W7L.i-w: i3j.--s i 3 11 i i i OBti Blazers Blero as j 1 By DAVID CHRISTIE MURRAY. L3 CHAPTER V. (Continued ) "Madness or do," aaid Blane. "I'm fo tag;" and thia was the lat word spoken, tile comrade offered no opposition to kirn design, and once more he slid back ward into the pool and disappeared. Half way throuca his foot touched something which instinct rather than memory told tlm had not been there upon his first or second passage. It was difficult working lis way past it, bat when he had got far ssiough to touch It with his band his in fers grasped the hair of the muvsing man. He forced himself a little farther and took hold of the rough collar of a San aa! coat, slimy and saturated. Then be fma terrible and almost hopeless strug gle. The pent breath In his body seemed It to burst him. His temples throbbed horribly and he could hear a -ding-dong as of some monstrous belt The watery blackness turned blood red, and with I every tug be gsre at the dragging body f the man he risked his life, for he felt as though he must draw breath or die. Fortunately for the two lives, this awful straggle was of brief duration. Blane came gasping and spouting out of the water into the black1 darkness of the air way, and having drawn but a single re- ticlnj and mighty inspiration, set both ands to the soaked collar still below the water, and with one great heave dragged the half drowned and insensible man to safety. CHAPTER VI. "Shadrach," said Hepzibah, "there's ene thing as I wonder you niver dime." It was June weather. The sky was streaked with faint tines of green and rose near the horizon, but the unfathom able soft haze of the zenith Mill held the warmth and brightness of the fallen son and delayed the coming of dusk. Hepzibah had brought a kitchen chair Into the garden and bat under an apple tree thick with blossom. She was busi ly hemming a coarse sort of towollinj. and the tip of the needle and swish of the thread went on uninterruptedly. Shadrach stood with his month only a little less wide open thno his ere, and with chanjeleps visage snd motionless head looked from fide to side. "Ah'" said be inquiringly. "And what aught that 1. Hepzibah?" "I wonder you niver made up some thing about Edward and the Old Blazer." Shadrach's face wreathed itself into a low smile as be looked st her, but Batching her eye just as the smile wai t the full, he drew his features with tadicrous suddenness to their original expression, and looked sideways on va cancy. "Ha I" cried Hepzibah, "you've made p summit a'ready ."' The Bard's aspect, half shy, half boastful, proclaimed the truth of the goes. He drew from one of his coat tail pockets a crumpled and dog-eared Sheet or two of foolscap paper, covered with a set of knotted, corrugated, and kavolved hieroglyphics. Hepzibah sewed a, but looked attentive and expectant TV bard cleared his throat and began: " 'Lines on the Fatal Disaster at the OM Bister.' " "Put It up for a minute," said Hep afbah. "Here's Edward." She would not have stopped him had gka theme been different, but she had a tellracy about Edward's praises being Banted In his bearing. Edward resent ed the mention of his own heroism, and van Hepzibah, who was privileged to ear almost what she pleased to the mem hers of the BInne household, had been compelled to silence. : There was something odd about Ed ward this evening. His walk was lurch be aud uneven; his cheeks were blanch ed snd his eyes were strangely glazed. Hepzibah arose in alarm. "Why, Edward," she cried, "what's 01 matter with you? You look as if you'd seen a ghost" ; "No such thing as ghosts," said the salserable young fellow, thickly. "Don't you bother." Terror, pity and shame rushed upon the simple creatures iu such a 8ood that Iheir wits were swept away. They could taly gaze at each other in profound dis tisy, whilst Ned Biane stood blearing st them with glazed eyes, his head and shoulders lurching, though bis feet stood till. The frank, manly youngster was H gone, and a caricature stood in his place, Inert, fatuous, mournful to behold. "Mister Ned," said Shadrach, more in horrified surprise than blame, "you've been a-drinkin'." "Very well, then," returned Ned, with gfassfly unchanging gaze snd lifted eye brows. "Why not? Why shouldn't Old Slater's Hero cheer hit heart a bit as trail other fellows? Eh?" "Ok. Edward!" Hepzibah broke In, hah? crying. "That's no way to cheer thearta, poor dear souL It would be the way te break 'em yours and mine, and el a aa If it happened often. But aayhody msy be overtook in a fault, and ft air st happened afore. Go to bed. Ed ward, there's a love. Do now." . "Poor heart never rejoices," said poor el "Been to the Minds' Rest. Hero's Kh. Old Blazer. That's me. Saved yaw life, old Shad rich." "To think of bis coming through the treats like tnisl" said Hepzibah. There's crowds iu the place as 'ud be wicked enough to take delight in it And aim the stiddiest, aimiablest -oh. for ptrs sake, don't let his mother and the awlMrea see him! Help me to get him tjaauln, Shadrach!" Bat aahsppily Kdwerd wss in no mood a as helped apstairt, aad refused all flan ef aid is that direction. He want e4 te drink with Shadrach. Be had fjsrrad Shadrach's life, risking almost los ing am ewa to do It and he was moved to toeie ay the reflection that Shadrach (had aarer offered to pay far a driak la ward far this service. rUadraea was deeply waaadai hy this ( etaBia ea his gratitada. m v aafcta a MtleaMB ta driak C7 CZ, ae fill lit, I ; found the cheek to do tt. And you know full well. Mister Edward, it's very wide o' what you'd think and say if you wss iu your right iiiiud this minute." "Say I'm not in my right mind again," said Edward, with increased thickness of utterance, "snd I'll give you a hiding." This threat from a man so placable, amicable, and peace-loving seemed, both to Ilepzibsh aud Shadrach of as little value as the breath which served to speak it "Why." said Shadrach. respectfully propitiatory snd explanatory, "you know right well. Mister Ned. ss you hsin't i' your right mind just this minute." And thereupon, without any sort of further warning, Ned knocked Shadrach down. For a moment the unexpected ness of the blow snd her amazement at it held Hepzibah paralyzed. But in an other moment she had pinioned her young master by the arms, both her arms being passed through his at the elbow, and whilst she held him thus Shadrach rose to his feet from the turf and picked up his hat regarding his assailant with s sorrow and amazement so profound and so nnmixed with sneer or resentment, that the young man's eyes, lit and clear ed by the emotion which followed the blow, caught the meaning in a Bash, and he stood rebuked and ashamed. Then being for the moment no better than a mere bundle of foolish nerves, with no brains to guide them or will to control them, he began incontinently to weep, and to maunder that It was an accident, and that he loved Shadrach like a broth er. Aud being willing iu this maudlin mood to do anything to which he was bidden, he was smuccled upstairs secret ly, and there partially undressed by Shadrach snd finally locked iu by Hep zibah. CHAPTEIt VII. "Hay-berry-ham!" said Mr. Horatio Lowther. "Uay-berry-ham:" Mr. Lowther ' seated iu his offlre at a table overspread with papers. He made no cessation in his work cs he ut tered this curious call; but bis voice took an ascending tone as he repeated it un til its oily smoothness gave way to a grating shrillness. When the cry had been repeated half a dozen times a voice was heard overhead: "Ililo:- "You have been there all the time?" asked Mr, Lowther. "Why did you not answer Keener?" "Better late than never," said the voice, and a pair of corduroyed legs came into view on the opeu stairway which led from the upper room to the lower. "What do you mean hy "better late than never? " asked Mr. Lowther, frowning. "Nothing!" aaid the voice gruffly. its owner came into view. "I might ha' said 'better never than late.' It would ha' been truer about most thiugs." "Hay-berry ham!" said Mr. Ixwther, speaking rather high in his head, and in a tone of dignified reproof and protest. "A brum," the other corrected him dog gedly. "Christened name, A-br-a-m, Ab nim. Don't put me on the rack and drag me out into four aynnables. I won't have it." "Did you get the document at the County Court last night?" asked Mr. Lowther. "Yes," said Abram, a little more dog gedly than before. "That's a nice job, that is." He wss a clean-shaven, wooden-featured, bald man, with moist eyes and a chronic scowl of satire. "Where's the hurry?" he demanded. "It'll do at night, won't It? Come, now. Why shouldn't I put it off till after dark?" He had come downstairs In bis shirt sleeves, and on receipt of Mr. Lowtlier'a commands had reached down a coat from a nail on the office wall. He hnd strug gled half way into the coat, which was rather too small for him, when he paused to put these questions. "You know very well that it will not do after dark," said Mr. Lowther. He added suavely: "rroker.istinatiou is the thief of time. Do what you are told." "All right!" returned Abram, strug gling with his coat "Hadn't I better wait till about two minutes after 1 o'clock? Everybody turns out of the fac tory just then. Everybody knows me, and when I go into a house they know what I'm there for. Bless your heart, I'm known as well as you are." "Do as you are told," said Mr. Low ther, "and do it now." "Shall I send the town cried round to eay I'm going?" Abram ssked. "They're a very young married couple. The gall's alway been particular respectable. Folks oughtn't te know as the bailiff's in the house." "Do as you are told," repeated Mr. Lowther, "and do It now." Abram departed, grumbling Inarticu lately. He walked at a great pace to Hacketfs house, a semi-detached villa on the edge of the town, and having knocked at the door, made himself aa small as he could to avoid observation, until a clean little rosy-cheeked maid, In a pink print and a smart cap, answered to his summons. The rosy maid blanch ed when she taw him, for Mr. Lowther had had dealings with all sorts of people in his time, and the maid knew Mr. Lowther's messenger from home experi ence. Abram, though a duly qualified servant of the court, wss in a sense Mr. Lowther's retainer. When not engaged In his professional duties, Abram did odd jobs for Mr. Lowther, aud even In the exercis of his profession was oftener eagsged In hie behalf than la that of all other people pot together. "Mr. Hackett tar said Abram, Bed ding at the maid te claim his old ac quaintance with her. "No," saswered the girl "Master! goes ta the races." "Thee tell year mieats there's a party waats to apeak te her." The Mid daring this brief colloquy had rioted the Oar little by little, atil by tfaat tiasa eaiy aaa af he ayea wss visible behiud it but the visitor pushed it open with authoritative shoulder, sad closed it behind him whea he had entered upon the neat little hall The little maid recoiled before him, and disappeared with a backward gsze of terror. Panting a tittle and somewhat scared, she knocked st the drawing room door. Her mistress' voice bsde her come In. and she entered, and. having closed the door, stood silent for a moment or two. j The three months' bride wss seated near the window looking out with absent eyes. A hslf finished piece of embroidery wss in her hands, but they lay idly in ber Up with an air of weary lassitude. There was a hint of the same expression in her fact which was of a delicate and rather meager ovaL Her eyes were of a dark is! blue-gray, mystic and dreamy. Her lips were mobile snd tender, but she bsd a very decided little chin; aud the form of ber eyebrows, too. notwithstanding , the dreamy mystery of the eyes they ! surmounted, looked ss though she might upon occasion have a will of ber own. When only a secoud or two had gone by in silence a dim sense that there had been something stealthy and afraid in 1 the girl's sctiou intruded itself upon her day dream. She turned snd swoke from , ber fancies with a little start at this cu 1 rious thought and a glance at the maid's face continued it "What is the matter. Sarah?" she ask ed. "Oh. if you plesse. ma'am," said the maid, "the bailiff s In the honse!" "What is in the house?" asked Mrs. Hackett. Her experience was at fault She bad been tenderly nurtured, and knew little of the disgraces and miseries of rife. "Mr. Whitelaw, ms'ara," answered the scared maid. "He's the County Court man. if you please, ma'am. He was put into father's bouse when be was sold up." This sounded alarming, but the slarm was only vague. What could the man want here? "Where is he?" she asked. "In the hall? 1 will go and see him," She descended the stairs, a little flut tered in spiie of herself, and encountered Abram iu the hall. The man. to do him justice, explained his mission civilly, and even with some delicacy. "You wou't put yourself out about me. ma'am." he said, "neither nlout entin' nor yet about sleepin". I niu't particu lar, nor used to be particular. Itessay when Mr. Hackett comes home he'll put this little matter straight 1'rob'ly it's a oversight Often and often I find it so." She left him standing iu the hall un answered, and returned to her old place and posture by the window. The outlook on the summer day had already seemed a little tristful and weary. She had once or twice failed to bsiiish the intruding J fear that her marriage was an irretriev able misfortune. It was enrly to have to do battle with so horrible a conclu sion; it was earlier still to be vanquish ed by it even though loyalty was yet too active and self-respect too strong to allow her to be conquered for more than a moment at a time. And here is the place for the revela tiou of a fact which in its own way is a tragedy. The poor thing had not gone through the ordinnry gates of enchant ment t marry Will Hackett She had married that handsome and sweet-voiced prodigal, not in the least because she loved him, but because she was going to reform him. Life wss to have been all nobility and self-sacrifice and lofty duty until this black sheen should chE3 bis color, and then she wss to have her reward, poor child! But Will wss one of those effusive, amiable, generous and free-handed gentry who have no more heart than a turnip. He had seemed to affectionate! In his courting days he had been so essily guided. When a young man has his arm around a pretty girl't waist it is not difficult to seem affection ate, aud young men in their courting dayt have often seemed easily guided, though they have turned out sadly tough in the mouth and rusty in the temper a little later on. But if once the girl who is tied to such a man has gone through the land of rainbows and magic promise he will never seem to her to be altogether the brute he is.' Something of the old glam our will cling to him and bring yet a hint of the old happy blinduess to her eyes. Something of the old, sweet thrill will stir in the heart st times. So aided, the black sheep may seem to be only a little dingier than his brother of the flock. (To be continued. I The Conn') Little J'dte.. A justice of one of the Brooklyn courts la credited by the New York Times with a uptomlld and entirely successful effort to lighten the tedium of trial. A suit for damages for assault wat recently tried before hint The plain tiff had been knocked down by the defendant, and tseverely handled while be was prostrate. One of the witness es whs reluctant to answer the ques tions put to him, and tbe court upheld him. "Your honor does not seem to sea the underlying principle In this case," expostulated tbe attorney for the plain tiff. "It seems to me," replied the Jna tic. "that tbe underlying principal 1b this case Is your client" Under a New Ttje, The Washington Post credits a white-haired matron of that city with a clever musical joke. She was listen ing. In company with a young man from the State Department, to the ma lic of a pianist The selections were all new to the young man till the "Wedding March" of Mendelssohn began. 'Tbat'e familiar," said he. "I'm not strong on music, but I know I've beard that before. What Is itr The matron's eyes twinkled with mischief. "That." said she, "la toa 'Maiden's Prayer.' " Souvenir of His Vsoaifon Trip. "Bring any aouvenlrt back from jrov trip?" "One, only, but It cost a lot" ' "What wae Itr "Empty packetbook." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Probably babies talk that way h cauae they waat to gay ttseir lad Mtala Science The using of electrie light iu bath loouis. cither public or private, to it is asserted by au English engineer, is latijieroun iu many case. Writing to ibe Government Gazette-, be wiy that the d-tric lipbt switches most usu ally employed have brass covers and iiass knobs, aud it is quite possible tbat this metal work may be lu un mspevted contact with the electric supply wires. In tucli a case a person s!:iimIiu ou a dry wooden floor, and usitii Hie gwitcli, would not notice any lieiVct. nut anyone in tbe act of t.ini'i,- a liuth. or standing witb bare feet on a wet or metallic floor, and at-li-Miptinj; to turn on tbe light would ' eive a very tsevere shock which would probably prove fatal even at the comparatively low pressure of 'i'JO ."Mime twenty-five years ago uiou '.ws were lujH)rtel Into Barbados to drive away the rats which ate tbe sn'itr canes. Now the Ktiar planters have petitioned Ibe gou-ruor to au thorize the destruction of tbe mon gooses becauw the latter, instead of oiiliu',11 their attention to the rats, have drivel) out many useful ntiimalH, liicludini: lizards, which were the eu e:nics of the moth Isirer cuterpilium. The Hterpl liars ate now left free to l-iietiVie tbe fctiar cancx, 'hereby af fording holes for the lodgment of iltv strtntive funguses. Thus in the con tinual struggle for existence nature herself Is often found to have cstib Ilsbed the Ix-st system of equilibrium, interference with wlii h always brink's more Ills than it drives away. lias radium Hny practical uses apart front its value to pure science? It bus bwn reportiil that cancer lias been cured, or at least that the patient was lienelitcd, and that partial iht lias been restored to the blind through the iigcney of radium, l'.ilt these alleged uses for the wonderful substance have riot jet been finally demonstrated. There is another direction, however. In which It Is regarded as possible that radium may prove useful, ami that Is in the production of Unlit. I'rof. Oliver Lodge lias pithily said that a knowl edge of the firefly's) secret would en able us to produce liiiht without licit. I be source of the energy which the I.i' Iiy uses, like the source of the cn ery of radium, is unknown. Through the study of radium. It lias N-en su- j (tested, we may discover a cheaper and better met Ijo1 of IHliiniiiatioii than any we now posse,.. Last summer I)r. Horace C. Ilovey conceived and tested a new method of iiiensurlns; the height of some of the (-rent dome-shaped chambers in the Mammoth Cave. lie culled (o Ills as sistance the toy balloon, and after name preliminary experiments had his balloons made of a special pattern, with thinner mid more elastic rubber than fiat initially employed. Then, with five balloons tied in a cluster, and each Inflated with hydrogen to a di ameter of ten indie, be liegan lils at tempts at measurement In the cave. An acetylene lljrbt furnlahed Illumina tion In the great chamliers mitlielent to reveal the balloons when they touched tbe celling. The measuring; tape nns a light silk thread. The Uotunihi was found to be Just 40 feet high, and the Mammoth I'ome 11! feet 5 inches. Hut In the vast temple called (Jorin's Iome wandering air currents rendered the lialloons tinmHiiagenble when about two-thirds of the way to tbe celling. How to Head. L'dwnrd Everett Hale, In his excel lent little iKHik, "How to lo It" dis cusses, Hie matter of rending. The sub stance of what he says may be given In the form of the following ten rules: 1. Iiou't try to read everything. 2. ltcud two bmiks on the same sub ject, one solid, one for pleasure. 3. iHiu't read a book for the sake of saying. I have read It. 4. Iteview what yon read. 't. Head with a pencil n band. (!. I'se a blank lik. 7. Condense whatever you copy, 8. Head less and remember It. 0. One hour for light reading should have one hour of solid reading. 10. Whatever reading you do, do It regularly. A Fair Question. A hypochondriac who visited Sir Co nan Iwyle iu the days when be was a practicing physician complained of "a very bad side." He told his shory In great detail, says the London Chronicle. He put bis band above his waist line, aud said: "I get a sharp pain here, Doctor, whenever I touch my head." "Why 03 earth, then, do you touch your had?" Dr. Doyle asked, mildly but drily. Fu or lie Done. "By Jove, Itcggle, I don't see why my tailor should dun me. It's positive lusolence," "Ienr boy, perhaps he's afraid you've done hlra." Boston Globe. frlreak'est ( vnic. "The woman who picks out a hus band because he Is a good dancer," said the breakfast cynic, "la on par with tbe man who picks out a wife be cause she can make fudge." Opinions should be louiied witb great caution and changed with still greater caution. When a man does a fool thiuf. be thinks in smart, or ha wouldn't do tt STOflY OF '-HILD BANK. Whea Father is Leave He Ha4 tin Mnejt. Tbe bank belonged to tbe child, and it had all tbe interest of a new toy. In an effort to show the child bow it worked and tbe object of it. the mother bad sacrificed all her available change, after which the child had picked up a few pennies that had been carelessly left ou a table, and these hud followed the rest. Then she had waited to make a financial assault on ber father. "Money," she said to hlui at soon as he was Mettled In bis faorite chair. "Say! she's beginning early." he commented, laughingly. "Ob. I've got a savings bank far her. and she's been crazy to put money in it till day," bis wife explained "Well, as long as she puts it In tbe bank it's safe." he remarked, as be gave her a nickel. Her eye spurkled ami she laugb-tl so jojoiwly that be was enraptured. She was a happy, giaccful child, witb wry pretty au' captivating ways of expressing ber pleasure. "That was worth mure than a nickel." be laughed, us he gave her a dime. "Hut you mustn't humor ber too much." tils wife cautioned. "Oh. this Is iu a good cause." ho urged, with the blind indulgence of a particularly proud father. "It's teach ing her to saw . money, and that's tiomethliiK every child should learn. It Isn't like spending it, you know, which would !e wasteful." So he gave ber a quarter, and lu tvo miuutcs be was laughing as joyously as she was and getting us much fun out of ber as she wus out of the bank. Hut after dinner it was different. "Hy lieorge" be exclulnied, "the bank's git all my money, and I've got to go uptown. I'll have to iKrrw some change from you.'" "What little 1 had," she explained, "was used lu showing Tottle w hat the bank was for." "Well, a bill, then." "Haven't one. I told you this morn ing you'd have to bring home some money to night. l)ld you forget it?" His blank look showed that be had. "We'll have to open the bank, then." be said. "I've ;rot to have some money." "The only way that bank can be opened," she told him. "is by taking it to the savings bank that Issued It. and then they'll bee the money It contains to the credit of Tottie." lie swuie; nit there in the bouse, but later, while be was taking a nice, brisk, three-mile walk to keep bis ap pointment for that evening. And It was a week before he could be in duced to look at the little bunk ugaln, which he has clns-llied as a sort of an Inanimate confidence man. Hnioklya Eagle. INDIAN AS FOOTBALL PLAYER. He Is UnsurrmsHcd In Hunnins and Tackling K ml of ('ame. As a uiHttei of prosulc fact, these hnrd-woiklng and wcll-behuved wards of the ualiun at Carlisle have been from the start models of disciplined nud educated conduct on tbe football field as well us off, and only their shocks of black hair and their swarthy faces mark them as unusual or odd wbeu tbey Hue up against the "palefaces," says a writer In the Il lustrated Sporting News. These lads are Intensely fond of football, and they have left in them an Inherited Indifference to hurts and a toughness of fiber that are their strongest ((uclities wh-u added to swiftness and agility of movement. I have seen them pley through a bard game without one call for "time out," Is'causc of Injury, and nearly everyone who lias seen them play must have noticed the fierceness of their tackling and their fashion of breaking out of a scrimmage on the rebound like so many rubber balls. In running, tack ling and aggressive line-breaking tbe Indian.' are unsurpassed. Their weakness Is nn argument In favor of the claim that football Is a ipiestion of tlx ti allied mind as much as the powerful ImmIj. It is menial alertness and adaptability that the Car lisle players find themselves lacking when thoy meet the first-class teams. To analyze and meet the unexpected, and to solve the problems of a scien tific attack and defense of a style to which they ore not accustomed puzzles the slower and less effectively trained mind of the Indian, ami be cannot make as quick a change of mental base as the white youth. This is to be expected, and (he astonishing feature of It Is that tbe Indlun player Is able to make tbe showing br does. He comes to Carlisle from the reserva tion ft little savage and In perhaps a half dozen years he Is fashioned into the clean, alert, self-respecting young man who delights those who know good football, played with ardor, yet with self-control and intelligence of a high order. While his opponents shout and rave In moments of great stress, be plays tbe game in silence, without a show of emotion, whether he wins or loses the type of the true sportsman. He Is a vindication Ic 'ii of the whole some training of football In the devel opment tf young manhood and of the magnificent work accomplished by the policy and life work of Col. Pratt al Carlisle. Not Asked Vet Teas So she's to be Mrs. Itoxley, eh? Jena 1 don't know. Teas Wur, I'm sure It waa your self who (old me she hnd determined to marry 1 tn. Jess Wei' that's different Phila delphia Press. Patriotism always stands in with the gOVi HEADGEAR IN MXXlOa Uk Hate New Wm ay I 1m4 ae ha Auioof all well-brad peapie great at tention is paid to the hat of the saaae line visitor, says Modern Mrxks. Thai suildem of trandoevbip, aa BktsBrcl Ford called It, is taken at otsc aavl carefully placed on a chair qaite aa it It were a person. It most be tresr! with reHpect A table is alao a prwfrer place for It but a chair la better. Especially Is tbe top bat dJtflaguUb ed in eJjuetle; It implies that the wtsarer la a real senor, a true caUaUero, snd it is honored with careful frtat muif See that it Is allowed to repose on a chair safe from casual knocks or Jars. In common parlance, tbe top bat is "una chUtera," a facetious word, and, speaking serkmriy, tt la "un som brero de copa," or, "de cops alia." H is an emblem of social rank and law yers often wear it from morning till u.glu. Tbe sombrero de jiaja, or straw bat may be of many degrwa of finsakaai. .Sometimes It has a gold or silver cor I and U worn by weil io-lo niucberoa or i:rt bacieudados on proper occasions. Women on horseback in tbe country aud formerly In the city wore hanUV some KouihrtTua. Tbe soiubrtro of Mi, witb Its oinauiei.ts. may cost any wbTe from $10 to 1,. It Is the gala bat for hor.--liack on daya of rtiftns and in the country regions is affected by the prosperous. Itrmembet that the bat. In any form, is souMbluj 10 respect. It Is t!ikcu off as a alga of regard and defer nee or of but courtmy. Tbe sombrero calanes is the Andalu slan hat of low crown and broad brim, the bat of the bnlifightiT on the street where he receive.-! Ibe homage of 'he admiring populace, (Specially of tht small boy, It litis Its cjmicIih of conduit nto (julte general use. and it is far more pictuies iue than the staid and prim dei by. The l ittir hat is much af fec.ed by the city youth of Mexico, but It Is foreign, alien and an exotic. It I ridiculous when worn on horbBck undiT the ardent Min of Mexico or An ilalusl.i. In olJ time Mexicans, as well as Spaniards of social rank, wore Ui cocked hat. Immortalized In Alarcon't tory of the "Sombrero de Tns Picos." 'l b.' tlnee-corncrd hat. properly speak ing. Affected by the people In tlnwa agol;e, was called the "sombrero detres (-andih ." Hoys of the lower classes wear cheap straw sombreros to school, and tl marvel Is that they ever distinguish tin in. for they are as much alike at I e is In a i)ii. But to return to our muttons, so t iy, the lint n n symbol of grandee ship. It Is nowadays the tall hat, the "topper," the silk bat, stovcj Ipe, of what y. u will, "(iohernadoertr wee It. mufl-ors and deputies and lawyers, of course, though ill Mexican cities the young lawyers pffect Jaunty tr$wj.t1 In warm weather, and often dn bleat. The grandee of the firtft claee of Spain have the privilege of rematnlna covered In the pre nee of tlwir sorer t ign. and the oilier day the young Klna Alfonso, receiving a party f nobleme of high degree, who approached hint uncovered, said, after a moment, "Cov er yoursilves senori," which Is the an cient etiquette. Thus the hat playa Spanish tradition and actual life a cer emonial part differing from usage la Anglo-Saxon countries. An Old Acquaintance. The prophet Is not always without honor In bis own country, but If that country Impiten to Is? New England lie Is sometimes without tbe pcrqulslt-e of honor when he is at home. "I see Hubby Ixx-ke has come on a vacation to his grandfather's," aaid Miss Martin, as she unrolled her aproa and took hpr pincushion, scissors, thim ble and measuring tape out of her bag, in the sewing-room of the Widow far rar. "Yes, Judge Hubbard Locke hni come for-a fortnight," wild Mrs. far rar, with careful and meaning empha sis. Miss Martin's bright eyes shot a quick glance at her. "I'll leave It to them that haven't snapped his linger jIT the wheels of their sewing-machine with a thimble to call Hubby Locke 'judge,'" she remarked, as she tied OB ber pincushion and began to stab It. hailslled with His Job. A Philadelphia clergyman recently visited uu old schoolmate who la b a ed In Momana. One Sunday tbey told revival services In a large camp of Swedish miners, and at one of tht meetings ibe minister from the Qua ker City, looking straight at big. powerful looking wan who sat la front laid to him: "My friend, don't you want to work for the Lord?" Tbe Swede thought a fair aacesda snd replied slowly: , "No, I tank not; de Norden Paclfle fullers Is party good to work for." i'b.ldclphla Ledger. An OlMMllaat Boy. "Did you deliver my message to Mr. Smith?" asked the merchant who aad sent his o(llce-boy on an errand. "No, sir; be waa out od the offle was locked up." "Well, why didn't Ton wait for hiss. as I told your Tbe practical boy, saya Stray Stories, bad bla reason ready. "There was a notice on the door tng, 'Return at once,' so I cane back a juick as I could. Utmost Deliberation Ttrprsoaij. "Do you mean to tell bb that jm would deliberately bay votesT "Of course," answered Seoafor Ce. Chum. "That's too onhr wae ta ran ibem. The man who boy votae fc$o iveiy m almost awe to got tie wottt af tkO harwl- " We.H-i ,