V 5 s i 1 4 ul lb flarrLsoa Prc-J.nmai m, a Muss, nwinoi IEBRASKa v, a t g'-iK to bcgiu. Eveii Hit e-ofiin trust thinks it 'an aeiu.-eze ti.t unfortunate ju-t a liitle harder. An Irishman says that big and big p.ickerleoiks se-lloiii baud in I; a in. b. arts travel The puf lie ha 1 grown He regard .eu-M-al Jliii'uf and Guie-ml Wos y CI as the Luilt; but now come tjHitwl Ma. New rich poM tit-Ids Lave bem dis eoveresj iu Mcxio. There" no u.--talking. That ioinitry will U;iv- tu Ik AugliJ i txuu i.' d. X total of itl.frtM lali'iriT are lie,.! !d In S.uth Afrii-a. Now ia tli time lo run iu.mlraut siiijis beaded fur AnnTieau )jits sju' by au -eai-t. The Kr( iK-li g v ruu-eut ba a wat. h uiau stathinitl near Mont I'ehe. l' libly the voh-au 's ijuU'tade is due t tils boldins his thumb tik'h.ly over th lop. If the Sultju d .e uf camber th' "peaei aide" nation wi!l have ti w-Ux-t K.)U:et)il.V else t'i yell ,i!!aiu" :U whea (!! want to hide their own ti!Kfdiie-. Themeii ho un!'ided a b.t of worth lii skyss'iajw-r io;-kn onto John 1. K(K-kefel!er are heriws in New Vurk now; but wait until J. I. p-t li ir. biik into them. If the wat'irishm of snne of the siemlx-TH of CotiiCTfHM -jiitinun to di ;eo; tlie alitor of the t'oiii.Ti's.-iotial Ki-CTjnl may be temjiteil to take tu th- rolnred Mijiplt mt tit. If thow yuiinj; Chicupj i.ut'aws were jeteriuinttl tu lend lies of violence Itnl bloodshed why didn't they join I football tiam and do their killitii: lawfully a;nl bom ralily '! Auruix) of .Mr. Carui s-'le's iraii-e of the MeMtinc of poverty, it is to be noted that the men who de-scribe these ta the nmxt roseate tenim are usually xmnpleiiotw for their Kinres In iUxlg lug tin-in. At the bottom of this !aw!e-sije, hi Chicago and tlewhere. is the Mn Mer fa-t that all law has fallen Into fonteuipt just it) proportion as It ha faileJ to lie iuvoked asaliu-t all offend rrs of whatever das. If thai panther which is puking mu:nd the rtockefeller estate doesn't Bt:d li'mf.cif doing duty as a rug lie fo;v loliA he tuny lata ft of beitiK th" nly eri'ifer that ever liothered John l. and .ilda't get iskinucd. I't.lit.ui-ss rorbidfi the guent to ejit he ne.'tt part of a sparerib, lamb h p or i-hickfti. beaiis it liet nxt jo the lMitie. and the bone must not ii taken in the fi inters and gnawed. The Kcrvaut. the cnt and the doK are lurkier titan the master and his fam ily. It U aunotiltced that Chill line wjM !o ;reat P.ritain two bij? battle-ships which were being built on the Clydf. MaiutfaettiriiiK uutioiiH do not usually titty warships wiles there seems a itoKIM;-t that they may be neetid in i hurry. I'osibly there are events go iti'i f ti In European cabinets whieh the jnblie little appreciates. 1 r dint Iviot la tight wln a lie atiya hi. r . and yotinjf women should li-, u;iMA:'-ite in athletic exercise and Khoi 11 not try to compete with young tic ti in the more exacting forum of e: cr-'H : Now that rr.shletit Kliot has unci j:.hI advice to the girls, which thiy will doubtless heed, Let him turn his iitii-Ui n to the boys and prescribe line limi.atkin for, them. Ih it iM'st f r li.i v rd atndents to risk life and I it;b for th cake of a possible vic iory in r it ball? Are there no limitu be., on, I which even younjf men ought II) it to P? Th - eiimatknal problem among the ioor will lie a step nearer solution if wontui'is clubs, or men's, adopt s sitg gention ncently made by MLs Addama f Hull House. She proposes that each club establish as many public school sch iliii-ships" as It can afford, pay to n wid.w. for example, the wages her child could earn in the factory, on coti d tlon liii't the boy or ffirl keeps out of the factory and goes to school. Many a stmgg'initE mother would bear her burden blithely if he could see nidi a w ay njien to educate her chil dre i: and everything thus done to help Iki- i u l tbeni would be for the benefit, .-.n. of the CnRed States of to-morrow. A Chicago business man committed sr.i inc. I. aving behind him a note fsay lu ". "1 nm !ire3 of carryltii? burdens." Wit-it ; n.lstake. All of us carry Itur s Hniue of us are heavy laden. Ti . IwjiA backs and whiten hair. , l .:i.it of It? If the burdens are ' t those of conscience, If they are l i t rl cs of ("nance or of family, or 1 Ut f it di'.iy bread Happy we! Hid o t im-v e a woman of the Orient . jjsr,- a i-' nt water vessel on her head? i .-. v . i t oh e l she Is. With her chin , i , r;i .e tnovrt easily. What grace, i r;:ili. it is the l)dl Gravity, i .! of l.lmicrlns her, helps the wo , . 'Si of your burdens. They IMd :.i; deiMi. Vu are careful of jroor t'M f.rg Irt.sglHe yniivelf it bout re-. ; on-i lit'. . Whit tmita-'n- 'ricks y u: : t ui'ghi t . V.i.i ii ' U d UJtl- l. tli- "ii !' I you ar I !.: the weight ; if torn;-; U f.rui j oil i-.i! d up ; m;r M-hd as become-, a ii. r Sfii bearer and your ey es are in ';o!t wleie th.-v ..ut.tr tu 1. Th Tl . ri El llolll !1 t..t! i:l i Ik 8 .-! i Si'.ut Itallant r a t isJc i; down Ills boat pitches ui.d tr with t-v.ry turn of the w in I. He !s 1 :k if hi- misses reef atd lit:l auj wreckage. No No. our load ar let us take a new grip e.pn them. Au; hill rp our chins Many con oration al"' 'ree hidu ' irii I -ot.certii are aide t devise checki and eo;:n;errhe-ks to detwt nupe-ted lup'oyes. and evea skdli'ul lrf'ikke..-ri vviiii have "run thiira'' for years hav t t-n etitrappid. but w hen It eouiew tu apply Ins 'lie money of the people to pt r,iore in whieh every laxpayn '.oi II be inierete l the.e ia cot th s.a.'iie vi-.'llanei- ami care. I'ntil a point is r. a. iieil w hen eviry ofricia! duln ? work for a municipality is seb-eted t. l.-ly for his ability, intecrlty and .n lui-try, just as employes are picked out by men w ho have invented their own money iu business, daft In some form may be expected to be found ii AUlelicatl citits. Inietimly ptai-ti.al people are like:? to eiclaim agai ist the prjxiKition ti n ake the atnivtrstry of the day n which Cdlumbus lis.oered America a national tolnUty. Such people will ii:i Iti'i ait) that we alr id;- have too mnuy If 11 lays anil tn: .-jifrei"iinui Mai tin's bill will nurcly etabMsh an o'ler excuse for iillinif. There are tw sides to the iiucslii tl. however. Dot only with respect to the propoaed Colum- bus anniversary but in r-sard to holl davri cm rally. The o!d aphorism abiiit nil work and no play r-iot del. rirni-ntal to Jack's intellectuals applies to jrrown-ups as well as to boy. Work Is rot tin end but a means, and when people deem recreation a wasfeof tinic they miMipprehend the primary mean ing of the word. Recreation is to re ernite. to renew, to iTiate afr'sh. ti repair the waste of vital force and en ergy caused by sttady apilication to work. It is not mere !diii:? It Is a proces as neesry as th replenish itiK of the oil In a lamp, arid If it b in cji-cted the vita! spark poi s out just as surely as the lamp is extinuishisl. We do not have too many holidays Iq this country. The trouble fs that w e di txjt even obs- rve the holidays we hae Save on Independence I'ay. Thanks. piviusr. Chriimas and New Year's ob (tervance of holidays Is conliml in a great measure to the liiinks, the i-om-merelal exchatifcs and the public of. flees. Other Inst it ut ions and other jieople pursue their uwil activity re. gardless of the cabtidar. We l grud-'t ourselves the days of rest and rwritt : tltm which we have through our legis la torn sei apart for ourselves. Then is even a frrowitig disposition to util ize Sunday as a working day. Many lines i,f industry are ms-i-sailly seven day occupation. The opTiition of rap roads, telecraph and various puiilij and quasi-public institulkiiis cannot b. entirely intermitted on the first day of the week. Custom has rendered it nee 4ir.v for newspaiiers to print f unday editions. Hut alde from the liuIuwiriM mined there are inany factories, sh p an I insiiiutions whi.-h how maintain tp. rations rcyiirdh-s of is-.ind-ijs or JjiiIULmjs-. People appear to be prowin more and more tni'-etly in the matter of rest and recreation. This is burn iiiK the caudle at Iwith endsa peen- j liarly Auterican error. It Is a pervert.-' P.n of the true meaning of the pospil of work. It is an unnatural, uittu-pre-sure niethinl of life whieh has aln-ady manifested Ha evil effects on the nerves of our people and which bids fair if not amended to render us a nation of physical and mental wrecks. We niayj not neisl jie-.v Holidays, run we neeu m take advantage of those we have al ready s-t aside. We need less w.rk and more play. We need not ko if far as to adopt the calendar of our South American neighbors, who mak every other day a holidty, but w niiKlit very profitably imi afethrlr trab Its of abjuring worry and letting to morrow take care of Itself. We should thus live longer and there would b fewer cases of nervous prort ration among us. Had Karne t Their Help. Many ytre ago. when the revival:!, E. P. Hammond, converted nearly tbl whole population of I.awrewe, tbT8 was sn old shoemaker In the town who was noted for his profligate habits. H came to grace In the eoursie of th revival and regularly took a promi nent place on the mourner's bench. Oni iii.-lit Mr. Hammond Invited him to bad in prayer. He responded witn alacrity and hi; 11: "Oh, Ixird. Thou know-cut what a wicked man I have lecn. Thou know est that I have neglected my family and my business to travel the paths of sin. Thou knowest that 1 could not be count eel on to do the work oJ my customers. But now. 0 Urd, by the power of Thy ynnctllleaileni, I are turned from the patJis of w ickednf and walk npHghtly Wore all. Ant; Thou laiowcst. T.ord. that un W Thy mercy I will lietf m 'l,;i'1' fr"n morning t'l! night, rendy to in -i.d sii-nf as choflp lis any man In town." Kan Nia City Jimrnul. Korlnne'n Favor (Sufficient "What do we want with gold and precious stone?" said the proud moth er, gazing fondly- upon the baby. "This is fortune enough for us." "Huh;" grunted Hie father, who bad been walking tie floor nearly all niht, "I'm ("lad fortune didn't knock twice at our door." Philadelphia Publit Ledger. - , . -i n : - Ht l, Mirriel U.imin'al'riirtort'i'ii!. fi,!-v ou "" t to TnnnaiJl in li.'ii Th" lia of a newly tu irrii-l - 'ral ta unveil hi cb.iractr. And las inau'i. ;m;h e .f mhiI U tnut. M t' i lut Ht by any tii-aii Umt. you a: ,h;t she le p .tii-il.uily I u lir brkr i Kind to make g 4 the iitauy tpl-iU-tie. with whlt h J.b lt:n eniiwol bint, at:d b.i-au-ie of whi'ii he has eou--uted to Iwniiie bin mare. I ii-easioii- al'y during the tiist few moirlu of h r u airbsj l.fe C ntauce laiuiii to think llei: all ber niald.nlv e:ii: rue to le, Die r.dile of life br.l'ianllj. and all Ler pr-ifoiiiid searchiiii! of tile into ri of tie universe should have end id in hr lnm!tii! an everyd-ty h'tise siife with dustpan si.d bru-ili, atal the wife of unv who, to all outward ap- i eiraci-w. was an every -day joong i.'in. P.ut htv lauirh savored of gni-iw-s. She had Riven loTxlf to hliu an- she ha 1 faith that hts .n r,'y. if reliance, fearli-. hum r and sym pit.e-uc UAin-ii oi si,a:iis ..u,u i . 1 ' . .11 s liiwi-ish him pr.emy frun the cmii- m n herd of m-ti. and vind'.-ate l r i, fatuaii'.n. !'he hud siv. n !;Tse!f to I.iin, Imieles. t cause hi- lov ed ln-r a d Pylitful eotueiousiiet. Aecrdiug iy , she enclostd herself in the Wi b of iiappiiiexs which hi r coutid in',, in him incl puti about in r. ami iik up tier dim s;!c duties with licht-hwirted d- v,-tioi:. Nevi-rtbcl.. m. woinan enier- from her hoiw-ymom with ea -tiy th' s.uut- .liMmate of Inr lov r as l-fore If nothiiijr els-, she has trtfu his men t.u ana moral cn:iraci.-risu-s in uieirj,,, ,vj!1 Hl)it n.,,, (itt. !imhii.s, mi to sp ak. and Iwcome n::ii.i uate.1 t their sublimity. We may Is no 1-s.s fond of a pei.-.-n wh aiiee-doti-s have jrrown familiar to us. and analogously a wife d not weary of her husbatKl's iiuiilitie ntm-ly K-cau-e they tuive lost the lauior of tiove ty. tJn the ctniirary she is apt to continue to adore them l-catiM- they an- his. Sti!l she fn'is ft-i-e to scrutinize them i Ion ly ai.d nuintiK lously at least io submit th in to the t.tit of b.r own silent Judgment. She disco v. t. ti, of co;irs-, that he lias Ideas and idio syiT4ie the existence of w hich siie never sil,-pectel. (n;ti;irily she finds to her suijirise that ld attitude in retard to tills or iluit mutter has shifted perceptibly since iiiaiTiapi-, so that, instead of be itlK lukewarm or ardent, as the ca-e may Ite. he has become almost stri'tiu- ;;.s or indifferent in his attitude. Hence she divines that during tin ir courtship some of his real opinions and teiM.n- ries have les-ii kept In retreat - Kr,mi The rtidervurrvnt," by I!..b rt Ottjrit. Iu Scribmr'g. ' t Girl an t I ivc L-ttcis. j (Jiris, put a brake on your enthusi asm when it leads you Into writing impassioned epistles to the men with whom you imagine you are in love. When the right tnaii comes write him as many letters as your love and liscrotioii suegi-st. but don't put any--.hllig '"ill paper that you will be ashamed to read iu later years. ! There is nothing swifter than a gen uine, tender, girlish love letter, but lon't take the "gilt oif the tftwr iiread" by wasting your letters on ti wrong man. !o you know what he does with those letters? Very often he carries them alMiut in his pocket for week, where they rub up against sordid bills and business letters, and every time he wants a certain letter lie takes the whole bunch out and your pretty, lov ing little message get sadly frayed and soiled. And sometimes land this Is worst of all) 1 am sorry to say that this careless man lets your letters lie around the house where all who are curious may rend them. He iloes not tin this because be loves your letter, but lieeiiuseyou are not the right girl and he is not the right man. and the letter is vriluii! accordingly. When the right man gets a letter from you he will riot carry It in his "genera! correspondence"" (usket; be will have it tucked of by itself n a special pocket and if it les.ks worn and soiled it Is because It has lecn taken out and tenderly perused many times and oft. And so, don't you see. Hi tie girls, that when jou scatter your letters too freely among your men friends you are not only wasting your precious thoughts, but that most pres-ious if ail womanly attributes your dignity. Seattle Times. Man Whn Hnuiits of l-ove Cenrnrtii. Girls, I wondir If any of you num ber among your men friend on win boast of his cuuiu'Sts anionic women and displays love letters w hich he ha received . from different girls. If jou do know kucu a man, my ad vice to you Is to "drop him." He is not to be trusted, and lie will tout you the same way he has tn-ated oth ers. The man who rends a woman's ht lers.tr another woinan or to h:s lie u friends is betieaih eo)it nipt. lie is t miM ruble wretch, who go. ai cut ih world nuking leivV to girls, a:.l ,-ifi r he has tvoti their love, and the j ...... . little things have commil'id tie ir n. timeiits to paper, lot tiiak-s a iist iirnl 1 lioast of the pathetic Ht.le cffission , to all who will listen. fSlrls. your own womanly inttCtlor ouglit to warn you Against surh men; but as long ns men and tuaUs ?n J ln-v-lill Inst there will !. d. -'v :i;g on lie one hand, gull di trust on the ither and much hrartache all arotn.d. However, evert If you cannot eieteet he tinwrn-thinesa of such a man at sight, when you once realise his per- ijuite an much to I la tut- as 1 if y Ufteii when he ffen to rend nn an other woman's letter. lieUK-tiiber that be ili read your t.i the next woman, and do your sdwr , toward diwouraeiru and putting dn his ah .niitiable eoisi-il - Sp k.t-ticin Iteview, Kave Clolhf. Have a few clothes and e;ir iheni; do not put them by and firpet Ih in atnl stsiid a fortune mi r.iMivaiioi. when you call llictn to tuind. Jet ttic material as uo.d as iissil.b. and the j Kf vb-s excellent if oi niu aflord (ay f.-r thi-m. Tlie d !ii.-uly in di -.-iitfw is the various o.-cih ions. e;icti ii- H.aiwl!i,K such very diff.-niit clothe-. Town atid is.untn ho, .id set in in dametrii-allv h.iumiI lo !i ot j A woman skil.ful w li u her i,e .lie c ; ;-,,, Uu. UtT Mrv jltp ., u. , cat in. Tit r hat at Ihe sli- w hi. h ;'t i -an trai:siiinrify, and it - w.-r.h wlii frtiin est! oini' Ml imilives. Wmn i vii'.uld alwiiys l- dress appr..pr..-it-ly and never Inn anvliiins !d h is i Hmrkl.j fa,li;, t tl. m ,,., , . ,, ;. j jt KTWH M H111 IIiUI ., I l'!o:heti thai attract the ey ,- :(- a ioi ........ ... ... ,.,... . ....... ,,. .. .u.,, and require a lurpe wanlrob.-. It ! wise to ket-p as few -l Kt" as ymi cm so that hats, m'tticoals. plovs ami l-K ."II neer worth buyiiiK. petsl fai r cs r duced In price are unite himiIi r thin--' A il 'vu woman who must court "th slll.T warily." adopts i-Ttain sty) of tier own, which she modities itig to the di'-taim of fas! I ii. .nit 1 h- fart of t ! II a. i l. A beautiful hand si,..iild i.e lout; delicate and narrow. The skin cov ering it should be very fa'r or of unifortii pale color, with a slightly plump ba-k. devoid of protuberant veins. The thumb should reach tin ml I'll e articulation of tin- Index til ger, the latter just i little lower tlja-. the nail of the mid. lie linger. Tic middle finger should be longer that' the rlng-tiriger by half the length of a nail, and the little linger should slop at the second articulation of the ring finger. Su Men transition from cold to heat should be avoided for the hands, which -l:ouId be washed only in tepid water, wl,t' a pure soap, not oftener than three washings a day. After wash ',tl o;,l'- rinse the hands thor oughly, always in tepid writer to which has Is-en addeil a tenspoonful of perfuineil glycerine. If the skin of the hands Is rough, bathing In cither bran-water or marsh-mallow water will soften It and make It supple. lo not use fat sub st uici-g to attain this same result, for although they are temporarily effect ive, they end by middling the skin. A woman desirous of keeping the lieiiuty of her bands unimpaired should never go out without gloves. Woman's Home Companion, Whv Hi Marrlnire Wait a Failure, He regarded children as a iiuisim , He neer talked over bis affair uii.i his wife. He never had time lo go anywhere with his wife. He duleel out money to his wife as if to a Is-ggar. He looked ilown upon his w ife as an Inferior Isdng Hi never took time to go' aoijtinint.il with bis family. He thought of bis wife only for what she could bring to him. He never dreamed that there were two sides to marriage. He never dreamed that a wife need. praise or compliments. He bad one set of manner tor home and a not her for society. He paid no attention to his persona. Appearance after marriage. He married an ideal, and was dis appointed to find it had flaws. He thought bis w ife should spend all her time doing lionscworU. He treated bis wife as be would not have dared to tre:il another woman. He never dreamed that bis wife needed n vacation, recreation o. change. ,. , He never made concessions to his wife's' judgment, even in unimportant matters. Kuceess. Kor Corset Cmeri. Women who like to make their owu corset covers, yet dislike to overhand in as much lace Insertion as Is now uKslish on all new e-orsct covers, will find in tlie embroidery departments n strip of tine lawn with the lace Inser tions for both the back and front wov en in as well as tlie beading and lace that head the top Of the Corset Cover and all for !H cents. All one has to do ih to sew a belt alxiut the bottom; do a KU! hemming oh 'ite front atid run in ihe ribbon-draw string and, be-hold, here is one of (lie. loveliest and d.ilnt 'oit of e(rrsel covers. A I'roti 1 W'oinj.i. The coutity ol'lccrs nt Abilene were . - -i;c,l tie other d;iy at the appear ;l!i,c in the court (Hiiise ot IS little, o!d woman who caine to pay her husband's fiineiril expense. The husband bail been drowned so long ago as S79. He was buriisl by Ihe county. Kver since, the woman said, rdie bad boon woikin? and saving (o relieve bis spirit of the memory at a pauper burial. It was a pathetic story and one which touched its hearers mightily.- Kansas City Journal. GREAT NAMES IN CONGRESS, j Mra I'alrnrmic. Mara ' lor HtUrr l"a .Notice. We cannot d J ml on V Ib.u il Iteprcst M;;t:ves of the Ciot.sJ Mi' ( oiuurc- fur a great ilcsi, but ' . always trust i to suj.oy .-. ro i thut is interest. ng and deiiilig ' ! ing- i.ntil it tsonies an o'd stoiy. -iy-tl.e New Vork Mad and Kxp:-ss Why is II that men of i.ictiires.juo and cm n remaikahie Cognoioelis lend to drill 'uto Congress, especially in the KouTl and West? Is It that the vry nature of their iiame-s seems to devolve upe.i, them the duty to render the-se unmet illustrious : IVrhapa il is The F'ifty eighlSi Congress is no ex cejition to the rule. There are met here whose name's ought to have made them famous even If they bud neei gone to e'unarss or done anything else Not to spe-ik of Prince Cupid Kalatiia riaole ed Honolulu, whose name may N the Hawaiian Smith for all we know, we baxe on this new roll of e.ur e-ouu try's fame the priceless name e.f lh Hon Swanger Sherley of Kentucky that of Hon. Pbanor Itrazeale of l.ui iaua and that of Hon. Justin I. Idi ers'H k of Kansas. The Uon. JelTersoii lirick is now absent from the nuucii of the nation, but the family is ably roprese-nted by the Hon. Abraham lirick of Indiana There are either. Let us pick out a few patronymic gems at random: Thetus W, Sims. TeniHssee. Knrish Carter Tate, (esirgia. (('lie James. Kentucky. Halvor Steenerwin. Minneseita. Champ finrk. Missouri. Jack Heall, Texas. Carter (Ilass, Virginia. Arse'iie p. I'njo, Louisiana. The names of Poll. Snook. Msin, lii. k. 'rum.!!cker, Mudd. Sklles Shuil, Siiiipp. (ioiK-h. LiiiTiuish, Kluttz. Sho ber and Spight continue to (bs-orate the reill. They surely were not tsirn t. die. Hilt why. may we ask. is the- name of "liird" so popular amotig oll ticians? The present IIouh. has on it ist Adam l'.yrd of Mississippi mid H I'.Ul'd Cassell of I'ennsvlvania, Mini have we not our own Ilird S. Colei and Asa Hird Unrdiner always with its? Many a congressional surname of de cided cotllllXintilaceneSs Is relievtsl from fiat fate by the given name That of the Hon, Choice li. Knndell of Texas is an instance, the Hon. Vespa idaii Warner another and the Hon ArioHo Wiley another. P.ut for the niot part the Congressmen were con demniil by their parents to bi'iir the plain nnmes of John James, William, Joseph and so on. These parents fail ed to realize that if a man couldn't get bis ha me into the megaphone of fame In any other way it might be done for him with a ipiaint curious and mouth filling baptismal designa- ion. The Wooden Indian. Behold the Wisslell Indian. Who stands outside tlie door, And guards, with frown and hatchet. The old tol.ii'co store. He never beat n grocery bill, He never told a lie, lie nev.r took a longing look At IfHtri.oii, fiM, er rye. P.eimM the woinI.ti Indian A muss of oak and pniiu; lie never made h crooked Unix , 111 funis, he in :i sniut. IP ncer bimglit a stuck of chips And sut inio ; game: lie never rn-died u i l.oius girl, ( )r flirted with n datiie. Heboid tie wiMwIen Indian, Who, on the oilier hnnd. Was never known to help the nsir That fill our glorious bind; Who never heard the piti-ous cry Of him who starred alone Who never gave? n hungry dog So nuirh as one small bone. Behold the wooden Indian (And cny is lniii-h like woodi, Who never did a hit of harm, Nor y et a bit of good. His family is not extinct In fact, one oftn; meets A lot of wishIph Iinliittis A-walking on the streets! --Milwaukee. Sentinel. According lo bis Folly. A young Japanese compositor em ployed on a Japanese paper In New York was riding down town In a City Hall train the other morning. He wa engrossed iu his morning paper, and paid little attention to the other pas sengers. But it fresh-lo iking young man who sat next to lilm. and who had Is-e'tl eying him U along, suddenly asked: "What sort of a "ik-sc' uro you, any way? A Chinese or a Japanese?" The little Jap was not caught nap ping, Quick as a wink he replied: "What sort of a 'key' are you, any way? A monkey, a donkey, or a Van ttee?" The fri'sh young man hnd no more; to say, and left the train (pilckly whet he City Hall statjuu was reached. Inser t I'eM-s of Mankind. When it comes to actual facts and figures of (he financial losses caused by Insect pests the published pa pert and reports of expert Investigator oimeete' with our agricultural deju,. ment at Washington and our agneiil mral stations elsewhere ftunisli tho S.tcf and largest resource. The figures given h.-ie are truly staggering In their Immensity. Thus we have It on th! untlioil'y of lr. Howard that the ac tual .riofiey loss oec.'isioned by Insect fH'i in fids oomilry every year is not ess than -.T'l.O'Si.eSei, Acioidintr to fir eloward Ihe grasshopper pest which vitsltcd large an as of the West In 1X7J- ,ti destroys! farm crops to the. value if JpM.usUoo in a single) season. There are moments In every nian'i ilfe when he Imagines he's on Uio rerge of Insanlly. ICItk J LASTlNfJ H iLilf. J. w. Wail. Su perintend ent of Streets of Iebaaon, Ky, says: Mr nightly rest i-s I'n.en. owing to irregularities of tie k,.i;..vs. suffering intensely from N. ... e pa ns iu the small of mj back and through the kidneys awl I was io noved t v painful passjiges of abnortnsl Se."r. liens N :"' of d'H-tonng r l,e..sl tie cmLfien. 1 l8" "klnf I loan's Kidney Pills and I exjrienced ui.-k a ad hi'ili "! I"Sn Kid r'ev PI. i will proee a biessing to ail sufferers from kidney disorders who .p.! pu 'hem a fair trial ' . p,i,.r Mi.l'iirn "e... Buffalo. N. T, propnci.Ts For sale by all dnigjfisU. prii-e- cents per IkiX. A comer foi extortion, will be t tablisbed in Loridun, neat tlie bank of r,ngi.ifi1 In a tttylish restautatjt there tlie; ncHtre-scs ate to ba octnr O'.tis of I be most approted cli'K 'ilate cream tint. The are to be import ed from LouisUna Milli"i to I'ats. ,l;r' N.w Nat.e.isl Oat yield'd Is I'si;: in Mid -bu.. in Misse.uri I n " it S. rlli lu.nts .'lt bn , Slid in ,'iO (.tier Sm'.i fie'ii l"" '" e"" "- f"r ,,.r, .. tl -. liit if gone-rally grown in llfil. dl n ' l o, limns of bushels t tie i 'Id nail ic. 11. .us of .holier to the f'lM.i.'r's pnr-e. Tryilforr.MiL Largest Se. '1 I'. tato t'.(iwp;-s in Anierwa S.,!?er's .s'i..-itn. Heard less !$rir, H u e. Hod l.-r "i i. Mneuroni Wheat, pes Oat, P.ioi.iii l'"H-ir lirass and Karli-e-t Canes are- iiinriey tusker for vim. Mr. f-'ani'i-r. Jl'ST SKNH THIS NOTICE ANi )Jx in ni.ri.ps in John A. Salter Seed '' . 1,;, Cr.se. W.s, and receive m r.-t.irB l! err big e.ital'.k"i'- and tot, e.f f-u ....l sninliles. I.C. N. l'. astuTk LIU 1UNS Hi: hat! called at a house in the suburbs on business, and as lie aiosej to go lie said: "I believe you were in the lake ii. trlct last Hutii'iicr';" "Yes." "(lo lih-bi'ig " "Yes." "Catch any! hltig?" "line J i t tl; p. rcb." '"Ma, Ha. Iia! Thai's wiit 1 ex pe'.tcd IV il good t,ik'bt." When the; c .licr had gone the wife fcaifl, iticignaiil!: '"Richard, bow can "u sit tbers and U-il stories In that tn'd way? You know we caught over twenty flsti weighing live pounds a piece; anr) that big jack weighed eleven peiunds." "My near wife, "returned the hus band MXitlitngty. "You don't know bumau nature. That man is now willing" to take my word fm t.Voo. If I bad (old Iiitu of thore lisb be would nave gone aw y be listing me to bA the biggest libber In the country " Mm. Wtiolow' so,,-. HINO HVKIJI' toe e,hil flr. il leetiii" b, Mill. n. the. v urns, r-tneet .nil-1 aialmu, laj I-mIIi eiilefc colic. IMce. lsjtt;a HP.OKKN CHINA Stiperinti tub nt - Wc are Hkeiy to h ive a brisk sale of cliitia-wre tbl year, Mr. Idler. Foor walker What makes you think thai? I see It stated that long flowlr.g sleeves are c ming into fanlilon " Iltistem Transcript. I'ovetty and pleasure arc not dis posed to go bactJ-in band, To git beat In sum argutuetit i more kredlt to a man than to win. I prefer the gravity ov the owl to the flippanry ov the Jakdaw it it better to lo.k wlie tl: a n to talk pboolisli, Kur.ikter should furnish a man with biz habits, not habits with hi kiuacter. The grite mass ov man kind ha no kanti'tcrs at all dlsllnkt from their habits. Such It the history ot the goose. DR. FED HIMSELF, Found th. Koevt that PTed III. I,)f. A good old family physician with a lifetime experience p, Mvi,lg p,s,(),A Anally found himself alck unto death. Medicines failed and but let him tell hi own story; "For the first fims in rnv life of (51 years I am Impelled to publicly testify to the value of a large ly advertised article and I certainly would not pern these lines except that, what seems to me a direct act of Prov. idetiee, saved my life and I am im pressed that It is a bounden duty to make II known. "For 3 years I kept falling with stomach and liver disorders until I was reduced 70 lbs. from my normal weight Wben I got too low to treat myself, 3 of my associate physician, advised ms to 'put my house in order,' for 1 would, be quickly going . way of all man-. kind. , Just about that lime 1 was put on a diet of Gntpe-Nutg predlifested, food. Curiously enough If eiulckiy hes pan to build m up. appetite returned, and In 15 days I gt.ncl C lbs That started my return to health and really saved my life. "A physician Is naturally prejudiced gainst writing such a letter, but la this case 1 am willing to declare It from the housetop, that the multiplied thousands who are now suffering aa I did .ran Cud relief and health aa easily ml promptly by OrapeNu(. If they only knew what to do. Rlocerel, and ..-.eiu,,7 yours." Marmj of UiU ..rornineni physician furnlshad Postom Co., Ilattlt Creek, Mich. moa m ach packagt for a rnt ramous IltUa book. Tla WtllYlilfc" to m .liS I . . . A , i .