Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 12, 1903, Image 7

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    i ) f
I J- "Zp-Jmw a tamer was yx
1 ,fcsci-.-!iw irtm rrm Fit vert w-f J -. i..i-.Mu...n,. 1 yJW't," rt'Q A
A i Xr.i j- ,H ..gjf ,,:, . ,,;,, -nfcJi 'm
, 1 fmlT of b'gh-However, necessity know, no law and f Irritation of the . Tun d iWA.,i, J: o .. p , , , , I .il WlTtS I
-V rr reiuminenoauun Mr. jrianisman paid half down and took bladder ahowa that I IHOVTlll 130. 1 ' ' 1 1 . I""- jL WrSl XC V
LA A MTw than 1 can finJ the treatment and followed it faithful- the kidneys are out 7 t ' j Mhii j-I.mI u ju -Cji.ut.iiS ...lij.t; ou ,- 5SWi-;--f r'-'il KlVl f
Bi words to express." iy for four wwks. ,.t nrm T.-i i. . ZlTAWPn iiin ru noTi.r,,,. , ,. ,,..,,. i ...I K7t; V5:''.1 L I I 1 .
V7YJ I rV What MH NalUra"y- h fought that he wou.d pron. " at n ion oV.mu , .kV I, . V,' 353i A Kj VTVM. X
A VVI J Lif 2?.?. trouhie. out incite often cauie. . seri- '2 Jpm. p,, U! LuJ LJd tA m22US
i - ... I. - ' W A I li' UII '.,w'l lllltu 11 ;iimi i,ii .. i't I ii l W . '"MB K .VH um
impoBsioie ror me to do my work." alck kldneya and f rrv J m--- -n;- Tiil Tli V'Kl I Of1
"It wa at this Juncture that Doan'i ward ofT dangerous 0 aoi auo P!w q ..'Jif'Uil W. hi.. lSl WSm V"'?a I I
Kidney Pills came n . . diabetes. dreaded Z2r 1 -T.wnuU . ino l2?J V.i ffl I
iQlTl 1TJ dropsy and Bright'a Tl j "ii -qjt.w auoia B.uq uo pwij .Ai:ti -ii;im- I IHjSr I
disease, by umng (W . A 1 ail -JI p-isiuSuilii) i.jbmj..ii;ii.iii IftJ ' I if I
J C ...w wurws ana in s anon time tne according to dlrec- healinr the delicate Ul III ,t fM '""J'i 'I'BJ JJli l 4il XAV A'A- VA .JT. tj
a ? 1. f '1- -t''l J.H1J Kin ptliioi milt s-hkiu Kill r-S fjf. iJt -L.. 1 ' - -ir..A
ui ..iduiis Xwa kb. .f.,,M,s-).o,i rfT. A Y 6?:.VI X :.i't's5::-'?'i
life) llftICH:
'-the back.
ortTHY of a hlgh
i er recommendation
1 than I can find
words to express."
This Is what Mr.
J. H. I'langman (of
Fi.erman, Tex.)
eays of Doan's
Kidney Pills. He
tells his experience in the followinie
words: He says, "Sometime in Septem
ber I was taken with a dull aching pain
across the small of my back, directly
over the kidneys. I pild small attention
to this at first, thinking It would paK
0fT. But Instead of getting better it
ecame worse and in a tHiort time the
'pain centered through my left hip and
DGin across down ny ("
lit. nt r as far as the knee.'
II iC OrfldllOI This Is precisely
what kidney trou-
tie will do with the
It does not al
ways show Itself
at flrst, but ap
pears Just in this
way, when some
unusual movement
or action brings
Bhnrp pains and
exhaustive ache,
telling of sick kid
neys. Bo Mr. Plang-
bore this out.
Continuing, he says: "I did not
iknow the cause of the trouble, but
i arn iea to Dencvf now that It was
first brought about by Jumping In and
tout of the wagon and in Home way I
may have strained my back.
"I was constantly growing worse," he
continues, "and I became very much
alarmed obout my condition. I knew
that somei hlng had to I." done or serious
'results were sure to follow. I went to
a specialist here in Sherman, and under
went a rigid exiinilnsitlon."
Then he relates how the doctor told
jhlm that It was a serious case, but that
ike could cure him for fifty dollars.
Irian's experience
to my notice and I
procured some from
the drug store of C.
K. Cray croft. I
used these pilla
according to direc
tions and to my
surprise I was con
siderably relieved
on the second day
and in a short time
completely cured,"
This is the uni
versal experience of
those who have
been sufferers from
Kidney trouble and who have been for
tunate enough to test the merits of
Loan Kidney Pills.
There Is noihlng wonderful or mag
ical about this remedy, it simply does
the work by direct action on the kid
neys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the
kidneys only and this accounts for
their speedy and
certain action.
Early Indications
of kidney trouble
come from two
sources, the back
and the bladder.
The back becomes
weak and lame be
cause the kidneys
are sick, and re
lief from backache
can only be com
plete when the
kldneya are aet
Vain through
Irritation of the
bladder shows thut
the kidneys are out
of order. Le!ay In
prompt attention
often causes seri
ous complication.
Kelieve and cure
sick kidneys and
ward off dangerous
diabetes, dreaded
dropsy and Bright'a
disease, by using
Doan'i Kidney
They begin by
healing the delicate
membranes and re
ducing any Inflam
mation of the kid
neys, and thus making the action of tha
kidneys regular and natural.
Aching back are eated. Hip, back, and loin
paint otxrevme. SmrUing of tfte limit, rheuma
tism and dropty thjm ranUh.
Thry corru-t urine viih brwk-dutt tediment.
hUjh-colored, exauiit, pain in patting, drib
bling, frequency, llvan't Kidney TMU diauln
and remove calculi and gravel. Jielieve heart
palpitation, tleeptetsnctt, headache, nervouneu.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
puis? m
?rLvr.v.n turn wrv
For fnm trtnl bar. mall tMi npm t
tnwt i lidtufbowi.1, wnu ftddrew cm avp.
rr aii p.
The ;n'y p.-di-ren worth liiivlnu 1.
Jtl'ts one a m in in, ikes (or iiltnss If and
t ratismils fur ex i ' plu.
, Mai.k nrl won't pi o 111 t bl rxperi
ence; the wnrlj m ko.i uz in nny
bliindcrs win nr. It did befure the
fluo '.
Ilowefnr cntcit lining yiu may be,
jOii should n t lijs-j iik'lit i f the f ict
thai others may also want to air
their tal-i,ls in the conversadoiiji ! Astor
llrj-, imu ou sh mid give them a
cha nee.
Jf ymi kaii't siy cnnvtlimk wool "f
a in in af er he Iz tied an'l'me, d.m't
ni ike a buzz ird uv )uise:f, and
tJib Iim remains.
A new cirtri liri d e!s v1 for thi
French army will pn;p-l a bullet, half
a mil'' without any peicepil .le pause
or fall.
The fir-t mllllon ilre res dent nf
New York Cily was John Jacobs
In lr,2o. Twenty rears airo
there were 201 mil I -.-mires la the
city, now there are 1,3-U
A Skin of Beauty la a aoy Forever,
Tom Mere Is to be admitted to the
"ErtKllsh Men of Letters" series, and
bis biography Is to be written by
Stephen Owyn, a fe low Irishman.
Robbers ransacked the home of Hob-
l-mof. T"n, I'lmr'ii, Krwkp,
M"M I'mU li-fl. I.a.n ati'l Skill
iirJl. nii'l rvrrf .lrmil, i.ri
lr nr,H. It 111. I
"wi ui oiM,,nii ,
-i. .n,i i, , ert Iloliliisun, a wealt hy fanner
u.i..,,r.uii,r..i i'erryville, Ky., ar d administered
Mumanni n i nwjii iu jvou i ns'iri a i ki ii i s w I re, Wll ICll
will probably result in her death at
(Irull.r n&m.. !r. U
A. hATTB Mid li
Udf of Uia hAtil to
I i-f Ipnti "An )"
llt.i'i wllto ihrm.
. I r-i"mmtu uiir
I nuil -rni' M tti
iHl liarmful of Ktl
tu in tir-ir.
llonn " for nftin bf
ftnry-fhorti nlm in Ihf V. 8 , f"itli ol J-.urop
Hill T H'l'KIS"!. I'ror'r. TT Cr-t Jon u. K.V
Illinois will make a cirnplcto fish
exhibit at the World'- Fair,
j Tact and talent are required to be
ja good entertainer. The qualities
if 8S ntial to m ike an admlnble In s-
tes.s are various. and It wiaild be dini-
tcult to say w!'l h Is the. most essen
'till one.
()iie Indispw ible Tuallty of a k iod
' crtrrtaf.ru r Is to appear, and, if pos
sible, ready to feel, interested In the
thlrps that her visitors discuss.
.This fjti :!ity I- al'o a requisite t f the
Casclnal ii'g and popular woman.
Isaac .Stover wns arrested on a c m
)'alnt, tiled by his sister, cliaruinif bim
"with marderliiir her husband, Edward
piitiner, ar, Lewisour.', ind , over
jtwent v-H ve years ao. She was an eye
wltnfss to the murler.
G. Bauer, formerly connected with
the liauer Gricery company of St
Louis tiled a petition In bankruptcy
at Chicago, placing his debts at $07,
000. No assets were named.
There l mure Catarrh In till nectlnn nf the
foumry tiiaii all di,,i-i ;.l-ir m- put tiiuether, an4
Willi! tl:o l:vt ie.v yr.tr. wa hiiti.ji;'l to im in
coraUl. i-tir a trn'.fii ni:Miy ve4tr Ho riui-n po-uoini'-ifl
it s li ill iH'oa-o. aiiil pre,rititii Iik-hI
ri:iiiilie. ari'l lt con i.tnlly lalhnu to curn itu
loi-al treatment. 'iroii"uii"el it iiii-nratile. Jv-lrn'-e
lia iiirivi-ii ctil;(tra In Iw n fin ntullimal itl-
The Teacher Won.
Ilinton. Ky., Nov. 2. For over two
years, two of the best physicians In
this part of the State have been treat
ing Mr. K. J. Thompson, a popular
locul school teacher, for Iiiahctes.
They told hi in that but little could be
done to help It I in. lli made up li I h
mind to try n new remedy culled
Dixld's Kidney Pills, and snys:
"Tliey saved me when the doctors
held out no hope. I took. In all about
ten boxe. I will always prnlse Dodd's
Kidney Pills for Ihe grent good tlioy
liave done for me."
Many people, end some physicians,
si ill persist III the belief that ilinlM'tcs
Is an Incurable disease. Our teacher,!
Mr. Thompson, says It Is curable, for
Uodd's Kidney nils cured him after
two Rood physicians hud treated bim
for two years without success.
A remedy that will cure Diabetes
will surely cure iiuy case of Kidney
H is said that In working upon the
biography of Mr. G'a same, which
wi; Hin be published, Mr. Morley
aim uis Kccr.varKH have examine
about 40i0o0 documents. The narra,
tive, by the way, is to include copious
extracts from Mr. Glaustone's Jour
.'o vist has b-jen tne iiiipr'ivement
in engine boilers aid Dfi.ooxes tb it
the p .wer derived from a pound ol
co l today lai.eul three times ai
great as it was tifty years.ao.
In some of the rabbit info-ted
places visited by the recent Hoods it
is wood rf ul what numbers of rabbits
were to be seen as soon as the water
went away. The bunny is not am
phibious. Mole-catchers will tell yuu
that the mobs, in case of Mood, will
swim a loriK way. olten usit- sticks
or aii flotsim lor rafts, until tlxy
come to a piece of ground above the
water mark; but we never have cred
ited the rabbits with the like water
man's capabilities It is quite cer
tain, however, that a frreat many of
them must be more cunoirg or more
stronif in dealitijf with the problems
pies nted by a delude than we are
apt to ive them credit for. London
Country Life.
,,'papii .fin
I'drtllltno 3A J (A'B.UJOop atH tlj UUIIIfSpi
am jn .ton i;7i j.iiij tin) jii(( 's.ii0(.i ,;i;o
JllO.f JO rfllluK JOJ J)KU O) ittlKI.I Kll'.-
ii 1 "iiitu jaoiH Jiiij.i.t.vvo) uetu oi(i
ll llll SUIO 'p.I,Mllilll-i 0l)-'.iiOp JIJ
no tiBiti din -j -i VsiMid ii! tj v.,
p.lKii ,sllOI( .MH JO
tmiii eqi ;)iin.w not up )iii.w i;a.,.
iuiB.il Kti ii a
til ol iOn":iooi ."j-i.A. pin: .iim.w,
jui ,sjo. .iii i(.itim '11011111.) ;,i.),-id
JO JOS I! 'tliail Ii JO I! A i ( p 1)111.1.1 j
IIOO JI.)SUip( puuoj (Hill Jl p.ui.id ) MOop
3t( 0 puiJll) ,)JJ I.t joop pio.ij
(i.i.it sii.w r.uij s.ii i; .fi:p joiijo
.)t() .fB.Hi.'n .Mi) auopi .liossial se.w
;tl sii ptni .iiiu.i.vi! )i.ii;! "" sA!I 0)1
pipis P'le peoj .f.iiiiiui.iii(lu.ul k i hi , r
JdlOOj-X'N I! H IIOI)S,lll) Ilj UlillM)l.lS
"I.I, '"" dx.i ii.wo tiit i! s;.i) aq ij.)ii(.vt
iiois i; Siq Co ii i .ue a)i.i .iq) jo tidj ). i-tlJ-il!Ji'tI
ot Jo )u,ip KiJ Ii jn spli i.t..
l" ! Iv "HI (.i2ii.i dmiux
pi:q .laqjo .iu hjiI i
i Jiupw II II.) IlliA
-A Kill
Annie Irish, who Is to play the
part of iras, t'e Ejryplian beauty, in
lien llur It Is s lid will pose for 11am
ilt n King, who will pilot Miss
Irish in the eraiactcr of Cleopatra,
lhe picture will b: exhibited al the
World's Fair.
'lbere 1 nothing more exasper
ating, besides being do winialit bad
form, than to listen In an abstract' d.
Women of Tiit-bio. Col,, are raising
a fund Of ft'i.Oi'O with which they
will biil'd a miniature mineral (alace
on a site iinjoiniig lhe Colorado
building at the World's Fair.
vtji.i js i; no on.;?,
pi) oqt ii A'pi q uo.;.
.1.1 on kuav oj.iqi
jq'l.'K 'HO all U
.. Ui'.i .ii,
)iijl -Jiiniiunj s.ii.M i.i i.rs j.i
Mil ,i.Mit ka'iis A'ui.q ( -o .
,.;,s.issI.iiiii 1 1 1 : l- i.li ,u
imaq.iiinj ii iiiitA !i i:j'p;!j.) ,i;j) ju ,
p : imi ),;iir. ;io.is n-.M') 'U-'.U..
..-.oil.iis ii no ii .uii ii.iuivi:i ,,'x. 'A ::i'
o h 1 1 1 1 "" J.iqj;.! )i!'i op j.ui!.) .
. . " 1 1 1 ; i l mqi jo Mot)-.
-.MHOS Jll Uippild 11 llll 5l)0.1 i .1 .
..''!! t!s .iqi
jo luno.i.ii! no p.is-opi .i.ni a.ioq ui i s-i-l
.HUH ) i: m pun s.u-iih AJ.iiLirt ,)in q.i
l-.fus .uS ,irX msuuo;) 'I! op l.tiiM J,
'.1III0I .11110.)
I ll.iq.w .nil jnj .fpn.u jainqp ponrt II
.iaiiI m!.is oii jo luno.i.ii! no p,soj.i
ipi .uii Niui!.ini!)s,i.i pun Kjaiotj aqj,
A'iq)-o .noq tiAwqiiAu.p JH' 01 SinqiA'iin
pi.1 l.iiu.) '.fitfj -.1.111,1;, K SHx
,.;.uoA' )i) s -lumiq '(i-i;i..
-oio"i.i Moulin ) ,)ij.
..'Il!'l"iue uu no
1 ptiuils o) ii.vldeq ,C-:s,i:Ue.) op iioa'
JI uu.) 'ii it on o )o,l .).,noA' os'od.u I
p iq jtto.f .njimi iioa' j 'iiaqi -jnq :.uou
iq,1.i hih!.i. )i-rf.nf t: jo da.) oqi no s A')
-JIM A IV IOH )1M) l(l) ofljillf J,).I0S I )H
Aiis oj -Tiin()Auii )i.ni i,iii! i os.rao.i jo
(Iiuir .ii) U') x) .)i ejoq.w ii,)io.1.Kij n.oq
v.na.q ,io npi3n sn tns .fpitujoqtpip o)
J.HIljo 'sm-i.q.) u qiiAi ai.i.ioiii -o) b.iiii
.niq ,iiiuo.) K.oq iitqi pajjod.i.i s ); pun
nil qi.v pajiai.) ,)!i()s p,Hsii.l,) Jo )o
.quoad aqi pos (ieoq.) aj.ia pun Aipupi
pun ').ic;o.i i no.f 'Ajisc.) imu a.uius o
Sli.W r ill u. II A joiim.w 1S1!I 0J.1II H1IAV
lsHlo.iqilliiqd Jo pup n su i,)sod i:il)
(Imp) A')Ji.d ut.sp(.w-,)pM II Jtiq .)!
liioqii pi! Ann .ii;vi!ni oq o) posoddtts
).Ull ,, 'I..1 At!) Il.tti ) 'lllll.l,l ,U jo p.to
ptliq Oil piqlu A'tsiinpim.) 'H'..,
,.,.ii.)(lin:q oj pioqii s juqj ) s) ieq.w
iq i-v .i.ii)i.) ,iqi iiiq ii!,iui,i,iii miio.iv,
A.-'uiiiaMx.) p.iavijuous jiii ).tiiv.tjs
1 Us T,. piniu jo tun) iiinA.i.isiio tin
o sr.w i ijax 'in.i.tu otij!oi!ui Jtiiiqsn.u
qi posi! ;..u.iq uo Siijoi s )ijqA
-)(. 1 1 I II ) HflOtlllllQ uy
Not a Wh iky !ut n CofTca Toper.
(ilve coiree half a cimnce nnd with
some people It sets Us grip hard and
fast. "L'p to a couple of years ago."
says a business man of Brooklyn, N.
V., "I was as constant a coffee drinker
as it was possible to be, Indeed my
craving for coffee was equal to that of
a drunkard for his regular 'nip' and
the effect of the coffee drug upon my
t. and mete : re:iiite rotwitiiiioiiai treat- sunnily impatient manner, and be-
mcm. Hail 1 1 'itairn ( me, iimiiuia' tari-ii uv r. , . ,. v.. i ,i
j.(-ii.-i,.-v &((... ini,-a.. oiiin. i iii..i.i,ivi-..ii- once jour siory before the
.iitiiti.aui .-me on ti: market it i, taken in-! words are fall Iy out of your visitor's
n mi. iiiiwiiy on- i.ni.1.1 am. inii.ui Mo- iii.iuui. uiNLfii uucnuvciy, lnierst- system was indeed deplorable.
ItinUam hir anj ' ca c 'it tail. t euro. Scud tor j eiiiy, and u i nt slmw that you are "My skin lacked Its natural color, ray
waiting for one to finish. A not her i features were pinched and my nerves
pha-e of Impoliteness Is to anticipate ' were shattered to such an extent as to
the point of an anecdote or lo an-: lender nie very irritable. I also suf-
in. ul.ll nil I li'.liiin'iral.. Am'Ioimi,
I" .1. ( I!;.M:Y i CO.. Toledo, O.
Solil tiv IlrllLIl"--:. T-'ie.
Ila 1 s Kalall) l H s Ivfn thn iH'st.
i 7
1 M
TfWXs VMerproof (kJfl'
j ',&fil OILED ''fci-ff
I Mil AMUM TH mil
A I TOW 00.. ha. W. U & A. ''rVJ I
imm OX. icmmtoi in t If Vki'vA
noiince that joti have "heard it be
fi ie in a di lb rent way." Such
biearl es are ically unkludnes, arid
vvoul 1 never he committed if
cultivated the
ou self In the
like attertlon:
faculty of putting
other's pi ice. You
you like time to t 11
fered from palpitation of the heart.
"It was while In this condition I read
an article about I'ostuiu Food Coll'ee
nnd concluded to try It. It was not
long before rosluin Imd entirely de
stroyed my raglnjj passion for coffee
and in a short time I had entirely giv
en up coffee for delicious I'ostuiu.
"The change that followed was so
ejcthioidluaiy 1 am unable to describe
It. Sulliee. it to say, however, that all
my troubles have disappeared. 1 am
my original happy solf ngiln and on
Union of America met! 9 v"010 I1J0 """"u'U nnd pleasant
at Youngiown, o. The ls ioo.i, ei ny my cup or i-ostum
your st-uy, and dra your pdit;
y u like appreciation or your stories.
Why not accord to others these priv-
The Illast Furnace workers' and
S nellers'
this yeir
meetlns next year will bo held at
St Louis diring tlie World's Fair.
An exhibit; of Dhotoirranlis of
Ninth Dakota babies will be made at loud in Its praise aa I am
the World's Fair. The exhibit will nislied by Postuin Co.,
hna In Mid tatn.lt Imi h...
SSI Thompson sEye Water citiMD rc
iu ieri, n prairies idq m lot pure
make me feel as ihouirb 1 have heen
'liuided at (mother station. ,
"Not long iiko I converted one of my
friends to Tostum and he is now as
Name fur-
Battle Creek.
Look In each package for copy of
the famoua UttJa book, 'Tb Boad to
'llipqiio p.qijiuoasip
"I 1'i! PlI-i .oinp ui:pniii!k) ,)t
'JOUSIIll ).lllll ,11) Kl.'AV -K,)l,T) A'.l
I.IOIII O.tt) llll.'AV I A'pid 'SUIIIIOV.. '
A'pl.U Olthsll.lq
"I'.w ..Ul Jo lliq.w - ;i 'sMt.,
'.MI.)- ).!. hi
Ul Ullll 1 IIII.1.1S ill) p,lst! ;.ao
)i:qt o . in j1 siq) j.iiii, ihia' i)-(I.,
'no p,;s I jari'ii.issi d a;j
I! !. II rf.IU .lllj, -q j , ,).ii:, ,, A'.ilinui
'M IS P 'l u.l U N)ii ). n,)) uum .,,,
Alia A'lidiuo.id pun 'ino.) ,)q( noo) ,ij
'i"- '"1 ..'"lip oqi ,i,).s am ,vj
"J qOAl!.!)
K,!)s.))ud ,)I) p.l)s().).lll Jtlim.jsj pilll
ii nil s:q Hii!iiia ii.) q piiq (,,,.vv ,., ..
ok '.lUio-vij;) ti U'-l su.w .!l!Ih-p oqx
iiiitu .laqio .iqj p us 'j.)s.ino.f n;)',,
A'i:.i!)si!.i.it!s 'popi n ,)q
l .i-luirtpi pmi p.ujs dn oii no.f ) uop
,:!AV '0O ') .njii) um Kim:q oq) pn'i; ')(
01 ).ofqO 1. III. II pill! .fill) ,fj,)A0 il.I,m 11
.) ill O.u -pio.l S .faiioui oqx Mqias
.)I.q) ,iq) poipl.u ')!!q) dpn J.nu;,
, 'SJtl.) Oil)
ro ifaiioui ttTfipiiiti; .up)) jno.vv A"oqi
pint Mpis jaqio oq) uo jim a ,-)pt) isnur
I 'uitt uo jjo )i Mi-d o) jqHj nu aA.tio.f
puu taqi vnrij v ouqp oqi nof p i) i.,
'Pl.q.f pino.w JiMuma.tu oqj o)
KOiuiid o,) iiq) jo j.)q)ou )tiq 'jjioq spj
qaia.) jq.lpu oq pun p.quas oq piioAV
iiindsip oqj )i!q) odoq oq) ti 0qAV 0)
ip paqitAV on vs.i.t.1 jjjox avox aqi
H.fns '.t.qp)s ),iji,-iu oq( q)AV 5luti3.in spai
Oq.Vt 'UUiu JOIDOIIB Ai pajjuq dS-A".1.10J
eq) oj e.)tn;aiu, nq punoj tLfpoojn
U emoq siq 0) jijox .-Aa ui eoujo sp)
ujojj euioii. 3u.fj,inq bbai oqA nui
uoianoj3 "I II ndaM
J. I -. ' .. - J J
Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late General
Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woman
to know of the wonders accomplished by
Lydia K PmHiam's Vegetable Compound,
" rKAR rTns. Pisihih : I cannot tell you with pen and ink what eood
Liydia, 1. l'mkhani's Vegetable Compound did for tee, suffering from
the ills peculiar to the sex, extreme lassitude and that all gone feeling. I
would rise from hjt bed in the morniDtr feelino- rr,fir tin.! than v,.t, t w.n4
iibiPd'but beforfi.1 had used two bottles of Lydia E. Pin kham's Vege
, table Con pound, I began to feel the buot-aney of my youncer dava return
ing-, became reiuar, notud do more work and not feel tired than I had ever
been able to do before, so I continued to use it until I was restored to perfect 1
health. It is indeed a boon to sick women and I heartily recommend it. i
Xoura very truly, Xta. Eoua. Adams, 819 12th St.. Louisville. KV , I
- T
Any women -who are troubled with If ,
regular or painful menstruation, weak- '
ness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulcer-
atlon. of the womb, that bearing-down '
feeling, hiflarnniation of tlie ovaries, back- '
ache, general drl-Utty, and nervous pros
tration, should know there is one tried
and true remedy, Lydia, E. Pinkham's
I eseJ&hle Comyound. J.'o ot!ier medicine
for women lias received such wide-spread i
and unqualified indorsemejit. ifo other
ha record of female cures.
m very nlettaed :
Piffliham's Vegi'"
ar i lanan dinioul'
er for Tears. It
was tne en iy mcaicme wnicn was at all beneficial, 1
and within a week alter I started to use it, ther
was a great change in tuy feelings and looka. I
used it for a little over ti.ree months, and at tha
end of that time I suffered no psin at the menstrual
period, nor was I troubled with those distressing
pains which compelled me to go to l-cd, and I haT
not had a headache since. This is nearly a year
ero. I always keep a hottle cn hend. and take a
few dose every week, for I find that it tones up the system and keepa ma
feeling strong, and I never have that tired out feeling any more.
"I certainly think that every woman ought to try this grand medicina,
tor it would prove its worth. Yours yery truly, Mies Elsie Djusfobth, 201
L)e Soto St., Memphis, Tcnn."
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkhara. She will understand
rour case perfectly, and will treat you with kindness, lier advic
Is free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. 'o woman ever regretted
having written her, and she has helped thousands.
CTftflSfil FORFEIT Uwecannot forthwith produce ttisorlRftiRj lotto and ilznataras at
ly 1 8 j " kaUmouiiij, whloli wUl prorn their abunhitu raiiiniie.
WVwUJ Lydia li. Flnlihuni lied. Co., Lynn, Maaa,
I ''iVv.aX " 5 medicine has sir.'
k ' - i' -W, " Deak T.Jbs. ri-itii.M: I
'. . V - ; 1 i-ie . oiii;;ouii(i ior v. omD
I x f 'i 2 ties frcni vihuhl havebecu a su:
. i.i a . ... i.-r. v
Widiam Watson, the Eolislj poet,
has been having much t ouble with
Ins eyes of late. Fears are expressed
that his siuibi is on the polo of giving
out, in spite of the fact that he is only
40. Watson's last published poem
was his "Ode on the Coronal ion of
King Edward VII," which was ad
mittedly one of his most notable pro
ductions of recent years.
We kun't Le perfect,
be better than we are.
but we kan
"Vain iui;tgi nines', bring some peo
ple more misery than docs hard
When one pets too drunk to hit the
ground with his hat he must be all at
All orea merles use butter color. Wliy
not do na they do-use JUNK TINT
The posti nice safe at Efcanaba
Mich., wab.own and $1,000 cash and
Stamps taken.
riso's Cure for Consumntlon bIwsts
givea Irnmeilinle relief in all throat trou
bles K. li,. Biertmin. Leiosic. Ohio. Am.
l rince Adalbert, son of EmDeror
vm nam of dcrmany, has started for
the far east, to Join the German squad
ron there.
Mm. Wli'Ulnw'n SnoTllTYfj nvnira i. . un.
dri ll U-cilil ii!,Kofli-i)B tin. mims, rediiei-i Inna
timtiiiii,iilltiyi,)i.iii curu.s ciillc. IMtoZic bottle
More tbao KiO difTe.ent liinguaKes
ire rcpn seuted in the addesscs that
li'companled tbo Jubilee pro-ents of
3'ie.en Victoria that Kin Edwa d
:uis sent to be exhibited at the
iVorld's Kalr at St. Lou's.
Adam committed the most sin with
lhe least amount ov temptashun ot'
enny of our previous relashuns. ;
Snow fell Tor the flrst time tlds se'
son in many places in New England,,
reaching a depth of more than tw
Inches in northern New Hampshire
and Vermont.
The demands made by the 1,000
Cinners employed in the Chicapo
pwokiiig houses for an increase of 2(
p r c-nt in ages has bten refused 1.
the packers.
Ko miio Kan tell how murch ovthfc
hero or the koward tha re iz In him
until he liaa been well tried
93.&3 SHOES Sa
You caa save from ft3 to ,5 yary bv
oj equal tlioaa
t)i at have been cosr
h'Z you from 4.00
to $5.00. Tlio ini
"'"use sal6 of W. L
Douglas slio:;a prove
thoir suporioi iLy ovoi
all otlior makiia.
S(J1 by retail shoo
(lealtirs Hvarvwlmpa
Look for name aatl
prlr-o on bottom.
'I l,(.f llft....i
onalult priiTHn ihi.r I.
raliio In iii.. J A' r
"'''''t-alWi.ii.ile (jK.
LUSI.. WMt-Ht A I llkl IliU
llffst (Mttfh byrup. iutii tl.xHl. bs
in in-. r.m ttr ilniCKl't.
wWnM. Illlllilii ill Hi
Sale 10,000,000 Boxes a Year.
254 50c.
N. U. - 4. VQNK NUN I ' of KorUi Dakota.
-'. 1
i .1 .V X
i" i '. '.