Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 14, 1904, Image 1

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Harrison Press - Journal.
w -A-in U"-A.J"Y 14: . 19C4. JN O. 29
The Crawford dentist is Ir Spindlo.
Joseph Burke t-tarted to Kh.M)l .
J C. Bhplev was up from M irsland
Biurret Sc Davis are invoicing
Turn l!ine wauii from B igsy this
E-IO'Oonner it able to Ret around
t Ira Thomas was down from Nnrthview
Ed Marshall m hauling ice for W. B.
A fresh liarrel of pur apple cider at
Lo wry.
Chan Webster has heen haiiiinfr ice for
the pant week.
Mr. John Hrown wan. up from
Point vestrdav.
The county rommitsioners ares' ill
itesMon thm week.
j Thris Fnftlnr n down from
Woman t refk Tuenlay.
Hon To Mr. and Vra Neil Jordm.
Ic. tl. a 101 pf"""1
J CM RmUhnnd wife were
Hewitt the first of the w.ek.
j Mrs. Snroh Jiri'im nrd mn
moved back to town ihis week.
j Tte cnrpi'PlPni nrp fliii'liloir tl'p fi tii e
around the court house )hm wei k.
Tom Plnnkett and CI ore f! i rr-'s-n
were up from War Flonn-t Tin-Hay.
Porwin 1 nrd wi,V w ere tr in i"' in.
business in our hnr 'ml H tunliv.
Mlsseg MlO'ie 11 I'd '' " O' l-I U-'l - ere
vimtini; Mrs Mary And.-t.-n SunHiv
- .
Sam SenniKti wait dnw n from Wmmn.
Wrommir after a lond of grain last week.
We learn that Tom Mines and Mike
Ci'i 'omiell ran a ijrnr wolf about two
tidies Tue ihtv and ki"ed it.
t Iik ks verv F'ri I ( ir- '
stock rimtiir p arcurd or the streets
eetmc hay from the WHK'i-rm-
t' Abe Un-phenoitr lird Will R-rtell went
to Hew itt wi'h riinrles S'milh Tuesdav,
here thev will visit for a while.
Mi BelV ''.i-k. r-r Pn- .ci r-i r. 'hn
was viKitini' Mr PnllaTr1 .!.' for 11
week, departed for her h' me Monday.
Mrs. Rob Jordan ha ben v-sitincr with
her sister Mrs. Martain Parroll the past
Will PbtHips and da nc.r. and Hn-rr
Phillips left for Seward, N'ehr. Tui-sdav
Bd flil-hrie left for Krria' last
Sattirdav eveeipy 'o attend the Military
Academy at thai plnoe.
TO (THE A'tH f f inf. OAT.
Take tatifva "rn o()Mlnne t-ihiets.
dhUvlsts refitint the mnvt 't, If fills to
cre. K. W. (irove'n nln-iature hoi each
box. He.
y Will Bartell and Ab Umtihenour
united themselves to the M W. A. la-t
Haliirdiv nitfht by the mtslepes of
Woodi raft,
Mr and M's fieorire Turner returrcd
from Texas litt Rlnrdav. Tbr have
hecn spendinir bolidni a there with
Mr Turner's reltiv.
People holding three star ribbon rrffee
ticket please hrinjf them in and have
thm regiterd
Bourret & Iavi.
A week from next Sunday evening the
Ep worth League will have an insiallnlion
of th pfflcets, to lake place of the rea
ular prenchint; aervic. Every body in.
a A Hnl-I
Laat Friday mttht a crowd of people
iptihercd together, nnd poiipi't-d Hie
preacher and family, flllinc up the -r rn
m with different varieties of potiiidH.
mifflclent to last them for a whi'e.
ArWdenoaitinc our itonnda we K.n'ed
..e-lve. and listened to a few Jokes
lid rlddlw. A etc read by T. O Williams
AM 0 Rev. Inies phonoitraph Hid
thtit pluved rame, until late. The Rev.'
invited us i c..tn buck In aho'i' a m.n'!l
jT.rflr-Ul irfHNs'rwi ...
j V-; :- .
! Ir Sjiindln 1le Cr if ird dentist.
1 John rlmnm st i.-t--d to school thia
: Barney Jordan Marled to school Ibis
' M
Tli" 'irid'M gan; is buddm:; a bride.
V est III low II,
Mrs. "on vers and Nellie B.innnn
fur Sni'lierland Iowa lat mlil
J J.'lm li:o-ft-r, lio dud a horse fall
m it h htni I ist ih i' 1 ii' alunu firt
rair 1 lid 1 alii in Ht'tnd 4-Imhi. It
m as ml Imi t jik bad as xp- tt d.
M,v H.iw riris'-r ar ivtd lure fnmi
i llie Slate Uiuvt riM , a' L iicnln, Monday
niorninu to 'like i-lia"t:e of Hie Inti-rroed
lale room ai d tea" Il the reiuaiiult-r of ilie
Will lie u'lven J in 2ind a! the opera
house here In Harris in. Everv imi- Ik
inviied to a't. nd and have a ifood time
; hveryililiij; lirsl class. olanaeer.
Awliery "ill urn veil here last nmhl to
visit fn-ii. Is an l r-lanves for a while.
He is a son of Saul id Hill ol Hodaicaiid
left hi r a'siul lire y ur-t ayo rame
from Arizona, where he has lieeu la
. ri the pant year.
Cxcvirffton Tickets to Fremont Neh.,
Vl.l the N'ol'h W sl.ril I.' lie, will I
si !d on ,lan.iar 1H, 19 unl 20, illllled .i
1 el in n unl il ,1 mo n 22. inc 11-iv , on a..
omul 1. 1 Ni I rasku Stale V dunietr Fire
m'iiii'm Ahoi'i:. t i'-n Annual 1 'onvei'lion.
A..U to A.ntH (hii'aK' & North
esl. 111 K'y.
Ni Is yl-h-i t ai d M Kinnia Klahan
, et e 11 1 .1 ri led a I t he p 1 rsoii 1 t:e T1lesd.1t
iloll' hall ' 1st one lit U- I all'els.
Tle will naii 'helrvn iin (iiiiIh'lTi'II s
p a hiuhlaln'. W j in 111 w islam
h. Ill :i 'I 1! I Ii' I II i'p' III irr'i'l life .
J V .at !.
O I. 1,4
. w ,is khi I'ed to
'f It sd 1 1 , f' oil!-
r.. i irs 01 s mix
the It r-" hotis we
f of Is-tii; shipped
Who s.v - . -.I,"
froiint t V 1 l et ar
have llliv history
from here. Some of them
the Si 'hinder ranch m the
some from H L'hland.
were lioiii
valli-v null
Low Rote rjtrcr'lon Ticket to
Lincoln. Neb.,
Via the Ninth Western L'ne, will he
sold on Jimiiarv 1(1 to 21, inclusive,
limited to return until Ft brtl.irv 1, in
clusive, on airoui t t f Farmers' Insiiite
aid raiions kindred meetii Aphlv to
A cent Clntttuo & N-rth western Rr.
J There was a pit It nl Mr and Mrs.
Deort-e fieiliu h' Tuesday nirh' in honor
nf Royi-e Tel.beis who his tieen risitmtr
his sister Mrs. (J-rlaoh dnrmir the holi
days. , larye crow d of youngr people
were prescn' and hid a tc'iod time
Rovce left for h Inme at Denver Co
vsterdav morniiiK
We h"-.tr that Joseph K;pP""d firace E
Mi era of flermc; w ere married. The
ifroom is an old 'r end 111 d m ichbor "f
ur we hiivini; lived a half rude Htiarl
far thirteen -iirs. Havln(f moved to
fterini; three years ni;o. The bride
tauirht school here for I wo vears, and is
well known I ere. We were sum rised to
herirof Ihis w eddinii . but nefe-t hi'ls we
w isli the couple many happy diV"
O'e Oles. p, who came hero 1 1st Octo
l.r aeekii'tr a liet ler chmai e for his health
du d las' Fudav li'L'bl aboiii nine o'i lock
at Mr Hies, r's rat-ch on Kun-inu'w ater,
wbi re be hud I t-en stat inir ever since
ccinii tf hi re am' th. re he received 'he
best of tn ntm n' until death. He came
to (be United S-nt' s Irom Norway nhcin
I wo veart atfo, Incat intr in Minnesota and
there was taken with Iihik trouble, and
11, ,l,.,.i,.rU e, ',..,.,..... I, d that, be move 1
- 1
to n d.lTerenl climate, 11 would have
lieen 2.1 vears eld h id he li v d until Jul v.
His mt.lber lives in N -rway nnd he has a
a-sler livin in Andnlsin Co.. Iowa.
From all indication" he was a christian,
and lock 11 :ret delight in reading Ida
He was bronpht to town Sitiirdav by
t. .. . .1 u ... ..I A I.. ninet
"' ini-wr ...I. s.-m.. -
house .11,1 il Sunday in. num.' i 11 o'clock
w In n he was 1 1' ken to the chinch, where
R.-v I lan-ls prt in-l ed ill" fine r il ser
moil After tl.s fnin nil "t rvice Hie re-
mams ere l.ik.-n and I....I away to rest j 1 be d. posit t.f c-unl lunds is hereby a
in the II ni-i ncen. It iy nl t he county 'a 1 cepied oil h a C'linoliaiice with the law
exp.n-e, lit re t hel w ill w att the
llinil '
reanrr . lion, "hen all the dead in - hnat
"hall ri-.
"he Pr-t n NAb j ir i'h the
u " v "' ' "'I ,'1""
UUr.iivid ui..H.rr uiai msler
Hunter Happeni"gs.
Mr nu,.
nil Andrew visitor
I ii Monday
Mr. Spencer of AHte was in our burg
Mr lAiyle was on the tdreet of this
illy M. unity.
. Mr. ' iMik and win Hir.dd and Mr.
I (ir:ili.un of Agate visiteu at Mr. B .ssels
a ,ia. t of last eek.
Mr. S liyer viMted upper Andrews
M iiiday.
Tom Jone came home S.it uni.tr 'nif
la. k to Ins rk Sunday. They are d -
IHK very
J L iran L
-! I .
LeAiH has left th Rparklinjf
Wliiie river and ijone to fvi Uu-( where
he Mill assist J ii re and llaerinan.
i Mrs. Tom .Jones vi-il. d at, IVm IotviI le
Fnd.ty. She reportn a very plea-ai.l
.,;..il il ...,l w.i
' ' -
she made them all laonh
n Sirs, net as a Itarrison viH'or inurs
We hear lohu Tucker has tn-en eng 1
In work 011 the Hunter ranch We i
h'lii success.
Mr Pmclor was a Harrison visitor last
Thui -day.
Mr and Mrs. Art-hard of Hauler visil
d east Andrews Sunday.
A niimli r if net 1 ion men came up on
he p isseiiei M.mila n.oiiun, Iti help
unload coal at the Andrews coal shed,
lh"t hie (1 I'llJ I he sited
Wood, r win 'h" fit er ''iiine up minus
one t o tt li Slii id ty ni iraiu .
Siill Hie nice weather coioinii. s
M Wji, R iss ol Lusk is vi-ii inr tin
H i n, II. .1. Chun h, id this place.
U hil" le re a bo-se le!l with luui and
h1111s.1l his ai kle iu te had
.Mis II J turn h had a very had su k j
p.- I ,, train last n ct,hui is li-'li r al .
1 h'- w nl nc I
II P Fin 'h'-r -t a l.i'd op I'll -he
ti. l( i I t- 11 lA'er fir l.l I 11 we. k.
il.li H-i-rlo s-jeid t 'm--e at,,il f-mit of disTft N " 11 Oc -cottor
il li .Mr 11,. In .1', al his
. 1.
ra. t h irt'i r 1.11
in. I:. in creeK. las' wet-a.
J. W. 1 hrisluin and sis'er spent. SnH-
lay with Hoy and Nt II Zu-siBruiiaen.
Mr and Mrs Fred Uem-I and Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. ZuuiHruunen spent Siindni lit
B tlrides. over III the valley.
Ijew is Tuompson is tjoinK lo sch.-. l !'
the Ralfce now.
y L Christian and L L W il-'on,
managers of (.'amp CM W O. W Pactllc
Juris iiction, inel with the banker and
clerk nt the hall on Monday to balance
up Hie hooks in order to have every tli'iitf
in readiness for installation.
Mr S O Ieuel, of mountain liou fame,
had the ro.nl fnrlune of trnt'pi"".' u black
she wolf, which he has been looking for
for about thre years.
Ilolace Hamlin and Eirl K I worth are j
also in the Irappinu busines,s. They
ve seven coyotes to ih-ir credit.
,,,,,, ,rs ... x- 1 1 ,,,.i 1,
es-ers V.iih Buy les anil b o l Kiilwo-tn 1
. .. 1 ., .... n,
oUTUUieU 'lie liini.it:' ... o " '
districts wood for t2 45 per cord for 20
Mr. T. Ti Thompson went to Harrison,
Siiur'ay. seiurnin.: S ui day. j
V Jean Prver. ol Ecknrd. M. 1).. wan ieen
in Ihese parts Sunday. I
J Sam Holtfrllcld is Im 11 lint; -trnw from
tin Z1.11 Hruntien ninch.
J John Sutton sold bia homestead lo Ed
L--ehn(;. ( onsidenttion f 100 00
II irris i-i N br , J in 7. 1001
Thecounti commissioners met as pr
a-'j urnment. Present coiiim'ssi.iiiers:
H .-liw, Jordan, Cullers nnd h f 1""
1 1 lis cb'l k
On motion 'he official bon!1 of Carl M.
Lux was approved
... t
fl.i i, .lion I he resiirnal io 01 r J
" -
M.ller a jn-lice of the peace in Mimtn.se (
precinct was ai-cepied.
1'I.m r..uA .u.i 1! inn nf Oe.irc-e Sha v an-l
others was on motion allowed.
The road IMion of tllaus ' 'hr.a'etis. ti
and oilers was on million allowed
The rond petition -f M, A. Thayer and
others wiisou motion allo.ted.
On motion Michael .1. O' -nii. II was
ai'iio nted ommty i.ttomey until Janu iiy
1005. or lit. Ill h a successor Is (tinlillnl.
On lie I i n ' In hid ol F W C'l oloi lor
ret'iil.tling the fleposil of such funds.
On mot 1011 Uniid in j ii'n.d until Jan.
8,1,. E. F Pontius,
H tn .on. N. I r .1 111 r) 1004
Hoain ol cuuiiiy oomiuiwioueri met ai
' .'Olll.
I- it l
tiu cierK.
( tic k .i g t!it- at count
. iii the county
t .VKtuvr't t.lliut .
On uiolioii boarJ ail j.urned until Jan
VlU. E. F. Poii' I'M,
i Kik.
Harris, n. Net.r Jin. 9-1304
Hi 'III. I ('(Mllll V rilllUIIShllliU Diet 11 H
per a-journment Pie-cot enum i-sinn
ern: l'.iteiou , J idim, ullt-ri, urd Pi.n-
,J( ( j, K
(j,, iiiotuxi resiinn-d hn -kmi; tticounlK
! " -"Uiity treasurer" offli e
j O i mot ion boi.r.1 atij. unied unl il Mon-
' i.. . i . .. hi.
i'.h , J.tu 11 h.
E F Poti'ius.
( let It.
Ih.rriMiu, Nehr. Jan 11 1S04.
Hoard ttf coiiuly fommissioners met
as jier aiij iiiriiineni. Pr.-seiit coiumiss.
HieloM, J.'id.tu, iullerH and
! Poniiiii. clerk.
I .11 1 1
On iimtii ti Imard re-limed checkimr
ireasurei arc. 'inns.
j On mo'ion the Ilii'iHl Umd of M .1.
O onnell I'oiirit m1 iorin w '.isaiii.rov.il
On motion ihe 1 111. ial ln.iid of 1 unrad
1 Parsons (I, out v t-ct tif, l ink ap-
On motion board iii'j iurnetj to meet in
regular session Jan. 12
E F Pontius,
1 lerk.
Ilairison Nehr Jan, 12. 1!1H4
l-iard of 1 'until v 1 ouimissaniei s on t in
regular session. l"reient Kiiltlow, Jor
dun. 1 tillers and Pontius clerk. Oil mo-
t Inn It in ordered lo transit r all fouds in;
county mad fund ol previous teura, to
Ihe i-ouiity road fund i f lUOlt (Jrt mo
tion 1 1 is 01 der d lo I ra ' ui 1 1 11 mis f ri n
district road fi.n Is 1 o sie ci.il roiul finds
I ... llm,r ui 0311 u.,i 1-1 ..,.,1 it fllB
I iiiii disi r:ct and h cia I road lunds in
d.slncts No s 4 6 at d 7 lo tie spttial
ro.id I'niidso! district No. 4 transfer all
load inl i i,.l road llii.is in distni t
No. 5 lo sp 11 il in id fund of district No.
9 .mil tr U'siVr all fun is 1 hre i.s in No. IS
to special road I mid of I list No. 13
On iiio'ion it tvisotd'-rid 'hi' a tr.in-fer
ol ilU 00 he 111 nle fro-u t lie county road
tioid to pei ial nuid fund nad ihsti tt
N'. 8 aid to trans', r ?1 1.8:1 Ironi the
ecu If r i'-'1 t'11 1 nl to spec nl lund 1 f road
1 ill I ri I No 13 and lo Itansffr ji9H4
! '"oiii Ihi- t;iuutt' road fund l the pefinl
W,.,. A O w a-iiniio'iit. 1! .1 m uih. 1
I lliesii'iuiisiei.ti inn, iiiiniiiiin'i in"
, . r ..: . ,1.
turm of 8 t ears.
Theiinnual report of A. J. B-iirart of tl.e
soldiers relief coin mission. On motion'
Wis -ICC
pit ll aid ll.'lewilh Slll'iiul t.'tl
'1 .
i'j'il 1'. 71
1 ,i
1 tl I
On m 01 ion t he clerk w as aul lionz.-d to
make I- qtiisition on the stale auditor
lor books and supplies-
On mo-ion the fol low in estimates of
xp.-nses were made for Hie year 1!K)4
I 'is! net '
f :inoo 00
Olli. ers Salaries
Soldiers Rdief Fund
Pruitii an 1 pub'.ishinff
jjiio 00 '
1'inn 0(1
BOO 00
R '-I'1! nd linilKeS
31 ion 00 j
2'oo no !
In.-idenlal Expenses
Olllc rs rees
700 00
i On mnt ion the annual report r.f Wm. j
J. A. Rtu.ii as-'n. Clerk and 'lerk of the
Iiistricl Court was approved as submitt
ed .n detail which mnkes the following
' totals.
I Fees as county clerk Jan, 71003 to
' J in. 7-1904 ' ")42 01
I Salary clerk board runtv c-s-mmission-
ers, comp linif lax hsi & etc. $745 21
Fees as clerk of the Hist . Court fS 50
Total ilWfi.C2
On motion the County Siiierinteiident
is allowed ft 00 per dav for iiciuul ser-'
vice rendered
n, .',.,;.. Ctunii- Cl.rk was
allowed $300 00 for clerk time. Oi mo-
, i , .e Cunt v ! rk Is allowed $400.00
as salary for ''lerk of the oniilv Ihuk
of Coiiinissssoners for the ensuing iear.
Oh inolion hoard acj lurried 10 Jan 13 h.
E F Potittis
Why Some Young Men Shave.
Marker "Say, why dot't you wear
e muttiche?" Barker "Can't afford
I., old man." Hsrke.- "Does it cost
any more?" BarKor "Yes; I couldn't
fc .ioke my clgarets so short." Phila
delphia Record.
Spanish Pride.
Nenrly one-half of the 1,000,000 pop
v'ation in Spain, or, to bo exact 8
;7,&1S i.crions, accordinc to tho l ist
c-nsui, declare that they have no oc-c-ipatidn,
and thoy are proud of the
South African Education.
Prof. tlele-Shaw of the t.eiv Unlver
city of I Iverpool, Is In South Africa
tn crpanlze sclentl.lc education arid
piej aro a tin'versity schene fnr the
Vransvaal aud Orarge River Colony.
r a. J n i i
er,: B. I-
Love to buy good goo-i at 1 he lowest price fX)ssibl.
an 1 the place to do this i at
In clothing, (rents' furnishing, Goo Is,
Loots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Come and see us any way and be ocia.'
"Ijilmr with w h..t zeal we it ill,
j Some! hin si ill rema iiH iiuilone;
S liietliiHK unci 1 1 1 It ted still
I Walts 1 lie ri-U'ff of the si. 11."
1 full.' mtend sl to write a New Year's
Jtureetiiit; hut my mind was oi-t-npied wuh
11 m. re weighty uia'ter for dats le-fure.
I w a' died the O d Year out and tie- New
iiai iiihv It e It dsn).
ol itir lirs!
1-I111 is now' ret oyerin I mm a sew-ie
at tack of pneumonia. For ten days we
watched her tons', in I ly day and ni-jbt,
arid our trust in (jod and I he skill of Dr.
Hrown is lieint; rewarded lor she hopes
to lie clothed and he able lo hit
up in a day or t wo.
The weather has lieen and still is de
hhiful. Have not hid snow eu.'Ueh to
lolly cover the i;rouiid yet. And only a
lew cold d iy s and 'Iny only las'ed a
' couple or so d ty s al a tin e. ' l.l lslnias
nay was cold hut we all went to 11
neihhoiM to ei j iy the day. The next
dy was mild, and w e have had two cold
dayssltice L-isI Week was 1 he week of
prayer, and it was an inti rt-stini; time to
those who could attend. Tins week
revival si i vici s will be held at Friends'
There are sixtv students tnrolad this!
term. The men ,.rolessois all came Iro 11
the east and they ll.'i k this weather is
peifeclly d. buhl I ill and t harmm,:, aid
all claim 10 have ht-i t. r lie ill h thin li. n
lb venue. Il certainly does sce-n to
aioceMith people cumins here Irom the
east, We hear mi much about the ex
tn me cold in III-' east and keep thinking;
il w i : 1 si r ' ke 1. s j-ooii. Evu our Irvn' s
in Hi innt Tei'ni urn c.onipl'.i"- ny f 1 1 1
. Id w il" if-- t -1 11 0" ' r in ISo 'iti- t '
Many ol in' I-1 1 1 1 - ' . 1 " ' 1 ' " ' '
iiis it 11 it r , Mi s. I uiej aim l r 1 1 1-1
who sp.pt I he slllimi T w i h 11. 111 18
in. d w ho lived in Iowa, thev will be
i' ill. us this wee!:, to in.iUc !h--ir Iniuc
;.. ji the-, like 11 , lor a w bile at least.
, I ,! , ;, I It V lost t IV. I VIC: IHIS III I 11
1, 1 . . , .,ta,s'io !i- at lut-a.4. Wna'
.. tein'.ie si. rilice of life thai wis Im- a
II-1 ie aiinist m: nt.
I 110.
Dcubt'ul Mavim.
Of course, w! ore titers is so much
-j-rolte thnre must be Borne fire but
when you co'.rp.tre tlie te-nporalure of
ynir house with the actions of yc.ir
ft'rr ?c; you cant help Bometixfs
r'0"',,-r " very serious. y. Indlanap-
cttu News.
Whtro Storks Are a Eksslng.
Were It not for the multitude of
ftorks that throne to Egypt every
winter there would be no riv'nfi in
Rome part, of the country for, after
every Inundation, rrogs appear in ae-
vastatlng numbers.
Buys Americrn Oil.
Prltish India buys aliroad J',''0.70fi.
CO worth a year, of which the Urltcd
states Ftipt-lios $3,772 000, or about
o".e-nitietl?th. The largest item fro-n
tl:e United States is $1,000,000 worth
of kerosene oil. .
... I
j Valuable Siate Depcr.its.
The most valuable slate deposits In'
he worId are follna 1,1 the cortral part
of the state. In the nei-hborho- a of
the Pennsylvania Quarries there are
houses Tvroc:rt f alio ri f r rt-it(i-ili-
g,ate ThJ b,oc,. f . ,h
made are Bmoothly sawed,
most substantial.
and aio
Dossrt of Gobi.
The Doinrt of Gobi occupies a con
siderable rcrtlon of central Mcnso'.it.
but it is not a true doerl, support
as it does neTly all kinds of anl-i I
aud vegetable life and formttisr rn
small part of the pa-mirage ot d-t
greatest grazing country of the (,; I
Vesuvius Long In Ac. Ion.
T::e most recent excavations show
(hat Vesuvius began its work ?.s a
coisBt-i vuiur in aiiLiquny earner inan
the nietr.o.ab'r year A. 1). 73. During
the excavatlocs In the valley of the
Sarno, near San A'arzano, some mest
lntnrc:Ultig aulic.titt.es t.-ave come to
light. These had been covered tip
by a i lcanlc deposit about six fpet
thick whic.'.v points to an eruption of ; ,3 EDglmd'for'lS.OOi). late.y the num
Vesuvius w'tlch rauHt have taken place ( ber of lniemployed former roldler. has
In the 1 ovtr
'7" ,T n , , ,
liiclurle a Oreelt burying
The relics
iacei archa'c Italian tombs and varl-
ous bronaes stnd terra oott.
We hxve our building completed oo
and have a n-w s.ipjily of outis, and wil
sell them ncht.
Lumber, lath, sash, door3,
lime, cement, and building
material of all kinds
Hard ware
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and-
Range goods.
Flour Feed, and Grain'e-
Pi-.nt, Oils & etc.
I am igent for the WoocT
manse wind-mill. Have ft
supply of pump fittings- on',
hand. Come in and get' ray
prices whether you buy of
Physician Surgaon.
OFFICE: Andrkws Bux'K.
,,-... - ' ''-ft-:',
r't.-.vr--.-,,, :. .
'yt . s ,
'1 tt.dk
' . - '.'i
l'f v ' 'i' $
Ponnl liv Day r Week.
w. n- w wight, pkop
rsallroad between Missouri RJver nt
Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis--
Direct Line to Black Hills.
Apply to nearest esgont for r&tes. mapw
e. nd lime co.rds-
West Round. East Bound,
M .riling.
No. 13, Hue 9:11
No. S3, lo., fit. 0:35
No. 14, Due 7:'!.V
No H loc. frt. 5:4
Both trains carry passengers.
Washing Cut Glass.
Cut ts'lass or any crystal should be
washed in warm soapsuds, rinsed la
warm wafer, thn covered with clean,
conre sa.vtMi-t fc;r ten minutes, after'
which it should be Pghtly brushed with
a clean soft camel's-hair brush. Avoid
extremes of temperature in handling
glas, ard tinder no circumstances !
low cut ttlass to be put
Id th iw-
Former British Soldier.
At the cl'ise of (lie Doer war 24.000
British fcli'.icrs nousht employment as
noarlimer, rrooms. portors, carmen,
"tr. nnH I-t-n-i-. M.nea rpn mtll.. fr, .. n A
!"icrr - aHed. otvir lo the present serv
1 i ? .,,v , ,
o .'. .rn'.- j. ..in wuh him coiora lit
1 stead of peven yoars as heretofore.
( tS
i, ;a V; -
... '.' . , . !,! . ' . '.. ... 4r.