Iarrison Press - J ournal. K e V, ( VOL.X7I. HAJRISOISr, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1C. ISO: LOOM, NEWS OF THE TOWN Head the estray notices. Pure apple cider a l Lowrys. The business motto leads to '-Success." For Holiday GoihN. rut I at Richards 4 June. The potato and wood haulers are still at work. (Jenrge Hill started to w.irk for the VT this "trek. Clarence Holhngsworth this Knk, was id town James Nolan wti down from Eckard S. . this week. Cor win Lewis was doing busiBess in town Tuesday. A. Erdman in visiting town tins week. bis family in Mr. and Mr. 11. T. Zerbe were up from liodarc Tuesday . Luni Crane was down Ridge this week. from Pleasant A. Eiiinun shipped a car of cattle; Jim lieuel went Willi ilit.ni Woratz Wilhermsdorfer ha the Sick list this week. tieen on Now don't forget to ;ome to lb Wood man play touiurrow night. Have you lieeu to the Drug Store yet lU KfO the ..III Iht iiiu U'igii? llev, i hunt Is preached his first sermon at Pleiifcmit Ut.lg l ist Sunday. Malt Kirawler hfcutnes a reader of the PlIKSvJoLitNAl. with Una litun. Elmu I'orbm had a winditiill do ii Monday mgiu liy the wind. blowu Urs, O. H. anil .Miuiite I'urrie dij cm kidtrable business here last Saturday, . (Vrl M Lux, ournex! county Treasur er, is Uoiti busutusa tu town tots wek In another ''oluuiii j ou will Hud the cast d character lor the U. W, A, play. F. F Jamli. returned home Tuesday, lie has been marketing Imfse ill t ill t a-d, Andrew Whi i burner stai'Ud for Wisconsin Willi u load of horses ytsler day. John fiurke, nli . In en working fur V E Jamil, is now slinking type in tins office. The wind hut been trying to blow a storm up all week, but hasn't succeeded so far. John Eb-trseecher and peter Schaefer emh brought a load of potk to town Tuesdty. . M. Lacy was (jisi ribu! ii'g rliMret-s warrants in the south part of the county Ibis week. We are glad te,r new j readier is a piinter, for t can call on him wiien in need of help. We received a letter from Mrs. Sarah Jord in containing a clipping in regard to iier mother a death, wmch w publish this week. E F. Pontius is having bis household goisls moved into the house lorim.rly occupied by Joseph Htatsney, where be will live in the future. While yeu are thinking about where ymi ai going 10 gel your Holiday O.asls, don't '"iget Richanls & Jones at the J.iUaj tore TO (THE AtXII.K IS ONE DAY. Take Luxat.ve tiro o yuinlne t.ibleU. All druKisW refund t ino.iy tt if falls to earn. K. W , trove' slgnnturu le ou each box. e. A Timely Siiget)ei. Thiaia the season of the tear when the prudent and .lareful boin-ewife replenis he her supply ol Chamberlaui's Cough Rdii edy. It la certain to be needed be fore the winter h over, and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when It is kept at hand and givnn a soon as the cold i ccntracbd and before it. has bevmiitt settled 111 the system IttHllUOSt evert' instant severe Cold mwy In warded oir by taking this remedy treely as soon it a 'he oral uuliAtion of the cold appear. There i em danger 111 gtvihg it to children for It .non'ams no harmlul substance. !t is pleasant, o take-both adults and children like it. Buy it and you -"ill -4 t'l tiert ,1 .fw iys . uv turi 'y All Orugjmsla: IlIERE AND TIIEREl STRAYED: From John Anderson' ranch at Silver Springs: One red yearling heifer branded y on left lit-. A libera! reward will l -- given for informal inn of her wherea bouts. Je. Ohim.m. Harrison, Nebr. Taken Vp. At the undersign' ranch near Five Points: One black mare pinr branded 10 ou left jaw, Age, alKiu' ten years; And weight about 900 ft. Mich til. Hfmw. MASQ! EHADE BALL. Will lie given at the opera house here in Harrison, New Years eve. Prizes will be give for nicest t ustoms. Also for comic. Come one and all and enjoy the best dance of the. season, good music. Manager R. C. DtNN. Estre.y Notice. While running a herd last, summer, two steers branded Z on left side strayed from our herd. A liberal re wad will be given for information of their w heiviibonts. WrtT Bitot , Harrison, Nebr. GIUVJB.VLL. 'hristmas night, December 21th. Will lie given at the opera hmie, rem e lib r tbu wi.ii. ( ill only he-enoueh t.r pay rxpenc-s. Y"li lire cordially invited to at tend, no trouble, pood music Manag -r R. C. Dr The tow n board met last week and an' pointed John Diei kn.ann it V iiiarshiill. The statement wn madw last Wfek in tins p.iper, that Hie marshail would hie away when the Ikiv want to have their fun, but this is a mistiike, for he collared one last .it unlay anil led Iiim up the street. A glass or two of water taken half an hour before hreakf.ft. will usually keep the bowels ii-gular. Harsh cathartics should le avoided. When a purgative is needed, lake 'ham'ssrlilin's Stomach an.f un il.iver Tablets. The,'- are mild and gentle in their action. For sale by AH I iruggists. The trial in wbh Suy Kendall arr-sted tieorge Mill lor a s-..oM.ail I tiattrv, 11r.fl was to !.e be. hist Wenesili.T was laid over nnill Tliur-day, and so ecou il not I give tlei results la-t week. Cut could not secure 11 11 a I lorney, but the ' rial n a hdd niiy,vy. uc, was decided in favor of the (tefeinlant, acij be gave bonds for 100. (10 to keep the peace. Drttor Thin a Pleatsr. A piece of Htlinsl il.tinpeiifd with bamiiei Iain's Ham B ilm and hound on the tll'-cted pirts, :s b tier tba"! a pl.ist er lor u I11 me" buck and for inims in the side or ciiest,. ram li.iim lias no sii.enor , J its a liniment for the relief of deep wated . musculnr and ilieiiio.itic pa.ns. forsale j by Ail Druggisis. I .25 CENTS 25:. WILL IlfY TUB WFKKI.Y SI ATI1'. .10HRNA' ONE YEAR The Weekly Journal lias no equal in the West as a reliable, newspiprr. Telstra, phlo Newa of The World And Nebraska In Particular RELIABLE MARKET PACE. Send 25 cents in stamps and try it for one year, 52 issues, WEEKLY STAlEiJOURXAL Lincoln, nfbr. I OVER IN WYOMING t -i- -I- H"l-i-l-H"l- A nice little snow storm Monday morning. Mrs. Brown went to the valley Sunday to take care of Mrs. Isiuel. Mrs. 7a O. Deuel went home yesterday She la r(rted some be'trr, Frank 1 hurch and faintly expect to start for California this week. Harry be gins to load bis car on Tuesday. We werelea d to ve our former neighbor J. II. Newlin of Harrison, on the Ridge Monday. II acted as "pilot" to the "sky pilot". J. ii. itouui exp -i ts to st irl fur Vi k tu nas Ibis week to help his sislei take care ol he husband Mr. ilc Img. iioiquoe lit, ami baa been for soiiim Inn Tiler was quite a coiireg.il ion out' l ist Suiitlav to fcreet (lie m w mmistir,! and ever h'sly expr. s-d lliemselws . II lib ased with hJ sermon t liey beard, Il j wti- an .ih'e ir r Stat l'LKTON. To improvt the appetite and strengthen j How to Prevent Croup tl digesl ant, try a few doxesof 1 bomber j It will be gissJ ns to I he mothers of Iain's Htomach and Liver Tablett. Mr. J. sm ll child.vn to li-arn that roup can lie H. Sei'z. of iietroit, Mu h , eay, 'They pn-ventvl The first siuol croup hoarse restored my appetite when nwparwl, re nes. A day or two before tne attack tl e lleved me of a bloated feeling an causeJ ' t fold lie'-o ues hoarse. Tills iS so in f il a plea-ant aial s.it isfiu'tory moiiienl of lowed by ft jwcular rough cough. Give the bols." There are people 111 this community who need just uch a medi cine. For ale by All Druggists. Every box warranted. PUBLIC SALE. To be held at Harrison, Nebr, Dec 19, Wi at 10 o'clock A. M. !!r) loans of straw, VI ton of rye bay, 1 spun of gray mares, 1 driving mar, 1 3 yr. old mare. , 2 gelding. 1 7 yr. old aod 14 1 set of harness, ' 1 wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 plow, 1 cupboard, A box of tools. Some dishes, set of chairs, healing stova and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: All sums under 25 00 cash. All sums over $25 00, six months lime wnb bankable note bearing 10 per centf'NEUJB MITH, aed five interest. MltS TtloM is Dcss OLD RESIDENT DIES. Mr. Hannah McCoy Cn.!led to Rest Tuesday Evening. Mrs Hannah Mc 7y, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Honiie 1 Vim tv. passed away at l.er home on North Miobml street Tuesday even ing, November 24' h. at 5:"0 o'clock, at the rie obi age of 84 jears. Haiitnih H:illghi'r was born in ' 'omit v Donegal, Ireland, in Mm', 119 When she whs Mvenly five years of age she was united in marriage to Dennis SlcOoy, Four yeara later, in 1M52, with two yountf children, Janiesand Anthony, iheycame to Americ 1 and settled in Pennsylvania where they resubd three years, ttien removed to 1 'linton county, Iowa. Tliere they reside. I until 16H. when tbev came to IJoiiiih coiuily. Midsettleil on the f.irm I, Des Moines tomislm) northeast of the ,,.j,v. t,i(b f,,r.u Mrs. Mc Vv siill oned a, ,,, (,f wr death. Roth Mr. awl 1 :. M... Vn t re 1 drift v. tin id wt.rkinjr p.'pl hon 'st and coriscicn 1 ions to 11 ;u d ttie't' btb'ifs vre- soon rewaid a cimpieiH s 1 1 (t 1( i lit to iieriiiul ' ,u . ; , ,) i.v iliem in 1 -1 ir.ut; I'rooi ,0 live life, to eti jit the fi'tiitn of ea! s ol fil uul burd ships which the hiiildimr up of a new coiuiirv bad en 1 ailed Upon all the early setibrs. Akunt fifteen years ago they removed to Bume, where they might passtoeir declining ears in pinceand comfort, but scarcely bad tbe settled III their new home when Mrs. Mi" 'ov wns ,.Hed iijs.n to mourn tliu loss ol h-r lius- wn,, sj nee llivu she has lived a quiet and humble hfj, doing good wherever m her power and winning the respect mid es- eem of nil who knew her. Deceased wasa memlierof the I 'at holic cliuri li, a devout t 'Itrist mn and bad lived an xemplary lift, 8h leaves eiglll chit dien to 1111. urn her death. James and Anthont, of Harrison township, Mrs. sin rah Jord. in of Harrison Nebr . Mrs. Mary Ann' Jord, in of Jackson toA tiship, Mrs. Lizzie Garland of Des Moints town ship, Mrs Julia On r la nd of (iuthriei'o. Iowa, and Joseph and Mis. K ita Miller, at home with their mother, one son Dan iel, hiving died in Clinton county. Mrs. Mci siy has performed a noble life work in rearing a hirjre familv of r spcted sons and daugiiters and has gone toher rest with the consciousness of a life well sient. The funeral wai held this taorning. from the Sacn d Heart church and the remains bud to rest in the Catholic cem etery. The tamilv have 1 he sympathy of the entire commufftt v in their bereave ment. Boone 1 ounty News. Hunter Happeni'gs. Winter weather today. Mm. Christetisen went to '"rawforil Monday. The 8iiteri'iteni'eiit visi ed the school last Fridav. News ire hard to find, but will do the best wi can. Her! Art-hard is carrying the mail; He likes the work. Lvllwi t R ce atari ed for Lusk, Wyo riling this iiioining, Mr. V.inzint of the Chicago Port mil ' pHSsed this way Monday. Mrs, T'l'is. I.iot le 10 d children are s'at-iig'-n 'be lni"i t"i s week. Yr .fi i ".'. Fi 'it L- w 11- ,l.)i 1 ...11 v i 'i - r Mi. and His V', k-ri went 'o i n t'l- loud -ini ' I 'li lt H'tvet "e.it ov.-r I Frid . to vi it li'a brolinir other lean.. .1 , Sir. and an , Chamberlain's ' ougli Remedy freelv as Boon as the child becomes hoarse, or even afie' the rough cough apiwars, and it will dis(el all oMiiptoms of croup In this way all danger and anxiety may be avoi ded. Thia remedy is used by many tbous ttids of mot hers and has: never veil known to fail. It is. in fact, the only remedy that tain al ways lie dejiended upon and that is pleasant and sale to take. Fur Kale, by All Dr iggisia. cast OF CHARACTERS FOR M. I)E (AKL John ww, the Woodman, just from St. Paul John Dieckmann HkNUY Sm Til, in the Order just for the insurance J. 51. L'tcy William HkoWS, V. of the Camp vV. II Davis Blli Bashaw, the Bjrglarsnd tUjnlldence Man H. A. Priddv SaM LaSiiAY, bis P.il " J. H. Wilhernisdorfer SAMI'KU Silili., Erq , Old Line Aent, with an eye for business Eirnest Lyon Jam&s SHEI.D1N. 'tnef F.rester (ieoige Oeiiai b FkrWNaN'U iVSSOOKEY, a Oudrt..., C. E. A Etler M Its MaKY Smith, wife of Mr. Smith Mrs H. A. Pr.ddy Mlts JoHSH'iN, wife of iUri Mrs. John UiecMiiann Uass Johssws. aged eight... ,.Edu.ird Pnddy ANXIK hHltsON, agiid ix Veroi.a ValdtZ JAMfS? FtifiTEtt, the : an p K cker H t-'. Burke MAHlf RiiOwn. S fisible Miss .Mrs. Earnest. Lyon HosEA TWOoD, Hi.. Paul Pclicemaii H. C. Burke Fo ESTRitS: Joiin Licy, D. M Suttaj, i;ius. Hiobelu, Litdey Pnd.iy, Go. Umptie no nr. . Curtain r tised at 8:S0 sharp. Dance after piav. NumlnTs .r)0 cts. Reserve seats for sale at P. B. B.geliMv's and I. H. Wi'hermsdorfer'B. Bert rcbard went up to Mr. Die.rk mann's northwest ol Harrison Saturday and came hack Sunday with a lot of spelt for horse feed. Mr. ll'ce is head coal heaver at the Andrews coal shed. We wish him suc cess He has bad a good i nt rod uct ion to the work the past few d.tvs. Edna Hansoa of C rawford came up oia SaHtrdai morniiig's passenger to visit tier aister and fciayed over until Monday night. 8he visited the scbool Monday. Wtide turning a sicltlt grinder R.ty I Hin-eriiiaii irol. bis arm ctight in the cog wheel mid ha a very had bruise which w ill remind bun of Hie accident for so -lie 'ime: There is talk of changing post master at this place soon as it can he done. (Jur present post master resigned and expects to move away. We are sorry to lose her, hut hope another will be put 111 as we do not want the ollice ' closid. So says every one. Tom Jours and Art I faz-rman muds a deal by ha h I bet betoeie own. ts of J iick Fin ley 's sa w mill '1 bet It-It Mon day morning inil saitl lleev are going to live on saw dim , sap, wiiuit nlge stenk, line needle garnish, saw dusi tea, potato es and t w o-by -lours fried in pitch, saw dust puikung and slab pie; some mere sa.v dust washtd down with some more of the same kind of lea. (Juess we'll go down and laku dinner with tli-m, we tbni't have that much over here to eat. U No. W er Ecr.net Topics. More winter at present. Butchering liogs wa the order of the day at 'the 8 E last Friday. Mr. Diinl.ip's children have the hooping cough the last ones in the neighborhood. Ollivette Dunn is at home, owing to the illnes of tier mother, who is quite sick at present. Grandma Zerl.st tias been visiting w ith 1 her daughter Mrs. Wilbur Shepherd ami family for the past week. Quite a number of young folks Were at St-otts Sunday evening, and enjoyed the Hue music nmde by Scot ts orchestra. 8. 8 was vert (dim, nt ninny in at tendance, and some were late. Next Sun day at 2:30 P. M. reineiiilwr come early one and all. Frank Scot 1 , and son Edward played ' for the dance at Win. Phillips Friday , night, and report a floe time, a good ' crowd, and a delicious supper, I Mmicus ValdiZ and Heiirj Moravek stated over night at Mr, Pinnketts; tbev ' Marling u. Wwnimg here thet ex I pect to re mn eft lor un indefinite length of lime tei.ding t heir cat t le. It seems queer to me the editor can re Kirt the 'set ais" 111 Hie vallet, hut fall; to mention of th- ''sciai's" in town, I stil.p 'S He r-wool bi'i he linr.ll v room ,t th, I .1 ' Il 'i :l f S ' I'll II" r. .lis Tl Mtmon h. aaM In BMt 12 moothi. TMft UCnatlire. AH Love to buy good goods at the lcv it price jajibk. an-1 thy pla.-e to do thi.i U at G I : R L A C II S G E X E Ii ALSTOI i II In clothing, dents farni.-diing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, i to give us a trial. "Come and see us any wav and b" oocial." GERLACH'S STORE- V. A. PLAY, 111903. Verona Valduz Miss Harris is preparing n nice pro giiiiu lor the last day of school which is the day tie fore Xmas. She will iilno have a, Christmas tree. that, day, and purer ts and friends are curdialiy invited to attend. Mr. Tom Jones and Art Haugerman were 110 from Andrewa and n deal was clewed baiween ttuni and Jack Finley in which they become the owners of the saw milt formerly ow ned by Jack F nley and Mr. llaggeriiian will immedietcly move his fatuity on Jack's place, in Sow tielly cnnvoii, and will make the luniber fly. Peooy LIFE;' LP 70.1 CFSTTUL CITY. This piece i-tcuid hnvo luen pnn'." list wttk, but was t-i'Oftltd out Hie w edding ll Is etitit lime to nng o Sioux f'onr ty tmd vve ii-ahze strung. i come, (ltd tu if.' I 1 c gi , 1 1 1 le us Itit to fore, iii.d we feel tt kindly interest 11 all. We lire so glad of Mr. Thornton's letlet-s, I ve been e ordering if thft loiuid 1 he pri ii'ii-ei! land iliey soiiuin. i I. 11 1 w-nys 1 bi-ers us to rend 11 b 1 N r fron. our denr Mrs K.ce. Her letters sa vor of pioneering 11 nd nre. rnl)y invig orating We do not know who all the correspoi detds art but we read all and then wish for more. M. A.O. come often and know it makes us glad. Did you ever enit for n belated train when you were in a hurry ? Well on the mornt.ig of the 12: h I Iel I. home at 7 A. M. expect ing to get to Palmer in time h-.r 'he oiening session, of the S. S, con vent ion at 9:30. 1 waited yea 1 waited, expecting l get there at noon least, but when the train ihd finally arrive nt 1 P. M, the M, E. Pastor arid myself found we were not the only tielatf' ones, for there on the train were Mi-s Unities and Prof . Sleidlny; the-Prol. whs booked for 10 30 A.M but it. was 3:30 P M. as we got to the church. Prut. Steidley's talk that evening on "The Boy Ood Made" was about, the best talk I have listened to since I came here. Oh how I wished I could see it in print, so everybody could rnd and re read it. His memory picture held his audience spell bound. 1 hose Held workers are surely doing the state much good. Very appropriate Thanks giving tinioi servicea were held in the Friends' church 1 the sermon preached by Dr. Wjusbip of tht M. E tbiitch. I'trni i-was serttd 111 lll college ii. I'.ri 11 IUI.....V., e..t. f p-r and pr.it ermeet dig at the college 111 ! the evening. It nmde 11 home Ii elicg f 1 the t udeids w ho con 'd liol go home and all had a good soi-i.it lime. The m l er is l!n atri no sr.ow, nl though some tr.iins coining from tht rust and west have been oovured with snow, Nine A M Nov, 80 - 8no mf vin gently and the cm-pet ov we cnu si e will sO"ii be ; -! Mother I'lit II white. To Cure a Cold in One Day PEOPLE J. H. LACY. We have our building completed now and have a nw sujiply of g jodi, and wil sell them right. I.E'.LF.R IN Lumber, lath, na.-rh, doors, lime, cement, and building materi.il of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery. Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour Feed, and Grain.- Paint, Oils & etc. I am igent for the Wood--manse wind-mill. Have a Hupply of pump fitting: on. hand. Come in and get my prices whether you buy or not. J. E. PHIMEY, PliysicicnSurgon. OFFl. E ANDKIJ.Vs BLijOK, COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITi: DEPOT. 10 ISW- . - . . fci- 3 s t "1 .1 ,-t? yt i. r 4 v-iu- -t LVl.Yi i N(! FiUST CLASS; AND ALL TliKtT-;D WITH COnWaHT.' linanl iJy Day or Wnpk. W. R- WRIGHT, Phot. OKLY JLd.P Jtr idi2L Railroad between Missouri Tivor rrtd Chicago. Dirsct line to St. Paul M Direct Line to IMaek Iliils. Apply to nearest agent estid ttms cards. rateij, rnapsxt TIME West, Round, Morning. 'ABLE Kiist Bound; Evening. No. 14, Due 8 No i:l, Due M:li No. h:), loo. fn, VI j o :s b,( Both trains cnri-v passengers, frt. 5:25 To Relieve !..crC:n Slums, Apopos of the r.rort.s of tins Tod Son eoitrty conrcll to r Trent furtier con ppstion In the WliitechapM district and to wpod out tl;ft popnlBtlci; thera as it, is at presor.!,, it. Is Ma'ed hy t'ae Jetvbh Chrorlf'.p tint Sir Samuel Montagu hns plrceit at the disposal of the council $r.0,fl00 fo? the provision of worklrgtnon's ccttapps at Edmonton, prefoernce 1o be given to those tea arts who have for mnvo than three years lived In WUIcrhapel. The coiinrtl v 111 at ot ce build from 400 vuira unf l in Two Days. M i II rrtrv0" e.1 .SL.--StAt..,,