Harrison ' Press -J ourn al. VOL. XVI HIIRISOiNV IsTEBRASKA., THUSIDJLY, DTEBRTJJLJY 4 . 19C4. NO. 32 LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN The Crawford dentist in Dr. Hpiadlo. A freeh barrel of pur appl cider at Lo " ) . Bert Hamlin u down front Pleasant Ride Monday. We had a sample blizzard here Monday hut it oo willed. Ab Umphennur went to Hewitt with Charles 8mith Monday. Co. Treasurer Lnx west home last eelt,fi-irainr Monday. Howard Convenes came down from Douglas, Wyoming last Sal unlay. Will Phillip and daughter returned from Seward Nebr last Saturday. Charles Smith whs up frm Hewitt 1 took out a load of provision. Charles firewall was up from Hewitt ant1 tok a load of saw dust hoaie with fiim. Mr. Honry Lin l'iran was up from finwford last week visiting with friends here. 1 L Mall and mother will leave for Indiana to-night, where they will ' visit for a month. A Mr. Smith will tnke charge of 'he depot dnriiiL' J. L. Hull's nbence. He fame down from the t Monday. J. E Mnrteller has recovered from his attack f Lettrippe and is able to be nround aain. Charles Hibheln is htiildtnjr another addition to hi bl-k-mith shop H will have a lare building if he keeps building, TO Ct'ltK ACOI.ll IN OWE DAT. Tnke Lsxstive Hro o'Oulnlne tablets. All lrng;st r.-fnnd the money it tf falls to tore. K. W. Grove's signature Is on each boi. tSr. X-.ii cn frl some barptins on whip '(J.' H Irtcv'a dortnfr hi iterj ijMya, as he ia making a clearing for Spring good.' E Rohe-rr held the lucky number of the 8 Star Ribbon roffwi which won the t-5 prize at the Bonrret 4 Davis store, Tte number was 1123. We received a conirruntcatirn frc m Hewitt th'a week, but as the scriler for got to sign hi or her nAne, we will have to thro it in thj waste basket. If you want n suit of clothes or a eond list or shoe or hoot don't waste ynnr money but ins" anywhere else hut go to OERLACH'8 store and Kt the t t.is for the least money. We receivtd n letter from Mr Warne Ws's folks, of Ft. Collins, Colorado, this vtrk stalmic that they are favoribly im messed with Ft. Collins, and that the winUr ha been An so far.- Same here. Presiding Elder Clark filled his quarter ly appointment here Snnrlsv, nreachini an interest ing sermon both morning, and evening. Rv. Daniels beinc absent (jiiarierly Conference was postponed in definitely. 1 Wcrd wat receivd from Rev. Daniels this week, from Emmet, Idaho, telling that his sister Is still living and seems somewhat better. We hope by our next iwiie she is on the oad to recovery. Mr Ifcmels arrived there last Thursday. Netic. During the year 1903 I priced my br-fikini; wagon to as many as live differ ed rins. What we want to know u the in thut got it Please let me know. V. A. HeTER. GR AND BALL. Tl-re will be a bU mv-n nt tho ball Feb. i'i in honor of Washington's birth A. V Come ever body and ha.ee a (food dm and enjoy yourselves. Oool music s usual. i L.nni ItanaKer. The shadow tocial given by the Hand last '' "6" uod, T,MI BtMulowa nt the ladiea poa-asing the HerkeUaitd bones with supper for two were iiclioned off by W. B Wright and rirou Jit very (food prts. It was quite dilflfill n" thm w,,r" bv I heir aPWdows, in fact not many of llajm were known hy their shadows. After Uta oodaM had been devoured from the Mkl4 awl o"" ,,y ",,r "M Hl B, a nap, ' ',m 'n'i"l mw'h tiUi th a'.ysd i-ilv.y btng vty ,W( ()...r (vt fid lnr were ntitdw : l.-'ptU Mllr.,f'e"ir. HERE ANDTHERE! Dr. Spiodlo the Crawford dentist. MOTICC All acta owing tin old firm of Kara teller Broe., and not settled satisfactory bv M-irt h 1st. will he placed in collertora hands, and w:;l make costs and trouble. Reclfully J. E. MlMSTUXtt. Cetray Netlce- Strayed front our raui.li fifteen miles east of Lnxk: One yearling bull with red while face, branded Con left jtw; One yearling steer with red white fact, lraaded connected MP on left aide. A reasonable rewartl will be paid for infor mation leading to their where a bout'. Wisdkk Hk. Liihk, Wyoming. BANKET SOCIAL. Frbraary 12 The Tenth ir.nl.- will ive a ehoi I musical entertainment followed bv a j Kixket vupper. Tlmol j'ct ih to raise luiid to pay Ih expense of Urn ..oniireocement May 30. Deputy Stale Superintendent Mclinea will be with lis to make the Graduation address. His aiming will necessarily entail a small expanse. This with, other incideulal expenses, the Tenth (iiade hop to raise by their own effort. We earnestly aak all patrons to help us io this our lirst Qraduatioo efforts. Tenth Oiade. THE DAINTY MISTAKE. We feel very verv sorry about the mi-tiike in the Hunter items last week, and TJ No we don't want you to take It mi hard, but let it puss iv with the day, U No we are all suhjoct to mistakes,- hut cur eyes are not (food enough to tiiiike a word "dainty" out of that other word which appesred In-fore Ed Schwartz's mustache last week in the items from that place. We are always ready to correct nnstiike: When Ed came into our itfioe last &Uurduy and told bs that U No sHid we had made a mistake we toik the copv off the book and he pronounced the word the same as we. HMd so have others thut we have handed it to. Hut if you meant it for dainty IT No Ed will uke vour word for it and so will we, said Mm ynu-dVm't owe Midi taneuaae nod rail thin pen , mis take. We will never let such a mistakt liapiwti again. We studied for a long Imk nt the word and finally decided lias a joke and published it. HportTrxo- ErrfroiL Wtclte For Th Boys. Th Lincoln Daily 8ir is making it possible for any loy in Nebraska to be the owner of a handsome American watch The wiitcbes are open face, stem wind and stem set, and are guaranteed by the maker to be good timekeerR. Many hoys throughout the slate have already secured one of these watches, and they ilivaribly well plaed. Fred R..binon, Tekeiiitih writes us as follows: " I am yery much pleestd with (lie watch I got It keeps very good lime. Thank you." A. M. Linner tloldrrge writes after' get i ing hm watch a follows: "1 think1 it is a good little watch you sent me." We could give the names of n any more Neiiraska bo who have secured" the watches n I r-) hi t-e tint pleased. Any boy in Nebraska who will write to ua, we will tell him how lie may ob lain one of tliese watches. We do not ask you to send ua money for them. You fan do s well a I he other boy who have obtained their watches. Write u a postal card or a letter now asking lor particulars. Address Watch DeMtrtuient, Daily Star Lincoln Neb. WHO 8 VYS THE BIflLE WON'T ttl'AND THE TEST. ONLY THE B1BLK WAS SAVKD. All Oltxee Prewerty of a CKieago CtMsreh wave Burned l. the Ireejuels T heater Fire. (Te the Associated Pre,) ( Chicago. Jan. 21 Of all the article for use In the religion service of t 'antral church taken to the Iroquois theater the day before the Or, only the) Bible escaped destruction. Its cover were burned off and it edges burned, but very page of the book remains. An inspection of the church property has revealed tlie existence of the Bible, which it hud been supposed, wstdeetroy- ed, but no trace could be found of the ot Iter property. Beaal a the Bible, there war laken to the theatre two pulpits, a communion servue, consisting of a large silver pitcher and eight silver cup, and son hi linen. The property was stored on one aid of Ih stage, in an ticov. The Central church had taken a I on) the Iroquois theater for a year fnrUw Sunday service hours and IfiedrstserveM was to have been lie Id on the Huodajr iMwiitsijM,-isti.vlii tissaV over in Wyoming. HIIHHHIIIHtllllllllH It has been aomewhat stormy tiie post week, but lias not snowed so very much, just enough to be of benefit to the grass. The Boy les boys, and Roy Zumbruunen are getting out posts. Mr. Children came hack from Chadron last Saturday. . Mia Mclver will givenentrUlomeat at tlie west school house Friday the IStJi. of February. Everybody la vile! Three mnnlhs of winter term has past and only two more left in the term for some of the older scholar It will also be the end of their school days Better improve tlie time faithfully. Tom and Sanly Zumbrunnen spent Sun day with l he Thompson boys. They report a pleaaaat time. Fred Deuel is building a barn. Mr Will Brown la helping hire,. Hial Church had his arm hurt by a lrse Mtpping on hint. Mr. Church i c una to the conclusion that be would' not make a g sl barn floor, and got out of the way as fast us possible, John Deuel dehorned hi cattle last Wednesday- He says that they are do ing very well. HM Plstow Carey Itemi. Hon C. M. Lux mad a shor' visit with his family last week. Come again Carl, only make a longer stay next lime. Dick Lever was in this vicinity visiting friends, and looking after the interests of the R R Co. last week. Frank Carlson, and Malcom Northing ton s enl Sunday on Cottonwood. News lias lately been received of the death of two young people that formerly resided here. One was Miss Pearl El bery, aged 13 year; second oldest child of Wm. Elsbory dies' at her home in Col. and the other was Arthur Dove aged IS years, son of Mrs. A C. Dove, di-d at hii home at Lost Cabin Wyoming. Both deaths cccurrid on New Years day. Did not learn particulars, as to the cause ef either death. These yuuug people spent the greater part of their short lives oa Cottoo wood, and there are many friends awtHilar mjtTer that HmM tlie the Umu. Since suy last ilem appeared, a' little son h tscoraa) to bless the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Jeese Aroer. ' Thin(Mondiiy) has been a regular old 4 aeh toned Neiiraska day ; started in with a gale about noon it turned into a bliz zard minus the cold, and with sand and dirt in the place of snow. It lasted a bout 80 minutes, and ended up with a light snow and a decided fall in temper ature, but while it was on, it made old timers think of days gone by. The teacher and scholars in Dist No. 3 became frightened at the threatening ap pearance of the approaching storm and attempted to go to Mr. Tally about J mile from the schoolhouae. The dirt storm caught them before thy got there and some of the children were almost panic stricken. Tiatonrr. War Bonnet Topics. LaQrippe is the order of the dav. : Mr. F; 8. Scott and family visited with Mrs. Jack'Finley Sunday. Messers. Jones and Hugennan also look dinoer with them. ' Mr. Jones and llagerrhitn, from Saw dust, made a trade with Frank ' Scntt by which Han become the owner of a very useful log wagon and turn a very vu able buckhuurd ' Jet s Hrll stopped and stayed oversight with immie night, last week. He was on hi way from Wyoming where lie had been on buainets. El Scott was laid up with LaQrippe and mised school last week sorry to Will Grimm was visiting at home over Sunday. Mrs. Grimm visited with Mrs. Nels Anderson Sunday. Dick and Em met Jotdan took three orooclis to break - for Uo slave Noreisch. Mis Martlia Noreiscti is slaving with 1 her sister, Mrs. Sam Kaori, this week. I Mr. and Mrs. Johnson visited at Oos-! Uv Norsisch's SdtKiay. , Bobt. ICsvl anJ Mrs, DunUp butchered ' nut wk. Boro To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Merhsm, a baby girl, on Friday. Jan. 89. Bd Scott wa at boai over Sun-tay. Mrs. Jaclr Finley want to Harrison' to attend the R 'N. irrUilaoor, aud initat- ion of four cant! tda tea Saturday. I E-k Ma" ana, who-in staying at Ji n Merrtani 's, (sad itarsaisforiua to haw a, Boa c.ill he liad recently purchased of ( Wilbur asjkjerdi He wad lr brs 1 Semi-annual Report of county Treasurer. rCD .J?.J-" KECBIPTS. t'- COMMIOSIOS BA JCLT l, IKOi MISTS. JAN. 7, IV04 Itate consolMated ; Hi Ot Tt n 2R17 90 118 l Ceimty Oe- erai... "4 bS 40 telS ) 4" 6't '7 21 Brlle . 7' It 24-6 t 8iS 17 70 10 M " Boad W 6S 70 45 (Ml 13 M t' W Sp-olsl bt. M 77 SI 5 20 6 4ti soldiers Kelief . ZM 1.1 16 W 1 W 305 R ad l)it.lct 4: 7 si 67 RSS 00 64 r W Seial Huul ll.t, 2M7 2 111 15 ih V so 853 Si OOl lll.lrl ts W4I 15 4046 07 74 9 40W C7 kehml Bond lsi Vi 33 47 US SS 4 6 iW'9 an aVwea Pet. Bond 7M7 71 1M2 02 701 00 89 Oi W HarrtsAA Vlllsee , 3 77 J-a 0.1 m K '41 1 417 r, Adertllng... M 60 7i s :l ,V aelmol Lsnd L -aee 6 87 14 4 2010 (K 44 3 liedempeton ... . tl 61 769 20 776 44 11 S3 Mh-l.aaroua . tt; o ta oi ProtaC Mm SS Ml 47 7 Partial fayinenU.. W l 10 M 1S4 wi HUt- aeliooi 4 If j 4111 K 10 1M6 Tt tri j; lo m lgj7 06 151 A i iss,b u. For the balance above shown, I have successor's receipt for 17471.70 paid in cash and $1406 81 in investment warrants of B.wen Precinct B .nd Fund. ! There are outstanding registered warranU amounting to f 1499 71 against tile j County General Funds. JOHN I. DAVIS, I County Treasurer. I night and found it choked to death next morning." TlwdanmmtOiMtave Noreisch's last Fridaf uglit tvatt well att elided for such bad vsstthMv Ttiey danced all night till Wjfpt. Supper was rerved at ntestaJI hfvrs, plenty to eat and good C(fs to dnok. Mhmi aVee, BreW,ter. Miss Ida Moravek, and MiaeOthvetle iiurin spent Sunday a' tlie home it the latbir last Sunday week. O livette Dunn is al home this week, being unable to alteiMi school on account of Injuries iwrei ved in a ruuawuy Miss Luea Keel wa Vmitioc-wHh Mn Dun lap last Friday. Alfred Herri n wits at IheS-tS Sunday. Ben Scott tailed on Jim' Merriam one day lart week. Homer Kenhedv and Joe Orimm gave us a call and got tbslr hair cut last week. S 8. as usual next Sunday at 2 P. M. Ciue one aad all. PCOOT. Huntef Happenings. 1 T ' . Ezra Tuckflf took the train at this place for Harrison Saturday wrorning. Eva Proctot visiud Pearla Jones Sun " Tom Juaes tana lies f Mim Saw dust Saturday, to visit.hi family, and chop some wood. Mrs, A. L. Hagerman, and daughter rami over from saw dust to visit friends anil turn the postvHice over to Mrs. Kate Rice. P M. For Pity sake Mr. Editor, or the fellow whoever put our work in print last, week howeverdid you mistake dainty for that awful word which appeared just before mustache in oar article about Ed Sch wartz ' losing hi muetathe. I heard Ed liughed all night about it, and I know I did not sleep fur two night thinking about sticl) an aw fui mistake in work I sent for publication, I hope yoa know I never could have written such a word Please look ut the copy again. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Arjhurd went up north of Harrison Sonduy to visit friends and get some grain . We were sorry lo hear of so marj Harrison ople being sick, and injured. Hope they are all right by this time. Bert Arc hard hat built an addition to his house al South Hunler. Mr. Basset went down the road ftatur day eveniag. She expect to be gone several day. Mr, Cook and man . Mr. Spencer was in our burg the laal part of the week. Mrs. Tom Jones went over to the Jones and Hagerman sawdust company's saw mill last Sunday, and expects to return Wednssdav eyening on the passenger train. She took Pansy with her, so Miss Hanson and the other three are boss of I he ranch at present. . Mr. I bnslensen's family war all sick last Saturday. Mrs. hristrnssnand daughter Mabel were Harrison visitors Monday, Mr. Waller Snrake and Miss Anna Han son visited st Hughes Sunday. They re port a flhe time, and enjoyed mime of Mrs Hughes line music, U No. Veluntr Mlssiensriss, Bishop Ardrews stated at a meeting eld In Brooklyn that 1.000 of th young men In tb oolUges have volun teered, tor foreign mission work, of whom 1000 are now In the fold, 4,000 re preparing tor tb work and the ether were ready l( tb oburchee would, pend ibem out "from, m oM Suh paraontcr Dowo by Oa m, TMTf cant la U twilight A inessaa (or. H; IU through Um honra Tbt sttlet woWi ring Ukt a low iDipJratloa, , . . 'Po y IM gaxu Uiyatf.' District Court, itrguiar Terms, 190. Iu thr fifteenth Judicial District of Nebraska. Sioux, March 21. jury 21 September 26. jury 26. Box Butte, April 18, jury 19 October 10, jury 11. 'awes. April 11. jury November JW, jury 29. Sheridan. March 28, jury 29 November KSarJhJIJury 22 November H.-j jury ia. Boyd. April 4, jury 5 September 19, jury 20. Rock, March 14, jury 14 October 8, ! jury 8. Brnwn, April 18, jury 18 October 17, jury 17. Cherry, May 16. jury 17 December 5, jury 6. i Key a Paha. May 8, jury 9 September ' 12, jury 12. J. a. Maher i Reporter. J. D. Scott ) . J. J. H AKRINOTON 1 Judges. W. H. Wkstover t Why Pa Doesi. t Read. It W U hot bar pa a lot if I climb on his knee When he's a-redin' paper, an' ast him to "let rne "Sec." I w.mt to sen the pictures an' to ast him ' what they in My ma, Hhe'd tell me not to spoil that re.idin' time o' his. But uow, when I come 'round, he throw s ill1 nnrui,. rtn fh' fl..n. ' An' takes nie up an' kiivs 'at he don't want to read no more. Th' paper'n full o' pictures, too o' little boys an' jrirln One boy 'at. looks a lot like me, ma sHys, when I bad curls. I saw her point it out to ps, an' lie pays: "Yes, it dr.,," An' ma, .she urab an' hoi' me tight, an' nay: "What if it was!" Pa read about some other boys, about ! "-nd "me c&rd all what tliev wore, I An' nen, he hutf me, loo, an' sav he won't read any more. I KOt a joke on pa. Today lie's rendin' in his i lmir, An' I come in an' climb his knee while he's n Hit I in.' there. An' he put down his paper nen a gren' biii huff I jret Ar' liere's lb' joke on pa! His eyes an' cheeks they is all wet I I tell him 'at he said 'al none but babies ever cry, An' hen he any big men is babies part th' time, 'at's why. It uwi' to bother pa so much if I come play in' 'round. Or holler when he's readin' things, or make th' leastvs' sound, But now he says for me to mal as much noiae us I please, Because it t-ouads like music an' my ma says she agrees. . Ad' nen I plav, an' pa he leaves his' pa per on'th' floor He tavM 'at when lie looks at me he can't read any more. W. U. N. in the Chicago Tribjne. Th Unpossessed. My Heart's Desire hath led me i Through barren lands and vain. And bitter bread she fed me, And bade me drink of pain. ih, me! I climbed a weary way . To heights of her dlsdsln, Tet would I give the years I live To walk the path again. Che Heart's Possessed beside la Leads me a level way; There may no 111 betide me, No thirst or famine stay. hs hath no wish but wish of mine. . No Joy save to obey, And at my side her form must klde - J Until my dying day. I My Heart's Possessed hath stilled ia i From all unrest malign; Tea. essed the hope that thrilled dm With too keen pain and fine. tet, O my H' art. my Heart's Desire, Mvnneslned drennv. rilvln. tfhst never turned the while I yearned ) Mot doted er hands Id mine! ia ns Hsaart at. J. H. LACY. We have our building completed uv ! and have a new kiipply of goods, and wil sell lheiu right. i LKALER IN Lumber, lath, eae-h, doord, lime, cement, and building j material of all kind i Hardware ! Farm machinery, i Harness, Saddles, and 1 Range goods, j Flour. Feed, and Grain. I Paint, Oils & etc I am igcnt for the Wood manse wind-mill. Have a supply of pump littin.-t on i hand. Com in and get my prices whether you buy or not. J. E. PHINNEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: Andrkws Uukk. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITE DEPOT. .if. I '" EVEYriHNO FIRST VhKHt. , . AND A I.I, TrrKTlCD wrTH COirRTWT. Eo:ird !!y Day or Week. w. b-'"i?T(;ht; ONLY R-allrood between Missouri River and Chicago. Dlroct line to St. Paul Minneapolis. Dlroct Line to Black Hiliu. Appiy to nearest txgerit lor rates. mJipe. TIME TAB lf, West. Round. Mlll'lUlU!'. No. 1-1. Dim 0:11 Ctil Rmuni. Evi'imn:'. No. 14, Due 7 tl- No. 83, lo. li t. :3j j No. S-l loo. frt. 5:4. Botli trains carry passengers. On million the official bond of A. J. Waxerburer as road overseer was ap proved. On motion th ho-M :tlj iimitxt to February i9. E, F. Pontius ( lei k. Hereditary Mu:;is:a:i. Prof. Henry Appy, io.liiiji, win, dlt'd at RochoMtcr, N. Y., retort ly. ape seven ly-eight, wm the sun ut tha lead er of the orchestra In tlie . c-taiwi. if William of Orauga. Largsst Photograph. Tha largest phouaja, l.u: picriit s in existence 1e kclv.r. oxiilc"! i;i I)r!!n; It Is about 40 feet by 5 itcl., mid rep resents a view of Die By of Naples. Dog Exercisers. Tta?re are people hi London when :arr. quite respectable livings solely I hv vprrls!ni? rlntr nnd ffnmfl nt thnoa who bo live ore Indies. In every sub urb, and in every I.cnOon parlt tlieso exercisers of dons may be seen each day, and one gentleman alone pays 15s. a week for tbe WDll:lnc out of hi vahtible bulldogs, the young fellow who undertakes the lob lit-vlng quit a dozen other employers besides. Waste of Millions. Dalnay harbor, near Port Arthur,, built by ritisHia fr.r an lce-frse tor-, mlnal port for tho Sibrim railway st a cost of 17 000,000 rubles, Is a dls appoiiiimett, for slnco tha breakwater- ! has been built It freezes over as did j VladivoMok. The rearasl j-oaslblc lc 1 free bay Is In Korean territory. t lf& t e s.