Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 07, 1904, Image 7

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    " S-J J
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1 1
Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and
Catarrh--A Congressman's Letter.
Straneer "Lid Miss Flneniind
ho lectured here on the higher tdu
cat on of nomta make many coo-
Heet Giil "Mercy, no. Sbe ran't
be over ttftniy and jet sbe bad two
deep wrinkles between b r ejes. "
h5fMf' r
.f 5
N I ' ' )
Mrs. Welsslitz, president of the Ger
I aaas
man Womans' Club of
octoring for two years, was finally cured
her kidney trouble by the use of
E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound.
the disease known with which the female organism is afflicted.
Uaease is the most Intnl. la fact,
, the weary patient seldom survives.
kfullv aware of this. Mm. Pinkham, early in her career, pave careful
lie subject, and in producing
''liiknitin a t eseiame coiiipounu maue sure him h con
'correct comhination of herbs which was certain to control that
AC Mie. woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts
ly with the laws that govern
fmany so called remedies for
rgetable Compound is the
Read What Mrs.
r Mrs. Pinkham: For two
tiered so with femalo troubles, and pains across my hack ana
;0 doctor told me that I Lad
For three months I bxik
S.f.. V.ii..l.nn1 limn aMrv.fl
.((C, illy llu-Tlrtli wiv t, . ' t - .' - - -
Y!tbIo Compound, and brought home a bottle. It is the greatest
.iasiug ever brought to our home. Within three months I was a
ianged woman. Jly pain had disapju ared, my oomplexion becamo
Slear, my eyes ungni, ana my enanj
Wkisslitz. 176 Seneca liululo,
fntt tkat U4nrj TroaMe tu be Cured by Lydia L Pinlhara's ffsretalle Coapocod.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I feel very thankful to you for the good
, your medicine has dono mo. 1 had doctored for years and was steadily
rowing worse. I LjdUiiible with my kidny4i.4w dOctorj told
In I hid BrUAtVdef aiai could not
-iC . v . - M Tt I .ttJI.2 t :iA .11 K. thru nut I
--?!rJLWuiJt t2L n-hud Jb
rt times wtirrt DOttlP-f W.Cot ofli T
7 IiclWwlrdl:
'WCt tank.4n fttLlwelve bottles i4M"lTlTnkliam'i Vegetable Cora-
.f- bound, five boxes of LIvrr Pills, and
WMb ami feel like a new woman, can eat and sleep wen. o au my o u
work, and can walk two miles without feeling over tired. The doctors
tell me that my kidneys are all right now. I am so happy to le well
and I feel that 1 owe it all to your medicine." Mrs. Oi-al Strong,
Dalton, Mass.
Mn. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice,
Sbe has fuided thousands Ut health. Address Lynn, Mass.
OKFEIT H annot forthwith
ftfaov tttiiTWffiillt. vkaCU will prove
Tbe maat rapaoious wlne-rellar In
It world It owned by the Rourrao
hn Government. A railway tunnel
1,800 feet long bteeo G.ilatz and
rbrwhl could oot be used for rail
way porp iaca, becmise i f Inferior coo
.tract loo. It was tensed to a wine
ealer wio has turned It lotoastore
kooae for mines.
Woerever ibe uusbahd makes mun
uf, and" JtiL i wife savet It, thare
fcapplrVs and thrl't are pleased to
take up their abode.
Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
A HolMtltut tar aa4 BaiwrUr u V iiUH or
ffharsMMr, mm4 will bh.e.r ll. mo d.lit.i.
Sia- Ttl. v Itortaf a earatlv. qaalitlM itf Ihit
rtteta era netrfl. It will n tb Uatkuk at
nr. SWa rli... S.h .ud MlMlu.
t'. neanaMt It aa tlia taM ind aaraat aitarnal
aaastar-lrrltanl kawa,alw m aa aatarnai rmmmoj t.f
Saia la Ut ehaav w4 aunaark aa4 all rbnatta.
fcaaaalata aal aaatr aan rial no .
LturvtU ro.a ai at wa alaiai rar lt,anl It will at
f4 ihaial.ll. to tka aouaaaoM. Maafiaati
1 ilHintMMOi or araiiarwiaai
IrlaaMeaal.. 4 all rfri.aaiau, ar Kin 4aal
1. arhf
lata tata annual to a. la iiatiagi waaii
SSaaaal MUf mall.
Naaatlaakea4 tmrnntrpu Vrtbaaaallaaalaaitka
aarrta, aar laaal. a. w harwtaa It M aat caaalaa.
17 Itata Itraat. Haw Yark Ch
fhat a lot of fuss a couple of the
cal oieo ran make about tbe city
tlao blond when peroilde and
egg dtea ate ao cheap.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Buffalo, N. Y., after
unlet prompt and correct treatment
her great remedy for womans ills
the entire female system, snd while
kidney troubles. I.ydia K. 1'Ink-
ouly one especially prcpareu
Weisslitz Says.
years my life was simply a bur-
kidney troubles and jircscniiea
las medicines, but crew steadily
Tio In i YV I .v i- I 1 i n k 111! m'li
cvtieiu in uiu onuin;. jim. x
N. Y.
ystisva ! Jaiat v
-2uit I could hardly aUnd
.JawrflHtiot lieTn me any.
used three packages of Sanative
prod one tlie ortirlnl lrtlr and sifmtnrtsrf
tbtr abolut g
E. Hakhftm ll
"Don't you believe then, that a
pun'lc ofllce Is a pu I In trust?"
"O nun-, Its very like trust. Some
fellow seem to have a regular nion
opi Iv of It " ChlCHgo Tribune.
The navy's taiet practice costs
Dncia Him 2 5oo,000 a year. Spaio
has Imrdly flninhed counting the cost,
of no targ t practice.
All the giil'i who are dangerous
don't have gulden hair hanging
down their hacks Somervllie Jour
nal. What a woman dares to think she
darea to do.
Mrs. Window's SOOTHINQ BYRUP lor fhll-dr-n
W'tlUhc,anfti'i) the viiras, reduces Intla
matlou, allayapaln cure Colic Pilceilni botlls
Nothing to hepe for, Iz the saddest
conaisbun or life.
Rhtsnallam's Killlnst Pain.
feft In quick order after taking 10
doses of Dr. Kkirviu's Uheurastic Cure,
in tablet form. 2T doses for 2.V, post
WJS. (C. N. U.)
Chinamen consider It Impolite
weai apectaclea in company.
Mat Mr Oray's 1st) Pawdars far
enerfnly esad by MothsT Orsr, nnrs la
IbachlldrrD HemalD New Vor-. cars on
upstion, rTS' Ith nes. Had -lonarb, Tastb
li'Sl'ls rasr, oe and rejulsta the Bow. Is
ana Deatno Worms Over SO 000 tMtlmonlsla.
A tail draff 1st. 2Ao. esmpls FHKK. Address
A. Olmsted, LeMojr. N
Spain has lost patience with Van.
ezuela. Wheo Hpaln Inaea patience
abe baa little of anything left.
Put oiu--half pmiliil of gelatine ill
-old water Uhe wuii-r to i-ovcri to smik
for three or four houis. then lur over
it a fu:i iiint of iM.ilm water i" wlii- h
the rind of one lemon has Imiled for
alK.ut live iiiltniten; mid the juice or
thre or four leinoim, one half pound
if KiiKur. or more if not sweet enouyh;
leave it until it is nearly cold and be
ITins to adhere to the sides of the ba
sin, then mid the whiles of two es
well iM'uteu. and whisk all toelluT
until it is like a -lit!' while sponge;
have home moulds ready in ''old wil
ier. shiiUe out. iiinl put in your spnuci.
Vanilla limy be u-e. in-te.id of t lie
lemons. This is a pretty dish for ehil
lren's parties.
Kilili't.i ( uke.
Three laiK'e or four small eg-s, the
welj.dil of ihive In ea-!or suur. twice
(he weight of two in Hour, one tea
spoonful of baUiiij,' powder, chocolate
powder, 101 hineiil. Method: Crease
three square tins of epial size, beat
the t-fK and sugar uiMil lliick. then
stir in Hour very lightly; add baking
'powder and a itttie milk if nei-.-Sn.u y.
IHvlde mixture into three, leaving one
white, makliig another pink, another
brown with 'chocolate powder. Hake
about three-ipiarters of an hour. Iii"n
1. hoe him or lellv between each, and
cut into fancy shapes. Very dige-tib
because no fat required.
Uriel Iterf with Cream,
Keinove the skin and superfluom
f-,l fr,ii half a Iiollllil of smoked dried
beef; pick It in pieces, cover with boil
tin' water let stand t n minutes, drain
and add two lablespoonful butter;
toss lightly until slight'' browned;
1hen dredge over with one and a half
tablespooiifuls Hour; pour on gradual
ly one cup of milk or thin cream, stir
ring constantly; season with pepper
and more salt, if necessary; serve on
delicately buttered toast. The yolk of
one uncooked egg may le added Just
before removing from the range. Ilo
not allow mixture to cook after egg
Is added.
Ki I'li i'l 'iiir.
four ounces of finely chopped surf,
twelve ounces of tigs, chopped or
minced, eight ounce f ''read crumbs,
...... 4!it.li.oonnfil of Hour, one
'large tiiW!noiiful of brown sugar.
tine Itfg'e lablefKMHifu! of ground ami
pud; mix all welloi;other with yolks
of two Vgs, prelotlfy well beaten,
an JaatSr-a'M the -rMtes of the eggs
Itnfteii' to a stiff froth; put in a but
tered basin and cover with paper and
n pudding cloth, and steam four hours.
When serving slick blanched almonds
thickly over pudding.
A )lc Cimtard Tie.
Tor an apple custard pie stew
enough apples to make three cupfuls
after they are pressed through a sieve.
Add seven eighths of a cupful of su
gar, the yolks of six eggs beaten light
and season with nutmeg. Stir In slow
ly n quart of milk. Fold in the stithy
lu.Hi.m whites of the etrirs. and bake
In H crust .without a cover. A me
ringue may be added to the top after
the pie Is done, if It is wanted.
I'ntntn Ho'
This is a very nh-e way to serve cold
mashiil potato. Put one cupful Into
a saucepan, mid one-quarter of a cup
of milk and seasoning of salt and pep
per a tablespoon fill of chopped pars
ley and two well beaten eggs. Mix
llmrniiirhlv and bell t till light. Put
one lablespoonful of butter In a fry
Ing pan. when hot put In the potatoes,
spread evenly over the pan,
slowly until a golden brown,
imelet, and serve hot.
Mimhcil Potntnca.
and cool
Koll liki
Pare Your potatoes very linn and
t..t ti i lie in cold water one hour.
Put them Into boiling water slightly
salted and boil steadily until you call
pierce them will) u fork. Then pour
on ihe water, sprinkle them lightly
with salt and mid to one dozen mi
dinm-sized potatoes, a piece of butter
the size of a hen's egg: mash them
with a wire masher, add half a cupful
of tint cream and beat them until very
light and white.
An I'.mcollent Iron 8tand.
Use a clean firebrick instead of the
ordinary Iron stand, and your Iron
will retain its heat much longer. The
I Iron sliind not only admits the
air to the Inittotn of the Iron, hnt It
conducts the heat from It. The brick,
liplnc n nonconductor of heat, retains
the heat In the Iron much longer.
Rolled Million.
rut a left of mutton, weighing nliout
six pounds, on the tire In enough boll
ing water to cover it; boll for ten
minutes, skimming It often; season
with a tahlespoonful of salt, and slnv
mer the meat until tender, about twen
l minutes to each pound. Serve with
caper sauce.
(Minor Olnircr Cnkrs.
For this take two teacups of while
siiKtir, one of butter, a half cup of
rnllk. three eggs, a half teaspoonful of
sfidn, ground ginger to taste and snlll
elent flour to roll out. Cut la small
llo Ten.
Pour n quart of boluug witter upon
two ounces of hops, Inl'u- ". the nevl
day strain, nnd take a winogia-s'
Ihefore meals.
Statesman "My de.ir midaiu, your
arguments in support of woman's
6 iffiae are all very well so far
they u, bui you 1 ave out of tb i prob
lem the mo-t iuipo'tant factor of all
the h ime, riiadau;, the buo.e the
unit of American liovernuieof"
Mrs StioneMu'nd "In wnat way,
'Would not giving the ballot to
woman transform every house Into a
center 'f political contention and
arilm sitvV '
Nonsense '. Of couise not. The hus
band would vole as bis wife tells him
or lie about it just as he does now."
Fr end " Yo 1 said yuu aidu't love
Sinait Girl -' I dm't '
"You respect, hi 11 perhaps?"
"Not particularly."
"And yet you intend to niarry
"1 do." He til! me that his
l'other always got her biscuits at the
aikers. "
I cannot prniep riso' Cure enough for
tlii" woinler it li.is worked in curin nie.
-it. II. S, Mel. rjoil (Hive street. SL
Louig. Mo, A n il 15. l'JOl.
The average of suicides is less in
Inland than in any c untrv in the
woild The wolves or Russia de
ur about tu hundred childien
ind travelers every year.
Perfectly simple ami simply perfect
Is dyeing with I'LTXAM KAHlil.KSS
it YES.
The fossil coral of the Fiji Islands
is Hie best building 'tone in the
world. When lust, cut it is almost
as soft us rln i se, hut it solidifies In
'he sun until It Is as hard as granite
M;igisir.ite "Y' u are ch-irged with
having sixteen wives. What have
Mm to s.iy for yourself sir?"
Prisoner "I really couldnt' htlp
Divself, judi'e "
It was this way. l'lve years ago
t went to a summer resort, and f 'r
dx weeks I was the only man there.
Football is almost as popular in
Surtnal) as it Is in the United
slates. Mie natives play the game
unshod and kick and shoot gualswlth
oare feet. An authority on the
subject declares that many cases of
fecilve eyesight are caused by
wearing tight collars, which Inter
feres with the. circulation of the
b!o id to the head
At the Church of the Sacred
Heart, in Fads, a twenty-two-tou
hi II Is tolb d by elect rlcci'y.
".Sometimes," said Uncle Eban,
a man thinks he's devoutly thank
ful when he's jt s' feelin a low down
satisfaction in held' luckier than bis
tiHghoors "
"Dhgtaci ful I Hut they say she is
fond of it."
"That's the strange part. She is
I'most like a mother to it. 1 own
ANcgetable Preparation for As
similating ihcFoodandRcfiuIa
line the Stomaclts and Dowels of
Promolcs DigestionChrerfur
ness and Rest .Contains neillier
OpiunxMorphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
A-afa W-
A perfect Remedy For Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh
rcss And Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
aaawaaaaaaaaaiaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaBanaaaa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I sum. ' v - :
: - '7-Js m ;
In every country of the civilized world
Sisters of Charity are known. Not only
do they minister to the spiritual nnd
intellectual needs of the charges com
mitted to their c:ire, hut they ulso
milliner to their bodily needs.
Willi so many children to lake care of
and to protect from climate and disease,
these wise and prudential Sisters have
found Penina a never failing safeguard.
Dr. 1 1 a rt tun n receives many letters
from Catholic Sisters from all over the
United States. A recommend recently
received from a Catholic institution III
Detroit. Mich., reels ns follows:
Dr. S. B. llartman, Columbus, Ohio:
Dear Sir: " Tbe young girl who used
the I'eruna w as suffering from laryngi
tis, and loss of voice. The result of
the treatment nas most satisfactory.
She found great relief, end after
further use of the medicine we hope
to he ahh in say she la vtnlrcly cured."
Sisters of Charity.
The young girl was under the care of
the Sisters of Charity und used Penina
for catarrh of the throat with good re
sults ns tl . auove letter leslities.
Send to The Peruna Medicine Co., Co
him;-'-. Ohio, for a free hook written by
Dr. Crtimin.
Ask YourDrvpzistfora freePeruna Almanac for 1904.
The half million acres cult i fated
In tea in India produces 19n,0O0.0O0
pounds ti e Investment being about
$100 an acre One pnuLd of Indian
tea will produce seven and one-half
gallons of tea of a given streng'h,
while the tea of China will produce
hut tJve gallons.
Thare Ir. nothing in life imparts
such exquisite dellte az the suckcess
(f our cliihhen.
The misfortunes that we bring
upon ouise.ifs.all nave dtibble teeth.
Thare in vcr aza wize man yet
who waz a wicned one.
He who works lor the public baa
a thousand ma ters each of whom
insists upon being served in a differ
ent way.
Anything I hat iz honest a man
had better do rather than be idle.
Modest men ni.i? not always be cour
ageous, but courg: Ous meu are all
w avs ui(idii.L
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
1 M CtNTftun OOMBtuNV, tit Tflli tWt. .
The following letter is from Congress
man Meekison. of .Napoleon, Ohio:
The Peruna Medicine Co.. Columbus, O.'
Gentlemen: "I -
have used several
bottles of I'eruna
and feel greatly
benefited there
by from rny ca
tarrh of the head,
and feel encour
aged 10 believe
t h a t its co il
lumed use will
med use will
lly eradicate a f i
wise of thirty J
vein's' sr;indi:i-j
David Meekison.
Dr. 1 1 a I'L hi M n . one of the best knows
physicians ami surgeons in the Ltuted
Slates, was the I'u-si uiiin to formulats
IVnma. It was through his genius and
perseverance thi't it was introduced ts
the medical profession of this country.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Penina,
w rite nt once to I ir. llarlinnn, giving
full statement of your case, nnd he will
he pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hnrtnmn, President of
The Ilnrtnian Sanitarium, Columbus, O,
Tl e man who iz really devout
doesn't tmv to hunt for a church to
worship in.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
rums witi kit nil
'Joinr farun. 1'a.te. Good.
oud. bee I"!
1" tft
in lln,a. soil tT drumrliia
First Vlsitot (angrily) "If you
hadn't pushed me away, I'd got Id
my bet on Lightfoot. I'll settle with
you the first chance I get."
Stcotd Visitor (hoi ly) I'll settle
with you sir. Your pushing prevent
ed me Itoin betting on Ligblfoob."
First Visitor (two minutes later
Lightfoot beaten) "Say, have a
Second Visitor (genially) "Have
one with me."
The FREE Homestead Lands o!
are ,
Star Attraction
for 1904
? IIMfti'of arrenof ?rafrniflcetitGra
and i-a.7.iti Lands to be liad . a Vri
pi It, or liy tJurt'l.ate from Katlwr,
Comiiaiiies, iAnd Co rpo rations, ew-
The Great Attractiors
Oood fr-opl, 11l;btf! cTlmrtt-a.
Ilinilil ai hool syistcMi "icrKel
firlsil eoiifflt Inn, esci'f-i lonial
rallw 11 .v rMtvn(iri,i no wrnUk
uuti n HI ue nee citlrid easily.
Tl popnlntinn of WFTKRBC
CA.i II inct-enwd 12 000 liy immk
Ei ation tl'irlntr t.liu pint y ems toveTbQ,Q
i-intf Anii1i'isi)it.
Write to tlie nfrert knthortf4
Cunailiftn Government Ais-ent for C--
dlan Atl '( nt' rr lnionr-Blto; t W
aililm-ft BITIKH1VTKA.KNT IHHl'il-
Jnnett, 801 Maw YnU I.i.'e i:M., Omahn. Nf
A Boston physician's dis
covery which cleanses and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In local treatment of female ills Pax
tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it
is a revelation in cleansing and healing
power; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
Thousands of letters from women
firove that It is the ffrcatct cure for
eucorrlioBa ever discovered.
Paxtine never fails to cure pelvic
catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore thmai, sore
mouth snd sore eyes, because these
diseases are all caused by inflammation
of the mucous membrane.
For cleansing, whitening and pre
serving the teeth we challeng the
world to produce Unequal.
Physicians and se ialists everywheie
prescribe and endorse Paxtine, and thou
sandsof testimonial h'tterspioveils value
At druggists, or. sent postpaid 50 els.
A larire trial pnrhnseiilid booh, of
In.lptiKtlon. ul,H..l (1 1 1,1 tl f ri.fc,-w L'
....... .
Th" R. Favton Co.. Dept. 6 Boston ;
David Mieklson. I
W. V
5? '
I '