Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 03, 1903, Image 7

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Kidbkt Complaints. Dia
betes, Blight's Disease, IoSam-
Ettloa of the Kidneys, Dropsy
walling of the Haiti or body),
rrasant pains in the luck or
buLOon Tkocblbs. In-Iit-'1""
of the bladder. in
famed paasareapatn Id passing
rio, Incontinence of urine, loo
Much or loo little urine.
Dbio Acid Trotjblbb.
Rheumatism, Gravel, Gout,
flail Sumes. Lumbago.
Mbrtb Tboi:b,i. Neural
gia, (sciatica, Nervous Collapse,
Bleepletanrmi, Meliiorlioiia.
Many other diaordrrs are
eeused directly or Indirectly
by faulty kidiiry action, and
can be reached and cured by
Doan't Kidney Pills. This
Irmcd t bat cured every com
W. n Neighbors, the well
known jeweler of Watt Main
Street, Wytbeville, Va , says :
" Borne four year ago an attack
of grip settled in roy back, and
I have suffered off and on ever
since with a dull, beavy aching
across tbe (mail of my bark,
always more severe in the
morning. It was difficult for
me to stocp or straighten, snd
if I sat down for any length of
lima it was hard for me to
arise. I took two bona of
Doans Kidney I'Uls. snd the
dull, disagreeable aching left
plaint recorded above, and over
10,000 testimonials prove iu
eurprislog merit.
60 cents per box, of all deal
era, or mailed on receipt of
price, by addresalns; Fitr
Mllbnrn Co . Il..ff-i-. V Y,
A Boston physi ian's dis
covery whkh cleans jnd
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located.
In hx-al treatment of female Ills Pai
tlne is invaluable. I: vd as a dourlie it
is a revelation in dransing and healing
power; it kills all dit.rae grms whkh
came inflammati.-m and discharges.
ThoiKaniNof letter from women
rirove th m it It the crentnit euro lor
ourorrinna ever discovered.
1'aitine nevrr fails to cure pelvic
catairh, n.isjl catarrh, sore throat, sore
mouih and sora eys, lcrause thee
disease hi ail cauwd by inflammation
of the murnui ni'mWarm.
For r lea lilting, v hi ten Ins; and pre
serving tlio t.- th we challenge the
worl.l to prodm e ltseuul.
I'hvMcians and srm i.ilists everywhere
presenile anil endorse 1'axtine, and thou
sands of testimonial letters prove its value.
At druggists, or sent postpaid jo cts.
A large, trial MM-kaarnand book of
Instructions atmolutely frc. Write
The H. Puzton Co., Dept. S Boston. Mass.
5YRUP cures coughs and colds.
I Mill HU( Ail IU. UlLA.
I MhI Onp ftr-nip. Tmi Ouusl Dn
In (lib. ,.4 bT rtniisjl.i
First Tramp. Wot are yer so
tiappy about?
Second TramD I called at a wid
4er'i house for something to eat and
be woman 'most killed me with a
"Don't see nothln' in that tei
mile over."
"I wo Jus' thlnkln' wot an escape
I bad. She might a-took a fancy to
ane and married me." New York
St Jacobs
Greatest in the
T&JE?1rmL bolh
2taIShlM 8
?Jr? Jt. aot
M mult thaw i wouW not
kaa baan mada of tna pna
L.h.i,. th7sdnd
baa baan mada by tha idna
HSSvSjt Hoita UXDiamV. Thay ara a perfect our tor Oonatlpatton, ppandloltla
IM FF.0rS Heaaoha Bad Breath, Bad BJootL Plnplea, PUaa, Worta nd
""fTTT-r Klne tablet atamped OOO. NBVBB SOU
hi iwwb ' -.tuj
IfiflaflOa. asMnrjianaioostiw.
II. B. McCabteb of 201
Cherry Street, Portlsnd, Ore
gon, inspector of freight cars
for the Transcontinental Com
pany, says: "I used Doan's
Kidney 1111 for backache ami
other symptoms of kidney
trouble which had annoyed uie
for months. I thiuk a cold
was responsible for the whole
trouble. It seemed to settle in
my kidneys. Doan's Kidney
Pills rooted it out. It is several
months since I used them, and
up to date there has been no
recurrence of the trouble."
THERE !S NO afflgs,
slum lke w
Porlv K6a f.rvi rtrr lrvnv venrA
" V . y j
of use on the eastern coa.it Tower 'i
iWolerproof Oiled Coals were introduced
in Ihe Wcit and were called Slickebi by
IK niorvcri and eowbrrvi. Thij WftBhlC
na,TW has e Into juch eeaeral use that
I . . m .1 .1 .1 -..II.. I J
a 15 irequenir irw.-jt wronjiuir appuec
I ..'a i f . m it ITL I .
AlK Lw Tor runanc
im nme lower on ine puxions.
' HAtx a ttuow ais
aoio Y (tepw stNTATtve trade
THt WOtLD OVt. ri
Men flatter tbu itnpiovidc it but sel
dom flitter the caushus.
N. U 769 - iB.
The land which forms the site of
the t wn of Gardner, Mass., was once
owned by the IIas;tnainlsco tribe ol
Indians. When Hie State took the
tract to oprn It for settlement, a
pension was piven to each member
ol tho tribe as compensation. The
1 ist pcnslor.ei, Elbrldge Gerry Glg
ger. wa9 recently summoned to tbe
happy hunting grounds, and there
fore the State will not have to pay
any more for the taking care of this
Tbe never ending cures of
and Bruises
Stamp h tbe
perfect remedy
srraatoat stdTantament rr printed could do no mora thaa r
Tonoe. Then oomst th tesit, and If OAaOAJUTTS did not pror.
bm 1 of nearly a MILLION BOXES MONTH. Tala) mooaM
T our fnda No on. who triea 0A8OA&11T8 faila to b
wu ia1.BirPa uusi m h r nam an tak. m hm
word of our frienda No on who
wora. aAMARSjrro jn to
' " ntarnnsr nsmeiiT irn
Mrs. Georgb Wallace, Jr.,
of Klniira, N. Y wife of
George Wallacj, broker, of
West Water Street, and living
at 667 Baldvin Street, says:
"In March, 11497. I was cured
of kidney and bladder trouble
by Itoans Kidney Pills. My
physician said at that time that
my life could be saved only
by an operation. Night afur
night I had been kept awake
for hours at a time with ter
rible pain in my back, and the
secretions from the kidneys
were in as bad a state as pos
sible. I suffered with bemor
rlieges frequently snd was in
a weak stale, hour boxes of
Doan's Kiduey Pills cured me,
and I now gladly reendnrse the
remedy, because during the
time which has since elspsed,
nearly seven years, I hsve never
had the slightest Biga of
return of Uie trouble.
First Printer "How did you !
y: ii r jolj?" '
SecuBd Printer I made s'ime queei
mistakes In se'.tlriK up a leading ed
Itorlal. Why, sir they were s
funny that they started tbe wlml
town to laughing. Yes, sir. Neve'
saw people so amused. And yet tbi
editor got mad and bouueed ue
That shows bow genius is handi
capped. No matter how muchjoi
please the public ou'll get fired 1.
ynu don't please the one llttli
fraction who happens to be tb
It li better to be kikt by a
than to be praized bi a fool"
CITQ rrvuuwntlT nursd. soffit or DarroanwMtit
n I u dm any'i us or llr. Klin'i urt Nrr )
(w. pal tork yFI:S.4-rUlbnti;ui(t i-tlMi
UK. H. U. KUMt LUI..WI rri l l'klldolDiii 1
Michigan wlli eihlhlt at th
World's Fair an extensive collectlot
of pioneer relics. They have beet
gathered by Elwell Hoyt. There an
more than one thousand articles in
cluding the crude cuntiivancts with
which early settlers kept house,
cleaned the land, tilled the soil, wove
clothing and trapped game. Ther
will he a large assortment of ear!)
atrns.relics of all tbe Ameilcan wars,
Including many that saw servlcs in
the war for Independence.
trie 0A8OA&IIT8 fail to be
bay. to oarry. to take, to Ura
DJ BULK. All dnuftota, lOo,
liL .tq
To ha-;ir I lire I'ork.
Hogs of i2J0 tu '1') p'iiiuds weight
are t-nt for family use. In !ree-iii(,
l li0(f It tilxiulil lie w litin that it -ti
be Kfilit down the bark, iiinl tin- hI(I'
Ulowei to Hriiarate, the Innil Irf-iii?
nit off. The leaf ai;d Minie otlur r.r
filus fat nhould bt' reuivel nt o:..e.
This iillous the nie.'it to riml tlioiiui.'li
'y, and It Ik iu good shiiiK' to h null '.
The inrii I hairel t-hould be kepi In ;i
ihiI phire without fr'i'.iti. A pmd
nay to kt i ji the Iiuiiik ami sh''ti!il !
tfter beiiiK rund Ik to bri- and try
lint park In jars, roverliiK with hoi
lard. 1'rrKli pork may be ke,it this
way ill hot weather, but II tinisl be
horou'hly cooked. While the cured
meat require much bus cooking lo
pr-rve it.
Allow the ltos to thorotiiilily i "d be
fore cutting, rarefully trim hums mil
-boulders and split the sidis in two
VnnthwW. Sjirinkle lioltciu of lilf
'el with tine N;ilt, mid rub cm h plcer
if meat with fait, l'tirk in bur 1 with
hiins on the bottom, shmrd is nxt
drid sides on top. After three days
wiver the mint with l.tllle minie lis
follows: Water, N ciiI!oi:: nil!, Vi
poutidK; siiar. II pounds; sallpeler.
;iunMf; ronienl rated lye, .'I IcnspMKis.
Iloll nil together mid skim. Af.er cod
inn. pour over ll)c meat. l.ittve in
brine f r.itn four to six wicks, then
(inoke us ilesirid. The bible should
he stnmt: enouuh lo Im nr up mi ej;.
- Philadelphia Itceonl.
Kain fi"'t Hun l'rnof Cooe.
I have n i hieketi roup which I think
milts me better Hum any other I have
tried in fore. , Tins ruoi is made out
(l"cliia lumber. The bold m N hi'.j; d
Mil. ii re it A ft s (')OI'.
Ht the bark I" the upper part. At the
fnint I drive two slaplc to fa-lin tin
riion down wi us It can le iiuivih
nlxuit. The uiiper Jiat't conies down 1
over the floor all the way so that you
ran put a mill tlirotiKh the s nph-. j
'Hie Rhade In the front Is l i keep the
sun and rain out. These coips niej
Very easy to clean. - .1. '. liccraft in!
Poultry Ke per. (
Care ef Winter Atipl1".
;,illiii-intr and sloiiiiir winter apples
H an important duty tl.a: must lie at
tended to before th;' heavy fm hcyiu
In the fall. A pjilc - that aie lo I e I.e. t
over winl' r should be carefully picked
mill placed in liair. I-. Alter l.'ki.ijr
I hey should be h-ft in Hie ( pen a 'r fi r
some time, as this ( nl- to I li "I ouj:hl,v
ripen them. They aNo jiass? through a
nweiit nl liist. and il is nimh belter if
they can be left (poseil s thai all Kiir
faee moisture Is i vaporatcd. Km it
should be placed in a coo, dark e.l'ar.
In some inslaniis where there are a
few barrels of specially jf'od ajijiles
the iracticc is adopted of wrapping
tin; aiiples Iu paper. Tliis pr- vents
them from coming Iu contact wllli one
nnolhiT niid will insure their keeping.
It usually pays to pick over up- hs tn
or throe times diiriujr th( wbiler. so
that thow showitia; siyns of d ray may
be discarded. Windfalls should never
he placed iiiimii; nppb-x that are hand
plcketl. A plentiful supply of apples
to he used In the family during: the
winter will eonlriliuie nuieli to Ihc
Ren oral healthfuliiess of evify nicnilK r
of the family. Iowa Iliimcsle-id.
A Primitive 1 lireuli in ti 'niliinc.
A common sluli l In the n'riciil urai
(lltilrlcts of 1 1 imsi i-.v is two woiik n
trcfldini; out irntiti by means of a
beam. The woman seated on the
Krotuwl rakes a bundle of pain and
puts It under one end of the beam.
When the urain is Is place the woman
leaning on the pole for support takes
a step backward which has the effect
of raising the broad, lint (nil of the
beam, and making the other end fall
In a hole made for that purpose. Then
n quick slpp forward, with Rome little
preure, brb'ps the thick end of the
beam down i'i the wheat and Hal lens
It out no effectually as to separate
tho grain from the husks.
Dairy Farm Hide I. Inc.
" Along with dairy farming naturally
goea the poultry business. And n nice,
clean, prolitable buslnet it Is, too.
Here la ft Hive field for the women
folk. They naturally take more pride
In the chickens than the matt d.'CH, al
though now and then we do find men
who enter heart and soul Into the key
ing of poultry. There la always a good
deal of aklnimed milk on the dairy
farm rtalch would be npt to go to
waste were It not for the bene. They
ore the greatest, of wcaveiiners. Kvitj
drop of ibo sour nnd sklmrued milk la
i I.-.'U'I'ii)H iiimiw l lor Ihi1 hi-u, jiinl she
! will turn it In ipmtl accounl, fxi.
I'i k ;i!mj im Ujit'", and it ix im1
:n;ill mile. Vlthor, to tb- rt-vwiwi
nf I lie ui-L(i-l.itc (!iiy furiu. IhiriC)!
the last fv jrais jMjrk litis wild at
Kpliiidid figures. Fur the money it
!rins in, jn.rk involves prlia,i a
little labor as anything about the farm.
Here, too, Ik a iilme where one mun
In- In love with his biihlne. Thai .Is
the only key lo sif-wf-s.
Heartiest Vliat.
T!ne v. bo have had the mi et ex
IMiieiicp in cuuiliatiiig the ln-ssian tly
are the sfioiitfif' ln'ievcrs in the latt
sowhik o f wheat
wherever It can le
d me. Koine varieties
ate Utter for late
i-o.vlng than otiieis
and the two shown in
the illnslrati 'li scili
to be especially suit
ed f r late sowing.
The center head of
the !UuH:ijtt:o!i show
a beardless sort
known as the ( "la tr
im I.ongbTy. The
variety is a strong KEiiiii-.s a.T.
grower ai d stools prol ticaliy, the straw
beinrf Wrong and wiry. The heads art
full and long and wide. The chaff
which Is brown. Is free from beards.
The grain, which is of true Long
berry type, is dark amlier in color
large and loi g and of Hie finest (tia!
iti. The ether heads shown are ol
the In aided sort. Shea" l.oi'gbeiT)
lie I. and claimed to l e the most per
feet I.ongl crry read wheat prown. 11
is one of the hardiest varieties, a
Klroiig. hiollhy grower, ami os-pcciall.y
desirable for late sowing. The straw
is slriing. though only medium Ian
'1 he chaff Is thin und of a jutulj
while. The grain is dark and llinty,
mid nearly as large as rye kernels
This variety Is much prized as a fancj
milling sort. I iid'anapolls News.
The Farm UM't the Man.
How any farm should Im; cropper)
depends upon where Hie farm is, it?
character nod location.. Some farms
are by niiltirc pasture, farms, bociitw
they are not ndiiuled to cultivation'
, f;:i,is invite tillage. Size, too.
i- a (iiiilrolling factor. A crop rota
t on and schedule of farm work thai
N ad niial le for fifty acres may be
wholly impracticable for live hundred
I or a thousand. The ambition to own
' and cultivate broad acres is an Ameri-
can disease. This disease is not so
j milch a desire to add to worldly pos
' sessions as It is for a gratification ol
j the ownership of dominion; when an
I I nly.ed it will be found to be a feature
ot man s kinsliip with nature.
Another and the most Important fac
tor of all Is the man himself. Thf
man makes (he farm good or bad, nf
he makes everything else that comer
under his control. The experience ol
one farmer is invaluable to another,
but each farm is nevertheless a sejiar
ate and local problem which the farm
er must think oul and work out him
i PVin Duck- Are Poioifnr.
1 The I'ektns are the most popular am:
1 probably the most profitable of al,
bleeds of ducks. They reach heavj
I - - . .
weights at an early age, lay a largt
number of eggs which hatch well, am)
produce strong, hardy ducklings. Tbej
are pure white in color with yellow
bill and legs. As a farmyard fow;
they are somewhat noisier than Noinf
other breeds. Kami and Home.
Fnmi Nntei,
Tile horse has a lail thai should nev
er be docked. The lightning rod ped
(iler and the cloth peddler have tnlei
l hut should be completely and efTectti
:illy docked.
The cow that gels fat is never tin
best one for the dairyman. The good
(bilry cow has a good appetite and eiiti
heavily, but her feed goes to milk rlel
In butter fat Instead of to the mnkins,
of Ih sli.
The Kilter pear Is one of the l?s
vnrieiloH for canning, and Is also hardj
Mid a strong grower, but the snpnosl
lion Hint it Is free from attacks ol
blight Is not corroborated by growers
Tin iv is mi blighl-proof pear.
It Is the seed lhat niowtly exhaust!
the land of phml food, A grass croj
that Is allowed lo produce sol tnkei
more from the soil In minerAl niattei
than two crop cut for hay while' th
grass Is young.
If a garden is made on windy soil
especially Iu a section where nearly at
the soil Is sandy, tbe use of air-slacked
lime will be found very beneficial, ai
such Rolls are deficient In lime. Oai
lime will not serve no a stilimltute foi
Hione lime, tint shell lime lo excellent
however, though the use of atone lira
should be preferred. The cost la wna'
compared with the henefitn derived,
A Ratnakabl Woniasv.
Kokotno, Ind, Nor. 23. Mr. Aaaa
M. Willis, of this plaee, a charming
lady af 74 years. Las fien for pot!lea
Uon a very Interesting letter.
Mrs. Willis 1a widely known snd
highly rrHeet-d, ami iue recoiri inunda
tion she gives Is well worth the con
siders tlon of any one who may be 14
terested. Mrs. Willis address is R. E.
N'o. fi, Kokooio. Her letter reads a
"I have been troubleil with Kidney
trouble for 20 years. It was so ba4
that It affeetcd my heart and my back.
It Lurt so that I could not get sa
hen down, and I hean to thiuk toat
I would be past doii.g anything. I
was recoinmendrHl to get Iiodd's Kia
ney Pills and purchased some at tbe
drug store of Mr. U. E. Meek. After
using several boxes, I was completely
rttorel. 1 fefd twenty year younger,
and I ain able to do all tbe usoai
work In the house and gtrden which a
penton who lives oo the farm baa te
do, although I am 74 years of ace.
Mts. De Style"! should lust like
to know who that young man Is thaa
you aeem to be encouraging."
Miss De Style "His family came
over in tbe Mayflower, and among
bis ancestors are William tbe Cob
querer, King Kubert the
Mrs, De Stile That will da.
Feople with family trees like that are
always too ptor to marry. DiamlM
Iiafiift 'btiot Caratf
by local srph"atlou-.. a ttirv rsonot reach tka
disca-eil portion of lh ear. There Is ociy oaa
way U cure ln-n'nr-. hu'1 (list Is by cooKtlbs
lioiuil remc'lieii. IeafiieHS in eaused by an ta
flsmed ciuliLiou of tlin mucous llnlDfr of Urn
Eustachian Tut. Whi n tins tube getsToflainM
tou hive a riimliliiii: onnl or lnitx-rfeet Imsso
Irn. and when It 1- cntircl) closed itaainext Is
Uim re- uli, aiid i.'elc-s n, iDlUinmatioo cjui a
takm out and this int ie-iorj lo iu normal
rondltlon. Iicarini; -a ill tie destroyed lorevaTj
nine raven out nf ten ure caused by I alarrh.
aiik'li Is noiliini; Inn an mrlaiued vodUIUob ar
Uie mucous Mirfaces.
We will fne line Hundred Pollars for aar
ease of liutjuess (caused ly catarrh ) Uiat can Ml
be cunKl by Jialls (alarrh Cur. Mend lords
rulars, tree.
F. .1 ('HKNEY at CO., Tolada, a
Sold by PriMretsU
Hull's Ksuiiu Mils sre the
Lovers quarrel), then kiss and mak
up, then quarrtll aa n.
Housekeeper "I'll give you allyoa
want to eat If you'll tack down tbii
Tramp "Couldn't, mum. If you'd
give me all I want to eat, I'd hat
to stndup."
Too much relipion Iz Just ai bad aa
too much ov etiny thiuu else.
We are told that virtew iz its own
reward, and we kan see that wicked
ness aU ays ii.
It upsets a man teriibly to lose bla
b i' ance at the bank.
Tbe otdiDary woman dots not. hare
to truce backward to tbe missing
link tc make a mookey of man.
A f KIifllJIlMAItl O mjdlA&flj.
Winks "Dr. Fauve, of Paris, an
DJunces that tbe odor of flowers bast
a pernicious effect on tbe humaa
Jinks "NcnseDsel When I Riv,
my wife flowets ber voice Isn't near
ly so sharp as it Is at other times."
Bender"! have made the Ulg
from New York to Philadelphia on a
bicvele, and have orders to write it
up for a magazine. Wonder wbere I
can (jet a good horse?"
Friend "What on eirtb do you
want with a horseV '
Iiender "1 must repeat the trip
In a cariiage so as to get an idea ot
tbe scenery, jouknow.''
Miss Rose Peterson, Secre-'
lary Parkdale Tennis Club, Cbl
cago, from experience advises all
young girls who have pains and
sickness peculiar to (beir sex, lo
use Lydia E. I'inkharn's Vege
table Compound.
How many benutiful yorjnp plrls da
Telop into worn, listless and hopeless
women, simply because sufficient atten
tion has not been paid to their physical
development. Ho woman la exempt
from physical weakness and period)
pain, and young fjrirla Just budding into
womanhood should be carefully gaidni
physically as well aa morally. Anotbea
Miss ITannnh E. Mershon, Col
liiiKswood, N-Jn Bays :
"I thought I would write and tel
yon that, by following your kind etV
vice, I feel like a new person. I vraa
always thin and delicate, and BO weak
that I could hardly do anything. If ea
atruatlon was Irregular.
"I tried a bottle of your Vegetable
Compound and began to feel bettea
right away. I continued Its use, east
em now well and strong, and nioa
st, mate regularly. I cannot say enough
for what your medicine did for ma"
sanaoT a anstasssl
Lydla B. Plnkham'i Yegeta&U
Oomponnd will cure any womaa
to tha land who intfen from
womb troublea, lnilaminatioiBi a
the OTarlea, and kULutjttovkUiVk