f - 1 , n ( Valscr Kant Halldcr Cera. B HM bwHM 50 arrea product m kmrilt that its prored buill a io.dy MM B Waller catalogue. V it-Lied UMg is Indus 157 bu.. Ohio 100 bu.. T Ml tn., and in Michiraa ZM lsOa.' a c k"t rrurd WHAT DO TOU THINK OF THESE YIELDS I'KR ACUET IM Vm. Beardlesa Brl-r jf r acre. It bar. Sailer's New Xaboual Oata pr SM Babarr'a gpelu ao4 Macaroni WkMt IgOOO km. Pedigrr Potatoes per arre. M faM ef rW'b Billion IvWUr Urau liar. MlOOQ fc. Victoria Rape for ahaep prr erre. MB. 000 fee, TMwinte, (tie fonlr wosorr. M.000 Ibe. 8alr'a Superior Fodder Owl rich, juicy, fodder, er arr. Mow sue yielda you can hare, Mr. Fareier. ia 1804, if ;oa will plant gai ter 1a. JUKT SEND THIS NOTICE AND lOe ha strap Join A. Halter H4 Co., ! Cne. Wis., and receive their great ratataara aod lot ot farm nerd anajplea. (a H. U.) The f tilde Look t bell is not prlaer on the way to heaven. Tire more wt)i a man thinks over o get siirl to lei him kUshirtbe Mrei b it to find that the best way It )oat to go aod do it. New York Pie. A Genu Inn Hair Grower. A doctor -chemist In the Altenbeim Medical l)isetitary. 1170 Foso build Ins, Cincinnati. Oliio, has discovered what prove to l a positive hair grow' er. This will li wU-om news to the thousands ntllictcd with bald heads as well n those whose li;ilr In scanty and falling out. The announcement of the dwtor-rlioniNt In another rolitmn of Mil papT explains more fu'iy what thi new discovery fir tlip Ita.r run do A trio I park aire can be bad free by en '!oh!g n 2-e:-nt stamp to Alter.helm Vdienl llt)-Mi-inry. 1170 Foso build ' - el. in Ttie it.it ftmbti Lands c! Star Altaciiont for 1904 Mil-. hrrrt ( f tl'MZr trWnt fJr)n III Oiati'tT lTKie ttt Im- t ml At Mt'U -r t.y n lt t fn.irt );tiv Lonipauiveh, Iitlj CvrportutMOk.fHa. The Great Attractions Oooil Cropi tl ndtl 1 ruil.nn ; m , Jlttthtful r1tmr, ! n(-m. . rr t ) rXt'e llf 111 unluE-!,;,! wrtillb (.tfj -f ITFff "Hint An.. A!! p- '1 , rr tff '.rtrt t(. ..f Tl'"'. : w A . ( Ar Ai A i I !' ' l I N 1 . OflUtJ Capsicum Vaseline Put Dp In Collapsible Tubes. A fttthwtll'll for aUid Hn.rior to M-nnrd or any tufTy tbr, aM.il wilt not Mitr tba mot d fcto, Tba fAin AiUrinvuiKl '-ufntiTn dtiainn - tii'i rt.c) n w-wtrtrf al. It nll 'o th UMLtiArh l -). nd rviirt b4ichA ! aw iall r ( rvjm'-rri'i it m Dim hat -oti Mfvwt Trn; Mnwr lritunt known, n Wn itrn rwmwty rit fWIM IM th rHMt ttlnl KOn M b J1J ii fhruUlaVUO, atrirlir n't iu' cnmi'io A lnJ w.l pru wlmt '.rn tor H. (t w1 it Nl iWqrHl l l tntAtneitji1 ! ttioj 1 v;Lthn1ti. jdmUf f-i-.t my "U t ih i-wit if (Mt (Tit0Di " Prii l-'t cui v at i)diMrfina,fr n4i'.i dwlm. p M o)(i j KHftt to tu la Jtowt; aUmajpay, wu wiil ml ti t n lr tt.sn SO mirtattAt,rJ rc T" T h pfl bflf OD )! thf MtD t;rr1i nm talMl, 4. . It l nut HcuUiutv CMEStBROlOMMAMfACllUINGtO 17 Ste Strtf t. cw York City. Sleep clubt boiir Ihmits of the Iwcntv-four, cat ttme ninih a rt.-iv int walk on the sunny side of the ay. Robert Coll) Kt BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH Vpt'O rnr"- rf'"rH nd rnlft.4. '.'J'Uair Off ati iwtea a 7- 4 HOW, 1 11 HY (JO Cliar De.iler (filsi-ons .lately) "I'ye lost another sti-ady custom, r lor toy Itnp' ried eiarH. " 'rlrnd "U'l.o?" "WilKli.a ' " "Dead?" "No; gone off on a wedding tour." "He 11 coma back " "Tm'-idiI theo he'll beglD stnok Idu two'cM.' BfajnVESTEKJ ft ft?: 1 .MaBaaaMBWMBII A JTLLION AMERICAN EEAUTTE3 keep their blood purs, their oomplewdoa OOft Had. xOmr, their breath Bwcet and thoir -wbole bcdioB active Jd hoalthy with OABOARETS Candy OathBrtlo. The quick ofTocto of CASCARET3 ao syatom cleaners and blood purlnen; their promptness in curing pimplea ' bolla, blotches, liver-apota, blackheads, and In sweetening a tainted breath, havo become known through the kind words of ladles who have tried them. Hsnoetheea'.eofnoarly A BOIES A MONTH.' The quickest, surest, way to beauty it to oloanso the blood, for Beauty's Elood Deep. The first rule for purifying the blood is to keep the bowols free, gently but positively. OASOARET3 Candy Cathartio are the only medicine to do it All drusreitjta, 1 Oo, 2oo, 60a Haver sold In bulk." The genuine tablet stamped O O O. temple and booklet free. Address Stirling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Vork. w MRS. COL CKESI1AM Was Given Up Peruna Saved Her Life. It was catarrh ef the funis so common In the winter months. I i - ' - Mrs. Co!. E. J. fJreshnm, Treamirer l'resiilint Iicrndeu VilluKe Inijiroveinent from Herinlen, I'airfax Co., Va.: ) ) The lVrnna Meliiiiie Co., (.'oliimbim, Gentlemen ! cannot speak too highly of the value of Peruna? I believe that I owe my life to Its wonderful merits. I suffered with catarrh of the head and lungs in its worst form, until the doctors fairly gave me up, and I despaired of ever getting well aaln. " noticed your advertisement and the splendid testimonials given by the people who had been cured by Peruna, and determined to try a bottle. . felt but little better, but used a second and third bottle and kept on Improving slnwly. "It took six bottles to cure me, but they were worth a King's ransom to me. fJt Peruna to all my friends and em a true believer In its worth,"-Mrs. Col. 12. J. Gresham. A PIAITALK Cn a Plain Shiest In Plain Language. The rotnini; uu.u-r will cause at leant one half ef ti e vuiin.j 4i luive caurrh, ...s. cou''hi. iiii'inaoiiiii fr eoiiHuinii- liim. TIlielMlll'l ut women will i'e their liven Htwl lens of thousands will iieijiiire Home cnroine iienl from whielc they KEtP PtRUMA IMI1E IIGtSE lie t recover. 1'nler.H .you take the necps snry r e c n i t i o u h, the chiitires are i lutt you (win; read thisl will be one of No woman ulio h s ri child of her own can t ver be. rut Irely Imt to some other wooiau's child. j "I kno a mnn who snys he can't sit dnn Bnd he can t siaud up " "Well, if he i el s the tru h. he lies." New Jersey stloon-keeprs have hit upon a hcariless way of ad ling to t eir profits. In Ilaonne it has heen sh0vri that steady patrons of some of the saloons have had thlcr lives In iuieo by tba piopneMirg; fieri they re kept full f siliriuianU, and in a S't rt time end ibicr career. Iu rainy cmsch the li'Sinance waseiTccid witb'Ut the knotv edtfe of the in sured . Cj ANN UAL SALE 00 0 00 Jv BOXES Greatest BV THE DOCTORS. MSSJENMDMCOLL Miss Jennie Drigcoll, 870 Tnt natn Ave., Iirootlyn, N. Y.. writea: " people knew how efficient Peruna was In the cure of ca tarrh, they would not hesitate to try It. I have all the faith In tb -' w orW i f s ft cured me, s f ftave never known of a case when the person was not cured in a short time." -Jennie Drl i coll. iMiiKliters of the Confederacy and Soi'lcty, writes the folluwi.'ig letter Ileniden, V a. Ohio: the unfurl iiiinte ones. Utile or do risk need i,e run if l'eruna ia kept in tht house mi. I ut the tirst annenraii.'e of nn.. s in . 1 01 r i of (iitarrli taken im directed on the tx.tile. l'eniiin i a nafecuard. a preveutn live, a .'perilie, is a cure for nil ont-es ot caluirh. aeine and chronic, coughs, ccl l i, eonsiiiiim ion, etc. If you do nut receive prompt and salis- fncinry results frmn tne tine of rerutm write at once lo I r. llartmmi, jfiviut; a lull hi i lenient of your ciie, mid be vr 1 1 he ph-aKed to give you his valuable ad vice trratis. Adilreioi I'r. Hnrtmnn, l'resirlent ol The Ilartumu Sanitariuiu, Columbus, Ohio. Li tlu U'.b Knew Her. Llttb Willie "Who Is that lady oei i.uim iicb "ito That ain't nc lady; sli"s my sister !" MunolU'Stei Chronicle. , , - flTe l.rmniitlT Curwl. Ifo flt or nRrroflnwirtH ll 0 0l- (lw u- of Or. Knur' urpat r'B lt Bt.ei-r. h-.iKl l"r YH t K o in.tl boll , ami ir'tlN. bn- li. U. U.VJC LuL. Ul Arub tu. l-Ujailtiulil. I A COLD-LOVING WORM. Melarnenchytraeussolifupus is as id uuiar earthworm lately noticed on Ml. St. Eilas, Alaska. By night It swarms on the snow of the Mai ispina ulacier, hut whpn the sun shines it hurrnwj to a depth of 18 Inches or more under the surface. "Have you been eating oranges?" "No. Why? ' "I sea the, skin all in aVL JT W . M V aT.m 'V xgffiventionl A "dyiii ground'' of elephants, a re wirt where rln-se iiiinalrt to die, was iti itit'ie.-lin ilisonery by Major I'lmeii Coiton in eastern KipiHtorial Africa. A sand norm of the- iionbern and western coasts of Frauce seerim to have a sen' of time. It ii known as Voiivolut.i." iinil M. lUdm mates that Si makes i;nHMi H'tis,on the Kind at low tide and dUapH-iirs us the tide rises, and continued this course dur ing fourteen days iu an aipihriuni. IMowers out of the natural season are usually olitained by U'l-piiif; (be young iilauls in old. dry incises, and forcing iliem bit.r by boa' and mois ture. It is possible lo give young buds premature development !y exposing them to ether, and A. Mnuiiiene claims that such dcehipuicnt is not only iiiore rapid but more regular and compiife. A ctinmis iHvestgtiticm by A!;'rcd Biuet .of (lie JjilioraPuy of tlie 'Sor lKiiuie lias ieeled dlllereiue in the liandwrH ing of the sees. N'uiiieroiis cbaracterislics are t racist -such as carelessness in the uriling of women ami lirnmi-SK and sluiplleiljf In that of men and an expert g'npliol'.gisl has Im'cu aide to give the se of the writ ers of 1 II addres.-n s out .of Ixo. The w riling of old men resembles thai of women. The laiest addition to American or namental stones reported by Iir. fleorge Kuiiz bus received the mime of ('ahfornile. It was lirst found iliut ninety miles from VreUa, i'al where it outcrops for two bundled feel ns a hard ;reeii stone of varying shades, niid taking a high polish. The material, at first supposed to be Jade, proved on analysis to he a massive va riety of vesuviiinite. h'ine slabs five feet siUare and two feet thick have been found, and the supply seems to be large Similar, massive vesiivlanlte exists elsewhere iu California and in I'lirope. The lieparlinent of Agriculture is in formed that the climate of I'orlo llini is favorable for the cultivation of what has sometimes been called 1 1 1 -tinest of tropical fruit, tlnj imiiigo. J 1 1 1 1 nillioiigli mangoes abound in the inlanil, lltry are Keedliiig trees, and (lie frttif is Inferior to that of the famous Mombay mango, which is a grafted tree. It Is believed thai line mangoes could lie grown in abundance in I'orto Rico by importing the best grafts, and that the Industry can be developed into an important one as soon us the excellence of the fruit becomes known in the Cnited States. The Japanese have attracted so much attention and admiration by their remarkable progress in the Ideas and practice of western civilization, as well as by their native genius in art, that the results of an Investigation of the b'-ifln weight of the Japanese people ys compared with Kuropenus must in terest everybody. Kor ten .rears I'rof. Tagnchl of Tokyo I'niversity hust been studying the brains of his fellow coun trymen. He shows that with adulis tlw brain" weight compares favoiali'.v with that of Kuropeans of similar stature, and may even be slightly su perior. There is one striking differ ence, however, in the fact that the Japanese brain grows more slowly dur ing infancy and early youth than is tli case willi Lhiropeans. In Japan, us everywhere else, there is found a positive relation between brain weight and slalure. Unit is. the larger brains, generally speaking, go Willi the larger bodies. FAST BECOMING EXTINCT. Hnbl I uulen Itcinii focriilred to ttie Milliners of tlic Country. "Our white-headed or bald eagle Is hieoming rater every year, for our na tional bird Is being saivlllccd to ml. i nns. Iicf re long that may be its only habitat," said an alien. hint at tin- zoo to a Washington Star man. "When on some wild coast we see one of these birds rise from a clilT and begin lo clrcte upward, t'heu his .male, larger even than himself, and finally two full-sized brown h aded birds of (he year foll.iw tilth par aits, the bight Ik-wort It waiting Siany ytara ir g'in? o loiu,"llsbiLclii a.; V, follow tln trf with our eyes until they heroine tiny motes, then just tbiAtrnce of one com, s to our straining sight, and they van ish rtud are lost from view. "Iu Washington,; howrVrr, we may s-e- the 'c.inrlship galloiT'of the bahi eagle, walcli its neSvt-bullilJiig and -observe the d.iim stic economy of this bird the male. on guard and tilt." female brooding her while (ggs. The lirst yewr in which the cgles nested Iu the zoo logical park the female showed great Inexperience In her housekeeping.. In the large flying cage where they upend the winter Iu pompany with trows and magpies they collected a quantity of slicks and grnss around a small hollow In the ground, tttid "titter llftlftK" rio' cavity with wom fh lieKtViirf cotild erwl nnlHod '- '"' "lloth lilrds fook finrtlti ftM eorfsfrne tion, and Trom thecontlfiual chuckling and screaming," lire presumed to 'haye thoroughly enjoyed their worki' Eagles often nest In treos, and these birds placed the nesting material round .the nots of ReTbnrl sapling, the sterns 'of which, protruding , through, the slick ami moss, looked, not, jjolike theStop branches of a tall tree. Naturally Uv next thing to, he thought of was eggs, lutt this pair of Lin Is had original ideas mid Intended, for it time, at h nst, tnere- ly to play at seskfpllig. . A t d- sized stone was brought In the talons of the female from another part of the cage arid placed in the rieM and tut work of hatching In gan. The male anj female sat on the ii,t-t on aiteriiati days and the bird uot ut) tugaged waf alwaH ptTcbed on a I.g ucar by cf guard. The following year two egt wire laid, bluish-whiie in col.jr aw about tli.-ee inches in length. 'The temp rami nl of tki biitla uu- . derg. -s a complete change at the tinu of th.- noting season. At oth-r timrt they are easily caught in a n -t and an not dltticide to oveip iwer. Keizing everj opportunity of making their escape lb t when they liegin to plan for their m -t one cannot approach within, bvwi fy feet without In Ing attacked by otn or bith agles. When they rush for ward, one i n each sid , and strike witl beak and uplifted feH. it is no easj matter to es-.ipe unharmed, us I founO w hen trying to photograph them, lh( h talons reaching the skin every time clothing or shoes affording little or m prn:ect ion." HIS BESETTING SIN Hi w Kph Wu Clcarcl on the CUaret of Dancinc. Kphralui was a man of importance ir ing an eider in the Baptist chord and much given to exhortation," pray er and Kimg.says IJppijicott's Maga Aim: His cabin was , the ceue o; many a "revival." and the jMiwerfu prayers ottered by Epliraim on thesi iN-eashins wen- 1 he wonder and ad miratiou of the .colored population. . With all his religions ardor, how ever, there were times when the pleas ores of the world appealed stronglj to him. Seeing him approach oi: morning with downcast eyes and ar air of general dejection. Colonel Sneat aceosted him (litis: "Hello, Kph! You look as if yot wre going lo your own funeral Wh.il's the matter?" "Well, klinnel, I feels bad. sub," replied Kph: "de 'casien am a ser'om one, sub. You know de young folk; done hah a party at Nick Finney's .ii udder night, an' as I's been a'wrastlin' in pray'r fer lie salvation oh Nick's soul for a pow'ful long time, I dont thought I'd 'ci pt dor invcriaUon ah go, an' maybe I niouf drap a wold oi two dat would tech his heart. Bui dey was mighty lectio chance ter tu.l tor Nick "bout Tigion, fer dat Iiiggei will dance wheueber he heah a fiddle Well, soli. I went, an' now dey claim.1 as how I was a-dancln', an' I'a ter hi tried tor-day an' put outen de chu'eh." "Well, Kph. that's pretty hard luck but they ought to know that an oldei of your standing would not indulge li anything so worldly as dancing," re plied the colonel with a twinkle in hit eye. well knowing that Epb's beset ting sin was not tripping the light fan fustic. "I hopes so, kunnel, 1 hopes so." re joined Kph In a tone of utter despah as he trudged on toward the town. I.ate the same afternoon Colone Snead heard a voice singing lustiij ' I'se gvvine ter jine de hand," aw recognizing Kph, he asked: "How did the trial go, Kph?" "ley el'ar'd me, kunnel, bress ih l.awd! dey el'ar'd me." "i Tea red you. did they? that's good Then you proved you'd not beer dancing?" said the colonel. "No, suli, kunnel. dey proved it or mo all rigid, but dey 'lowed I wai drunk an' didn" know what I was do in', si rey el'ar'd me, kunnel bivsi de Iiwd!" Turbines. Tin- idea of the steam turbine h (piite simple, and is similar lo that ot the, water turbine or Impulse wheel The practical difficulty which ha. prevontcd the development of goof steam turbines lies in the high velocitj which steam can Impart to itself In ex pansion, and the diilictilty in efllcientlj transferring this motion to the wheel! at speeds practicable for constructioi or practical use. Steam expandinj from 'one hundred and fifty pounof gauge pressure a square inch into tin atmosphere Is capable of imparting t itself a speed of nearly three thousand feet second, and If it Is expanded frort one hundred and fifty pounds gaurt pressure into twenty-eight incl vacuum, it can attain a velocity of font thousand feet a second. The spout ing velocity of water discharged frorc 1 n nozzle from one hundred foot head is eighty feet a second, which sliowi I the radical difference in the condition! j to he met in steam and hydraulic tur , bines. A Trinity of laiitrcr. The trinity of dangers which the re public has to fear are Immorality, in differenlism, and fanaticism. lininor alily produces one or the others accord ! ing to temperament. Unfortunately In the body politic, indiOVrcntlsin iini fanaticism do not antidote each other The one is, dry,, rot; the other, eombus. lion and .swift h t-truction, Men wlit love thoir, country enough. to to glo to serve it, and tiro wise enough tt steady It; who honor the law, an therefore nro careful what laws tliej runcti meii' who can hasten ultra con servatlves 'Without losing their hole upon them, and are able lo check fa rnatics without driving them to riot bud Vxlrernes! men who discern when refortii ends and deed ruction begins Who wish to possess only what thej can nnsimilate and beneficially goverr --thene In each generation can save thi State, 'and these only. Century. Km lie lias n I'l.ll-K. es , Suit. . Kihcl-yrTliat young man ,that goo. around with MyrlUj is quite impress ;W looking.' , ' ' j-. X ' larrdi-Vef, he works rr ff bank. Ethel What la he twy log .teller oi cashier? ' . ' " : Maude Well 1 think he only does the sweeping .nnd the errands now. Soraerrlllc "Journal.""" " " ' Fashion's leaders always follow it. ; A H'lSU. " i lULine ' Ull, 1 .bU If lad yoar voice !" Tuicke "Jij doubt you would e- oy using It." Thlnoe "No taint that, hut 1 wa hl..l-lnn It i ........ T .1 , . 1 iUI.JElUK Jl 11 VtCIC UJ111C I IUUIU &irf.p It when I liked." B st m l'ost. ' FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Ilayes' First Letter Appeal- j ing to Mrs. I'inkliam lor li elp: ( " Deaf. Mas. Pinkham: 1 have been f nnder Boston doctors' treatment for a long time without any relief. They tell me 1 have a fib.viid tumor. I can not sit down without gret pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. My abdomen is swollen, and I have Ltd flowing spells for threo years. My appetite is not good. Ican not walk or be on my feet for any length of time. "The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately describe my case, bo I write to you for advice.." (Signed) Mas. K. P. Uayes, 252 Dudley St. (Koxbury), Boston, Mass. Mrs. Hayes Second Letter : "Dear Mrs. I'i.nkuam : Sometime go I wrote to you dcsoriblng my symp toms and as'ied your advice. You re plied, and I followed all your direc tions carefully, and to-day 1 am a well woman. . "The use of Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely ex pelled the tumor and strengthened my whole svstem. I can walk miles now. "Lydia K. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is worth five dol lars a drop. 1 advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give '.t a faithful trial." (Signed) Mrs. R. F. lUrKS, 2.12 Dudley St. (Uoxburv). floston, Mass. f 000 furf.lt If ortjlntii of atw IHUtt proulnf gMiMinent&t cannot b flroductl THEY PAY THE FUK1GHT. Two i Id pals met on the street., "I si a yi u in the liquor men's paia'ie Tuesday, "one of them said. "Oh, y. s." "Now ti ll me about It. Who were tm se fellows in fmnt on horses?" i 'Thus V "Why those were the h les ilers." "Well, who were those fellows In arriatres?" "Those fellows In plug hats, smok ing the big, black cigars?" "Yes." "They were the distillers and brewers." "Who were those f Hows walking here wit.i the vhite plug hats, hite coais and g' -ld-headed canes?" " r ry wer- the retailets." "Who were th se fellows that brought up Hie rear" "K Hows with caulifliwer nces and fmiue on their pants the crowd hat I was with" "Yes." "Oh, they were the consumers." The Dciewareatt. An Insignificant Guest. Mam mon "Did you atteud the wei- 'ting?" Cup d "Yes, 1 was among thi also pusen1." Brooklyn Life. The peopl of Maenu, Ga., do man) hirgs to show tbe w rid tout It Is a bve town. A farmer there erected, n a cemetery, a e n-iricious and ei pensive monument to himself. The resid nts bombarded the marbla. shaft with revolvers. The farmer then off rid Slot) reward for the con vict i'Ui of any one who had a hand In the disfigurement tt his tnonumenU The p'Ople burned hi iu in effigy and ottered $I.(X)i) to any one who could aud (.ut who they were. A S-ire Ftarter for 111 Health. Vs.less worrying (a form of nei vousiioss) is Indirectly the result (rln'ougli i lit- nerves) of improper feed ing.' A furniture man of Memphis says: . .. "About a year ago. I was aflllcted with nervous spells, would worry m ovc; trivial things. . "I went to consult one of the best physicians rlu Memphis and he asked among many questions If I drank cof fee. 1 "Ills advice was: 'Go to some pro vision store and get a box of Postum drink it In place of coffee and as yoi are confined to your desk to a great extent try and get out hi the open air as much as possible.' I followed his In. structluu. regarding the Postum. "At that time my weight was 14J and I was taking all kinds of drugl and medicines to brace me up, hut a failed; to-day I weigh 1(55 and all ol my old troubles are gone, and all tb credit Is due to having followed thl wise physician's advice and cut off th. coffee and using Postum In Its place. "I now consider my health perfeo t am willing to go before a notary put tic and.lestiry that It was all due t uiy having used Postum In place coffee." Name given by Postum C Buttle Oreek. Mich. There's a reason for quitting tk drug-drink coffee, and there's a reno. for drinking Postum. Trial 10 dayt provas them all. I,oo k In each package for a copy e the famous llttla book, "The Road t Wellvllle." ' f Jcv3 (3 r