Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XVI. HAJRIRISOIS", NEBRASKA., THUR9DA.Y, JSTOVEIMIBEJR, 19. 1903. N O. 21 LOCAL NEWS OF 1 11U A W A . Th cooaniiesioiier wer io iiO lti" J. B. Johnaon ji up tVdy. from Gleo ve There will be niaa SI. IM Harrison Nov. Nei I Jordan sod e. were in ! TuaaJ. ttiaa Unit! aod Eliuer Hughe hipd eattl lt Saturday. E Hollingswnrth alupped twocrlod of cattle last M-ndav Ilenrv K-em hi. ua-t U!t fr m (Jln tlondav aid tilled John H 1 1 ka wu up fr m the Jandt ranch Sunday and visited at horn. W. B Wright' molliar and siater, from Whit way, visiting him and family this week. Don't forget to com to Mia school entertainment next Wednesday evening; Read the program in anotlwr column. Mika cTarrnll rami down from Edge wont, 8. D. veaterdav morning, on the laaenger, ard returned in the ven;og For aick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach and Livar T.llrln; they will ward off l ha attack if taken in lima. Foral by All Druggists. TO CCII AlMil.liIKONK DAT. Take Laial've Bro o Quinine tablet. All alrugVlele refund tba moief It tf falle to aara. It. W. ttroee'a aifuatur 1 oa erh Tha Harrison echoola will give an atartainmeal Nov. 25' h. Admit tnc tScla. Net proceet'a will da ued t luv library book for tha school, AH rt ordiellv rnviiaj. Mr. Brown lh Fort Robinnon Photo rranher. will he ivt toe conn, house in Il-rriar.n Kov. 27 and 2S readv to take your photo. Two day only and your last dim oca before spring. THANKSGIVING BALL. Th next grand ball will be given, Thanksgiving-evening Nov 'ft, at th hall. t'nw M and all and have a "rood tin. :' ' ' ' 'A.O. ton. Tha Harriann School nxm to priva an otartitinniant aext Wnloondwy avnin) and tli tcachara an l auh I m are Uhor inc vary . hanl to maka aaui-caaa of it. Tha anyuaj ia: Praclioa niMk par fact" nd if an lliav will hava a parfvet vnler tainnjanl for (hay ra pratli aing to Ilia' point. If you Hit io enjoy tlwavvn lotr coma an I a Und it, Hiid show tl tracharn and acholara you prK iat, tlwir rtforta and enjoy thair entrruin mant, the procaeiU of thia aiilartiiinuiant go to a good purKM, "a library for tha achool." L-'t avary body who coni, not ba afraid to brinic aombiajy with tlwni for tha hall it planty bin and will hold tha crowd. Ifjouara tird when that iat cirmi, raiioiir tha oi-xt day ia Tnankiivinir and ia a holiday tad you can rant nil that dity and frel ajaiurad thl you Bi'rn'W Kood i nttt taiDiunt, for which yon nmy Im th:ink ful. AnjTiii.5i' and rvrb.Kly hi. iorltad to re " uccapt tlw invitation. Hur tor Happenings. Plcr.fy wuiur weather. To il J im a ' aa a Uarriaoa viaitor HalurUay. Clian. Iror.n rii timed from Omaha Tbuff, a . 0 nive tliirrix t.hipped cattle from Una pliUf SaSiuri.'if. Mr. R.cei and Lorao Lewis are rail road r- u.1 preaeot. J. R Hunter carna up tha laat of the weak and ahipped mux cattle Saturday; be want in charge of I hem. Tommy ao4 Paoay Joaea and frandma Bald w to were quite akk nearly all of last week, we are glad that they are oearlr well again. Bert Arcbard and Dick Hovev are quite buay theae dnva prewiring for win tr and getting the achool wood , thme oM day makea a body thina of hi u aimer waea which are gone ner to return. Ilnaer Hughe went to Oman in charge of Mr. Lnngworthy 'a cattle 8tur Jay! as pec la to vitt home nod old frimd before he returne. Perl Jonoa la euyin wilh Mr. Hughe while Elmer If jtou nevaf nan any on with a long faoe yv . C igtt to hare aeen Mr. Jooea Hndaj- . Wn tta found two window full of plaa i nearly froiea to death, but tba fcan au4 oUoaaviaVa are a aad looking tot. aad tba baatitiful foliage is auiirely goM. tba big Petuoia pail which waa full of bloom In liko tba laat Mae vt kii'il'l."', II I bv .'i id IM wlirlo .It tM.lf'lf t W 0.W' 'It VM . ' tV rt HERE AXD THEREJ ! p H, and Minnie l urry, 'he Fye ; Hip-mlti m. of haago, tt lwv miide Miv-ral vim to Hirnaon, will make their next professional vit V Harris.! for one day only. Swturdxv, Dae. 4 li Tliey are the oldest arvl mt relish' ie-nvita in (tot mI and inrrv Uw htrgeai and mot eoinil te wl of in- rii ii.ent in no- Cmaiil-a'-on, (ree G'a-.-t tilled a th lovie pH. lhe are kn.iwu to ba gid nd reliable . Tha Baat ftacnadir far Crup. JFmm tha AU hiaon. K in , Oiily Globe Thia ia tlw aaaaon when the woman who kruiwa the twet remrdiea for croup ia in dntand in every neighborhood. One o' tha moat twrril.le tl.in.ra in tha world ia to iw awakenwdir. the middle of thenirht hy a wnoop rron one of tha children. The crrtup remid'ea are h I moat an aura to he loat, in caw of croup, aa a revolver i ure to be lot incaae of burglar. There, ued to be an old fiahinned rented r for rronp, known aa hive avrop and tolu, hii aome modern moihera that C'hnmlarUin'a ''oiik-h Remedy U better, and doea not coi ao mo-n. it ennaea the pntient. to "throw up het .M-(rm" quicker, and giva relief in a ehoeter time Give thia remedy n aon ia the c.roupv couirh ap peaa anil it. wit prevent the a'tark It never faila and ia pleua-tnt nnd aafe to tik. ForaalehyAH liructriat. BREEZES raO.V CENTRAL CITY Election ia over nin, aome nra rjic (njc and olhera are iliauppointed. hut let ii hope ibe electrd one will di cbarxe 'heir several dntie- t n't he verr lira t of tlieirnbilitiea nndllutt nil thinjfa mav proafier under th-ir minnirement. Next Wednesday and Thttraday i our county H. S. convention to lie held at. Palmer. We are aniii-ivinir a'eood time a Miaa Flanea und Prof. Rtiillev are to be in atteodnnce Palmer ia Wut20 niilea from Ontral City .ut the diatam e aeem much printer tbmi M,.rrion did from our pi crwlirre we lived in tb valley, nnd h Hnnre a ai arce article loo. very rear here.r There nre aomt pretty Ifood aijeri ch I Iren here that never aivw a, real hi II I noticed the nme of Haine nd BVv. E. A. Ricker are amnny thnwe from our atat who are jroinff to Jeruaalam to at end the World' Sunday rV-h.1 ''onven j Hon in 1904 .The cru'aa extend from March 8 to May IS What an enjoyable trip it will beat weJI aa.rtpenaivn There ia still mom for 2M more . paaaenirarH at from f.VW to 750 includine; all expense. Tit tempernnce peop'e ofOntrsI ("".ity are Irving to secure Hon. Oliver Stewart t lecture for them In the near future. I' be ia s good at lecturing ua he is h! writing it will lt a rnre treat. Th prencher referred to aa being it jnil for child stenl rg waa aent to the p-n for 6 year. A very light sentence but. the jury decided the little girl was the mor o blame. Corn husking is the chief occupation of the 'ermer now dava, and the cnmplnint ia that there is a good deal of soft corn, too much wef. weather dur- nir (he growing saon. Poutoe were a litrbt cnp. 4 c ir toM were uliipped in tt wwk N x y-ar h"e will pivih ly lie mor.- r.i.l h'i wi't b. ii.e-l. We were very much liit-r-i-d in the recent artii le in rei(Hrd to the llirrisjin lioil and are aiwavaglad to hear of good work being done in any school, aa we ennxidf r the influence of the school next to that of the home, and some tim . it ia even renter. Cuo. iA.iA.ii a a a a a a o-jajaa a am. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT OVER IN WYOMING. Quite cold is it not for this time of the year. Andy and C. L. Christian dipped their cattle iat week. Moat of the Ridge people have there winter wood up. Fntnk Wonder proved up on hi home stead la', Friday. Tom ZmuBrunnen viitvd with Ole Thompson Inst Sunday, Th Boyle Bros, are going to winter Mr. Orimtaa cattle for him. Rergreen and Lind are hauling straw from th ZuniBrunnan ranch. Jama Deuel wa quite aick for a few j day last week but I improving at this writing. J. D. Pettv will give a dance and otitter supper at th Hall next Friday evening. Everybody com. Mr. Brown ( now post master and Ohurclte hav moved nut Holterfleld went to Luk laat Saturday. Luak will, hava thrt lalnno after th lt of December. Must ba quit a de mand for "langUfoni" in that harg. Tlw. e who hipprd cattle about 10 dat ago expr themselves to Iw very well .lnel with th pri.w re-ived. rPROGRAM4 Or The Harrison School Eafertal ateat. Ser. S3, 190S. frtng by The School, " A me-irV AiWreasofWel.-one... J. T. Murna R-cttiition. "A ni.tda Tliankaiving," Vrrona Valdai R-MMiion, -A B .v'a t'onipt ilnl " hurley Burke ll'illliellt.ll So (."Ihto Bietfel Rm.it i ion, - -N .b K'a ild." -Beaeie Uu nt viler Recitation, '-Our Baby,".. Olive Morria Song "The Turkey" Dialogue. "Four Olelmtted Cliaracler" Kc. "A Keaon For r'wnkssriving" ...Carl Willmm-i R. "Whit Became of a .' Once Tipton Recitation, La Pirc Song '-Kind WonU" Juintette "Whip Poor Will" Rec. 'Tonitny'a Trouble," 'lreo I la via Instrumental 8olo Mmnie Sutton Recitation. "To-day fleo Bigelow R'c. "A TliankagivinaT T-, Tlnn Erdman Song "Th Windmill" Dialogue, "H.i.ape" Recitation, ' An Annual Oiii'iirrence" Mufti" Paraona R -citation. Wiaht I Woa a Girl ." .... Marcus Vwldex Rci'ation, "A Thiinksgiving Iaaon" .... . flee Davis A Numlier one SiirpriH Party. Rec. "I'm Thinking," Mirv Burke R c "Ai ithmelic," ...Vmie M irteller 8ing, "Pnacilla and John AMen" Rec. Polh'a Pie." Perl Phinney Rec. "The !!o e Festival," Elnn Davis Tableau, "The Goddesa of The Harvent" Inatriimental Solo, ...0'ivette Dunn R citation. "The Unld ami Th Kng" Hln I Urke 'Nearer My O.kJ To Tline " Recitation ...Oeorjre Burke Duet, "Among The Southern Pines" Rec. Papa 'a Letter," Lucy Gvilai h Sluvilow Pantouiinie. ( Hong, "Ttmnkagiving Draw-eth Near" Dialogue. "Mr". Buttermilk" Quartett "Old Kentucky Home." LETTER FROM MRi A THORNTON. When we left Harrison Sioux 'h. Nehr. for Mcllenry N. Dakota. Titer were mnny'of our friends' wished u to write and let them know how we got through; And as so many had favored us with their advise about the route to lnke,(all thing" coaalered ) And had marked out oil' route to avoid sand hi la, and hilly roudi and gumbo, all of winch we more thai a( predati-d, for we had aplendid rouda aniyfry little sand to pull through, and no gitniho to apeak of. We left flarnwm June lVh p. m. Drove na far eant an Mr. Oovey'a wlwreaome more emiurnnt were camped lor the night. W atopiied here a it waa got.iing late and beninnint to nun The boa wrr ai (iminted with Mr. Covey, and alien he k' r who we were, he came down in d kindly nlft-red u the uriv i'ete of cooking in the house, aa it was raining we accepted the invitation, went in and cooked uppr. hut slept in the wngon and tent which were very cornfortiiMe. The next dty w o.in.fo"! lor night eaal of ("rawforrt, and by tff m-xl niglit we had got, through tlie in yon, a.id out on t tie- upland and camped nnr Mr. Jim Rurk'a. The place where Brw, Suiitli'sc mred when Harry wa ao sick on their way to Lincoln Nehr. Mr. Burk and wife came nut and invited uato cook in the houae, and Grandma would have me com in and share her room, and as it threatened to storm hard that ' night, I gladly a-ceoied Iter kind (T-r. They said they had traveled that way so much, that tlwy knew how good it seem ed to get in the house or.ee in awhile, and had been called wagon tramp, and been refused to stay all night and would nav u anve tate twtor tny could ana , a au it til piac to camp. i W had plenty of good praas nearly all th wav, but m tim we would reach a town ne:ir night and would hav to drive through, ami on quite a way past, before we would find good grass. We grained our horses, all the way through ard they cam through all right and after a good real., and still fed on grain are working cutting and hauling grain. W payed 8Via per bu. for oats until we reached RtdOeld and after that 40cts, We rceld S loave of bread for J6ci until reached Redfteld. After j ttiat we received 9 iiij lotvoa UVts. Ou our wav to Hay spring we camped for noon, at Mr. Seldur (hr maiden name was Snwyer) near Antelope Ceme try. Aad Mr. (Wider cam out and would hav u come in th house to cook and while we were conking our dinner intending to take it. out to tim (wagon to eat)h-t the table, and brought out . . horgood thing out ofthe.-av. fried ham and would have uai! com in Hie ; houe lot, ami after dinner pulling th; .... l,ale. .n.iated on us realm awhile Ufore (arting. How nice it ta-nted, lo meet aurh people, among Strang. t. . To he (Miaiead, NOUrHW-Sl NKB.tAKA Teachars' Association ertlagaf Craw ord, Srkra.k Xoti taber 27 SS, IMS. : fOt CHM. f hadron. ! re-: .. L. IJoPPKR, Hay Spring, j '' ' Mia B Van F'OKikK. Alliance, Trwiaurei : C'. 8 Jonks. t.'ruwford. EZKI'TirB OCHMlTTie: L. M. Obkmoitek t'hailroo U. W. Hatha - - - Alliance Mr s Pearl, HaKI'JI - - Crawford PROGRAMi FKIDVY, 2PM (j I'irle'fe f . I . S J.,l, ll'ub x , Mr. i:. S J i:e M - Lillixn Mr (rf(e E Gorton Jun or N,inn tl V'.nlei R K-nl, Rnsh ville; H. L. F.sher, ..'haJron: 11. 11. Funk, Hvmingfurd; - Harnrti General Idscua on. Our Public School fa) From tlie Standpoint of the Teach er, Mi Soell, i 'rawford (h) From the Standpoint of the Par ent, ..Mrs. Lor;i Rnsiin, Heiuingford (c) From th standpoint of the i Biisipe M m Gio. E. Gjrion, . Crawford Vocal Solo Mi Ma ye Graves Uniform Requirements for Teacher's Certificate. J. W. Oumganlener, Alliance Conrad Parson, Uarriaoa Tlie Teacher a a Citizen J. R Stephen son, Oorden. (a) Tl Teacher' P. rsonahty, (h) Ilie Teacher' Place in tlie com- mu'iity. lDicii uesion J. T. Morria, Harnaon ' Solo I, F. Ijiw rence, i hiidron Th Dillkultie of Rural Teachera-J. B. Burke, Hnrriiuin. m DAT 7 StO r U. Addre of Welcome, O. 8. Jones, Craw- ford V'pons D. W. Hayes, Alliance UeiMamutnry Contest Programs for thia contaat will he distributed at the content vaTCRDaT, 8:30 a. M Vocal Molo M-s S A. Harris Home Work.... W. H. B.irtx, Alliance ( (a) Amount . , (') 1 haracter ) Ad from PirenU . Di uion, . j;. P. Kllev. Hay Spring Mark and Grade, Tlio. Bahr. Ruahville (h) Tlieory of Mark (Ii) Method of Marking Diaxiuahion L M. Ofierkotter, Cliadron; Mi French Alliance. Raiding Mi MdVrkle. Allinm-e A'hat should be expected in EnL'liah from pupil who have completed th rural sc hools or the grammar grad-?.. A. G K-nneilv, Ghadron. Dicusaion, Laura B Harrzell. Cliadron The liest Method of Teaching Sllin , Hi.rrison Mia JohnHton, Alliance Eleclicn of Offi' er. SATUt;DAT, 7:30 P. M. Pinn-t 8do. ..M Marguerite Freeman Lecture Spanker to I annc unced later. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Stepped Aaainat a Het Steve. A child of Mr. Oo. T. Benson, when getting hi usual Saturday night bath, j stepped back agint a hot stove which I mimed hi ia severely. The child wa in I gret agony and hi mother ecu Id do not hing to pacify him. R-m-mbering that lie hud a bottle of i 'hnmherUin'a Pain H-lrn in th.' hruae, r th .iiitit h would trv it In le than h;iif hour nfl.e un.il.,,. II Mi- r-1., I,i j , , : , . .. in less than two w. ek" a well. Mrs. BenMin laa well known rMiileiit of Kellar, Vh. Pam B tin i an antiseptic liniment ;..m.. .,..i....ki . r... ' ,rt,iMN iind ,Prain. For sale by All Oruggiat. Carey Items. Mr. John Spease i enjoying a visit from a sister who live in Iowa. Eight below zero this morning, (Tues day) and th wind blowing a gal. W understand that Misa Alma Burson and a Mr Emery sere married at Craw ford last Saturday, O. C. Tallev, road overseer ha had th ! ii men outdoing Rome needed repair on " . Uw nmAtt (hlN ' k Tom Stuart of Va. i in the valley visit- ing ol.l friends we understand that' he ex . . . . , pecta to remain about three k. Rev. J. H.' Currens and another minis- ter are expected the lM r part of this . week te hold rev.val services nlllie church. Lt waah word came fr. ni Thermo,' .i .... j .. . oh W yo, telling m the death of Can- tanc fjtey agadlyeara lh oldest chi d of Mr. and Mr. Willi Ot.-y. lew month ago their 10 month old hnhv died, ihia make it eir e, i r w dmb v hid to bear. TlMQrWT ALL Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possibl. and tbe place to do this is at GERLACBS GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. ' Come and see us any way and be social." War Bonnet Topics. Fnght fu" cold w.alherat present. Lou Witt ha Ih.-o hauling sand from here (he past week. Mi L'llie. Harris stayed over nifht with Mr. Pluckrtt Sunday tight. M si Lilhe Harris visited at F. S. Scott Suoday, also Mrs, Jack Finley and (am- Bill Harvey ha been visiting around among hi old neighbors for the past week and gave, us a call. John Anderson came to the 8 E Moodav from 83 and had his face slightly froze. H wa an awful cold day. Mis Ma ry and Satan Carroll of Bod arc were up Satu'-day and stayed over night with Nellie aod Mary Scott. Mr. H. Zimmerman who has been vimfng with her daughter Mrs Len Duutt and funiily returned home Satur day. Mr. Bell Dunn came down after her n Rols rt v. ho ha been tay ing with u going to achool for the paat month, he was oblige to quit school on account of xore vra an rpidenjic fioing round amoung the children. Sunday achool was well attended Sun day , glad to say all appreciated the pres ence of Mr. Johnson and hope ah will come again, the old should come a well a young, ?xt Sunday at usual S. S. at 2 p. in. come one ana all, old and young. Lant Wednesday being little Sauiniv Knoris second birthday it was celebrated in grand stile by his relative and fi few friend, they enjoyed themaolve then artook of dehciou supper and pulled taffy till a late hour, returning'' home Imping he would enjoy many wore birthday. ! PWIGT'. ! Home Huron, the M. W. A. mtisicul fun mnker, failed to make any fun here lust Saturday evening, aa we announced last week; he wi hl.wtiuaed at Mitchell. Chamber levin's Stemawctt and Liver Tsvbleu. H'hea you feel dull a'ter eating, H lien you have no pppetite. IV iien you have a tud taste in mouth. When your liver i torpid. When your bowels are constipated , It'lieti you have a headache. It'lien you feel bilious. They will improve your appetite, clean nnd invigorate your a'omuch, and regulate your liver and bowel Price 5(5 cent per gnt. box. For sale by- All Drug Sheriff Sale, lly vlrtciH of an order of a.'le laaiie l Vv the el, rk of the. district court ef fOoux county NrhrHaku upon a decree render.-d til ld enurt in fiivor of the county of Siuax plaintiff and again'-tb unknown lie fa of J"" vlarK, uncwis.'u, IW.WU I oinpuny, carporstion, tlerendanti. lwlllol, lhiUt dlly ot oemlr A. D 190 atoiieu'ulock In the afternoon ol ald day at the eu-t front door of the court liounofaald uouaty at JlHi-rlaon, Nebraska, sell nt pebile suction to the higheat bidder for cash In band the following described real estate l united in In mild oonnty, towlt; The. northwest quarter uf section tnree la towuahlp lull ty-ltaree north or lungs fifty three west ofthe eixih principal meridian To aatlafy said order of Side la the mini of seventy-four dollars Mid forty-live emiti (t74.) and interest and coata and sccrulag coat. Klrat rubllcatlon November 19, 1S08. ALU Lowar, herlff uf said county. 8herirT8'. py vlrtun of sn order or sale Issued by th f irk nf Lite dintrlct court uf Moux rounty, c""k uw r ,,ir.,i in Nebrai-kn nion a decn-e rendered In an eonrt tn f ivor of the county of Hloux i pumuff and ..gainst the unknown heps o John It. I I .rk. deceased, dof.-udanta. l will un the tlstdsv of December, A. I) )n u, llft,.rno,in of any at thn eaat frontdoor of the couit ho.ia.- ot a .id county at llarrla .n aell to the hiKi.eai hlildc-rloruaali In hen.l the follow- rnH, ..ut, ,uat.J in. eald county, tn.wtt; The eonth hs.t 'of the "f: aret'on fo-ir and the nortn lislf ot me norm JJJ qUfrU.r of action nine In townai.lp thrtJ..ihre..' north of ring Btty-ilirce west of tl)r ett'h principal ini-idisn To sttofy Id eider of -le In the so- of . w-vniy.!!,., .1-11 r. a-id Tony ne e: l74.W) l"t"-'. oat i l'l iiec-l-iV : co '. . i AMI L.-Wa, "luimoi rfnii -i. PEOPLE GERLACH'S STORE- J.H. LACY. We have our building completed aow and have a new supply of good, and will sell tlieru right. DEALER IN Lumber, lath, sash, doon, lime, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery. - ' . Harness, Saddles, and Range goodd. Flour Feed, and Grain. 1 Paint, Oils & etc. I am igent for the Wood manse wind-mill. Have a supply of pump fittings on hand. Come in and get my prices whether you buy or not. J. E. PHINNEY, Physician Surgson OFFICE: Amurbws Block. COMMERCIAL liuTEL. OPPOSITE DUPOT. EVEY THING FIRST CLASS. AKD AI L. TnEATKD WTTH COntTBIT. Board lly Day or Week. ONLY Railroad between Missouri RJver and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Line to Black Hill. Apply lo neareet avgent : rate, map and time cavrcte- T1ME TABLE. Went Bound. Morning, Eaat Bound. Evening. No. 14, 1 Ue Mf No. N loc. frl - No. 18, Due (J:30 No. 83, loc. frt. 10 gST f rt, , , 1 "I -ia - -g- -yTTi iitu TT "W t Iw.lalwJamrw t 1 ; . J ' .V. A V