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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1903)
: , ... tfpp, y: STOCK BRANDS. 1 'iv: 'Jot! rnnl J'tlt Mill, l - 1". 1 4' f ilurko. I'rt.ji. BOURRETtt DAVIS. rat J. t miL will it it. T'T tTMiKi.l f 1 n General Merchants.;-- ; r raiiriio.ei.HM.eii nn1 wt) '" (au.Tesnnra lo r.L.I.hJC I5xu. ) I bmI t v-rii- tl.eir limn'1 m 1m l"i ' ,v.i , ' iu r-i-1 et-'h AT II (H jyj HO nix it eiiiilit.n :t ner Uie .11- . , (,;.,, M Hi. - -4 wSi' t M tl'IKK liny lie the nieau of B itK ino-o v lor ,u . i J it That We Do JOB WORK For we are here yet And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. Call in and get our prices on Busing Cards, Note Heads, Letter Head.-, Envelopes? etc., any way. The Press-Journal. ME! com Mi see our compete line o HOLIDAY aOOOS. It is the best that has ever been in Harrison. We appreciate your patronage RICHARDS ft JONES. Our Latest Doctrine. "in arswer lo Spain's t!a!-n th-sl -'f 250.0I 0 f-.und in tie captured Sr? vessels at Snntiat?o belongs to ! o Secreary Root has advanced th" A-c Iran doctrire cf "finders l;ee;x.'4. " Washington Pest Sa e. Py lrtne of :i order of i i- limned 1 y th clrrk of tin- i1;t icl court of Moil count v. N br-W,i iijxiii n itei-r-e rendered in ,I1 oiirt in f.ror i f the i-cmtty of .imi plaintiff mid . KniiiHi thit niniown lici, h of John K.i li.rli, !. (. hm 'I, .) -( . lo! u rj t. j I ill mi tin- Slil ilji- ill fiiM-cuh. r, A. I ... .. j l ' nV!lk ill the i Her UKin of .ill Pcss.bly You Have (lfiy t ,,. , fro,,t ,B,r f , "Have you ever noticed incu'rci ; hou,.. ,.,,, ,,.,tv ut H ,rntt, n .1' ik U..1 . V i ...U... L .. . i. ... iiui- tuuuiiuuui lurutiei, iiui u;f r.fn lilifliet M.M. r lor c-.w't lit h-in-t lb follow ;man who says there's no IsappIrpKS ir . ln;iien ml ct.ue iu.,t.i m u 'wealth never seems to lie diirp- sed ti 'county. t.wit; change places with fcls poor neighbor?" , 11 ,,r h -nhe q i rt.r .. j 'i lo .r uii'l th norm h ,.f of the i, Stories of Wolves' Ferocity. if ''" 'r" r """ "'" Il( 'A terrible encounter w th wolres , ,, , 4 ttook place recertly near roikfham. in T,,,i-f.. .., ....... ., Moldavia, Roumsnia, recently. A par- -vr,.y-io ,iiir. ,, !,... ... i tty of seven peasant card singers wra it74.ii) iiit.i-t n hi,i Hccnu, g , t set Upon clos? to the little static.) of iit.uMt-ttt.oii uven.iiT if, ttw.. ' Biblca by a pack or wolves i.jricu i au.x i,iiT,-i.Ijfl f i( , , ,i with hutiper. The your.i fellows, whu ; ' wre unarmed, except for tho'r sticks, . . . rfongh with the courage of despair,, Mi. nit s.(i.., and jna after i"ie ctlier wa3 draped By virtup of an o w , hi o the ironed aud horribly mangled. "ii-m of ttw 'itr!ct nrt -f "mi , .unt:l three aV.ue were standi, k badly s, t,"!"i,: "po i ii.,ti- n it .i t . .mauled, but UH struggling. At this ' '"'t '" r a m "1 ,lJ" -"'"ty of -, . . jtmclure a train stcaneJ up. the pass- l',Minti!T ' " th - u..k.... , i ; f .e.pers rushed tu the aid of the ap tt..'mrk..i.., ,i, I!o,u,:. .. , parently dcouied trio, and succeeded ",' Zi TT,' T i ? ' .A. . . .11 , . I lll on tUi'2t iIhv of I'ri'fniM-r . Ii. ! wtth shouts and sticks in driving 08 i m to,,.-,.'ci.H k ,. ih- h.ibi-,-mi of ,-. i i j the tertlhle beast of prey. At no !. n iLc froi.t a,M,r oi n, vu it I Threat aaare Iroci the fpet several iiior mimI iuiit)- iMi rtii, scin-, (Peasaris who were 'sleighing to tha ' i'ni' mic-t on i. th h Kb. ht i-icr ; ? mar' ft with a' ll'ter cf pigs only es- f'"' t'x'" '" h-n-i tu- foi:OB-i.:K ,i .rillo,i ; X aped abar.'lontT g their " living "J- 'J !' 'o-...iy. towit; i ' freight one by i.r.U:. f.rd c!y reached '!"' ,",rl,,w-'i" '-' t-m. m j ? .their de.tinatioti as Ui last pig wa? ; ' ' f . , ",r , " r":' "' ,thro''C to thJ,j-"i'- To order of ,..' . , ,. ..,. o, wM-nty I.,nr dollar d tni ty tl ve ent Cot-I. Hrit I' olWciitlot' ,vovfcii f.-r i', ai-KS i.o-ST. -Iteritt . f m county o - Invit1 your in?i"wction f our (loids for quality and Prices for fairn -s.s. Oarstck is as coinplfte as any and we ex pvt to keep it so. Here in the line of DRY GOODS, SI1IKTS. HATS. IJOOT.S SHOKS. etc., you will find everything in the latent up-to-date styles and patterns. GROCERIKS, frejdi and of the ln-st quality. FLOUR, (JKAIX. CURED MEATS. HARDWARE, TINWARE. (live us a trial. We will try to treat you right at all times. BOUKKET & DAVIS. CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER IN( Lu'iher, Doors, Sash. Line, Coal, Wagons, Hujryies, aiul .Machinery of all kinfls. Alsf Wind-Mills. Towers, Eipin?, Pumps, and everything in that line. I alt-o carry a larp-e ntok of feed, Kround and unvround. 1 make a Fpetialty cf r i iu Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. J. H. VVILHERMSDOBFER, WATCHMAKER ' & JEWELER All kinds of (JoM and Silve.r uork done K'nu:s ir.ade to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES. v-1,. t Vl THEY WE3E CHEAP. jTiwuMriit MeKIntay V9il rail ir. with a MaraL Pretdduit iitiviiiiey uied to tc 11 wit: A good i!hal cf amuBeiuent o stor; r'j .eiit-ri'to his early days id tb i. w. Lvl'. h" wty to and from his offiw Jf Jt.. toued to pass a bulcaer -Afcop, cos d for a long time was yuzzie jy a cetaln notice which he tsaw ther ; la the morning he would read, "Goo j .pork sausages '0 cents."' On his retuir jin the evtn'.tg he would sometime' -fnj those sat.sages still 20 cents t ! ' nitnH Vlllf r ! nff an iha nf i mii changed and the sign read: "Fine porl sausages 12" or sometimes 10 "eents." The niotter, he eaid, used to worrj him. Sausages were not of fo pc, .sh able a nature that they would ru,t kc-et 4111 Una neat ay. and be could no: aaderstand it So one evening hi .Mopped at the shop, made some carfiia ' remark, and then Inquired the rrice o .aausagea. "Ten cents." aafi the sbopkeepr. "But." replied Mr. McKinley, "thr vers M cents this morning.'' "So they were. Mr. WcKinley." re lied the butcher. "So they '"r Then I ha4 'em. wow I haven't Sim ca at 10 aats Is simply to get me jvputatlrw tot cheapness. See" The tutnfw president saw. Ki .u & tha habit WT sayioe tbar a prpi rT nputrtlonV were raad-j it Jja tajr. Toit' Ccssfaatoa J.I'. IENSLOW. (L 'uttlj lirm.,i OP .-!(.,!, nunc nil cot. Af.a ftivo i, on iM liip. llorxe bran.lfd "- J on right ulioil 1er orJnw. Kmiife on w.iltn Kiver, on the old ;;it Jr.! i ii ii it.-.--. 1 i-untK. Oils, Vnnii.shus, Hooks .'Mici Stationary. RICHARDS i J)Ni:S.s.ccsc.s, j e. Phey. 5 ilS mniercial Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. Dve t'ilvill rfjiib. P.O. Ad'lrmw; Glen, Nebr. i A Cent'e Hint. "I trust, Mr. Prown," ea'd ti " - martown your pr lady to the yc - -i who was about lo drr-.rt. "i""'. will spfr.d ere mere evn!r . before we move irto ctir rrrx "Oellghted, I ssrure you." ;i young man, beaming with rt. ' "By the way, when do you e t ove?" "I am cot per (tire n t . e iract date," she answered, "in: o workmen befan ezcavstint; Ur 1. 1 fourdetlon yesterday, and we e 1, t t::e work pes on wltboot in'err :p- :lor, to fco able to mcve In abot:! ': '.t isen inorUia," Killaielphla !-.',..- IDIIRJEDCTOIRS. ofKKK, L'resident. P. llVf!..,, r,ui,i '3AS.ajAMKS.Mr. H. S. Clarkk, A. MeGlXLW F. Co HI 01 Jtook.neu having use for a bank at this point may rely us to handle their entire. Banking busines. -Weare prepared to take tare of our trade at all time. (l!n vi- ...v-.v.-i rttl kranit l on lft l lr ..ti e hm cut noil horr llTKIlirl) OH Iff I hould Mine m cm rm Iiui prpirt) of Snilivw itirtatisn ni run tributary lo Van Trnwl itprtng. Addris, J. H. IIL-NTCB. m nbowH In I cut, on rlRht "id", hip, or tl'i nuoniiier, I .'A0 Al -a- 0 f t lc. Itlght .. rllpin SWO REWAR.O will b paid couviciingMiiy one for raiii lns off r In ny wy taii,p,.ri awlthstoel. hvUg hhj of th Khov brHil or br inda. keack at Andrew, Nrbf, E 1 '.auiBhaMHa aa PAI'KK $500 REWARD i)Kjri:i.L ! t i-' n j :x county. i . I . J S!iT. 60, 117, "' oil left hii C e Do! Per Ytar. .Ih Hy ISINd !.TKS. l'-r in h, .i.iM'iiuitn, r tu nlh ?jOc f. r n.iniiin. - r m fiUi " fj y0 g f- j m I IV''. i ,itdi T KIP, fiit inCIl ii. W UN " r.i-i fN I i n, t-I. in .05 rti hip ut i ttllif. lJcl Oftltv, Hewitt, l4iii iountv, Ne-tjrHwk. Joil i . vV. ir, r'iir on -itt i t ff-k. Any Mi k bfnHltl -Ntv' U-iTiif trn' i fnmi iny r,fint IU.ivrl t ujy Im1v hi irivniK' ii lf irmft(.ii h ill tn- rnitar I i A'l'li"", rl. HubttitHUi, N-lrr;i-lii ,r- , hi , r-ij3 l-'l HUNK MTIU. ! llliul irtm r - 4 In -in'!, -il oh led wiiouMer lililj i-ii'l I "Mle pjjj on left l,le -I l -ft'e. A hlre... I'M 1 1 Ii k . 1 hi miii l Co. W yo. i little l.rtoli-'' hie unit hHine on iler if !mre t die lift (I -mini ,.f I l-.e ll.irw. Ilvy auH f.l. i.ile.l on fli- yy.Jk niel th.. A 'm , .iiiiii- III- l', I,, lll'lll'.. ,11, .il' ! J.M ttil'l I Ml" ; in,Mii1, r mie u di-wril - nnA il lor In.- j All'Ire-. llwrtUon, i-lii:ii.liii. I'l I li-t. r .IV V. TiX'K o Tyi ,J I'.rn.i 'e l kii left IHi of I'Kltl I '. ' - - c. 4 :iu ! ,,- !..f I ,-tiee1, or ,l,,r.M. - t f . i--l l:.iif'-on lie i I II tin. Vi hi , In j lei-li I Ve ,. J. II. lUl III I T, Korein:!!.,'ii. NehrdHicw, J:IIKi'l;i( & t o. li.VMfKI. H Nottl. l:;tl!e lirm-'.'i l.fl milt of th. f I ! -&. i l. ntf 'e I. ruin!- , ' V ..; , II. .1 I i I I "ill, cltier ir- -ffit I on I'l..: I 3 .V'lilte-n, l!;iirl-ou, Ni-I.rnk f: vl I) will 'viv 4 'i.'M i.-m aril for e n II In-... ' jf IniVe I 'lil-llle,.,rs.- lirm-llell f"TJE2JJ I in ri'in-r or I injj ii tninw: .ik',1 ;..t. n.--r on !., .,;. Iv. ff.iler, jilo iflli;i 00 r'.f onvi- t i r-oii mill il .;;. inv of mini horHen V.'. I llT'i - I I-' 0 !lh .my ,1 ;l',e Iirn1t. .'. .11.. .1. . A- , !-..:-. ., Ii.,. rini, Ni'l,rHJ,ka. v.i-i t:r - r I.rni.ll a- . .1 r nvi x. ,1 Hll'e Hi ,, mfeil KUIIKIIT r. M l;i K. '""Efr? on left M.le Al-ociilfle l. in.iet lp,fi em I'urr ur .till.. rlHTIKI" on I'll l.lji IttiiiiiinK vv titer. I, o, A'f it AK 'tu. el,rHic.-. Ami lo'li,, . :.( on .-I t -.Me ,,l , :4i i,.. . 11T, I - ;- i i 11 '. .14 I'M rui ..I till- "i : 't .:e of ,;u- utoi-lc. : I tl.l. i J . on left l,MIMl llil W J. l.l.Vri;. i i -1 n 1V:(.. VI i l ei.,, I) nrlvm, Kclir.-ik4. t V ItOssas Free Trial nlt:e BniiKlid rtto'tollrtllri'b, Mrs. Rori Sr,lT"M"rr40"'""'-"- 'im4w,,ik aoitSAs sra. co, t m r... ,irfc 7 on Kiirlit Hip Mionlder I". 0. Addrrs. CiaHford, NelirHtku. HAIilfH, (little lirmifle,; H MOiril oil left llle Willi over !t on l. fl cur. liHiiffe 011 liun nliiM Wiiti-r, I'. O. Adilrc, Miirdliiiid, Nehr. DC AVIi NKII. JilKllAN. PUP llomell Hllll CKt tl l.miiiled on either nlili on cut. nine And (ttle bmnded .lite, n'.d llui-Mm 011 Jell JHW Ad.lreSn, llodHrc, NelirliH. n tlie follow. iiKOMiiid onelih- 'r: Also HQ on mi.. tin Sriu lio-e till.:,. up le'rstiie iiore on iioiilih-r. JOHN A. HANSON air.' , tV&Vir 1 It It 11 Pk sV? ? k3,''-'.''''7-?.,' TVi-Tv. U..,....uii .. ., r,,,.r nprioiri lie.l cunt ofl.,t SLenir Knl r.y fir lie of mi onlrr of imln imun) ,y ini ner of Ihii rlUtrlct curl of Slie cormiv, Nebr.mVu. (i,, j, ,l,.Kfcpe n-rnlr In iii court In f.n.,r of the count moil iiui Flora It. KUher. Al Kwhwr. Ijii-IiiiiiI. t IihiI,., tiMkley, I'riulee, I iil on tlie'il.tilHy of lleieMilier A. I. HJt mieoVliM-k In the Mfteriioon of wit ilny ut tl,e ,,t frm,t ,()r f Ulo r nrl honei,f ,. eoliiilv.,. H riiiii, NnhrxSS e'l 'It llllh lf Hlli-n fill iml, tn t'uli'1 reB enlIe .itMHl. Th" mul ii,.: ., ni'l the ni.ri H h ii. ' ' -eel 01 . i-t ' "f l ;il ..; in.,, T l -.1 I . i. ,,rer of m,it- j,, , of wreMj fui.r i' Hi,. -,(,, f, m ' eent, I4J4.4'.; Hltli liit,.i,i n i , oi , sml neerailiia flHtt, Mr- pn'ii''! en ? neei, ,), V ' " ' ' ' " u.-i.r: tr - m ..o.inur iv- i.:,rnet lil.Hcr ii . i ..j iiM-riheil 1 - 1 , i.e ly to WIIJ t', -ii.. .t f'irir Mil- 'i.l M,-...t n ion '-Hii ihlr Mi e-i .11 th" ISIH r ihr. I , I V ... r 7 " - 4. X