Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 21, 1904, Image 1

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Harrison' Press' - Journal.
The Crawford dentist i Dr. Spinrilo.
A fresh barrsl of pur apple cider at
Lo wry.
Mrs. T. O.
Ibis week.
Williams in on the aick list
County assessor, 8. R. Story, is doing
business in town.
J. F Marsteller ii having a tunnel with
the LnQrippe this week.
Monday ws the dustiest day Htrrison
has Man for raaov year.
Osrar W. Story hommfi a reader of
the PlM with this iaua.
Z F Arlnm and John Mack ware up
from Bodarc last Rat it Hay.
J Mr. and Mrs. A. Erdman want to Lusk
Tuesday returning in the evening.
Re?. Daniels went to Chedmn Tuesday
night returning Wednesday morning.
j J . W. Fry wss up from Crawford this
weak and laft a years subscription with
j (Verar Wickershani sad Oeorge Brown
went to Omaha Monday night, '
nth two
art of cattle.
We lesrn thstVra, H. Zimmerman Is
qette sick Dr. Phinnev was called M m
day to prescribe for her.
Toee-fav's World tiers Id ssr the people
In New York are 'siting over from the
exl rrr n-M, The mercury registering
40o tv 'c r.efa.
H--v p-,r'. rama in on the
roii-'ttn. i Vednrsdny morning.
Psr'.', mi rrvthing is sll 0- K.
an the little cotton wnod.
Tske iRX'it're Hro o'Ontntne tablets. All
iroflM refund the money It If falls to
eare. r. W. Grore'e signature tsonesrh
baa. ate.
People holdint three star ribbon coffee
tickets please bring them in and have
them registered
Bourret it Davis.
Joe Krmralh made a pleasant rsll at
our bead quarters Tuesday. Fie had
been over on the Little Cottonwood He
te om of our indastrious ranchmen from
Montrose precinct.
We are in rrciept of a letter from W. Vn.
eying that they era having the worst
winter there that thev h-tfe had foryesrs
The St-s.mhoHts hsve ben tied lip for the
past month on account of the ice in the
rier, while we in northwest. Nebraska
are enjoying the finest kind of weather,
Law Rsvte Eseurslart Tlckete
Lincoln, Neb.,
Via the North Western L'na, will be
aold on January 16 to 21, inclusive,
limited to return until February 1, in
clusive, on account of Farmers' Instute
and various kindred meetine. Apply to
Ageatt Chicago tk North-western Ry.
MArr.i?.D Jack Kvsns and Mrs Mary
Beers, from near Luk, Wyoming, were
married yesterday, Judire Wilnermsdor
fer performing the ceremony. This is
the Judge's first official act in the
marriara 1 ine, hut we can safely say if
ha did hla work in il.tH line as well as he
nee it in bis c'her lina of work it will
Stand, for ha' usually guarantees his
Suceaee to the newly mamed couple.
Harrison can justly boait of one of the
flfteet Sunday schools in the northwest
Trie attendance on last Sunday was 1C0
and a fine spirit-tal interest shown by all
present, and aha may well feel proud of
har league and church work for it ta sec
end to none in the northwest. Rev. Dan
isle ia proviag himself an interesting
worker for the master, and tils sermons
are logical and interesting to both old and
young. Ba preached an inte -esiing ser
mon to a large audience last Sunday
waing from the text 'Gather up the
fragment that remsin, that nothing ha
avva Wa A Laftmlly Ouavllflest Cwuntv
This it a queation that ia being dis
cussed by soma f our citiaane.
Soma attorneys claim that the filing of
hki axpr.- 'atment is a prerequisite
to tha fil-rg: of his bond. We understand
Mr.-A-G I 'h-r wonld like to have a
ease like I bit. lut If tha sutue means
anything, and is not unconstitutional it
wotl'd ha liher hard on the present in
coaibent to find out whether it will hold
or not. 11000 00 ia the penalty, and tha
receipt of the'.fllce weuld be ome years
In reimbursing him for thia amount.
Tb proving of thia law is not Intended to
email Mr. Wilherradarfar. hut the ques
tion t, it io aaytbiaOMa it a
A ... ..J. .... M ...... . . - .....
Dr. Spindlo the Crawford dentist.
Excursion! Tickets Co Fremont Neb,
Via the North-Western Lin, will he
sold on January IS. 19 an1 20, limited to
return until January 22, inclnive, on ac
count of Nehraska Slat Volunteer Fire
man's Association Annual Convention
Apply to A units Chicag A North
Western R'y.
Church Dedication.
Dedication service were held at the
Preshvterian church of Mitchell last Sun
dv. January 10, the Rev, Robert M. L.
Branen or Mellevue, preaching the sermon
Mr. J. B. Burke. S. S. Missionary of the
Box Butte Presbytery, offered prayer,
sod 8. E. Paine read the Script urea.
All the services were ulersting and in
spiring. Our newly organised choir
added much to the strength of the ser
vic-ts. Rev. Bruden spoke in the evening
and also Mimdav evening. He not on I)
impressed us hv his three f rand sermon
but his personal pr-aenre and genera
optimism endeared him to all he met in
the town. Too much praise cannot he
given to the untiring self sacrilli-ing eff
orts of Mr. R ilph Ruisell snd Mr. Frank
Logan and Mr Burke. These three men
worked like hero to clear the debt on
I the i hutch. There is Mill something to
he dune, hut we see our way ns' of the
woods. As chiirrh we r encouraged
to press forwn.nl re'yingon the power if
our great ( sp'ain and Lord At the
same tima v. will look fur smpa'hv
support anil strength from the people of
ha tows of Xitumll anil vicinity,
Mitchell Index.
Bodarc Gleanings.
I Wa understand Thomas Doyle iaptlild
ing a new residence.
Henry Wertc was helping William
Miller with soma carpenter work last
J Misa Lillie Zimmerman went, to Jim
creek Saturday to spend a few weeks
withixr sister, Mrs. Dout.
j Annie Brown, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Frank I rrer, on Indian
creek, returned borne In-t Sunday.
11 Zimmerman and sons hsve finished
their nev" shed and re now engaged In
moving corral Is, and otherwise preparing
for bliziards.
J Saturday morninir while returning
from the dance at Mr.' ZWn's Mi- Katie
Srres bad the misfortune to break hr
K near the ankle by jumping from the
buggy in the mistaken idea that the
team was running away.
J Monday evening of I. ist week a few
friends of the family were invitid t5
spend a social evening at the home of
Mr. end Mrs. H. Znnmermnn. Supper
was served at 10 o'clock consisting of
oysters, cakes and ott er dainties, (o j
which all dii) ample justice. The evening
was hpent by the yaunger memlwrs -of
the party in singing snd by playing s
fes- quiet games, after which all return
ed home well pleased with the evening's
M. A. ('.
Charles Winlleld Mc 'lung n horn in
. 'edar ("ounty, Iowa, August 30,' 1801
While a child, he with his parents remov
ed to Tama City,Taaia'o.,lova, where
he grew to manhood, when be came
west, stopping at t'hadron, Nebraska for
a period of two years. In the fall of 1888
ha went intoConversa county, Wyoming
settling on a claim on Indian creek about
eight tiilea north of Kirtley Wyoming,
where ha lived (or several years. In the
spring of 1896 ha was united in marriage
to Misa Melissie lie in-1, the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Deuel,
who atili reside near Kirtley.
A boat eighteen months ago they with
their little family removed to Kingston,
Arkansas, where they were building up
a nice little home among the Oz rks,
when on December 20, 1903 at 11:20 o'
clock P M. at the age of 42 years, 8
months Hd 21 rtsys he was stricken b
death and called to that home not made
by haads.
Funeral per vice were held on Tuesday
Dec. 22, cenducted by "Oiandpa fJarlon,'
fatbt-r of O A Garion, a former reaidenl
of this county.
His remains were laid away just st
sunaet, about three miles south of his
home, at a place called Camp Ground.
I)ts3easd s as a memhtr of tha W. O
W, Lodge of Kirtley, Wyoming.
Besides the wife and three children, a
rviflther, on brother and one sister are
leftlnnomn his death. Tha mother
anr1 sister are living in St. Jnwh, Mo.,
ami tha brother in Mhm.d .'ity, Ia.. while
tha widow and children still reside at
Kingston, Arkanaaa. J
Tha PtS-t Joctkal egteorts ay m path-
lea to the Ureaved wife, ubildraa. and-
rtktiM of tha diciaaiir.
District Court. Rrgalar Tersjs. 1931.
la t:ir Aft talk Jadlrlal District
Sioux. March 21. jury 21 September 25,
jury 26.
Box Butte, April 13, jury 19 October
10, jury 11.
stars. April 11. jury 11 November 28,
jury 29.
Sheridan, March 28, jury i(9 November
14, jury 15.
Holt, March 21, jury 22 November 14,
jury 15.
Boyd. April 4, jury 5 September 19,
jury 20. 1
Rock, March 14, jury 14 October I,
jury a.
Brown, AitiI 18, jury 18 October 17,
jury 17.
Cherry. May 16, jurv 17 Decern tier 8,
jury 6.
Keya Paha, May 9, jury 9 September
12, jury 12
(V Mahu
e porters.
J. J Harhikqtov j
w. H- Wevrovra )
War Bonnet Topics.
R iv G trretson hauled a load of wood
io lo n Monday.
' Homer K-nm dy haul-d a load of wood
lo the lower 83 List week.
Joint Audxrson and his hounds were in
Ibis vicinity last week mikiug it liVrly
lor tile coyotes and Jack rabbits.
Q -oign if ioks it slaying at Mr. Jolin-
im u h al pfeHvut.
CJ Scott viaited al home over Sunday.
j George Gar rut son returned to Old
Woniiin after a aojuuro of a few da.) a ia
tins viomity:
1 Miss Liliie Z mmerman visited a fa
days witu her Bistvr and family, Mrs. Len
IXiut, the fore pari, cf the week.
Wilbur Sheptierd made a trip to E Iga
moot last week.
W Frank Zrbt is stopping with his
mother at present.
Dan Slatlery is working at the Garret
son a.iw mill at preaent.
Mi-s Alice Slatlery is a victim of tb
grip this week.
v Unorge V alker and Joe Urmim gave
us a call bund.iy.
Jack Finlay saw and chased two large
gray wolves on Urn d. vide last week but
failed to capture them.
I imagined lnl week I could see the
iiKHpMiiutd looks on the faces of lb
readers of the Press as they scna-d the
par for Peggv news; some of them for
nere curiousity, some for the puqioseof
crilicising and some brcause they really
Mauled to hear the news. So I will try
njl to disappoint again.
I understand S S- is still in prcgi-ess.
although I have failed to attend for
several Sundas a. I am glad they still
pon, though the attendance be small.
They will In better by and by. 8. S.
next Sunday as usual al 2 P. M . come
one and all.
J Hunter Happenings,
- Rather windy, but pleasant weather
for winter.
Bel Arc-hard was a Harrison visitor
Loran Lewis came over from the aw
mill Saturday, returning Sunday.
Deltstrt Rice took u load of coal over
to Agate Monday.
Mr. J. H. Cook went to Crawford Tues
day evening.
Mr. I, Wycart and family went up the
road Monday.
Mr. Jonas and Mr.
Hagerman and ,
family were over from the aaw null,
going hack Monday.
j Tom Plunkett attended a surprise party
at Frank Lewis's last Saturday evening.
Ha visited at East Hunter, returning to
hu- home al War nnnel Sunday.
j A number of our people attended a
dance at Mr. Wycart'n last Friday night.
They danced nil night and some of them
went to tht aurprisa party Saturday
We have a large number of people on
. . I. I. a -A-: 1 ' !.....
..res.csi.M .nr. wera.- nr..- rmw,
sirs, i ririhienh!!, sirs, nice una air.
I A surprise party was given at Frank A word to the win is sufficient, liou't
Lewis's Is st Saturday evening. A buggy vt tha grass f rrw under your ah, toot
load of young folks from Harrison were v wootsiea, but go right in, and go in to
ware lute on account of having a break 1
down, They la)ed several games and
had sun-rafter elevw o'clock. They I
played fxnie mora games- and dfja,rtd
rortrreirhonHB about twelve o'clock. !
All that were preaent had a floe time and:
hops to meet again m tha near future.
. The head n porter is rkk ard tbe poor
lit t la devil haa to-ha chief cook aod
batlvaabar waall aaax,-raporter.
V jVOw
Will be given Jan 22nd at tha opera
nous nere in Harrison, fcverv one ia
invited to attend and liava a good time.
Everything first clasa. Manager.
R. C. Dunk.
The school board has been making
aomi changes in the scliool this week
which will facilitate matters very much
in the intermediate grades. This room
has been over taxed lor Mini time, and
tha board after a careful view of the ail
uation concluded to put tha fourth grade
iyfthe primary room which they did on
Monday. This room having in attend
ance of about 20. The primary teacher
raised some objections to this for tha rea
aod that she could not do the same a
mountof work for the oiimary grades
thai -he had bean doing, and therefore
would make a bad showing in the work
that alia at first contrae'ed to do. We like
that spirit in whi.-h a person likes to make
a showing instead cf going through the
work with nothing in view, but to put in
the lima. After careful thought we feel
tlrnl the board did the wiaa. and oaly
thing in making thin change, and wa feel
that every conscientious patron of the
school will ay was the only, and proper
thing to do, Tha board represents the
people, and i f extra work is added we
are sure tha patrons will make the proper
allowance. We are glad to say that Miss
Tupper has given excellent satisfaction
for the time slie has tiught, and we feel
safe in saving that tha remainder of her
work will h a good. Wa have child
ren in all the rwine, and if there is to be
any time tak-n from any of them we
wan't it taken from the younger ones
for the older oees time in thr schoolroom
is abort at th in st. We Ihiy-i had one
break in our sell iol this winter, but we
hope t.olhing else will interfere the re
fiiiiinrier of the term, lh t will ciuse a
detraction from the work. We had lh
pleasure of visiting the pri mary room
Ibis week, ail.l found the w irk goin v
long nicely with a gaod interest from
teacher ami pupi Is.
Tbe Emrrgrncy Which Marriage
Cauaas In the l abile Scboels.
From the Chicago R'rd Herald.
The attention of those doleful peas
mists who cl-iiiM that society is going to
the bow -wows because there are so few
marriages is call- d to the efforts of the
stato of Nebraska to suppress an epidemic
of matrimony among tbe laclier iu Ihe
public achoola.
Never were teachers so scarce and never
werematTiagesso numerous among them
as in Nebraska, Singularh enough, the
young men of Nebraska have suddenly
ilecidrd to lie satisfied with nothing but
school mn'amM for wives and thev are rle
termi ned to have them for ( hristnias
gifts. They are not willing to wail until
tha teachers' con'ray-ts with school boards
have expired, Tliey regard the connubi
al contract as much more ioiprtanl nl
more binding '.ban contracts wit I, school
authorities. And the interesting feature
of the situation which c on pin-ales the
trouble for the school trustees is the fact
that the sceool ma'ams are io happy ac
cord with them and take anxious swains
upon these propositions. The situation
has grow n so desperate that the attorney
general has been urged to start injunct
ion or mandamus proceedings to enforce
teachers' contracts. Teachers will be en
j lined from getting marrieu until the end
if the school term, which comes ir May
or Juaa accord ing to the locality.
It is the state court against the court
of Hymen. It will ba interesting to see
which comes nut on top. In tbe mean
time tha education of tha youth of Nebr.
is in tha balance. The occasion ia op
port una for congratulating the stale up
on tbeaa manifold evidences of prosperity
(l .rate-of the plight of the school and for
congratulating tha young men upon
their good j adgment and pluck in nmk
ing aecramble for tha achooima'ama.
Nat far Man aa Head-
Now, dear girls, we waat to say a faw
words in confidence tn you. Don't for
I ha world let anyone else hear, and in
any rasa don'l let any of those horrid
men know about It, else they might try
to make a joke of it. Hush, please.
Thia is Lean Tear. Moreover it ia tha
flnt , , , , , g
((,r 1W) WMW) Mi Eight years is a
j long time to wait, and it will be 4 ars
n.i'ie till tha next leap year. Verb Sap.
Our young man of today are very bold
in some wavs but th- hesitate to tske
the cold plunge into matriniroy. The
ongr IImt nrc atlowext to dv-ll on the
idea tha mora thev are apt .tnahirat it.
a quick and unexpected .rush ia what
they need. They will sputter and splash
for just an instant but they will soon
gat head above water and vow to the
other hesitating chape on tha baafc lhart-1
"It'tfaa mMlkS"
Our young men can't stand being j k-i
ed aUrut, The professioaal funny men
of the newspapers and the alleged
comedians of the theatrical stage have
ridi.-uled the married man in season and
out until it takee a supreme nerve fori
any young fellow to think for a moment
seriously of getting in irried. Many are ; Lumber, lath, Basil, dOOT,
aL-lualhledtoOelovetll.it mu'riage isliv , j , ., ,.
a ..ilure. and thev haven't enough confl-. lime Cemt and building ;
dence in themselves to undertake to!
dir-prove that absurd proposition. They
nee-1 just that liltle encouragemeat from
outside which leap year baneflueutly
providaa for.
Like Benedick in "Much Ado," a man
may be a very hero of physical encoun
ter, a professed woman hater and sworn
bachelor, and yet prove to be very vul
nerable to the arrows of love, provided
his tender spot ba touched. And, once
bit, he will surrender grace! uly; I ho
scales will fall from his eyes and he will
see his former self as a thoughtless brute
whose forced bravado lacked tha one
chief quality of heart.
There is nothing unwomanly in meet
ing your fate half way. Beatrice was
one of Shakespeare'a strongest women,
yet she did not make Benedick do ail the
courting; she would have been less a
woman if she had, and she would have
lost Benedick into tbe bargain. Of
course the world will have its gibes at
su-'h keen lovers, as they did at Benedick
and Beatrice; but the lovers have the
last laugh.
Seriously, it is a woman's prerogative
to pick out her husband. Why should
women insist on invariably lieing courted?
A girl need not be a (lot in order to have
it understood, in a sort of wireless way,
that she has a desirable heart, with all
modern i i.provemenls, unoccupied, and
to be hud by a satisfactory permanent
tenant. She an take her pick of appli
cants, and if she is particular as she
certainly should la- she can lay the
rules down to him.
A bad tenant is worse than none how
ever, and the most satisfactory tenants
are only to be had hv going after them.
Of course a heart that has been let to a
succession of careless tenants gets a b id
reputation and cannot command first
class patronage; hnce the importance of '
siaking snrethal your tenant is sincere,
orderly and honest, and that he does not
istend to forsake you for otaer lodgings
as soon us he har txhaiisled his credit
wiih you.
Don't make the fatal mistake of taking
in a bad tenant, out of pity, in the expec
tation of reforming him. This has failed
a thousand times where it has succeeded
once. Do your part in maintaining re
spectability at par, by refusing to accept
the baser coin.
Yes, it is leap year, and we hope that
no young woman who feels a vacancy in
her heart will let this opportunity slip
by. Of course there are those who for
onereasonoranotherchoo.se to remain
unattached. Too many do this because
they cannot light on a man who is good
enough for them. This is a mistaken
view; the man exists, and it rests with
them to And him. Marriage is a success
and alwavs will he. Our whole civilis
ation is premised on it, snd with rare
exceptions human beings should seek it.
Verb Sap.
ComnNsioNEHit Procexdino.
Harrison Nebr. January 13, 1904.
Birara1 of commissioners met us per ad
journment. Present Bigelow, Jordan,
Cullers, and Pontius Clerk.
On motion the clerk was instructed to
formulate and forward to the auditor of
Sic County Iowa the expenaea incur
red during the sickness, and death of Ola
Olsen a pauper, and a subjact of that
county and state.
The amount of bill, nd claim made for
$208 85 On motion tha Press Journal
was declared tha official paper of tha
county for 3 ear 1904.
On motion board resumed checking ac
counts of county treasurer.
On motion board adjourned until Jan
uary 14th.
E. F. Pontius
Harrison Neb January 14th. 1904.
Board of comniisHonerw niel as per ad.
joiirnment. Present Bigelow, Jordan,
t ullers, and Pontius clerk.
On motion board resumed checking' ac
counts in treasurers office.
On motion Board adjourned at 5 P. M.
to Jaauary 19lh.
B- F. Pontius
Harrison Neb. Jan. 15th. 1904.
Board niel as per adjournment Present
Bigelow, Jordan, Culh-rs, and Pontius
cink On n niini beard rvrumed 1 lock
ing accounts in treasurers nfflca.
E F. Ponliua
Harrison Neb. January 16th. 1104
Board met as par adjournment Pre sent
Bigelow , Jordan, CuMara, and P mliua
On motion reeumed checking aocounte
j We have our building completed aaw
and have a new supply of good, and wil
them right.
material of all kinds
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and ,
Range goods.
Flour Feed, and Grain.
Punt, Oils & etc.
I am igent for the Wood
manse wind-mill. Have a
supply of pump fitting on
hand. Come in and get ray
prices whether you buy or
Physician Surgeon.
Andrews B.jock.
Board By Day or Week.
W. R- WnTGITT.'PRop.r
tVallroad between Missouri River and
Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis
Direct Line to Black Hills.
Apply to nearest a.gent for rates, map
w.nd time cexrda.
! sJb Mil
West Bound. E vsl Botiad.
Morning. Evening.
No. 13, Due 9:11 No. 14, Due , :t
No. 88, lo. frt. 9:35 No. S4 loc. frt. 1:4
Both train carry passengers.
On motion board adjourned to Jan. ISth.
E F. Ponliua.
Clerk, Harrison Neb. January 18th. 1904.
Board met as per adjournment Present
Bigelow, Jordan, Cullers, and Pontiua
clerk. On motion board resumed check ing
accounts in treasurers office. Oa
motion board adjourned to Jan. 19th.
E.T. Pontiue-
Defy Newspaper.-., ,
Tha dally tewapapara of the OahV
ad States usa In a year $ . 13T.U0 :
worth of paper; lu weight aaurlr ltt,
00. COO pounds.
Ta Rebuild Can panlla.
It win take flv years to rebuild tba
barnpanll of Venlen. The raw twwaf
will probably have aa elevator.
Average Aga of Senator. -The
average age cf atmatora la M
,tht are 1e tbaa ii.
Mr. ..tcVt Private Detective. .
4 A good story on one of the White
Houie dlnneri Is told by Crump, whe -waa
steward during the Hayes regime.
In January. 1S80, Mr. and Mrs. WUIlai
I Waldorf A 'tor were guests at tbe
resident's board. D 'ring tbe dinner
Cramp happened to discover a strange),
man wandering about tbe aaartmeata.
When aeeosted, this man eiplalnetj
that he was a private detective aire
to watch Mr. As tor's dtamanda. Wietj
ordered out, ha explained that It wat
tbe first tint he hod lost tight at Mt.
Attar, whfl s dttV.. ta idtt yaty
e -
.1 "
w...it .uVm. A -'. ' -Ae 4' 1