Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 04, 1904, Image 4

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Life in the (iold Field of Alaska, Where the Rough Element
Is Honest, and Always Insists I' pun Fair Play for All
Ketchikan, Alaska, "-re.wiideiiie:
I'rvHitHT Hf. lost infie of its flavor
wheu th trail of toe Auiwicau pioueer
werved from the Wi to the North.
The fortune hunter hwt none of the
perils of his calling hen he aban
luued the train of the setting sun to
to lu pursuit t the north stnr. Itut
he pays K more heed to the menace
f the arctic than lie did to the viela
itudes of the desert. He follow ench
tream as long a Its munis will show
rolor of gold, and the eals of his camp
fire are hardly dead lefore there is a
town site where he pitched his tent.
The way Is hard mi account of nature'
resistance to hi cncTixicbnieut, upon
her domain. Imt the result Is always
the same he triumphs ami gi-s Itold
ly onward, Kverythiug in this world
ha its price and the gold hunting uien
i'f the North must pay In some coin for
the privilege of the trail.
The loose way lu which fortune
flings her favor in unaccountable. One
right some bunko men of the gold
fields sold a tenderfoot an old claim
that wan suposed to ! worthless.
The knowing ones an id they would not
have it as a gift When the raw Kast
erner took possession of his property
he was the butt of many Jokes How
ever, the swindler and the jokers soon
laughed out of the other corner of
their mouth', for their dupe licgau tak
ing such iimntities of dust out of the
(ibaiuloiied claim that it noon turned
out to Im a lavnauza. I p to this time
It has paid him nearly :;i,ii.
word 'mush' i to the Alaskan si-.lv
dog what "amen" i to the traiu.-U
canine that s.tys its players in the cir
in signal whi' h lie limb-randa,
and act upon, and one for w hi h tut
will not accept a substitute. Although
"mush" had its origin as word fot
dogs. It grew in popularity until it
came the generally accepted order foi
anything or anyluMry to moxe on of
gel out.
The vernacular of the cold count f'
has a Wrong hold iijh.ii it Ms.pie, a -I
shown in the incident when a cottpl.i
of returned pros)-.-tor went into a
restaurant in KmH'e to get tloir break
fasts. At soon as they miv seanil
waitress cinif forward and tend
"Mush, ginUV" Th.-y took their hat
and loll the place, nun tering us lh-j
went. They wondered why she hat'
ord.rvd them out. Mid she, iu turn,
woiiibivsl what pisv-.i,l ihein. "It
tin')' didn't want mush, they milit
have said so." she growl l: "giies.
we've not good enough thing to m1
to satisfy anybody."
The extreme Northerners have mini
nerimii whirh are as ishl a then
forms of KM-e-li are peculiar. ne da.
I iu a jewelry shop in 1 law so.
w heii n miner c.-ime In to get a wab-l
that had been left for repair. He'pir
It iu his ixu kH and without a wort,
altout the price hatebtl over his sack
of gold du-t to the Jeweler, w-Ito pr.
ceiled to weigh out the amount of tlx
charge. The miner lod only failed u
a'k the price, but tnrntd around to t.'ill
Teh scjipegoiit son of a down Kast
prt.nher drifK-d into t!i- Klon.like to
ti-.nke a new try at life. lie had
s..-,vn eiiougii wild oat wle-re he came
from to limine fi lnMitnifui iTi'p of re
morse, ainl It would seem tii.it mi"
n li.i lii,d phij-ed s. hard and f.i-l witu
gmel opi-ortimltlc woi-.M hatd'y etc
tl'iwl to hit tipnti tl.e 1 1' --t c':i!:,i its
.i,r.,,-j J;r i'.' tf:0; V,'n
( reciotis stuff out. at a rate that w;H
astoiiisUinsj Btid hn-ke the renin! for
riotous living. His god res-ilves
ro'ildn't statitl prosnerity.
,fa:iy who nre well schooled in the
.-aft of hi'iiiliig f4'il'l tna.V sttiiuhie
ever it, wl.iio the uninitiated often run
.iglit into it. The man who ws re
spousihle for the discovery of the r:ch
el liehla in t he- North tramped over
them for years, vainly seeking his for
tune, and finally came out with hardly
enough money to pay his way home,
licfore the ship readied Seattle he was
robbed of the last dollar lie had In the
world. On the same Itout was a youn?
f'atifornlan who had tackled the frozen
North with less than $1im and had no
experience, who had $l-b),txt worth of
nuggets to show what his luck had
done for him. All sins fail in a dry
time, and no man can tell inwli about
the hiding place of gold.
In 1880 a French Canadian named
Joe Juneau wandered tip Silver How
basin, the beautiful canyon hack of
the town which bears his name. II.
panned the first gold from a field that
has enriched the world by many mil
lions, and which will continue to con
tribute to Its wealth for many years
to come. Juneau was one of those
Tearless characters who helped to con
Utter the wilderness. He was a path
anrier in the full sense of the word,
ret he died penniless. When the news
ramc to Joneau that the old man was
lead In Dawson and It became known
liutt his last wish was to be burled on
Ihe mountain overlooking the town
lhat waa named for him the money
K-as quickly subscribed to bring bla
tody to the Knot where he said be
anted to wait for the Judjrment.
Idiom of the North.
The people of New England, as well
is thone of Dixie, have a distinction
It their language, arid no do the resl
lentn of the far North. Many word
ire in use here that are not known
llsewhere. When a person arrive he
is tint known as a newcomer, but Is
neuiloaetl as a "cbeft-cbowker.'' a pl-i-icer
Is not known by that. name, but
called a ""aoor dough," Anyone who
i is biaved the hardships of one wiutir
ii the gloomy arctic can then take to
liittM'lf the bonor of being "sour
I it gU. The word for "move on" Is
'.-iiish." This odd word of command
-U.miMl with toe dog drivers. -The
t' S l!,c o!
evi n 1 jok
lllg lake!!
e-tt on.
IT ,1
.1- ll
I;. .-it
on: .
A f l
til He,.
i. Hi. tjold
i e, a;id i: v
il::if as I. .1 -i
W. I'tll v. it
..r Ihe cm;.
flier w . i.
i-.i c ir, ."in! d'd ic'
lio-.v much w-is b.
I i wort'
a '. a ii a s
1:1 1
Arc Vrr TIomIt k'alt br
.Natiunal Tie.
Jaan it not a small country, and
th iapauese are not a weak peoi-le.
Ther are tome 4L'.imi.ii Japanexe,
ay (iuntou's Magazine. The empire
contain 'about ."jicuio Mjuarw miles,
or one quarter trthre area than F.u
gl.tiid. Scotlaml and Wale, lu uther
word' the JaiiaJM-Ae.'-uiplr i cotis'd
.ralJy larger than ;rtt Britain aud
contain atsott lim.i mitre people.
It fortiiuate in Iwing mi jsUjmI
n aim. so that it cannot ! attacked
'icit fr..ni the'sca. This, lu view of
its pow-fful imvy. prolmbly nis-rior
to tloil or Itu-sia. gives it a tremen
dons aihaniage in war with the nirth--rn
empire. Again, it is so chew to
the Asiatic cmt llu-lit that it n.nM l.ui.l
its tris.ps in Koi-a or Sils-ria much
liort-e rapidly thau Hnssin could iu;ir -h
.them icierl.ind or Ir:in-i-.rl them ou
the Silierian railway. Again, the 4'J.
UHi.om JapaiicK- iire mure clos-!v kni
by l..itlelia lirr by loyally and jia
t riot ism a ll J zeal, than nuy etiiial
Iiillul-r of people on the f.oe of the
glol. Ill this re-.H they n-selulde
ancient Sparta, the luitch in Kurop"
ami tlie luagiiifi.-entlj heroic l'.H-rs.
As to 'their military .inalitics. It U
well known that the Japanese army is
not only of considerable i.e but that
its discipline and equipment n't- fully
s mi to l tii. t of the French or tleniiaii
fi-ces. The present standing army of
Japtin Is something like ii.ikki troops,
or eipuil lu suu- to the-army of either
l iame or tieriuauy, and in military
elticiemy it in tind nibte.llr the suiie
riur of eithi r. .
It should Is- remembered that Japan
l-as tiever Iss-n couiinersl. It should
also Is- remembered that m foot of her
soil has never Is-i-n held by an enemy1
for an appreciable time. It should
also U- remembered that the very
hordes that iJenghis Khan and his
pre b-cessors and successor led In
triumph against Kussia and Central
i'.urope ;,imI which overthrew Persia
mil India and Afgranistan and Kussia
and Hungary were i asily beaten by
the Japanese. -
ll has laen said that the Japanese
h.-ne never fought a serious war with
a white. nation and are an unknown
liaMity, It may be said with istial
Iru.Ji li.ijl Cn-sla has Jie er laced the
lap aiice in war and that therefore
.l.e l;i-iaiis in a . coiitlict with the
'ap:im-.c an- uu uukiioun iti.-uitity.
I'.ui tlieu- ii abumhiut material for es
imi.tieg the strength on sea anil laud
t tliese two -oi!c. The Japanese In
heir conflict with China in vi I
.irmed themselves Miperi..r to the Chi-ic-c
hi a greater degree than the Uus
iuiis or any lluroji.-iin soldiery hnv
ver proved t Iiciiiclves superior to the
'hWiesc. Again, in the International
xtraviignnz.-i known as fhe inarching
u I'ekiu the Japanese soldiers. march
d and fought side by side 'with thr;
ticked soldiery of Kuroiie and Ameri
a. In that' erjiirlciice they snowed
hem.-clM-s superior to the AmcrVuu
unl lliiropeaii iroojis in eiery rcspis-t
uid almost every- wc-tern comtiitittib ?
ngaged in the expedit ions against tl.i
1H1H-.C l.ttcr admitted that the;,
ere at hast the ciin.-ii; if not the su-ii-rior.
"of all other soldier.-, wigaged in
e cj. j:c. Ii t !n;
nrk IU'
... . . i,u. ..i our bod with ur mtuiSi. W
loarse liion to ae iimny. ",lP' i,i..t. iih
' - : .M i fraukiv nW-r-t our ideals WHB
Hi: alitor of an Indiana publication la .a ; Jtt.t mra. .a S.l. wH.
eftort to make a coarse jest ou the subject of; ""' m
a local wUling. ran afoul of the 'ix'-'rl- -f,,. investor h. rmrrbw
Statr. Is,al law,, and a a reult there-.f - Um f ,,t and
..Icded guilty to a federal Indictment. The t J J ' fdH lbf luan wba
incident call attentum to the fact 1 ha, a very I J t.'p. wua suarj ey, l.ng out .f a
. ,,,e ..isi d prire.l t. tfrasp the t.aiXI T Mr-
time honored wedding jocularity altugether loo irt,r h'1
carry the
t:ir. and while ihey seldom go to iudeeciit leiigtha in their
efforts to lie funny, in the preseut instance, their "hu-'
tuoi-eiis" attempts usually smack;f a i-oarwetiesn that is
ii:.ii.y out . r ii.iinioiiy iitli ttu-jf ivlliiailon of tlie Uay
1 he elianv.ii I. or "shiveree. a It
is an ihstitu: ion of hist .ric antuiuitv. aud when confined hi
The merchant who trf-rtn.t" hlmwlf to mller long frma
i, i.i... i..,ns his nrotlts this tear are ies than last
jear. will alwsj ke-p a little uore around Ihe corner, m
T i - - 1 ... t.u n la a,4itr
is .ommni.lv .n.lle.1 wu " u"'u "
li s iihw window will nvr
jfrj.-e (lie main street.
a (I'-iinniiing lhat comiN-ls the returned groom to lirodui-e a ! ...... .
, ,. , . , . . ii... i w 1 he eft ieon ess in liu.e oi si Miess. -. -4nr in.
i.rrrel i.f . i.b-r am! the pltH'. of is-ace. I Interesting audi ' , , ...... u
nir. Mil iii i-r 1 11 laixju iwyrv . i... ' ..... . .....
.-!. hut the efforts to embafras the newiyj
eniu? his capacity a workman and haMenuig his day of
lia-ml.. i-uoU!j
iiiiirr'asl cuimle Is-fore sJ r j l-h s . is a ihrteretir orooosition.
Starling w i-li il:e lun.il.-ss old custom of throwing ri.-e fori "I'"''""1 misfortune. ,,,,,-, .
i .... . .... . ... I 'The bouwire who eternally frei lest tne take fall or
S feek of dust le oerlv.ked ill the parlor, not ouly ItfW
the pleasure of the present, but rtj.a,'.-s -lie Joy b
ttiight naturally eipect fur Hie fulnre.
Iion't worry, and the result will Is- fewer oerw rubt
miudi. fewer exhausted nervous i-vsn-ihs, less rec.oir.e lu
braciiiff drux-i. and a matkul risfintioii in the i ' r of
rates of Insanity "The Weil' I'ror.ss
oimI luck, it iirogre.s,.il to the uia.ter of playing tricks with
the gr sun's ehithiiig. to tacking rlblsuis on the traveling
funks, and. tinally. to the "send off at the train. 'whero
one hum. iris! ,.iniioun.-e to the assemblage of traveling
men and other strangers that these people have Just IxN-n
married, ail. I another idiot distributes handbills to the
same i fi.s t. embellished w Ith icmarks more or lesi Im
pertinent or imlKN-ile, as the case may lie. The only possi
ble effi t of such performances is to, make the .bride and
trooni nii-er.-ible and cniie all other passengers blest with
good seiis. to feci fuolisii.
l'he line ls-iwe.u laughter and disgust Is a' Very narrow
one, and Ihe amateur l-ouiedians essaying great' Jocularity
en the occasion of their friends' marriag almost Invariably
overstep it. It seems a pity ihcr: 1 no way fur tlx- ag
gr.eved jim-s to teach the great majority of ih
-litor. was reached -ludiauapoiis Journal.
li.l IV
ilil s.
ImhIv in
Pulilitity of Modern Life.
Ilfl fierce light that was suposed to b- at' i-i-i
liisiv 1 itp iii a throne has come, lu our'uiod
eru oiiilii ..i s. to lie.-it'Vith almost sual lierce
nev ujien a kitchen. The linings, sayings, and
porttui'- oi ihe cisiks of the truly rich are now
adays ma' I r fur public record. Meantime our
Anser. an nmrt calnudar includes not oulv the
dtii.gs o( Hu- pr i icutial family, but aNo of the fiim
.f thn-v ..f our ii.iiliotialres who are In.- atsl by s-ime
i-cd exclusively to culls! it me. '"sm-iei r." Not only
bUt there is, 11 ,'Vsii llJ, . s;ieei;ly in what would be
ii I itigi.i ml ihe pr.ivinclal I't'c.-s. of recording the
mow-incut., and v 's-lta I iulis of pretty iinii-li v'ery
pretty mueli everv 'ciinmuniiv in the eoiintrv
What i ffe'et is till Uiis publicity to have iiinn tie-avf-rag"
mini,' - woman ami girt V Hu;. particularly. - w lia;
enT Is .-ill this familiarity-lit hm ii. tlfioii-the worhl's H'trti
inefit wilh repaid to royalty ai;d hlli. eccleslast ical an
liiorltyV As to these latier tna.t!i-.r. surely there will l
palpable ellccls. ('.in the setisj' of .we rontiyile ;is great
when tltere is so little lift of the uukliown':' On.' tiong
Is sure: the scntimint toyvard k.ugs and courts aud Vati
cans tfan never remaiti the same Ih 'these new and remark
able conditions. The relation between fhe former and their
subject and followers may be floiie ttu-less affectionate,
even reverent: lr may" 'Irr-i-ome-' more-'-buinati. more close.
Hut the mystery havitig departed, there can. hardly be the
'Id stress. When the mind Wh no longer awftij smd clouded,
by the dim ami the unknown, the appeal .to n-a n iim-t.
te reinforced. Centurv Magazine.
lo Make Cid Uov s Good.
T is lelt strange lli.lt there should be a good
i--al uf si-utiiii'-iil moon.' public limit ptii
pal in Nv.tr of the rcs oi a: ! u of in -pura! paa
sliiiient, under proper ii -tr ciioii. in (M
e-li'sils The rule ilia! the -. ii'-r who cauuot
secure discipline ml eider ,n Ins class wir
out resorting to physh ai fei-. e s i t in to teach
i sounds very well lit theory, but in pra- li c !: r- are excep
tions. There are refractory pupils, w!i..in nothing but thu
fear of pliysa-al iiuiiishment can kiep iu subjection, and It
is vinfortuuately true that the example of one or two sua
mys Is more potelit as a il'iimi .il.iug force than the rx
a rn; ? of the good boys ran count ei a t. Itois are naturally
lawless, if they av healthy, and the forceful young rascal
W ho delies his teacher is likely to be leg.i riled as a hero by
his. si -iiooI mates, There are ioi..;,-.s uiaoy oecasinns
when a good, ctlicient caning wouid .'o more io.tmiiiita.ia
orih-r and discipline in the cl.is.rooni ili.m tne m -si enrnest
f appeal to 'Ihe dormant sense of ho: or of tl
t e
I cjin 1 t.-i i I v
i-e l.-ivli'li-.
Do Not .prrv.,
C should -orvv h-s if we yri
h r
w in
m-ii n.-
ir o-.si.
in I ,' ;
riiiil. I ,v
,s,.P,te' .
I-I'e lew
lu, m i'a
. or n t
'-11 liietl'-l
V. j :o W i 1'
.1 lie a
Hi ii l,a
e-r he is
, p!a-.-e i
:i-r there
I'l,!.--- a
i-tr ak in him le' will do wlmt is i igh'
Win n he is tnketl for a v tc 1 ihau. 1
go! a good profit for iiring tiiat v. utcii
tmd there was m n.-1 r,f stoni ng frou
my customer ai d. mind joh. If a fei
1 iw ever Ret caught oh ittlng here lit
niigiit a1 well puck tip and get out
for he will be a niai-!;i d man."
Kverrb-dr Ho Trrdit.
livery body has credit. An. I ruosi
cverylssly will pay home time. Un
cannot well run away. The Impossible
dlst.iiiei can be well understood from
the treat mcnt of the piisim-rs In thf
fiib ral Jail at Sitka. Whi n there art
no ships Id port the Inmates 'of -fli
jail are let out to haul watiT anf.
chop wood. No guard.s are ns-es-ary,
fn-caiise they would snnly starve il
they ran away. It Is altogether too fai
from civilization f ir a miin to think
of making his way without provision i
ot means of transportation. Several
men have tried it and were glad to
come back. Hut the situation is not
without its agreeable feature for the
nr'noncrs, for, although It Is agalusrt the
rules, the fishermen among them some
times manage to watch over a pole and
line near where they are working, and
It Is even said that the ball players
do not allow themselves to get out of
. The- one thing above all otliers which
la characteristic of the North Is the na
tive dog. The horse, automobile, whip
trains, nothing can turn Its face to the
wind with the assurance of that child
of the arctic, the malanoot When Ice
chokes the rivers and snow blocks the
way of the trains he Is put In ham-as
and goes where none can follow. Half
brother to the wolf, no living thing
knows better the way of the wild or
how to survive Its rigors. Tie turns
his keen nostrils to the wind and scents
with unf tiling instinct the nppronch
of the storm while It Is yet. afar; he
knows bow to break through the Ice for
water when he is thjrstvi as well n tb
trick of making his bed In Hh' snow,
Although he has, been. made the slave,
of mart, the wolf In him does dot wear,
but with work, and be baa the cunnin-i
and endurance td take bis food-alive1
at it rnna. - '
H'-li ii lliiiii;
f lfi.-.
III lie ! ,
! aid
h, 1 hate-
,I. V
I : i ' fai yie
of a gnaj
-lice I wa
ll a id
big featiicf
to gjt up . arly In do maw nl
k. runs i.;e ofthe s- i:gs of il,. jlriy.
ti-aiiuq ii si ng net bug ag,,. news
Mi er man mi,--of that I is vslilcfc
.(.cr gci ui...firv if il is po.sil,,- it
void it conductej an inx - 1 1 t ioi.
v I tli the view of ascertaining jui-t how
ar roiui' pioph- beat ihe sun every
ite was told thai drivers or milk
vagons frtspu-nilv start out on t licit
'omul ai miiUiight. It is a fact tc
which jf nty of aflidaviti can le ob
a lie I that t nick ga id hits who livi
at some distance from this city fre
pieiitly start for market with their
vectnblcs at 11 o'clock at night be
fore lots i f people are In bed... .iJrlv.
re f ."v c
if our own f;' edotii, if xx e p-aii. -d :!:
an hurt us (-xerj'.f nr VixVri fuN.t ,i -tl
mo one can h'tfrt tis cx'- jif oi-r -Iv, s. W
ivorr.t--b s If--i.tM,ed.-leitl:er In t -i a
ward tin, fulnre nor too sber!y t -x
past..bt:t coricernd-ourselves els'et'y -duty
of the rnoiijeiit.- We.sliriukh xyi fry b-,-s if v
Always say to. the Jeering gujl.J-'ailure; "I tried
I .est, and -that was the best I cou'd do.". We shots:
If?. If we turned our bricks on every Satan of cm
cesslve luxury, excessive" work.' oxe.-ss-ive iinfy. c
nnyllilng. We fbnuld'wbrry 1fss' If w; ate !i;i.i;t!o
we took plenty of sleep, if we develop, d our mil:
.ird 1
In 'lie case of the boy who
in oic of tin- Brooklyn schools
that an earnest a ppli.-ation uf
more .-Hi. .lei. his tli.ni the juris.
.-i .is in .-,;, tinii liie va c tii.H t
'lie Itiepemellt b) v!ri'r
tnere Is rio honor ill I he
v.Miihl prove in in li more
lire.- Iln..ik!yn Time.
itn .v a kn '' en ii.s teacher
reci nl'v. l! e :.'i!!,iy seoiu
the .i-i.i- u e ,n.l have bet-n
of I ic b ..V. I loin l-OliIIK-lit
:i le inav b- in a Is. v. whlia
of a good thi.ishing. from which
sight f In fellows lo be derived,
etih aeioiis as a i -. fonoa ; v loess-
I !.,
.vert'je Mitrriiiqc Atje.
Hi; average age of marriage fur men m Um
t.'jotud M!ati-s js "i;ti, years, which, nccordiaf
to the New York Sun. is lower than In say
other i-ountry lu which accural tuarrlaga
nsords are kept. In Sweden tlie ay-rage Is SI
vears. Whether it l Int er, mi the wliule.
lhat tin- average aye of m irr.nge in a i-ountry
low or Uak is a rl i .nt c" s l-,,n S,, mumer
c -III t g 1-1
i in ;i:iv :i re
Hii.g par
,.f tl-'e
I -dl-
rl bv lu
ii'-i with i-
ii b
I.e. :
!! i
i:ei-;ji a'
v is a i I
vi V, r'lOil si:
:,i!..-t I'lid i-n ii
a (.tier ijiial.-.v
;t t
:.! I--:
!i anl
oiiiiiry. l'arty
'lola-s of chll
n are v,-ry
n-ti n,oh
I a tnl go
1 b--'.-
! - lit t-f
IS. ir- of
'".. that
. in the
:t when
Hint e-
am unit
' They
I 'l .111, IseO
"Have you any old clothes, lady?"
asked the broom peddler. -Tl! give
ets of butchers' wagons generally con- you a fine broom for some old clothes."
rive 10 te on duty by 4 or 4:40 n. m,
that in to say. those who are em
ployed by bntehcr who make early
"I'm busy now," said the woman of
he bouse. "Not to-day." ,
Kho began slowly to close the door,
morning delh-rricK. The lee men ga but the peddler displayed one of his
thorn about une 'hour 'better of won brooms a " gorgeous,' Wide-spreading
for they arc generally loading theli - one with a varnished handle and
wagon about 3 or a. m. ..;
. Around a newspapey office the mat
In charge of the circulating dopart
ment Is around by 2:30 o'clock at tin
liound wdth greefr plush. V
"Just a pair of old shoes," pleaded
the peddler. -:-"Walt
a moment," aald the woman
wees duty beginning at 11 "o'clock and
extending far into the forenoon Da il.
lat(t. The mailing clerk frwjnentlj "d closed the door, carefully putting
tne catcu on. men she went upstairs
and rummaged through- some Hbnets
and at last found a pair of old shoes,
which she brought down and offered, to
the peddler.
VTbeyfte badly worn," be said.
"Of course they are," said the wom
an, briskly. "If they weren't I'd wear
them myself. . ro you want to trade
Wasted No Cheap Gamblers.
It happened In a Ran Francisco opi
um den, and may fairly be termed a
contest of imagination. Three dope
fiends who had attended the races ai
Oakland daring the ' afternoon-c bty. m -broom for. them. . .
stretched out under the Influence 'of . Tb man smiled mournfully and nro-tbe-dresmy
narcotic;. i-rreaently one of duclng-a- wbl broom aald, "I'll let
them exflalttred: "I Iicttee f 10.000 on yuhve this for them shoes and 10
the black hrffse." After- a while sub
ject No. 2 broke the Silence with: "I
bettee 1,0fm.0.000 Klftty O. catchce
money." Then sport No. 3 was heaid
from. Itolling over, he remarked dis
gustedly: "Flow dem pikers out."
A Pslr Criminal ;
"Xlurder will out they fty." "
"Tea; nothing on earth eonld kee'r
that girt next door from ringing every
new .onf that appara."-PhIIadeipbU ...m back the shoe.
B..u. " - . , "Well, 15 cents, then."
cents;,. ;
J'Certalnly not," said the
L"(Ive 'em to me.",
: "Haven t you any othcrst" asked tht
peddh-r. ' , ' - ' - '
"No, I haven't; I don' need a whls
lifooni. . I want a carpet broom."
The. peddler examined the shoes
agaln.f :-Tben he said': "Well, I'll give
yoira carjiet broom for the aboes and
a Quarter."
r won t io it," aald tb woman.
'(Jh. well." said the woman, "I sup
pose I'll havo to lo get rid of yon.
Walt a .minute."
She closed and hotted the dis.r agalu
and went ujiwtalr.s for her pooketls.uk,
from which ulie extracted a quarter,
which the peddler took, returning her
a battered nickel arid five pennies.
Then he banded her a amiiJl broom,
without any plush upholsti ring.
' "Here," aald the woman. 'T want
that ooe you allowed me first."
."Can't give you that broom for 13
ceata," sld the peddler.
"Then give tne the ahum and the
quarter buck," said the woman.: "I'll
IIer she broke off and sniffed.
"tyradouB!" she exclaimed, "If my pies
areu't burnlul' Here, uke your pen
nies aud give me the shoes and my
The peddler took back his change
slowly and the odor of burning pastry
grew .stronger. :
J'lli let you have tills broom for a
quarter and the shoes," ho snhl. -
The woman snatched (he briHun out
of hla bancU. slajiitued- Ihe. d.Kir In his
face- ami rushed lo her oven to dis
cover four j.'les burned to a .i-rlsp. flio
peddler" walked awny.' sml!iiig.,t
cago News. ' '
tmucys for l olh sid . . fos. el in th
J aiuive promptly at 1 1 ,:t0.
j At 11:J5 ii,.. i- a; et:itc in the br (le a
name was transfer! il lo ids lordship.
At I ISA) a mil ii.n dolials lu b gal
tender changed band
At higu noon ail tl,,. railroad Unit
mortgage holds known lo be tb
hrld -'s poss.-ssi .i, were handed over.
A vote of thanks was then pnsj-a
to his loid hip for leaving the brioVs
father itnugh to Hv- on comfortably
until Ihe next rice in Wall sins t, xxhtcn
is prisll -ied f,.r n.-xt julng.
At I2:l.-i two bi-h ps. four ileigymeu,
two real estate lawyers and. tl bar
rister, r-pri suiting the plaintiff,
uoum-cd the bem-dletloii.
The groom will pass fhe next threil
weeks with his bride at his estates h
Kngland. oftwr the roof has bvn r
palrod. After this, H Is undiTi-tood. they wUI
seimrate and enter s clety.- New York
WiHltlmt In Mo lern Kiyle.
There was a wedding' yesterday In
draceleiw Church.
I-ord Haldknoh of Kllishlre, Kngland.
married Miaa Bailie I'anh.iiidl . of East
The bridal party, Including the at-
t Facts About Immigration.
In thirty y.-nrs 1 .:t!ii-.07l Italiaaa
have come to rhls country. This Imal
gratb.n has a very ullar character.
Until 1MS the percentage of womea
was less than 15. but now It baa In
creased to 30. Tills Indicate that tb
Immigration has a marked tendenay
become permanent
Obeying i, -w
"Why did you let him get away fro,
your .thundered the chief.
"He-:tT took a mean adrantan of
Jne. replied the preen detecttve. "Ila
tan a rt the grass In the park and '
"Wi-lir '
"Well. ihiTe was a sign there, 'Ke
off the grass.' "Philadelphia Proas.
I.snd U Rmlnemed.
Ity means of Irrigation aoraethlnff
like 3,o(jo,m)0 acres of land In Dakota
has been Increased lo value over 1230..
' . v
I'erhapa the tlmo will coma 1d1
the Intelligence of the poopbf will
make politic unprotubla, '