Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 21, 1904, Image 7

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    . 7--: l.. :
... . . i
Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters
k by Using Pe-ru-na.
Cretans r1 r$
Hit age Is IIS yean, vouched for by authentic record. He says:
my extreme age to the use of Peruaa. "
Born before the United Stmtct was
Saw 22 Presidents elected.
Pe-ru-na hat protected him from
all Hidden changes.
Veteran of fuur warn.
Shod a horse when 99 years old.
Always conquered the grip with
Witness In a land suit at the age
at 110 years.
Believes Peruna the greatest
remedy of the age for catarrhal
ISAAC BHOCK, a citiwti of MeLn
nu County, Texan, lias lived Ir 11"
yearn. For mnny years he resided at
Kosquc Kails, eighteen miles went of
Waco, bnl nnt Uvea with bia hod in-law
t Valley Milla. Texaa.
' A wa tot proof cloak costs about
-wntf eenis in Japan.; It Is made ol
riled paper, ond will 1 ist one jcar
ilth ordinary ua;ige. They are worn
ablefly by con leg who draw handcarts
to tbe streets.
To prevent the extinction of the
jbaails In the Swiss Alps n law has
teeo passed In Grisms, S witzerland,
rohlbltlt.R the shooting of chamois
n tbe mouuntalns. A real cbanjios
kin Is now woilb 10.
"Ixiat time is never found again."
Capsicum Vaseline
Pot Up In Collapsible Tubes.
tBwMltntw for sad f!rrlor to Mnwurd ar ni
rplnrtwr, sod will n-H lHrtr the ifciwl dleai
IktJi The pl lUrtas i-orBiivw qlili" of Uin
nwilwwrwwoniUrf'il, w.ll ' toothKliw M
u4 relt... tiMawnbr-to't cullci.
V nwottail tt M tlx (mm n wfM ltmi
IMtUr lmunt known, ni.o m mn nitwrnni rinMr
Ml it ia ike bMrt nnd motnwb www all rwwumnUw,
fcwwraWU tfooi,iplli.u. ,.,.lllkl
A triwl will pro !! we elitlm for 11. sna It will M
kwwa ! l ln,lul.l I" 111 bouaahold Mujr pul..
M"!!!'' yo:ir prwiarlon
Trfiws It ewal wt IUr.iIM. or olto.r awlr. or hi
4la thll smonnt lo a ia Ulluul
(l IrU lhoHo-eWl If pobllo mloaa tb
SMrrtaaoarlelml. woiliorwia II to not enniii
17 lute Street, New Var City.
A kaana rAreician'a dia-
immm wrkkrb rlasnam and
' M , ' . .L
I an ronaminaiion n us
Banco oa
iIim w. Woe www Incatoel.
Li local tmtnsTit of femato Ob Pax-
Ham la invaluable. Used as a douche it
H a revelation la cleansing and sealing
power It kills all disease germs which
caaee Inflammation and diachargea,
Tboaeskitdsof let tare from women
nsrova that it ia the Ttst cur tot
bareorrhoM ever dlscoverwxl.
Paxtlae never fails to cure pelvic
eatarrh, aaaal catanh, aore throat, eore
sooeth and eore eyee, because these
eteaaes are all caused by inflammation
ei the asacous membrane.
ffwr eleaJMlng, whitening nnrl pre.
aerrlng ike teoth we enalleag the
WvrM t prodawe ite eqaiaL
rlryaideM and epecialUu everywhere
weeertbeaadendoTM Paztine, and thoa
aa4teetlaoolaJletteripvoal'a value.
Al eV-cleta, or sent poetpaid 50 eta.
A ttm trial nvknceatad book of
r,ril I 1 1
nam, i
V Sy- - Smt
T-r-' m I
-I at-
A abort time aeo. by request, Uncle
I antic rume to W'nco anil mil for bia pic
ture. In bia hand he held a atick cut
from the (trave of General Andrew Jack
noil, which hn been carried by him ever
since. Mr. Brock ia a diituitied old gen
tleman, allowing few aicna of doorepi
tude. Ilia family Bible ia atill preserved,
and it sliowa that the data of bis birth
mis written 115 years ago.
Surely a few word from this remarka
ble old (,'enllemnn, who ha had 115 years
of experience to draw from, would be
inlercBiinx aa well aa profitable. A
lenutliy binjtinpliicnl aketrli ia given of
tltix remark-idle old man in the Waco
Times-Herald. December 4, l.SllS. A atill
more prctentioiix biography of thia, the
oldeM living man, illiiHtrated with a
double column portrait, wan given the
readers of the Dnllaa Morning News,
dated December 11, ISflH, and alao the
'hicniM Timea Herald of aame date.
Learn suinetoltiit In ui errors and
you will make less of lljn, but (ret
excited over mistakes and they will
Increase till the Insurance companies
w IU lefuse you.
Salt water tanks are to be attached
to tbe side of some of the Get man
railroad wrs. for the purpose of con
vevlncr live fish fr m the seaboaid to
tbe Inland cities and towns.
"An' how's yer huibaud the day?"
asked Mrs. ILaflerty of Mrs, Mul
doon. A stubborn man In Lewlston, Me.,
refused to pay his poll tlx and delied
the authorities lo collect It. He is
nuw in Jail , and has been pitying
SF.SP te IN HAMl't and vmi will rrcalra poatpald
a iMrtTfl lr box ut tbe utroiigcia and ntoet t'erfiiot
le-Qmli j hlalnir nio'le. M-nd iuJaj to VrmnklUl Bla
i( Work.. LrenrrUln, Wia
An a rule married men lire seven
years longer than bachelors, and
wives live yeais longer than maids.
W( use Plio'i Cure for Consumption in
preference to sny otber eoiiKh meiliclne.
-Mrs. S. E. BorJen. 412 P street, Wlih
lsgton, D. C, May 25, 1001.
All tbo sold lira In tbe armies oil
Denmark and Swcd.n can read and
write. In the Russian army seventy j
percent or tne inn are liiueiaie.
rponomy Is the road to wpalth. PUT
NAM FAUELKSS UVK is tbe road to
1 ' 1 . I ... I A.. . . n .hnn Mini.
i IJU1U Willi VikU UU IIIL'IO lllrtU UlLll
share, and before tbo v. 01 Id is fiee
. , . . ..ii . , .... ........
I rum miSUnnersfctnuiiiB an ui uamusi.
do mure than our share.
rvrmuir,tl0oii. neorrifrTowjiir
Orrt ilV ur of !' kline'e Krwel Nre R
Woirr. wru'li-r riiKKV Dou..- una irui.
DM. R. 11. KLllia, UtU, HI Aroi, ww f mleeWl.lile, rw
The strength of two botses cquala
that of fifteen men.
TWmetlrally sealed glass coffins are
coining lu vogue In Fieocb cities.
It Is asserted that a body burled In a
.lass cjfflu becomes mummified In
about thirty years.
81liHiniHi!wiii IliiinlhtiH'lhirfi
Thin centenarian ia an ardent friend ot
Peruna. having used it many yearn.
In (peaking of bia rood health and ex
treme old age. Mr. Brock aaya:
"After a man baa lived in the world a
long aa 1 have, be ought to have found
tut a great many thiuga by experieae.
hink I have done ao.
"One ot the things I have found
out to my entire satisfaction 1$ the
proper thing for ailments that art
due directly to the effects of the
climate. For 115 years I have
withstood the changeable climaU
of the United States.
"I have alwaya been a very health)
mau. but of course eubjeet to the little
affectiona which are due to auddei
change iu the climate and temperature.
During my long life i have kuown a
great many remediea for coughs, cold'
and diarrhoea.
"As for Dr. Hart man's remedy,
Peruna, I have found It to be thi
best, If not the only, reliable rem
edy for these affections. It ha
been my standby tor many years
and I attribute my good health and
extreme old age to this remedy.
"It exactly meets all my requirement.
It protects me from the evil effects ol
sudden changes; it keeps me iu goo.)
appetite: it gives me strength; It keep
mv blood In good circulation. I havt
come to relv noon it nliiiont entirely foi
the many little thiugs for which 1 need
"When epidemics of la grippe firsl
beean to make their appearance in thii
country I waa a sufferer from tbia dia
had several long sieges with
the grip. At first I did not know
that Peruna was a remedy foi
this disease. When I heard thai
ia grippe was epidemic catarrh, i
tried Peruna for la grippe ane
found It to be Just the thing."
In a Inter letter dated January 31
lSKKt, Mr. Brock writes:
"I ain well and feeliug aa well as 1
have for years. The only thing tha
bothers me ia my aight. If I could aei
better I could walk all over the farm am
it would do me good. I would not L
without PermiH."
Yours truly.
For a free book on catarrh, addrea,
riie I'enina Medicine Co., Columbus, ()
If you do not der've prompt and satis
factory result from the use of I'enina
write at once to Dr. ilnrtiuan. giving i
ull Htatement of you case, and he wil
ie pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Addrens Dr. Ilartman, I'remdent o
The Ilartman Sanitarium, Coluuibui
A liberal start and the best plai
give tbe least expense. A cheap stat
and a poor plan produce a dangerou
Quality is tbe key to commercla
Mr. Kaufman says: "Don't bavt
so many pockets you cannot Hod wba
you want in a hurry."
Successful men are misers of mlo
A byi othetlcal religion is apt to tx
"Whether I speflk to one. or tx
thousands In my audience, I nlwnvi
try to do my best." John U. Cough,
Jlrs.Wtiialr.Ws SOOTHIN0 SYRUP lor e.hll.
drr-11 teeth1rr, sofu-nx the viimn, redness (nils,
nation, silsya pain eiirek colic ftlrev buttll
The earliest honk which mentloni
gold Is the Hible. See Genesis ii, 11
Mlltlnna of Veeetables.
When tbe editor rend 10,000 plants fo,
16;, he could hnrlly believe It. bnt upoi
eond readinif nd8 that the John A
Balzer Seed Co.. La ('ri)sne, Wis., thin
whom there are no more rolinble and ex-
tensive seed growers in the world, make)
thia offer. This (Treat offer is made ti
get you to teat Salner a Warranted Veg
etnhlc Seeds.
They will aend yon their blc plant nn
seed Piitalogue, together with eoougt
Sef'd to (jrow
1. W tine, aolld Cabbages,
2, (hV) delicious Carrots,
2.000 blnnehini;, nutty Celery.
2,000 rirh, buttery Letture,
1,000 splendid Onions,
1,000 rsre, luscious Undislies,
l.tHKl Klnrioiislr brillinnt !' lowers.
providinu yon will return this notice, an
if you will send them 20c in positive,
tliey will add to the above n pneknee oi
the famous berliner Cnulifiower. (C.N.U.I
Of all sad words that make us hot
Tbe saddest are 'these, "I forgot."
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
sat Oowi' ?'. Vsevis 0iibaa
Id tits. Soil by dmjglii
1. m. u. too 9. torn, 4.1
Good Deborsini Chute.
We bare published several plana for
dcboiuing rbutea, but here is one that
s soiiie-w hat different from tbe others.
We ropy It from tbe Live Stock
F!!jwinK Is lli material required
for a coniiU'tt cbtitt:
Klx iiokIk i fwt long, 2x4.
Six ties 3 fe-t long, 2x4. for top and
Four pi-e 3 fwt 2 im-he long, 2x4,
for trap plank lo work In.
Six piece 2 fiet 5 inches long, 2x4,
for braces.
Two oak plaiikK. 5 fwt 8 inches, 2.4,
for trap plank.
KoiirH-en planks 0 f --t. lxC, for Hides.
f)ne plank ti feet 0 inches. 2x12, for
Four wofwl bincti. I,ix2j. ! inclii-s
One piece 4 f et Ioiir. 2x2'a. for
lever to ral.se trap plank; 22 Inchew
from bole to bole In lifer.
Thlrty-wveii bolts VxX Inches
two holts with riniiH In for rope.
KiKbt 1kU.s M xf inches.
Two iruim 'a inch, 1(1 Inches I'miii
crook, to mise trap plank connected
With lever.
Put a rope uroiind the neck ami over
Mm nose, like n bailer. 11 ml p;is it
hnillKb iIiiks. ili-iiwiiiK the lie-.id low
down. Live Stock Hm'oril.
hetlhnrrow fnr Winter.
There is more or less cartinir to be
(lone on every f.irm, and It Is not nl-
wa.vs a good plnii to do the lugging an 1
waste mow or lms strength, which
might be mi vert by the sled wheel
barrow. The llluslriillon shows how
nsilv the farm barrow, whether of the
fwix true. 11s shown, or with the flaring
tides, may le utilized. A broad runner
(a made (see figure 1) of two pieces,
jf Inch board, with an upright piece
which hohlx the runner to the axle of
the barrow.
This runner is faced with sheet Iron
the blacksmith can put It on at small
expense), whlei; also runs up at the
end. Remove the axle from the har
row, If It Is round, us It probably Is, and
Insert a souare axle of wood. Have
h plire of Iron made like that shown at
figure 2, and apply It to axle and
miner, ns shown in hgure 3. U should
be screwed to the upright strip, which
Is fastened in the runner, and bolted to
he axle. Tills sled barrow can easily
be made by following the directions
and the plain illiisliation; will cost but
little and save much labor.
Mules for Market.
The advantage of a mule over a
horso Is he can be taught to turn sOiort
?r, thus preventing the breaking down
of vegetables or other plants. lie can
(to in rougher places, Is not affected
by heat as bad as the horse, and re
quires less attention in the way of
lurrying, nibbing, etc. His feet
being smaller, be cau walk closer to
the row of growing plants.
To make a good mule worth from
,.10 to $80 at weaning time or $140
to $100 br a 2-year- old, he should he
foaled from a large mare In April 01
May. He should run with the dam
Until October 1, then be weaned. At
this time he should be at least ' R2
Inches, Put blm In ashed with plenty
f light, and feed oats, with clover and
Imothy hay. Two much corn fevers
:be legs and produces scratches. Tbe
wwt summer he should have aeces to
pasture, with a little corn each day,
intll cold weather, when he should be
wought back to the barn. At 2 or 2'j
rears old be should lie 1ft hands high,
'at and ready for market.
Kffccta of Drainage
By means of drainage of land the
ritrloui chemical actions which take
)lace through the action of the atmos
phere on the surface soil are carried
down to a greater or less extent Into
the subsoil, for aa the water level la
owered the air enters from above to
111 tbe cavltJee of the soil. By drain.
-e. alsu, tbe depth to which root
will penetrate is Increa,l, for Ibe
roota will not grow in tbe abxence of
oxygen, and rot aa soon hh they reach
a permanent water level.
Mick to Your Knwineww.
It is the mau who hammers awa;
that succeeds. The last two yeiir
have given great hog prices. Mau.
rushed headlong into tbe hog ImsineK
The hog market is very discouraging
aa a result. Many will call th
busliit-sa uii profitable and will, perhaps
njitUTtake the growing or ft-edir.g o.
bohm otlifT class of live stock.
It takes time lo be prepared t
handle hogs properly, and tb- man wli
d's It in a profitable way will cot lu
iiiorey when tbe prices are I ivr; aii.l i
he sticks to the busliK", the -isin
tide that is sure to follow every d
prcsto'd or glutted market will iva,
him a nice prolit.
The same is true in regard lo Ui
raising of any class of farm anincd
Cattle, shci-p, hogs mid horses hi.
their lips and downs in the mark' '
Tbe winner in the end is the one wl.
chooses, the class of animals he like
pn-pares himself to take cure of tin
well, uses good blood, and continue
businiiiin tliimigh adversity as we'l 11
during the balmy days of prwpt-rl j
Generally Mjeaking when evT.vbo;l
sells out and prices are low, is a goi
time to stock up; when cverybod
turns buyer, and hogs, cattle or ili'-e
are eagerly sought for, It is a go d tiin
to w 11. The sure, certain mad to .
gond income Is to chrosea line of wo: I
and follow It closely. The otber opet
ations are ril!y side line and can g-
with the tips and downs of the market
St. Paul Idspatch.
Cows nnrl Fnwts,
Ibiiry cows of the best class pa,
better than any other stock which d
ma nds no mine capital, and fowls pa;
belter than any small or minor In
dustry of the farm. Taken In combi
nation they are just the thing for a:i
industrious man of small means who
has ten acres of good ground. I'pon
this much ground, with this combln 1
tion, such a man would be sure not
only of a good living, but of saving a
snug sum every year.
Rnlll- in H .cond Plnre.
John Sollie, who won first prize at
the National Creamery Iiuttcrinnkera'
convention In T.XI2. was beaten by M
Sond. rgauru at tin.
UMl.'i convention re
cently held, though
tin; winners mai
gin was only .0
of a point, a margin
so , small that it
must have tested
tbe judges' taste
to detect it. Tin
scores of the first
three were: M
Sol d rgaard. 00.75
John Sollie, fKl.Ofi.
joiin sot. i.ik.
II. Kelling, !"4.91. The two firs-t
named are Minnesota win. Kelling rc
sides at Jefferson, Mo.
Farm Notes.
The German Empire and the I'nilee
States Government are to have com
petltlve exhibits in forestry at tin
World's Fair.
The United States Government has
commenced the work of irrigating 2
000,000 acres of land in Central Wash
Ington from the SjHikane river.
The best remedy for lice In poultry
bouses is to add a pound of concen
trated lye to a wash-boiler of soap
suds and to apply the suds hot on the
walls, lioors and roofs of the houses.
All lice, with their nits, will thus be
destroyed surely and quickly.
An excellent way to test seeds is
to place a few between two flannel
cloths, dampening the cloths with
warm water, placing them In a -warm
location and keeping them moist. Some
of the seeds will germinate if kept
at an even temperature. Another meth
od Is to p'nnt a few in a cigar box fill
ed with earth.
The winter Is the time to clean up
the farm. On some farms the waste
water Is thrown near the house; (lead
grass and weeds accumulate, and filth
In various forms exists. Cold weathet
hides many disagreeable things, for
then there are no odors, but the filth
remains, however, and decay begins
wlUi the warm weather and spring.
Every farm needs a good cleaning up
at least once a year.
If butter Is a specialty on the farm
the pigs are necessary to Insure a
profit. In the winter season the feed
ing of skim milk and buttermilk to
pigs is the best and cheapest mode of
making pork. With a clover patch
for the pigs to occupy In summer am!
a mess of bran and buttermilk at night
they will grow rapidly without any
other food. If pigs are confined In
pens they should have the grass cut
and thrown Into the pens, as they
should have some kind of bulky food.
In the "good old times," says tho
New England Farmer, farmers very
often kept their wool for a tons' ler
ble time, sometimes for yeart, wait
Ing for a rise In p"Ue. There is no
temptation In these tidies to Jo tb
because there la no reason to ppose
that wool, low ae its price la, will ever
get much above its piuaent level. But
it was alwaya a scm jwiat risky busl
neaa to store wool unless It waa p
away with ve.7 great care. Tbe saf
eat plan, undoubtedly, la to dispose
of each clip at current vrlctav
Many women are denied t-ss1
happiness of children through
derangement of the generative
organs. Mrs. Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dxab Maa. PnrKBAit: I Buffered
with stomach complaint for years. I
got so bad that I could not carry my
children but five months, then woold
have a miscarriage. Tbe last time I
became pregnant, my husband pot mo
to take Lydia C. Pink ham's Vege
table Con pound. After taking the
first oottle 1 was relieved of the sick
ness of stomach, and began to feel bet
ter in every way. I continued its use
aDd was enabled to carry my baby to
maturity. I now have s nice baby
t'lrl, and can work better than I ever
could before. I am lite a new woman."
Mrs. Fbank Eeteb, 23 S. Second St,
Meriden, Conn. $',000 forftlt If orlqlnol f
6ooe IttUr proving genuimneu cannot 6a produced.
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
PinUliam. She will understand
yourcase perfectly, and will treat
you with kindness. Her advice
is free, and the address is Lynn,
Mass. No woman ever rcprretted
having- written her, uud she ha
helped thousands.
The V. . Kept, of A jf ricrjltnr.-
Gives to Snlwr's Onls its henrtiest "
dnrciiipnt. Snl.or's Npw Nutional Outs
yielded in I!l0: from ir) to ."00 bo. pel
nire in 80 different Stutes, and you, Mr.
K uniier. can be:il Ihis in 1!)04, if yon
will. Salter's seeils are pedigree seeds,
I. red up lliroiiKli oareful selection to big
Per Acre
Snlzer's Bea reliefs Bnrlev yielded. 121 bu.
Snlzer's Home Builder Com 300 hu.
Spelts mid Mncnroni Wheat 80 bu.
S ilver's Victoria ltape IK),000 Iba.
Salter's TeoKinte. the Quick grow-
ing fodder wondi-r 100.000 lbs.
Puller's Billion Dollar (iniss. 50.(X)t) lbs.
Salzer's IVdi'ree Potatoes... 1,000 bu.
Now such yields pay and you rail hava
them. Mr. l-'armer. in l'.MH.
mid this notice to the John A. Saluef
Seed Co., I .a Crosse. Wis., mid you will
(jet their hie catalogue and lots of farm
aeed samples free. (C. N. U.) ,
No man has e 1 1 led till world up
ward witbout Suiue of tbe liht ol
MoibiT Gray's SwewC Powdiin f,r I'hll
drnn. j
Pueeesfu'lv i sert by Mother dray, noma In
he rlnhlr-n'i H mi in ew Yor , cure roii
Kiipflt'O'i, Feve ishneH., Had Mnmnrh, Ti;elh
I'Ki'is rdcr . move and reiolHie the Howi'la
lid lictrn Worms Over 8u(i0 te8iimontl
aIhII (IruetiBt. 25c. sample FUEK Adiirew
k. s Ol-i.sted, IxiHoy, N. Y.
A machine for uiak lug (he tins used
fur surlines has been invented by a
Norwegian. Hitherto a skilled woik-
mau could make about 600 tins dally;
tbe new machine will pioduce from
15 000 to 20.000 a day.
Some years ago tbe sexton of tbe
Catholic clinic!) at Grand Fails, N.
H., bud a be:id of pure white hair
Id became thinner and thinner, until
in 1900 he was perfectly buld Thin
a thick crop of jet black hair bena
to sprout, Intermingled with gray,
lie is in his clhty-btth year.
Studying the bp.iuty of utility save
money and lengthens lite.
Inside methods and means die very
vital things in these days and they
will be muie so later on.
A Physician's Statement.
Yorktown, Ark., Jan. 11. Li'lnnA
Williamson, M. D.. one of our cloverest
physicians, has ninrip a stnlement, in
dorsing Dodd's Kidney Pills and ally
ing that be uses litem in bis daily prac
tice in preference to any ollmr kidney
medicine, ilia statement bus created a
profound sensation, aa it is somewhat
unusual for a physician to publicly In
dorse anything in the shape of a patent
medicine. Dr. Williamson says:
"After twenty years' practice In a
sickly and malarious country 1 luiv
come to (lie conclusion that it. Is al
ways best lo us,! the remedy that will
relieve and cure uiy patients wbothe
ethical or not
"I have used Dodd's Kidney 11 lis
with uniform success in the vurioin
forms of Kidney Disease, Pain in tin
Hack, Gout, Hhcurontlsm, Inflamma
tion and Congestion of the Kidneys and
all kindred disensoa; I always pre
scribe Dodd's Kidney Pills in such
cases and can testify that tliey Inva
riably restore the Kidneys to their nor
mal state end thereby relieve the blood
of accumulated poisons, proitiieina,
prompt and effective cures."
Siberian railway trains, under a
new schedule, cover tbe distance from
Moscow to Port Arthur, 6,388 miles,
In thirteen days. The fare including
sleeper, ia 1134. Tbe traveler wbo
wishes to be exclusive can have a
special train of three cars for 11.03 a
For Iofknti and Children.
Ite Kid Yea Han Allan Boujti
Bean Mm
tjlgnatara ot