t i I t , It ft i n (: Ii 1 A Ahg Dont Forg That Ue Bo For we are here yet And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. Call in and get our prices on Business Car ote , Head, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc., any way.- The Press A S V BK W ir, hint I AN . ' -: aame as est rm the preperljr of Andrew Chrlxtian anc " gauge ttibatary lo Van Taaael Spring.. i-a. - .... . - Addreaa. girt lev, Wto. J. II. DENSLOW. '5ttlrandd on .Igm (Ida aa.ne aa eat. A'.d alao I, vou "lbt blp. branded on rl( tit .hoa.dr OfjeX sV'iaa on Walla River, on tba old ! , aaj i Catfle brand adou loft aide l(ln ' 1 iu t "r I aad boraea i branded on i IT', Ufi ahualdc S2 - .. aiSja 'BMbill nweh. a... r. O. Adrtrene; ' Olen. SeaY. LawcWs Pauper. 1 Loadoa's social condition is distress US. . laaMe tha ao-called outer belt It .has a pauper population of 107,(00 aottls, and this figure doe sot taclade vagranta or the Insane poor. Twenty ore par cent of the entire aopwkatlon ' aver sixty-lire years of Rgw, aaclaslr ' again ef Tagraat r teaaaa, are sm "are..--:- v . Tr- Qiialltlcs af Radlinn. . ,Thm fact that radiant exerts a vtry peculiar Influence upon, llrtt-emltticg f kodlea has glvfB rise to the hope that f it mhy wrantualiy play aa Importaat I1'! la tho ladustry of llgnt. A minute J'awaatlty of radium ia sufficient tn pro oa a strouclanAt from a layer of zlne pyrH. 1 and this light pritcos no 1 heat, ao that Ions of energy Is avoided. . Tha MjMM Alphabet If not Che Hittlte language, at least the alphabet deriaed by that warrior e frs.aiiwv mi vt nm ivh . uumti j t Tif lts5) sHatJact signs were Ideo-j n ami; survivals of the picture-writ- ; Ing stage. It, therefore, stood midway ; ttwaa tha euneifoTm Aaeyrlaa and tha phonetic Phoenician; In Cyprus end Asia hftaor the far handler alpha. t i3t wnica tae rnoecicians nau aaapi 1 ei frasa a Kgypilan eaaio iato eora- 1 4MUm-; with -. the vnrlous toaguoa ; t oatei from the HMita aa as : vulsbod thai cluaP eharaatara, FAVCftiTE C TMB CHIvDREM. tittia U.isi Sought' tha Aoaiaty of " Praf. Memmaen. J. L. Eftahford writes ' cf the lata i r;if. j:c:um..ea, tftt German hia . Uvr an;' ''Ha was the father of slitaoa .-l,l!firf:i - all, of bom taelva arw i r Uv;4g, This diminutive Uttla i.,ait,' with b j emaciated frame aa4 stlwy 4.cks. reaching' to aia aot fdero, waa tha hut person one would 'hare axpected to be a friend of abilaV ,rea.' aaa yet It waa so. ' They roala ;ta his coataaoy, and sought It Narar iMheksaa. waeo. he waa rraocauplad ha ?cnttM not recognise bla owa ooTaarlag. oa day, whea elHlng lb tha' traasoar oa hia. way from Charlottenbwrg. ofrttle boy ar htm dlaturbed aim by ?auona 10-aiy " according to hia wont What la yow amo, ycnmsiterT be said, la a sharp floue, iar:ir.fe to scold hia, and to f-tl wrrriao the boy pronounced tha j v.or.J A...:a.sc n.: It was apt till? tt ihaT"fR( -rof-wor became awara iMa L n ai t iling to tl owa aoa. L.it. ..r ;t life oa pushed bla infaat. V ewflood to bis eara to , t . , bib nByriona waaio paper . aad corarad aim up with paparBi 0 .'A -; :, ' A ssw trrm l atCIti tast 11 JOBUOBK Journal Origin of Pin-Meney. atorsjasgtla (aorn.ng gift) wn Che Anglo-Saxoa term for pin aoaey. It was bti'cvwl on the ir'Jr on la day after th marriage. Wbi pins were scarce and articles dear pin money was given on New Year's- day,- and on Jan. 1 and 2 the court ladles re paired to the pin makers' shops' to r Ionian their stock for ths nest year. N" Mtv Stored tit Paper. hf. Bioiimoc. in a paper to toe Aci demia det 8claees, Pans, announce that what are now called N rays (emitted by an Aqer burner and other sources of light) can be stored In a variety of substance,, for . example, glass, auarti. gold and otber metals, paper, wood, paraffin, br-ck. and some kinds of stone, etc. The phenomenon seams analogous to phosphorescence. London Olobo. ff-t of Nile Daw. Sir Eeajaaiia Baker, woo favltt tha Ni.e aam, uki ji.l giv-a rut soac now i figures concerting the aa.-n cJ Its cot hc-Quercfrs. During tho critical pa tloJs tor the crop Viarcb to June ISa ffnnnlv nf a-ator fnr irrfpatlnfl tfll 4ob,ed bjr U)e Tte lrrlgaUoa of rice, prohibited in previous years, was allowed, aud the lncrcoee in value of land now converted to irrigation la cal culated at over :3.000.o:0. Presence of Areenle. ' M. Bernard reports in Annate 4a I'lnstiiuu Pabieur that he. finds that arsenic is a constant constituent of tho organism and that all parts of i a hen s egg contain appreciable quantities of arsenic, the yolk con taining the greater part. In the 1 200 of a milligram found in one ext. from one-halt to twothlrds is found la Us jrolk. Undoubtedly. A mouse club has been formed la f rwi rlnn Kith 400 ladT me-nhare' Ctah business Is probably transacted with all the members standing on chairs. Denver Post. Regulate Korean Clathlfif... The Korean government has or dered that all Koreans, without re gard to rink or class, should not wear clothes except of a blue or dark color. ; , a rof-fl Tongue; ':! "' uttlo Basale's nurse had taught her to mJ hr praycri n German. Shortly afler BBe WM Pondiag the night with her gm,u ; a3a wten it. WM tlmt to ret:ro Beie said her prayers flrtt. Elaie listened ih asUn ish.nent tor a c.l3te,a oc'-.i'ed: "O.i, mstnxa,' Bessie t.-.ii.n Qoi is a EutCliKaE!" ' ' Hertrk Ae:.- "'.' ' KleetHetty Is fart ousttng .tptfriulla power la tha aculpaeot of ooatfaMU) Europe, and slowly superseding It hi Oraat Brltala. Praflt 1 taaiaba. A wwlMtaawn breeder declare that sqaaba will pay a praflt of 7 per eeal oa avwry thauaaad dollara. Calki." ' Carl eo ta oamad for CaMeut. a tow la ladla, where It was flrat arlntad. aw Worth av00& Probably tba saoet exaaaatv aawa ia ua aaywher 1b tha world aiw thoae la tha faetarloa of PaylTa ; ala, where article are ssaamfacturad W Dt.M. .u uu. v. Mmmm mm w. mm there are KM boritontal saw, twelve ,m ,nfth (ar. MTllty.gw, ewtUag dla- m(mAg mtb Mv wortk n.oOO. Th mhieh ti mttl1tj & thee costly aawa to work w ,MU tt(lt tn, upoa whteB tb. ChapBlM 0MPry ta Penaaylranla I ltuAU wag Mld t a piBt f wmlsky. , rabMquent owner have B,hobb of dollara from tba land. FOCnro q Cc!d b ala, Ttb r& , ..... anar , 4 f' BOURRET & DAVIS. General Merchants, . . (SucceawOfg JMARSTKIJ-ER BROS.) ... -0 Invite your inwpection of onr Good for quality and Prices for fairnesa ' Oar stock in as complete aa any and we expect to keep it so. Here in the line of DRY GOODS. SHIRTS, HATS. BOOTS SHOES, eta. you will find everything in the latest up-to-date style and pattern. GROCERIES, fresh a)id of the beat quality. FLOU R, 5 R A IN. CURED MEATS. IIARDWA RETIXW A RE. Give us a trial. We will all times. , .- BOURRET - r - - v ' SUCCESSOR to Lumber, Doors, ,Saah, .Lime. CWJ, Waon?, Buggies, and Machinery of ' ait' kiud. Alw Wind -Mills,- Towers, Piping, Pumps.' and everything in that line. I alnj carry a large stock of feed, ground . and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. J. II. 17ILHEPD0BFEI), WATCHMAKER All kinds of Goftt fnft Silrer work done r.n - - . : Kings made to order. .i ( i .... All work guaranteed. HARNESS,; SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. )ee,oowOoo0woe0 THE PIONEER Druggist's Sundries. b a i n ts . O i 1 S. V a r n is Vies. BOOkS and 'STATIONARY. RICHARDS' J0NES;Succe8xr,,'J. E. Phinney. -I The Comraereial Dank. HAmOrt, DIRE1QTORS. C. F. Corru, Preeidont Oh as. C. Jaxkhoh. H. 8. Stockmen having am for a . , us to handle their We are prepared to take ta atatp raan tho Ha aaawBtlia af HT 1 1 STB BB I a two aaa a fjr year tha las thoa ffjo to zo Bay V -m. It ( eV CarC rvia-tcCri (tin iiuim ' " " ' ''I"' " " ' "'-"" try to treat you right at r DAVIS. - - & XI. HESTER. - PHARMACY. NEBRASKA. F. W.Clakk, Cashier Clabkk, A. McGutlit bank at thin point may .rely o entire Banking boainea. eare of onr trade at all timea . a. .cattia ut anew! . HCtfTgg. r;-5at. an rlgM jaMa,, blp, er abowMer. A bio on MtsMa. Rlgbt oa. rtlpp KKWARJ will be paid fwrrMae eenviatlMg any owe ror raaalag leeT or in any way tawparli.g with sleek having any of the abort, brand or brands, haaeh a A ad lew a, Pihr, i .. . ntr pear tf ' ' I . . . y , - . r 1 1 stcei crr.DS. rawJurasal. WUJ ratsh yoaraJat.ltka W MawM, f a K , par Vwar. Ua ad ratr at staat? n aoala. awry f aemar sews aad adjoining eoasllae a vertasv tfeoir braoUs ia faaJooa- waaae If etroaiatae all over t aaM. It toy be the aaaoaa of aairlag aioorv for yoa S5C3 r.EvvyiD. ror thoamat a4 mo l any purtj jr aarUoa raalfaf of any braud oatewbtsiiaataa-ioy par r. E.JAMUT. eo.ii7.-p- nraodo loft Mf 0 oa . loft Jso. aft blp of CalUa. 4loaa Coaalv. bebraaka. foat USe, Hewitt, UKua ewaaaiHi Cattle braoded loft aid branded L.. on loft ahoa Irr, ranao on Soldlorllvrk Any (lark branded aa abort brlnBswtray d rrooi my rangtt, dtacovrred liy any body m atria me tiiforwiatlon will be rewarded. Addreaa, ft. Kolilnaoii, Nrurxulia riaK KI'TTO. taltl tiraadiat Ida aad same on dar if horaaw. n tii i-f i ;rii abvul- Alau MtiK of til" llorara ll bTHndrd on aid shoaldrr aon aa dMrrtb auov tMand. , Addma, Hanrtaon. Jlebraaba. fairVKL KilOKI. Cattia braodd any warm on It-rt aide of the aatlnal Range on I'rml tie inn And Won roe Crmka. Addreta, llarriaon, Jlrbrn.ka - KW.VUt. will -yy $5,00 reward for OArh head of La ve Ca)1 ville'a horse brandedf jo either jaw or thigh I turned! ral proof t"T" I over 'jo .ohn Bieaar on Water, alao 100 00 for proof convict, any p. raon unlawfully tiandlin aov of said horses. W. J. A. Racm HUBERT r. NKKCK. CalUa Branded Range oa on lft Sld Alao rattle branded 1 1.J1 on loft hip lio'.ildror aide. Kill Kange on aSfiaf Running Watar. f. o. Aildrcaa Agate, Klraaka. J. i:vir. Cattle brandoil xi.Rrr 8iuk lo-t'M- e A drai. Chadroa "ebrtiaba. 1IKMKV WAItNEKK. ;attla brand - rd on left side. Range on Running Water creeek. T. O. Addreaa Itarrtaon, bebraaka. A. R.KKMNKDV. Cattle Branded Bel TBuaaV BBT aa on Right HIP Shoulder Ll P.O. Addhnsa, Crawford, Hebraaka. OC1AVE HARRIS ' ' Cattle branded as shown (aft side with over bit en lft ear. Range on Ron ntng Water, P. O. Addreaa, Maraland, Sebr. HKH. JORDAH. Ilsseiis and cat tie branded either sMf, saaue as an eat. And Cattle branded on kef t .-u- i-J .Jaw Address, Bo arc, Hebraaka. JOHN A. HANSON Uwes the follow' iagbfand oa ettb AlaoHS aa eat tie aa horova lattiao laffMe bneaaa oa left Shoeldarr. Hnoe diver fprlnt end eaat, Waajai fajrunn .Nkb. ,'... 'I jr.' ' t; la.f)U and Cat. gawJ an1 the vj cd lor tb 2l I fop j v3 trewiH-Jou r n a I , i ii ' tnjfiT.JaJ. M. IH4 t O, Surke. re. BiifMaa I tut rtr orricc at aim fiaaa. akueai ujlm Mm. OFRICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Yr. ADVERTISING R ATr.S- Per incn.Magie cjumn, per snoatii bwo , Per coltinja, par oiootli Profaeeiuaal cmraa per year, oae iaeaata Locals pr lino aacti laau M 50 per cent off oa yearly ooataacta. -' ' jOHBT.ayow. Horabn.ad on let I awaal (d araadxd oa left ehoohatr and Cattle Pa( on Utx Foal Oflloe Addroaa, I'atrica, I oranile UJ y. IlK.Kfl RKK" I.I VB STOCK C Rrandcd on left hip latin and on Iff t rherb 01 HoraoS Kitngoon liMpCTer. Af dietM, hwp ( reek Lire Stock Co J. II. IUlssbt, Koremai,. Ulan. NKbraaaa. KRKWarKK IK. ( at He brand tl amt a. that a ni, eltber eft blp or on left ahoulilrr. s mm KuriH'a braailcd a tt Ii any of nnovn brands. A11ret, J. A. Akl'KKKOM, llarrlwn, Nebraska. IMII KUKT M SONS. Cattia brand d aama aa that on cot on eith er slda of ani mal ESQ And lollowlim on Irft aldn of cattle. tad tbla on left tide of ah sleek. And till on laf t aid aad hip. Range nil ItimiiliigVr titer. Poat (Unco Addna, HitrrlMMi, aabrsea. H'peaa han) tut TO CUUM M" ,: Free Trial .- ' 4 rrrfra raw..' -llwaa WmA mm4 f4 err- ksujus am. a., l . ..25 CENTS 25.. WILL BUT THE WKKKLy STATE JOURNAL ONE YEAR " The Weekly Journal baa no equal b) tha Weat a a reliable news Tele. ohio Rewo of TkwiWarU Asai Neawaaka In Partlsulse axtiABtc MAaaxt iaq. Send tS ooU in sumps and try it far aaa year, at last ess. WIEKI.Y TA IP .Kil ITNAt, f 4 -