TV Uerrnaa Prate I iwrvtl eUSftUOH, VSBftAftKA l Mai i simj'Ij lijvt? tuni-l wrong Siilf nut. Tear, lire lu wouin ord are to wen. what swear Aul France won't be content half uioriMi-o e-ithcr. wit It's lucky rohi that doin't turn tail wheu you call head. A New York fcilirl has marrl.'d count, a lid Laura Ji-au Libby is vln licuted at last. A thin Human who tried to learn "How to Get Fat for K" wis told to buy It at the butcber's. Mary MacLane says the future U a lute without string. It may also be described imo untooted flute. Amerlt an trust want the earth, and the American pottery triwt Is said to be buying English clay bwis ln pur suance of Una policy. The (Jhicaico bigamlx who bad eight wlvm nay that so far as women are -onctrntl he "is done." It looks mor as if he wtre undone. W. K. H-uley, the celebrated author, Wt au estate of $, which wouM be almost half enough for od of New port's midway dinners. There la a certain suxgrwtl'jn of the law of compensation in the plana of the Chicago rulvcrslty for a foot ball field and hospital adjoining. According to a learned intit, an ble-b.xiiei suufosver "Micks up 14 pound of water In its lifetime." And It doesn't grow ln Wall street, either. An Eaxtin-n contemporary baa an ar ticle on "The Cigarette Vice." Its grip on the younger generation of the trou er-w(-rinR variety does seem vise- like. It Is now thought that lJowagT Km prew An of China cannot live more than a year. Alas', that year may cost the Flowery Kltiird mi years upon years of repentance. Let praise be given where prai in fl'je. In devoting the proceed of hi sensational lecture tours to the found Ing of a home for drunkards' wives, mothers and children, Carrie Nation baa done a noble work. Dr. Wiley says that baldness Is proof of civilization, and that woman has long hair because she Is still avage. This suggests the question whether Dr. Wiley would rather marry a baldheaded woman or a savage. The late Lord Salisbury was a hap pier man In his chemical Laboratory lhan In the House of Lords or at the foreign office. His avocation was delight. The by-industries of st-ites men, if we may so term them, range from agriculture to zymotic Investiga tions. ' "Towers of Babel" Is what a New Vork man calls the tall buildings going up ln that city, not because they are ao high, but because there is a babei of tongues among the workmen employed rn them. Irish and German, Italian kml Scotch, with now and then a na Uve-lom American, work aide by side. A millionaire in New York and a millionaire woman ln San Francisco hare committod suicide. J. Fierpont Morgan la losing money and prestige ray day; a bushel of diamonds be longing to John W. Gates have been Stolen; Andrew Carnegie Is suffering tmtold agonies because of his disgrace- mi wesltb; and John D. Rockefeller Is still forced to live on crackers. Pity Ike poor millionaire! There Is an honest and sincere ego- tlsm about the German Emperor rhlch makes him stand out a cool and fofreshing object among the pompous had platitudinous monarcbs of the World. Wishing to pay the highest (compliment he coul.l think of to his fold preceptors, he said in effect In bis speech at Cassel that they were en titled to the gratitude of the nation, or they helped to make him, William, the great and splendid thing he Is. jWhat a dreary waste the royalty of Knrope would be without William! Hans Moller, a newspaper editor (nd proprietor who lately died, wa full-bloded Eskimo. When Nor (Bftiakjold, the Danish explorer, was In jGreenland this man nctui n his guide. (The scientist, struck by the Eskimo's Intelligence, helped him to a knowl edge of Danlxh, nnd on his return to Popenhagen sent him a small printing outfit, with directions for using it. (The man not only mastered the 'art Jreeervatlve," but edited and printed little paper In Danish for natives to whom he had taught the language and jthe art of reading. He did so much jbo instruct and enlighten his country own that when his death was un kumnced many of the Danish news Mpcra appeared in mourning. Many Mitors undertake to educate their xni- Elbera; tew go so far s to teach m to read. The Holstein cow has been v I ml leaf 4. The gentle bovine in Mack and plVf, "Who make neb t pretty ac ttfjr tor the landscape art lata, has i of all suaplciaa of giving I wau-ml, clulkj. or iluJt rdtl u.-i'k Is not her fault. Mi- do the btr s can ou the f'd i rmil-d ! h.-r. This i the vniil of the I I n fool co2:m:ssio:; scti the t'Uit-aif'j a: Inspectors after an sri!;a of i samples of milk taken rur. au.l grade nolsreiiia In a dairy In l't'kail County. Only one of these sauii failed to come up to the reijuireniems of the city ordinance. The Hols'.cn cow came originally from ScU'-swig Holateln, a province of lw:a. f -r merly a duchy of I tea mark. The 1st ler being one of the greatest butter- making countrl In the world, it seeuis rather curioua that the Holfteiu w on coming to America thould lie accus ed of giving milk with no butler In it. The Holstein will not Ih k!i as su of Chicago's milk dealers ad vised. The midd.e class is becoming a i-al srled class and rapidly hwing the econ otulc and moral Imlependence of for mer days, say the Independent. But It has not Ceased to be made up of forgotten men. Every other clasi in society receives consideration of some kind deferential or sympathetic, a the cae may be. Every other class enjoys boine share of the "general prosperity" when times are good. The alar ltd man li notoriously t bin worst entale wbeu everjboIy is making money. If the salaried man were not unselfish he would piay fer vently for business dlxaster and Indus trial deprexhlon, for then only lias h!s Income a fair meiisure of pun-hasmg power. The years since 1NJ7 liave leeti "prooperoua" teyoiid all prece dent. The trusts, capitalized at ovr $t:,JUO,0i..M, have ma.le untold mil! Ions. The wages of labr have becu forced up, after much hard fighting, 'Jf to 30 per cent. Sslarh-a have re- nia'JK-d pra-tically uuch.inge'l. Mean while, the geueral level of price hi rLsen 31 per cent Bri-ailHtiifTs ami farm products generally have risen even more than this amount. Thus, while the millionaire have doubhil or quad rupled their fortunes, and the wage earniTS lave obtained in advances a part of the Increase of living, the Mil- arhsl men. Including the professional claswti, are not mere than half as wi ll off as they were seven or eight ymirs ago. What, then, Is to be the fate of the salaried man? This is one of the mowt wrious questions of the time. The salaried class is evidently to lie a large one. It U to Include a major ity of those men who hitherto Imv controlled American public opinion. What la to be the effect of the in creasing economic disadvutitige of this Important p:irt of the community What will happen when the most in telligent third and by . all odds the most moral third of our population nnas tnat It can no longer associate with a third which admits none but millionaires Into "society?" What wl!l happen when the great middle class. facing the increasing cost of living and the diminishing rate of in term t wn sav ings, finds that it can no lougmr make a disrent provision for old age? Will It tamely submit to social Inferiority and settle down to make the best of a low stun 'lard of living? Author Appreciates I'raUe. A young man, with a richly bound volume under his arm, who had been climbing the brown stone steps of the hous-s along Massachusetts avenue. Washington, had reached the vtsrtlbule of each and had then descended wear ily to the sidewalk. Whatever was his mission. It was plain that he was discouraged as he made his way to the doorway of No. 17tio. He was met here by a man. and when the young man began: "Here I have a book," It scem d evident that the door was to b closed. "It's a history of the Revolutionary War the best written and most au thoritative Lodge's 'HLstory of the Revolutionary War.' " This last appeal of the young book agent bad a peculiar effect upon the guardian of the door. He seemed inclined to Ix-ar more. Invit ed inside, the young man told of the value of the book, not only from the standpoint of authenticity, but of the fact that lta author was the closest personal and political friend of Presi dent Roosevelt The agent became most eloquent, and the words flowed easily from his Hps. His listener seemed more and more pleased with what be said, and finally exclaimed: "Young man, I will take your book." "What's the name, pleas'?" "Henry Calot Lodge." Dttrolt Tribune. Manliness of a Little Man. Several days ago I happened to board a car which was crowded. A little man, perhaps he was twelve old, offered me his seat with clmrming tow and smile. He soon found a seat, r.ut popped up when an other woman entered, pulled off his cap, which was fringed with rags, and with micii a Jolly, wide, smile, made room for the newcomer. Five times ln as many minutes that smile broke over the face of the young traveler as he gave, his seat again and again. and ssiti every0'"; I" the car was mull ing in sympathy. No one thought whether bis clothes were whole or ragged, but smie oue said: "I wish my boys enjoyed being gentlemanly' ns much as he does," and a fine-looking m.m" remarked quite loudly to his eighln,,-; "That's the sort of maull-!!(- thru made our President." The lwy heard (his remark and looked around lo see who was nian'y. It was m natural for hlru to smile and to be polite tlwit he was not conscious of bring remarkable. If you wear a tailor made salt, don't strike a man wearing a baadBie-dwn for loan. r W I IIVC A NRV ST4RT. V T One often bears the remark, "U'l.y thould a poor man stay iu the city shile there is a chance for him In t! e jouiitry? One answer is that lie Knows what he can do In the 07. shile the country possibilities are un known and untried. The experlcin-e of l mill operative who was out of work is MJgeestive. He a pi .cured lu the lewu one day peddiing garden tru k. nd was met by oue of his former f.'l low workers. The following conversa tion took place: "Turned farmer. Brock'" queried the friend. "Turning that way," was Brock's answer. Tm working for a fanner, and trying to make more profit for him. These peas and string Ix'i.ns were to be given away for the picking, lie had more'n he could use, you se. Hut I offered to come Into town witli the wagon-load and peddle them. So we niade up a load with the addition of some potatoes and apples. I fIihII take tiack a gixsl bit of money, too. " week it was cherries. A huckster came along and offered 4 cents a quart for the lot three bush els and a half we picked. I said I'd come Into town and ell 'em for lit cents a quart, and I did. They went like hot cakes. You see. the man I work for hadn't anybody to send into town to peddle things, and he'd sell or give away, as he could on the spot. "The other day the butcher came to buy a tine veal calf. He offered $.". Mr. Carter was going to take it. when I told him to wait a hit I had a pu-s-r in my ocket. and I pulled It out n ml read the market quotations on calve. Well, the butcher paid $''.5n for that calf." "Ain't you coming back to the mill when it starts up?" the friend asked. "Gucks not. I like the farm." an swered Brock. "I'm going to have a commission mi the giinh n truck 1 sell. and 1 shall do better than in the mill. Somehow that hot. MulTy nir nin't to my liking any more. My w ife's got a chance to work In the house, nnd. well we're going to have a fan.i of our own some time. No farm work is nan so hard as work in the beat of the mill. Yes. I'm done with mill work," and he clucked merrily to the horse ami drove away. Youth's t'sjiupau ton. WILL. DESTROY ITS CHARMS. Lover of Venice leplnre Project to Connect tllr wilh in I nnd. ' Lovers of obi Venice, the quaint and beautiful queen of the Adriatic, are deploring the pnject to connect the city with the mainland by a Miltun- tlal causeway. Thus to Pnk it will seem to the poetic-minded an outrage and to vulgarize her unique story f glory and fame. Three years ago the Slndaco appointed a coinmisf ion to in vestigate the matti-r. and this commis sion has handed lu Its report, or. rather, five reports, for each of the five com missioners bud a special duty to per form I'rof. Alexandra Betocchl was to Inquire into the posible effect upon the lagune; I'rof. Nazzanl. hygienic re sults; I'rof. Coen, effect on commerce Prof, lioubee, cot of construction; and I'rof. Luigi Hossi artistic results. With the exception of the last, the commis sioners rather Iwtr the questions as signed to them, although I'rof. Bet occhl, Nazzanl nnd Coen suggi-sted rebuilding of the old bridge wj aR to permit a freT flow of water than is now possible; the "laguna tuorta' would then cease to be stagnant, "ma laria" would disappear, while If the bridges were to be broadened freer ac cess could ! had with the mainland. As to Slgnor K'.ssl, with fine old Ve netian cynicism, he neither deplores nor yet advocates the proposed Innova tion. "So much of beauty has dlsitp peared from the city," he says, "tliat the most monstrous modern thing inlcht even be harmonized with the un couth remnants of the shattered glory that remain. Between the ugly strue- ures of mere utility and the dlscanied and shunned or pillaged splendor thire Is little to choose." Deepest Hole In I lie World. The deepest hole In the world Is In Germany, near Leipzig. While boring for coal Captain Hnyssen made some very valuable observations. He got down to a depth of 5,T!K) feet, nnd to do so cost him SoO.iHK), a record sum for a single experiment of which the main purwise was to add to scientific knowledge. The hole was less than lialf a foot in diameter nt the surface nnd tapered off to the thickness of a man's finger. A cosily diamond drill liad to bo used; the rods to which It Kvaji attached weighed twenty tons and could not be put together or taken to pieces in b-ss than ten hours. The Strong I'otntJt. Brltton Your heroes of the revolu tion, your Ko-callcd patriot generals, were really a common, Illiterate lot. Most of their correspondence was not only ungrnmninticjil, but" Ynnkle They did play hob with the king's LTigllsh, sure enough."-Philadelphia Press. Koglite nflho I n I ore. In s course of lectures delivered be fore the Knghit'crlng Society of Bir mingham University, Kir Oliver Lodge recently advocated the. use of the s eun tirbitie. lie expressed a belief t.iRt the turbine engine of the futuie would uu gas rather than steam. Not That Alone. His Sister I'ooli, Dick, that's no way to kiss a girl. If you ever get married, what do you suppose your wife would think of sucb a kiss? "H'm! I don't expect lo marry I osnolaaenr of klsaea," Lift, Qsuck Reaalla r. J. IIJ1L Jnatica of the Peace, Ctoocord. N. C. says: ' "Doan's Kiuiiey Fills proved a very efficient reme dy In my esse. I osed them for disordered kid neys and back ache, from which I bad ex perlenced i great deal of trouble and pain. J he kidney secretions were very Irregular, dark colored and full of sedi ment S;uce taking the pills the secre tions are cleared up, 1 have not had au ache in my back, my health generally is Improved a great deal. Foster Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N". Y. For sale by all dealers, price SO cents per box. Vaseline. Everybody koows the crest valns of this remedy is the household, but every body does not know that the imitations f it hirh some aecntid-ctasi drusgitta dishonorably palm off on their custom era. have little or no value. What should b uuderatood bv the public is that it is ant a mere question of roinparativs value between "Vaseline" and the imitstious, but that the imitation! do not effect the wonderful healing results of the world renowned "Vawline." and that they are uot the same thing nor made ia the same way. Besides this, many of the imita ttous are harmful, irritant and not sure to use. while tree Vaseline ia perfectly B armies. Perfect asfety therefore lies in buying only original bottles snd other packages put tip by the Cheaehrougb Manufactur ing Co. Attention ia calM to their Capsicum Vaseline, advertised in another OiUOIH. WORTH THE TROUBLE. Friend "Why do you sell to those ocitty people If you bae such a time collcrtlr g the bills?" Horlsi "Hist! I use them as stool-pigeons, to lute in the no bodies who pay cash." A PL'TIFF-Cr GEM Mr. Gotham "Is that subv:rb;:n cottnue that ynu are advertising rea'ly desirable?" Ageot "Dt'g rabl"? Why, sir, It's painted in sixteen colors." How'i TMer We offer One Iliiu.lrwl IWIsrt Ilewnrrt fni any . ae of ( nUrrti tt.ul cuiml he cured br UaUt Urrli Cure. . J. ( IU..NKY li CO.. I'rnrw Toledo, O. We. (lie liudrikiirned, haveknosu F.J tit-nev for the , vrarn. iui'1 Mir Mm -r!t-ilv honorable id all liu-im-vi Irau"S tloii4 ami nnaii i lally l,le lo osxry out any oUiixaliuui nuuio li tlieir firm. w.t t. i nist. Wholrssle DniceltU. Tole.)o.O. W aiding. hlunn & llirlu, whylssaJe Drug (tl-le. loleiln. I I,ki. Hull's surrh Cure U taken InlernaJlv, acttus rtlrts tly uu Mie W.hsI aad iiiik oiu Mirfy ol Vie system. 1'rWti i-r bolUe. Bukl by nil DrueuKU. Testlinnnlals tre. Haol s KsbiIIt i-ios are ie best. KNEW WHAT HE WANTED. Drummer "I want a pair of on frcsg gaiters." Dealer "There bas been so little demand for congress gaiters lately that we have ceased to keep tbetn " Drummer "H'm I Then give me i pair of button gaiters and a flte a ,tpe." Mabln's Magazine says, "If at first you don't succeed, dun't count the first time." A man doesn't necessarily lead a dog's life because his wife pets him. When an individual minds bis own business he Is one kind of monopolist. Occasionally women make fools of men, but they re not respoosl ble for all the fools. Among tbe trimmings for dressy tailor-made suits are oriental em broideries, fur, braid, and crochet Insertions aud medallions, tbe latter round, square and oval, worked ln colored flax thread or silks and wool. Trees form a rough guide to tbe po nts of the compass. The moss In variably grows tolckest oo tbe north side, and, where exposed to the sun, the limbs attain tbe largest dlmeo lions oo tbe south side. AN OLD TIMER Heel Elperlenee. woman wb has used Postam Food Coffee sine It cam upon tbe atarket eight years ago knows from experience the necessity of tying Pos ram in place of coffee if one values kealth and a steady brain. Ehe says: "At the time Poatnm was ret put on the market I was Buffering from nervous dyspepsia and my physi cian had repeatedly told me not to use tea or coffee. Finally I decided to take bis advice and try Pout urn and got a ample and had it carefully prepared, lading it delicious to the taste. Bo I continued Its use and very soon Its beneficial effects convinced me of Its value for I got well of my nervousness and dyspepsia. "My husband bad been drinking cof fee all bis life until it had affected his aerves terrlh'y. I persuaded him to shift to Postam and it was easy to get blm to ranks the change, for the Pos tura la so delicious. It certainly work ed wonders for him. "We soon learned tha Postnm does aot exhilarate or depress and does not stimulate, bnt steadily and honestly strengthens tba nerves snd tbe stom ach. To make a long story short, our to Mrs family have now nsed Postum for eight years with completely aatls fylng results as shown la our fine con dition of health, and we have noticed a rather unexpected Improvement in brain and nerve power." Name given by Poetatn Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Increased brala and nerve power al ways fellow the nee of Poetnn ln place ef coffee, oseetlmee la a very smarted meaner. Leek la each package for a eojry ef ENOOUliAGE VoUK W1ITE. A aanslbls wife is averse to flattaiy. but meilted ptaUe dellgbta ber. She likes Ler buslaad to be Uiougbt tul of tier, kind and considerate of bei we.faie. Wtieu bhe Is well and be-otulngly dressed, a quiet notice of it is always appteciated. A word of f raise for a t ire dinner or supper Often more than compen sates her for the worry and ork of preparation. She wants her husband not only to be her supporter, but her companion, remembering tbat it is the kind voA tba4. often brings her greater happiness than a new stt of dishes, tlio.igb presents like the latter are always welcome. Hie lik:s to realize that she is good for sOttietbloK besides a mere household drudge. She likes to be petted occasionally, but not In pub lic GYPSIES SHOULD STUDY LAW. Hurijlar Hill "These gypsies don't know anything. One cf 'em told Gory Uus tbat he'd die on the gal lows." Dynamite Dan "Well, dido't he?" Burglar Bill "Naw. He died of old aire while waiilo' fer a new trial." SUSPICIONS SILENCED. Mrs. Slltudiet "VVb do you bring the dog into the hous?" Cook "l'iease, muui, the boarders always Inquire after him when there Is sausage fer breakfast." EXTENSIVE TASTE. Father "Yes, I admit that your lover has a go 'd income, but he has very expensive tastes, very." Daughter "You auiHT.e uie. What does he ever want that is so very ex- enslve?" Father ' Well, you, for one thln." PIIOTKSTINO TOO MUCH. She ((Ioublful!y)-"IIavejotj really toid tue of all the sins you ever com milted','' He (stoutly) "Yes. All She (sorrowfully) "Then I am not KOithy of you. Farewell for for forever." Another new tiimtnlng for woolen n'Nterials much usd for the aootn tnent of skhU conslsti of several rows of tia'row black or colored ve vet ribbon atranged horizontally, and travelled at Intervals with strips Of co'ored embroideries, the edges of which com above the velvet. Female mountain climbers Id Switzerland, If they are American, French or English, and value tbelr complexions, smear their faces with soot to protect them from the sun's rays. Ball gowns scintillate with itch embroideries, and sashes figure on all of them. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tba Kind Yon Have Always Boogfct Bears the Signature Don't get grouchy; tbe Lord lovea a cheerful man. Colored globes in drugstore win dows were first displayed by tbe Moors of Arabia and Spain. Exceaslve coffee drinking Is hurtful to tbe sight. This is the opinion of an eminent French scientist. Too many men waste valuable time talking about the things they are go ing to do. The ancient Romans considered It effeminate to wear beards. All their busts, representing tbe famous men of olden times, are without beards. I eaa recommend Plan's Core for Coa amption for Asthma. It haa flreo ma freat relief. W. L. Weed, Fsrmershurg, nd.. Sept, 8, 1801. If you can't say a gooi word for your neighbor at least you can keep your mouth shut. Mrs. WlnaloWn SOOTHIVO SYRUP tor ohtl dn-n Uieli)ine,iKfli-iia the f urns, rwliinea Inns a. nil on, llyi,ln cure colic 1'ilotLm bottle Shads should be pretty sure of any thing they feel ln tbelr bonca. Carpets r-an be colored on the floor with l'LTNAM FADKLKH8 DHC8. Mustard phis'ers come under the b"ad of drawing Instruments. sod-s Dcrasaea. oserMs. orsst b..a. a. i YORK n. o. res - 47. nibs Sale 10,000,000 the rAJs-iLra rAvoarrt beoioiii CANDY CATHARTI C Yi;W iViriira vVilji BEST FOR THE BOWELS Tba Dootora MsMaart Rt. John. Kaa Nt. !. Tola bas a feu ulna naatlos) la th caaa aat a llttla boy, the son of Mr. and abtv William McBrlda. Dr. tXmm, tka at tending physician, says: "Scarlet Fever of a very atallgaaai type brought this child very aaar t death and when tba fever left him, a was semi partly led la the right la and right arm. tie also lost baarlsuj ln his Hght ear and his ml ad was) much affected. "His parents tried another treatraastt for a time sod when I was recalled 1 found that be was baring spells vary like Kpiiepsy and was very bad and gradusliy growing worse. I advlaad the use of Dodd s Kidney Pills and la a sL'x-t time the child began to lav prove. Inside of a week the Dcrvetf sfiasms or epileptic seizure ceasad al together." Mr. and Mrs. McBrlda have toad a sworn statement of the facta and Dr. Jesse L. Li i ne bas added his swors statement saving that Dodd's Kkinary Pills and nothing else cured tba flta. There ia no tool like a a old tools Male gossips are the worst of lb breed. Fools who keep tbeir moutua shag may pass for wise men. Too many so-called gems of tbougbt turn out to be paste. The pale of society can be bad of any druggist at 50 cents a box Earthquakes ate responsible for lot of noo-collectabtu ground rents. Always alru, a little higher thao the mark if the mark la a dimple lav ber thin. The kangaroos are disappearing ln Australia. Since 1877 It Is slated that 7,407,663 of theru have beaav killed there. Hints to the Plain Featured. N matter how plain your face may be, you can become a styli h and flna looking woman, If you cultivate a graceful carriage and a certain indi viduality iu dress You kouw tbat the most f.iacinatlng women bava I ecu plain looking. There is -jf rlirro of iui a mi, 1 1 1 v t.hiit liufi nnt.h ,Uj wt)aleBI t0 do wUh brlj(ul eyea. symmetrical features, or pretty hair. Do all you can to Improve your cuui plexlon. Cultivate a pleasant ei ptiHiiiiti by having a cheerful dUpo slli'ju, and thea train jour body la symmetry and gncef ulucss. , Mottirr Grr's S4t I'owders for ihll ctrett. SurcewluMv Used tiy Mother irsy, name la the i tu lil r ns Hm til New Yor-, ttirou- ut'Stlon, heTr!hut, lisd Momsib, Ti'A'.h 1"K tils .niiT move and regnlau in Howr-ls hint lttrov Wounft ivr SuU testimonials. At all druKvlst, i'-o. t-sirpie. KKkK. Address. A. S Olu.sted, Leituy, .V Y. Capsicum Ifaselino Put lip In Collapsible Tubes. , A ftttbraftUBtal for 4 irlr I MttsfteVtt f MW ex h pUeXsw. esatd will boc bltaur eMH 1eU kiB. Tha ib1b esllartUMol onraUv qakltUw tattf rltel r otielrfa). It will au Ika IrTlsHaia sat our, aad rhea taadaakaaal ealUe. W rwanaMi it a tit faat na4 aafMi rtrmaaV Miaur-irriit kaova, atao aa aa antara. reaedr tm aana la tha chaat aiaal autoaaeb a4 ftU -"TTtltaa aaoraltfic aud oatr ooaiplalnia A trtaJ alii arovawbat aa calm for It, m4 U will e (oaad to la ioealteabia In tba boaaahold. bJaa J palt at "It 1 tba baat of all your aratratloaa " rricsa 16 oaata, at all 4rvi(tai. or oifeor aalafa. ar bj aaadiouj thi aanaunt la aa ta aataa ataaiaa. mm wiM fn4 jou a l tba bf mail. No art tela eh aa 1 4 b f4 hj ibaawblU aalaatBi aanaa askmsH or M oUiarviag it U aH aaaalaaa CKtSf BR010M MAMT ACTIRING CO 17 State Street, New Yerk Crty. Get tbe cheerful habit. There is only one thing mote foo4 isb than not adrertlslng worrying. Napoleon is said to have remarked) tbat he feared three newpapsrs more than one hundred tbouaaod bayonet.. What do you do with your even ings? Many a success haa been made oo a foundation of home atudy. Rise up, brothers, and get pay foe. your labor. Elevate tbe busineaav and come up with It. Keep up wltb tbe new Ideaa eve. If you do not adopt them all. WEI VfAThfR C0MfO.7Tl Thawna U no aatUfoction Uarkar wan oeevo dry and corrrfbrUbla vhen ottl In the hardest storm. jouAsc mi or m ir tou weab WATEDPPOOF ILED CLOTH1N nyc in slack ob rcuow BACKtb br oue ouarai nil rAui fd.unrra tewici A vous csAUaisu U he wSI not ayseir rasi 4 fir mar frr frilsyje mf Seta WvgespssgsMspspasi J i-"e Kfjar 1 1 -1 j jri IDIIt WNl.t AU nu Best Conse lini Turn haa in I'm. rii sr erttsslu Boxes a Year. imp- L f l r ANI 1 i 1 'Oe tesww ttttto , Tta 0