Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 26, 1903, Image 1

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    Harrison Press - Journal.
fxt of Ui Milts ilk re li rpmr-
.j. i
Tom Plunkell aimed ho-ue last S it ur
dv. Dave Cooper wan vuuUng in town thi
John Brown wu up from Fiv Point
Andrew Waeserburger wan in town
Tuetrifl v.
l)vtor Currie ha changed his dale a
dav lar.
Mr. Uoodrige wan in town the last of
last vvci-k.
Mr. ' ler wag up from Glen the Hrst
of t! e Week.
John t t.rM-ian waolomg h i vwin
to n jiondav.
Mr. Sam Thnni is dropp ed in fora chat
with the Editor Tuesdvt
J. B. Burke went to Alliance last Fri
day night returning Tuesday.
Ira ThoniHS mid wife were down from
O'd Woman creek last Friday.
County attorney nUt ten , from Dawes
County was in Harris in Tuesday.
Jets Mill came d in from SVnd in , j
Wyoming last week. losM-nd tin winter.
Mr. and Mr. Earnest Lvon were visit
inifwiihMn, Chan. Suiiih, of ihivilt
Mr Hnd Mrs Earnest Fhmney came
clown IroiH .Soiilli 1'.. kola Monday on the
We. learn hh we go to preys of the
death of Mrs. Sarah Joid.uis mother wli
lived in lima.
The 1'HIS.S JoU.iSAl. will ( lubwith the
.'uni.iiol.i'r. Hoi h papers one year for
(I 60, payable in advance.
J T. M".-ns's lecture, Sunday nilit(
was very g mcl and int i'l in.' a id we hop
lie will give Us leore such lcclures.
We (TO to press one day early th s wedi
o lis to give our pi u.t.-r and the h-vil a
chance to eat turke, und rest on Thanks
" Tom Horn pnys the penalty .f taking
the life of Wililfl Nn kel ome iimeg
is lung oil lail Friday at 1 o'clock
From lhe nmouilt ol guhbling w e hiiVe
liemd Ijtely, we think everybody will
huve all the turkey thsy want for
We undent ltd that Is'puty Mate
Sup!. Mclii ien will lie in attendance at
the teal h-rs sociat Kill he.d lilt 'tuwloid
Friday and Stiud iv.
While choj-.pliig in he canyon Tuesday
fteori;e I II "ck siiinii c'lt Ins loot q Hie
Ht-vere. He w ill prol.ably have a vi-ri
Bore fot for pome time.
For Mi. k headache I ry I haii.lierlain's
Sio.iiHch and Liver Table's; they will
w rd otr the attack if taken in time.
r. sale by All Druifgisla.
bke Laxative llro o Quinine tablet. All
draKlsM r.'f.i.ifl tne no. icy It If 1st Is to
care. K. W . i;ro.c' ,l,ilur Uoaeacll
Ian. v-
Henry Wer Z, who has Issen woiking
l the carjs?nier irude i.p at isiiend.ni,
Wjo k:iu:m iusl spr.ug, is again miiiaig
UK. We hujHS he will pnd tlie wiutef
Mr. Hi o 'ami ill-." Fort Robinson Photo-giHpI.ei-,
wli I c at the court house In
!)itiion Nov. !7 and 28 re.ulv lo Ink
jour pji-xo. ! s-.o nays oniy uiu your
last ( hence beloie spring.
Lits of mouriiiiig over house plants
dul Jack Frost do.it care a snap, and
wounl as soon lake a nip at jour nose as
anything else, so be thanklul Ihat II was
tlie o ii iUiii that (iot it.
The next g.und bull will l -iiven,
ThauKsgitfiug evoiiing, Nov. !i8, at the
hall. I'-ume one aud all and hsve a coisl
tune. vJ. 1-tKS.
The Harrison Hun has changed hands
Johu" H. Newhu puichasinn the same.
Mr. Newlin Will lai charge alioul the
Br.tof the jel.r. The niier will contiiiuu
ll'a (xditical complexion as a Repulditau
With Judges. Wuslover, and Hairing
ton on tliu bench entile rust turn and oilier
Oesperali.clmr.uaeiB li.ul bellei give the
IrVJuDlclal (hstricl a wide i.erih lor there
ts nodiliy dallying in their it.-clhnun o(
fleahng out justice.
Senator Uteirich was I. id led by the
tudrral rriMa1 Jury at Omaha last week.
TfM seimfisT m lialil" to O.i cun n- d lo
urosj. t. trie world ihuUih O. U. I', j
woul sU-id any 'oiiua ivith.- Mr. l ad
rieli it oulj( tt Miwjmi'.i ht-iH-a Ins chaiC.
e,i: 11 s i ;l
? :K "S-4 $- I
J-e Siitnv came in on Tue-d iv's
train. Mr Sl.itsm-y took hi wife 1o
Lit, c. . !n 1 1 1 1 -. t me ago, ai d placed her
under the c.re of a doctor and trained
I, lose, hoping tii.il her MPinJ might I
reMrred to her again; But when he led
her on Monday fche km no better.
Rv. Daniels ar.d family ram in on
Tuesday' train. Mr. Daniels will take
up the work a pastor of the M. E.
church at this place. The ople of
Harrison wdcome them to our midst
and I.Mik forward to a pleasant mid
proltt aide year in laboring for the
There are some sin art alecks around
town that are going to come down with a
thud that thev will remember the balan
ce of iheir lives it they dont pet into ttieir
place soon and k-ep there. Father had
tietier be looking alter their young
Americans tha' never do anything wrong
before it is to late.
We notice an at tide in the Chadron
Journal Iron) the pen of Miss Blanche
Cdf-e. on the ul j-.t r.f '"What is Worth
Wild. ?" Miss t 'oll'e-t brings out Home
deep thoughts on tliis sui j-ct, and were
we not crowded for space I his week we
would j j i ' . I . -, 1 1 it, I u t. we will give il to
our radeis later on,
fiordun has had sewn pr.n.'ipils enaicd
since the board lirst s.ilicitd 1'or jtroless
ors. so s iys the (i.irdou Journal. Nino
U-r s.x lost his wind rind grip, and had
to let loose. Weli ih.it. is heller than
I l.iriisou done hisl'ye.ir lor our man lost
his w md and grip of all but sta u.g il h
his salary until the end of thevenr.
We listen-d to John W. Hrow-n, a
socialist spelker fr.'lll Ma'R ichuseMs,
wliospolo- ai Mitchell on the l'Jaud want
to sriy t Itu. if he e vr corui-M I his Wi.y y on
want lo h-.ir him, lor he is one of the
lirmhtei s pea kern w have ever li'ivd.
und whatever Meir politics may he you
wdl enjoy the lime spe.nl listening to
In. n.
Dim. f' II. and M.mne I 'urry , the Eye
Specialists, ,f i 'Iticimo, ivii.i have iu:v;l.'
several visit to Harrison, will inaie
iheir next profe-sional visit to Jlarrison
tor one day only, Saturday, lec. Oiii.
They are the oldest and most reliable
specialists in the west and carry the
largest, und most complete set of instru
ments in us',-. I'on-iillalion, tree,
(iiasses (llh-d nl the lowest prices. lhe
are known to be good an j reliable .
Slopped A.Mnl a Hot Stove.
A child of Mrs. 0o. T. ii-nson, when
getting Ins iikIiiiI Saturday night hath,
stepped back against a hot sloe wh ch
niii'iK'd him seser.dy. Tile child was in
great agony and Ins mot ln-r cr nUI do no...
Iiirnr to p.ii .ly hull. K -in inhermi; lha'
he had a huitleof I h.iinlB-rla n's Pain
HiIiii Hi 1 he I.e. use, fhe, 1 1 u . il t; I . t she
would try it. In less tnau naif an hdnr
after applying it the child was quiet and
in less than two wieks wu well. Mra.
Benson is a well known resident of Kellar,
Va. Pam B lm is an antiseptic liniment
and espwuilly vnl.iablr for burns, cut,
bruises und sprains. For sale by All
Druggist a.
The Cnmp nlon Chrletmae Gift.
TUB YWTIl'H ( OMPaNiuM ia one of the
few gifts that are always appropriate
and yet within reach of the smallest
purse. It brings to every member of tlie
family -something of inUrest, something
of value- a story that i lieera. - tin article
that ca'nes the reader into far-off coun
tries or among men w ho govern, a sketch
that amuses, u poem that puts u bit , of
truth in a new and convincing way, a
pageof piciures that holds the children
spellbound. It is American's home aper,
received weekly in more than half a mil
lion households in United Suites.
If you desire to make a Christmas
present of THE YofTIIH OSIPAMdN, Send
the pill. lishem the name, and address of
the person to whom you wish to give
1 ME i OMl'ANluN, Willi $1.75, the annual
siibcrij.f!t'iii price. They Will send to the
nddress mi rued T HE ( ( WTAKK N hi ist
nias Packet, ull ready for Christmas
morninu, containing the I hnstiiias num
ln-r lHK COMPAM0S Cnlemlar for l'JOl,
lithographed in twelve colors and gold,
and subscription certidcute forthellfly
I wo issues of 1904.
Tile nty aubscrilier for 1901 will recei
ve nil th-a Issues of Twt t.'UMPANIllN lor
the remaining weeks ol WA tree from the
time of siiliscriit ion, nlso Tint COMPANION
lil rithir l.ir 10(H. lithographed in twelve
coin) s nml old.
Annual Announcement Number fully
lleSci llllhg I lie principle fell I urea ('I TlIB
I (.'SIPANKiN S new volume fur 11)04 will lie
sent lo liny iuUIivks free.
144 Berkeley Wtn-et, H.jhUon, Maw.
TKaDsst Remedy for Croup-
JFrom the Atchison. K in , Daily Glut
This is the se-isnn wh-n the woman wl,r
"t re.iM-.liMt f-r croup is in
iI.-iii.iikI in every nMgh'M.rlm.si. One of
the most terrible tlengs 'nth" w..rl. in to
l awkeneiir. the middle or lb-night bv
a whoop from one of the children. The
croup rem-die are almost ui sure to lie .
l.iet. in case of croup, as a revolver is ure!
to belt incase of Mir-lar. There
used to he an old fashioned remedy for
cronp, known a hive nyriip and lolu, hut
some modern mothers that rimmherlain'a
urh Remedy i better, and doe. not
cost o much. It causes tlie patient t" I
vitre. relief ma shorter t.me. Oi v this !
remedy as s n as the cmtipy coiixh ap
pears and it will prevet.t the attack. It
never fails and is pleasant and safe to
tike. For Bale by All Druggists.
DR.YER. BR.OWN Nutlla.
MlRIKt-At the home of th- bnde's
parvnt'a Mr. and Mrs. John Brow n on
Wednesday. Nov. 18'h, at 9 o'clock A. M.
occurred one of the pr-itist wvddiutrs of
the season. When Miss Mirgar.-t V.
Ilrown and Frank VV. Dryer were united j
in marriage. The bride was attired in a
irown; of Navy Hlue and triiiiuiings of
While Satin While the j;rooiii wore
lhe Conventional lilack.
While the wedding march was being
played, by Miss L'lli i'i Zni.iiieriiuin, the
happv couple, atteud'd by Mis Winnie
liiiiwii and (.'larence Z nimerioan, came
iiiurrliiiis in, The ceremony wns then
performed by liev. Ilohson, pastor of the
M E. 1 hiircli of 'raw ford N.-hr.
Immediately after the ceremony, tb"
weitdmo pirty retir-l to the dining
room, where thev partook of iiiii-xcelli-.il
lunch sin h as we know M , .,. Ihow nis
a Me to prepare.
Lunch over; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dryer
depart".! for their new' home., wli-f the
yroom had things in readiness to welcome
Ins new bride.
Th" bride is one of our la'e Sioux ' 'o.
teachers w ho has a nii.ulwr of friends and
will he greatly i ism d from amouic the
'eitchcrs. The groom s one of S. I 'akotw's
oiiiik ranchman whose fiienns likewise
are nuiii- pois And I with t.liir other
friends j nn in in wishintr the Inppv cou
ple a pmg nnd prosperous life; Put a tew
if tiie.r llitilliute Iri. nils heme- present,
t ) I he in V ti-d 11 lllllher a II were pres. n',
but. Rev. K K 7. 'inn -roiaii whose pr-es
ence w:iii greatly missed.
L M Z.
The riltt5S JofPNAI, extends lies' wishes
to this ha pv yourg couple tiopini!' that
their lives may be a lomr and happy one
and that tins eventful dav may ever be
looked hrti k to with pleasure,
HotohUUs, Colo., Nov. 13,1903
I ought, to have written my Juirnal
letter last week bile I could brag on
t he went Ii r. We certainly have hii.l a
leiiuiifiil fall, Sil.ce i-nrly Sept'-uiher,
when we dad a w-.-k of threal.-i ing
weather, a hit; rsin and n 1 i r hi-i-z", the
wiata-r has .i-fn nil that one con (I :i -.Ic
lor One sunshin' liny ul U r another,
cold and sharp nights ami uiornins; but
durintf the days unch weather aa makes
one triad to be out of doors aa much as
)Kisihle. This week we had no sunshine
and much threatening weather; Tuesday
whs cold and the ice in the ditch allowed
t.o siuns rd thawinif all day , but tislav
(FriduV) ihe mm t try ng to 'unn out
and il ts warm, so warm that I am sittinu
near an op mi door and trie (lies are buzz
u,g around me; And for all the threaten- ,
ing wm have had rm storm. It has
snowed on the mountains in sight
almost every night. Thit' September
(reeze did much damaire to the peiichos
which were about ready 'to' pick. Home
lost nearly half their crop: Many were
sold to the canning factory, which would
have heen first, grade, peaches, but for
the freeze. The chief loss was in the
Elhertns, w Inch are the principal s,liP" ,
pinit tieitch. Hut in spite of this tins
fortune there seems to lie plenty to eat,
enn and feed to the pis. It Rceiiu-d
almost wicked to me at lirst u) feed
penclies to the pigs, but all the pifs in
the country f.-ast on peaches ard I am ,
yetting used to it, and when it is our pit;
that gels the lietielll ol it l m very
This lat moon cave us, some perfect
evenings and we were tempted lo a little
dissipation; A social, a stereopt icon
lecture and tw'o i venings lit chiirr h. '
Our Rogers Mesa Knndav School Iiuh f
bought A new organ and Is having dune I
IK'IIIIS 06 Rl C. lo ueip pa,, i". .i,, " .
had eighty at Sunday School last Sunday
re-nit v Lrood for a country school.
i. i, I.- na,,Um:.n to one's mm-
fort and health in this country lo have a I
cistern, and wo are net ling one. H I
seems to he a slow process, hut we hope j
the worst, is done, and that it '
will soon he rendy lor use. Is is no',
such a soft snap as getting a cistern in '
Sioux county. In t he first place digging
the hole is qmte a chOVtei.t matter. We
were fortunate that, there were n stones'
in our'x big enough to have to be blasted ,
out, hut lhe lower third was almost j
all 'tone. Then it u to be walled up.
:. " '" wintry ' ,
of 'eni, selecting toe Ual ones aim haul- .
'-' he-n up for a wall a fool thick u no :
small job. The a reins to be of stone
also, and they must 1-e of a hi- flat thin
1"'J- ' found !'"'' -'Kt't ori.me miles
away, and the Hand mutt come from the
"ver u.ree nine.
HotclikiM ) putting ia wUr worb
thii fall and building two big retrvolrs
oil our Mesa. Them all abundance of
fk r"r ryb.J) t good wages, there
'" 'tin1t care of tlie fruit anU get-
in Kr""' Jn""'J ""d ,"rd l" - ;
of my neigltoor paiu a uoinuo two
doll:. a dav for cleaning houe and could
not gel all the help site needed at that.
We had a wind Sunday, whicli remind
ed meol Nebraska, and I suppose it blew
up all tin threatening weather. When
we do h.i v a wind I Ihmk of Clio and
pitv lie. for having to endure fco iiiu.li
ol il. U'e ar-..e .rtili sorry UtalZ-kiel
h.is iiioV' .1 to I ' il an I write no
more, and we iwsli toii 'thi and I'.
Would l heard fiou: tvry week.
. (Jreetings to ou all and to all
Emm v L. Hick,
Teachers' Association
SIiM-tl'igiit (Va ofd, Nebraska
XovfinbiT 27-2S, 100.
I'resid. ni : W. T. I'urcHEi:, ' lnulron.
Vice Pre-: C L. llolM'KR, liny Springs.
Secy ; Mis- H. VaN I (-KHiK. Alliance.
Treasurer: ('. S Junks, i rawl-ud.
K X (' rt-TIVE CUM M 1 IT E E :
D W. llAYE-t
Ml-8 I'F.Allh Hahhh
Craw lord
KltllJAY. 2 P M.
Qn artelte Mrs. C. S Jone.. Miss Lillian
11 iiherkx , Mr. C S. Jones, Mr. (erge
E (iortoii
Jumor Normals Walter R K oit, Rusii
ville; II. L. Fisher, . 'hadron; 11.
I-'mik. II iiiinglord; Harrison
( li-neral I fiscus,on.
Our Public Schaol
I'mii! Iho Slaiiih.i,i1il...f ll...T-n li.
er Miss Snell, Crawford
(Ii) From the Standpoint, of the Par
vol,. .Mrs. Lori Rusl in, Heiiiinglord
(r) From the stan.tpoiut of the
Business Man (ieo. E Gorton,
('in w lord
Voc-il Hoi.. ..Miss Maye Graves
Uniform Requirements for Teacher's
( ertlficnle
J. W, H.iunmnrdener, Alliance
Conrad Parsons, (larrisoii
The Teacher in a Citizen J. R Stephen-'
son, Gorden.
(n) The Tt-iichcr's Pt'rsonahty,
(I,) The Teacher's Place, in the coni-
ii i u .ii v .
I liscii'siim, .J. T. Morris, 1 larriMin
Vocal Solo I. F. Law renee, Chtulron
The Dillicullies of Rural Tvndirrs J. B.
Burke, lUrrison.
raioAY 7:30 p. M.
Address of Welcome, 0. 8. Jones. Craw
ford Response D. W. Hayes, Alliance
Declamatory Contest Programs for this
contest will I distributed at the contest
KATTrtDAY, 8:30 A. M,"
Vocal Solo Mrs. S A. Harris
,,, Work....VV. 11. Bartz, Alliance
(a) Amount
(h) ( 'haracter
(c) A id from Pnreuts
DiwiiKoirin, ..C. P. Kellev, IInv RpnngS
Marks n n.1 Jr ides, Thus. Bahr.' Kushville
(i) Theory of Minks
(I.) Method of Markinir j
Discussion L M 0!erkotter, I'hiulron;
.iiiss rrencii, iiiiiiuce. i
inj; Miss McCorkle, Alliance I
What should be expected in English;
from pupils who have completed lliej
rural s. hools or the grammar grades?.. !
A. G Kennedy, Chndron. !
Discussion, Leiini B IIw rt z.-U . Chridrrn
T)H ,lt,s, ,()(ls (f Teaching Spelling j
Ikrrison j
Miss Johnston. Alliance
Election of Officers.
RATfltl) Y, 7:30 p. M.
pjnn H()0 jjisk Margin rite Freemnn
j,., reS)eaker to lie announced later.
... ,
The old dog Mrs, WillinniH gave us
found it very hard to kea p n;. though he
1 1 ie.l very hind to do so; rind the noon :
we Mo p. d nt Mr. Sdder'n e thought j
we had lost him. but h.-n we went out ,
lifter dinner he whs under the wagon. I j
got some milk and gave him with his :
dinner, and nt night he was missing1
iig.iin hnl the boj s saw him last in Hay ;
Springs after we cnme through, i.nd ;
there I hope he will Hnd n good home and ,
kind friends at a livery barn r sonnr
Iyjve to buy good goods at the lowest price possible.
and the place to do this is at '
Iu clothing, Gents furnitdiing, Goods,
Boots and Shx;8.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Come aud see us any way and be social."
place where he will he appreciated; I
wan sorry for the poor fellow; I suppose
we ought not lo have taken Ins., for it
wa too much for him to walK and we
were two crowded lo have him in the
When we crossed the Niobrara river
we camped for night in the bu jhen near
tl:e river und it ra n. d hard tJI night .
The boy s had to pitch their tent while it
was raining and, Oil the mosquitoes, how
they did sing ails' bite. Two of the
horses broke loose in the night and
wandered oil" a couple of miles. The
next morning we cooked our breakfast
in the rain, hitched up and drove on, if
raining right along. We were directed
to a vacant lions'- rigid, on our wny, and
there we stopped, found grasnund water
for our horses, and alihouh the buns';
had been vaca'vd there were still left
there a ciiplioiii it, bedsteads, table, :-n"
chairs and a cooking stove, so we built a
fire, dri. d our clothes and did some cook
ing tha'. we could not do by our camp
lire. There w'ere three, large rooms h-re,
I should judge each about 20 feet square;
O i frame and 1 wo of soil. These, two
sod rooms had been very comfortable
and home like when law; It, had been
jilasteivd i.nd cal-omiNtd and as the
walls were thick, the w inflow and dour
i-iisings were del p, making a good place
for plants, but it was now old and failing
in ami leaking. In the n flcriiooii the
owner cnme up to si e who was in his
Iioiim . We told him we came in out of
the mill i-iul he sa.d he would have done
the same. Theie. had been u IcI-phone in
'his house und le said the neighbor hail
lb. m all over the country and in the
winter when they were snowed in 1hev
would vi-it and joka and tell when they
had their chores done ii etc and if he
was expecting a business fetter of im
porlance he Would call up the P. M. and
hav.: hm read his letter to him and
hen he could aiiswi-r without going to
town. They had il line for wintet
This was in Cherry county. Nebr. We
Ira veled east through this comity and.
Kin many houses and other buildings ol
sod. but, they wure all old and some had
a sod house built around their wells.
Years ago have read of the tree claims
of Nebraska, how the trees iv.ni ilii'i
grow and t he claims were deserted. This
man w ho ow ned the sod house said he
cnme out inn: took u tree claim ami many
oilers hut it, was loo dry to larm lhe
land and many left but he said he and
some others bought sonio of these
claims and got a few entile and raised
them for there was plenty of grass and
they became rich, and he thought, that
many of them eould have stayed and
held their claims if they had got a few
cattle and worked along. He had a
nice place where he lived and I think he
bought up many claims. The tree
clniiiis through here' were, most of them
perfect failures. They, moat of Ihem.
seemed to have made a good growth
during lhe summer and then to have
died in the w inter, starting up again the
next, spring. Of course there were a few
ex.iepi ions to this in the part we pnssed
through. We lost our trail (or a short
distance and wandered through the hills
and drov-s down to what they called a
lake, but we could see no water, only
weeds and rushes, and the biggest mos
quitoes 1 ever saw. We camped here fur
noon near a house, had a little whnl
wind, (sand storm), mid uf tor dinner got
started right again, and drove into Oasis
just, .u dark, altera long drive. From
here we drove to Red Deer Lake. ai:d
camped near the lake in a cottonwood
grove. H wa.s a lovely afternoon and
we. went down to the hike, but h.id no
way ol goin out lo lish, and the water
wus so shallow mid clear near the shora:
Tho lish of any size never Khowed up.
There wne a lot of rushes on the. oppos
ite side of the lake, where, at tins sun
setting, the birds all gathered and chirp
ed, chattered and warbled until you
would have thought tlure was a lot of
children over thure having a jubilee.
From here we drove to Wood Lake, hut
that was a mi. nil dead towo. Over Sun
day. nr firat Sunday out, we camped
near Ainsnoith. This in quite a nice
thriving town, and the crops around
lie.-e uiHiie us think of Ioaii. Il looked
good lo see gram and Corn und gardens
growing so line.
( "onlitiucd next, week.)
We have our building completed no
and have a new supply of good, and wiil
sell them right.
Lumber, lath, sash, doors,
lime, cement, and building
material of all kinds.
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and'-
Range good a.
Flour Feed, and Grain.
Punt, Oils & etc.
I am igent for the Wood
manse wind-mill. Have a-
j supply of pump fittings ou
I hand. Come in and get' my,
' prices whether you . buy ' or
mot. J. E. PHINNEY,
Physician Surgeon...
OFFICE: Andrews Bix;K. -
i J t til
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Ilourd lly.Hay or Week. 1
W. R- WRIGHT, Pop.
Will the writer of The Wave of De
pression that appeared in the Harrison
Sun please explain why beef ia selling on
tha block higher titan one year ago, then
we might stop to conaidor confidence.
Thero will be services at the church,"
Thursday morning at. 11 o'clock A. M.
.lso Sunday morning at 11 A. M. and
Sunday nightatS P. H..
V. O. DaMBLS, Pastor.
The board of County Commias loners,'
are called to meet on Monday the Sftili,
day of Nov. lor the purpose of . makitig
iirrangenienls to care for sic k wperx
and to attend to any other buwnees'ttiut
may coini) before tlu-m.
Wm. J. A. Rihui.'
Clerk. '
Carey I Urns.
Rav. Cumins failed lo meet his appoint-- '
meiil nt tiie church this week.
Mrs. C. P. Lyon went to Crawford luf':
Saturday and returned Monday.
Frank Spease is the possessor of u tine
new 1,05 buggy. Now boys look out!
The school will give an entertainment
iu Dist. No. 8, on Thanksgiving evening
Mrs. O, E Rices house hold gooda were"
taken to Crawford Inst week to be snip
ped to Colorado.
Anton Kriitz was thrown from his
broncho last week. The doctor was Cal
led to patch up his bruises und now he is.
about well again.
Last week a cold spell surprised fcon.e .
of the folks, 90 bushels of potato were .
frozen lor Mr. Loyd and J. E, Arners
potatoes were still in the grjuiid. iuV'
dtis- , ,
"J. 'M
Srtogg ml
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