rrison Press - J qurnal. VOT.. XVI. HARBISON, ISTEBRASKiA., THU.R3DAY, DECEMBER 31. 1903. NO. 27 Ha LOCAL XEWS OF THE TOWN A happy N Year lo all. Ir. Splodlo, the Crawford dentist. Iteva Cooper w in toon yesterday. M. J. Weber wa up from Glen Monday . Hie Crawford dentist i Dr. Spindlo. John Christiaa was in from Id H,de Tuesday. William Miliar wa Wedoeadav. up from Lixlirc J. II Newlin is ailing with the of the Gripiwi. effect Frank and Lnrau Lewis were cp from Hunter Tuedjy. Carl Warlhan and UU at Chadron. wife spent Christ The county commissioner eaaioo Una week. Not thechang-a of the tuna of trains in the lima table. John and Tom I lines iilor yesterday llarriscn W. H. Davis has just recovered M attack of Qripi. fiom Jolm Titld was sown Irom E kurd H I), the- drat of the week. Robert Porter is down Wyoming tins week. from Warren, J. I!. Wi!h"f;tidirfer in suffering from n attai k of the ( trippe f Nil Jordan was up from Squ tw creek Mo day an ! tai'iJ on us. This 13 vn-si'iufi lime and (he scholars arc upending a wi-vk of outing. Hon, C. F. Coif-: w is a Hirnson isttol netweeii ir mis yesterday. William Oiffse took tha east bound traiq for Chadrun Tuesday night. Mrs. Valdez was visiting with Mrs Mary Anderson the llrst of the week. George Oerlsch went to Itougla Tues day morning to visit his brother Will. j Wn. Sohlever ami Hud Johnson made, a plaasant call at this otflce, Tuesdiy. Will Pontius was d iwn fr nit Caspar laat waak to visit friends and relative,. D. M Sutton and George Umphenour re building a fence arouoJ the Court Hooae. R. (' Dunn and family and J H Wil herAisdorfer. aad familv spent Christmas at Lask C. E A. Estler is doimr some much newded repair work on Iha court house this week. Minus County is having heautirul weather, while north and east of us they are having winter. Frank O'Cnnner ciom horns last week ; II has h-en working on Ccvttonwood the past seven month. EP.' Merrill, the piano tuner and organ repairer, went to Lusk Tuesday lo (let his horse and buggy. Rf'.E E Zim merman came in from the west last Tuesday night, lie will prrach at IkxUrc Sunday mornirg Ed Marshall, who has bn working for CI us. Unit! for the past seven months ha quit, and ia staying in Iowa now. Me. and Mrs. Warneke, and Mis Mm Hie k-ft (or Ft. 'olltas. Colorado Monday morning where they will live this winter. Earnest Lyon and wife are moving their household g.xsl to the lower 33 on Ruaningwaur, where they will stay tin winter. Mw te "raven I Crovie. It will be good news to the mother of mall children to learn thai croup i an be " prevented. The first sign ol croup bi.iirse ' - Beta. A day or two before the at i ai k t be - Child become hsstrae. This il so- n fol owed by a pecular rough cough, flive V Chamiirlain'a though R.-medy free.lv as " : $IKn a the child become hoarse, or even V ',, the rough cough appears, and it will gisfeyl all ftymplomsof croup. In thii v.. y all danger and anxiety may be avoi J, 6Vd. Thl remedy is uaed by many . fhnusand of mother and ha never ;'lesi Inown to fail. It la. in fact, tla Jtif rernadv Ihitmn always ha depended and that i plsent ami ife to . T ore.hr AU JU'4isia. n . . ! HERE AND THERE! Ed Oconner m on tla ck Ihi we. k am Chwley Wehaiens looking after i he tiarlier shop TO IT UK ACOl.li IN ONE DAT. Tiln I.i,.t n l.ro o yululue tablet. All rtruJ-u refjicl lua um.iey It U fill tu cur. K. W box. tic. Wo.a's igualure L on each C. M. Lux the lie count)' treasurer elect I i.ik bnen speii ling Jime lime wild county treasurer Lluvis, learning . the m steries of the records of Ihatottliv. 1 he hoard is h.ivi ig the walls of the hall of the court hoase partly painted. 1 1 liit the de vil'sh work of some of our ! uiihi ts covered up. Sname on you toys, sin h work is ti"t manly. E F. Pontiuscoun'y clerk elect has lie n lakiiijj lessons under coumy clerk Uatiin for the past week or more, so that when the otlire is turned over to him in January he may know the duties of his ..flic. V are in receipt of a letter from Mrs R.-M . Wallace of Mkiy, Idalai; She sajts they are all well except John St rat ion, w ho has ool Lkbii well for some time She.s.i)s the ground is covered wnh snow . R-v. I Hiniels delivered an able sermon last Sunday mhl and these ;irsent iippreciaied ti.e t Ifort. We preihcl a Iruntiil vear lor the in gathering of souls (or Mr. iJainels is showing hiiusell holly coiisecni'td to I he work of the Ma-ter. Annual Ovstsr Suppsr. TitesJsy. Jsnuary S. '0 , I larnsoii : 'amp N i 5"), W.mmIiiiimi of The VVord. will t'lVV ! IIS'III earlv o ster Mippi-r on :ib ' ve d.ite All Sover eigns and then families plan to he present. ()M!HITTEJt. MASQt ERADE BALL. Will Is- given al the opera Iioiiho here in liarrisin, New Y'ars eve. Prizes will (,e uvk fur nicest customs. AUo for c nine. Come one and all and enjoy the best dance of the season, giwsl music. Manager R. C. lJt'SV. Notice To All Wo,-dlieii. The Wo.hIii, eu Of The World and the Modern Wixslme'i Of America will unite and have one oystr supjvr, instead of each Cit'iip having i seperate supper, on iwxt Tueslav, Jinuiry A -1001. Lit eVery Woodman and his family p.eKiie to eat oysters. Better Than a Plavster. A piece of flannel dampened with i 'hauils-rlnin's Hum RaJiu and bound i n the affected parts, is b'tter than a plast er for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has no superior a a liniment for lh' relief of deep seated muscular and rheumatic pains For sale by All Druggists. Wltt-DlcUmekir. Th young man we saw going up the street last week with judge Bartell. was Fred Witt. He nnd Miss Mary Dieck" mnnn were united in the holy bonds ol matrimony Wednesday, Dec 23, 19J3 by the Judge. This young cnuple are well and favor ably k-iown here, and have a host of friends who wish lhm a long and happy life. They will mak their ho aie on the groom's place ta mil" northwest of town. Here are the best wishes of the Press Journal. One of our county otllcers elect seems l Im in r-ottie what of a pndicament over bis failure 1o (lie bis 'expense state meat within ten day after his .bition. The statutes make the penalty $ 1000 00 ami should this officer go abend and tile hi bond, and enter lUKn lus duties of the iiffb-e th first man he offend which will not be very long if there are any case come before hi h lie will have to meet the charge of a violation of the s'atutesand we have h-ar 1 it intimated that acl ion w ill I brought beior he haeachanct b trv a cafe, but wlutev. r may be done it places th offl :er in a queer poil'on to say tha least. A Timely Suaiestloa. Thisi tha season of the eur when the prudent and .wreful housewife replenis hes her supply of Chamberlain s cough Ren edy. ll Is certain to he needed be forelh' winter is over, a no results are much' more prompt nnd satisfactory hcn it is kept al hand arid given a soon as the told ts cc ntracled and before il has become wtths.1 in the system. In almost ever instance a wvere cold may be warded off by taking thi remedy freely a anon aa the Oral indication of the cold appear Titer I no danger in giving it to children for it contain no harmful u balance. It it pleaeant to take both adulu and children like It. Buy it and yiu will gat thebMt. It alweyi cure HaauilB Wy All lnfiar A glass or two of water taken half an I o it b-lore breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should he avoided. Whenaporiraliv.fi needed, take b tui -rl un's 8u.ni.ich an I and Liver Tablet Thee are mild and gentle in their action. For sale by All Oruggisls. The daily pipars ure full of Mr. Rocke feller's Christina gift. If tins yeulle- nun would give the public a lit! le tieHer qualit v of oil and at a less price he would reach the on- that are really deserving. As things go ht present the people are the ones tint make the presents bv h ivng lo buv ml from Rorke feller or to d without, but flu imposit ion on tli- people is n tiling; lie is the philanthropist. Tt improvt the appitile an I strengthen tlie d'gestioa, try few dou-sof i thaintier lam s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. 8eiu, of lJetroit. M'ch , say. ' They restored my appetite when iiepared, ie- llevwl rue of a bloated feehnu an causeil a nlea-ant and sat isfiu lory moment of the bowels," There are people in this count, mill y w ho liewl just such a medi cine. For ale by A ll Liruggisia, F.very Imix warranted. 8 ime of our young people have got into the unmannerly habit of leaving the go ur.t il she nearly got left, she did not chun h afte- L-agua is over. We don't j like to go without the others, but think know woetherthey mean any disrespect ing of the children at home alone. sb to the minister or the mm lll.t is go ng got on after the train started - got lo An to sak, or not; ll doe. not shiw good drew , and there Iwing m-t hy the child manners and p'aca lbs speaker in a ! ren t;y waited f.,r Mrs. R.ce. The pass somewhat embarrassing posi'ion Young j enger came hut l.ol the looked for ones, i. an and lady let us ask yuu one thing; (hey having hesitated to i loni got lei t hat if you bad spoil. a wh il l w-U ill so Mr Rice had to do his own cook ng the preparation of some subj -ct that you until Hiey came home, . we hive often fell would help so. ne one, or Ilia' you , heard the saving if J'oli hesitate: you are want, d it lo any way, how would ) oil ; lost, hut sureh if you hesitate with this fe wi-ii our lur i ca ne Ilia cre.ner purl of the people wouid g-H up ai d walk out? Nt u iIok s li I I p I hi the Ool'lcii R i- won't yon foilu.v it up and help soni'i one feel Ik' te.- and show an appreciation for what is bein done in your Udialf. J.V MEMORIAL, Wheieas. the grim rea,er, d.ilh lias called to his home, our hel . ved N'eighlMir Charles W. Mc 'lung of Pleasant Rdne l amp No. C14 W. O W. t hertdore htt it Rewdved; That we the menils-rs of Pleas ant Ridge amp No. 614 W O W. ex tend to the faintly, of our deceased Neighbor our heartfelt swnnathv, and earnest ly hope, that the giand 'orsul t'oiumander of the universe, who doeth all liunu well, will assuage their crief xnd I a comforter in this iheir hoer of sorrow: And le it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of tha I lamp and a copy be sent to the bereaved family, J. W. Davis J. J Z iniHt unnen L. L. Wil sin OVER IN WYOMING I TftTTTTfHtTHtW Sim w ishes every body i happy prosjier oils New Yar' Misses Florence and Amy Christian are home to spend the hohd oys Camp No. 614 VV O. W. will give a literary enlerlaiH'i ent. public inslalation of ofliyers and a d mce on the 15lli of Jan 1904 everylssly inviteil. Mr. J H J Church an I family sjient Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fancher. C. L. christian entertained quite a number of Iheir friends X'u is. Grandpa Sliatto bus been qiite ill 'he past week, but is some better at this writing, e are glad to say. , We understand through Ml" Church that his folks, who went lo ''aliforma arrived at their destination 0 K. Sim Pleton Hunter Happenings. Walter Smoke waaaUarrison visitor Saturday. Nets Eugli bret of highland was on cur st reel a Monday, Mrs. Basset is visiting at M irsland Slie hpeiil Christ mas Willi irieuUs n-ar ' ihere, Mr. hhiI Mrs. Frank Lewis sp'int X nas with the old ' folks al home", Mr. and Mrs. Eluvr llennessy and Mr and Mrs. M. J Wels r ol Uluu vislleit Mr J and Mr. Christensen Sunday. Tom Jones and Art Ihigerninn cume home Chni iiias morning Mr fl igerniau moved his family Irom Hunter In Si 'lust. Aeare sorry lo biive I lit in leaA our little liurg, but it is for the bast our loss is saw Uu-l's guio. j Uick lluvey took a load of household good for Mr. I lager man; ha returned vC MW wltUl ,reutd Uw 0liy Mr .hiw j fr0I1 llletllwrn, Mrii Rl(.e Mrs. Thornton Harrison Monday . wa out, but I suppose they Ihink the ; am) (ilio; though widely neperaled they Harold Hunter went down to Crawford teachers should be thankful for small have one con nion center, the Pkess Salurday evening to visit friend. I favor. I JotmNLnnd us we read we realiw the Mine Lillian Harris, our former tancher Mr. Burke came out from Harrison to ! world is not a very large after all, earn dowa oa la freigbl Hittvuday even ing and took supper at tier old home on ,et hill My but it ieamed like old times to hr al our table again. To sav we were vlad lo nee her would be a mild exTrssiun; none, could be morel w irmly welcomed: e were sorry slit, .-ould only ay until passenger time a ahe was on ber way to visit lier sister at i Marsland. Ktie met se Veral old friends at the station; one and all were triad to met her again, we ale in hopes of having tier st ip off on her wav back she expects te. g up in Wyo to teach school. V'e wish her success which we know Mr Rica moved into the Ilageman house Mm Rice has been put in as deputy post-ioat-r; she will bu a comieteiit one we think. T. O William and fanvlv of Harrisoa vmited his sister Mr.. Ri"e and family on ' P .ui..i . i i..;. Mrs. Tom J nes got in a scrap with a ' anclt ol wood, and sports a Very funny nose Sirs. Ri t nnd little diu-'liler. and Mrs. Jones went to H irr.son. They departed w itb the understand ins;, to go home on the frei-ht if it came before he passen ger. The freight came, Mrs. Jones was there, but no' Mrs. Rice, she looked and waited, but all in vain, she hesitated to last Irani vou ice left. Is-ar Peg.'y you surely draw an allur ing p clure ef a saw mill mill's house, but first come over, and yon will llnd out we have a good rocf it never leaks unless il rains; our kitch -n roof never leaks rain or snow, but I won't say any thing a bout the floor, and cracks, they must lie seen lo be convincing. Hirdie J .nes' g rev ing 'o the reader r.f tile I'RKSN JdtTI'NAb I wih you a merry 'bristmas, Aial a ll.ippv New Y-ar, With your pockets full of money, And your cellar full of beer. U No IN MEMORIAL. With profound sorrow and loving renieiiiherance, we in -rilie on the mem orial p.ige of Soo Camp No 2923, Modern Woodmen Ol America, the name of our noble in-ighlwir, 1 has.' E Umphenour, w hom (iod has called hence, and inoliey j auce h'K oeparteo to Dial unknown country from whence no traveller re l urns Another link , haa fallen from our golden chain, death once more ha enter ed our social circle, and taken away from us a Iwloved brother, who was u worthy meirlier of our LoUge and an honor to this community. It remains for us to comfort hi rorrowing mother w horn (list has denied ever again to see the light, of day and whos- mainstay for exist.oioe be had la-en for many years. His life's work md his untiring efforts never ceased to provide tor bis widowed mother and his younger brothers and sister: a beautiful light has been extin guished. Therefore be it "Resolved" by Ibis camp, that in the lo of our late neighbor, we deplore the absence of one who was always ready ano willing to contribute his time and good cnur.cil to the upbuilding of our order. While we J Imiw w,th meekness to the will of him who doeth all things well, we feel Ihatl one has go from among us whose goodness of heart and upright demeanor have deservedly won a cherished place in the h arts and memory of the members of this l 'amp. And be it ' R-solved" That '' extend to the grief stricken family, of the deceased, our most tender sympathy. And as a further resolve, we agree thai a. copy of thi memorial' hu spread upon the record of thin camp, j and a copy tie given to his family, and one to the Harrison Press, War Bonnet Topics. H ppy New Year to all. j Our schcHil closed last Thursday with j exercises and Christinas tree which was! loadid ith present, candy, nuts and MiKorn for the scholar There were qoiu a goisl many parenl there to wit-; lies the Xer;lse and all seemed toetij y Iheuiselves. I am sure 1 did, and must say Mis Harris dd remarkably well fori the chance she had. lu that ittlU tin ked up school house they did possibly get the ' hear the axeroiaea, end he-elea boik.a, ALL Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possible... and the place to do this is at GERLACF1S GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete witli the world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- box of Christmas present for quitea few of those who were present, lie tid thex were huudtd to him and refrained from from telling who was the doner, but will say whoever it was showed the; thought of some one else Iwsides self, am I kno all join with me in thank them for Iheir kindness, and Mr. Burk, in p irt icular. Miss Harris has anothet school engagec to begin the 1st of January up in VVyo Hiing. She has one to Maryland to visit her sister now. Mrs. Belle Dunn and children and Jack Finley and family spent Christmas win their sister and famil;, , Mrs. F. S. Scoti Bill Harvey was making visits in tin neighborhood last week and eat Chris' ma", dinner with us. Frank Scotland son Bon pUed for i dance a BillBinnau's Christmas nigh and a wedd ng d nice given in honor Miss llavmeyer Saturday night and wi play for on al Mr Bannans' next W uesday night All are invited to com- Joe and John Sehiefer stayed ov uight with El and IVuSeott. They wer on their way over lo S im Thomas'. aftei some catt le. Joe and Sadie Grimm spent, thej hristmas al John Anderson's at the 34 Will cume home Sunday lo spend th holidays. Mr. snd Mrs. Noreiseh were nt Mi Jolmions' Sunday lo eat oysters. Mr and Mr. Strawler and Mr and Mi Mc anil Sienr Christmas al (fustav N"r inches. (Ivory Dieckn.nnn and Fred Wit brought ih" muclimery down Monroe t Is- used for wood sawing. Jack Finley look his sister, Mrs, Belli Dunn and family, and went down to visit at John Anderson, nnd family Sunday and make music for tnem. Emma nnd (lusue N ire, inch visited Scott' Sunday. Tot nnd Ali a Slattery Noreisch's ' ,'hrist mas. were at. Mr. Burke nnd R-v. Daniels came on V., ...I... TJ... 1 il ........... t.t.ie.... i nr TZ Minn , nreiill'l Inch I utid-rstand was appreciated. I understand our Sunday S' hool is to continue under the management of Mr. Plnnkett. (k)me one and all at 2 P. M. as usual, PitaaY . Bodarc Gleanings. Wemre enjoying beautiful weather, it reminds one of the old Me'liodist rlt me Decemlier ns pleasant as May. No one around h' re has been obliged to feed stock as j et. John Coffee want to f'hnciron last Tues day to spend the holidays with his par ent. Henry Wertz is imfiroving this pleas, ant wciltar. l uddirg a new barn. j Miss Egan wrnt, to Chadron on Thurs day evenings train, nnd spent ( hristmas i with her ft lends, and returned Saturday. Eoien E Zimnurman it is expected w ill preach at Hndarc Jauuury 3rd. Miss Amy Christian went home for the holidays giving her pupils a w eeks vaca- i lion. Shu will resume her duties in the schoolroom Monday. Mis LU( y Mill is visiting relativea in the valley. We were sorry to learn that she has been very suk for some time She i much betler however. I)an Jordan is busy these days brnk ing some horses belonging to Win, Miller He set nil to be having good success with them. Emery Zimmerman being unavoidally detained, failed to he present at the faiinlj gathering on Christmas day, .at the home of his brother Irven with this exception, we believe the circle was cem plele, I lire grandchildren included. While feeling unable the past week to send in anyleing Irom our little corner Vet we read with much interest letters IL.A.O. PEOPLE J. H. LACY. We have our building completed now nd have a new supply of goods, and wil ell them right. bEVLER IN Lumber, lath, sash, doors, ime, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery. Harness, Saddles, and: Range goods.-. Flour Feed, and Grain.- Punt, Oils & etc. I am 4 gent for the Wood nanse wind mill. Have &: mpply of pump fittings oa land. Come in and get , my prices whether you buy. or not. J. E. PHUMET, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: Aksrew Block. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITE DEPOT. EVEYTHTNt FIRST CLASS; AWD M..L TTtKATED WITTT OOtHTeBT, Board H.r Day nr Tefk. W. R- WRIGHT. ONLY R-allroad between Missouri Klvtt ml. Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Lino to Black Hills. Apply lo rvearost a.nont for rates, mape-r eh.nd time coords. TIME TABLE. West Bound. Eal Bound, Morning. Evening. No. 13, One 9:11 No. 83. lo. frt. 9:83 , No. 14, Ime 7:1J : Nr.. H loe. frt. 6t Botl i trains carry passenger. Dr. Hedin a Wide Traveler. Dr. Anders Sven Hedin, the Illus trious traveler, who lately returned from a wonderful Asiatic Journey, was born at Stockholm on Feb. 18. 18K5. Stockholm, Upsala, Berlin and., Halle contributed to his educatlo. and hlB first expedition wa through. Persia nd Mesopotamia In1 1886 86. In 180 he was a member of King Oscar's embassy to the late shah of Persia, and In the same year began a Journey through Khorasan aud Tur kesian. l.t 1893 he started on what provon ( . be a four years' expedition, through Ada from Orenburg ea pekln, rla Lopnor ard Thibet, tat, bis late Jonrney thro fh tench of t&evj same country and Includlt,' sever), trials In the Gobi desert mu. bgqm In ltM sattf, 0ded M)y hnt raac. i ip-F' ,5'i- -Csi3ti 1 ugisiSllJ - . I s