Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 28, 1904, Image 4

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Haw often I tan- seen in iij sirwls
n Some omu't fin., i!it - u
On look to a bird's win; brush the blua.
" With lip arched like the rem-st bow of love.
And hair that falls a gU.ry 'round her trow;
And yet withia, ben-atli, U I.hmI it all.
liar apied, with tliat intetur aigl.t, my cuul.
Suca hungry ougiug feline oo tbrmsefrc
.i ' .Am would, shame Kaniitw nVr t!i im w(
. , ... Of wheel and hoofs, hate hcurd with --irU ear,
Cndeare-ied by an ittsttiut Mm-path).
The tear of all tie mo'l era .f the aorld. ,
Boatoe Transcript.
VEEYTU1NO imed quite
pleasant; It was a magnificent
spring arternoon, the park was
At its best and I had met Mr. V entry,
who. It must be explained, was oue of
sty oldest and most Intelligent friend.
She had aa elaborate French poodle
with her, and both were attired with
exquisite taste. The three of us were
trolling quietly along.
"Joeo and I walk every afternoon
for the benefit of oar health," she ex
plained. "The victoria will pick u np
1b a fear minutes, so you must Just
give me a full account of your doings.
What an age you've been away! Tell
me the scheme."
"Dear lady, I've been attempting to
hoot the lion In his '(two country, I
have been slaying the wild pig In Mor
occo, I have- - .j
"O, the usua.1 kill expedition:", (.he
Interrupted. "That doesn't Interest me
In the least. You know, Hugh, It's .al
most preposterous! Here you are, an
Intelligent man of 32, more than com
fortably; rich, and you have, never yet.
come to-me wtrb an interesting Toy"
"I wftt -tnakeaaujidi! how," I ti$,
gravely."-. . ;; '
"Tell nu'r.i9- at-ledy wiper. ;", .
"- !L'?7f6ic n nj 'ay" iii'u'.-:t
was puiiu, i'ii" a";te"dfl'rW'af ftbrifc-
Carlo. ?on,Iuo ta-Turbhtbe'llhtie'''
place otf tA"ljyiy btiliMjrf iH ft:U
rtniIWjc p' titer r-y" the road' Viiti
some i.:c;r; 'f.ijijvi)jHM rJ-itfy:
about :j4ff 4way a Citron 'rMii,
It ci e't'iVa.-LvHes, 'nvfumably. uoiV-r'
and da ii'.i'V. &k4:&'. .
"Aud tue younger one?" cried Mrs.
V entry, r,;',.
, "Was gloriously pretty! They were
out of sigii't In a minute,' btrt When-1
reached the place I found lhe;carriage
standing outside the ' Inn,' eiiiptyl I
wandered round and" caught sight of
the ladies again. The girl was climb-.
Ing a rocky piece of ground In order to
get a better view; Jovei if yon could
are seen herl" , ;,!."".
"Yes, year cried Airs. Venn-, lm
patiently. "She was adorable, made a
pretty picture; but please go on. There
was something else?"
"Yei. there was -mtiaetblag, lse," I
aid. "In moving quickly her foot
lipped -ou the rocky surface and she
fell. I went quickly to'lief assistance.
It turned out to. be it "baUJy, .spraiugd
ankle, and, as she , couldn't walk, I
helped her to the Inn, escorted ij
mamma.. There ah fainted from the
pain. I was again of assistance, and
when, stye; came to, I well, you know,
AdelaVt studied for a doctor until an
ececutric relative's will made me a pro
fessional loafer." ""
"How romantic! . And you fell In
love with her?" ...
"Head over ears! If you could have
beard, .her vplce, seen her " ""'
" "AKjkle?" put In Mrs. Tentry- Inno-'
cently, , , ... 4 ,t '.
"Her eyes!" 1 finished, with a WverV
glance. "O, her wftole-personaUly wss
"Atid it was t:ie.beginning;.of. aa at
taehittentJ ., Do tell me how-.lt., co,-grpssd-,i"
: . . t . ,.. .,- j .
"It didu't progress," I aid : jgloomiy!.
"Iu thft rxciteiheiit."'of the affnir I for
got to give tliem mjf card, and, after
thanking me and a sklagV'me to call,
they, .dro.vie .off without leaving ( rue
tlieie aiJ4ri8.. I spent an entire, week
Bcarcluuc. hut wi'.hout success, t Tin'it
to lose -her. tW next, tnomehtr
"r.oar 91a. Hugh Z said. Mrs., yeptty,,
ymiMitbctu-jjJy .', . '
Iler. yiqtxujaj drew up clpie "iothe.
curb and she' moved jtoward'lt. ' ".
"I. have to go on to those' tiresome
Brabazona now'" she' said with a Sigh.
She sot In, and 1 lifted the French
poodle up on to theseaf beside her.
' I continued ray stroll. And n'ad.noM
rone very far when"! caught Bight of
talC handsome. : broazed jtfuaa; Chan.
burrylug toward5 'me.'.' 1, . :
"A-fi, -her yoa are, Skcff, old manr
be crlr; shaking- me warmly bj ,thJ
band. ' "I Ward: you-jwera; baekaot
round ft ymf' rowma, , flad.jropT man.
told'tn- I mlffhtfind' yoo lo .tibe. pafk,
to came'''aHnf at ane$."-.-, : ; -.-
Lord -rtmls' GorlntKi was a- nice
youiig lrriHrf!, lieutenant In ,a negl
inent fMy irTM(l :f rom ath Afri
ca I'fe'SS'othttSo(-..fliy. pldeat
friwi;" --4w:v. at ., .
v;. I'tn iaV-aaell - aoasa, SkeS-riiA, i
wapt your -Help!" ' ba ClavinMd,. da
apamhrilly. : ' ...x.r.'t ..v ,. , .t
. 76' ahead let'a. haar. xha lateatr.. I
aid; 'Willi a sign. -. - r. . -i r.
-well, Deroi went -to the rranL-L
two rears ago, I was a yonnir niin'',imenti -then plunged Into the oblcct of
The argument seems sound," I said,
' "O, raa kaanr wbat I mean, Kkafft I
O Me oMgar a silly -roang
f ::r n pumm wii, u ent tn
actress O, not the p.jpu!ar idea. Skeff
ihe wan pretty and reuned, and taking
a Hiuall jart ia a comedy. I was very
UiUcU in love, and if 1 hadn't been sent
out at the time I biild bnre married
"I have always held that even the
war office oceanioiialiy betrays Intelll-
geuce," I murmured.
"It saved me Just in time. A mar
r.'age of that tyjte Is altogether impos
sible for me. You know the state of
our family, finance-."
"But If the war oSi't -iavedjyou
Where's (he trouble?" I asked.
"On my return the mater picked out
a wealthy American girl fur me. I jas
on tin- point of proposing, when sud
denly I am threatened with the ooie-
quences of my early Indlscretioii."
"The little actret-sr '
"S-li wrote to me when 1 n'urned.
but I could not ce my way to answer,
in didn't. This bc-iuk to have made,
her very angry, and she says Khe Is
going to bring a breachof -promise ac
tton.. And hlitf'U win hand. down!" he
added, with a. groan. She ha simply
packets pf my)ctlers. and all W loving
as you can make eml . . ' ;
"You're a man l the worl(I..kiff,
and-HHMloii Muy way of puiting it
you've got the gift of gah: I want y,u
to go to her-and talk Iter mn of . it.'
Draw a picture of my. ' being -Twee-l
against my will' intu a hateful tfi.ir
rlage, tell her jfhat. I've oi.ily'cins";ir??r
so that the honor of Jthe .lViythliroir'f;
pame may Ik? saved." You cai'jio Jt,
SkefT yon will do it '".he BuUlifd. iui
plorin'gly. ... .. ,.
The Southbr.jok 'UTTlag- had .ilc-tjvn
up near us, hnd her ludyiililp was iean
Ing fonvarij. ' ' " " ''-': -.
... "Hoy do yon do. .Mr:S-kentu-rtoir'
she Kaiil, distantly, A proper rert.-L-'rii-
tion ot my sterling worth hadiipver
or-T-u o- ii-rtiBir.ni.jw lM-ijps aj-lj-
tr)de tina-ard bic.i,.: -. .,,,'-,";, .
s "ient)is'I Vant you partie'itllrrty:x A
will llrve jyop back." she added; iri"a'.
jfone that ailinlttefl of no denial.' -
1 ue yOHng'Keamp tanaed to rm fe,j.t : 'his mother notice
secona and -slapped. a, bauil iJJttj. y-e
f:pket-uf h?.iwthvo..VTj;rhttil(-,tt1)
iuoui.ej9i,iie nau smuggieu . to tne 11
crub-jjled envelope. " f '".
"Hyr address I rel'dn yolf!" 'he
whispered. And, with a final ffttb$
lng 'f3!tnce, he sprang In beside" 'WN
i-ttiotQr, and the carriage -Ortlre:' y.
L tttnoothca out the envepe utl
Tftaawd at the address. I read.'.-ijss,
ajrae urcnan, i estbury-Jkiiiiiioii....
Hyde J'ark. West." ,
- ABpther quarter of an hour,' and' I.1
waa standing before the dobr of fit.
5- Westbury Mansions. A trim servrfitr"
appearM on 'the thresWrifkr- -,-rlt xw-
- "I ' Miss Breiian dlMuaxig-jaUfa. 1
asked, handing In my card.. "I've, fajltd
on a- matter, of , .buslaesftr and,, if. she
copld spare.me a-feif mln-ates' cpriver-
.satton, I shopJdfeel ralefHl."
xuc vut. vpeueu ayu a young lauy
iterpd." 'i
I rose to toy feet, and,' a ray- eye'
eu on ner tace, 1 aroppea back a I'J -
in amazement-. She -was 4ha av nt
its. Turbte my lost divinity ! f , i .
bo you nare actnauy, tounn ys out
at last?", ahe exclaimed. , "You can't
think bow sorry mother was' that' she
forgot .tq,gire your our adSress.' ;1f
was unpardonable!"' " " - Mv t.
I pulled myself together with an
ettort.l ' : .y
"To be perfisctlybonest, It Is-a shuer
accident I had not the sHglrtest . idea
that Miss EfHe Brenan was your
I saw a slight! r Dazzled look creen
orer wr. race , k-nuaiHi for a, ju-
m (Ml
"ira rather a dlcre'TOrrWrWt.
ptrnaps, 1 naa netter negin by explain
ing that I'm tba oldest friend of Lord
Danala Oorlsoo." I paused. "And I
cam t Ma raqnestaa well, shall wa
mr, mediator r
"A mediator i or a
"We are hoping ik.. Tuu s-e, I tennis
iiM told me everything, jkhjt boy! How
fe fell very much in love with you be
fore b" went out to the war."
'IH be tell you that?" -ibe aald.
"Ye. And. by the way, he gave me
a very accurate description of you." I
continued, with a glance at her. "H
aaid you were a charming, refined, tal
ented young actretM- playing comedy
parts in a highly artisiie manner.""
"His prvw-nt attitude would seem to
tuggest that he has changed his mind."
I explained the sacrifice be wu mak
ing, pleaded elo-jueutly In his defense,'
drew a touching pi. tun of his aged
parents, to whom this marriage meant
so much. She listened silently, with
her face turned away from me.
"And the American girl does La
love her?" she a.ked, in a suhdtio-J
voice, at the com-IuxUiu.
"He'll marry Her, be good to her, but
he can never love her! It Is Just he
U(.ual vulgar exchange of dollar for
title, brutal but uece-.ary, and vital to
the honor of the Southbrook name.
There, I've put the whole case before
you. He has had to make his ae;i1ce.
I ask you to be generous, make one
yourself, give him back hi let'eta, h-t
him offr
- "But it was a very g.xnl chance for
me," she said, doubtfully.
"0, you will jave otliers: you simply
can t hclp.otr I said, eagerly.
"You think so?" she said, with a l;t
)Ie blush. She looked perfectly vav
b.hing. and for the moment I forgot
"Why, to convince you," I cried,
111 " .-. ... ..
I Just saved iu self In time. She was
utterly charming. and of eour.w, my
lost divlnltyv find 1 was as much m
love wlthcher "as eve,-; but. still, I
hadn't quite accu-'tonxil myself lo the
breach-of pn-mlce Idea.
"Well, to convince me, what?" she
asked with a smile.
I hedged. ,
"(), that before many years pass yon
will have one," I said ragne'y. "Come,
what do yoti'iay will' you be gener
ous and let him' (iff?"
,S)ie gave a 4ili!c Inngh and !i-lil out
her hand. "Very well, I pro.nisc ie
ijaa im'O une irte a-s lar as 1 on-
J-Ded." ,
Her cool, firm little hand pressed
mine, and 1 felt a thrill go 1 1-r. n irhi inc.
I drew up Just In time ajain. You
e, I had been l.-i.king Into ncr eves,
and. as I liad -tuld Mrn VerVfy. they
t;re wonderftil. Y.nf nsraln the breach-
yf proitil'se seheitie "loomed sp before
me. ' .....
"Well, now jou have found us, you
will come again, say, in nioirmy, for
tea? Mother doe-t u. want to thank
I tore myself akny and walkfl linclf
to h-y .rooms. I lal. plenty fdud for
refliK-tion' on the war. --: . :
"After all, a divinity Is a aiMril' vl
w hether hhe threateiifc to bring brearii-
of-jiromls action's' 6r not,". I ..wllo-qulx-d.
"And she didn't really ipc.iiji
It. " IMrectiy I -pointed out the nature
of the cane he wan generosity itself.
It was perfectly uajurai, too, her. being
angry. Any girl would have Cone ti6
.same yes, any girl!" I repealed, reas
I ceached my rooms and found a
4ram atfitiiig'me.5. I tfrr'e It.oi)en- It
Mirt fronf iJe.imis. : , - .. . . . . ,
Korhearu's sake, don't go; In flurry
gave you address of American instead
of actrca-i. tlorlsoiu"
, "Jovcr. I. gasped.'as the whole sig-
u.Hiiance of the thing "dawned bh inc.
She 'discovered' the 'mistake - almost
immediately, and kejit it up. What
art!""" ' ' ' :?.. '.. , , .
f thought hard for a tow n,oirn(il,
then eauu to a decision. I hurried out,
.ji'iiil. In a few minutes, .was buck at
Wcstl-ijry ..Mansions. ,t ,
i I was again sliovn Ih.'anil the'yonng
person rfjeejved'me with her eyes twin
kl'mg n'ltri merrinient.
' t'Thefv" has-'lWV a 'terfrfiVmlWnke,"
t ufgVtt'iamety; sbowlnif her.; Ueiiiiy'
vvlrj:''- "You iej .he .-a,trj'iog not, to.
him glvlug mo
tlip'-KldretiS" l;t"IM, )u,ti)Ial.tUuil.
,. ."l!e mercifu';".) jliujbirsii!, huiu'iljr.
lierewgj. a .p:yiif:.. ( V,'.IU'T ,'liat
"you are jgtjjt$ fa da?" '
"'"'Wliat rtave Bone," she corrected.
AT liave.Kcpt my word. Directly you
eii, 1 sent a rritir to nnn oy TnMft. 1
Jfcil't" f fftnlchy' W ilM-oatl '-.liai ,'. slie
.OJd-vt," OsejMmgrri' - ,-!.,..... .-.
,i."Is there absolutely no help for
WraT) Kiftt wrkh -aw-atK-mpt. to, je,
jiresa-the .quiver f- extiHt-iieut iu my.
tone. -." -. , .'
l'".o; the;; nqtres .dsd-j 'lias ijulte
Qt-cldad -yif. And, iwiihehow'.' Ifedl
hat. a .you said, I shall never reuret
it. i vaust just waitft) pntli'n-cb'uiillr
tbat otlier" man comes along,"
she rf'ld-
od demurely.
For an example of sheer, base In
gratitude, however, I would just .men
'tlon the sad case of Ird Ienuls.lor!-
hoik He habitually refers, to me as a
. . . . , , . .. . " L
itbi - axlerhig Idiot" and has exj-ressi-d
an,4pjsian ihnt ie would not crfre two"
straws Uf Ije nerer'saw me again. ' '
X,vd Lady bontlfn"rook cdts riii rMa.'
But It 'Jiocsn't matter, bless jbnl I
have foutid my divinity,' and tbe other.
Evening she 'whispered to ane, quite prl-.
Vafcljr.-tliafl might keep her alto
gether. Iondon.aSketc.h. , .,, . , .
Forscl"ulnes on H4iifi Hides.
' Koine of you plcasijre SjVkers,' said
K(v., Mr., Bosh, "slwajs id'tn to forget
fliayhere.such 'A'uit'i :ftnndiii'
"Aiid s' meof yotU'oly fellows,"- re
nlled Ue hsrd case, "merely forget' It"
"the',tn4ier-if,-f 'UhrtiS'-OathoMc
A political demonstration by your
party Is synonymous wltb street riot
when palled off under tbe auspices Of I
the tftber parr.
1111 I J. at-X JU An.!. Jm al
A uiosl amusing entertainment Is
bat yielded by the practice of the art
i sluidowgTBphy.
And It is astonishing bow half an
tour of the long evenings may be made
o fiy qulekly and comfortably with
lie aid of a pair of hands, a powerful
amp and ttbeet.
Tbe pictures sele-ted form the alm-
iler feature of haduwgrapby, but
hose who take the trouble to become
'aiiiiilar with the various modes of re-
roduc!ng on the sheet silhouettes of
he bead, etc., of the living creatures
rith wtlcl.aren the youngest child Is
amillar may easily elaborate the per
'oruiance at will, so as to lliunrnite
iui b a profeKsiouals introduce at
nany of our entertainments.
Who has not succeeded In prtMlucluj
be form of a rabbit? This Is the aim
(lest, perhaps, of hand and finger Diau-
puhitioii. Tiie aci-omimny photograph
ihows the l-est way of bringing a very
Ively specimen of Hum-' with eye
omplete In-fore the notice of nu rp-
rtHiatlve of course audU-Ui-e.
Another rather simple picture Is that
f the goat, with very striking horns
aid a delightful beard." The right band
s placed above the left, the first and
cnd fingers forming the horns, the
huuib the ear. The left hand forms
S "K, fun
ffie lower part of the head with the
flliRCrs doubled up, the little one being
x tended to represent the bjtr(t' This
fiinit'e I cspable f the most laughable
grimace's, and a Utile practlce.'is all
that Is necessary to make this Item a
complete sucitsu. '
The elepbant-'s head Is auotjier of the
simple figures., The right hand forms
the lop portion of the head, the left
U;utd below jiiakyi up the needful built,
the drooping fingers width' must not
show too thickly ou, the.-.slieet the
inoval'le trunk, while the thumb makes
vety movable" tusk'.' 'A Wight open
ing between tiie hands gives a good
representation of an eh.'phatitlne eye,
with winks complete. .. .'
Next we have the artfsUi; flgur of a
swanin- which- Ukj. performer's bead
lielps the hands. The htid forina tb
lk)dy,-tln rlgtrt arm the neck,the hand
autj llugcis. the head aqd. bill, and .be
flngers.of. the .left hand, placed ssrulfmt
the hack of tiie head, a very fcatift'tae-
tory tall. Tula figure, moving along a
"itraiglit line td rejiresent the unrfacu
of a lake or river, euu be made most
life-like In every movement, Cievely
depleted,' it Merer falls-tw-rpf-wlui'e thun
ders of applause.
Thp UgiirVs of a 'dinr. 'Wutg', for"",'a
rabbd..Ava f'a'jj' explained by 11 glance
ul the photograph.
' 'llifr cat tigure is- fw'-itel-Vy a njt;
bimrtion of' thn, Tight Coii Wooy and
IisjhIh. .It Is by no means diflieult to
. -- . . , , -(lerform.
The Irand is raised above
the. level of the cuff and simp"! the.
hefj -the lint -Aiid -founh rfiirHteR,(.r-.t
Inwards pfoduoe au. xrcllent pair pt
ears; whii-M may -bi tviti4d jit )lia.
ureThe forwiinec of tlj le't Jia'nd
iiiaki-9. tiie tall. anJ l)ei(il!nggracefullV
at tliu. jyuils, prodm-es a niovefn'ent 'as
near as possil-Ie to (hat of" the reill
' The '."mrthkey-ri. a atlck: -wilt be,
found a slightly more difficult figure toJ
form., , Tin npfier iortou of . the right
bviud with bent fingers 'fornVttie liea'd!
(he thumb forming tfce "arm"" ah'df tbe
J urst ahd fCwohd iWspars tb-r legi. wbleb
shouTd be plcl Ver a stlcb; aa shows.
in tbe'iibOtbgrwphiMi j, t 1 1 ,
. Tbe "bat or butterfly, figure Is formed
by tbe .two thumbs being brought to
gether, tbe palins pf tbe bands faclrfg
outwards, the wing triovetoieot ' being
well Imitated by moving too fingers
and binds asHn a binge.
Yon can make a really effective bead
of a rhlnocesos by placing the ring fin
gers bween the thumb and forefinger
or the left Hand; the- thumbs forming,
the ears, and the left hand the pc-cnllar,
hooked snout, of tbat ugly animal,
. fiy placing the hollow of the- right
'hand wllb ujihijd thumb across the
lower3 portion' irf'tlrt' h'ft thumb and
wrist the top of a bull's head can be
shnKd jea, Uie scrof-q. tThe. lingers of
the left hand, bent Inwardly,, as in the
Idiotorapb, forin the Jaws" of thfc
1-east, and I cilti-ctiwlnlf irtevemimt is
tbep a neasy matter.
' ry-ISsaWII' .SSU.IiSJTA tMj
be formed. It will suffice to give one
here. Tbe right hsnd Is partially
etsmcned, tbe three lower lingers form
lay tbe Upa, osoutb and chin; tbe foren
7 ajfci C2
finger tiem-bed oer tt" thumb make
an excfilent Ally Klop-r uaaal organ:
the left hand, wtlh the fingers deftly
arranged, will produce an old cap, knd
the comical effect I complete,
"'here are sereral other combinations
w hich will readily occur to the opera
tor aa he progresses, but I think I hare
given our readers sufficient specimens
of the art of shadow grapty to keep tbe
hands and fingers busy for a consid
erable time. Montreal Star.
sfaatjr IHv-traiooa aatd lliaalpatt
lorn Oa
trade The-aiMlvaa,
We have, sir, within the past half
century effected an enormous advance
iu many line. We have women's col-leg-n,
we bare kindergartens, we bare
flats, we have bridge whist and aulo-UK-bile.
we have dubs for the purpose
of obviating the frlghuui ui-cessity on
the part of meu and womeu to live at
home. Counties-! diversions and dissl-patlou-
obtrude upon lives which
might be ernit. and render them
frHoloUs and empty: ll!nd iiurses
rear the ciiildreu of tlot opulent.
Where, meanwhile, is the rid whieh in
my youth the child was spoiled?
Where is childish mod, -sty, parental
Instruction, the salutary .-iiforeement
of oU'dleue-i? l).i we by erasing fear
from our domestic systems Insure for
the future anything mor.- promising
thau ungovernable, uiigoverm-d and
ungoveruiiig maturity?
A female child uppraii-i. me- not
long ago on the stn-et. An air 'J r
liueiueut and good bre--diiig at.cudi.-d
her. I paused HUd pliM-.antly observed
"Hello. gni!i'J;-ii !'" ex-iafined the
cluld. "Has anytioiy is u our sat
1 made no reply.
sjjjeas uj), said the . liiia jr you
Uou't hapeu to Iimvi- amputated yotjf
Voice. I've lost kind of a tall cat.
done off in a tortoise shell finish. II
feet don't tni' k. but she's sound and
kind, city broke, sLands witliout bitch
lug, and unswiH-s t.) the name of I-aura
Joan Llbby. Wtiere Is shi-f"
loung woman, said I. "I am iio
aware Ihnt I hav.tl:e honor of yont
"j)-ju'i let that cans.- you any 'insnin
uiu, grandpa." said the ' inule . Llld
'Tin IK' trying t.i make a hit witlj
you. Cither you've s.s-u n.y cat or you
haven't' If ' you' haven't, wc1!! pari
In a friendly way. with' n .iotli.-i
t'-rn. If you have. 'I'Vi-li'ice you to p-,,
(hloe, l!vj up and ra!iti(u.sh. the rat
Is It a gTi? 'ls there anything doing in
the f.-Iiii..,.'way '(' .
."No." said I. . ,
i'lieu so long," hajj the fi-mulf
child. .
This, sir 1 presume Is the result of
Our system of allowing children to de
Telop along the lines of least resist
ftDce. MluueuiMjlIs TIun-.
What Wnald Ton llo in ThU tae It
Your Name Wa Hark?
A young man named Clark Is Jir
purchasing agent for a large corjs-ra.
tlon. Keceutly he' has ' been uiu kinj-
cOiitrttct-J for the winter's supply of
coal. The contrntl Is-a lure oue, th
corporation in qut stiou using wiue tiv-
huudred tuns u month. ...
Sone Luilf a dozen tlrtis. of coal deal
ers have been trying to get the eon
tract. , After a wwk's figuring all bul
two of the linns lu question have 1-eeu
wiimlnated from the 'deal, tin;' rivalry
between tlieul being extremely close.
The other day wIilh MrH.'lark reach
ed his bom-r on the 'west sldcnhls wlf
saKl: '''JoBn, I didn't know -you wert
going fo iisve the' coal put Ip to-day."
''Nilher did J'.sos'erud the astou-'
lalu-d Ularkt . ... ..
fWeHtnere was ten ton put In tbia
afrinsjH. I aclcetl thejlrlver, ar-d "he
sald alk.he knew about It vtfas be was
told to deliver the' coal tb'iohn'Cisfk's
residence. '' There 'was nothing 'to pay,
riea!d." ,
Vln.u Clark tot down to his officii
the next day In? otin-1 rt.'paejiUt1jw
ofi botliiliiA-irn'jil coinpnnius walling to
see u i 111. i.arK wus prciiy mao. ue
Yralksl in one of thi t-otl j-uH-smcn and
Rnld:-..".DlJ, ypu wnd that coal out to
tny hoiiSH? ytsffrilay"" '.'.''
The coal talc-wan looktsl at Ctrfrt
lind ftiiiw lhe'rl'jfTiteoufljidgiitWf Ui
his eyes. ,
'Why,' ha,-. -T'eonrse tiot be said,'
with virtuous wrath; "we don't do buai-b.-.
that- way."; -s . "
l.Then Clark called ih'tha oilier coal
nvm, and hp nhm hyijy d"niJ tJiat hC
could 1k guilty of such ' a-r ouirage.
Mrs. Clark nays thcie was no name
palnled on tlit wagrms whUh d -flverett
tbe coul; at least she did not notice
any. . ; 4, 1 .
x- f'ow, what Is Clark to do about It? -
ChlcugO' Trtbui.ef 1 : - ,
f, fc.Me.tr Morn . or I'lna X.
; The following story of the' pope' k
told,o Jbe italian pspers. A depmav
tlon or (he monks' of Som rdrr had
obtained sn Interview wltb blm. Ac
cording to the etiquette of the..ratiian,
only cardinals are allowed-id sit In the
pope's presence, and sn lnrltatlon from
him to do W 1 'IfWnxif eqtllralent to
lb promise of s cardlnalnte. Pope
Plus X Is a plain man, titteny Itiddffer-
eat to the etiquette of the papal court
He, 'tWerefore... begged s the monks to
take. 4h-lr seats.. , They hardly knew
whiff her.- they could , veofure to" do so,
snd, wbibd . they " stood, hesitating 'be
said ,to thetn.--- . ' '
you do not. I suppose, expect life
to draw your chairs forward for youf
Hobba Whst makes you such an
optlmlstt -
Dobbs-lt Sk'plessantor, to, hate peo
pia-tanKSs ifn .t-HJJ ".llfc gai jog
Industry and prosperity are spelln
differently but lbs mean about tbe
thing: ' -
Wkera la Oak atoa fmt T
rarban t Waahir-rtoar
Our stteutkn been draws lo s
rery Interwtlng episode In coonetloo
wltb Scotland and the great re-pul-II
ut the West, says the Seottlsb Pstrlot
of Edinburgh, it seems that tbe Karl
of Bucbao. the frlsi and ptrou r
Uobert Burns, was so delighted with
the betr-ole part thst General Washing. -ton
took la tbe Am-ertcsa wsr Of lude
I eudeoce that be sent him a box mad
from the oak that sheictcred Sir Will
iam Wallaee after tbe battle of Fal '
kirk. The letter which we subjoin
.rom Lord Bu ban will explala- the -story
better than we can tell It. But
we are left to solve sn InteresSIug
problem, snd we appeal to any of our
American friends wbo can help us lo
oIve It and that Is, to whom did lien-ei-ai
W'ashihgtou give the box, aiij iu
whose possession la It now? Tbe Irtt't
Is as follows:
"Iiryburgh Abbey, June 'JM, 1TU1- - ,,
Sir: To use your own emphatic wi-rls- (,
May that Almighty Being wbo rub-
iver the universe, who pni!bn In ,
ounells of nations, and w hose, prvi-
P-ntial aids iau supply every human
h-fect cons-srate to the libiTtiiai and
liMiipluess of the American ueople a
fivcrniio-nt instituted by tbVnmclvca. ' '
for public and private s-s-urlty. uiou
he busis of law and equal admiulstni
ion of Justiee, preserving to every In-
dividual as miieh civil and xlH IctU' - '
f.vclom as Is consistent wltb the wif-
1,, ..? it... ,,t .0, iiii" nmv lie is-
pNitsed to i iii t uue your life and- - -siretigtb
as l.ng as you may tx lu any
way us ful to your country.' ' '
I 1 ti v . Intrnstcl I Ills slllS-t. ilX'liUtl-d
U H l.o m.nle of the 0.1W that shelti-ri'il
ur great Mr Willltim M'hllace- afllT
the battle of I'aU.lrl.. to Mr. Itobert .
.Mi of Al-rd'- n. l'b the. Ik-k- of bis
laving tic h'inof of fh-liMTliig It lots
,our hands and nm ting wltb your pro-ItH-tiou
as an honest tint 11 sc-eklng for
bread and lor fame iu the new world ,
by ti c exercise of his talents. . . . ,
"This box was pr-cuted to mo by
!he (Jofib-mi'lis' 'otuiaiiy of tUlitt
Iiucgh. fr-m whom, f - U.g tny own nil-"
V. lriIllli''SS IO I ' ',l litis 111:11.0.01:1-0.1
ns lve present, I rispbsted and oil-'' "
Ininisl 'ruilK'oii to tnrikc if over to
th- man in tiie world to whom I "
, "Into your excelb ney's' Lands I com.
tnit it, if-jtii-f.-; ing or you to fr-insniit.. -. 1
I , on the event of v.'.tir (b -eaw." 14 lim'- '
t: an in your own , oii itry who shall ap-
re-.T to your jii'igmein 10 oi-erve 11
that have Indm id me to sid it ta x
jour excii'eiii y. Wltb the blghiwt in-
teem. I have the liinot to be, lr, your ...
excellency's most olxslient humble tieis, , ,
Interest" -iu
accompanying ...
Hlustratlou, deleting, a sergeant of lbs
' ' "
Konth African constabulary, IIijs mora 1
In Its author tliau lu-the sketch Itself.'"' '
sltbough the latter Is a capital bit of
work. Tbsket!b froiji which ths
illimtrntioii was reproduce-! was mad''''
by.nq other than Major OeneraJ It. 8.
8. Baden Powell, whoiil the trtajorlty of-i'''
Amemans will rememl-er for thw iirt i,-.
lie plftyed ln"tHi 'South 'Aftkau vwiy.,
There seelns little Jo")t IbKt ltd Cieij, " '"
i f,.. .1.. . T. M.I...... r .V ' "
enil iai'fii;ifo--1t.'ij eie,-ei ji- iyiiow V"0
profession, of-u aiii-it lis cyjiid 'have '"'
earned a tidy lucomej -.vltli peh,' piti-'''"-'
i and brush. . .,-. ...,. .
r'renci Law foe I'r'avcfcri
.HuglUh 'smi irHig" trji vY-lers nX' ilkely. r-
lo be ImpoKcd. linbH by 1'ri'ticft. trnd" utfi
wen uulekfi MlnV ire fnfniBntr WHts-s,,
their rlt'liltt n hri 1WitflW 'under; ha ,l9
hiws'of Prahi-e:1' ' ... :.', .-. I
French dressmiikers espeeliill .sraU
very apt to try lo make unwary trsr-
elleni take III fitting pirmeuts. A cuss
Of this kind "ceeenfly tK'Cured in .Paris. ,
ji cetuln Mine.- tibniiiclls had ordered
iJ-eswts to tha amount. of thirty-four
liuisdnsl franca, a pd. nfter many try.
ings-on snd Duuierous' delays, she re
fused to receive, tliem. 'iiii'they still did
not lit , The dressmaker nevertheless,
sent them on wflb flip hill In fuit and
on refusal of payment attached Mute.
Iflanaclls' entire wnrdrolie. Mine.
TStanaclls, in.'onlem 0. save, ber ward
itobc, was obliged to pay the" three
ttoimnnd'thref buhdrxWand slm-ty firs
fraisa orer to .JV cgurt ojOci-r. Hut",
wbssi .the case was hesrd in con A,' the
Judge not oiily ordered tbe tnree tWoV1 1
sdd. three ' bnndrd . and "tthaetyifs-rt' t
francs refunded to Mine. aianacUsa bs&i' '
mulcted ' the dresmnAket l-ajt-w . . I
upon besliie court costs. )te kc4 t' , '
wuen a .woman ctistottier goeB ar'sf !
dressmaker who cllms exriKrxnsWf'tO'?
bas a right to demand wen-flf ting aslrU:
ments, within a rea sorts ble'tlsn.' aasat?-s
wiuioui ir-aiuu. Hiieraiiona .." i
a man ls geln (fbowotsitsr "
1 argument wltb a le'msfe be 'la WlV"'
ay: iWAll, that's jusfltltia ttW
MecreU are like mtrnrr anwsl fas
setblag Baleaa plaoad la rirrisirsSx.