Ej Eirrisea Picss-Jjurnal gi e kui. ravurniarron I&B1UOH, HKBRASKA Noiseless powder is something tbe vorld never bear of. As 4 fashionable disease, brain fas threaten to put appendicitis to the bad. If God w-uiper the wind to tie bora lamb He may take pity on me of the shearers also. The dog is man's best friend. When a maa has a cold the dog never teiis eiin what to do for It A Minnesota tuau is said lo have mastered the eat language. A charge at buckshot sometimes masters thin feiin conversation quite neatly. The .New England woman who pre tended suicide, and came home to tind her husuaud married again, seems to have put up a fine joke on herself. Alro;iomers i-ay our sun is one of I he younger set of stars. May not the spots now reported as having broken out be only a sort of infantile rash? A New York beggar dropped dead when the plice insis:ed that he should take a bath. He knew the dangers of exposing ,iis system to these out aide iuEueuceH. It 1 obviously Incorrect to char acterize some of those syndicate pro lan;!:!,; schemes as gambling opera tions. In a gambling game the vietim to be fleeced is allowed to win a little ouicihing once in a while. lir. Wiley, chemist for the Jjepart lueut of Agriculture, says that woman ho-s 1iiii hair because she Is hi ill a Mivage. Well, even so, keep her Just an she is. iHm't want high civiliza tion and a h. ad that liM.ks like a quinine capsule. A recent announcement of the Brit ish war office of medals awarded for distinguished service in Soinaliland uu ntiuns the names of Sergeant Hotes, Corporal Ilerbst and Trsjor Dreyer, u4 liners, who are now fighting shoul der to shoulder with their former i neuiiiis. U;t;her a good omen. I.ictiteuant Peary suggests that if Americans can spend millions to buiid yachts to defend the cup, they lig'i.: to build shlis to go to the north pule.. He says that the syndicate of spo.LLig men that "lifts" the pole will kne no successor and can never be 1-cts-ii. Certainly the course would pit ; overcrowded with pleasure lia.. Gei;e;-tfl llooth promises to stop wars l.-y iivlu r.ich nation, whenever any '.r i;s territory is wanted by another, five rji tile land without first resort iii ; :o a tt of strength. After he jets the nations to adopt tills policy ! e might make the world still hap ji by inducing such Individuals as .'Jr. U.n U.'feli r and Mrs. II.' Green to iv x-i i 5ln to it. Frame and the French government ha .ie ceased Jo be objects of suspi cion in the minds of the European in.Hiaclirt. The kings and emperors hav .made many formal visits to Carls in recent years, and have been ireeived by the president. This year, for the first time, the wife of the pres cient had a place in the reception to rnya'ty. I-ist summer Madame Loti lt, as the social representative of the republic, welcomed the state visitors. History W full of the wonders worked by cultured and gracious women. The wife of rtie French president may tome day he added to the list -of feuil n ue political magicians. The steady concentration of the tainting and fishing privileges of America into the possession of elnbs is illustrated by the reported lease of George W. Vanderbilt's famous North Carolina estate, Biltmore. A club of ten members will thus have a monopoly of 125.000 acres. It Is true that In this case the land was already monopolized by a single owner, but i his is not true of the holdings of most of the new clubs which are being or ganized all over the country. The obvious fact is that there Is no longer, as formerly, enough game for every- body who cares to shoot or flsh, and the time is near at hand when sport of this kind will be, as In England, the prerogative of a privileged few. With a population of 8.000,00(1 Switzerland Is without any coal sup ply of her own. None of her rivers la navigable and all her coal Imports have to be brought m by rail, which makes it very expensive. Her coal Mil la about $12,000,000 a year. In order to make her outlay for fuel as economical as possible the government has decided to establish a federal test hag station, attached to the leading Institution for technical Instruction at Kerich. At this station every kind ef fnel need la the little republic la t be eelenUfieally tested, to deter Use Kb exact heat-prod oeing value, which will be made known to the pub lic through periodical publications by Ue government. It is Intended to re form the whole coal trade by snb etfrMlag heart-prodocing value for weight as the basis of Its price per Vaa there ever airy ef tae fr::rnni of Kaakm Ci wt to pesev Be lar that did not belong to his eountrv or a penny that was ot the property of his soldiers. Cuba 1 free tnd grate ful. She has not forgot I i the darl day. So the Cuban Congress mailt Gen. Oomei a present of f.jO,(Mi. as a slight token of the regard the country has for the liberator. Fifty thousand dollars is a good deal of money. It is a fortune in Cuba. It means com fort for a grizzled veteran for the rest of his days. It takes from him every vestige of financial worry. But he would rather worry than be unfair. Maximo Gomez can not forget the brave fellows who fought with hi in, endured privation with him and uf fered as much or more than be did He ha refused to cash the treasury warrant for the money till his soldiers are rewarded! There speaks the spirit of true brotherhood! You know now why Gomez's soldiers loved him. why they followed him cheerfully into the very Jaws of death: why they sang when they were huugry aud laughed at their wounds. They were led by man. Cuba has paid a great tribute to her general. He has paid a greater trl bote to the men behind the guns. Sax-e the last tulereulosis congress in Germany the Interest of physician aud bacteriologists has been largely centered in the rapid development of theories regarding the prevention and cure of consumption. The announce ment by lir. Koch that consumption is not an inherited disease, that it 1 communicable and p.eveutible. appears to be generally accepted by the medi cal fraternity. Beyond this there ap pears to be abundant ground for dis agreement. The most revolutionary theory regarding the origin of the dis ease is proclaimed by Professor Von Beliring. a noted German bacteriolo gist. Ho accep's the announcement of lr. Koch, that consumption is not an inherited disease, as a proved scientllic fact, but he challenges the correctness of his theories as to the cause and infectious character of the disease. He declares that consumption Is not in fectious in the ordinary sense, ami is not acquired by inhalation of germs in the air; that it is not communicated to adults from cattle through milk; that it is conveyed during infancy through mother's milk, and that about txi per cenL of persons over .'S'l years old have the germs In their bodies aud consume the germs dally. It is Pro fessor vou Iteliring's contention that the iufant stomach ha not the same power of iligesting the genus as the. stomach of an older person. In tht infantile body the bacilli find a favor able breeding place, and remain qules cent until the body stops growing when they take on new life. He cite the fact In support of his theory that in many families a few of the offspring have the disease, while one or twe escape and are healthy and strong lunged. The obvious deduction from Professor von Hehring's theory is thai consumption might be stamped out a no the chain of continuity broken by feed lng infants upon nothing but sterilized material. MODEL OF THE TABERNACLE. Bacred Kdlflce Reproduced in Minia ture in Minute Detail. The tabernacle erected In the wil dorness by Moses during the Journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to the Holy Laud has been repnsluecd In miniature snd in costly detail at Utrecht, Holland, In the biblical mu seum. It Is by far the most Interest ing sight in the museum. Raised about table-height above the level of the ground, the court of the tabernacle li no less than twenty feet long by about ten feet wide, and Is strewn with sand brought from the wilderness of Sinai where the actual tabernacle was first pitched, and Is surrounded by cur tains of fine linen made expressly foi the model from Egyptian flax. Sixty pillars of pure silver uphold the curtains. The altar of burnt offer Ing Is made of stone taken from on of tlie original walls of the Templt platform at Jerusalem and it Is filled within with earth brought froni th Haram area the site of the ancleui bmple of tlie Jews. The sevet branched candlestick, ark, Incense al tar, table of shewbread are made In pure gold and are veritable works of art. Two miniature tables of stone, made from a piece of granite rock of Mount Sinai, n which are engrave the ten commandments In minute He brew characters, may be found In tht ark. The model represents years of patient study vand work. The mos skilled artlfh'ers Lave been employe upon It and no expense has been spared In the attempt to render th smallest details accurately and wltb scrupulous precision. Mnuntaia of Alan In Chtaa. Ill CMna. about 12 miles from th village of Lion-Chck, there Is a tooun tain of alum, which, in addition to be ing a natural curiosity, is a sonree oi wealth for the Inhabitants of the conn try, who dig from it yearly tons atom. The mountain is not less thai 10 miles in circumference at lt baat and has a height of nearly 2,000 feel The a lam Is obtained by quarryini large blocks of stone, which are firs bested In great furnaces and then Ii ate filled with boiling water. Th' alum crystallizes and forms a la ye. about 6 Inches In thickness. This layei to subsequently broken up Into block! wMrhlng about 10 pounds each. In the Clonds. "What are you moving over to fai for" asked the young man paseengw on the air ship. "Well." answered the sweet young thing, "we're going to paaa through another dark cloud la a mlanta, ant jtm wrinkle my waist dreadfully ev cry time yon kiss me." Indlaaapotl. Tie oniou is a delicacy tf tue mon ey. The aersge Journey of a ton of reight is L tuik-s. There ere ." Americ u tourists I. Switzerland last summer. Keveu Kentucky feuds have result d in -si murders aud but two bang ngs. The paper bills of the United States rinting ottVe amount to $TIsJi,u0U a ear. The capital of the railroads is more han five times as great as that of ail lie banks. There are uearly G.iskmksi farms in he United States, the average size be ng 1-Ki acres. More than oue-third of the inmates if the F.lmira (X. V.) State's prison are (Veil educated. In the Santa Oara Valley. Califor nia, five square miles are devoted to the raising of onion seed. Within fifty years itussia has ac juired new territory which In urea is larger than the United States. A child of in years should eigli Si'.i Kunds, have a height of Til nclie and a chest measurement of 'ii 'iicbes. The European country in which there is the largest number of mar iages of men under the age of 21 is Itussia. The hottest place on earth Is Boh elm, on an Island ill the Persian Gulf, which bus a mean annual temperature f !! degrees. Fifty thousand German lot-makers pxiMtrt tI3.iKi.(ii worth of toys, of which the United States gets nearly 4,u,nio worth. The balnm-e of trade in our favor nearly equals, ami occasionally ex-cii-ds, that of all other favored na tions on the limp. I Hiring the middle nges gunpowder, clock, telescope, parchment, pnr. and the mariner's compass were in vented or adopted. In tlie interest of the increase in population, a Frenchman sii-g'-vts that mai-rii-d men and fathers - exempted from military duty. The statistic for Insnrnuce against sickness in Hungary show that 111" bu'iiber of insured Increased from kiTls:) to a'i7;i-)3 in it n. 1 lespondciiey is the chief cause of suicide, ami business louses are more IKiterit factors in driving Individuals to the commission of rai-h deed than ill health. Insanity, dlsap'.!:tinciit in love, or strong drink. Imports of wood Into Germany from the United States have more than trebled since lWsO, amounting In 1!K-U to more than J.-i.Ko'i.mhi. it consisted mostly of pitch pine. This wood is more resistant to the weather and costs much less than oak. It is used for making doors, windows, flsrs, etc while oak is used In the manu facture of the iiner grades of furni ture. An apparatus in use in Germany for the piirilicatinu of milk by ozoniza tiou is so constructed that the milk contained In a vessel Hows thence in a thin stream iulo another vessel placed below. The wires and carbon stint of a strong electric Imllery are so ar ranged Unit tlie light arc passes through the stream or near it. The ozone which Is thereby engendered from the oxygen of the air is said to le sufficient to kill all micro-organisms contained in the milk. In Tennessee on September 1 there were eighty-four "dry" counties and but twelve In which liquors could lie sold. In Arkansas seventy-live coun ties are "dry" and forty-three "tvet;" In Georgia the proportion is 13J to 103; in Mississippi, sixty-live to ten. In ten Southern States the voters have tlie opKnunity to cast their ballots against licensing the manufacture or sale of liquors, and in one South Car olina It Is a State monopoly. That the Kouih Is fast becoming prohibition ist Is attributed tu the suppression .f the negro vote. REFORM JN PRINTED PAGES. Soma Channel that Are Baacnested amd Objection to 'J heir Adoption. If a correspondent of tlie Sun Is right, the despised and buffeted spell ing reformers may weil hold up their liead hopefully. They may get a re icruit which will compel people to fol low their ideas, whether or no. Here tofore the trouble with even the sanest and tust moderate suggestions as to einiplirylng the spelilng of our knotty tongue has been that no man was con strained to accept them unless he felt like It, and that before the reformed spelling of the slnipllfyers could reach the eye It was at the mercy of com positors and proofreader. This corre spondent says that a inotlou is on foot to change the keyboard of the typeset ting machines In such a way that these machines, which set an increasingly Isrge proportion of the prlub-d matter every year, caunot return to the old style even at the command of the men who own them. The plan Is to drop the letters "q" tnd "x" from the keyboard- of the machines. Writers would then I? forced to spell words In which "q" ap pears with "cw", and those having an x" wltb "os." This sounds cweer, but Ibis ecaample should ecsplaln the tbange. For the two keys thus made variable the reformers would Invent two new letters. One of these would represent the sound of "ah," which It how Indicated by combtnatl ma of two pr fkfee letter to vsrVms ward. The fihif le ttr would stand for "th." The advantage of this would te the taring j f space la pr n ing. The sulst:tutluii of one lett'-r for two, and in words like i -'-on--i tee" f'sr three, would save, it calculated, alsiut tift.-eo hues in a ' ci-Iiimn. j Saving space La l-eouie a inatti r f ' the first importance in printing news , psjieis. and tewsaier selling moie i aud more controls public tit-age. Sin h ' change In the keyboard of type4 ! ting machines would, of course, tie p ! -owd by all the conservative for-e which now preserve the Inherited ajH-ll ini of English. But if there is a dem onstrated economy behind the change It may ultimately te brought about, The steel htgh building came in 1-c-js brick or sb ne walls thick enough to supis.rt a dozen stories took up so much valuable s ace In the loiter stories as to make sky-scmisr on that plan unprofitable. Two kj in a tyj e-s-estn- sre a smaller matter than that. It Is a 'ilile hur l, however, to see how i vou run Mil' a greu deal or fpsce ir. ! tlHs- two let ii r when lo gi1 tin-til JO'! wo-:l I have to use two letters for every "i" and "q" in the pn- nt slphah-i. If tlie change In the kcytmard is made, however, tin- whole country wou'd iidopt it. The tyranny of the typeset ters is llhcti.il-il by the disappi arum e of tlie ai-ceiitcd "e" in French word-. In Fr-i:ch "e" with an accent is viitual ly in 'oilier leit r. Tiiere is no roin on the keyboartL howeter. for these char.ict ts. and French naui-s are baliitu:il!y tpclhd in most A merlin n papers without thl giil ie io ijoniii.. ia; i-.ii, until m: s! r-sd ers come to tliink of them in this tin comet form. It is a iiiutilallnii. but thi-re is no praclical help for It. So if substitutes for "th" it ml '-h" tt'i adopted change which wind I I:ac been impossible at any earli r i-tage Iv tlie history of the language would ! forced into g' neral us.' In a few years If that were done simpler vpi-lllng re f' nns might be rxpected to follow in tlie general shaking up of the language thus mechanically compelled, time started ii on a crusade for savh'g space, the reformers could plow tlm. the tongue of Shakepear and Mi"i,r as tho a dynamo propeld their tiiot. Perh iii the ref nil tral'i miglit be br 't to a full i-tnp at th' bnkemnir. PokepRv or Skaticoke. Itrisikiyn i:ag'e. LOCO WEED LITTLE KNOWN. It Seem to Have Borne Peculiar In fluence t'p'in Animal anil .Mmi. A well-known chemist living la Gi-orge.owii, II. C, whose attention wa recently at ti acted to an article on the loco weed, gives some information rela live to a littl? known plant. "I hate had occasion to make some study of that botanical mystery, aud 1 find that the fact that human In-lugs as will as horsi s. become addict ml lo l,s ins dioi;s fas Inatl. lis has Is en gni iTaily overlooked. Some of the Mel cans brew It with their national bev nave, pulque. In somewhat tlie kiiiiv manner us herbs are combined with i-jiirits to make cordials, and a Mexico-i, tvlili a 'loco Jag' is a ereitme to com maud the right of way wit hunt a nio- miM's qui-stion. Wl.h fixed, daring eyes, nr.d muscles stimulated to aluior null activity, he runs nmuck rtiilerivoi Ing to destroy whatever may til;1iu. his way. To refer to a man ns "lo Is a di-ndly li snlt lu Spani-h-.!iieri a. tiTi-Iti ry. I lulleve the govei iitncTit Ir:;- given Mime uluntioli to the lo-o tviH-d but no definite coiiciuMiin as to it pr piiiies have Im-n reacni-d." A government teport ciintaliis the fol lowing observation on "loco:" ' loi o plants, or crazy weeds, er plants growing in the far Vi'esScTi States, the lating of which by horse and cattle Is b lieved to produce los of flivli. dlsordcrid vision, imirlum convulsive moveiiKnils. or r-tupop am' deatli. Much doubt hangs about lii' matter, but astragalus mollisslmns I believed to be the 'bico' of Katira while A. droiimmondll arid A. o:;j1r pus are the loco plants of C.donido. Si species of tiie HstiiiKalus, iucludin; those mentioned, have bisn i'-;amiii d ai:d not In one of them has any alU'i loid. rttrin or oMier active cheniieul st:l- dance Im-vii found. I'oKtmortctii exiim Unit Ion of a number of 'locoed sIim) has Jiown in each animal masses o; taenia expansa. and it has been mi.; e.stetl that this tap'tvorm ttas tin cause of the iKms. 'TbTe can be no d.mbt that do- njestic animal are destroyed hi th- West in very large (luantitiia from a ; affection which I known as "1 ico,' a: liundredK of thousands of diillars hate un spent In Irountlc by tlie State ol Colorado for tlie extirpation of ;iie sun- posed poisonous astragalus. " Babbled Over. When Esrl Kpencer wns lord lieuten ant vf Ireland the pple of Huhliii called ihe beautiful countess o:ic of ttit loveliest woinwi of ber time, "Spen ser's Kaerle Qncene." But when tbelr Mteelletich wen about to return to England Irish gal hi ii try wss ahown In a eharnoterlstl way. At the fare-well banquet In tiielr honor an Irish gentleman got up r.ud 'aid, with much fervor and many b hh: "We all hope soon to see you bnel agaln you and the work of art bj your side," Patriotic. "I ran let yon have thin set U.imd In morocco. If you prefer," said th book salesman. "No," said Mr. New rich. "I bdieve in pstronlrln' home in dustry. I'd rutbrr have Vtn tround right here In Philadelphia." Uapl:. Washington. An fiptimlst la a man who thinks hi nrlglilmra are almost as good s hhn self. A coestwlae stes-nxr la one that. knows bow to keen edr the recke. REALM OF KINO CORN. H aire with Millinae of Acre of Tata tro-Camivale Kelt. The corn plant grows In sbont awery state in the Union, and peopie lnoughout the country think they are 'amiliar with It; but to appreciate a tmt corn really means one should nake a tour through some of the .Vestr-m States where the fields may je miles rather than acres in extent, tin where the harvest of a farmer s cans nearer lott.Olaj than 1 000 busb Hs, ays tlie New York Tribune. It Is In this part of the country that one an as easily get lost In a cornfield as tie would In a forest, so vast are the Selds. In the "bottoms' of Kansas tnd Nebraska a man riding through a patch on horseback will often lie hid Jeu from view, as the tops of the plants extend slsve his bead. res-m-bling young tree's In their proixirtions. It Is no wonder that the people of many of the prairie States celebrate :he coming of "king com" as the "outlierner does the appearance of "king cotton." for some of these coru-uouwi-ulUis alone produce enough orn In a year to feed a nation. The orn patch of Iowa, which covers over i,i.i ( acres yearly, sometimes pro lures : U "M HI bushels. Nebraska Is mother X.Ui Slate, but Kansas, he Slate of the sunflower. tak' the cad with nearly $StfH) acres each ear devoted to this cereal. There are tiuntles In Kansas where one ran see iquare miles not acres planted cn urely with corn, where fields are so argc that standing at one end the tlsitor se-s the horizon unbroken by inylhing except a mam of jbiit-s rwaylng In the breer.e. It Is not strange that the corn liar vest Is made the occasion of fetes or 'arnlvals in some of the Western com munities. The Idea probably origi nated from the corn festival of the In llans, but the red man would never "cognize the old-time festival In the transformation which It has under gone. Weeks before harvest time preje rations are made. The prominent citizens of the town contribute to a fund for decoration, music snd usually tlie entertainment of townspeople and gui-st ut a banquet. The services of some leading orator ire secured and the governor is invited io attend with othiT notables. A spe--lal week Is set apart at a time when 'he fanners have finished gathering tlie grain and have leisure to attend. Tlie railroad companies nre Induced to offer special rates for transportation iind with others offer prizes for the 'jest diwigns and decorations. A pro gram Is arranged, consisting of proces sions, public meetings, concerts mid )ther attractions which will interest '.he townspeople and visitor. Gener illy a committee of leading citizens, headed by the mayor, take charge, and large sums of money are expend ed in arranging the carnival. Each resident vies with his tielghlsir ;n the decorations, and there Is shown what can be done with the grain In lonor of which the celebration Is held, fame of the designs are truly wonder ful. As single stalks can be procured .vhich are fifteen feet In height, an op mrt unity is offered to construct pa jimIiir, IsKtths and other ornamental luildings with walls and roofs of the plant The Rtnlks have such streng'h and lightness that they can lie easily made into representatives of castles, forts and historic structures. The leaves are worked Into an Inconceiva ble variety of designs. The women and girls make costumes out of the dusks, even to hats and bonnets. They ire woven Into parasols and umbrel las, while frequently the front of a building will be bidden by a covering if them, thirty or forty feet In length, with openings cut for the windows ind doors. Tlie manufacture of corn millnery mh become an art among the Western jvomen. At a carnival held In Atchi son the principal milliners of the town irodced somo wonderful creations of jeadgear entirely from the silk, husks ind tassels. Many of them were worn luring the carnival week by the belles if the place. England's Superior Natural Gas. The English natural gns has two ad vantages over the American.- In the leathfieid district near London ail the veils show a pressure of at least 120 tounds per square Inch, which is nough to carry the gas to any town n Kngland. The other advantage is hat, while American gas, when burnt n a fish-tail or Argand burner, has iractically no illuminating power, the ormer, when burnt under the same onditlons, cannot lie distinguished ave by an expert from the ordinary oal gas in common use. Ileathlield ns gives 20 per cent more light than os I gas under like conditions. New tiubatiinte for Itabber. Gutta-Jootalong is a new material vhlcb Is utilized as a substitute for jid In con. unction with India rubber. t Is a product of tbe East Indies, lilefly the Island of Borneo, and In he form In which It is Imported Is de- erlbed as "whitish In color, looking omethlng like manthmallow candy, mejimg strongly of petroleum and xldizlng on exposure to the air, bo oming hard." Its importation has in rensrd from fl.rVjO.Ofin pounds In 1M0 o 14,fn0,fX0 pounds In 1j8. . I'cuaiiy or Wealth. "Wealth haa lu penalties," Md tbe rite philosopher. Yes," answered Mr. Cnmrox. wealth Is what compels a man to eat ancy cooking the whole year round natead of having cakes hot from the riddle and home-made Vaahington gtar. Tbe average man wants otters te e hist as be eses MaseaM. TkrM Tears After. Eugene E. Lerio, of 751 T wenHefni venue, ticket seller In the Union Sta-j tion. trover, Colo., says: "You are a liberty to repeat what I first stated through our Heaver papers about Doan's Kidney Tills in the summer of IM!. for 1 bsve bad no reason In the In terim to change my opin ion of the remedy. I was subject to severe attacks of backache, slwsys sg grsvated if I sat long St s deck. Ioan's Kidney Pills slwolutely stopped my Irackacbe. 1 have never bad a pain or a twinge since. Foster-Mlibum Co.. Buf- fslo, N. Y. For sale by aU druggtote. rice SO cents per box. A Lawver's Poor Outlm!. "Ob res, I've tipened an office," said the rouig lawyer. You mar icmemiier that you saw me but ing an alatm dock the other day." Yr, replied bis friend. "Ton bve to get up taily these mornings ehV Ob.no. I use It to wake up when It's time to go home." Philadelphia Press. A Little Pievioua. "Well, nld tbe iocfir "how do you feel todav?" "Ob. doctor," replied the patient areaillr, "I am suffering tbe torments of the d.imned." "What I Alreadf?" Inquired the djctor pleasantly Chicago Pos. Wa ottar One Hun ire.1 DuiUm FUwant tot hit ".- of (Hurra tii&t raunot as cmed ttr ll.ur I aUurli i ui. K. J. CI' i:KY IVI . Props.. Tole.to. ()., We tlie umler trued hv kwran F J. h-ny for Ut 1 tnari. sjkI Is-lleve liliu pnrfi-tlf h'tn'irai'ln in sJI fiu.uiimi Inai liniu au.l nruts--l-.U. h-. la aury oul su ' ouii:s mada r lnnr rirm. Ailsi 1 Thi ii. Wholn-iX lnitU,TMwlo.O. Wauiiso. K mtAS ti Makvih, Wliuletai lirnylxl.s. Tolrt-io. O. I Usu i l alitxrli ( iirr laiten lmrrnsny. vsnt M'MK-lly iijion the lilonil mini 'iiih-'hjs nnar of uie ky-iaio. rrwa rw oiua. row or an rnr.'t"l'- Tw-ie""nlHl'. fr llsll't riaillj Pills rr tbt bdrt. Some men Imagine they're hang ing over a precipice, until they ge nervous prustiatton and then drop a f oi. Troainte and Million Itollsr Oraaa. The two greatest fodder plants oa esrth, onu good for 14 tons hoy sod the other HO tons green foikler per cr. Grow everj where, so does Victri Knle. yielding CJ.fMiO Ilia, sheep sod swine f'wid per sen. JI'ST SEND K)c IN STAMPS TOTTIH John A. SaUer Keed Co.. l- Cro, Wis., snd receive in return their hi catalogue aud lots of farm seed aunple. (C. N. U.I The mineral rrs urces of India have been great! developed daring tbe past ten yeais, and coal Is now found In paving quantities, lo all tbe pro visoes except Bombay, Xind and Msrore. The latest discoveries affect ing India have been lu Afgbanlg'an where some lame and ilcb nV?d await developcment- Most of tbe Indian coal Is of inferior quality, and In erticlcocy falls short of Kne lls!) coil by a full third, t but H sudors for all tbe needs of the cflun tty. and tbe railroads now get leu than one per cent of their foel horn sbioad. Because a man ein sit for fort seconds without talking at the rate of a steam whistle, a woman das an Idea that be Is brooding over blark thoughts. Nee Toik Press. "If we work upon marble. It il perish; If we work upon brum, time will efface It; If we rear t mplcs, they will crumble Into dut; but if we work u poo our mortal minds, If we Imbue them with principles, with the Just fear of God aud our fellow tueo, we engrave on those tablets something which will brighten tu aft eternity. "Daniel t-'ebsler. Errors cost time aud money. So do oiber things, but eateleaaoeas 1 reputation killer. GIVES "Gd. Food That Carrlca One Alnnc It's nice to know of food that not only tastes delicious but that cuts the snap and jo Into one and suppile stay. ing power for the day. A woman says: "I have ukei enough medicine lo my time to furnish a drug store, but in Jater aud wiser years I have taken none but have da. pended, for the huultb I now en lor. on suitable and sustaining food of which I keep on hand a tested variety, plain but nourishing. "Of these my main dependence Is Grape-Nuts, especially If 1 have before me a day of anusoal effort, either men tal or physical. Id this case I fortify myself tbe first thing In tbe morning wltb about four teaapoonfula of Grape Nats moistened with cream and not much else for breakfast and tbe amount of work I can then carry through successfully without fatigue or exhaustion la a wonder to those about me and even to myself. "Grspe-Nuta food la certainly a wen derful atreiigthener and la not a stirnn lant, for there is ne reaction after wards, but It kl snstalnlna aaal strengthening, as I neve proved be long experience." Name given by Postnm Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Ttaere-a a reason four leaarmsMfnia ef Gra De-Nats and rnam m aja more strength and earn ana . than n plateful ef eoarsa, heavy fang that la nearly an waste. Grape-New feed hi oondeaoad, pregsated anal s IMona. It eealaiae tbe parts ef the wneai ana Barter araJna that the rebuilding narta it Brass nerve Centers. U to eM natigi rer a r