Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 26, 1903, Image 3

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John Lull linn been t Milne palm to
patter figurr-a a'Miiit queer employ
ment for women In Iiim domain, ami
the results are unirIiuB. It appears
Ihat iu England ami Wales alor.-, then
are nearly 44,(i women bootmaker,
3,2.'!! I ropenuiken, 4,7.'M (saddle lniikcra.
Mi who make a living by garden! ug.
BXiO butcher. UT.TiiT who keep body
and wml together by tending bur, ncr-1-
3.j bicycle makers, mid the high-4-Kt
figure of all 117,i;-rO tuilori. It ap-I-ars
that tin-re are female bailiffs,
Uwitnien. iMillcriniikiTu, bricklayer,
Iron founder, plumber, jia.itrrs,
slaughterer, and veterinary surgeon.
tiiiP woman In t lie kingdom Ih net diwn
a a dock laborer, and another Ih a
road laliorer,. while 27!l are undertakers
and 12 nre shepherds.
One bright little Irish girl, who man
aged to escape the census altogether,
haft lnlely branched out for herself an
a commercial traveler In whisky, and
opposed to lie the only woman "whisky-drummer"
In England, if not In tho
world. She Ik Minn Victoria Shorb
langhler of n Tippernry property own--r,
whose reduced clreunistaiiees on ac
count of land agitation modi; It neces
sary for the girl to earn her own liv
in.'. When given the offer she hesitated,
liut flnully accepted, nnd she has now'
heroine tin object if much criticism
and curiosity. Sim has succeeded so
well that hlii" I making a great sue
( ha of It. Oddly enough. Miss Short )
iiiiloyer Is a man named Tall.
Haw One Cnniimmitr Snivel the Prr
vant 1'tirl 1'rolilem.
From San Mlsm-I, a mining canif
In the copper comilry of Soiitherr
Arizona, come tin- glad tiding that lhn
Jfreat prolilem of the eeriturlcH haw lit
laKt been solved-and by women, o
course. The recent celebration of Hi
fourth anniversary by the San Miguel
Co-operative Cooking Hub calls atten
tion to the manlier In which the Her
vant question has been robbed of Hi
terrors through the successful Inaiigiir
fttlun of a ' conmninil.vof Interest" plan
Thin club consists of -I,"i familieH, in--ustomed
to refinements and pleasant
mrrutimlings. Some four yearn ago tin
women of the camp, after unsuccessfn
Individual attempt to procure and re
tain proper domestic service, put theli
heads together nnd organized the club,
leased a suitable house In the centra1
part of the town, engaged a matron,
and hired u number of capable Chi
iic up servants. Each family has It
own table, and the unmarried one!
have a table to themselves. The pur
chaw of the supplies Ih Intrusted t
an executive committee of three. Ex
TM-rteni-e shows that tho familieH havi
wived on an average no per cent Ir
living expenses since the formation o
the club, the service is better, nnd th(
food In of a higher quality than coulc
have been afforded under the old eys
It Ih apparent at a glance that tin
conditions which made the San Migue
rooking Club a micce lire not com
won to all purls of the United States
Chinese servants, for Instance, are no
generally proem able, and there Is I
feeling f comraibtililp, i-ngonih red bj
the sharing of hardship. In the lesi
thickly settled communities, Unit li
not ko apparent In thone sections of tin
country, which have been longer In
habited. lint the relief experience
by the housekeeper of Sau Mlgue
from the haunting fear that Urldge
may "give notice" Buy day, or exae
a few additional "privileges" from he
loiig-Hurferlng employer, must be de
lightful, anil the Huccess of the Sal
Miguel experiment will at least ser
aa a valuable object lesson In tto
iiolvlng of this mortt vexatious prob
Jm. Housekeeper.
panprr Iimllea In Brltt.
StMtdily f'- tho hit ten yi-ars tb
mmilK;r of certlflcd pauper lunaUeg It
the British Isles hiut been rising. Klin
Ilarly, oulelde la Increasing all over tb.
rountry. Turn to the phylenl fnn
and the tale In the same. Army mrult
liow wum teeth to the examlnln.
medical offlei rs every year. It has Jus
icn found neeesdiiry to lier tb
MMdnrd of height, weight and die
nsuremnt to a degree wlilcli I
quite luOcnulle. With all modern aU
leticUm there Is mill a detlnlte tcn
-ncy to Increased Insnnlly and to phfi
lml degeneration lu Ureat Britain a
1t present day.
ItoptlU Diet Prohibited.
Tho eating of snakes, Heard, moi
ptona, ceutipedes, tarantula and otht
raptllca U prohibited by atatuto In Kai
All CfcMM K-porll (o line nTra
Tblr hrT lc fur th lJfu
vt Matiuoitl Territory.
GUAYAIvl'lL .Kquador, Sof. 14.
Geoeial I ku, prcsxienci of Kquador,
bag tabled to I'rcMduiil Maituuiu of
Colombia uyuipaUjUii,g with biui in
the recent events m Hie Isthmus of
Tatiauia. Tresideul Manoquiu lint
lepliud tbaiikiug ueneral I'ldi and
adding that ticnerals Heyes, i abalier
os, Ospina and llolguln are hurdling"
ou to i'auauia wlUi a lare aiuiy to
fcubUue the Jst bmains.
LIMA, Tern, Nov. li. The Col
ombian minister of I't-ru has pub
lisliei here cablegrams received frum
bU goveinaiebl dated at lio'OU,
ov. 10, 11 and 12, rcspucUtely. ilia
cablegrams .say that ibe Columbian
government bus taken measures to
suppress ''Hie Isturiiaia traitors"
and add that, all parties and all
classes have ottered ttie g .verumeut
their lives and properties in defense
Of the national territoiy.
KEW YuRK. uv. 14. It is re
ported here, says a Herald dispatch
ftoui Panama, that Piesldeut Alairo
quin is trying to leave Koguta, i oloni
bia. There is great excitement and
ibo Ameiican legation wbicb Is sur
rounded Is protected by Colomblao
New flen Join Strikers.
CIIlCAtiO, Nov. 14. Twcnty-flve
cars tun on the Weutwor h avenue
line, without damage to the cars or
injury to the rion-u Ion employes
operating them, was what the Chica
go City Railway company w;is able to
accomplish yesterday with the assist
ance of the p lice (iepait.in tit. The
last trip was started at 3; 40 p. in.
While there was no active Interfer
ence with tho handling of the cars
such as attended the attempts to run
cars, before tho crowds lined I he
streets Jeered and hooted the police
and the non-union men almost with
out Intermission. Hut two stones
were burled at the cars during th"
day and neither did damage worth
mentioning. At nightfall the ollicl
als of the st reet car company were
inclined to view the day's work as
being successful and on tho whole
They announced that cars would
be run tomorio on the Wentwortn
avenue line at the same hours as to
day and that attempts would he made
to operate other lines, which were,
however, not specified.
When the news of the strike came
to Manager McCullov.h he was Indig
nant. "An agreement with a Chi
cago union" ho declared, "is worth
nothing. Our fireman's contract, cal
ling for one year's work is Just two
days old and Is br kcn. We will go
right along, however."
Shortly alter this decision was an
nounced the situation wascomp'ica'cd
for the company by thrsudden s rike of
the firemen m.doyed In ait six powei
houses owned by the company. The
firemen's union made an agreement
to days ago with thecompany which
was to last for a year. Thore was a
Clause in the contract which gave the
firemen the discretion to go on a sym
pathetic strike if the com nany declin
ed to arbltratrt with the employes now
on strike. The company explained its
attitude on arbitration, and said that
it had always been willing to arbitrate
the question of wages. The liremen
t en signed the c-ntract which was
repudiated this even,!- g. Tho officials
of the firemen's union declared that
they had ordered the stride because
thecompany had declined their olTet
to meditate between the coinpanj
and the employes now on strike.
Foot Caught in Halter.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Not., 14.
R. F. Ranker, a pioneer farmer ol
this county while watering bis hors
yesterday afternoon, caught bis foot
In tbe baiter arid was dragged nearly
half a mile. 11a was badly mangled
and cannot recover. lie Is seventy
four years old and ono of tbe wealth
iest men In the country. He baa
la'ge family of grown children.
Oirl Burned to Death.
TOBIAS. Neb, Nov. 14 The little
six year old daughter of Die Elde, Mr-
inir Seven miles soulhwrst of town
while playlne with (tome matches set
fire to her dress and was burned si
bad she died at 2 o'clock this morning.
Wyoming has Heavy Snow.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. M.-8nov.
bas been lading beav ty here and to
the west ana north of the dir. Tra n
service I not greatly impend, but the
high winds for -verai ay put have
dost some damage to wlm.
PA NAMA, Nov . 18. A t iO yest er
day morning the United States flag
ship Marblelicad hoisted the Sag of
the rep.iLlic of Panama arid salutei
i. wiih twenty-one guns. The Trti
Nuvimbre, a gun boat of Panama,
displaying tne American flag an
sertd iiie salute. Tbe shore bat
t ii;s also fired a salute of twenty
one g ins, which the Marblehead an
sweud. At 10 a. ni. Pear Admiral Class,
Coriiul Culger and Commander
Piulps, accompanied by Lieutenant
Philip Andiewsand is. W. TielliD
wider, olliciallycalled in the junta. A
military band played "The Mar
spjiiglcd Banner" on the American's
ariival at the palace and on their de
pirtuie from that building. They
weie received by the members of
I lie j int.i. the cabinet ministers and
(ii rierais llunas, Jeffries, 1 Ma, and
Varon and their stalls. Admiral
Glavi said he was glad to ollicial
1 call upon the government of the
i public of Panama. It had been
a great pleasure fur him to salute
this morning tin Hag of the new re
public, for whose prosperity and
(.reatness he made the best wishes.
Se:ior Arar go.a member of Mm junta
answered saying that in the name
of the junta and of the people of
Panama he expressed sincere pleasure
at the presence of the gallant Meet
Id Pmama bay, representing the
noble people and government cf the
Unitt d States, "to whom the Isth
mus is deeply grateful for the haud
of fellowship so generously and
promptly extended to them by its
gieat president."
Mr. Gudger proposed a toast to a
new Panama canal treaty, which was
answered by General Varon, who
t asted President Roosevelt and the
United States army with great cor
diality. The people of Panama are happy
over the olllclal recognition of the
II igand the event is btin celebrated
During the ceremonies today large
crowds of people surrounded the pal
ace of the government.
The l!ag of the republic of Pan
ama which was saluted by the
Marblehead this morning was made
ou board of that vessel.
Inquiry to Go on in Deitricli Case,
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. is. Now Miat
United States Senator Climbs II.
Iheliicli has been indicted by the
federal giand jury for alleged
tradleklrg in p: stollicu appoint
met ts p ilticlans and ex-post masteis
in t0us and cities not before men
tioned in connection with the inves
tlg ition send to Disttict Attorney
Summers Information of sales Into
which they maintain they were
urtied by Senator liicttieh. The
grand jury will investigate the.
charges that the ollicee at Orleans,
Arapahoe, Oxford and Alma were
Bold, but heie the labors of the grand
jurors will cease so far as they can
concern Senator Dietrich. District
Attorney W. S. Summers talked with
.fudge Monger on the advislbility of
1 u v -stigating all charges and reached
this decision.
Takligas authentic the inform
ation wlihli was given to the dis
trict attort.ey as a basis for the In
vestig itlon, the sum which Senator
Dietrich realized fiom the disp sal
of appointments approximate I0,
000. It likely exceeds these figures.
The amount which the grand Jury
accepted as c rrcct In the Hastings
case was fcJ.iiOO If the note given by
Jacob Fisher the Hastings post
master, to Senator Dictricli is proof.
At Orleans, Alma, Oxford and Auip
alme. il,(KK is the sum vhlch Sena
t Id. tich's "man Friday," it is
aiiegul, charged f r his endowment.
It is kn ivn that more than three
other cases have In en submitttd to
trio district attorney where th'i pur
chase price was alleged to have been
Damaged tiy Fire.
NORFOLK, Neb,, Nov. 18
Flre about noon today threatened
the destruction of a house on
Jiraasch avenue occuplul by K.
Lamb arid J. A Rornine ind owned
by lmiius Mathewsun. Seine dam
age result' d to fuinll ore mainly from
sin ke nnd water. The dan. age to
the house was covered by insurance
and was about $250.
Declare Ihe Law la Legal.
The siipieuie court today held that
the statute prohibiting the giving
away of liquor In local dpi ion loun-
ths Is constitutional and lined Honey
Handler and Joel Smith fm giving
di Inks to Charles Smith In the town
of Phelps.
New Trial Is Denied Them.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 18 Thnm
as E. Barrett, former marshal of the
court ot appeals; Jtho Dolan, chair
man of the d ni":ratlc city centra)
commltt e, and Frank Garrett, form
er policeman, convicted In the Uni
ted States district court of partici
pation In naluia Izatlonfrauds, er
denied a new trial today by Judge
COLON, hov., 1C The overdue
ierman steamer Scotia arrived from
the coast at sundown yesterday, flyin.
the ( olombian flag. Her agents sig
nalled the Scotia to come a'onnsido her
iiarf, but she is now anchored a mile
nd a half from the harboi-. Cutters
from the United States auxiliary
ruiser Dixie are plying to and from
me Scotia, which has no comrnunica-
ion with the ore. There is great
-xciteuieut, as it is stated that Gen-
ral Reyes and h s staff are abroad the
vessel. The Uu ltd States converted
ruiser Majflower left her anchorage
led steamed to meet the Hcotia. The
moment the c-cot'a anchored twenty
marines fiotn iiie Dixie landed nere.
PANAMA, Nov., 16 President
Marnxjuin's statement as conveyed in
l cablegram to General Piaza. presi-
lent of Ecuador, that Geneidls Reyes,
Uaballeros, Ospina and llo'guin are
now marching on the isthmus to
' suppress tbe isthmus trators," Las
set the entire population of the
sthmus laughing. Protected by the
impenetrabi ity of the land an I the
many leagues of coast line sepe rating
the ialhraus from Colombia and confi
dent that the United Slates intends
to prevent the lauding of Colombia
soldiers fiom the sea, the isthmians
feel that their security is absolute.
The ktos of the isthmian territory
is, of course, a tragedy for Colombia.
fhe government at Hogota is probably
ignorant of the attitude taken by the
government of the United Siates dur
ing the last two weeks. In a frenzy
to save its face," to appea.se an
angry and disappointed populace and
to satisfy the public demand for some
appearance of activity and an attempt
to save the honor and the territorial
integrity of Colombia, the govern
ment is no doubt promising and
threatening to send forces to tbe
coast and to take other aggressive
steps. The realization by the Colom
bian government of the Impossibility
of sending troops to the isthmus
would not necessarily deter It from
taking these steps, which, as already
stated, are intended merely to satiefy
the people.
Chicago Strike Quieting Down
CHICAGO. Nov. 10 A victory tem
porary at least, was scored by the
management of the Chicago City
Railway against its striking em
ployes. From early in the morning
until dark cars were run. The com
p.uiy started in maintaining a regu.
hr service on its Wentworth avenue
line which extends from Seventy
ninth street to the down town dis
tricts, a dis'ance of eight miles. The
first car manned by the newly hired
non-union crew lift the carbarn,
guarded by a do?en policemen, at 8
o'cl ck and was followed fot:r mln
utes later by another train.
Twenty-rive cars in all were putlntc
si rvice but the schedule was fre
quently Interfered with by delays by
obstructions being placed on the
tricks, etc. The most serious trou
ble oceured during the morning when
a number of arrests were made, but
c ashes between the police and the
cmwds that lined the streets were
frequent during tbe afternoon and
when darkness set In it was riot con
sidered safe to send more cars fiom
the barn.
Brief Filed in Llllle Case.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 10, Mrs
Margaret Lh'ie Is innocent of mtrdei
acco'ding to he brief ri ed by her two
attorneys, Haner & Hanier, in the
supreme courl. Judge Hamer is con
fident that it ,s an utter itnpossib ltv
lor tlie woman to have shot her s eep
lng husband. She was convicted in
ibe district court of Roller count
and sentenced to life imprisonment,
the J-.ry declining to recommend the
death penalty. Mrs. Llllle secured a
stay of execution and has been in the
county Jail since 1 he day of the sen
tence. Hie has bro-ght suit against
three fraternal insurance companies
or $S,0o0 insurance on her husband's
In a suit from Nemaha county
pending before the supreme court a
man who was convicted of buiglarj
asks for lils lil erty because lie was
convicted largely on the cvldenoe oi
blood hounds who traced him to his
home. He contends that such evi
dence Is not admissible In court,
bloodhounds not being' cnnpetenl
witnesses. In the Lfllie case tin
attorneys contend that Mrs. I ill it
should be liberated on acoount of tin
testimony or bloodhounds who follow
ed a trail from the Llllle house to 8
camp of movers, Two of the nioven
were arrested and afterwards liberat
ed. Speaking of the bl xidbounds tin
attorneys for Mrs. Llllle say: "Theit
actUn is an unanswerable fact. It
stands up as a monument to tbii
woman's Innocence.
All the Indians Melrased.
Douglass, Wyo., Nov. 18. The nlm
Sioux Indians wbo were arrested fni
participation in the tight In which
Sheriff Millet nnri Il..nnlu Vnlm,,,.
...... u-.u. j-i.aHt,ar a ui r u
I burg were killed, were given a pre-
ituaijiij iicuiiug uuu were uisruurg
ed. The testimony ithnvid tha'
Eagle Feather and lllack Kettle, win
weie killed, fired the shots wbicfc
killed the officers. One witness de
clared that Jesse Little War Uonnel
shot at tbe white men, but none ot
tne others could say that any of tbe
prisoners took .part In the right.
Nebraska cHpies
While land bag been selling very
high in Saundeis county trie past
year, a record breaker was made one
Jay last wek when Cbappel G. 11 ig
ard sold eighty acres without Im
provements to John Doleial for
Anton Dey, Jr., of D ton, of Sew
iid, who was arrested sortie time age
for b'.ot-IegiDg was brought Idio
V)urt aud pkad guilty. Judge jorn
borer assessed bitu a fine of 110 and
:osts aaaouutiug In all to till, which
he paid.
Charles Bloedorn, of Columbus, a
Platte rouuty boy by birth, is boon
lor a few days. He is engaged in
raising rice and owns a lirge planta
:ion in Louisana, PJ0 miles west of
S'ew Orleans. He speaks will of the
iiuth aDd says it offers many opp .r-'
iuriitles for safe investment. H
will return after a short visit, goiig
sy way of Texas.
Revival meetings are iu progress
to the Presbyterian church at Edgar
ouducted by the pastor Rev. L. E
Humphrey assisted by the Rev. Dr.
L. E. Legettof Albany, N. Y., and
Mis. Eva Hill, evangelistic singer of
North Loup. The meetings are very
nterestiug aud call out full houses,
s ich evening. Dr. Legett Is a pel
ished speiker and reaches, not only
the ears but the hearts of Lis hear
ts. Rev. T. J. House, president of
Kingfisher college, preached Sunda
.-norning Id the Coiuregat onal
hurch at Crete. His theme was tbe
perpetuity of the United States. At
5 p. in. Evangelist Smith of Seymon,
Ind-., delivered an address in the
Methodist church, maiiJv on tbe
subject of temperance. This week
special meetings are to be held by
the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. of
the college and also by the Congre
Rational church.
The Chrysa ithemuin club of Ge
neva, gave a banquet at their rooms
in the Masonic temple building Sat
urday evening, as a farewell to W. L.
Weed, a member of the club. Mr.
Weed took charge ofthe R. & M.
railroad Office, at Geneva, when It
was Brst opened and has continued
In charge since, about eighteen years.
He has been promoted to the com
pany's office in Beatrice and will ni
oiove to that city.
The postoffice safe at Danneborg
was dynamited at an early bour Mon
day morning, the burglars securing
considerable cash and Jewelry which
iiad been left iu the safe by citizens.
Bloodhounds were seut lor and sev
eral oflleera and the dogs are en tbe
trail of the robbers.
ObDty Clerit Tvson of Platts
mouth, has appointed J. L. Barton
as his deputy during his second
term, which begins in January. Mr.
Barton has held tbe office of county
treasurer two terms, and is well qual
ified for his new position.
S. S. Snell, one of Osceola's earliest
settlers who was taken so ill several
weeks ago, has sold his br ick yard
find ice business to Bert Carmine ol
David City, Mr. Carmine takiDg pos
session at once.
S. W. Christy, of Edgar, who went
to Omaha three weeks ago expecting
to undergo a surgical operation for
some Intestinal trouble,, is reported
as rapidly Improving and will soon
return to bis home, an operation be
ing thought unnecessary.
The funeral of Charles Taylor, of
Edgar, the young man who was ac
cidentally shot Friday evening, was
held from the Christian church at
2 p. m. A largo concourse followed
tbe remains to the tomb.
The girls of York and Geneva hlh
school played basket b:di at. Geneva
Saturday morning. The Yoik team
won with a score of 10 to 8. A goal
thrown by Geneva as time was called
at the end of the first tmlf was not
counted. The game was played re
markably well throughout
Oscar Webber and Miss Susie Gar
wood were married at, Nebraska City.
Congressman Nnrris has appointed
Taul M. Fell of Harvard to tbe ca-
detsblp at West Point.
Claude Drew and Miss Lillie Wood
ring were married at Marysville,
Kis., and will live at Beatrice.
Tbe yield ot corn la tbe vicinity
Of Gretna is proving to be good,
thirty-five bushels to the acre being
a safe average.
Harry B. Dickinson Is dead at
Plattsmnuth at tbe home of Martla
Hour. lie was 66 years old.
In tbe recent state election forty
four new county superintendents
were elected and forty-six re-elected.
Twenty per cent were women.
Twenty-five delegates from inde
pendent telephone companies in
eastern Nebraska met at Fremont to
perfect plans for better service and
agree on toll rates. Forty toww
aro reached by tbe companies.
At Fremont John J. Hill and
William Scott, tbe two men arrested
In Omaba on tbe charge of atealira
a horse from John Tlerroo of Leavitt,
and a saddle from IT. S. Manvllle,
were arralnged In tbe justloe'e court
Graud Jury Had Bwn In veatlg-mtlna tfca
Haating-n iTMtofllc for the i'aat
Tbree tterkl.
OMAITA, Nebr., Nov. 17. Tba
federal grand jury yesterday evening
returned true bills against United
States Senator Charles II. Dietrich
and Postmaster Jacob Fisher of
Hastings, Nebr. charging them with
conspiracy and bribery in connection
with the appointment ot Fisher the
position of postmaster. The indict
ments were brought into the United
Stites district ourt at 6 o'clock,
Jua'e Munger presiding, and were
placed on file. The court merely ac
cepted the report of the grand jury,
making no temarks on its contents
beyond making an order to the clerk
fur filing of the bills.
The indictment against"' Senatoi
Dietrich charges that he accepted
money and property in consideration
of Lis rect mu cxdifig Fisber for an
appointment as postmaster at Hast
'rigs. That against Postmaster Fish-,
er charges bim with making as
agreement with Senator Dietrich by
which the former was to pay in prop
erty and money 1,300 for securing
Fisher the appointment.
Evidence was presented to the
grand jury to show that Fisher had
bought pi'Stotlice fixtuies from the
Army post at Hastings, of tbe value
of $")00 aud later turned tbe property
over to Senator Dietrich, to whose
building it was removed, and to
whom was paid a rental by tbe gov
ernment. In addition to turning
oier the property it is charged that
Fisher paid to the senator eight hun
dred dollars in c-ish.
Last night it was stated that the
grand jury has been investigating tbe
Hastings postoflice case for nearly
three weeks and that a number ol
witnesses were present from Hastings
ai.d other points iu the state.
Senator Dietrich is at present la
Washington, and there was no at
torney or other person in the citj
to-night authorized to make a state
ment for him. All the witnesses in
the case left this afternoon for theli
homes, among them Postmaster
Fisher of Hastings, and no statement
could be bad from him.
Company holding Its Own.
CHICAGO, Nov. 17. Encouraged bj '
successful operation of a regular ser
vice on the Wentworth avenue linf
yesterday, the management of th
Cnicago city railway announced las
night tnat an effort would be madtj
today to resume traffic on the Cot
tage Grove avenue cable line. Tin)
intention is to start ten trains only
in the morning and unless too mucl
opposition is met with the service
will be gradually extended later la
the day. Five hundred policeman
will be added today to the numbei
(already detailed toj guard the prop.
eity of tin company. This addition,
al force will be assigned to the Cot
t:ue Grove avenue line, and the can
will run under the same protection
as those on Wentworth avenue,
Sctcetis have been provided for th
grip cars to shield the grlpmen.
1 Although considerable interfeienc
marked the operation of the Went,
'worth avenue brancn yesterday, stl(
a live minute service was maintained
throughout the day, and an attempt
will lie made today to install closei
Complete Survey of Park.
BUTTE, Mont., Nov. 17. J. Scot!
Harrison, who lias had charge of sur.
veying the boundary line of tbj
Yellowstone National park, is bere,
He savs the fcigatitlc task, the wort
of eight years has Just been com,
pleted. Granite monuments, placed
everv half mile, warn the poacher U
keep off. It is possible that a win
fence entirely surrounding the pari
will be put np. Mr. Harrison sayi
tbe wilds are full of elk, deer, ane
bear, with some moose, and that II
tbese animals are to be protected
they must be kept from wandering
off the reservation.
Safe Blowers at Seward.
SEWARD, Nebr., Nov. 17.-Th
safe In the Northwestern freight de
pit was blown to pieces last niwbt bj
burglars. The telegraph Instruments
the agent's typewriter and tbe ln
terlor of the office was totally wreck;
ed by the force of the explosion. Tb
thieves did not get anything for
their trouble, as no money Is kept tf
tbe safe over night. This Is tbd
tblrd safe destroyed for tbe compand
at lbl place io tbe same manner.
There to no clew to tbe perpetraten