwpliiK pace with hlra.
Ilulf a uille fnrlhtT a companion shad
ow on the other aide of the road drew
i,ii attention.
He knew they were wildcat, obey
ing the same luxtinct that makes their
tniuu convener follow a man In the
elty alreeU in the moonlight He
knew he could send them scurrying
nwoy luto the brush with a shout, but
with the habit of those who live In the
wild places of the earth, be had no
i aire to tnnlest anything that did not
undent ulm. B'l lea. the leaping aluid
own were company of n sort, and their
j-rcMHiep was a iruarautee that no
Inr.er tavaue lii-ast or savage man wis
Joe 1 st the companion ahadowg at
1he (ilia nivcr, when he and Kitty
j IhkIihI across II.
lie had not yet found Manuel Oon-
nil. train of ox-tennis, nut ue Knew
they must be comparatively near
I nl ably camped at the spring half a
! en tulle farther on. There was
u.ih'iijf to be ttalm-d by coming upon
them at this time of nlUt. There are
certain rules on the frontier, as In the
cllli, as to breaking a tired mini's
hleep uiiiiecessiirlly. So Ji decided to
camp in-ar the rher and hurry on at
daybreak with bis ni(-suge.
lie unsaddled Kitty and tinned her
loose to graze lu the river botioiii.
knowing that she Mould remain -Iom
''- Then tlmline; a plaee where the
biUhli was thick in iuuh lo S!T,i-n him
fiolu sight of the loud, he broke
Ihiough thi leafy wall.
A brunch umi a a brooin sntliiiil
to obliterate the tnnLs thit showed
li ride hud ended there, and behind hi.s
'crei li of iuMuit brush he law down
to sleep, bis sniiille for a pillow, the
wjfl Ciirth for a bed. He u oiled m,
covers, for on that hi;h mesa of the
J Hit there Is no dew .
A city boy might wonder that he
took pains to hide himself from the
road and to disguise the traces of his
camp, tut to Joe it was as natural as
It Is to the towu-brod lad to hick his
bedroom door nt a ftrange hotel.
Joe said his little player, taught him
by the mother v hose ihaih had left
him to make his way alone two years
before, and closed his eyes A boy Is
not likely to forget his prayers when
the only toof above him is tin- sky, and
evry stiir sei-ms like a bright eye
se; lag i bar through him. Jo - did nol
hiiVe to tt.-iit for sleep; he was fjf
II is -i hi ey es w ei e s hut.
I !eh'. In- n ,i, bioiid awake avalo.
The li.iein v. ;i g.,e, but the slurs w,-re
-iiii sh'niug. iii ii ly iihih lie !cv
.' il . Jit far di-t.iM. A inon'K nt t , e .
!-et his w Us. iU.il .lee w s eoi; . e '., ; i j
ili 1 1 s'.itii" h d.v w :is LiM-imc 1 1 t!ie i i !i i
side of the bits',,, s. The fir-t or,;.,
iiiicl li -in nil :it i n 'mi.
"t;t"! .1 : nt i t." h In a-. I the vl-
MIV. "V.ill eollle il- M,o;i ; it is ig,t.
Ili We 1 i:l 1 1 h i I' II h ei lii. 'II I i ,'iit li", e
To sirlke h.m to ni-lii m.gi.t ninl.e i li
bull driver suspicions niid b: sides, ih I.
boy Joe knows I'm i ol witii the com.
puny any more. I' nam lo t the
uiotiey without having to hurt any
body. "
"Hut say, I.ainpsoii." Joe heaid nil
other voice, "won't the boy lie there
Just the same lu the morning;"
"Not a bit of It." said Lamps, n
"He'll just give ( ioiiitiilez his message
mi I start back. lie doesn't know why
he is sent. Nobody but the Lordsburg
nguit and the superintendent is sup
posed to know tin-re Is twenty-tivv
thousand (b l'nrs in bills rolled up In n
bale of blankets. That much comes
evHy month to pay off the men at t lie
tnliii on the lirst. The comi any is
afrnld to send It by the stage, for the
singe Is held lip by the rustlers too of
Icn. Notiody wou d ever think of hunt
ing through the freight fur the money.
The freighter himself hasn't n Idea
of what he Is carrying. They have
been doing this for a long time and
have never had any trouble, but the
b ss can't help fe ling a little anxious,
so he always chases the boy off down
the road to make sure where the money
train is."
Joe's first Impulse had been to shout
a greeting, but lis the words reached
him he realized In a flash what they
meant. The inysiery of his monthly
mission that had so puzzled him was a
mystery no longer.
"I don't see why we should have a
bit of trouble," said Lauipsoli. "I'll
Just tell (Jonxnleas that the company la
In a hurry for the blankets for some
pt-osjiectlng parties, and has sent mo
with the bnckb.iard to fetch them on
ahead of lil ui. He knows me from see
ing uie lu the ollice, nnd will probably
not ask a question."
"But," askisl one of the others, "sup
pose the boy has told hint you were
thrown out?"
''If I can't convince him that the
boy lied, we will have to make a 'gun
play.' Now quit talking. We'd bitter
all get some sleep." ' ' :"
Soon there was silence, broken only
by the regular breathing of the three
So cauti'MJ-dy-lhat ty euB-M-niiT'uV'
leaf betrayed him, Joe ra'sed bis head
and peTed through the iiiishes. lie
saw three tueu lying a-hi-p, me liuek
tmard standing at the side- of the road,
a tid the horses unhitched hi:A picketed
i Ilia lirst thought. Hs n slip the
. stake ropea and stamped- the leise;
but lie realized that the sb-efH-rs might
tie awoken d by the plunging animals,
and the thought of what thi-y wight do
In their auger uisKle Joe'fev! ICmesotue
for the lirwl lime. , j
As silently as a fox sjnlklug a WlhJ.
fowl, skirted the cleared parch and
made for the rher bottom, ,. He was
srfxm beside. Hi Kitty jimre. 'i'her s
an anxious moment ' when he was
afraid Kitty would greet him With a
neigh, but sm oly ruised her head
from the tall grass' and put out her
nose to be petted. . ; , ,- .
He had ridden her bardmik as of-,
ten as with a saddle, slid In a moment
he was o-i her, making his way. by n
wide debrur.. past ills? sjeepiug- men.
As Boot! as he was beyond earshot lu
gave Kitty her head aud sjksJ sway.
His Idea, had Lj-cii that all bv.had
to tl was to tell (loiizalea of Larsp
son's plot. Now the word of Liunp
son hluiw-lf oc('rurred lu him. "Nol o ly
Is suppowl to know the money . is thi-re
but the agent at liidshurg and tlie
superintendent." It was tlie company's
secret, and Joe dared . nut betiay' it
even to the frelght-r. .
At hist a sparkle fur ahead showed
him the embers of a .-dying, camp-tire,
and soon he was near enough to make
out the big prairie schooners. He had
found Conzalez" outlit. , ..
'The voice of timidity Mliispcred that,
.he might discharge his commission
with safety to hlinsel. All he hud to
do was to deliver, bis mess-kge tu'tfW
freighter as It wiis given, hitn. turu
round, and gallop-' back home and s;iy
notjiiug of what he had ovVibisird ba
ttle river. The' ctiinpany Would lose
twenty-live thousand dollar, but 'no
body would blame him. ' " '
Hut another voice Hie voice of duty
spoke louder, Insisting that taking
care of himself was not nil cbnL he
was there for.
The Is'ss wiuitf-yoli I' luirr.y dpi fie
needs that flour," s:ild Joe to the head
freighter, when he had roused him.
dolizah-z grumbled "ait ;biiig .awak
ened for such a message; but he was
tmJ Iflccpy to blame the btij,-, nnil lln,
ally told lilm he bud hi t ler sieiul the
night with them.
"I'll sleep iu the wagons If you don't
mind." said Joe, to whom n plail had
occurred. . ' ' : .
"Just a s you l.Ue," yawiiisl lhi
freighter. "There's a big bah- of
blanket Ijtick in t he trailer."
So Joe tethered Kitty Ui fhe wdui'j
of the trailer and crawh-d in ou top
of the blankets. a rough bale covered
with burlap and laced with ropes. '
Kef ore dawn he got u cup of coffee
; from the camp cook, borrowed if Vit'if
i!b. and wi ll ;i bilinlL r lhd iu his coat
and lied It behiinl. stinting on his )ong
lido hnin '. whii ' tioiiZ'.l z iiril bis eiv
iere yoking the oxen to the wagons.
,.l'ivH miles up the read Jio 'met
Laiiipsoii mid tlie Iwoillig uicii lolling
alo'tg in the buekln 'aid.' His heart
slopped beating until In1 was in-t. but
the discharged bookkeep r tntvely w'.iv-'
i il Iiiin a i f eiieg. ' -!
Jo ; il 'I' . 1 1 ' n. He felt safe enough
now to ehle l.!e at lie.' s . lie that would
be ciiai lei back tyre, when the rob
bers, after c.nrj mg ;T l In- ip t y bale,
'lo d I f.jic-i il and li' il noihiiig.'
K-:t!y Mas a el y I I il in;! feivlij :tl
sn- ...imht Jo,- in:o to a n that fi. !r.
'1'he suoei iuo'in'eiil hailed I'.ie hoy
.!- lie rode i.p to Che o'Jiee (if the ei i -i
- coaipaiH ii 'i'iil yoli" liud (Jon
za'ex'i" ., . ,
'"Ves. s i" shoiiiid .he, "ile siiid
he'd hurry." 1 lr,n. J pulb d 'hi coal
from behind, the 'Bidie. hainleifovi r
the bimdie of ha ui. -nob s. and blurted
nut ht.s i.dvi ntiires. .-
It whmi t much of n trb-k to untie
the bale, sir." lie said, "nnd I tied It
up. again w hile (ionznlez thought I was
sleepltig: but," he lulled. ''I'm nfraid
the company loses the bkliLotRi"!
It's willing to lo.,. Ihein," said the
superiiiti nileiil. ' ' , -k . - y
Tlie superintendent talk..! the matter
over with the manager, -.iiml . lit llr.st'
they thought one of the biggest bank-iiotes-in
lhe paekagi.' was the proper
reward for the messenger whose pres
ence of. mind had a.ved the uioney.
Hut when the. supi-rlnlctidout mention-
el it to his w
she gave him it het-
ter plan, and that Is how It came about
that for several, years the Item of a
hoy's schooling nppcored on the ex
pense account of tlie topper company,
with the bills for freight nnd smelting.
This happened twenty years feso."'
If you happen to be Interevti'd in the
story and ever go out to Arizona, the
present superintendent of the Montezu
ma Copper Company can give you. tlie
detnlls of the 'boy's' sttbseVjtjetVt career.
The present, superintendent's name la
Armstrong. -Youth's Companion. '
West .Indian "l,ICe, Plant."' . ..
There: Is a' creeping moss found In
Jamaica, In Hnrbadoes; npd, other Isl
ands of the V"est Indie, whlph la
called tiie "lfftr 'tr;""'6r noie, ymfarly
the "life plant." Its powers of vital
Ify are said to be beyond those of any
other plutit. U Is ab&olutejjr Inde
structible by any .means except Immer
sion lu boiling water or application of
a red-hot Iron. It may be cut up and
divided lu any inn nn er, and the small
est shreds will throw out roots, grow,
and form buds. The leaves of this ex
traordinary plant have been placed In
n 'dosed air-tight, dark box, without
moisture, of any sort, and still they
grew. . ',.. .. .. .,
" ' ; . . ii . ' ,
.It sometimes, hardens Jhat the man
wli has a" wife and an automobile hat
two unmanageable thing! on nit banda
at otiice.
?4 iunmiin
Kobin Kedhreaat.
i'ni bj, :,MMl-by to siiiimier!
I or HuiiiiuerVUearly done'T ' '
lin- jfiird. u .smiling fiiinil, , f ,
Cisil tin ejten iu fJ. mhi;
3ur thrushes Him are jfdent. i ,'' i -5
l)ur salL,B tieKIl sy-T.
tut liobin's here iu coat of brti, '
,nd-ni arUt brewst knot gays , f
luhin. K'.lnii l(e,l,reni,
O ijjt.fn dear: '. i ' ' '
I.obiu sing so. sweetly ,( . .. .
In rhe falling of the year.
- '. 1 ' i ' . . ' T " .
tiriglif yelliiw, feil and oralige,
Tlie h-aves come do'jl. hi hst;'J
.'he lies are Indian priliees.
I '.at siHiii they'll turu to ghost;
'?.!, !:itVr l-'Vfi "'d l'l''ea
llaug ruswl on lhe hough' r ... ,
i autumn, sal, nun. aututiitr aw
Tw iii ss)i be winter now.
I'.ilftu llol'in Jtedbieasi,
I I Hohill lie.', r!
nd wliai ili Ikih jMor .lbUiii;ifciJZ.(..w,
I'or pitickiiic day are near.
The hieside fur the eriektd. :
The wheatKisek for I lie. nioiise.;
rtiieii trenibln'g. night Wbniis whistle
And uioiin all round the house.
The frosty ways like iron.
The hrnticiivt. p4ujw4. .with snow
A li, m t in iter dead and (Juris,
liele en li poor Robin go?
Uoliin. Robin ltedhrenst,
( Robin der! .. ...
iklid wmHiliwt hfejel.'fftr Kolnii,
His little heart to cheer.
- Williaui A lliiiglnini. '
Abide 'With We.
.Vhide will)
nit-: "'at fnll tlif-erentiile;
Vile du'lliUess
s abide!
lirfl.-'wiih me
'Vheifother'lielpers fail iiml coinnirt flee.
Help of (he helpless, O abide with me!
iMiift .to its close ebbs out life's little
' .-'-'dav ' "! ' '
liarlli' joys grow dim; its glories pus
' ' aw ay? 1 '-;
t hinige and decay in all around I see;
f) tlion. ''wiioV.h'.'iitgesi:'' nth-.; aiflibr with
1ieij1 Vlfv presence eyry, pflssing hour
What Ion thy grace can foil' Die Temp
ter's power?
tV'lio-hk'c 'fbrsVlf iYIt guide and stay can
... .. i.
he.'- -I
it rough i-loud nnd siihshihe O abide
' wrfh in'ef '"'" " '
i r,"
f,.e with lhee Ht ha'iiil to bless;
no wf-ighf and teaiSi no bittiT'
have n
'" fe'ss
re is death's sling.
v, here.
grave, thy
t ictory i .. .5
liiuniWi stillrf t fi An abide with me.
fit thou tliy cross before my closing
'' eyes;
Kliine through -die gloom nnd point me
.;' i tf? sk'ies:
I lenVeri's moriilng breaks, nnd earth's
vain shadows flee: - i
I a . t ", and death, () LWt .bu!e' with me!
Henry l'rancis Lvte.
Tliejr.Ab oiiS'I Thcfe in Great Number
aud Most ItrilliiiTit 'i,rieties.
,'1,'he .ljjr;.!. ,iif. At;,i
I !7-a(. iiuiiii'i )-iyd .y
l re unn.iig its gi imi. si
in.1 iiloiind in
n'iet'yi :,u I the..
ami uio-i -a 1 1 rnc-
liVe tie;
Id" (III s.
slir.-s. I Die Jlf the pi e;
bird is their gain I v
V iil'ie-
Ju e. o- r. C'V a?.- lo -i iii. iil a:.,l hi
i li:;.-. w ii. i! I i'iill l.i i i s fn t i the
' .U li '.',.e;!f.;'tl,t,' 1 1 .-or ,ii:i! s ( l.u.v
i,..:iy e i.iii 1.l, Yi'iit.l r
b I' l
d 1 1.e. "if; i:!v,i': lire." , u i i; " ii
Is I I :.4ii Jiuiy, ln a.Ji ,:r.s 4 me
, r i'i riio- in . h 1 1 ; i.l :r eif. Tb r '
I " l:li :: , if' l, , r.el ei es .
I. line brut I h;m itiivccbireil l.y K.
i', " tli:-' MI i,W ( M-rtl'il.-i .. w lltl ' j i 11 .'w
h ,ly nn'! Iil.'iek , ri.-st1. It is so inuneil
!Asati,sn,ls, -ciesl r. si llilih s tlie car-
i innl's hat. "I'titi I e.itilifiil pink line
laiil j on si-e lu-ilie (liilntlest sky Is a
l ock ( f pink fl.HiiiigoiiM J-They are
ii iiting us. Now tfiey aligiil up iu tit
aniroij llm margiinof 4Ue river. How
riliy th'ey'are! t Vt en to that (.vpn'siio
I nig., .That U'iJhu "lillgeni." il huge
I lack binl it!i white b,-ak. 'From the
Missy, iiirsli coiiies the dis,-oidai.t cry
if the berou. niid'thi' green parrots ate
'thiillejlligi lit theitri'i'S fiver "tif Irv.t lL
i'hey think their scohihlg will frlgiileii
ts away, , ..S'fjhat ,1 ively, gjildei)u r, n.
I rcrplni;.. up. the tree, hunting' sp'id- rs.
Ile decs not stem u piifticle afraid of
lis. Hear that sweet-voiced jobtyi.
i'hey are,, uiuiiv.'lviitr singers than the
tohlus 9fj our .country.' Hert w e ibid
I diiyt's cnrelesidy -uinde m-st: wltli two
white eggs lying on the grjiind. This
fi3f is itf wMiitU.i not much larger
I huh a canary. That moib'st little gray
Ilrd is the bulbul or nightingale, w hich
kel'pa ni' SAvwto'f)'g'ififr tlie night.
Yliere Is'a'trce tluit appears to be
.overed witW tiji.ils f. cottony; tml ' In- f;
ttend of cotton it Is' a flock of tungph s
(Uiinlni? tuf-nntelves. TlieyHlrop til. If
wings and fluff out the feathers of the
dack until they, resemble halls of cot
ton .They , are singular birds. One
iU(cateh a. frog and run around before
lhe oibers, apparently to tnutalizc
Uittitt ,. When, tbexi, jutj)f . tbeyt Jjitnp
Tito' a poiVf water, then out and roll
ii fhe dust, then Into the water again.
I'hey Impose onai'liot.Hiv.ltAifif'jrf'ial
iims laylsg-egMia-tBwjnssLj ,. t
. - ..p. .
specially Which Prove httcrht tvrli
the 4hwrlra'(Aar.' -''
Not far from Cooper UiilrWts'n ftlio
Irtgraph gallcly 'ilevoted' almaa't AitW-'
ty to freaks. MoiuetUnej , a, few f!U(rl-,
lists get Itt tliert Mut a'IWMi;
thins tjtey patroniae jilsliop keW:-'.by!
n ex-pugilist a lttle-tartlier down the sW
Itreet. - 'H;
In the trwks' :sh6p you will flndt
1 1 most any' hour of the day giantaunkd
dwarfs, skeletons and fat men, bu-
aaaa p1-eushlons and sword swsllow-
ers In fact anything that la included
In tbe museum and circus line, on ex
hibition from 10 cents to $1. -Vothing
in the way of a legitimate freak es
capes. Hut once let au outsider that
is, a man whom the patrons of the
show do not consider a genuine freak
get in there, and he gets no picture.
The photographer lx-";an with pick
ing up chance freaks in the circus
about ten years ago. lie iersonally
sought oat freaks and took -omniis-sioti
on the 'number of photographs
sold in the shows. The freak photo
grapher doesn't do that now. He
knows that he has a facility for pine
tographing freaks better than anybody
else, just as others excel in spt.rting
scenes and some in handsomely gown
ed women. Kvery man. of any good,
in every profession has his strong
point: and that man's is iu posing
freaks to-the best advantage.
His name is on pictures sold in
freak shows in New York or anywhere
else this side of San Kram-iwo. His
bank account would compare favor
ably with the bank accounts of nmny
fashionable photographers New York
Times. . - ' ' . ' . '
The limit of a soldier's credit at the
canteen was twenty per cent of his
pay.rr' ' ; . " . '. ( (
Autlcang, are .making' an- effort to
fntafiijtifl l.a.jatert, plant at Flushing..
Hollands-,. . ;; .. . ;
Thf-. proport-fciu rf policemen rlo pop
ulatio ;is ione.) MTAd Paris, one' lo
4iS tit Jndont and wi to iXK irf New
Yor.: w'tjU
An4rleSn' Jnrlsta'' aniiually - sieii(l
abroad, an average', of $75,0O0,(SK).' atid
foreig"'i) WirlsTts'lave about .$2(iifi,(i,Ki
here.' l !:.! ;''"'.' '' .' ' ,' '
Tli!: 'dijtor of "o wt'ckly iie.tipuper iu
Austriajja offers. hlnisclf as a prUe to
the xydnipn who- xtrrltea thn beat wsay
on the (Iu'fIe4-oX.a; wfe. ; ' ;-
Ooose quill pons and -drying pow
ders are stiff si-d lit Knglfsh law courts
and ete.'3Ipu Of . I.trrd find in the
Fieuh (ha";nber"6f Di'put ie.s.
JoWi Stfiart 'fill was studying 'irfck
at ibrtY. -bi)l praelicitlly imisicrcd the
langultge1' at seven, find V ycrfr Inter
was'nctfng'fis siiooltii.T-Uer.' to '.his
youtfger brotliiTs' ati'il se-teTs.''' John
Unstfti iietiTfliy pl o.lv"( d ii manliscrip'l
work in three vohifiii's In-fore be rou fif
ed his sevdith birthday.
Ill Haroldsw jek. in." i he islmt lands, it
whalebone viking drinking horn irr
good'1 co fid it fon was found -recently in
a graye. tbat ontained human bones,
together wtyji ihnse. of horses and dogs.
The grave Is, i-roluUiI.v that K.'f.M1 wa
king, buried w.itb.. bis Iiorw.nud a dog
In jhe time of Ilaroll Ilarfagr, . one
tbousjind jeyr.s aga-,, ., . ;, 4 ,. , ... ,
X .np'Jiisioi'ic- twn; near 'Adichan-
aihwjj.jiu!:i.-;jirfi' t,"
to.'tlnve been-, of
la rgev si.tM'.j.a nU;-pl-op) is.es, Jo,. y hid. a 0
extfititiliitiry WU'- ty.;if-jit r;ti.igb
jcris. .More ih.iit'.otte Jiuuilred acri-s
have liecn resi-j-vei for e-.piorations.
ami t he renut.'ii(:ire .ootd '('fiiesidera
bly bjftir.d-t'fe:i';.fra -"'.'. l-'iViit lfi W
rion.s ..pi 4 1 id -fr in uiv.v ii-.-ci' e ,"i -p, r
tcry h-ivvl'e:i i:v.tu-; I .'"'I i1': e -fly.'1 ios
g. i her.- ufcii ,tiil iiv o
n;t n 4 ut'iM.' Idl'.i'. 1
TO j -.V'e.
? ; ).;,.' - f,
1 lie' I. r -t i i l l .'
hap. ii -Vnit-i'
in i;;.:g
.' 'ii,k--
r fi
il U'
'.l:::i. , i
(l. in ui-,
U r . n i . e ,i
ml iniile
I, v.ni.iil
i:.s.' one of
1 o.-.c. w l:i
lie :l..
J lll.V.. I.ice
the iiv.-e ;
of JueJ.h,' .t f .p.ilrui.s. :
Tiie j,ii;.a ; t, i-f. blooil ir.iun:!
d'ii.-,v's. iin.L i eriuips ,the br.n
,ll:it lii.Hi'.l.il Sulci's nnis'.c wi
coi .cie.i( i less :;lii!:;i ii.'.i hi, xc
cunios.ly ,if , Ki'tui'.i.vi, lie c
s... tin--s
h;i I d
h s;n li
Ic.l the
wbll oilier inrjili.t is ..pi .jin
alii5' .it w as at hist (ieei Ic
tliir.eoiiei rt shariiy on tiine.
' ,( (i!np : uy,
1 in In-,'.', n
cut ml n-
coije nnd I . hne viuriugc.s iu w;ii;
;ir gT to. cyavey- tUeiiv 'hiii'rii dly -to 'the
theib r.flt the (Tel of tlie concert y.yn
grant. : : '; "... ; .
Tiie mali iger of the tllf-iiter protuised
"lo Iinlil the furtaii'i'' focso- dis.i;igit.sk
t,h h guest. And tltnn it -was tli.1t the
great IlUltgifrUui -v-iohri'sfrwita enabli'tl
to witness the 'j'i-pitt Ainriricitn i-bUsict
The 'concert andifiife-' x as - imi inid to
rewnt the rush" rrirfil ' it "beiume ' nc
(li:ai:ited with ih reasliV, timl then was
generotlJi'fn-fofgh'-ilig. '' ''''' " ' ''
Th:' rhwe Tom iiclors worked "right
on tlielr tnertle.. JJmv did lluur lM'st
tn hold the mirror. jap". to.-th lc-iddit of
nature, but tlo-"douUlr rclKii-tloti wi'tftar
mystltlejl Itetneal j I.. . It. iook iiliiiiJiBiiwo
lime to fat hwn l he. philosophy of . twin
Kvas. Markses and Xosys. . The tears
inn down his ,-hi-eks wtlien ICvn died,
until be-scd lenly n'tneltthM-ed tbexitber
Fvn wIhi hud appotrwd iHrlferiii-' songs
and dife: i .Wftlr ,ivMM fllr -he
tunied''U tikwite '-hln-niprtnlon. iind
naked 'WtW-'they! w'pre-V 'Pimnng'e this
-tiinl p.--otiniWy ftiiu-ef stTeli'tryiiig clr-
eimis'it'nV't.'' Tf'e' frlei d replied that
other f, va ft.-ld lirfrbaldy -washed up
and gdtfe ifit'tt fithe'liorii'tind wiurld
take bcV'tfl tit iff "gn!es n)nf" 'tli
WIliwin'titgM.iw-':. !;;'''" '''
' Later wir'if'f:emeiiyl''ni(ri'he' flifslii1!
a.nd nfcJ'l'.V.Uut wv:or in the hnlel otllce,
lie''s'iirn p.rpiightidlly: '"Amtiienus are
JvciV.frternrisIiig 1 hey belleye In
awning nil they cin of a gond thing."
.'ou caif't tll!conrage the prohibition
movement by throwing cold water on
An Oli Vaaailr I'hTicla Telia of
ae of Hia Ksperieucea.
TradiOo'i and mperstition. It Is said,
die bard, and e-n in this twentieth
(s-ntury. the age of education and pro
gress, it is surprising what erroneous
,", J. ui!-,- mrria ,rridil iraiiiing
! medi.-al matters, sjtys a dis-tor in the
' Ixnidon Tit Rits.
j In w.uie of the more common afl
j ments .f children a doctor hears at
limes pt-i-uliar views expressed. Many
, patients are quite under the impression
j that it is for their children's welfare
that they tdiouid contract hie young
such diseases as measles, whooping
tough and chicken kix. or glassiKix,
and they- will even go so far as to ex
sise tliem to infection, so as to. as
they express it. "get it over and done
with." r
As a matter of fact there is no rea
son or necessity why any child should
suffer from any one of these diseases.
Happy is the family that escapes them,
for then there is t cham-c of the young
sters, growing up healthy men and wo
men iiml useful members of society.
. .Most uiToiioopsi ideas prevail as t,t
the effect of those complaints of ehild
hood. I have often heard 11 sit id. "Oh,
it's on measles;" or chicken pox. a
the ease may ls iiite oblivious to af
ter effects. Any one who would take
the trouble to read health statistics
would soon Is- convinced that measles
especially is not to be trifled with. And
yet 'medical men as a rule rind a reck
less disregard for isolation, ,and in
ninny cases not even the precaution cf
calling in the family, doctor, the result
befog naturally that the disease
spreads. at ils.nwu sweet will and often
wprks havoc.
, In the treatment of this complaint,
iig.iiii. delusions nud erroneous ideas
cxisf, among a large number of thit
community. Tradition, so it appears t
me, is more prevalent' with regard t
measles than almost any other chil
dren'sMisense. A remedy that has been hf.nded
down from 'mot hot- to daughter for I
don't know hW inmy genernt'ioiis is
saffron. Now, what effect saffron has
upon tliiK"pa!tieular fever no doctor
knows. Certainly there is no peculiar
element' it! its eoniposil ion that, nn, s
il a necessity. When one remembers
that saffron is merely a 'dye principal
ly used commercially' in tint role and
that it possesses no medicinal value,
one fulls to liiideis'.aufl why it is ft
universally usul. The only thing to
lie said in its favor is that, While being
useless, it is linrniloss.
A favorite"- ail'ditiou.' to ,..saffroii, is
brandy; but, as saffron is harmless,
brandy., on the, other hand, especially
with baliies and young children, is poa.:
itively injurious, and should never be
given except utidenTnodicnl advice.
Children are always thirsty in their
feverish ailments. Yet how seldom lhe
mother thinks of giving her child water
to drink, 'it is nearly always milk
another,. popular delusion. Milk is aa
excellent food, but it dot's not quench
thirst; in fact, it increases it. Give
tle child cold boiled" water and it will
become quiet and less fretful.
A very popular error is that spirits
.keep the cold out. As n matter of fact
i'.'.'.v do just the op;tfisi(e. Alcohol in
creases, the iiciion of the skin, opens
I lite pores, and makes the individual
J u i,Tf liable, to conn-act Chills and colds,
I. "ft en witb.'.:rious results. A glass of
j.hot miik is far better iind much chean-
if tid purer. .- : ,
il l!V,
i or J'ooil iii JI in, la,
iucl'ei's' in the liuiiniiiiies. nn
many who have had to. live
ii dii'y, have reported that the
st of
living is high, but the niii'tien-
ve not oftqn been set forth, says
st on Herald, An advertisement
.. it..
ii the .Manila I- roedom of nrices of
provisions at tlie 1 lii lijij tine cold storea
iiifords some specific knowledge on the
suli.ect. ' . ; -.-
''or beef the price per pound is (ia
cents): Sirloin, r."; rump. 55; topside,
o(i; round uteri k. 45; rib roast, 45; blade
chuck, 40. For mutton the pound price
Is: .Leg, 45; shoulder, ,'iO; loin chops,
;!5 to 45; stew pieces, 15. For pork:
Leg. W; loins, 00; corned pork. 4o to 50.
K.iiibits life 00 cents each; hares, 75
centsf calf's liver', 40 cents h pound;
simsugp, 40; smoked cod, 45; salmon,
15 10 lib; honey, , 4j, 'and butter, $1.05.
Most Of, the meats are imported, of
course,, but. they are rather necessary
to the diet Of an American. It must
be taken into account, also, that the.
currency is silver. Doubtless there are
native diets fish and rice, for exam
pie that are cheaper.' Hnt tlie supply
of rice ls; now rather' limited, pud tbe
local government is 'procuring and dls
trilintinfe'tt'W'the'famishlng.v Ent.lilfd Another Dividend,
RcgjStarr-I'lease boss, Won't yon
gimme a dime to
Jenkins See here!,. I gave you a
dime yesterday. .; ' '
' JjeggSr Well, haven't yer earned
jiiiy tuOre' money. slhc6 den? I'hlladel
pjiljt Ledger. '
'.' , jfSVorfh. the Trpohle.
- "lion't,'. yu'find' tiresome,", said
Mitre Antony,""tb devote so much time
to literature in addJtloA to your va
rious wars?" , ,
"Yes,',', rejdicd Ciiesar,' "but It pays.
There Is nothing like being your own
military critic.' Washington Star.
. Uil 4 ,'s.tvip in itw) World.
,,T)ie oldtsf ship In the World, the ninU
scbooner 'Vlgllaitt', rtnlirlng Into St.
Croix, F. W. L, although now under
the French flag, was built of Essex
oak, nt F.sspx, Mass., in 1H02.
Large Nt Loots Hotel.
The llonnpni te Hotel at St. Louis will
be the largest hotel In the United
States, and Its opening will be simul
taneous with that of the big exposition.
4 I .'''. '
m - aa'w,ajij'.ii'a pm"H--' ''- " " ' ' ' :