ro WAIT A WEEK JAPAN GIVF8 RUSSIA THAT TIME FOR RCPLY TO NOTE. GET READY IN MEANTIME NATION PREPARED AND GRIMLY RECONCILED TO WAR M Waleoma Honorably fmum. Hut Haaolvsd to Fight fi lura K.-iling- From Flnt Huaition TOKIO, Jan. I?. Japan does no anticipate Russia's rejoinder lor Ht leasta J n the meantime the itatlou is prepared and grimly recon ciled t(i war. Political and other distinctions hive dsippeared and the countrfy is patriotically unilcd. government ik receiving many offe I contributions, iu the event of war auioutiiig to many millions of yen. The Japanese people" would wel- come an honorable peace, but are ie- solved to Hiht. before ten-ding from their position in oriental affairs.! They fear the agression of Kussia and believe if it is i ot st'rpid now it wl;l never be slopped. They are cotilideut that tin 1 r demands aie fair and moderate and their di plomacy which been oat lent, has gone to a reasonable limit. They ex pect the' world's sympathy iu the struggle and have a splendid conti nence In their army and navy. In he evmit of reverses or a national disaster it Is thought that England or the United Mates would In tt r vene to perserve a balance of power hi eastern Asia. The growth of British and Ameri can sentiment Is remarked. Su uer ous display? of the II us of the two nations are made, and pup ,;ir songs aeitlug the lories of the "lion"' mid "Un-le Sam" are siin. The cbaiartd-s of "Uncle Sam" and Johnny iiull" are also seen at public, dances. The activity of the United stales in the opening f the ports of Mukden and Anliing is keenly watch ed and in sitne (p.i.ti'eis it is hoped that this may aid in solving tbe prob lem cf Insuring p a :!. The cen sorship prohibits the publication of military movements 'Iho ass ici.ite l press correspondent, Is luli.thly ttifotmed t tut Japan has received a Russian e intniinlcatlon, saving that P.uisia will respect the tights and prhiligci ahcady acquir ed by the powers iu Manchuria under eilstli.g treaties with China, except ing the establishment ot fotelgu 8"t tlements, and in so far as these rights and privileges are not prejudi cial to Russia's future relatioi s with Manchuria. These reservations are regarded as nullifying the valuii of Ihe assurances. (iiven an icy Hath LOUISVILLE, lis.. Jan 18. Kiuhteen deb g it.e-i to the convention of the national league of commission merchant were thrown into the icy water of Ech i river, which wlidsa tortuous couise through Mimim'th cave arid were saved only by the presence of mind of the guide J hn Nelson and l he heroin w rk of Chalk's A. Muehibronner of l'ilts buig. l'a. Tlm roof of the cave over Echo river Is arched, and the space In the center owing to an utiai'C' untable rise In the river, as only two aid a half feet above th'! water. In order to Insure tlie lassage of Hie boat the men and women weie forced to stoop over. At one place the li at swerved to one ! ie, raking the heads Of the persons In the bout next to the bank. These leaned farther for ward to &caiw staking their heads This lam-red one end of the boat, and tie' w it-r began to 11 iw In rapi dly, The guide saw the danger, and called to Muehlbroimer to Jump ai d lake the chain This he did landing no n steep ba.ik, which a Horded only a sliwht foothold. Lying down no bis fa :e, held to the chain and pulled sue boat towards the hank, FiKht UandiM Off. M'CLENN Y, Ha., Jan. 18. -Passenger train No. 70, easlbound on the Seaboard Air Line, was held up one in lie east of Saoderson at 7:54 by lour white me a. The door of tbe baggage car was blown open with dy nti m lie, theiohbcis mistaking litis car foi tne express car. The engine was Hopped by a vile? of snots tired lul l the cab The lireinan and en Kit eer were taken off tbe engine and scrted to the second class coach and the robbers ran the train anead about balf mile, when the blew op.n the baggage car Kills Half Breed Indian. SPRING VIEW, Neb.,Jao 18-Dan A. Hoby came to Hprlngview and sur rendered himself to Sheriff Cot trill, staling that lie had killed oe "Jim" Ramus, hall blood Indian, In a fight ibout a mile north of tbe state !ne 00 the Rosebud reset vst Ion. He ,iaun sell defense, lit Is awaiting th arrival of the United States ina anal. Hoby is une mmunlcatlva a d the detttls of tba UmOJ baft uui Ma iaiDM. NOTE NOT OPTIMISTIC RUSSIAN PEOPLE REGRET FAIL URE OF DIPLOMACY IN EAST- InSoMtlal Papar mf Kuaala R.IIh It Will Tk Tas to Sara lb Ilan4 Ktiigdoiu from liausor. NEW YORK Jan. 19. Private dispatches from St. Petersburg Indi cate, says a Times dispatch front Paris, that the Japanese note has uol helped to fortify optimist!" antic!-' putions. As long as there was room f'.r fuither negotiations, Ruvdan diplomacy heiptd Russia to gain time. Rut Japan, having been givtn a final answer to the latest Indefin itely Russian note, will, not. It Is expected wait lnb nHiteiy for a deci sion on Itu-.-iu's part. There is said to be a good deal of Irritation in !?'t. Pet' rsburg ovtr the failure of Russian dip! macy. It is recgnlzed that the conelu-ion of Use Chinese-American inaty ha tnateil ally affected Bulla's prtstagc. Il ls reported that Russia stands In greater fear at I lie present moment of the UnitKl States than of Great Riitain. Anotner souice of chagiin Is tlie indilli'ttnce of France. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. R-The ca.r's assurance given at the Winter Pit lace January 14. on the occasion of the New Year's reception, that he di sired and Intended t i do all iu Lis powers to maintain peace m the far east. Is regirded by the f inlgn dip loma's as a hostage given to toe world for the preset vatmn of pi ace, while the gtiatanty that Russia will recognize I lie open poit and other concessions in Manchuria will, it is thought, place the onus of a ruptuie on Japan. Most of the newspapers here join the peachful chorus, una paper remarking, however, I hat ib wis strange fur Russia s to tiisi hear the czar's word bv way if Amciicui TlnNovoe V', icfettl'g lo tlm n p. rts if the olTe-if g od 111 es fr un ihe Unileri t it France and Uu:at Hr it a in, asks : "is such act ion nece saiy when the wle le wopd as been inform' 'I of whil hismajisiv lias graeioil-1,' been pie is-d Jusi li the niplom lis at. the Wintei ( alaeiV linw is It, po-,siole to rciioer fmti er service to the cause, iif pea-e afler Hie czar lias aiinouecel tint hit wil direct ail his ii.lhieiice to matntiln it A more ortcinus guiiaoly I hat ilu -sia will not draw tli-: s.v ird It is Im possible to conceive." IteoniMid'S as follows: "Japan Is In an unt"i tunate positiui and will ii(Uic great tat t to avoid II e dangers aris ing fr m the good olbce i.f olllcious friends." Burke's Rill Favored. WASHINGTON., Jan. P.I. A fav oraole report lias been ordered on th - Rosebid Indian resetvation bid (.otigiessman Iiiirke. i South 1'akotn has been iistiuctrd to piepaie thu report. In couth mil Ion of the meet ing held by the Indian affairs com mittee on Saturday the eninrniite s held an almost continuous session Mo day. The morning sovlon was wh illy devoted to consideration i f who her cougr -s should as-umu the light of taking tin: Indian lands wiih out the sanction of the Indians con cerned. Upon that proposition tho Indian committee in executive s's si in decided bv a vote of 12 to 2 to open tbe R-sebud rrser val h)a to set- tlement without siiliinitili-gtli'Miues- tl in to the Indians. J Ills Is along: the line of the supieme court dcel sl n that the government is a t listen for tbe Indianas nd also up n the e Coinmendalion froiu tlie Indian dc paituieiit. William Martinrinle Free. ! KANS AS CI TY, Jan l'.i - Wi'll un Martindale, t rrnnr vice president rf the First National Wink of Ivnpor'.a, K 'O., who was li cficled fnr nils un 1. cailon of the bank's funds after it failed In 18H1, wasfr-ed ny a deei-i n rentered by Federal Jude John F. Phillips In Kansas Ci y yis en;;;y. Following the failure Charles F. Cross, president of the bank, a ootid fancy stock breeder, committed sol- clde. Martindale is one of the most prominent men In Kansis Kit's Man And Run Away. ARAPAHOE, Okla , Jan. 19. In a quarrel over a .'100 note, John l'.U- ham. agent for a Milwaukee brewi ry, shot and killed Gus linddlisL. in. ilu- ham endorstd lluddleston's no'eand when the latter negl cted to piy It attached liuddleson'sraitle. One f Ihe bullets fired by lilpham lodged In the vest pocket of fnrnur Probaio Judge Love, liigham fled after the shooting. American End Nearly Oone. MEXICO CITY, Jan, 18 Uiaile K Pepper, rep eseniatlve of thu Unlied Males government for the prnj cted , P.iD-Aineilcin lallway, has left here for homeaftcr a journey of 2,000 miles and visiting the capl- talsof twenty-one different govern- menta. Mr. Pepper sayi tlm Pan- American rallwa. is wmiln UiSmil s of llieOiiatciiiala line and when com- pleed Guatemala and Nicaragua wil bulla llaes id coniiaiituoa. J1RED QF HIS JOB KING PETER OF SERVIA WILL ING TO ABDICATE. COUNTRY IN AN UPROAR HEADY TO ADMIT POSITION HAS BECOME UNTENABLE. Ci uapirator Maklu( Thrrala Fanbrt Mirbl-I Rising In houiburrat Africa Cotonlea Alariua (icraaar. VIENNA, Jan. 19,. King Peter of ervia accordiiig to a report fum Cetlnje Montenegro published by the 'Ntues Weiucr Journal, is prepared 1 ! to voiuntarl y renounce the throne and all w the powers to nominate his successor. ) The pit nee of Montenegro is said to have riceived a mandate J rum Russia to cleat up the precarious situ at! in in Servia and King Peter is al leged to have recouiii.ed the unten ahilltj ot hisiositiou and to be will ing to abdicate. His successor, It is ad ed, will only t penmtttd to as cend the throne onditionally, on his agieelng to punish the leaders of the coi.spliacv which resulttd in the assassination of King Alexander and Qi.eui I'raga n moving all tiiise who were directly ot indiiectly concerned in t lie regicides. The st. lenient, published by the Nuns Heincr Journal is not intiirned but. all repoits indicate that affairs in Scivla ate stiaiilly growing worsa and that liny are causing the great est anxiety in Russia and Austria. The Servia conspirators are said to be i penly threatening to take revenge on Europe. I.y Jo nii'g in the expected Mace. Ionian outbr.-ak in tbe spring. The Internal condition of Servia is alarming. Outside, ihe towns life and properly are insecure. The roads are Infested with brigands. HEREIN. Jan. 1D.-I)r. Steubel dincioi of the colonial department of the foreign Mlee in the n ichsig made a full exp sine of the govern ment's in'oraiatlon about t lie ilere r s rising. If- s i hi I he rising of the ' ndezwarts tribesmen had unques thwihlv b en ended between the titii ami 10th of January, but at the same t ime came the lirst, news of Ihe move meat in rem nl southwest Africa. A tilcgram arrived January 11 from Win ihoek saving that Ok ihanlj t bad been occupied by natives and that telegraph c connect Inns Willi Wind hoek ai d Swakopmuiid was cut oil. The government Immediately dis patched a relief column by railroad fioin Swakopmuiid, but it Is not. known l ow Tar It got. The relief of Ot v initiitigue, a mission station south or Wind ioek, which was also occu pod by natives, was attempted .from Karlhib, and forces been S'nt to pro leit th" rallioarl station at Karloib, wli eli lias heei placed In a defensive po.iilon. One German post in Ihe nouhern portion of tie! Ilereios icrri torv was al-o hi sf Iged. 'Jleialivis hid s-cured tr iii'-iil uniforms from a shop at Jobann A Ibreeblsliolie, which t'e' had p in dued. Can Do No More. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Presi dent Ro'Sevelt transmitted to the Mtiate yisieuiay additional corres pondence to ichlng the relations of the I'nited States with Columbia and 1' mama, cov ring the pcivei from D-cemiKT 23, i:ti)3, tu January 0 list. , statenirit of grievances on the part, of I olonib'a was presented io tin' suite department by Generd Reyes Iicceieher 2.1 Reyes says tint tlie lo.tseolthe United St ites had worked a deep ir jary to Col nihil ti rcl he cited ti e treaty o' 1810 as showing that the Independence and sovenlgn'y of Col mbla was to he m il taln d intact between the two governments. Reyes deals minutely with the var lous p'liisis of the st ions at issue, a d discussing the rej ction of the Jlay-Herran treaty by C 'louibia, he expiess'd Ihe coiivicilon that the treaty would have been approved " lth amend nents th it would prob- ably have been acceptable to the United States had nut the American minister at ftogota repr-atcdly declar- d In the most positive manner that his government would reject any intendments that might be offered. Smoot Files Mis Rrply. WASHINtiTON, Jan. 20-Sena'or Smoot has filed with the commlilees on privileges and elections his second rep'y to tne presentation hrde by Attorney Tayler The reply follows the llns of argument made bytheat- torneys for Mr, Smoot In h hearing b-"rr Ihe corr.init'ee Saturday last ' d P'"c, on r-cord detailed denials "f amnions made hv Mr. Tayler. senator Nmooi win wimoui a auaot ngnt to and. AMAZES THE JURY. Facta Brought Out at Iroqaoi Inquest Are Aatoaadias- ChletEO eorrespoodeoce: From the justaut wiieu it was knowu thai men. wumen and children were i)ing iuside Uie Iruquuig Theater, whieii had been widely ad vertised aa being absolutely fireproof, people lie-au to ask wlio wag to blame and the Mayor ao liiited au iuvetiti giitiuj; comuiittee al uiuHt befure tli fire was extinguished. A tlinroiipli exaniina tiuM of the building wan made and erim i a a 1 carelessness teemed apparent at almost every turn. The fire escape ex ita were hidden with huiiKinsK, there waa mi menus of opening Ilia dixirs, there were no ladder THE I-AliL LIGHT. lioit i-iiuld lie UKeil when the escapes v. -i-e uuce reached, Ihe persons ,res)K)n- i Uie for the care of the scenery during rl'i' play were absent from their posts, l.e HsiM-Ktos curtain was made of exceed-iiih-ly tliumy material so flimsy, in fuet, teat it would probably have tieen little lUiiicetiiiD had it been entirely lowered, there were no sprinklers, there was no line over Ihe Ntriue to create a draft away from the auditorium kIioiiM a fire start, the wk.vlinlits were nailed down, the liiiililing ordinances had lieen repeatedly violated in placing chairs ami in narrow ing Ihe aisles fnr under the limit, and there were mauy other tilings of like uiiture. (in the first floor, the exits lo tie used In ease of emergency were not only hhut but bolted, and evidence of neglect anil evasion were visible iu all parts of the theater. And (his iu a playhouse which has been called the very best in the coun try. As soon as it seemed probable that die horror could have been averted but for a neglect of duty, twenty liien were irrested on the charge of manslaughter. They included stHge hands, stage man ager, electrician, curpeiiters nmt several actors, the last named being connected in a criminal way because of tilings they did while the iire was in progress. Sub sequeiilly Will J. Ilavis and Harry J. Towers, resident managers of the Iro quois, were taken into custody on tlie snine charge, mid released innier $ lO.IMMJ bonds. Members of the coroner's jury and the ollleiala of the Iroquois inquest have been astounded by the evidence of utter Incompetence, criminal neglect and proof of violalion of rxisling laws for the pro tection of human life brought out during the examination of witnesses. Robert 10. Murray, engineer of tlie theater building, 'in effect told the jury that the possibil ity of lire or panic in the new playhouse had never been considered by the man agement so fnr as the taking of precau tions was concerned. No arrangements had been made and no instructions given for tlie protection of patnus of the theater. The evidence showed that there were four stundpipes in the building, but only a single fifly foot piece of hose: there were exits, but they were not marked; there was no tire n hi rm hex on the premises and venti lators were in working order, but nobody operated them. Murray did not know whose business it was to operate safe guards of human life with which the theater was equipped. Knowledge of how to work the fastenings was necessary, he swore, to open the exits. The witness told one long story of pitiful neglect. At a dozen points in his testimony those who heard it were struck vvilh the fact that one man with a thor otndi understanding of his business in charge of the employes of the theater, including the engineer, would have made the playhouse a safe place for public attendance. His testimony was the first expert testimony concerning the inner workings of Ihe theater force that had oeeu subrnilted. Gates of Death. fieoru-e Dusenherry, superintendent of the auditorium of the Iroquois Theater, admitted on the witness stand there was litter lack of discipline at the theater, and he divulged that at least one exit was lucked, that two iron gales across stairways were closed and that there was no way for people lo distinguish exits. A double set of iron gales at the turn in the xi ' marble staircase, near where the dead were found piled a ilo.en deep, held hack the lleeing audience and re iluied by half the avenues of escape !'r:n padlocks kept Ihe gales in place, 'i lie-., gates are not provided fnr in the plans of the structure (ih-d with the building department and were put up vulliout n permit from the authorities. They do not appear in any of the re ports. Superintendent I 'nsenben-y was under n lire of questions for two hours. lie neUieiw ledged that he kept in his pos i.;sii,n the only keys to certain balcony lioors and gales, lit-fore he left the wit ness stand his information had tended greatly to clear nway the situation thai cxisled in the theater previous to the fire. (In bis testimony that city building in spectors regularly visited the theater, and that inspector William Curran was in the auditorium, supposedly in his olll chl capacity, a few minutes before the lire, a subpoena was issued for Curran. Curraii is the building inspector who visited the Iroquois Theater just before the tire and pronounced everything in order. He told the coroner he had no real business there and had just dropped in. In tact, the most rigid examination 'niled to discover exactly where the in spector diil linve business. lie showed ignorance of the most ordi nary duties of bis office. He was equally uncertain in regard to the responsibili ties of other employes of the department. In Ihe face of his testimony lie confess d to hHving been on the pay roll sixteen cut of the Inst eighteen years. GOES TO ST. LOU"S. Democratic National Convention Will ., , Mast- an July R. The next Ieniocratlc national conven tion will meei in St. Louis on Wednes day, July 0. The world's fair city won the prize, when the national committee, in session at Washington, on the second ballot, by a vote of 28 to 21, decided against Chicago. On this ballot all of the New York votes but one went to St. 'ouls, thus deciding th contest in avor of th latw city, Buildin; Comuiisaiouer Williams, Dep uty Commissioner Stanhope and Inspec tor ilhain Currau indicted the building department for gross inefficiency, negli gence and ignorance in their frank ad missions In-fore the coroner jury. The lack of knowledge ou the part of Com missioner Williams rt-garding the con struction of the building and its equip ment was only equaled by his frank ad mission of ignorance regarding the fctip ulaiious of the building ordinance. He even asM-rted he had not been familiar with the theater law until be had made a study of thera after the fire. The records of the building commissioner's olfiee. by Ins admissions, consist not even of adequate notes. Mr. Williams acknowledged that he had never received an official detailed re port of tlie inspection of the Iroquois Theater and never had made an inspec tion of the completed theater himself. Al though the entire theater had beeo erect ed, with the exception of drivinj; the piles, since Mr. Williams' appointment by Mayor Harrison lie admitted he had never examined the plans of the build ing. According to his own testimony, the head of the build ng department did not ask a single question in regard to the structure or its equipment or appliances for Ihe safety of the public. It was hrought out that the eighteen inspectors reported to no one iu particu lar and that they were not instructed as to their duties. They were assigned to certain territories, it heemed, and were allowed to do much as they pleased. No insiieetions of theaters as to over crowding and the handling of the crowds according to the ordinances, or as to fire equipment or provisions for exits, were made in a regular way. It was said by the witnesses that any inspection of the theaters was voluntary with the inspec tors, and the inference from the testi mony was that the inspectors went more to see the show than for any other rea son. Here are Borne of Ihe striking facts de veloped by the testimony of Commis sioner Williams, Assistant Commissioner I.eon E. Stanhope and Inspector William Curran: The reports made by Inspector Laugh lin during the building of the Iroquois Theater consisted in brief memoranda of the progress of the work which the inspector wrote in n book and which Commissioner Williams never looked at. The final report on the building, made the day before it opened, consisted in a verbal statement made by I.aughlin to Williams that "the Iroquois is O. K." Although Williams became head of the building department when the foundation piles of the building were being driven, he never saw the plans of the building and knew nothing of whether the build ing conformed to those plans, except iu one instance. In this instance I.aughlin reported that the plans of the stage floor were being changed, and after inspection of tiat particular piece of work Williams allow ed the floor to be laid on the changed plans. Williams accepted Laughlin's verbal report or "O. IC." without questioning the inspector about fire appliances; exits or any other portion of the building or its equipment. After the building was opened there was no further inspection of it by any one assigned to that work. An examination of the building after the fire showed that one aisle on the main floor had been filled with 6eats. When Assistant .Stanhope asked Laugh lin about it the inspector said that the aisle was there when the theater opened. There is no systematic inspection of tlie downtown theaters. Certain of the inspectors and other attaches of the office visited the theaters on their own time, but never made any reports of what they found as regards crowdi..' except in rare instances. Spasmodic attempts to inspect the the aters were made by Williams and in a few instances managers were compelled to find seats for crowds standing in the aisles. Williams did not know until after the fire that the Iroquois Theater was violat ing nearly every one of the ordinances made for the safeguarding of patrons. Williams had not read the building ordinances as they concern theaters un til after the Iroquois fire. The commissioner made a report to Mayor Harrison that nearly every thea ter in Chicago was violating the ordi nances, but no action towards closing the buildings was taken until after the Iro quois disaster. Cross-examined by Assistant State's Attorney Barnes, Williams admitted that he had failed to perform nearly every duty required of him by the ordinance, lie pleaded too much work and not enough money to. employ assistants. . Mayor Calteil tin Witness, Mayor Harrison mid Alderman Wil liam Mavnr, chairman of tlip Council limince committee, were called as wit nesses at the Iroquois tire inquest. Tlie Mayor was asked why, after receiving from Building Inspector Ceorge Wil liams a report that practically every the ater in Chicago wns unsafe, he did not revoke their amusement licenses and com pel them to make the changes required by the ordinances. He was asked, fur Iher, why, knowing that other theaters had evaded the building ordinances, he did not require a report of conditions at the Iroquois before the permit allowing it to open was issued. Chairman Mavor was asked why a sntticieut amount of money had not been found for the building department to al low for enough inspectors to inspect the aters frequently, and prevent such vio lations of the ordinances as niade the tragedy at the Iroquois possible. The request for these witnesses was made after the jury had heard Building Commissioner Williams and two of his subordinates give testimony that showed the Inadequacy of the inspection depart ment of that office, and tbe Inefficient handling of the few men there. The story amazed the jurors. Humorous New Items. Panama sleeps as soundly ai a man with a big dog in his yard. Russia should take off its skates and stop sliding down the map. Kggs cannot be classed as mere lux uries now. They are tantalizing dreams. Hereafter, it is believed, the fireproof drop curtains in Chicago will be fireproof and will drop. Whatever Weylrr's rtssons were for not invading ths United States, they were, (od oat I NEBRASKA NOTES TTTf,'rT'rWTTTTTTT W W W WW WW Jesse B 1 ultoo of Beatrice and Miss Eoid Jackson of Kansas Ci tt were manier at Kansas City. Henry I). Ewao, foimetl a mesa be r of the Lincoln city council dl ot pueumums at, Haveloeli. Mrs. Annie S. Lundgren, aged 1 years died at her borne near Mead. he had been ill but a short time. The Bui li ok ton has a large furce of men at work putting in a new trestle between l'lattsruoutb and PaciOe Junction R. D. Thomas of Howe suddenly dropped dead while driving with a friena at odeh. The teniiilns were sent to Stella fur burial. Judge Jessoo at PlatUruoutti order ed the JJcbtaska Telephone comoaot to pny lo the city of Plattsmouta) t'M) back A claim of S2,4'io lias been allowed tlie Western Electrical company of Otniha for installing the electfle light pl ini at the penitentiary. The new union depot at Fremont does not meet tlie approval of tbe rallnar!s and will not be opened for game time until changes can be made by the contractor. Nebraska City will send a delega tion of six to tbe annual convention cf firemen at Fremont January 19, and will try lo land Mike Baur as president of the association. Albert Powers was found dead In his bed at Memphis when bla daiiBhter returned fiom a visit la the country. He probably died from appoplexy. He leaves four children. The firemen of Norfolk are making big preparations to attend tbe state convention at Fremont January 19, 20 and 21 They will go Id a special car. Arthur li. Allen private secretary to Governor Mickey, lias denied that he has any intention of becoming a candid ite for state auditor oo ths republican ticket. The Nebraska IT istorical sc, netj will hold Its annual meeting at Llu roln January 12-13. The various con stit.ii i ional conventions held io the state 'ill lie discussed. While preparing to go to Arizona to spend the wintei with her son, Mis. Elizabeth Thurston o' Fremont died suddenly. She was 72 years o( age ft". W. Hehooley was s'ruck by i mall sack hurled from a Union Pacific nil i I train last niht and badly bruised. The sack st tick Schooley with suet; force that be was thrown to the ground. Invitations are out at Plattsmouth for the wedding of Miss Mary Abbis II. Balrd to George L. Farley, pro prietor of the Plattsmouth Evening News. The wedding will take plact January 19. Mrs. J. A. Sawyer has resigned at niemhet of Ihe advisory boatd at th Mil lord Industrial home. The gov ernor has accepted the te-dgnation, hut no one has been appointed to 1111 the vacancy as yet. The Kev. T. C. Downs of Kansai City Kas., died suddenly on a freight train while ou bis way to Prestos fiom Falls City. He was a presiding filer of the Methodist church South. Ilcait disease was the cause of bit riealh. C. S Henton a prominent farmei and members of the county hiard ol supci visois of Hall county, was strick en with paralysis last week ana will ha unable to perform his duties upoi the board for six weeks or tw months. II Mac'eod, representative at Beatrice for the Scranton, Pa. schools, has disappeared. lie wai under $500 bonds, furnished by I fidtlity company, and his account ate thought to he Straight, He oe some money to a roommate. Tlie exhibition of the Garrlsoa Poultry Fanciers' association cb se alter two days' of good attendance. Olliocrs chosen are: President C. It. Hammond; secretary, J. L. Ilonseq supeiioteudent, U. E. Klndlcr treasurer. J. C. Ely. John McCool aud Mike Denny, con victcd of horse . stealing, were taken fiom Dakota City to the state pent tertiary and tbe reform school a Kcaruey. Kenny will remain Id tin re 'oi in school until be is of age li 1D07. At Beatrice Miss Mabel Starn vrai elected as teacher in tbe schools U Uke the place made vacant by the resignation of Miss Gertrude Wairea, who bas accepted a position in tin Ooiana schools. An invitation was extended to the Southwestern Teach, eis' uasociatioa to" meet In Beat i lei next apiluij. At a meeting of tbe military bOLrt at Lincoln, a resolution wag asae4 asking the governor to appoint Gen eral Harry, Colonel Talbot, Colonel STe Donald and ooe other man, dele Bates to the interstate National Guard convention at Jacksonville Fla. this month. Mrs. Calloway Ashlock, who was Miss Mary McQuin f fore her mar rlage two weeks ago died sudden! at PtatUmoulh. 6t km but yeaia of age.