Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 21, 1904, Image 4

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    A Confederate soldier contribute to
the AUanU Constitution a poem writ
ten by Col. VT. 8. Hawkins, of Ten
nessee, who as well as the soldier, was
a prisoner at Canip Chase, Ohio, dur
ing the war, and spent much labor
among the sick lu (lie camp. A young
ioMier, engaged to le married, aux
Jjusly looked for a letter from the
woman, that he miht read her loving
words before be should die, but the
letter did not coiue uutU after his
death, and then it proved to be to
break off the engagement. Colonel
llawkliia wrote them', lines fu answer:
Your letter came, but came too lata.
For Heaven had claimed its own
Ah! sudden change frotu prison bars
Into the great white throne.
And jet I thiuk tie would hare stayed
For oat mure day of pain.
Could he have read tlioe tardy words.
Which you have sent in vain.
Why did you wail, fair lady.
Through ao many weary hours;
Had you other lovers with you.
In that silken dainty bower?
Did others bow before your charms.
And twine bright garland there;
And yet 1 ween in all that Huong
His spirit had uo peer.
t wish that you were by me now.
As I draw the sheet a Hide,
To see bow pure the look he wore
A whiie before he died.
Jfet the Borrow that you gave him
Still has left it weary trace.
And a meek to Faintly sadness ,
Dwells uM)ii that pallid face.
"Ker love," lie rned, "could change for
The wint r's cold to spring"
Ah' trust of thoughtless maideu's love,
Thou art a litter thing.
For when Ihese valleys fair in May
Once more with bloom shull wave.
The northern vioief.s shall blow
Above hia human grave.
JTour dole of beauty words haa been,
Bat one more pang to bear;
tVQgh to the last he k bused with 1ot
This tress of your soft hair.
I did not put It where lie said.
For when the angels come,
t would not have them find the aigu
Of falsehood in Ore tomh.
I've read your letter and I know.
The wiles that you have wrought
To win that noble heart of his.
And gained it, fearful thought.
What lavish wealth men sornetiniea give,
For a trifle light and small.
What manly forms are often held
In folly's flimsy thrall.
ton shall not pity him, for now
He's past your hope and fear.
Although I wish that you could stand
With me beside his bier,
itill, I forgive you. Heaven knows,
For mercy you have need.
For God his awful judgment sends,
On each unworthy deed.
to-night the cold winds whistle by,
As I my vigil keep.
Within the prison dead bouse, where
Few mourners come to weep.
A rude plank coffin holds him now,
Yet death gives always grace.
And I had nil tier see him thus,
Than clasped in your embrace.
to-night your rooms perhaps nre gay.
With wit and wine and song,
And you arc smiling Just ns if
Yon never did a wrong,
tonr hands so fair that none would think
It penned these words of pain:
Tour skin my white, would Cod your soul
Were half so free from stain.
I'd rather be this dend, dear frjpnd,
Than you in nil your glee.
For yon are held inyrierons bonds.
While he's forever fr;e.
Whom serve fu thin life, we serve
In that which is to come,
He chose his way. you yours. Iet God
1'ronounCft the fitting doom.
Grant and Hi Old Fri'-nl.
Gratitude fills no small space in a
fine character. Indeed, it is indispen
sable to a . complete character, and
round the whole emotional nature,
this trait was notably conspicuous lu
General Grant, and it has seldom been
more touchingly Illustrated than by a
ntory of him, which the Kansas City
Btar prints.
Prior to the Civil War Grant was
living near St. Louis, In the most
humble circumstances. Although a
graduate of West Point, and soldier
by Instinct as well as by education, he
tu then dally engaged In selling and
delivering cord wood to whosoever
would boy. Among his many custom
en was a man of wealth and social
itandlng, Samuel Churchill, a native of
Kentucky, who often told Grant that
rhen be failed to sell to others he
night drive his load to his woodshed,
pbnw it ttt aud call for his pay the
est day.
The two men became well acquaint
ed. Grant always delivered good
wood, full measure, and Churchill be
ntse being prompt and liberal In his
paymenta, extended to, his neighbor
paay hospitalities which were ac
'tM tad appreciated.
Ik war, when It sprang up, divided
C tw mm. Churchill cast In bis lot
tZ ttt Seven, and It Is a familiar
tr mm Use yeaag woodaeller, lord
C EatO, gradually displayed the
. put military leader,
r i jafmni , tnm gmde to
(x ntm m eaetfea, tnm
etataa to Hollos, fives KMlaa t Yicka
barg, from Vickaburg to the Potomac,
from the Potomac to Richmond and
from Richmond to the presidency.
Some years after the surrender of
General Iee, Churchill, whoite prop
erty had been confiscated and sold, rs
turned home to Kentucky to begin bis
life anew. As he passed lhroui;u
Washington, be felt it hi duty and
pleasure to call upon GraDL He ap
proached the White House with soiue
apprehension, however, not knowing
how he would be received. If Indeed,
he would be received at ail.
He did not fully know his old frieud.
The reception room was filled with
Senators, Congressmen and others, all
awaiting their turn to be called Into
the President's room, yet as soon as
Churchill's name was read, be came to
the door hiin-Jf and invited Churchill
The door was cloani between them
and the outside crowd, and the Presi
dent told the servant to notify the
other that he could not see them for
halt an hour. For au instant Church
ill did Dot know what was tu become
of blm; thoughts of prison, expatria
tion, and other punishments for trea
tou, rushed through bis brain; theu be
beard the President speaking cordial
ly, almost affecthxiately:
"Sam, how are you? Sit down aud
have a smoke. You used to give me
the best Havana wht n I could not
buy; now I want to Mum some of
your past favors. Do you want any
thing? Have you money? lo you
want an office? Can I be of service to
you !fi ar.y way? I think more of
those who were my friend when I
was poor and helpless, w ith a growing
family on my bands, thau 1 do of all
such time servers now sfaiiding on
the outside waiting to press me for
Churchill was overcome by Grant's
genorous warmth, but he raid;
"I am a rebel, fresh from the con
federate array, and I have too b'tf.i sn
opinion of you as our conqueror, aud
as my old time friend lo auk any fa
vors at your band. I accept nothing
that would embarrass you wKh your
own parly. I have no right to Ki
anything. I IiJ nit com.' here for that
purpose. I only came hi re to sec
what changes. If any, had come over
my old friend."
"I care nothing for that," replied
the President, simply. "There arc ob
ligations stronger than pditlcs. and
blither ties than the recollection of an
unfortunate war. Think 11 over. Sun.
until evening. Theu come and dine
with Mrs. Grant and me. If you want
Democratic talk, she and her father.
General Dent, will give you all your
heart desires. I promise you that I
will not break up the treasonable
Both men are dead, the Southern
gentleman and the great soldier. Each
was a friend to the other when time,
were rough, and both have left bright
memories of manly generosity which
sprang from good hearts.
Com rail e.
Wearers of the blue and the gray
alike were brave la daring the fire of
the enemy to save or succor wounded
comrades. One would hardly expect,
however, to find the Instances numer
ous of nfederates who risked their
lives for a negro, but the Osceola Dem
ocrat cites one moving instance.
George Macdonald, one of the few
colored Confederate veterans in his
State, was wounded at Wilson's Creek,
where a minie ball plowed through his
hip and a buckshot struck him lu the
face. He lay groaning ujmn the ground
when he was found by Owen Snuffer,
lieutenant of his company. For Snuffer
the negro had all the affection a pet
slave lavished upm his master, and the
muster knew it
Tin? white man bent down, exam
ined the black man's wounds and
stanched the flow of blood from them
Tin; wounded man, as soon as he could
speak, begged for water. The lieuten
ant's canteen was empty, but midway
between the firing lines was a well.
To reach it was to become th target
of sharpshooters, but the groans of his
black friend moved the lieutenant
deeply, and he determined to take
He pushed forward under fire until
the well was reached. And then he
discovered that the bucket had been
taken "away and the windlass removed.
The well was . an old-fashioned
walled one of groat depth. After an
instant's thought Lieutenant Snuffer
pulled off his long cavalry boots, and
taking one In his teeth he made a slow
and laborious descent of the well.
When water was reached and the boot
filled he began climbing up the sann
way he had gone down, straddling tho
well and clutching with hands and feet
at the rocky walls.
Ueachlng the surface, he picked up
the other boot, and crawled and wrig
gled back to the Confederate lines.
He gave the negro as much water ai
be cared to drink, and filling his can
teen, poured Uie rest of it over hit
burning wounds.
Witty Gratitude. r
Walter Scott liked to tell the story
of his meeting an Irish beggar In the
street, who importuned him for a six
pence. Not having one, Rcott gave him
shilling, adding with a laugh, "Now
remember, you owe me sixpence."
"Och, sure enough," said the beg
gar, "and God grant you may lire till
J pay you!"
The Brat,
lUstrew of the House Tour hands
look aa If you never washed them.
Eaten Jogalong I don't, ma'am.
Tea o' the best years o my 111 I
worked to a soap factory, Otcaa
The Caress.
ISPLAYl of affuclion among members of fam
ilies are largely matters of temperament. The
members of some families never meet or part
without ardent demonstrations of love which
are delightful to tiieut-seive and pleasing to
every sensible observer. Who can witness,
without a arming of the heart, the cries of
Joy, aud the embrace with which children welcome the
return of father or mother from a temporary absence, or
the affectionate parting and meeting of husband aud wife?
A ierMn w ho find", in this proper display of pure family
affection only an occasion fur ridicule Is to be pitied. There
are other families, however, in which outward demonstra
tion of love are alnl never mh-u. The members of such
families reserve auy show of affection for extraordinary
occasions when the deepen! feelings of the heart are
stirred, and even when betrayed into an exhibition of their
love, have a feeling of shame as If they had shown a weak
side of their nature. There is no reason to suppose that
the love of these persons for their family and friends is
not as strong and deep as that cherished by those who are
more demonstrative, and they would without doubt do
as much In case of need for their comfort and pleasure.
The repression of the expression of feeling is peculiarly
an American vice. The aetious of many foreigners when
even slightly moved seem tu us extravagant and amusing.
We cover our deepest emotions with a joke and a lauh.
Kjt (hose who are so chary of (1 uplays of proper emotion
rob themwlvcg of much pleasure. While demonstrations
of love among friend- may so so far as to be ludecorotu
or Insincere, reasonable exhibitions of affection are both
proper and pleasurable. Especially repression by any one
of a show of love from a child or a companion is a cruel
blow at one of the sweetest and most ppfious things in
life, sim-ere affection In the heart of a friend. The Watchman.
The Spirit of Tolerance.
li would fain believe that men are v- a.g
more tolerant of each other's opinions, political,
religious and otherwise. In our own country,
it least, it is easy to discover a growing dispo
itlou to minimize differences of belief atid to
:it)d for the beti rment of mankind. Coleridge
somewhere sav that thi-re are errors which
kni. i-
No wise man will treat with rudeness, while there is a
isMbllity that there may be the refraction of some great
trill li as yet below the horizon.
Sir Thomas I'towne, a sectarian of the strictest order,
rejoices that he mver divided himself "from any man
upon a difference of religious opinion." It is only by the
iee,,-iiit(,) of the manhood beneath the opinions, preju
dices, preconceptions, perhaps mifuftneeptious, wl'.h which
we invest ourselves that we can dwell together happily in
this world.
Our opinions may come frotu birth and early environ
ment, and may nut be the result of Inquiry, study and
conviction, however firmly one may believe that we have
worked out the problem for ourselves. We should, there
fore, extend the greatest charity to those who refuse to go
our way. Bishop Taylor, writing on friendship and gen
eral benevolence, observes that e good man is a friend to all
the world, and he Is not truly charitable that does not wish
well and do good to all mankind In what be can. This
all-embracing friendship, benevolence and tolerance over
leaps the confines of sects, creeds, parties and social dis
tinctions. It emanates from the Deity. "The greater our
friendships are, the dearer we are to God." We do not
all attain this catholicity of friendship, for we are im
perfect beings at best, but we should strive for It. Were
the world Imbued with this spirit. It would be transformed,
and oppression, poverty, a thousand woe would be re
moved. Philadelphia Ledger.
forestry and Irrigation Mut Go
"a HAT the time has mtn fW
I I sressive movement for the
I and semi-arid lands in the
. uucu amirg in plainly inuicaica by tne very
large representation of States and Territories
at the eleventh national irrigation congress re-
cently held at Ogden, Utah.
For many years the friends of irrigation worked earn
estly and hopefully for Federal aid In carrying forward
projects for the reclamation of arid lands. They were
retarded, but Dot discouraged, by persistent opposition
The final enactment of a national irrigation law by the
Columbia is the empire of El Dorado
named by the Spanish conquer
ors. At this very moment the exploi
tation of some of its bidden tnaaute
is the object of an engineering enter
prise direct d by British energy, writes
Benjamin Ta)l-r, F. li. G. S., In Cham
ber's JournaL A Loudon sni!ca!e U
draining the sacred Lake of Guatavlta,
which lies ab-iut twenty nilbs fn-m Bo
goia, the capital of the republic
It was in 1535 that the Spaniards
h'tird of the lake. As the story reach
ed them, the Cacique of Bacata the
Indian predecessor of the modern city
of Bogota was "always coveied with
powdered gold, fixed on bis body by
means of an odoriferous resin." Every
night he washed off the go'd In the
.-acred lake, and every morning he
was gilded an:w;"which prov(8,"wrote
Ovb di, the annalist of the conquerors,
"that the empire of El Dorado is in
finitely rich lu mines." . -
Bo it was, and Is, and there is no
doubt that the lake was the principal
ar.d general place of worship, that rich
iffcrings were continually made to It,
and that many a cacique, w ith all his
wealth, was buried benmth Its waters.
.Moreover, when tile fspealtirds came,
great quantities of treasure were sunk
n the lake, that they might not fall
nto the hands of the Invader, Poasl
dy when the country been me' more
itaeeful some of It was recovered; hot
French writer not Jules Verne ha
Ktimated that gold and Jewels to the
nine of five billion dollars still He at
he bottom.
The lake, which is about a quarter
f a mile In diameter, and has a msx
in uu depth of about forty-live feet,
I, Is a cap-like depression on the
iuinmlf ef a mountain. Its surface be
ing a boot ten thousand feet above the
on i,r.w
reclamation of arid
western part of the
sea level and several hundred feet
above the surroun ling plain. A tunnel
eleven hundred feet in length is being
driven through the side of the hill at
a level of about seventy feet below the
surface of the Water. A virtual shaft
is being sunk from a jsjint near the
edge to meet the tumid, which is
driven from both end.
When the tiijiin'l and shaft nre coin
pleud, im opt n cut will lc made fiom
be .shaft towaid the d nt.T of the lake,
and the water will be siphoned off
ilirongh the shaft and tunnel as the
works proceed, both to av.ld auy un
due ruf-b, and to enable the men work
ing in It to kei p dry. The mud and
silt In the bed of the lake w,ll then
te treated for the recover- of the gold
and precious stones they are believed
to contain.
In the course of the operations many
curious Articles of gold and pottery
have been found on the margin of the
iake and about its shores. These ob
ects are ti t only of great antiquity,
but they apper to be Imitations of
the products of a still earlier age.
Some of the vases and ornaments re
covered are very similar to olJ-U
found In the tombs of the Incas In
Peru and Ecuador; others have a sug
gestion of Egyptian craft or teaching.
The finding of these empty VMsee
which are believed to have held
treasuro leads to the supposition that
many trenuie-iel.ers have Leeu there
already; but wbat lias been got out
can only have been tf dredging, and
a the appliances available fur work of
that kind must have been very Ineffi
cient the London tretisuri-hunicri ex
pert a rich reward for their own labor.
It sometimes happens that the world
thinks a man Is wise simply because
he doesn't take the trouble to explala
bis mistake.
"Know thyself," says ao old adage,
A man can find oat quite a good deal
about himself fef running for oetee.
last Congress, the fruit of long agitation, makes it Incum
bent upon these advocates of Federal aid to co-operate
with the Government in planning a comprehensive Irri
gation project for the upbuilding of a great agricultural
empire in the western rone of the republic It Is esti
mated that there are in the semi-arid rones about 600,000.
"JO acres of vacant public lands with sufficient water
available under the storage system to Irrigate one-sixteenth
of it In his address to the congress President Clark stated
his belief that if the Government would expend $10,000,000
annually for thirty years In providing reservoirs sufficient
to reclaim L-O.OtiO.OOO acres., the hind reclaimed would pro
vide homes for 12J00,out to 15,000.000 jieople. As this
sum might be easily realized froai the sale of reclaimed
Government land a magnificent contribution to the wealth
of the nation could thus be u.ade with but small outlay.
Development and reclamation of the arid West, to be
of permanent value, must have its foundations laid In a
system of forests for protecting the sources of water sup
ply which will be forever protected by the Government
from destruction. Chicago Iiecord Herald.
fast Train Operation Means.
HEN the "Twentieth Century UuiiW" train
recently made a run on the Lake Shore Kail
road of 133.4 milcv f:ou Toledo to L'lkhart lo
114 minutes, probably uc.e of the passengers
'ave a thought to the real meaning of such a
magnificent speed performance. la order to
accomplish the feat a speed of fully K, miles
per hour had to be maintained for considerable portions of
the distance. With a modern passenger train such peed
can be attained with safety only when roadbed, track,
equipment, discipline of employes and other operating con
dition are about as perfect as human skill can make them.
The train consisted of six Pulliuars, each weighing 55
tons, or a total of 3.'!0 tons, one combli il'iu baggage car
weighing 30 uus and a iocomorlve 135 tons. To hurl a
mass w eighing a total of 4H5 tons, or lr.S).(Kj pounds, along
steel rails weighing only h5 poumis tj 'he yard means a
sustained shock of tremendous force, and a strain to track
and roadbed which wotitJ search out the slightest weakness
or defect.
One revolution of the engine drivers, which were 81
Inches In diameter, carried the train forward aljout seven
yards. In ruimlug one mile tiie piston rod must go back
ward and forward '.'47 times. A ifpecd of K5 uiilcs per
hour means nilbs )kt mlunte, so that the piston rod
would have to go back and forth, and the large driven
revolve six times eaeh second, which is almost loo rapid
for the eye to follow. Experiments have Miown that a
train weighing as many tons as the 'Twentieth Century
Limited," when miming at the rate of 85 miles per hour,
cannot be brought to a stop within ,'i.OUO feet.
An "emergency" stop would be very likely, therefore,
to mean disaster to such a tram, and only perfectly opera
ted signals aud the highest an In train dispatching can
insure the train against such t-i.-ps. When it is rcaliz.-d
also that a slight defect In any portion of the equipment
or Imperfect Inspection of the same is almost certain to be
followed by dire results, the wonder grows over tho degree
of perfection attained In the various arts and In discipline
which have united In making modern train operation possi
ble. Chicago Record-Herald.
What Constitutes Riches?
HE New York Times has been printing the
ideas of many contributors given as answers to
the question: When may a man in New York
City be considered rich? The notion of rlcnes
is always a variable one. The question related
to the amount of money one must have to be
reckoned a rich man according to New York
standards. Well, New York standards are various. To
some $100,000, to others $500,000, to others a million or
ten millions seems necessary. One's Idea of riches de
pends largely on bis ideas of luxury; that Is, of what
would seem luxury to him, the power to satisfy all his
wauttf. But wants grow with the ability to supply them.
There is always something beyond the present power of
acquisition that seems desirable. Most men refuse to
admit that they are so rich that they desire no more.
Itlcbes might be defined as something more than one baa
As might be expected, there are the usual philosophical an
swers, as. for example, "good health, freedom from debt
and anxiety, and tastes corresponding to one's income."
This is a definition of happiness rather than of riches.
Boston Herald.
8oiue KxniTlc thnt Are Famous tic
cans rf Ihcir 1'ntnt.
A banquet with a list of toasts as a
part of Its program almost necessar
ily Includes one "To iovely Woman."
To omit such would be lese-majeste of
the most uiignllniit sort- Many of these
toasts have become famous for their
wit or sentiment or sarcasm, and
ninoiig them may be recalled the fol
lowing: "Woman, the fairest work lu ell cre
ation. The edition is lnrge and no man
should be without a copy."
This is fairly seconded by a youth
who, giving his distant sweetheart,
said: "Delectable dear, so sweet that
honey would blush in her presence
mid treacle stand appalled."
Further, in regard to the fair sex,
we have:
"Woman, she needs no eulogy; she
speaks for herself." "Woman, the bit
ter half of man."
In regard to matrimony some bncbe
lor once gave: "Marriage, the gate
through which the happy lover leaves
Ills enchanted ground and returns to
At the marriage of a deaf and dumb
couple some wit wished them "un
HpeuknblP bliss."
At a supper given to a writer of
comedies a wag said: 'The writer's
very good health. May he live to be
M old ns bis Jokes." '
From a lay critic; "The bench and
bar.- If It were not for the bar there
would be little use for the bench."
A celebrated statesman while dining
with a duchess on her 80th birthday,
lu proposing her health, said:
"Hay you live, my lady duchess, un
til rev begin to grow ugly."
"I thank you sir," she said, "and
may ytm long continue your taste fer
Towela and
to to
T'lere Is to be a new and eheaiwi
edition of Horatio F. Brown's bkgrs
pay of the late John Adduagtoa Sy
G. P. Putman's Sons have in pus
pa ration "The Angler's Secret." ai
appreciation of the gentle art of aa
ling, by Charles Bradford, author o
"The Wild Flowers."
Miss France Parker, wboae "kta
Jlis of tho Lower P-inch" Is la Its
third edition, haa submitted the seen,
ario of a second novel to her pub
lishers, the C. M. Clark Publishing
Company, Boston.
Heumas McMauua, the author of "k
Uul the O'Friels," is making
short visit to America. Mr. McMaau
Is one of the "Young Ireland" party,
the aim of which is to keep alive
national spirit of the country.
"Tobacco Leaves," by John Bain,
Jr.. has Just been published by 11. Jt,
Caldwell Company. Boston, cased la
a cigar box, and louiid lu tobacco
colored ooite calf, with two tobaccs
leaves aud a coat of arms coustotiui
of pipes, cigar and cigarette stamped
in gold.
F. Frankfort Moore's latent ijvel
is caJhsl ".Shipmates lu Sunshine,"
and Is to be publishes! in this country
by D. Appletou A: Co. Its scene Is laid
in different parts of the world and is
the reault of Mr. Moore's recent globe
trotting adveiiture lu the Oaribbeas
was and South American countries.
A very diverting book of recent pub
lication is entitled "The Witchcraft ol
the '.nth O ntury." Iu many pictures,
rmluble articles, poetry and music
all nwike for the advancement ol
cleanliness und the elimination of dlrj
i-j all Us foiinn. The whole Is dons
Willi extreme cleverness. Incidentally
and with a persistence that guaran
ti sincerity, It is urgi-d that a well
known dialling preparation is pal
exi-eilelici'. The book Is edited bj
Arieinas Ward. Enoch Morgan's Sous
A Company arc the publishers.
Tale Gradnute lirts Job In Father's
Mill at --! a Week.
Heir to several millions and the re
cipient already of a llfu Income of
many thousands. Franklin Farrel, Jr
'1 years old, Yale graduate, owner of
fast horses and a $10,0u0 touring car.
works ten hours a day In his fathoms
foiuidry at Dnrby, Conn., says the New
York Herald. He can be seen dally
boading over a grindstone at the grimi
est and lowliest labor iu the whole
IetermJned to learn and master the
complicated business of his father's
large foundry, young Farrel begaa his
Franklin Parrel, Sr., one of the
wealthiest men In Cotiuellcut, bis es
tate being variously estimated at from
$10,000,000 to $15,000.0(10. was unaware
of his sun's purpose until the Latter
had actually gone to work. Young
Farrel bi obliged to enter tho mi lis
with the other workmen at 7 o'clock
every weekday morning and he passea
out with the oll-lH-grlmwl crowds at 9
o'clock In the evening, hurrying home
In liia overalls and Jumicr to Tower
Hall, the handsome Farrel residence.
He Is beginning to abandou society,
as the hard work In the mill drives
him early to bed. Only tho fact that
he had undergone severe training as
a candidalie for the Yale crew enable
the youth to stand the exacting work.
On express orders from the office no
favors are shown blm.
Fraukliu Farrel. Jr., was graduated
from Yale last June, standing high ia
his class, lu the class statistics ho
was rated the best-dressed man of
BioS. He was a member of the fa
mous "Joily Eight'', who were Inno
cently Instrumental lu bringing aiout
Carrie Nation's visit to Yule. Komo
wags sent au invitation to the famous
bar breaker to come to New Haven at
a slated time, signing the names of the'
"Joliy Eight."
Mrs. Nation arrived at the appoint
ed time and found the "Jolly Eight"
Ju-t finishing a reunion supper In un
derbill HaiL She snatched away tho
cigarettes they were smoking and de
livered her usual lecture, after which
she was bikeu away by another party
of students.
Young Farrel, while lie la serving
bis apprenticeship, will receive $1 sj
week, but In the course of six month
or a year, as he may show bis prolii
clency. he may lie paid at the rate of
V1V, cents an hour. He carries hie
dinner in a pall and tats with tho other
Ills cousin. Alton Farrel, has becsl
appoints d to a position In the ofilca)
the foundry, where he will learai
..he commercial end of the business.
Miss Eiise Farrel recently caused aj
stir by abandoning society, In which;
ue was prominent, faking a course
t a business collect and entering the
'ouudry olllco ns stenographer and
ypcwilter, assisting her father In hie
:orresnonJcnce and assuming In a
measure tin; duties of private secro
ry. She later gave up the work.
Very Da its roes.
Dandy I saw Dusty running front
i danger sign Out morning. . ,
Cluders Was it at a railroad crosa
agT Handy Tee, a' It said: "One Oan
teni WorUacmea Wanted."