j UARSHALL FIELD Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by Peruna. MON. JOMN T. MILAHAN, OF CHICAGO. Hob. John T. Shinlin, who han ticnn for ipventcen jmr mnnfifr of Mnmhull yield ft (.' wlmioale Hrnlmiin. 11 ml in corporal -.1 Rejimeiit lufrntry, 1. N. 0 wriln thf following letter from """'i Indinut avenue, flat Six, Chicago, IU.: Ptrvna Medicine Co., Columbus, Oh'o. Gentlemen "Last summer I taught a cold which seemed to set tle In my kidneys and affected them badly. I tried a couple ot kid' mey remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One mf my foremen told me the great help he had received in using Peruna In a simil tr case, and I at once procured some. "It was indeed a blessing to me, as I am on my feet a large pari of the day, and trouble such cs I had affected me seriously, but four bottles of Peruna cured me entirely and f wt.uld not be without it for three months' &sLry."JOtM T. SlILMUN. Mr. J t l'"!''i - w rile from 4 I Sum- eer avenue Rro.ikhri. N. V.: " am now a r?w man fit the tig? of aeventy.five years, thsnks to uur "wortitrful remedy Peruna." Jacob IF I tig. atarrliiil intlnrnmntinn of the mucous pniirj of the ki'lo'N, n!o c-.-t ! ! I "HriKht'n IUi-um" nui.v be collier r chronic, I'll- H'liif form pru.l 1 jmptoiMi of mu li pMinitit'iM n tlmt the A soil s of studies Tor la-ge i-I. t-! res of the Ojpil'l, library, Wl i e House in d other pub ic, bulldii g In VTashlnfctinn aia being wo k d upon 7 the distinguMied artist, .1;.bn R"SS Key, a grandson of Francis Sott Key. The paintings will be exhibited' l the World's Fair. , . W Fair weather prot bets are good! jfU' ssers In I'ayta, I'eru In that place there Is little u.se fur umbrellas, as tlie Interval between two showers of rein Is atto'.it seven years . leffifeYoss mm V headaches. Qi ZS s - ojrzales? in ANW8JAS. SALE :S; 'ks- inLLION ORAKDUAS an over Ameriot point to O ABO ABUTS Candy Cathartlo as the moat perfect family madiolns ever dlaoovered. Good, tdndly, tender-hearted old eoal grandma trlea to help others by telling of tbe good tblngo aha baa learned through ezperienoe, and ao the aale of O ASO ARETS ta nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Tba wladotn of years of exper lenoawltbber own health, and srand pa's and her children's, and her children's ohlldron's hc tenght grandma that In OASO ARETS Candy Cathartlo has been discovered TUB ONLY PERFBCT FAMILT MEDICINE for all bowel troubles, children' diseases, d usuries of the stomach and liver, siok headaohe bUlouaneas and bad blood. Beet for tne Bowela All druggists, lOo, SAo, COo. Never sold In bulX. Tb genuine tablet stamped COO. Ouarantoed to cure or your money baok. Bamnls and booklet fraa. Addrass Bterllng Remedy Qo, Ohloago or New York, mt AKD CG. S WAREHOUSE MANAGER Keren, s n.iiare of tlii" disease Is at owe mi 1 : tel. I'll! the chronic variety 1 1 ' ' ' iti un so Kradualty mid iii'o.li" e-iy 1I1 it ili uvr-in'c in not Mi-ji-H i' 1 iniiil t'-r it his fastened itself thoroughly upon its victim. I At the1 npje-i ranee of the first SYnip ; toTu I'lT'in i Kli'cilil he liiken. Tim rt.mc.ly uriHes ul once at tlie very root of the ib c.isc, I A liock mi cntnrrli "cot free by The Penina Medicine Co., Columbus, I). True liberty iz the result ov Jealous ' r s ralut. I A fust-rate pud t a llu-ri!ry mi saik; and if a man Iz lucky - null to execute one, he ought t stop right there. "There is going to be a fireworks rt len .iff sir itno. iT i u fscn i nv Riim mcr morts," said the host. "My dear Mr," answered the visit nr from Kentucky, "I get enough of ' politics when I arn at home. I don't want to see or hear anything that reminds tne of an election." ' 3 ? J... "wUi ...i. i s "3 OOICITLV CURED BY q the World ys wis5 v- r$r "Have you any evidence against tbe prisi iuiV" "None," answered tlie detective.' "Then w hy did y m arnst hliu?" "It's 3 great idea ef lay own. When the real ciliiiinal sees an inno cent man ia troubl-", maybe be'U come forward and confer." It li:is been al J, with great truth that tlie grandest ph.tbes t f the l.u Dim character are exhibited in sui wouuting diflicuitiis. Failure Stems but to dibciplme the strong; only thu weak are overwhelmed by it. Did!- 1 cultk-sdraw forth the best energies of a uiati; tbiy reveal to him Lis ttue strength, and train him to the exercises of bis noblest puweis TMfflculties try his patience, his eif tTtty, nd his woiklug faculties. They test the strength of his pur pose, aod the fotce of bis will. Let no one say that because he knows a little, and can do a little, be ouKht, therefore, to rest wheie he Is, and, dismayed at dlilicultles, give up with "it can't be dine it is of no use' tiyinR." Would you lie in the gut ter if thrown down there? Nulk'ft' up, act, work, cultivate y ur nature, determine to advance; and if you are iesolute, you roust eventually succeed. There may be diOicultiei to tncouiiter.but the dawn will sure ly come to bitu who lias patience to1 await it, and whu lias eneiay of pur pose to grapple wint those difficul ties, and sut, due tin ni. One half of tlie aiflkultiis will be found injuxi nary. when they ate fairly fronted. In the dark we stumble, and aie to fused by the titst ulinitw..s of lit!bt we are apt to dispair anJ think tlie li Jit will never co i e; but at last we lind a footing, aLd th '. darki c ss flies xwuy, as we hastily i i en.eiye Into the upper air. in to and diligence are tbe life and tnul ot SiJtciSi. Tlie ten;pL'f in which tl'C words "It can't he done!" are ut- teted, have tin ki!:smp with ttase. "it can I lr: done !" d es no, i.inu ; it isagivii.t; in I ss air. iiut "Ifc can he d iu: !'' ''Hnni .t lie done!'' "ltso.nl ha il.noI" always achieves w n lets, and in Hie euJ buklou. fii.S. Pmfi'S-im;il criinina's are usan'lj (le.stil ulc of rt.hloiii teelli. SuS.tSai. ilaiian .scien; st. Voun man, the businiss wn-ln rannot life y, u if you sp nd J'onr Snuliy :.fiemO'iis and wetk (i . cvi nings pl.iying cards for a ticliel i lk' ir. 'oii ni id tun a.ik fr a jo hile vour breath stinks with whis ky, either. illck'nan Enterprise. The landseip" aruun 1 the M exlcan National J'av il on at tne World's Fair Is receiving the finish I ne touches. The area Is l(K) by 12,i feet. Tin tract Is being sown to biti' grass this fail and next spring the grounds will he embellished with a wonderful collection of . Mexican plants and fl wers It is a great art to well: good fools are things in market. play the fool the skaresest . H.m II" Found It? Tolk, Ark.. Nov. 0. A remedy that will absolutely cure Ilheuinatisin has been discovered by Mr. fleorwe Ililandi of this place. Mr, lllland is satisfied, that the remedy In has used is a sure cure, for it cured hint of a very serious ense of Acute Ulieiimiitlsm When he was so had that he could not move. This Is what be says: "I whs troubled with what Is called Aeuie Rheumatism in 1!K). I was lie sncli shape that 1 could not move with out help. I was treated by a physi cian, who helped me some, but L was ft ill In great pain when my wife b:iw Iiodd's Kidney Fills advertised as n cure for Rheumatism. She insisted on my trying them, and I felt bettor after taking the first box. I continued, and now I am well find ohle to work alii the time. I have found Indd'n Kidney1 fills to he Just what they are claimiil to he, n perfect cure frr Rheumatism." Mr. inland's very positive statement ieetns to settle nil doubt ns to wtieth- pr iM tOco'"'l(con r"iTi lio rm-rd. FITS! 1-Mi lttaiu.nov liuii-,1. Ni r.taor nt-cruJi&r'ifr ilK ll' ni Or. Hl.tifii ini-.il .m-;t i; hvij'l I".- Ko 1 1. M 0 in.O t.o ...una tr.-mi bH. li. U. kia.Mi. Lui., J1 ArUl fiudkUttlpU!. I'a. N. N. l. 767 - 6. VCRIV MtaB A Tim.' I UiTA M..in U-." n.i uuis i; 'a hvm (ail in a straight line is s. while follow jug me ins and is U,;s ui I . Ret ween Kit k-:y 1'o'nt at: J 0-.uiM. h. ad theie are Li'-.y-four i:gbthoute. A l.e 'kti.u (Me i woman tat up f r I e-r ij ii -.1 aad ti.l une o'clock tlie oiln r iilu. Ini.ndiug to dkeuMS wi h him tin- Miiftihe-s if 1i!n giJns on. I-'.n-uliy !-lo! a a xv it up and went n; la';s only to lind h iii iu bed ami fa ( asl -i p Ih' ie for mauv hours. He liadn t lx ea out at all. Mot of tis arc iMirn with about the same Jiiri.tal capacity, tlie mzi i tint brain loi not differ very widely ainoiig tin n Iu n.o-t men tin In a n, including tlie netwirk of Hie nervous i-y.m. in, we kh5 I'ctWi i-.i t. r -e :iiki tour poiimU: and h. Malice njtcr in tance i rc. oi'.hd of mcii of splendid mentality ' i brains eu- under I' e lli.g w ( k-lit. Thirty joirs iigi there were twi n:y 1111 slrcH r ilw;ad.s ia Mns:ii iusetls. to-'ay or. r. tli i to veais atro. for the I'.Mtl rej oi t is the laU'M at hand there were 1IH eoinp at .If. Tills n :n. her has inore-ai-ej slme that time. Tin" capital invested for tiie two peri' ds eoiilnis(el wnii ifT.'ili.'v.r..;'.! and sll i.Ull.. is". In i In- lailicr )i"r tiny tr.ins p it il A'',Z.'. '.''i I'itKi-e.Tt'iH. in the la.er JS;:.Vjr,.!l!.-(. Tliere was 2"H l:'!ies of mil In 1n?:. ill I'.kiI. It is now kn am that Mi.al'pox g. rnis nr.- coiuiimnicnte.! throng h ill' air vi ell as I iy loiit.ici. 'the sn allp x bos p'tal it a s aiieliorctl In 111 Thame h ive nrojni ed a leu'ida:' eoal n.ic in lisscN, yet the shore is ixiuly half a uiilc away and thole has 1,, o:i no ci.mmcp.cail ll. In d:.-trit4 ever wh'eli i h- win ! I fl ' I 1 iwu from the lio-;. ! il loaU twelve cent of the inli iliil: ll s have l.e n :i:i:icle !. whil iu the o iier direct o'l tlie i a- s have l.e n !o-s I Vi lli a e per ecu ' . The iio! i- ihfougii the lu.uliets of s:iii riaiiei-eo u.l! lind tin- We.-!: in 1 e r '. ea ! :i I i '. e .f the XeW York V. c.U-11- h :i hi g i-r.'i.t :t.' latr-ii a from t ' lit y to i ii li u i ii 1 ri-1 pound - an ! wi I ho li I I thai a I caught in :li (iilif of (hil ii g two hiiinhv! i-.iine'is. i; ii ((uarh-r of litis city ill.' (.cto. in-, or devil !kh ail ir ,i ni li v. il I,.;.. li li 1 a w 1 'ii ih ll 1 lie s i 11 up fi r saie, a ti-irihio an iv of a: ins lacks; Ii t lh ii il- i r tiinre or ii": a fo I or t wo iHM'o-s, eo!u:,i'i:i l l tl. li'si. hot it voi i rt'.'o nioii: ti r with .1 rtt !:::! Ii'ead of ii'i::l:S Iwelv.' or fo'.M'.c-i !'c t. .' ! n ..' I he I 1 1 i- !:! I he e i n'- li I Is llli e lieell I lit. II I Willi il l'HIl 111- ill! ol' I Well! V-tivo f: I Will 1 ' ll. e t'.io phhr of the e:i. Al ng the eo s, will he m n a bass which f.' u 1ijs the si al s at live hiiialred poinul;-: a d at Mi iif ivy has I e n laken a niacl;-ei'.-l weighing nine huudi i d pound: suggi stive II at even lishcs grow Large in Western waters. ALTOMAIIC WIIGIIING SC03P. finessing somewhere near the weight of ii pound of sugar, rice, coffee, tea, etc, is not very dilih ult to the grocer who has had years of ex perience iu putting up these commodities, but. he would be apt to lind I'aui! with the nev.' clerk who spent his valuable 1 inn' in practicing to see how close lie could g u e s s to ih weights ot the diu'eivut coniiiiodit ies. Yet if, tlie clerk was able to guess weights with aei ma. y val liable time would be savd in doing up packages for the trade. Here is a scoop which will make It unnecessary guess ing, how ever, as it will a ul oina t ica i!y gauge the iiuantily and discharge any surplus over the amount reipiired. In the piclure the handle portion of the scoop has been cut away Id expose the working mechanism by w h eh the scale feature is operated. The c.iuiuiin'.ity is tdiovch d ui) 1" tlie reservoir at the top. just as would be done with an ordinary scoop. Tlie reservoir being hii.-peiidcd Ly a spring supported ver tical bar, tlie weight is immediately Indicated by its depression ami the corresponding movement of the hand on the dial in the face of tlie .landle. Ity setting the spring-pressed pawl In ore of the notches on the front sup porting bar of the sei, iji the weight is trai. -fci rcd to the rear bars,, winch si hie on I he nservoir and open a gate Ihroiigh which the coiuae.ility flows until the rcquii'id iptiinii y only re niaii s. As the weight Is gradually re duced by I lie outflow of tint coffee, rice or other goods, the scoop rises and the gate closes automatically. William Maxwell, of l'ittsbtirg, is the patentee. i-0(jrcss in llie Fmo Arts. Fond Mother What does Henry s.iy In his letter, paw? Fond Father He soz Hint If he hnd my whiskers on his head he could get unto the football team this full. When n mother lays down a rule, Its l-ffect Is about as lasting as tbe curfew jaw. s V Homr-llalc liuakiii.: Tab'e. It is not an asy task to handle a shock of corn and et it into a I'si tioii where the corn may be husked readily and with the h-a.-t expense of labor. The iliutratiou shows a table which may be readily made of cheap lumber, ami which will materially lighten the labor of com husking. The table may he mad' of material an iueh thick and three inches wide. The top of the table is ten feet long and three feet wide. Knd pieces are IIOMIC MAI'E lit SKI.NO TAIil.i:. arranged so that they may he used for handle, and the legs, wh!eh are two feet and three inches long, are bolted to the side pieces so they will swing. In miug the table swing the legs to the sides ti ml lay the table flat on to tlie ground. Rush the shook of coin o'.-r on the table, have a man take hold of either end by the handles, and the legs will drop down ni.d the shock Is easily raised and In a position where it may be the table hoih til,:' NoW!. easi!v handled. 1 he cost ot s M.: and !l and strong its ,ve Oralis in Mi-- p. authority on iducp An says lhiii a.'.il as hair ::d the best !'s in sheep are as n.'ii tin- tail of ;i horse. y i care for them is to let ti.em Sheep raisers wli'.s aeinri's !. o fn.iib!. 'I with gruhs in t'.,e lave li.ii 1 P'-riia what will mi! agree wila this m-ttfxt. ps, but lb- re is no dou!t bat I'eere is too much i;n-!:ii'.ed lre.il of idiei p f ir this pi st. and much i- I i"-a! an at is ( 'il' 1 in the ex .iiioiit i of til. '. r 'me. 1 her.' is no li.i'.ibt Ion oai ;;ood car.' and it'opcr I' " I laakes Use fi;i(l string i :io'.i.ih to i'esi-i toe at iac!,s of g.'ui'S, and uniess l!ie c:;e is very had liille niteiili.ai sliotild h paid to grubs. Th'-re is uo way of g'tling the pest iuit of the Hock entirely. If oil" has 'a had case ill (he flock and the ani- iiial is valuable it will pay to put ii hi Ihe fir tr aiivis'. the m hagi'.s of a ! Mtmont. I)o d method of i.-trils of the killed veterinarian not use the often running wires up animals in a vain the grubs. endeavor to pierce Semper f ir lrritratcd I.an'l. In preparing land for Irrigation by the check system tlie "ridger" in cross ing the first ridges when making tlie cross ridges breaks down the tirst, nnd the corners are therefore imperfect. For repirring these corners and tilling ; aps in the ridges 1he jump scraper or l.oise scraper is used. This is the work Tin .U'MI' S( UAI'I'H. of tiie blacksmith. The beams are Vi l y Hi inches and .".!) inches long from the draft, ring to the bend downward. The ( hovel is of No. hi sheet iron '24 inches long by IS inches deep. The bandies are those used on any cultiva tor. The beams are bent to stand t inches forward of a square placed on top of the beams. The braces are of "fc-inch round Iron. The shovel is slightly cupped to make it hold more -:ii 111. Iieuver Field and Farm. Itroocliitis in Ca'vcn. The wet season, in mary sec! ions of the country, is resp insible for the trouble in calves, known ns lung worms. The worm Is small and liiread-like and gets Into the windpipe of the calf. The t'ouble is thought, .to b due largely to tlie calves drinking from ponds, which c: niain the eggs of j the worms and also from pasturing on Wi t grounds. There Is, at presi nl. in remedy which may he relied upon, so Hint the best plan is to prevent the trouble, if possible, and this can best be done by keeping the calves In a wiirm, dry barn and seeing that the water they drink Is from a well and as pure as possible. They should not he allowed to pasture until the grass Is dry, nor should wet grass be fed to them. The plan of Injecting oil of turpentine Into the windpipe is not very satisfactory, but it Is the best thing known, nnd in some cases hns proved satisfactory. Indianapolis News. Kntiilniz'? Carrier. The carrier which conveys the ensll nge to the silo Is a great consumer of power, and for n very tall silo must he driven faster than Is good for the running geiir. For thnt reason and niso for convenience In feeding, It Is better to have tlie top not more than 20 feet nbove the ground. For Rin.tll silos 4 feet below ground and Id to -0 feet nbove Is quite satisfactory and convenient. rh-mlcnlly 'Treserveil Mll!." Speaking of tbe use of formalin nnd boraclc acid as milk preservatives, a d ..ly Vi il l pice : iefa-. in ! er lemaik-: '"Tie U-I'kmau owi'.ifiy deals l i clii-mieally 1 i:.i k is a tet-ret as:assiu of sid ii is the Micro! duty of e )-.li oiii -i is to Mid him to !;:- j- i'.t! !i sty." Tlif '.'.si:';i!;3a vi hf d r:. his milk l e.o e Le -nd It to tl pd'uman is curnlly eri:ii!ii-il. City I HI: ofit-n ge-:s a ! u' l d e. beinj "presf-ivid" at both enli of the linej Berrr Oilturf. The l,e.st growers of bush fmiU make it a practice to carry their PehU no longer than six to nine y ars. Af-t-r this time they are plowed up. nevv fields being set ia the meantime n keep the cri p sr litg. There r.ie va' rious ria.us why a bed of raspber ries or liliiekiierric deteriorates aft.'l a cerialn number of years. The plant become weakened wi:h age, they ar attacked by ins.stii or dis-ease, and they do not produce young fruiting wood with anything like their pris tine vigor. Further than that. Hit soil boenaies exhausted more or les! of el.'inints of fertility. Rotation ol crops is favorable to success in aD lines of agriculture, and not less M with fruit crops than with other We therefore suggest, as being very strongly indicated by the f,ymptonn that ii will be lwst for you to set i new lb 11 of blackberries at o:ice, find to plow up tin- old one as soon as tin new one conies into bearing. In Ret ting a new held, we would Insist ltpoi fresh plants from some good nursery or from some grower who makes I -poeiahy of gnwing plants. It is very poor practice nnd poor economy tl tak plants from an old field. In cas the old tii Id is infected with disease ii is a fatal mistake. Country Oca ilenian. V.'-tt-r 1-iirrcl Cart. A mi' s-'i-iber asks for a p'an for wa (er barrel c-iit to inn by hand. Om can be mad.' of an old cultivator if tin w h eels aie hlgl i noiigii to invert tlie a. le.iee and keep ii off ii.a gi'oniid, bav in ; i h" curve of tin a xlel ri e made r hold the barrel. I 'I ""- have what suits mi be: : er. 1 1 is a luiggj I o pi.n.f r v, I. eels nnd I i u i.-.n '. A siaa.l platform ovei ' ea n-ios the barrel. Ar.oilv ;ve.:;ei..,. p ii;e more thai 1 1. II i e iii,"i.. hrnsli da ms in I cio.s-iiiK v, t'jisi ur set bnm u in tli-' ;-':'U:m! mt'l i:;y horses, cows an Ili.-S C.lll i:(-;p t ! ICI I i So i "CM to Willl'l wiihoiu si.-oiliug it for each other. 0 I. I'.oI-I'.imI. in Iowa Homestead. 1'roli i ti ( h. icorv. The oulliv.Ltioii of chicory in Dili oouiiiry as a commer-hil fertilizer ii rapidly in-r.Msing. though confined largely to sf,-ti, us of Michigan, llli. no is, Wisconsin, Maine and Nebraska. The yield per acre is said to he from six to ten tons, but with good culturt as much ns fifteen tons may he grown, The average price is pi to $8 per ton nnd the cost of growing ranges froti S.'M lo .$h"i per acre. It is stated that under normal conditions the profit from chicory is somewhat greater th.n from corn or wheat. Its cultivation ii similar to that reipiired for beets, and the Mime may be said also as to liar vesting. The roots are taken to thl factory, and wticn washed -are cut inli pieces aboul one-half inch in dhunetci and i-oastid. Chicory has a value ni a forage crop duo to iis ability to pro duee "11 upon aim ist barren soil, hni when fed in considerable quantities tl milch cows it imparts a hitter flavoi to the milk. Swine will eat the root and thrive on it, and both the rooli and leaves may he fed to horses. Americnn Cultivator. Ani-ora-i anil Sheep. It would lie well if the prominent writers on the subject of the Augon were to give more attention to point) lug out the distinct differences be livi'i n the sheep and the goat. Thej should urge tlie fanner with plenty o browsing to secure the Angora and thus secoi'e ccoi1.' on Ica ! iinderiit'iisltlngi but for the one who has nothing hu past are and could use the sheep to I greater advantage such farmers should not. In our estimation be advised to ab tempt to raise Angoras. Drovers' Journal. Smnl! Flln. Dairymen with live or six cows m.ij proiitab'y build a silo. It has heel found that to silo a coin field addl about 51M per acre to its value, aftei paying for the extra woi k, ns coin pared with diy curing. Hence anyoui w ho raises an cere or two for feeding would have a silo, which will als come handy to save a second crop ol clover, soy beans, peas nnd foddel crops diflleuit: to bo made into liny. tirccn sfntrfor I'oultry. Cabbages make one of the best sup plies for early winter. The soft head! are useless for market, but make good hen food. Kale, rape, beet leaves art good, also beets. Sweet apples aid suitable, but four ones In too 'argi quantities have n hnd effect. Second crop clover hay chopped nnd mixed with dough Is the best winter substi tute. A Nntnrnl IIhi Killer. The Trinidad F.olanieal Depart mem proposes a unique plan for tlie exter initiation of the destructive roaehei which prey upon orchards. It reeon mends the plentiful use of pltclict plains ns a sort of floral wnleh dog This peculiar flower possesses tin property of capturing and killing In sects which venture Into Its enticlni urn shaped blossoms In search of tin seductive bit of houey dew which maj be found there. Chill sends out wheat, nitrates, wlnf and. suauo. j 't f: - . .,;.- .