Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 14, 1904, Image 3

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l-i-t'jit among ilie eli-i-t few. geu-
tally t-utuu:j.-in- boy Hint kni
frtkii water a'iui iuuiH and iep!-ui!-u
tlu-m from (Kiiubt mid lrt, few pcu
l'lu Utbcr Mt? i.r know unicli alioiit
water li.n ft; H 'The X'uturallxl on
Hit- ') h U.-" thtil Ulill .f Un-M-
M.le iiciturtrt aie pi-ili,!!. laiiei
i(iii,. 1 for i ij. uuiiterii.g a I lu-i-ljaim-ji
if Kixliin4' tliuii any i.tiiei.
Tin y can s im, ilive am run below
water, Ihe on dry land or fly in the
air. ii ml tunny art so hardy uh to be
aim. t prwf against nv degree of
I Uh iii'tikity of many of the water
inr--i-l. is jistonl!iitig. ilesiil keeping
lu almost lu-ejiiiit motion, tlios
HiilcJi hpeml most of tlnlr t iuu- In-low
wuler 1im tut ally to Come Ui con
Mantly to l r atlie. Kucu are the watir
tines. witiT xinr)ion, au1 stick in
k.vU, uhli-li, ulUiiugh slender m
ruslM-s iiinl with limbs liUe lmii. can
alcli and kill the fry of the xma ler
lislies. Most of tin-tie lire like human
I. v-r, who have to r I I.- themselves
wkli air to breathe, uti-l work at double
M" d in uililitl ti.
If a gnuip of wliiiling beetles is dis
turbed, the whole party will dive like
dub chicks, rising to the surface at-'Hin
wlien they fei-1 the need for hreHtliin;:
The ilii iiighcll Miidefk (.'Mther air to
line Jut us u sulilh-r might draw WHtet
innl d!hKis it aliout his pernou In
water le ttlits. The tail of the spider 1.
oveiel with black velvety hairs. Put
ting lis tall out of the water it col
1'ftf much air ill the Interstices of tin
velvet. It then di-si-eiids. when all
this air. drawn beneath the surface,
ciilie-ts lu;u a single bubble, i-overinc
Its tall innl breathing holes like a coal
of quicksilver. This supply thespl hl
usi-s up when at work below, until H
dwindle to a single spe: k. win n ll
once more ascends and collects a fiod
l re.
The writer Iris to-cii one of tlet
plders niin mi many webs across thf
Luis of watir plants in a limbed
Hpai-e that nil only l he small water
shrimps and larvae, but even a yoiiiifi
tn-.li were entangled. The oilier ami
more artMh- menus of gatli-rg.g h
employed by
hiihl.l- mi
hi low Willi i'
1im'1 Into a
the spider Is lo catcli
the surface and Mvin.
The bulible is tlien re
bell woven under now
plant, Into which many oilier biibbl i
have been drawn. In this II vIiikIx-1.
the eggs are l.iM and the jouiik hatch
.-d under the eoiistaut watch of tin
old spider.
Doinestic Traitedy.
The younger man had Ix-en coin
plaining that tie could not Bet his wife
to mend his clothes. "I asked her t
sew a button on this vest last night
and he hasn't touched It," he said. Ai
this, says the New York Press, tin
older man assumed the air of a patrl
"Never ask a woman to mend any
thing." he said.
"What would you have me do?'
.isked the other.
"Simply do as I !." was the assuret
reply. 1 You haven't been married verj
iohjj. ami I think I can give you soini
crvlceiible sut;esllotis. When I wan
:t shirt mended I lake it to my wife
flourish it round a liltle and say
"WiuTe's thai ran biifc-';'
" 'What do you wunt of the ra iihu't
jsks my wife, ller suspicions an
roused at once.
"'I want to throw tills shirt away
it'll wo i ii out,' I say. with a few mon
' 'Let me see that shirt.' my wifi
aya then. 'Now, John, hand it to nn
at once.'
"(f course I pass It over, and ahe ex
amines it. "Why, John Taylor,' ahe li
mire to say, 'I never knew such eitrav
aeance! This Is a perfectly ifood shirt
All It needs Is ' And then alio mmid,
Human Nature.
T he oeeupuntH of a motor car wen
riding tlirouRli a apnm-ly aetfled couu
try wliini they becamn Tory thirsty
Noticing a little farmhouse, thej
stoirpeil and were pleasantly receive!
and given all the cold spring wat
they wanteiL The farmer wna ver;
polite to the st rangers, and asked then
If they would like to look about hli
little eslate, and, according to the Chi
cago Record Herald, they were plcasci
to do so.
Among other InterestitiK things h.
Hhowcd them a tremetidotm point,
patch. Over this field he slionk lit
head gravely. He snld that nil the po
tatoes hud been niituil by a parasite
One of the party sympathized with th
old farmer, and said:
"I am ho;t' to see such a flue fieli
of potatoes spoiled."
"Yes," said Ilie farmer, "I have mil,
one comfort."
"What Is that?" Iwviired the vlsltoi
"Well, Thompson's Held, east tlier
and Shannon', on the south, are a
bad as. If not worse than, mine."
TaklnK I- "ut on tho Family.
Mrs. Ferguson (Juorge, what parti
ular failing of youra did the preacho
toiiili on In his sermon thla morning?
Mr. Kergusoti What do you nk m
ihut nuestion for?
Mrs. 1'ei'rfiisiili Hei-iiiise you hav
been as cross as n bear ever since yo
c.nie home from church, St. a)i
Also Mutches for the Hervanls.
"Yes. inn'iim," said the obseiulou
grocery clerk lo Mrs. Hrldey, who wa
onliTlltg Iter Urst bill of auipIliH, "I'v
put ilow ii parlor matches; what next?
"Wei it I kuppoae 1 ought to hav
some klli-heu inatche, too, ougUto'
U" Dutrolt t'n-e FTi'st,
tilaa Aailsiu lo Kul Mratral, Bat
Ktpuetm la H Orawa lata
tha Trubl-at. Prtara
arg Mat Wwrrylag
T(JKK), Jan. 3 War with Uussla
s regarded hete as una oidabJe, and
be prrts is urgiug tue Immediate'
ipeolng of bostill ties.
All - . L t. . . 1 . 1 1 lit I
aii ui iuc iiauss aie wiiutiuiuiiigi
uuds and it is believed this Is tbo
t-sult of official Instructions. 1
Tne government has completed and.
perfected arraiiuietits for the tran-'
iportatioo of troops and supplies and
:he people calmly await develope-,
The continued dissemination of
tptiiulstio views from Berlin causes
tnulue surprise and regret here.
PEKING, Jan. :i In the various
urtiga legations heie the opinion Is
irevaleDt that war between Japan
ind KusiU U itievltabie. This oplo
on Is Imsbo on the latest dispatclns
troni Toklo and on tin: cncvlctioo
hat It Is not a question of detail,
which separates Ku.vi,i and Japan,
3 it the vital principle as to whether
lapan pussL-tsi'S tile light lo voice
lo the settlement Of gutstious con
nected with the Russian occupation
of MauenuuH Kussia aii aioug lias
denied this tight, and unless her re
)ly shos that she has receded from
ibis position, which Is ritt expected)
to he the case, it probably will pro
okc au ultimatum from Japju,
whose deterniinalicu to res i t to arms
In support of her claim is unques
tioned. Advices from Manchuria represent
the llusslan otliclals theie as being
surprised at Japan's readiness to
tight. They expected that she would
lulimlt at the last moment, as she
did In h;i,), when she surrendered
Pott Arthur at the bidding of the
Luropean coalition. The Russian
oflli'lals rely for suppo't on the stiuo
powers which aided the Russian gov
ernment on that occasion. Moieover,
the Russians have confluence In their
ability to win lo the event of war.
Among the junior ottlcers this feeling
takes the form of despising the
General Yuan Shut Kal, coiuiuaud
er in chief of tho Chinese army and
navy, has meruoralized the throne,
praying to be rjlleved of all his minor
oftlces that he may devote all bis
energies to the organization of tho
While the government is determin
ed to remain neulial as long as
possible, it is fully recognizes the
possibilities of becoming involved lo
the event of war.
ST, rETEUSHURO, Jan. 3.--D1
plouiattc circles conrJdeotly expect
that the Russian answer to the Ja
panese proposals will be handed to
the Japanese foreign office by liaroo
de ROjcii, Russian ambassador ta
Japan, within a very few days, and
do not expect grave results. I
Caae Will Open flonday.
OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 4. Monday
morning the trial of Uulied Statei
Senator Cha leg H. Dietrich will be
gin In the federal court. Senator
Dietrich has been Indicted on three
different counts, for tl:e alleged vloli
Uoo of section 1871 of the revised
statutes; alleged conspiracy with
Postmaster Fisher of Hastings ta
violate section 1871, aod for the alleg
ed Illegal leasing of buildings and.
receiving beoeflts the re-from while a
member of the United States congress
Tbe two former indictments at
named as tbe ones to cone to trial
Urst, aod indications polat to a legal
battle as to which of tbe two will
Urst be tried. Senator Dletrlcb'i
couosel, General Govt In, has alread;
stated to the court that be will at
tack tbe validity and sufficiency ol
tbe conspiracy count and this motion,
when presented, no doubt, will recetva
extraoidinury attention.
KiVulutlon In INugmy.
DUNEOS AYERS, Jan. 3,-A dis
patch from Montevideo says that a
levnlul on lias broken out In the de
partment of Malitonano, and that a
state of siege bus been picclalmel
thioughout the entire lepuullc of
An associated press dispatch from
Montevideo January 2, said that Uru
guay wa much disturbed and that a
combined movement of the Id.mco
party was feared. The dispatch furth
er stated that a revolution hud broken
out If the department of Florida, and
tout tbe government was sending
forces and ammunition t'j tbe disturb
ed district.
Caught In Revolving Shaft.
Deadwood, S. !., Jan, 4 Andrew
II. Swanson met a violent death at
tbe Hidden Fortune mill by getting
caught In tbe rapidly revolving mala
haft. He was whirled agaln.t tbe
timbers, bis brains dashed out, his
tight leg and arm torn off, nearly
every bone broken, and the body
eviscerated. ' It was sme minutes
before tho accident was discovered,
oo one being near at the tlm Swan
too wis ft Norwegian and unmarried
Nebraska notes
Tbe Bremen's fair ut tbe Auditor-
turn at Beatrice bas dosed after a
lucceaaful week.
Tbe bank of Germaotown at Ger
mautown bis been purchased by Ed.
Hall or Elkborn.
'early all tbe merchants of Neb
raska City nave signed an agreement
to close st 6: iO p. in.
Marie Josephine Dietscb and Dan
Rupert Fletcher of Omaha were mar
ried at Plattsmoutb.
Seyer Seyerson and Miss Tracey
Lang were married at tbe bride's
Dome near Calaway.
Mrs. Emma Hill of Nebraska City,
aldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
L Nlckolson, Is dead.
E. W. Sbiw, an old resident of
Hastings, dropped dead of apoplexy
wb.ll repairing a sidewalk.
Miller McCllntock of Newman's
Grove fell twenty feet from a tele
phone pole and btoke both arms.
Mllford Keeue, a 1.1-year-old boy of
Hastings has beeu sent to the re
form school for stealing a pair of
A mad dog bit several head of bogs
for farmers two weeks ago. Ooe bog
exhibited symptons of tbe rabies and
was killed.
Charles M. Anderson of Lincoln
sod Mii Daisy Frees of Nebiasra
City were married at the residence
of tbe lalter's parents.
A large number of Implement deal
ers are attending tbe meeting of tbe
So'Jth Platte Implement Dealers as
sociation at Lincoln.
The fureral o? David McWilliams
of NeLiaska City, who taue to this
state lu 1&2, was held at his home
in Delaware precinct.
Miss Stella Leigh, of iieatrice is In
a precarious condition, sulfering from
a concussion of the brain caused by
falling on the Ice while skating.
J. L. Wheeler has been appointed
county coiuoilsloner at Peuder to
till out the unexpired term of Com
missioner llcnsley.
liezekiah Homey, aged 77 years,
died at the residence of his son, M
M Horuey, at Beatrice. A wifeaDd
family of grown children survive
Thieves entereo the saloon of
William Heroer at Norfolk aod
secured 15 In nickels from tbe cash
diawer. The Northwestern depot
was also looted of 11. 95.
Hsrry Mead Garrett of Beatrice
was married to Miss Ethel Johnson
at tbe bride's borne in Denver. Mr.
and Mrs. Garreett will make their
borne In Beatrice.
Jack OtMs was takeo to Kearney
from Elm Creek, charged witn for
gery. He got two pay checks fur
companions, endorsed their names
and had them cashed. He confessed.
David McVV'illtams, an old resident,
died at bis home near Dunbar at the
age of 75 years. He had lived on his
farm Dear Dunbar for thirty-eight
year?. H leaves a family of twelve
grown children.
James H. Burk, chief clerk of the
Burlington freight office at Lincoln,
bas severed bis connection with that
department and Is now local freight
agent at Dead wood, South Dakota.
George Vascald; who bas been
missing from Fremont since July 3,
has been locited at Caitbage, S. D.
He professes great surprise that any
one should be alarmed at bis disap
pearance. Postmaster Phillips of Exeter has
received word that Exeter has bee .
Included in tb towns of Nebraska
to receive tbe "emergency warnings"
of tbe weather bureau.
Tbe boarding house of Mis. Gor
don at Fremont was considerably
damageiThy a fire wblcb started from
candle Igniting tbe trimmings on
a Christ as tree.
Oood Nftws fVom Mlanraota.
Laknld, Minn., Jan. 4. Mr. Will
Um K. Gentry of this place la one of
the best known and most highly re
apected men In Jackson County. For
4S years he has mitTered with Kidney
Trouble and now at 77 years of age he
ha found a complete cure and Is well.
His cure Is remarkable tvecause of
the length of time ho had been suffer
ing. Cases of 40 years' standing might
lie considered Incurable, but the reme
dy that cured Mr. Gentry seems tc
know no limit to Its curative power.
'Mr. Gentry any:
"I have suffered with misery In my
back for about 45 year and had all
ik imiililMnmn avnintnms of Kldnev
and Urinary disease. I tried various
kinds of remedies, but all to no effect
until 1 tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. Now
I have no pain In my back and feel
quite well In every way.
"I ara 77 year of nge and I feel
better than I have for fhe last 40
yearn. I attribute It all to Dodd's Kid
ney Pills."
Roy Mason of Long Pine was seri
ously In red by tbe accidental dis
cbarge of a gun. He was on tbe
Inside cf the house when a gun In
the bands of a companion outside
the door was discharged and the
charge together wltb a piece of tbe
door, passed Into tbe lad's knee.
Msrttn Enrigbt, the laborer whi
Tell under tbe Union Pad Be train at
Fremont, bad both legs amputated.
One was taken off at tbe knee and
kba other at tbe ankle.
SallB( Mada Thai Far All Ag-aia
IltalrKrt lmPT, U'ha fclarta
oa Ktibry t'aaa tTader
a Haudlrap.
OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 5. Senator
Dii'leh scored the first decisive
ound yesterday in his battle with
ihe United Slates District attorney.
The Indictment again t bito for al
leged conspiracy leading to the
reputed sale of the Hastings u'Stoftice
;o Postmaster Fislier was jshed by
the circuit court, composed ..f Judges
IV. II. Munger of this district and
iVillis Van Deventer of Chyenne,
the latter acticg as spoksman and
presiding, rather than consulting
Judge. Under the ruling It would
seem impossible to draw a valid in
dictment for conspiracy iu any offense
I lie commission ol which requires
preliminary agreement.
Not only was this indictment quash
;d doing away the conspiracy charges
rompletelf against both Dietrich and
Fislier, but the indictment against
the senator for entering into a con
Ci&ct f r a least? of the liar-tings post
Litllce building to the government is
left hanging lo the air, and In regard
to the one indictment remaining con
cerning the alleged Hastings post
ottlce tratlicklng, the goveromeut was
put In the attitude of begging for
home embarrassment is alo caused
the government, counsel by tbe seem
ing dctei initiation of the court to
hold It t the trial of the Dietrich
hrlbeiy barge prior lo that of the
simllai charge again-t Postmaster
Fisher. It was the desire of Mr.
riuiiim when It became plain that
lie wa i be requited to try the brib
ery cases because of the failure of the
"orispiraey charges, to put the post
master on the spit lirst, probably be
cause he could mass I he evidence in
both biiuety cases against the post
master, the lesser light, , but this
privilege was deuied him when it
was discovered that the postmaster
had never been arralgued on that
charge and the case was consequent
ly hot sot down lor tiial.
The court room was crowded when
the trial opended. Within the railed
enclosure were many of the leading
attorneys of Omaha, more especially
such as have been active in politics.
Eachchai' vas occupied, Including
those set ap .rt for the jury, aod even
the small 'ablet were occupied by
rows of sitters.
President Discusses Panama.
In the course of Ills message Presi
dent Roosevelt says the fact is
brought in. me that if a canal Is built
toconnect the Atlantic and Pacilic
oceans the United Mates Is the only
country that can build it. The act
of coogress providing lor the watber
way, he maintains, favors tbe Pana
ma route with Nicaragua secondary
at least If not a last resort. He
presents a mass of documentary evi
dence bearing on the revolution
going to prove that this government
in no way Instigated it but acted a
part of defender of life and property
and carried out Its treaty pledge to
the world to preserve ftee transit
pcross the Isthmus. Colombia the
president says brought about tbe ris
ing by ber own bad faltb toward the
United States and disregard of tba
pleas of the seceding province of Pana
ma. Finally says the president to
congress the question resolves itself
into the plain proposition: Shall the
new treaty with Panama be ratified;
stall the cinal be built.'1'
Iowa's Capitol Scorched.
DES MOINES, la., Jan. 5.-Fire
gutted the notthwest wing of the
slate capitol yesterday with an appro
ximate loss of half a million.
The chamber of the house of repre
sentatives Is & charred mass of ruined
debris and cannot be. tixed up in time
for the approaching session of the
The Uro gained great headway be
fore H was checked, starting about
10 o'clock, and at noon it was
thought tho entire building was
doomed, and Governor Cummins or
dered the contents of all the oftlces
removed, however, it was linally
con lined lo the wing of tbe capitol in
which it originated and by 0 o'clock
was practically extinguished. Tho
estimated loss Is between S.VXI.OOO
and I700.000.
Pays Penalty fur Murder.
MANILLA, Jan. 4. Perez, who
saved the life of General Smith from
ambush, ami who was a former secret
service man u t er General Mc Arthur,
was garroled recently with two com
panions at San Curios for murder.
Genets) Recarte, the recently re
turned exile from Guam, now in hid
ing Irom the authorities In this city
has written a letter outlining a new
revolLtion. The matter Is not con
! sldered seriously by the government.
CotninurlT Hiltlng-tiam lleelaref
iJetiioraliatloii aud Krign of
.4Hit-iy KLita Around
I'uerfa i'-atiu
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-Vith a
firm band the Washington govern
meDt from now on will protect
American life and property in the
Inland of San Domingo. This dcci
'I'm follows a ra'lier startling report
received yesterday from Commander
1 1 is sh iri that the administration
has as yet adopter! no premanent
r-f f I it fir (ha rif)ntt if u fTu i rs in
San Domingo beyond that which if
0l,.... hue .,., .,. .r, n.I.MlJW UCCOIUC KUOWH
American life and property. The
statement is author ixed mat Ihe con
duct of Command -r Dillingham while
following only gen lal instructions,
Is entliely eudor-.ed and approved bj
the government, and it is belie vec
that liis Intelligent handling of lh'
situation wi!. have a powerful iutlu
euce towaid restoration of order in
the island.
It Id tc'illcri hv Ihe :iriminictruttnn
that the Domiolran pr lolem must be
taken up and disused of in a way
that wjll put a stop to what was de-s-ribed
by an Kuropcan ambassador
last night ;s "at. insufferable nui
sance which the civilized world lot ks
to the United States to clean up '"
The navv department yesterday re
ceiver! a telegram from Commander
Dillingham of the cruiser Detroit,
Idling of Ilie demoralization near
l'ueita Plata It says:
"In and aiound Puctta Plata
anarchy prevails. Husiness is at a
standstill, l'uerta Plata Is quiet at
pietcnt. J inline, authorities are
collecting duties and dues, while
Jlminez is at Santiago. Theio is 8
revolution between factions I shall
not allow Interuplion of commerce.
Close To Crisis.
PARIS,. Jan. 6 -The CnFoo cor
respondent of the Paris edition of the
New York Herald cables as follows:
"Eight thousand Japanese troops
arp rpiirlv tr binrl at, fucamnhri unrl
their landing will probably mean war.
'A regiment of Cosacks is expectec
at Port Arthur.
"Reserves are being moved from
tbe capital of the Armur ptovlnce Id
eastern Siberia loTsitsihar (in Man
churia. )
"The oosition of the tr ops in
Mane i is being rearranged, hnl
their Im I ion is kept a secret "
The St. Petersburg correspondent
of the 1'arls edition f the New York
Herald says that should the .1 ipanesi
occupy Mas.iniplio it would n stilt it
bringing matters to a crisis, Adioira
Alexiell, the Russian viceroy in tin
far east, having full power to act ii
tbe case of such provocation. '
The St. Petersburg correspondent
of the Paris edition of the New York
Herald savs he is authorized to statt
that Admiral Evans nas been in
structed not to -llli w the movement!
of bis war ships to be such as t
encourage the construction that tht
United States is supporting Japan,
The correspondent says that the
action of the Washington government
is sincerely appreciated, the convict
ion In some quarters being that Ja
pan, ir unsupported win not declan
SEOUL, Korea, Jan. (i .A detach
ment of thirty-live marines for thi
United States steamer Vieksburj
n.iw laying at Chemulpo, arrived yes
terday as a guard for the Ameticat
d legation. Another body of seven
teen mariners will artive tomorrow
The United States transport Zaphlrt
is also al Chemulpo, where Russia,
lapan and Cieut Britain have euct
one man of war.
No Thought of Fire.
CHICAGO. Jan. 7, I y their owe
evidence yesterday before Monrot
Fulkerson, who Is conducting Ihe lln
depart mo t Investigation into tin
Irqtiois theater holocaust, Will J.
Davis, Harry J Powers and Thom-u
I Noonan, active managers of tht
theutc.i, showed that a worse condi
tion of affairs existed s to prevent
inn than bad heretofore been sus
Irlal of Car Karn Bnndlts.
CHICAGO, 111. Jan. 7. -The trla
if three of the car ham bandits
tlarx, NMdirtnlie anil Van Dine,
vas begun yesterday liefoie Judgt
tersten, and court adjourned with
mt a juror being accepted. It hat
leen announced that Ihe defenst
voulJ he Insanity In each eas, but
itt Mincys lor the defense yesterdai
ty tho questions put to niramen,
ndlcated that some other line would
ie adopted.
t-1 ua-a to Great Comaaalaaa, Wbi
T.fceu to Mm Hoaillltlaa
Max Si art ouM Diplo
mat Moprfal.
LONDON, Jan. 1. Foreign See-I
retary Lansdowne Das informed ooW
if tbe foreign amassadors be baa
practically given up all hopes of peace.
At tbe embassies here the state-i
lii-nt made by liiron Hayashi, tbw
lapaoese minister, today that be had
ken informed from Paris that Russia
bad decided not to grant the Japaa-i
;se proposals, Is regarded as besntrf1
nost .rave, especially In view of tb
ministers' statement that bis Infotm
ition came from Paris and tbe fact
! i,lat be Pitted such Inlormatlo.
at this critical
Paron liarashi, the Japanese minis-
ter here, has been informed frosa'
Paris that Tlussia has decided to out
rant tbe Japanese proposals. 1
This is the first Intimation anfi
ane here admits having received,
incnt the Russian reply. The baroaj
said to a repieseotative of the Asseol-I
ted press:
"If the information of Paris im
,orne out by the ordin8 of the Ru8i
luu P1?' tllere seenjs be small
pussiuuiiy in averting war." i
The British foreign office is unable)
to confirm or deny Haton Hayasbi's
Information. The officials, however
say they are nat surprised at the tenor
of his advices.
The foreigo office seems inclined to
think that Russia will, if possible,
void making a reply of any kind ta
the last Japanese note.
My information from Paris." said
the mlnisterof Japan, "Is not official,
hut in connection with Information
Imparted lo me, by tbe British gov
ernment It is only too coirect."
."If Chancellor von Buelow'a In
formation that Russia's reply will be
framed in a manner intended to satis
fy Japan turns oi t correct It will be
better news than Ibava Oared t
hope for."
PA BIS, Jan. l.-It la aald la a
well informed quarter here that
France wouid have. no right to oflcl
ally communicate Russia's reply to
I" va"' "uu " ' -uucu ue
u.ia uuu vcu uecu irameu, muu lual IB
Is said It will be presented to Mm
Japanese goveromeut through Baroa
de Rosen, tbe Russian minister al
Law la Stern,
CHICAGO, Jan. 2.-Mayor Cartel
Harrison yesterday took steps to pro
vide as far as possible against a re
petition of Wednesday's horror at
tbe Iroquois theatre.
As a result of an Investigation asadt
at bis orders, and lasting but a few
hours, nineteen theatres and musa
ums were ordered closed, some of
tbem being among tbe leading and
most popular playhouses of tbe city.
Tbe actloo of tbe mayor was baaed
on one single violation of tbe ordi
nances wblcb are intended to protect
tbe patrons of theatres from just such
an occurrence as that which cost as
many lives on Wednesday. This was
that every one of these places had
omitted to supply an asbestos cart al a.
Tbe theatres ordered closed aroi
Howards, Sam T. Jacks, Mario w.
New American, Olympic, Academy
of Music, Alhambra, Avenue, Bijou,
Chicago opera bouse, Columbus stock.
Thirty-Urst street, Criterion, Flegen
baum's. Milwaukee avenue, Garrlea
and Giickman's. In addition to tbeaa
tbe Loodon Globe museum and tb
Clark street museum were also com
pelled to close their doots.
The coroner's office yesterday Issued
nearly 300 burial certificates foa
people killed in tbe fire. Some ol
these were people residing In othet
cities, but they were comapartively
Tho city press association had tbs,
names of 609 identified dcd. A re
examination of the list yesterdai
showed that a number were included
Incorrectly. Instead of being dead,
the names of some wete those whs
had identified bodies. White It la
perhaos true tbat th t total numbes
of dead Is In the neighborhood of 681
only about 450 bave been IdentlrJeo.
A recount Of the unidentified dead
was started yesterday.
New Suit In Bennett Will.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 2-M
suit In the form of supp'emen'ar
proceeding In tbe Bennett will casta
"ib Instituted Thursday by ci unset
for William J. Bryan as executes;
against Mrs. Bennett and other lega
tees of P. S. Bennett. The suit hli
brought tor tbe purpose of bavtngj
tbe superior couit psi upon the val
idity of certain paragraphs In b
will. These Include some bequcsti
ade to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan.